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GOLEM, MANAFORGED ‘The Cabal of Dhen Razheem have long experimented with various ways of utilizing mana geodes as weapons of magical nature, Their most recent success is incorporating these .geodes into golems, allowing the golem access to various abilities depending on the strain ofthe geodes. These new creations serve as bodyguards for members of the Cabal holding a significant rank within the organization, but rumors exist of secret deals with the leaders among the fying cities lof the Shifting Barrens, concerning mass production of these constructs. Obedience. Maniaforged golems operate under the commands of the Cabal, executing all assigned tasks to perfection. Due to their symbiosis with mana geodes, their Creators can use the weave of magic to mentally perceive the golems surroundings should a particular golem be tinkered with for this type of function, These golems are excellent combatants, harnessing the innate magic of the mana geodes to incapa truders or enemies oftheir masters. ‘Manaforged Nature. 8 manaforged golem doesn't require air, food, drink or sleep. MANAFORGED GOLEM Large construct ‘Armor Class 16 (natural armor) Hit Points 114(12d10 + 40) ‘Speed 30ft STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA 20 (+5) 9(1) 1844) 3(¢4) 1160) 165) ‘Saving Throws Wisdom +3 Skill Perception +3 Damage Resistances force Damage Immunities poison, psychic, bludgeoning, piercing and slashing from nonmagical attacks that aren't adamantine ‘Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion, frightened, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned ‘Senses darkvision 120 ft, passive Perception 13 Languages understands the languages of its creator but ‘can't speak ‘Challenge 8 (3,900 XP) Proficiency Bonus +3 Antimagic Weakness. While in the area of an antimagic field, the golem loses access to all of its traits related to the mana geodes itis imbued with. Immutable Form. The golem is immune to any spell or effect that would ater its form. ‘Magic Absorption Whenever the golem is subjected to a damage-dealing spell of 3rd level or lower, and that spellis ofa school corresponding to one of the geodes its imbued with, it takes no damage and instead regains a number of hit points equal to the damage dealt ‘Magic Resistance. The golem has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects. ‘Magic Weapons. The golem's weapon attacks are magical ‘Mana Geode Enhancement. the golem is imbued with 3 mana geodes that can't be removed from it unless itis incapacitated. Each geode corresponds to a different school of magic. Mana geodes are objects with AC 20, 15 hit points and resistance to all damage except force. Ifa mana geode is reduced to 0 hit points, itis destroyed, and the golem loses its Innate Spellcasting trait associated with that geode's corresponding school of magic. Ifa mana geode is targeted by dispel magic, the golem must succeed on a Constitution saving throw against the casters spell save DC or lose access to all ofits rats relted to that specific ode for 1 minute, Actions ‘Muttattack The golem makes two melee attacks. Stam. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5ft, one target. Hit: 16 (2410+ 5) bludgeoning damage plus 9 (2d8) force damage. Arcane Pulse (Recharge 5-6). Each creature except the golem within 30 feet of the golem must make a DC 15 Constitution saving throw, taking 9(2d8) force damage per active geode the golem is imbued with on afailed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. Reactions ‘Negate Spell The golem targets one creature it can see within 60 feet of it that is casting a spel of a school corresponding to one of the geodes i's imbued with. If the spells 3rd level or lower, the spell fails, but any spell slots or charges are not wasted. MANAFORGED GOLEM CUSTOMIZATION, ‘Manaforged golems are constructs customized to the needs of their creators and masters, most notably the higher ranking members of Dhen Razheemis Cabal. Due tothe implementation of mana geodes in their making, the golems possess magical abilities beyond what one might expect, even including access to some spelicasting. Normally, a ‘manaforged golem is imbued with three geodes, but some of the personal golems belonging to the leaders of the Cabal are further modified. Furthermore, most manaforged golems have one extra features defining them apart from the spellcasting granted by mana geodes, unless they serve one of the Cabal’s leaders, Innate