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Manage. Decis. Econ. 19: 427 – 440 (1998)

An Evolutionary Account of Women’s

Workplace Status
Kingsley R. Browne*
Wayne State Uni6ersity, Detroit, MI, USA

Although many believe that women’s low representation among top executives and lower
average income is primarily a result of socialization and discrimination, findings of psychol-
ogy, biology, and anthropology suggest that evolutionarily derived temperamental sex
differences exist that may explain much of these disparities. Stereotypes of men as more
competitive and more inclined to take risks than women, and stereotypes of women as more
attached to their children and more risk averse than men are true as generalizations. Traits
for which average sex differences exist, such as aggressiveness, desire for status, and risk
preference, are highly correlated with workplace outcomes. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

INTRODUCTION geese, and even earthworms, all have an inherent

nature. If a dog is raised in a group of chim-
The status of women in the workplace, like virtu- panzees, the dog will never attempt to swing from
ally all other social phenomena today, is typically the trees, and no one expects it to. Human behav-
analyzed under the assumptions of what has been ior, on the other hand, is viewed not as a product
called the ‘Standard Social Sciences Model’ of human nature but of societal conditioning. In
(SSSM) (Tooby and Cosmides, 1989). According other words, man is the maker of man. More
to this model, humans have no essential nature precisely, humans are the makers of males and
(Hubbard, 1990), and the only ‘real’ difference females, for just as there is no essential human
between men and women is in reproductive func- nature, there is, under this view, even more em-
tion and, perhaps (Fausto-Sterling, 1992), in phatically no ‘male nature’ and ‘female nature’.
physical strength. This model views human behav- The extreme behaviorism of John Watson—
ior as purely a product of social conditioning, and whose famous assertion ‘that there is no such
it considers observed temperamental and behav- thing as inheritance of capacity, talent, tempera-
ioral sex differences to be products of differential ment, mental constitution and characteristics’ but
conditioning. Thus, the tendency of men to rather that these traits ‘depend on training that
achieve more high-status positions and to earn goes on mainly in the cradle’ (Watson, 1925)—
more money cannot, under the SSSM, be at- has been largely abandoned by modern psychol-
tributed to inherent differences between men and ogy. However, its legacy persists in the other
women, but rather must be ascribed to external social sciences. As a result, suggestions that indi-
forces, such as conditioning by society and dis- vidual or group differences have a biological
crimination by employers. origin tend to be met with extreme skepticism,
The SSSM exalts humans to a unique position and many would apparently still concur with an-
in the animal kingdom. Dogs, cats, chimpanzees, thropologist George Murdock’s statement that
the science of culture is ‘independent of the laws
of biology and psychology’ (Murdock, 1932), a
* Correspondence to: Wayne State University, 468 W. Ferry
Mall, Detroit, MI 48202, USA. Tel.: + 1 313 577 0476; fax: position that Murdock himself subsequently repu-
+ 1 313 577 2620; e-mail: diated (Murdock, 1972).

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© 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

The findings of evolutionary biology and psy- fittest’, is critically concerned not with survival but
chology render the assumptions of the SSSM with reproduction (Daly and Wilson, 1983). The
wildly implausible. Given the conflicting interests evolutionarily successful animal is one that has
of different members of society, a behavioral many offspring that themselves go on to reproduce
propensity simply to act as those around one (that rather than one that lives a long time. There are
is, ‘society’) are telling one to act is extremely two requirements for natural selection to operate;
unlikely to have evolved (Tooby and Cosmides, there must be heritable 6ariation and differential
1989). Moreover, the centrality of mating and reproducti6e success (Trivers, 1985). The genes of
reproduction to evolutionary success, coupled with those organisms that are more reproductively suc-
the differential investment of mammalian males cessful will become increasingly common in the
and females in offspring, makes behavioral identity population. Because both male and female animals
of the sexes improbable. The aggressive, competi- face a number of similar problems, such as the
tive, risk-taking behavior of human males is not need for food, water, and protection from preda-
simply a product of a society that conditions males tors, many of the adaptations displayed by a
to be aggressive, competitive risk-takers; it is a species will be common to both sexes. Both male
general tendency in mammalian species. These sex and female cheetahs are fast; both male and female
differences in temperament have substantial impli- elephants have trunks.
cations for the workplace. ‘Sexual selection’ is a special case of natural
An accurate understanding of human psychol- selection. Sexual selection involves features that
ogy is of major importance to those who study and give one animal a reproductive advantage over
manage organizations (Browne, 1995; Nicholson, other members of the same sex (Cronin, 1991). The
1997). Management of organizations entails shap- two primary forms of sexual selection are male–
ing, predicting, and responding to human behav- male competition and female choice, with a classic
ior. Anthropologist Lionel Tiger (personal example of the former being the elaborate antlers
communication) has pointed out that just as one of the stag, and of the latter, the tail of the peacock.
appreciates that an effective zookeeper under- Whether by vanquishing rivals or by making him-
stands the nature of the zoo’s inhabitants, one who self more attractive to potential mates, the success-
wishes to shape human behavior would benefit ful male enhances his reproductive success. As a
from an understanding of the nature of that beast. result, the traits that contributed to that success
A few caveats are in order. The sex differences will become more frequent in the species.
described are average differences between groups Trivers (1972) explained in a classic paper that
and do not characterize all individuals. Some this competition occurs primarily among males, at
women are more aggressive and competitive than least in mammals, because of the differential
some men; indeed, some women are more aggres- parental investment provided by the two sexes.
sive and competitive than most men. However, sex Trivers demonstrated that the sex that provides the
differences in workplace outcomes are also group- greater investment in offspring will become a lim-
based phenomena; not all men hold higher posi- iting resource for which members of the other sex
tions than all women, and many women achieve will compete. Because the nature of mammalian
positions that are higher than most men. Finally, reproduction necessarily entails an immense physi-
the argument is not made here that there is no ological investment by the mother, men compete
discrimination against women in the workplace. for sexual access to women. One result of this
The point is a more modest one: even if there were asymmetry in parental investment and the resul-
no sex discrimination, in a free economy substan- tant competition among males is that male repro-
tial sex differences in wages and occupational ductive success is much more variable than that of
status would nonetheless persist. females (Alexander et al., 1979). In all known
human societies, never-married males are more
numerous than never-married females (Buss,
NATURAL SELECTION AND THE ORIGIN 1994). Almost all females will reproduce, and the
OF TEMPERAMENTAL DIFFERENCES range of offspring number will be modest. Among
males, however, substantially more will never re-
The process of evolution through natural selection, produce, and among those who do, the range of
although often characterized as the ‘survival of the offspring number can be quite high, since the

