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Fluid and electrolyte disorders

Article in Indian journal of anaesthesia · January 2003

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5 authors, including:

Chandra Kant Pandey

Institute of Liver and Biliary Sciences


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Indian J. Anaesth. 2003; 47 (5) : 380-387


Dr. Chandra Kant Pandey1 Dr. R. B. Singh2

Preoperative dehydration is common in surgical pressure of the plasma proteins and the functions of the
patients, and is primarily attributed to prolonged fasting capillary membrane. Any condition, therefore, which alters
period and bowel preparation. The symptoms of dehydration the permeability of the vascular membrane or the level of
in post-operative fluid may be most evident in minor plasma proteins, will affect the distribution of fluid between
surgical procedures, where intraoperative fluid requirements the intravascular and the interstitial space.5 The integrity
are low. This is opposed to major surgical procedures, of the intravascular volume is therefore maintained by the
where large amounts of fluid are often administered intra- oncotic pressure of the plasma proteins, will affect the
operatively, and therefore may compensate for an initial distribution of fluid between the intravascular and the
fluid deficit. Preoperative fasting of 12 hours or more interstitial space. The intestinal space can be further divided.
may result in a fluid deficit of about one litre in an adult Approximately one litre may be transcellular, i.e. secreted
patient consisting primarily of free water as well as a into the gut, and 3-4 litres may be rapidly exchangeable,
small quantity of electrolytes.1,2 The symptoms from this the reminder being bound in the matrix of connective
fluid deficit have not been defined, but may include thirst, tissue.
drowsiness and dizziness.3 Apart from subjective patient’s
discomfort, these symptoms of mild dehydration may Table - 1 : Total body water (70 kg adult) is 60% of the
body weight= 70 × 60/100=42 litres.
contribute to prolonged hospital stay in a review of 17638
patients, where postoperative dizziness and drowsiness were Extracellular fluid volume comprises Intracellular water = 40%
independent predictors of prolonged hospital stay after interstitial fluid and blood volume body weight = 28 litres.
ambulatory surgery.4 (20% body weight= 14 litres) Na+ 10 meql-1
Blood volume is approximately 5 litres K+ 150 meql-1
The anatomy of body fluids (of which 5% of body weight
is plasma volume equal to 3 litres)
Fluid balance is often thought of in terms of the
external balance of water and electrolytes between the Interstitial fluid = Extracellular
fluid volume – plasma volume (14-3)=11 litres
body and it s environment. However, it is important to Na+ 140 meql-1
consider the balance between the fluid compartments within K+ 4.0 meql-1
the body and how these change with diseases. The
Table 1 represents the body fluid compartment in a 70 kg The flux of the body fluids :
man. It can be seen that total body water is approximately Through the gut
60% of the body weight, and that roughly one third of this Approximately 8-9 litres of fluid a day pass the
is extra-cellular and two third intra- cellular. The two duodenum, although only 150 ml of water may eventually
intra-cellular and extra-cellular are divided by the cell appear in the faeces. The reabsorptive capacity of the gut
membrane which, through its sodium pump, maintains the may fail in various diarrhoeal diseases or with short bowel
integrity of the two compartments in which sodium is the or fistulae. In the presence of ileus or intestinal obstruction,
main extra-cellular and potassium the main intracellular more than 6 litres of water may be pooled in the
cation, balancing the negative charges on protein and other gastrointestinal tract and be therefore lost from the
molecules within the cells. It is also seen from diagram extracellular fluid. It is important therefore, when designing
that the plasma volume is roughly a quarter of the total nutritional support regimens, to be aware of the electrolytes
extra cellular fluid volume, the two being separated by the content of the various gastrointestinal fluids.
capillary membrane which, with its restricted pore size,
slows the passage of the large protein molecules from the Through the kidneys and extracellular fluid volume
vascular to the interstitial space.5 The integrity of the regulation
intravascular volume is therefore maintained by the oncotic Hundred and eighty litres of water, 25200 mmol of
sodium and 720 mmol of potassium are filtered daily, but
1. M.D., Anaesthesiology, Associate Professor
more than 99% of the water and sodium and 86% of the
2. M.D., P.D.C.C. Ex. Senior Resident potassium filtered are reabsorbed. The normal kidney
Correspond to : responds to water or sodium excess or deficit, via osmolality
E-mail : and volume receptors, acting through anti-diuretic-hormone

