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Silly Little Kid

By Nicole Aguirre

She wanted to be a kid again, not realizing, she always had been.

“Enjoy your youth”, they said. Prevalent statement from elders that I took for granted. As a consequence,
I scream from the stinging pain of what could’ve been.

Ever since I was little, I am already exposed to society’s expectation― a burden that an eight-year-old kid
must not possess. The society left her no choice but to always act as a role model―prohibiting her from
having fun.

As people my age reminisce about their childhood, I couldn’t seem to speak. Something is hindering me
from speaking up, might be the fact that I really don’t have something to share at all, as my childhood
was basically just me being an academic slave.

However, I asked myself. Is it worth it? Do these rewards and recognitions will help me conquer the
threats of this world? Do these awards pay the same price as finding myself again? I bet not.

I was blinded by the idea of chasing other’s dream for me to the point I lost myself midway. Knowledge is
indeed powerful, but I’m afraid it’s deadly.

With the desire to be a kid again, she found herself doing childish things, realizing that she is still a child
that is trapped in a grown-up body.

I always wanted to be unaware of everything, making ignorance a blessing. Oh, to be pure, innocent, silly
little kid again.

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