© 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Manage. Decis. Econ. 19: 427–440 (1998)

marginal cost of each offspring is relatively small provide. During the gestation period, and largely
(Low, 1994). Men can thus increase their lifetime during the period of lactation as well, the moth-
reproductive success by mating with numerous er’s inability to become pregnant means that she
partners in a way that women cannot (Daly and cannot directly enhance her reproductive success
Wilson, 1983). Because the potential reproductive by engaging in sexual relations (Konner and
reward for males is high, and the consequence of Worthman, 1980). The father, on the other hand,
being at the bottom of the ladder in the competi- may enhance his reproductive success by seeking
tion for females is genetic death, evolutionary other mating opportunities, whether or not he
theory predicts a greater taste for risk among stays with the mother.
males (Rubin and Paul, 1979). Because of the importance of male parental
When the male contributes nothing but a sperm investment, one of the key predictors of male
cell with its associated complement of genetic reproductive success in traditional societies is the
material, the female’s interest in the male is pri- man’s status and control of resources (Betzig,
marily in the quality of genes that she will obtain 1993). Most societies known to anthropologists
through the mating (Trivers, 1972). The biggest, are polygynous, where some men have multiple
strongest male or the male with the most colorful wives while others have none, and it is typically
plumage has the ‘good genes’ that the female men with high-status and substantial resources
desires. In a number of species, however, the male who have more than one wife (Buss and Barnes,
invests more than just genetic material, whether 1986). Unlike the case with men, women do not
food, a nest, defense, or direct paternal care. As generally enhance their reproductive success by
evolutionary psychologist David Buss (1994) has obtaining high-status and may in fact decrease it
observed, ‘[t]he evolution of the female preference (Low, 1992). Women are instead more likely to
for males who offer resources may be the most enhance their reproductive success by providing
ancient and pervasive basis for female choice in direct care for their children.
the animal kingdom’. The long period of depen- Numerous studies have demonstrated that the
dency of human young, with their need for food preference of women for men of high-status and
and protection, has led to an extraordinarily high wealth continues to this day (Buss, 1989, 1994;
level (for mammals) of male parental investment Ellis, 1992). Women also prefer men who are
(Kenrick et al., 1990). The attributes that human dominant (though not ‘domineering’), which is a
females desire in mates have been likewise trait that is of use in ascending status hierarchies
affected. (Keating, 1985; Sadalla et al., 1987). This female
While male genetic quality is still important to preference for dominant males is already apparent
females, the capacity and willingness of a man to in adolescence (Weisfeld et al., 1987). Although
provide resources and protection to the woman some have suggested that women prefer wealthy
and her offspring become important (Wiederman men only because women have been foreclosed
and Allgeier, 1992; Buss, 1994). A man’s physical from opportunities to obtain wealth on their own,
strength and bravery provide some assurance of it turns out that women who make more money
the latter, while his status, industry, wealth, and tend to value monetary resources and professional
generosity are relevant to the former. And, of status of potential mates more than women who
course, if the man is to provide a high level of make less money (Buss, 1994). Women also prefer
investment, it is critically important to him that men who are tall and strong, consistent with the
the offspring in which he is investing are in fact protective role of men in our ancestral environ-
his own, making a woman’s sexual fidelity of ment. Men, on the other hand, are relatively
significant concern (Wilson and Daly, 1992). indifferent to the status of potential mates, being
The asymmetry in minimum parental invest- concerned far more with youth and physical at-
ment makes it very costly for the mother to tractiveness (Sprecher et al., 1994; Jensen-Camp-
defect, binding her to the baby in a way that the bell et al., 1995).
father is not (Buss and Schmitt, 1993). By the The reproductive advantage of high-status men
time of birth, the woman has already made a who control resources has left its genetic imprint
massive physiological investment in the child, and on men. The reproductive payoff that comes from
if the child is to be breast-fed, it needs further achievement of status has left them more inter-
investment by the mother that the father cannot ested than women in striving for status in hier-