(ADH) and the rennin-angiotensin system to restore normal antagonized by nonsteriodal anti-inflammatory drugs.12
volume and osmolality of the extracellular fluid.
Maintenance of volume will always override maintenance Response to starvation
of osmolality if hypovolumaemia and hypo-osmolality Food deprivation and refeeding oedema have been
coincide. In the presence of starvation or illness, however, described. In the semi-starvation in normal volunteers, it
these normal responses may be altered. Unless such changes has been shown that although the fat and lean compartments
are well understood, the therapeutic errors will be made- of the body tissues shrink, the extracellular fluid volume
frequently. remains either at its pre-starvation level or decreased very
slightly. In relative terms, therefore, the extracellular fluid
Renal adaptation to hypovolumia occurs through
volume occupies an increasing proportion of the body mass
three primary mechanisms: a reduction in renal blood flow,
as starvation progress. The degree of oedema may be
a reduction in glomerular filtration rate, and increased
related to access to sodium and water and may of course
tubular reabsorption of sodium and water.6 Initial, renal
be exacerbated by refeeding. The sodium and water balance
blood flow is maintained as perfusion pressure decreases
may also be affected by the diarrhoea which cause problems
by decreases in renal afferent arteriolar resistance.
in food deprived victims, as well as the cardiovascular
Furthermore decrease in cardiac output may result in
decompensation associated with the effect of starvation on
increased renal vascular resistance as blood flow is
the myocardium.13
redistributed from the kidney to preserve cardiac and
cerebral perfusion. Response to injury and acute illness
Renal perfusion during hypovolumia is determined It was observed that anaesthesia and surgery produce
by balance between renal vasoconstrictor factors and oliguria, postoperative patients were unable to excrete the
vasodialtaory mechanism. Autoregualtion may be impaired large amounts of salt and water administered intravenously.
or lost during severe acute hypovolumia and may be lost This effect was highlighted by Wilkinson et al who showed
in the inner-medulla with even reduction in perfusion that postoperatively patients were unable to excrete an
pressure7,8 Renal sympathetic stimulation with secretion of excess salt and water load whereas the infusion of saline
alpha-adrenergic catecholamine and angiotensin II increases solution intravenously into normal subjects resulted in a
renal vascular resistance. diuresis and a restoration of normal salt and water balance
within hours, those suffering from trauma, surgery, or
To preserve plasma volume, reabsorption of filtered
acute illness were unable to do so. The injudicious
water and sodium is enhanced by antidiuretic hormone and
administration of fluids, therefore, results in an increasingly
aldosterone and by reduced secretion of atrial natriuretic
positive salt and water balance and gross interstitial
peptide. A 10-20% decrease in blood volume is necessary
before ADH secretion from the posterior pituitary overload, manifest as oedema. The presence of oedema
increases.9 ADH acts primarily on the medullary collecting in such patients signify a salt and water overload of at
ducts to increase water reabsorption and causes excretion least 3 litres and often much more. The consequent oedema
of smaller volumes of more highly concentrated urine. of tissue may impair function as well as wound healing.14
Sodium conservation results from both decreased filtration The capacity to diurese an excess fluid load returns
and increased distal tubular reabsorption of sodium, as the phase of the injury gives way to the recovery or
mediated by aldosterone. Hypoperfusion stimulates anabolic phase. The two terms, sodium retention phase
glomerular cells of the renal juxtaglomerular apparatus to and sodium diuresis phase has been used to describe two
release rennin, which catalyses the conversion of periods of response to trauma or illness. In fact these
angiotensionogen to angiotensin I. Angiotensin converting responses are non-specific and occur equally in acute
enzyme converts angiotensin I to angiotensin II, which medical illness and in surgical patients. This is also common
stimulates the adrenal cortex to synthesise and release
to find a low sodium concentration in sick patients.
aldosterone.10 Atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP), which exerts
This is not, of course, equivalent to salt deficiency, but
vasodilatory effects and increases the renal excretion of
merely to the changed proportion of water and sodium
sodium and water, is released from the cardiac atria in
in extracellular space. It often occurs in the presence
smaller quantities in hypovolumia.11 Kidney also synthesizes
of increased body sodium, where hypotonic fluids have
vasodilatory prostaglandins that play a critical role in
protecting the kidney from vasoconstrictor hormones and often occurs in the presence of increased body sodium,
in maintaining RBF during hypovolumia. The protective where hypotonic fluids have been given in excess to
effect of endogenous renal prostaglandin may be cause dilution. A limited to dilute the urine may persist
until the convalescence or recovery phase of injury.

