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Fairy tale – the three little pigs

There were three little pigs, every time they came home from work they dug in the forest. But one
day a big lion saw it, the next day the lion waited for them in the forest. When they came and
started dug, the lion ran fast to the pigs. Put the hide them self and when the night came the pigs
went home to their houses again. The next day they stayed in all day long, they not even stayed at
one of the pig’s houses. They were so scared, no one had ever said anything. The next day they
went to pig twos house. They don’t even go for work that day either, they planned they all will go
off to work the next day. And it happened, they looked around but could not see the lion. When
they all got safety home from work, they stayed in the rest of the day. Then it became Friday a
hole week has been gone, the pigs had not been in the forest for a very long time. When they all
were free, they met up at pig two again. They planned to go to the forest and if something
happened, they could stay in the forest until the next day. Slowly they walked to the forest, it was
a silent day, you can only hear the wind. They started up dug again, they were so happy. When it
started to get dark, they don’t even notice. They stayed up the hole night, in the morning they all
went to pig twos house. They slept the hole day, when they all were awake, they planned to go to
the forest again. They were so happy because the lion doesn’t notice they were at the forest
yesterday. They walked to the forest and dug for an hour, but then 5 lions came, the pigs hided.
But the lions started looking for them, they could smell them. One of the lions found pig three
they all ate the pig so fast. When they were done eating, they find pig two, but they took it with
them home and eat it for dinner. Pig one was so scared he was still hiding, he ran so fast home and
hopes no one saw him. When he got home, he hides in his house. He was so scared that they will
come to his house, he could not sleep the hole night. The next day he was hiding under his bed. He
heard a knock on his door, he looked out of his window, but could not see anyone. He opened the
door, and a lion took him. He came with the lion to his home; he was so scared and does not know
what would happen. But then his family came, they alle eat him in one mouth. And after that
there was no longer any pigs in the forest. All the animals had a big party to calibrate that they
were dead, they were so happy for the lions. That was the end.

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