© 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Manage. Decis. Econ. 19: 427–440 (1998)

archies and engaging in the kind of risk-taking demand a high degree of confidence on the part
behavior that is often necessary to reach the top of the actor (Arch, 1993).
of hierarchies and acquire resources. Similarly, the From a young age, boys are interested in ‘turf
close tie between female reproductive success and and dominance’ (Maccoby, 1990). Cross-cultural
maternal care seems to have created stronger studies show that boys engage in more aggression,
bonds between mother and infant than typically dominance-seeking, and rough-and-tumble play
exist between father and infant. (Omark and Edelman, 1975; Weisfeld, 1994). The
It is important to emphasize here that the fact play of boys is quite different from the play of
that a trait is an adaptation to past environments girls, with the former being much more competi-
does not necessarily mean that it is currently tive, physical, and rule oriented and the latter
adapti6e (Symons, 1990). Our minds and bodies tending to be more cooperative and without win-
were shaped to a large extent in the environment ners and losers (Lever, 1976, 1978). These differ-
of the Pleistocene hunter-gatherer, what some ences in play styles make sense in evolutionary
have labeled the ‘Environment of Evolutionary terms (Low, 1989). In our ancestral environment,
Adaptedness’ (‘EEA’). The relatively few human women enhanced their reproductive success by
generations since the dawn of agriculture are cooperating with sisters and co-wives; open con-
dwarfed by the number of generations we spent as flict or changes in coalitions would not enhance
hunter-gatherers. Thus, in examining the evolu- their success. Men, on the other hand, enhanced
tionary origins of a particular trait, the question is their reproductive success by alternately cooperat-
not whether it currently results in enhanced repro- ing and competing with other men as the situation
ductive success for its owner, but whether it did so required. A man’s assertion of dominance over
in those thousands of generations in the EEA.
other men would have a reproductive benefit that
a woman’s assertion of dominance over other
women would not.
Males also exhibit a greater preference for risk
than do females. Physically risky recreational ac-
Empirical studies of sex differences in tempera-
tivities, such as car racing, sky diving and hang-
ment and behavior have yielded results consistent
gliding, are disproportionately male activities
with the predictions of evolutionary theory (Buss,
(Veevers and Gee, 1986). Men exhibit a riskier
1995). Men more often than women exhibit a
style of driving, and are less likely than women to
constellation of temperamental traits encompass-
ing aggressiveness, dominance-assertion, competi- wear seatbelts (Hersch, 1996). Even among rela-
tiveness, achievement orientation, status-seeking, tively young children, boys are more physically
and risk-taking. Women tend more than men to daring (Ginsburg and Miller, 1982). Warfare and
exhibit nurturing and caring behavior for others big-game hunting, the riskiest activities of tradi-
and to show greater interest in cementing social tional societies, are almost everywhere all-male
relationships. activities (Buss, 1994).
The sexes show substantial differences in atti- Males’ risk-preference is not limited to physical
tudes toward competition (Ahlgren, 1983). For risk. Elizabeth Arch has suggested that sex differ-
example, adding a competitive element to a task ences in achievement motivation may be at-
tends to enhance the performance of males, while tributable in part to differences in risk preference
it often has the opposite effect in females (Wein- (Arch, 1993). Achievement opportunities are often
berg and Ragan, 1979). When given a choice of associated with uncertainty and possible loss of
tasks, males are more likely to select the more-dif- resources or group support. A person whose aver-
ficult task, while females are more likely to select sion to failure exceeds his appetite for success will
the less-difficult one (Hoyenga and Hoyenga, be inclined not to risk failure in achievement
1993). In mixed-sex competition, females often situations. Since in our ancestral environment
exhibit depressed performance levels (Weisfeld et there probably would have been little reproduc-
al., 1983, 1986). Men report higher estimations of tive benefit to risk-taking in women, a preference
their own ability than women do, at least within for risk and competition would have been a net
stereotypically male domains (Bennett, 1997), a disadvantage, since it would expose the woman to
trait that could be useful in circumstances that loss without a concomitant potential for payoff.