The table 2 shows daily plasma and urine osmolality for water and a dilution of serum albumin concentration.15
5 days postoperatively in a series of patients who had Startker et al had reported a series of malnourished patients
undergone uncomplicated abdominal surgery and received who were fed preoperatively. Those who retained fluid
hypotonic fluid postoperatively. Despite increasing and became hypoalbuminaemic had more complications
hypotonicity persisting to the seventh day and beyond, the postoperatively than those who were able to diurese the
urine remained relatively concentrated. Severely ill patients excess fluid and maintain a higher albumin concentration.16
may develop defective cell membrane function such that Sitges Serra devised a no sodium, low volume feed for
sodium may accumulate within the cell. This has been such patients and showed that this protected against
called the sick cell syndrome.14 extracellular fluid expansion and dilution of serum albumin.
This regimen is now used extensively in patients who have
already been overloaded, and restores normal balance over
Table - 2 : Mean daily plasma and urine osmolalities in 10
patients undergoing abdominal surgery and receiving a period of a week to ten days, with gradual loss of
hypotonic crystalloids (Allison SP. Metabolic aspect of oedema.
intensive care Br I Hosp Med 1974; 661-72).
Dissociation between compartmental changes
Osmolalities (in mosmolkg-1) day after operation Feeding of the patients who are unable to eat and
Fluid Day 0 Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 have considerable oedema and hypoalbuminaemia
<2.5gdl-1; sepsis, wound breakdown, and fistulae are the
Plasma Urine 282579 279696 273610 273358 270489 270611 common clinical problems in such groups. Although the
The importance of potassium interstitial fluid volume may have been doubled, the plasma
volume is diminished due to gradual plasma loss into
Although potassium is lost from the cells as protein inflamed tissue or from the bowel and, due to increased
is catabolised, the losses of potassium in the urine capillary permeability elsewhere.
may be disproportionately greater, probably through
mineralcorticoid effects. Even though the total body In a recent case, the central venous pressure was
potassium may decrease, the serum potassium concentration found to be 4 cm in presence of a twelve litre salt and
may be normal or increase in the catabolic patients, water overload. Restoration of plasma volume by
depending on the presence of other sources of loss, e.g. administration of concentrated salt poor albumin is
mandatory in such cases to enable the patient to excrete
urine, fistulae, diarrhoea or nasogastric aspirate. Once
the excess fluid load, since the kidneys respond to
refeeding starts, however, the cells begin to take up
intravascular volume by albumin infusion also dilates the
potassium as glycogen and protein are resynthesised. This
subclavian vein allowing easier access for central venous
may result in abrupt drops in serum potassium
feeding lines. That’s why not only it is important to council
concentration, revealing the underlying potassium deficit. the external fluid balance, but also of changes in internal
Careful monitoring of serum potassium and adequate balance between the fluid compartments which may be
potassium replacement are important aspect for nutritional altered by disease.
management for such patients. A rise in blood pH or the
use of insulin may precipitate a rapid fall in serum Fluid assessment and monitoring
potassium concentration, not only in the management of Fluid balance charts are useful for monitoring
diabetic ketoacidosis, but also in the care of catabolic and changes in such parameters as fistula or urine output.
unstable patients. These are inaccurate, however, in calculating fluid balance
over a period of days during which the cumulative error
Effects of feeding
is considerable. The best measure of water balance is
In a series of elegant studies, it has been shown daily weighing. Assuming no pooling in the gut due to
that starved rabbits tend to retain salt and water when ileus, a change in weight over 24 hours can be interpreted
refed intravenously and that this may lead to increased as an external gain or loss of water by the body tissues.
lung water.15 This overload was not seen when a low If change in water balance is known, then any change in
volume, low sodium feed was given. It was also extracellular sodium concentration may be interpreted in
demonstrated that a regimen with sole non-protein energy terms of sodium balance. Weighting patients in intensive
source was glucose, caused greater water retention than care unit may be difficult and one has to depend on
when half the energy was supplied as fat. Although water observation of patients for oedema, or salt and water
is retained intracellualy as glycogen is reformed, there depletion, monitoring of central venous pressure, and fluid
was also, in these studies, an increase in extracellular balance measurements. Two contrasting methods are used

