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Assessing English for Professional Purposes ‘In what elite is mor ook devoted othe assent flanges for speci prpones ia eal tmety yer, Ute Kosh ot Sy Mace have ‘shied dey al aio famental once» Thoupho the bok, Kosch Sin Mactueen concouolie ngage asst or rofesional purpose 6 {oolfor ak management taker low profesional cer Std conser ands cry moe general This bok wil be weiomed by ‘fs rh pd re erage msn pose Me Sate Universit, USA ‘Ausesing Enh for Profesional Purposes ovis a ate-ofthe-at cou of ‘dca Kins ngage tants acd to Seemine popes abies 0 ‘toning nthe woke Ara tine when pfeil experts i steal mba dere sh hgh eaied pein going aro a ‘tonal Boundaries apy th lan aga akg wigs hak oes ‘renewed age foray it lige asetnent or pfesoaal pres {WAP Many of eee expe mon hha evronmens whe Soamun avon ean can have esas consegoees. Th ik hs besa seated ‘eraorerneer ad poten! tse who inienene tngge tse or eer onve ft oust an et eatin ds 1 hers comets! tol for specie purpose sesonee icing sally ised hor of conse 4+ dos they a racic in ey eas, sha eds amass est deeop- ‘easton and poly, + Sonic bode ope ofthe aint of Hap for pesos fpurosesoincde sangeet races beh poesia ta Epon in eofessonl ete. Ausesing Enh for Profesional Purpose eli for esearch ral ‘Mendes nd psctones working the ate xi oe Spe Pps ee Routledge Research in English for Specific Purposes Series Edo: Bran Polvdge Bran Palade Profesor of TESOL. the Univesity of Saney. He has than Engl a a second langue i Australia, New Zealand and Tay Sn hes published exteoshely i the ares of academe writing, discourse “hata and esearch methods. Heiser emerts forthe journal Enelish Jor Spec poses and co edit the Handbook of Engh for Spec Purposes (Wiley, 2013, Serie Editor: Sue Starfield Ste Stared Proesoe inthe School of Education at te Univesity of ‘New South Wale, Her esearch and palais inde teriary academic Teneies, doctoral weting, wring for publiatio, sey hn academic twoting sa ethnographic taearch meds, She an editor emeritus of {he journal Lgl fr Specie Purposes ano editor ofthe Handbook of Engl for Specie Purposes (Wie, 2013). Routledge Research in Bug for Specific Purposes i a serie of mono tank ati showcasing etig-edge research in the fl of English or Specie Purposes, Booken thi serie provide theoretical innovative and pray gor examples of esearch that advance understanding of topes within SP, each providing «comprehensive background, a survey of modern resenchy and avenue for fore exploration in he ae English Mediven hs Birgit Honien, Ange Holmen ond Joyce King CChustoph A. Hofer ond Lindy Miler English for Research Put Karen Englander and Jones, ation Purposes [Assessing English for Professional P Ute Keach ond Susy Macquten English for Vocational Purposes dre Cosco, Jan Parkinson Jomes Mackay and Enmo MeLeughlin ups w.routledgecom/ Routledge Research n- English for Specific Purposcaybook series RESP Assessing English for Professional Purposes Ute Knoch and Susy Macqueen Routledge ete npn of he Tp Fac Cpe rm bis ‘Rios coat at ssn sata rom he Bs ery of CoCo het Dass SESE cce enh neage Aig sae | ‘imate “aetna Sed sc! Lege an ‘ebececetec' cape ace Se one ‘Ghrattaon: LCC 18163 562020 (ring | feeGiSTeaeay [ove sae aer ac Echo cre sal pact oe gp 9025805 ‘son: 7.16867 ay BRN freon oben ores For Cathie and Tim Contents List of figures st of tables Acknoledgemente ‘Nebreations Invrodaction Deion of LAPP a Oneview 3 A broadened agonda S notes on terminology 3 1 Scope Therange of LAPP: tuo stories 7 Reconeeptuaizing LAPP activities 12 The principles of formes and benefit 21 Assesoments for professonals 25 ‘Assesment for leypeople 28 Boundaries in LABP: domains and ners 31 Conctsion 32 2 Contre Four dimensions of construct’ 