© 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Manage. Decis. Econ. 19: 427–440 (1998)

In contrast to boys, girls tend from an early age Anne Campbell at Durham University found that
to be nurturing and interested in maintaining 3-month-old boys, but not girls, demonstrated a
social relationships with others (Maccoby and significant interest in same-sex babies (New Scien-
Jacklin, 1974; Feingold, 1994). Girls tend to be tist, 1997). Also demonstrating that ‘maleness’
‘person-oriented’, while boys tend to be ‘object and ‘femaleness’ is more than simply conforming
oriented’. Psychologists Katharine and Kermit to societal expectations is a long-term study of an
Hoyenga have observed that ‘[w]omen’s prosocial individual who had been raised as a female after
dominance means that their concepts of self are his penis was accidentally destroyed at age 8
centered more around relationships with others, months (Diamond and Sigmundson, 1997). De-
whereas men’s egoistic dominance means that spite being surgically reconstructed and raised as
their self-concepts are centered more around task a girl, the child rejected girls’ toys, clothes, and
performances and skills’ (Hoyenga and Hoyenga, activities and preferred those of boys. Sometime
1993). In one study, 50% of women but only 15% between the ages of 9 and 11 years, he came to
of men agreed with the statement, ‘I’m happiest understand that he was not a girl. He was given
when I can succeed at something that will also hormones and constructive surgery and at age 25
make other people happy’ (Moir and Jessel, married a woman.
1989). Studies looking for differential socialization ha6e
Although these sex differences in behavior are found less of it than many assume. A meta-analysis
widely acknowledged, adherents of the SSSM in- of 172 studies dealing with differential socializa-
sist that they are a consequence of differential tion examined eight major variables (Lytton and
socialization of boys and girls (Fausto-Sterling, Romney, 1991). While the researchers found clear
1992). Boys are competitive risk-takers because
sex differences in encouragement of sex-typed ac-
that is what society tells them to be, and girls are
tivities and perceptions of sex-stereotyped charac-
cooperative and nurturing because that is what
teristics, they found no differences in such
they are told to be. However, there are a number
variables as achievement encouragement, encour-
of reasons to think that something much more
agement of dependency, disciplinary strictness, or
fundamental is responsible:
amount of parental interaction. In fact, children
The differences described appear to be cross-cul-
may be more sex-typed in their preferences than
tural uni6ersals (Blurton Jones and Konner, 1973;
their parents (Kohlberg, 1966). Although it is
Freedman and DeBoer, 1979; Williams and Best,
often asserted that boys engage in dominance
1990). The arbitrary differential socialization that
SSSM proponents rely on would have to be uni- behavior over girls because adults reinforce those
form across cultures, which is theoretically possi- behaviors, studies find that the presence of an
ble but highly unlikely. Anne Fausto-Sterling adult actually reduces boys’ dominance behavior
argues that male dominance arose, presumably (Powlishta and Maccoby, 1990).
arbitrarily, in a small population that was the Temperamental traits are subject to substantial
progenitor of all living humans and has been genetic influence. Behavioral-genetics studies rou-
‘faithfully passed down from generation to gener- tinely reveal substantial genetic contributions to
ation a thousand times over’ (Fausto-Sterling, the temperamental traits described, such as social
1992). Given the array of languages, religions, potency, achievement, aggression, social closeness,
and kinship systems that humans have developed, and masculinity/femininity (Loehlin et al., 1988;
one must wonder why it is that the supposedly Tellegen et al., 1988). Even vocational interests
arbitrary pattern of male dominance alone has tend to show a high heritability, with one large-
been so faithfully transmitted. scale study finding that one-half to two-thirds of
Many of the sex differences ha6e origins 6ery the variance in vocational and recreational inter-
early in de6elopment (Goldberg and Lewis, 1969). ests was attributable to genetic variation (Lykken
For example, boys are rougher and more prone to et al., 1993; see also Grotevant et al., 1977). Of
fighting at an age before they rely on same-sex course, the fact that individual differences are
role models (Maccoby and Jacklin, 1980), and attributable to genetic differences does not prove
they prefer same-sex playmates before they can that differences between groups have a genetic
reliably identify which children are the same sex cause. However, it does demonstrate that the
as themselves (Maccoby, 1987). A recent study by traits are potentially subject to natural selection.