to assess the adequacy of intravascular volume. The first, 1. Compensatory intra-vascular volume expansion (CVE)
conventional clinical assessment, is appropriate for most Most general and regional anaesthetics cause
patients; the second, goal directed haemodynamic arteriolar and venous dilatation, expanding venous capacity
management, may be superior for high risk surgical and leading to a reduction in venous return and preload,
patients. Clinical quantification of blood volume and ECF and therefore a reduction in cardiac output. Infusing
is difficult. The clinician must recognize setting in which fluids to increase the preload will most often return the
deficits; the physical signs of hypovolumia are insensitive stroke volume to an acceptable range. CVE requires 5 to
and non-specific. The adequacy of perioperative fluid 7 mlkg-1 of balanced salt solution just before or during
resuscitation must be ascertained by evaluating multiple induction of anaesthesia.
variables, including heart rate, arterial blood pressure,
urinary output, arterial oxygenation and pH. Tachycardia 2. Deficits
is an insensitive and unspecific indicator of hypovolumia. Fluid deficit is the maintenance fluid requirement
Preservation of blood pressure, accompanied by central that is 1 to 2 mlkg-1hr-1 multiplied by hours since last
venous pressure of 6-12 mmHg, suggests adequate intake PLUS unreplaced PREOPERATIVE external and
replacement. During profound hypovolumia, indirect third space loss.
measurement of blood pressure may substantially
underestimate true blood pressure. When hypovolemia is present, infuse sufficient fluid
to restore mean arterial pressure, heart rate and filling
No intraoperative monitor is sufficiently sensitive pressure (preload or CVP) prior to induction. It is also
or specific to detect hypoperfusion in all patients. In desirable to establish a normal urine flow rate if time
comparison to control group that received conventional permits.
monitoring, including central venous catheterisation, a group
of high risk surgical patients treated to achieve oxygen 3. Maintenance fluids.
delivery more than 600 mlmin-1m-2 had greater survival Maintenance fluids meet the ongoing basal needs
and decreased complications.17 A second group that for water and electrolytes. The surgical stress response
underwent pulmonary artery catheterisation without these tends to reduce insulin production and leads to
specific management guidelines did not demonstrate better hyperglycemia , therefore fluid use for volume maintenance
survival or fewer complications. In a randomized high should NOT contain dextrose. There are however certain
risk surgical patients to conventional treatment or oxygen high risk patients who are in danger of developing
delivery >600 mlmin-1m-2 demonstrated a decrease in hypoglycemia: premature infants, neonates who are
mortality and in the number of complications in the patient receiving glucose containing or hyperalimentation solutions
managed the higher level of oxygen delivery.18 These data preoperatively, infants of diabetic mothers, neonates who
suggest that aggressive, goal directed haemodynamic are small for gestational age and children and adults who
support in certain high risk surgical patients may limit the are diabetic. These patients should have their glucose
mortality and morbidity that results from clinically in- solution continued in the peri-operative period. They also
apparent hypoperfusion. require peri-operative blood glucose monitoring. There is
no reason to administer glucose in the routine clinical
The aims to be achieved with fluid administration
situation and there are potential hazards. After surgery,
The goals of perioperative fluid administration are to: when the danger of hypoxia and cerebral ischemia is over
1. Maintain adequate oxygen delivery or less, glucose solutions can be started.
2. Normal body electrolyte concentrations 4. Fluid losses
3. Normoglycemia. Any external losses such as blood and ascitic fluid
The total fluid requirements are made up of: should be replaced to maintain the normal intravascular
blood volume and composition of the extracellular fluid.
1. Compensatory intra-vascular volume expansion Blood loss is replaced initially with either 3 ml of balanced
(CVE) salt solution or 1 ml of colloid solution for each ml of
2. Deficit displacement blood loss. Packed red blood cell infusions are used roughly
3. Maintenance fluids one ml for each 2 ml of blood loss plus either crystalloid
or colloid as described. Blood transfusion is associated
4. Restoration of losses
with certain risks. In patients with reasonable cardiac and
5. Substitution for fluid redistribution (third space respiratory reserve and without compromised regional

