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Act 1: Discussion: Reason why people volunteer.

Nowadays, a lot of people do volunteer work. In your opinion, why do they

1. I think it is a meaningful job, people want to do something good for others and
2. In my opinion, volunteer work is a great way to put little of their time and gain
some valuable skills as well as experience in a broad range of fields. They can
gain experience in education, social work, health care, marketing and web
design.. The opportunities are endless.
3. Volunteer work also lead to a paying job. English teaching is a great example
of a volunteer job that often turns into a career.
4. Actually, volunteering makes people happy. The more we give, the happier we
Act 2: Assigned task: Find someone or place in your community that needs help.
What are the problems of this person/ place?
Situation 1:
Student A: From my point of view, road safety problems, especially in high school
students are an alarming issues. Let’s watch a video that we recorded.
 As you can see, they are just some typical examples of road safety problems.
Drivers often ignore traffic regulations and do whatever they want.
This includes:
+ driving against traffic
+ not stopping at red lights
+ dodging in and out on the street at high speed
+ not looking when turning on to large roads
+ stop to answer the phone in the middle of the traffic lane
+ drink and drive
 All these things might lead to the high risk of accidents and fatal crashes.
Discussion: Discuss in groups and give solutions to tackle this problem.
- take part in volunteer campaign to raise people awareness of obeying traffic law

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