© 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Manage. Decis. Econ. 19: 427–440 (1998)

There is substantial e6idence that these tempera- because of pressure from women, the children’s
mental traits are mediated by sex hormones. Sex houses have all but disappeared and children are
hormones have been shown to have two kinds of back with their parents (Spiro, 1996).
effects. Most important is what has been called In sum, sex differences in temperament and
the ‘organizing effect’, which is the influence of behavior have deep roots and are relatively in-
hormones on the developing fetal brain. Exposure tractable. The question now presented is what
of either a male or female brain to testosterone effects these differences have on workplace
during a critical period in utero results in the outcomes.
masculinizing of behavior (Ellis, 1986; Reinisch et
al., 1991). Circulating hormones also have an
‘activational effect’, which is a proximate influ- WOMEN’S WORKPLACE STATUS
ence on an individual’s behavior. Levels of circu-
lating testosterone have been found to be The division of labor by sex is a human universal
positively correlated with aggression (Dabbs et (Brown, 1991). Although different cultures have
al., 1987; Gladue, 1991), and negatively correlated different views about which tasks are ‘men’s
with prosocial personality (Harris et al., 1996). A work’ and which are ‘women’s work’, the division
recent study found that the extent of sex-typed is significant to each culture (D’Andrade, 1966).
behavior, temperament, and interests exhibited by Moreover, there are some consistent patterns. For
normal women is correlated with the levels of example, in all or almost all cultures hunting is
testosterone they were exposed to during their considered men’s work, and cooking is considered
second trimester in utero combined with levels of women’s work. While some of the patterns are no
circulating testosterone they experience as adults doubt due to physical capacity, this is not always
(Udry et al., 1995). true. For example, carrying water is almost al-
Attempts to eliminate sex-typing seem to yield ways women’s work, and manufacture of musical
little in the way of beha6ioral change in children. instruments is almost always men’s work.
Although it is widely assumed that children can Modern western societies are currently creating
be educated out of their sex-typed behaviors, em- what anthropologists call an ‘evolutionarily novel
pirical studies suggest that such interventions are environment’—an environment that differs sub-
not very successful. One study, for example, stantially from that in which our hominid ances-
found that teaching children that both sexes can tors evolved. No longer, at least prescriptively, are
perform particular jobs decreased the children’s most tasks performed by one or the other sex.
stereotyped views of the jobs but did not affect Rather, men and women increasingly find them-
their own highly sex-typed preferences (Bigler and selves in workplace environments in which they
Liben, 1990). Indeed, such attempts may actually work side-by-side and compete for status in the
be counterproductive and lead to an increase in same hierarchies. Not surprisingly, the injection of
stereotyping (Matteson, 1991). women into previously all-male institutions some-
The experience of the Israeli kibbutzim demon- times results in consequences not desired by the
strates the resistance of sex-typing to modification. proponents of sexual integration. One such conse-
The Israeli kibbutz movement was founded on a quence is an increase in opportunities for sexual
radical sexual egalitarianism (Tiger and Shepher, harassment (Browne, 1997). Another, which is the
1975; Spiro, 1996). The founders believed that if primary subject of this article, is a disparity in
women could be emancipated from domestic re- outcomes between men and women in occupa-
sponsibilities, especially childcare, and if the sex- tional status and compensation (Hoyenga, 1993;
ual division of labor could be eliminated, sexual Browne, 1995).
equality—in the sense of identity of outcome— The lesser likelihood of women’s achieving the
would result. A system of communal rearing re- highest positions in the corporate world and their
placed the nuclear family, with the children living lesser average earnings are commonly attributed
in children’s houses apart from their parents. Eco- to the twin evils of discrimination by employers
nomic and political roles of men and women were and a society that makes childcare and other
expected to be identical. As it turned out, how- domestic obligations the primary responsibility of
ever, the generations born in the kibbutzim re- women (Williams, 1991; Federal Glass Ceiling
verted to more traditional sex-roles, and, largely Commission, 1995). Many contemporary femi-

© 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Manage. Decis. Econ. 19: 427–440 (1998)