circulation (e.g. coronary, cerebral, renal and intestinal) Hyponatremia is the most frequent electrolyte disorder in
haemoglobin levels of 7.5 gdL-1 and above are usually the perioperative period. Acute symptomatic hyponatremia
well tolerated provided the intravascular volume is sufficient is a medical emergency which requires immediate therapy.
(i.e. the CO is maintained). If intravascular volume and Because of its availability, 4.2 % NaHCO3, which is 3 %
myocardial function are normal, the cardiac output sodium solution is the drug of choice to correct the problem.
(specially stroke volume) will increase to maintain the The empirical dose is 2 ml per kilogram of 4.2 % NaHCO3
oxygen delivery. Neonates and small infants are less able over 1 to 2 hours. This should raise the serum sodium
to increase their stroke volume, and are therefore less able by 6 meqL-1. NaHCO3 should be administered to any
to compensate for a low arterial oxygen content (which is patient with seizures who is receiving a hypotonic solution
associated with low haemoglobin). post-operatively, along with the normal treatment of the
seizure. When the seizure has abated, balanced salt solutions
5. Third space losses can be given as the appropriate fluid.19
This is primarily caused by tissue oedema and
Duration of intravenous therapy
transcellular fluid displacement. Functionally, this fluid
This should be continued as long as gastrointestinal
is not available to the vascular space. The composition
function is inadequate to meet metabolic and caloric
of third space losses is equivalent to the extracellular
fluid and electrolyte composition plus a small amount
of protein. Therefore balanced salt solution is the most Fluid management in perioperative period
appropriate replacement for third space loss. The volume
Trauma and surgery alters the volumes and
distributed correlates roughly with the degree of tissue
composition of the intracellular and extra cellular spaces.
damage and manipulation. Intra-abdominal procedures
Therapeutic infusion of fluids further alters compartmental
with small incisions (example hysterectomy) may require
volumes and composition. Appropriate management of fluid
2 mlkg-1hr-1 while major bowel resection will require
may limit surgical morbidity and mortality.
4 to 6 mlkg-1hr-1.
Accurate replacement of fluid deficits requires an
Post-operative fluid therapy understanding of the distribution spaces of water, sodium,
Haemoglobin should be maintained at an acceptable and colloid. Sodium concentration is equal in plasma volume
level. Urine output should be above 0.5 mlkg-1hr-1 and and interstitial fluid. Albumin is unequally distributed in
administration of 1.5 mlkg-1hr-1 of balanced salt solution plasma volume (4g mdL-1) and IF (1g mdL-1). The IF
will provide replacement of insensible loss, and maintain concentration of albumin varies greatly among tissues. ECV
urine output. is the distribution volume for colloid, although the
concentration in PV and IF are unequal.
Which fluids?
Physiology and pharmacology of colloid, crystalloids,
Hypotonic intravenous fluid in the immediate
and hypertonic solutions and its clinical implication
postoperative period, coupled with the loss of sodium that
is not being replaced by intravenous fluid, potentially leads Osmotically active particles attract water across
to the development of dilutional hyponatremia. This may semipermeable membranes until equilibrium is attained. If
occur 2 to 24 hours after surgery. Acute dilutional membrane permeability is intact, colloids such as albumin
hyponatremia is a potential problem in almost every or hydroxyl starch preferentially expand plasma volume
post-operative patient who has undergone any degree of rather than interstitial fluid volume. Concentrated colloid
tissue trauma or has been placed on hypotonic fluids post- solutions may translocate interstitial fluid into the plasma.
operatively. Vomiting results in loss of fluid which is high Plasma expansion unaccompanied by interstitial expansion
in sodium i.e. balanced salt solution. Vomiting, coupled offers apparent advantages: lower fluid requirements, less
with small bowel losses and / or third space losses can peripheral and pulmonary oedema accumulation, and
result in the need for post-operative sodium. Sodium in reduced concern about later fluid mobilization.
hypotonic solutions is often inadequate and acute dilutional
Exhaustive research has failed to establish the
hyponatremia results. The problem is that while the
superiority of either colloid-containing or crystalloid
extracellular fluid becomes hypotonic, the intracellular fluid
containing fluids. Much of the debate has centred on the
remains isotonic, so there is a transfer of water from the
relative risk of pulmonary oedema. Crystalloid solutions
extracellular fluid to the intracellular fluid, resulting in
are associated with pulmonary oedema. In disease states
cerebral edema. This leads to central nervous system
associated with increased pulmonary capillary permeability,
depression, irritability, and vomiting and seizure activity.
infusion of colloids may aggravate pulmonary oedema. In