40 Contetnaliing ‘construct SL Layers of contet embedded in operationalied constructs 83 ‘Sampling from LAPP Coder of Relevance 60 Concho 64 3 Needs Introduction 71 Dende enais 71 » Tables 2.4 Example of stated constrict of rome widely we “Somer English et for profesional purposes 2.2 Dinsions of contract ad the sper of city LA Hxample of language samples in each ‘Codes of Releance’ ayer across diferent domain SSA. Infreoes ping ESP vale argument (based on Chapel 2008, Raoch 8e Chapelle, 2018) 52 Domain description ineence 53 Evaluation inference $4 Gencalizaton inference 535 Explanation inference 4% Extrapolation inference 57 Desisnas inference 58. Testconsequeees inference 6.1 Hierarchy of alfrdancs of est use (62 Warrants ssumptions ao soances of backing for ply cralation 63 Relationship of rst connect to poiyenveonment {64 Warrants steumpeion and pte soutces of backing forevalaton of poi implementation 65 Assumptions and oust backing for poy evasion relating wo workplace outsiers ° ” 10 12. 1B 144 12, rs v8 1m us ‘Acknowledgements “This book draws on or experiences of he many proj facusing on Las {huge Assessment for Pofersona Parpone that weave cacountered i he Eennuage Testing Research Cente (TRC) over th years and any aspect ave based on formals iformal dacuion with callagues I woud Tike ‘othank the ellowing colleague, th ia Meloene and farther abel wh fave pd shape my ideas and thoughts inci are: Carol Chap, Dan Douglas Cathie Edt, Candace Feri, Kelle Fest, aly Haan, Tih Me- "Namar, John Pll and Joba Read My chinkig abou policy ses eating torte ate of LAPPr hat hon formed bys numberof recent LTR cons {nce ommiasione by plicy males rom diferent profesional ont T would alo like to thank the following people for de hegl inp sn preparing the Baal mamscrge: tan Ris apd Lizzie Cox. We ae abo tefl wo Se Sarl, Bean Pledge and Dan Douglas foe thet com ‘ents a the final mandscit Finally 1 would lke to thank Say forthe ‘many discussions during te wring ofthis book and for her hepa com ‘ments on my dat chapes. Ute Knock 1 would particule to thank telling pope, who hae infacced {he developement of thes this ok ad ale me othe many wasn ‘whi language sassessed: Dense Ang, Alex Bowen, Tina Campbell, Ro San Chandran, Cathe Elder, Keli Fos, Tim MeNamara,Chrisin Philips John il am erate o Uke Harding and Cath ison fr the Fight comments. Thank you to Ute foram alway enjoyable snd throughly ‘iching collaboration. foe my par hs book would ot have eventual ‘all wthout he shoughespace made pose by a flowsip with the Hi ‘maniies Resa Conte atthe Ataian National Univer Thank ou tho to ay supportive ellagus, Jane Simpson, Catbenne Teavis and Kate Michal tho made space for this wok in varios way. Finally, thank you Olive, Gs and Ab! for pompingme to ei ae abe everthing kw ‘Susy Macqueen Acknowledgements "he authors and paliahers wold ike to thank the folowing for pei som reproduce copyright materi: gure L1 Caesarean Section Consent, Version 5.0, is wed wih per rsion com the State of Quesland (Queensland Heal) Figure 21 Oceypational English Tes Sample Mate used with pr mission rom Cambridge BoxhllLangoage Assessment. Abbreviations ADLER ac. core ELPac ese GSLPA ‘TOEFLBT cao. Mura mA, yecp TAL Australian Defence Language Proficiency Rating ‘ie Trafic Contos Common Earopeaa Framework of Reference (Coder of Reece English Language Poiceney for Aeronautical Communication English foe Specie Purposes Graduating Sere’ Langue Proficiency Asesmment ‘Test of Engi 3 Foreign Language Interne Based Test International Cri! Avatoa Orgasiaion Inmerational English Language Tsing System Iernationa Language Testing Associaton Iimernational Teaching Assistants Judicial Coane on Calera Diversity Tanguage Assessment Literacy anguage Arsessment fr