nists seem to share the view of the kibbutz Studies of workplace success demonstrate that
founders that sex-blind hiring practices and eman- competitiveness and risk-taking are important
cipation of women from an unfair domestic bur- traits of the successful executive (Grey and Gor-
den are both necessary and sufficient conditions don, 1978). As one group of researchers con-
for the achievement of workplace parity (Finley, cluded, ‘for most businesses, a person gets to the
1986; Littleton, 1987; Okin, 1989). Although it is top by taking risks and having them work out for
usually only implicit, this view depends heavily on the best’ (MacCrimmon and Wehrung, 1990). It
the SSSM: all human beings are interchangeable, may not be an accident that women tend dispro-
and the extent to which men and women differ in portionately to occupy jobs with lower career
their activities and preferences is a consequence of risk—jobs in the public or non-profit sectors and,
societal pressures acting upon a sex-neutral tabula within corporations, staff rather than line posi-
rasa (see for example Marini and Fan, 1997). tions (Federal Glass Ceiling Commission, 1995).
If the foregoing description of temperamental One should not, of course, overlook the downside
sex differences is correct, however, the sex-neutral of risk; by definition, some risk-takers lose out.
tabula rasa assumption is wrong. One must then Thus, although there are more men who are spec-
consider the possibility that the traits for which tacular successes, there are also more who are
inherent differences have been described — aggres- flamboyant failures.
siveness, competitiveness, dominance-assertion, The other side of fear of failure is motivation to
risk-taking, and nurturance — are responsible, at succeed, which in the business world often entails
least in part, for sex differences in workplace a single-minded commitment to career, a pattern
outcomes. that men are more likely than women to display
(Eccles, 1987). An in-depth study of a Fortune
500 company found that differences in promotion
rates of men and women were attributable largely
Women Executives
to sex differences in attitudes toward relocation,
The Glass Ceiling Commission, sponsored by the long hours, and the desire to achieve higher posi-
US Government, concluded largely without evi- tions (Hoffman and Reed, 1982). Consistent with
dence that the dearth of women at the highest many other studies, the largest difference was
levels of corporate hierarchies was due to discrim- between married men and married women. Mar-
ination and ‘white male attitudes’ (Federal Glass riage, and especially children, increased promo-
Ceiling Commission, 1995). It gave no consider- tion-seeking behaviors in men while decreasing
ation at all to the possibility that temperamental them in women.
sex differences might be responsible and little Achieving the highest positions in organizations
more to the possibility that different choices of requires a tremendous investment. Attainment of
men and women might be implicated. partnership in large law firms, for example, gener-
The Commission would have done well to con- ally requires years of intensive dedication to the
sider studies of executives to find what contributes work of the firm; it is not, as some seem to believe
to success. Had it done so, it would have discov- (Epstein, 1995), simply a benefit ‘conferred’ on
ered that a whole constellation of temperamental lawyers because the partnership committee likes
traits is involved: aggressiveness, competitiveness, them or thinks that the candidate is ‘like them’.
ambition, drive, and the willingness to take risks For a variety of reasons, including an unwilling-
(Lord et al., 1986). These traits explain within-sex ness to subordinate the rest of one’s life (espe-
differences in success as well as between-sex dif- cially family life) and an aversion to the
ferences (Bartlett and Miller, 1985; Morrison et competitive aspects of law firm life, women leave
al., 1992). A study of career achievement in law firms at a disproportionate rate (Mansnerus,
women found, for example, that the more mascu- 1993). Even after achieving partnership, women
line the woman (in terms of assertiveness, compet- tend to be more dissatisfied than men with their
itiveness, and dominance) the greater her positions.
achievement (Wong et al., 1985). On the other Although the dearth of female executives is
hand, career achievement was negatively corre- routinely attributed to discrimination, the evi-
lated with femininity (nurturance, accommodating dence that it is due largely to current discrimina-
warmth, and eagerness to soothe hurt feelings). tion by employers is weak. As Felice Schwartz,

© 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Manage. Decis. Econ. 19: 427–440 (1998)

founder of Catalyst, Inc., observed, ‘I don’t know women, tends to result in higher pay (Long,
of a CEO in the country who wouldn’t like to 1995).
have at least one or two really talented women at A substantial portion of the wage differential is
high levels in his company’ (Schwartz, 1992). In a consequence of sex differences in both quantity
fact, the few empirical studies of sex differences in and quality of human capital, such as job-relevant
the likelihood of promotion have produced mixed experience and education (O’Neill and Polachek,
findings, some finding a male advantage, some a 1993; Eide, 1994; Marini and Fan, 1997). To be
female advantage, and some finding no difference sure, most studies that have compared wage rates
at all (Hersch and Viscusi, 1996). in predominantly male and predominantly female
jobs have found a residual sex-composition effect
even after controlling for a wide array of general
Women’s Wages
human-capital variables (England, 1992; Kil-
Full-time women workers in the US earn approx- bourne et al., 1994). This residual differential is
imately 75¢ for every dollar earned by men often attributed to a systematic devaluation of
(O’Neill and Polachek, 1993), although a substan- work performed by women. However, a recent
tial portion of the compensation disparity disap- study (Tam, 1997) suggests that this consistent
pears if fringe benefits are included in the earnings sex-composition effect is due not to devaluation
analysis (Solberg and Laughlin, 1995). Although of the work women do, but rather to differences
some writers view this disparity as a consequence in ‘specialized human capital’, a variable that has
of wage discrimination against women (Hunter, typically not been included in wage studies. When
1993), most who have examined the question occupation-specific training and industry-specific
closely do not believe that the bulk of the dispar- effects are controlled, the sex-composition effect
ity is caused by discrimination (Goldin and Po- completely disappeared.
lachek, 1987; O’Neill, 1990). Even within narrow occupational classifications
Many of the contributors to women’s lesser sex differences in workplace behavior exist. For
earnings are similar to the factors that cause example, male physicians tend to be more ori-
women not to achieve the highest corporate ranks ented toward high income than females. They are
in proportion to their numbers (Goldin, 1990). more likely to work in private practice and work
Studies repeatedly show that women work fewer longer hours, while female physicians are more
hours than men (Fuchs, 1988). Not surprisingly, likely to work in salaried positions with regular,
there is a strong correlation between hours and shorter hours (Weisman et al., 1986; Shye,
worked and financial reward (Harrell and Alpert, 1991; Redman et al., 1994). Similarly, male
1989). Similarly, women tend to occupy less-risky lawyers work longer hours and are more likely to
jobs (Filer, 1985), thus depriving themselves of the be in private practice than women, and, among
‘risk premium’ that accompanies more dangerous lawyers in private firms, men are more likely than
work (Viscusi, 1983). In the US, for example, over women to work in the high-paying large firms
90% of workplace deaths are males (New York (Wood et al., 1993). Women are substantially
Times, 1993). Women also tend to work in jobs more likely to hold salaried positions working for
having more pleasant working conditions, despite lower-paying institutions, such as government and
the fact that by accepting disagreeable features of legal services. Although a recent study found a
a job one can earn higher compensation (Filer, substantial unexplained compensation gap be-
1985). tween men and women among lawyers within a
Much of the disparity between male and female given practice type and specialty (Huang, 1997),
wages is attributable simply to the difference in the study did not control for two of the most
priority placed upon compensation. Men are significant contributors to lawyer income—hours
more likely than women to rate compensation as worked and, in private firms, value of business
one of the most important attributes of a job, brought into the firm.
while women are more likely to value such non- Productivity within the academy is consistent
wage features as opportunity to help others, with productivity without. Studies of scholarly
shorter commute, and flexible hours (Walker et output regularly show that men, on average, pub-
al., 1982; Bridges, 1989; Gati et al., 1995). Placing lish substantially more than women, whether or
a high priority on wage rates, for both men and not the women have children (Persell, 1983; Cole

