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Unai Vega, Erik Millán y Gabriel Fonseca 2C

Problem to solve
Our teacher has given us a problem, and we try to
solve it. The problem went like this:
We have to create a triangulated bridge, of at least
40cm that supports a reasonable weight. All this
with apparently weak materials.
Our teacher has given us an explanation prior
to developing the work, which dealt with the
fact that, in order to obtain a resistant and
stable structure we must triangulate our
structure as much as possible.We've allsow tried
to put the center of mass as close to the ground
as we could. By doing that and also enlarging
the bases we hav achieaved an even more
resistant structure

We had discussed a lot of desingns, but this was

our final one
First we made the cardboard decking, made out of
trianglated squares. Next que started creating the
pilars that conect the decking with the sealing and
triangulating it. What we thought was the last
step was to create the bearing, by making five
triangulated squares and gluing them together
with a cardboard base. The actual last steo was to
create a "arch" beneath the decking and to make a
couple support triangles
Our bridge could widstand 5kg without bending
or tipping over
h e en d

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