Profesional Purposes Tanguage Avessment fo Profesional Purposes Language Paiency Requirements Language for Spciic Purposes ‘Navoual Accreditation Authority for Transhaors and Interpreters Occupational Fnglsh Tet Objective Structured Clinical Examination Peston Tet of English Test of English a2 Foreign Language Tent of English oe Inertial Communication ‘Target Language Use Introduction “Moder lif has become ever mote dependent on expect systems sch 5 the aidioeindsty jadcl ad beakth systems (Gens, 1990). At the Same tie, experts elf is inteasingly mobile: Doctors engines pro [rammer, nurses, accountants los, teachers and many other Proles ‘os, ocding workers wth hyd profesional capitis, rove across ‘asoal borders n response w demands forte diverse aay of expertise "hae ssi modern sjtens. A profesional qualification aow ofr e- ‘sloymeat potential well heyond the bounares ofthe state in which was famed. The key prorso that che gran professional has the ability to encode thir expertise inte language of the destination nation sate Hence, a eed for language assessment fr profesional parposes (LAPP) rts atthe governance boundans of maton, profesional certian Ties, profesional tsining nstutions and werkplace: Te this movement of expertise standard vats of he Eaglish language ‘have accrued a high economic and cual value. This means that i ‘eadly ase 35a gatekeeping mechanism fr participation inthe pokes Sonal workforce of migation destinations that have Ealish as aa of- ‘lor ational language. Commercial English language tests lassi the ingore abilities of milion of tx eakers annual, some of whom wll ‘unergo testing tiple times, Av both a symbol tod tool of labia $on, English language skills are valued even incorporations which are ‘predominantly non-English speaking. Therefore evidence of English at ‘ung abliy othe for of tex score converts oa compte advantage oe pafesioal graduate secking to work in both English-speaking 2nd sat Eaglsh-speaking counties. Some profesions, especially those in ‘hace serving lob connectivity sch x pte, ar tafe contol and sallcentre taf requite people to workin np franca vars of English ‘ch ar Aviation English hat are not ted to national boondares, These ‘aietes to, are the objets of language test The rpultory ele of Fags lnguae tess i, in part, a response to the managemeot of tsk. Many professionals wack in hits jos, ‘where communication reakdow can lead to rerio consequences. tive when the stakes are not x high, oor communication oe miscom ‘munication has negative eects on work pacts such stration with tens nnd the elfen achievement of works, Language asessncrs for gatekeeping and screening purpons are efforts co avert the risk of ‘miscommunication ust what consti rik’, howe, inthe eye Of the beholder. For siled migration applicants, rests themselves, 2 po tent brciers to employment, pose tisk For siled migration Fl icy makers, the rik may havea politcal Bais that is more concerned ‘4ah iugetion quotas and sil ersopply or showtages than ceove ‘Ache same ime, expert stems implicate laypeople in their expert procedures. The layperson converts to the role a patient ithe eth professional world and is soddnly, and consequat, surrounded by the feed wo undestand the Knowledge, activi, systems arash en ‘coded inthe language wed thee A layperson who i cet ining of on ' cont seplly commiting to an agreement about heir compeebenson ff pofeional mater hat re encoded in specialist reper. The compre henson of lxypeopl an joror is eal proceings is gravely comequental “Thus, ven for aypeople, thr sis asocined wth not uadestanding the language used i profesional worlds. "This ok about various kinds of language assesment process that are cared out i elation to participation in profesional setigs. Out