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Description: A disease which affects newborn children. It is quite normal

condition of most babies, jaundice newborns are curable. The main symptoms are
yellow coloration of skin and eye proteins, fever. Cause of the disease is increased
bilirubin formation in the baby’s blood.

Where: The first cases of jaundice were reported during the Neolithic
period. In the Age of Antiquity, a Greco-Roman physician wrote a monograph
about this illness. To date sufferers of the disease are found all over the world, but
are more common among Asian and Native American peoples.

Cure and prevention: Jaundice is curable. However, disease may worsen

and have serious consequences. Physiological jaundice does not require any
specific treatment. The main method of curing pathological jaundice is in-patient
phototherapy. For the prevention, adequate nutrition of the newborn with breast
milk is important.

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