© 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Manage. Decis. Econ. 19: 427–440 (1998)

and Zuckerman, 1987; Long, 1992; Leibenluft et though concededly there could be ‘spillover’
al., 1993; Primack and Stacy, 1997). effects that cause discrimination in the labor mar-
Often obscured in the discussions of compensa- ket to affect returns to self-employment (Coate
tion disparities is the fact that although men tend and Tennyson, 1992), or discrimination by con-
disproportionately to hold the highest-status posi- sumers (Borjas and Bronars, 1989). Moreover, the
tions, they also tend to occupy the lowest-status same factors that increase the gap for female
positions (England, 1979; Gottfredson, 1981). employees, such as being married and having
Consequently, jobs held by women are on average children, exert the same effect on women who are
of slightly higher status than jobs held by men. self-employed.
Moreover, although women tend to hold many of Further suggesting that employer decisions are
the lowest-paying jobs, men tend to hold the unlikely to be the sole cause of occupational
least-attractive jobs in terms of salary, work envi- disparities is the fact that even when men and
ronment, security, and physical demands (Farrell, women are not constrained by preferences of oth-
1993). ers, they make very different choices. The leisure
The reduced investment of women in the work- preferences of males and females are quite differ-
place is clearly related to their greater domestic ent (Gibbons et al., 1997), with men having a
commitment. Despite recent reductions in the rate greater preference for competitive recreational ac-
at which women leave the labor force, they still tivities. Significantly, men and women who prefer
leave at approximately three times the rate of men competitive leisure activities are more likely to
(O’Neill and Polachek, 1993). Motherhood tends exhibit work-related competitiveness as well
to decrease both the number of hours worked and (Kirkcaldy and Cooper, 1992). Men and women
earnings (Fuchs, 1988; Long, 1995). Conversely, also like different kinds of books and movies.
married men earn more than married women, and Similarly, a visit to a computer store, a wine store,
men whose wives do not work for pay earn even or a gun shop on a Saturday afternoon will reveal
more (Jacobsen and Rayack, 1996). Although the an overwhelmingly male clientele. A visit to a
vociferousness of some critics might suggest oth- sewing store will show just the opposite. It would
erwise, women’s job satisfaction is as high as that probably be surprising if groups having substan-
of men (Murray and Atkinson, 1981; Kalb and tially different leisure preferences had exactly the
Hugick, 1990), suggesting that they are happy same occupational preferences.
with the workplace/family accommodations they At bottom, the claims of those invoking dis-
have reached. crimination to explain sex differences in work-
The argument that different work preferences place outcomes might themselves be accused of
of men and women are simply — or even paternalism and sexism. They view women as
mostly—a function of employers’ attitudes to- passive pawns who are shuffled around in the
ward the two sexes is difficult to credit. As Po- workplace at the whim of male employers, and
lachek (1995) has pointed out, a discrimination they ascribe women’s occupational outcomes not
analysis cannot explain major features of the to their own choices but to those of men. More-
wage gap, such as the fact that single women have over, they regard women as a disrespected group
approximate wage parity with men, while married notwithstanding the fact that the stereotype of
women do not; that the presence of children in the women is more favorable than that of men
family increases the wage gap; and that longer (Eagly, 1989, 1991; Fiebert and Meyer, 1997).
birth-spacing intervals exacerbate the gap. No
account of employer discrimination suggests that
employers make distinctions based upon these WHAT DOES THE EVOLUTIONARY
One might also expect that if women face dis-
crimination in the labor market they might choose Current workplace arrangements are a predictable
to avoid discrimination, with its attendant wage result of behavioral sexual dimorphism allowed to
gap, through self-employment. As it turns out, operate in the context of a free market in labor.
however, the wage gap between self-employed They are not necessarily inevitable in all economic
men and women is greater than that among em- systems, however. For example, the gap is sub-
ployees (Moore, 1983; Lustgarten, 1995), al- stantially smaller in Australia than in the US, due