Spelicasting. The golems spelicasting ability is Constitution (spell save DC 15). Depending on the school of ‘magic associated with each mana geode a manaforged golem is imbued with, it gains access to certain spells of Ist through 3rd level each of which it can cast 3 times per day, requiring ‘no material components. Ifthe golem takes the Multiattack action, it can forgo one of its attacks to cast one ofthese spells with a casting time of 1 action inits place. Below are presented the most common choices, though itis not ‘unheard of to make slight modifications on a golem that serves a specific purpose: + Abjuration Geode Innate Spelleasting. dispel magic, ‘shield, warding bond + Conjuration Geode Innate Spelicasting. grease, misty top, stinking cloud + Divination Geode Innate Spelicasting. detect magic, locate object, see invisibility + Enchantment Geode Innate Spelicasting. hold person, sleep, zone of truth + Bvocation Geode Innate Spelicasting. lightning bolt, ‘magic missile, shatter + Illusion Geode Innate Spellcasting. silence, silent image, hypnotic pattern ‘+ Transmutation Geode Innate Spelicasting. feather fall, hheat metal, slow + Necromancy Geode Innate Spelicasting. bestow curse, blindness/deafness, inflict wounds ‘Master's Bond The golem’s creator can communicate with it telepathically while both are within 1 mile of each other. Asan action, the creator can see through the golem eyes and hear what it hears until the start ofthe creator's next turn, saining the benefits of any special senses the golem has. During this time, the creator is deafened and blinded with regard to ‘System Shook. Ifthe golem hits a target wi slam attacks on is turn, it can use its bonus aetion to draw ‘on the energy from one of its geodes and channel it through the target. The target must succeed on a DC 15 Constitution saving throw or be stunned until the end ofits next turn. If the golem uses this bonus action, it loses access to all ofits traits related to the specific geode it drew power from until the start ofits next turn, EE ‘Art CREDIT #1 Crystal golem - thiago-almelda TacTicTs - MANAFORGED GOLEM The following tactics represent the standard order of operations a manaforged golem takes, such as the one presented in the statblock provided in the previous page. A ‘manaforged golem typically likes to open combat with Arcane Pulse, iit can affect two o more enemies, before entering melee. If itis unable to, it wll enter melee and take the Muftiartack action, possibly replacing one of its attacks ‘with a spelt has access to through Innate Spellcasting, i the situation is appropriate. A manaforged golem will always attempt to stay within 60 feet of any spellcasters it perceives, inan effort to possibly thwart their spells with its Negate Spell reaction, and it will attempt to use its Arcane Pulse Whenever itis available ifit can affect two or more enemies, and two or more of the mana geodes itis imbued with are siill active. I'a manaforged golem is fighting alongside its ‘master, it uses everything in its arsenal to protect or secure retreat for them. Prior to Combat. Ifthe manaforged golem acknowledges that its going to enter combat, but has time to prepare, it casts any available spel to it through its Ianate Spelleasting trait to buff itself, o debuff multiple enemies. Round 1. The manaforged golem moves toward creature itcan perceive as being easier to hit, and takes the ‘Multiattack action. If both ofits attacks hit the same target and it has the System Shock trait, it uses itas a bonus action, Round 2 The manaforged golem uses its Arcane Pulse. action ifavailable. If not, due ro its brurtish nature, namely the fact that it must fightin the melee, it takes the ‘Multiattack action, targeting any creature it can reach without suffering opportunity attacks, and possibly using its ‘System Shock as a bonus action. ‘Round 3. The manaforged golem takes the Multiattack action, targeting any spelicasters it can perceive, or the most injured target itcan reach, Round 4. Ifthe manaforged golem has sustained considerable damage, it will ake the Dodge action, and attempt to le and send a signal to its master. should it be fighting by itsel£ Alternatively. it uses its Arcane Pulse or ‘Maltiattack action, attempting t possible, until its master arrives Round 5. The manaforged golem repeats its actions from Round 1 onwards, or attempts to escape combat ifit has the option to, @ CHRONICLE OF HEROES|®@ [J ©

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