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Describe your chosen integrative/healing modality.

My integrative modality is mindfulness which involves being present at the moment

without judgment or distraction. Meditation can be done by focusing on the breath, body

sensations, or external stimuli. Mindfulness increases curiosity and acceptance of thoughts,

emotions, and bodily experiences. Due to its mental health benefits, mindfulness has become

fashionable. Mindfulness can reduce anxiety, depression, and tension, and promote self-

awareness and empathy, according to research. Accessibility has made mindfulness popular.

Mindfulness takes no specific equipment or training. It can be done anywhere, anytime, and by

anyone, making it a versatile mental health tool. Mindfulness works across situations and

populations. Mindfulness treats anxiety, depression, and occupational stress. Mindfulness

promotes mental and emotional health for all ages and backgrounds. Guided meditations, body

scans, and breathing exercises are mindfulness practices. It can be done alone or in groups

without equipment or instruction. Mindfulness can also be practised during ordinary tasks like

walking, eating, or focusing on breathing during a hectic day.

Benefits of this modality for mental health and wellbeing

Mindfulness improves mental wellness. It reduces anxiety, sadness, and stress and

promotes self-awareness, resilience, and empathy. Mindfulness reduces anxiety and despair.

Mindfulness improves emotional regulation and lessens negative thoughts about certain mental

health problems. Mindfulness encourages people to notice their thoughts and feelings with

curiosity and non-judgment, helping them become more self-aware and recognize negative

thought patterns. Mindfulness helps people accept and regulate their emotions. Chronic stress

can cause several health problems. Mindfulness helps to identify stress triggers and create stress-

management skills. It helps people better cope with stress, improving their mental and physical

health; this increases self-awareness and empathy. Mindfulness improves awareness of ideas,

emotions, and bodily sensations. This method assists people to understand their motivations and

create empathy for others. Mindfulness can also improve self-compassion and reduce self-


How does this integrative modality complement Western healthcare practices

Mindfulness can enhance Western healthcare by helping people manage stress, regulate

emotions, and increase wellbeing. Mindfulness can help patients manage stress and anxiety.

Western medicine typically links stress to numerous physical and mental health issues.

Mindfulness activities can help people manage stress and emotions, reducing health symptoms.

Mindfulness can also complement medical treatment, which helps people cope with disease and

treatment stress. Mindfulness can improve Western healthcare by lowering stress and anxiety,

which harms the body and mind. Mindfulness can also be utilized as a preventive tool in Western

medicine. Incorporating mindfulness in daily activities improves self-awareness, emotional

regulation, and stress levels, preventing physical and mental health issues.


Pollard, C. L., & Jakubec, S. L. (2022). Varcarolis's Canadian Psychiatric Mental Health

Nursing-E-Book. Elsevier Health Sciences.

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