© 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Manage. Decis. Econ. 19: 427–440 (1998)

largely to Australia’s centralization of wage deter- tolerant of stepparents who kill their children
mination, high rates of unionization, generally than of natural parents who do so. Questions of
lower wage inequality, and, most recently, com- social policy must ultimately be resolved through
parable-worth policies (Kidd and Shannon, 1996). extra-scientific means.
The typically male traits of competitiveness, Nonetheless, the origins of the differences
status-seeking, and risk-taking are related to should be quite relevant to policy-makers. Many
workplace success independent of sex. People who people may be concerned not so much with differ-
are inclined to strive for status and resources tend ential workplace outcomes as with the processes
to be rewarded with status and resources to a assumed to be responsible for them. Differences
greater extent than those whose priorities lie else- in outcomes may be less objectionable to some, or
where. Because of the long-standing association perhaps not objectionable at all, if they are found
between male status and reproductive success, the to be products of different choices rather than
former group is disproportionately male. This discrimination. Moreover, the fact that sex differ-
finding is replicated worldwide (Lynn, 1993). ences are to be expected even in the absence of
Likewise, we should not be surprised when we discrimination suggests that the current practice
find mammalian mothers who are loath to be of inferring discrimination from the mere exis-
separated from their helpless young, or at least tence of statistical disparities should be aban-
unwilling to be separated from them as much as a doned (Browne, 1993).
single-minded commitment to career might re- Recognition that men and women have differ-
quire. It is simply a fact of life, easily understand- ent utility functions that are to some extent bio-
able in evolutionary terms, that mothers are more logically ingrained also means that some
tightly bound to their young children than are assumptions about potential policy responses may
fathers (Rossi, 1977). Moreover, men’s investment be erroneous. One commonly urged policy initia-
in their offspring tends to take a different form tive is expansion of availability of ‘quality, afford-
from women’s, being characterized by the provi- able day care’, the assumption being that what is
sioning of mother and child rather than direct holding women back is their primary responsibil-
childcare. ity for providing care for their children. Certainly,
One need not invoke animus toward women to some women would benefit from this expansion,
explain the willingness of employers to provide as, of course, would some men. However, it is not
greater rewards to employees who make greater close to being the panacea that some apparently
career investments. Ceteris paribus, an economi- believe. The problem of women whose workplace/
cally rational, profit-maximizing employer will family conflict keeps them out of the corporate
prefer an employee who works longer hours, is presidency is not going to be solved by increasing
more willing to travel or relocate for advance- the availability of inexpensive daycare. These
ment, and whose career is not interrupted by women typically earn enough to pay for surrogate
lengthy absences for childbirth and child-rearing. childcare already. It is their refusal to view the
The mere fact that the status quo can be ex- functions of motherhood as fully delegable, rather
plained in evolutionary terms — or even the fact than their inability to pay for childcare, that
that most women are generally satisfied with it— prevents their single-minded pursuit of career
does not, of course, mean that it is good or goals. Similarly, many women work part-time not
should not be modified. An evolutionary explana- because they lack the childcare to work full-
tion for a behavior or social institution does not time—indeed, they might be better able finan-
suggest that it is ‘good’ or ‘right’ (Browne, 1984). cially to afford daycare if they did work
A number of psychologists, for example, believe full-time—but because they want to have a level
that rape is an alternative reproductive strategy of involvement in the lives of their children that is
for low-status males that is a product of natural simply incompatible with full-time work. It also
selection (Thornhill and Thornhill, 1983). Such a should not be forgotten that, even in the absence
conclusion is in no sense, however, an endorse- of children, women tend to show less labor-mar-
ment of rape. Similarly, the relatively high rate of ket commitment than men.
stepchild infanticide probably has evolutionary Recognition of temperamental sex differences
roots (Daly and Wilson, 1988; Jones, 1997), yet with evolutionary roots is not the last word, but
that does not suggest that we should be more rather the first step, in the discussion of public

© 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Manage. Decis. Econ. 19: 427–440 (1998)

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