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Good day everyone and welcome to today’s math riddle. Here is today's riddle.

have seven baseballs and a balancing scale. One of the seven baseballs weighs slightly less
than the other six baseballs. Your goal is to use the balancing scale to determine which of the
seven baseballs is the lighter one, however, you can only use the scale twice. For example, you
could set two baseballs on one side of the scale and two baseballs on the other, and that would
count as one use of the scale. Pause the audio recording and take a minute to try and figure out
the answer. When you’re ready, you can resume the audio recording and I’ll tell you how to
solve the problem.

Did you figure it out? Here’s what you have to do. First, place three baseballs on one
side of the scale and three on the other. If the scale is balanced, then you know that the one
remaining baseball you did not place on the scale is the lighter one. If the scale is not balanced,
then you know that the lighter baseball must be among the three baseballs on the raised side of
the balancing scale. Take two of those three baseballs and place one each on both sides of the
balancing scale. Just like with the first use of the scale, if the scale is balanced then the lighter
baseball must be the third baseball you did not place on the scale. If it is not balanced, since
there is only one baseball on each side of the scale, you will have found your lighter baseball.

I hope you enjoyed today's math riddle. Tune in next time for another fun and
challenging math riddle. See ya!

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