the absence of oncotic pressure gradient, small increase in studies been found to reduce postoperative insulin
the hydrostatic gradient can result in pulmonary oedema. resistance25. In one randomized study, administration of
1200 ml 12.5% glucose solution preoperatively led to
Hypoproteinaemia in critically ill patients has been
improvements in preoperative hunger, thirst and anxiety.22
associated with development of pulmonary oedema and
Another study compared administration of 20 mlkg-1 lactated
with increased mortality. However either crystalloid or
ringer with 20 mlkg-1 lactate/glucose intra operatively in
colloid administration may precipitate pulmonary oedema
minor gynaecological surgery and the improvements in the
in patients who have valvular heart diseases and decreased
fitness for discharge, and the late outcome evaluations
left ventricular compliance. After experimentally increasing
dizziness, faintness, headache, drowsiness and throat pain
microvascular permeability, no difference was found
were only seen in the patients receiving solutions containing
between increase in extravascular lung water induced by
glucose.20 Further studies are needed with regard to
colloid or crystalloid.20 In surgical patients at risk for the
postoperative effects of pre and intraoperative glucose
development of pulmonary oedema, pulmonary artery
catheterisation may facilitate management. Part of the
difficulty in defining the superiority of crystalloid or colloid Surgical fluid requirements
fluids is directly attributable to the difficulty of defining
Surgical patients require replacement of plasma
comparable end points in clinically relevant experimental
volume and extracellular losses secondary to wound or
models21. More recently developed models replicate clinical
burn oedema, ascitis and gastrointestinal secretions. Wound
situations, permitting more accurate comparison of
and burn oedema and ascetic fluid are protein rich and
crystalloid and colloid solutions. In animals infused with
contain electrolytes in concentrations similar to those found
E.coli lipopolysaccharide, which mimics some aspects of
in plasma. If extracellular volume is adequate and renal
clinical sepsis, lactated ringers solutions or 6.0%
and cardiovascular functions are normal, all gastrointestinal
hydroxyethyl starch produced comparable effects on the
secretions can be replaced using lactated ringer’s solution
critical end point of oxygen delivery while producing the
or 0.9% saline; if renal or cardiovascular function is
expected differences in extravascular fluid accumulation.22
compromised, more precise replacement is necessary.
Fluid replacement therapy Substantial loss of gastrointestinal fluids requires
replacement of other electrolytes. Chronic gastric losses
Two simple formulas are used interchangeably to
may produce hypochloremic metabolic alkalosis that can
estimate maintenance water requirement. Combining the
be corrected with 0.9% saline; chronic diarrhoea may
predicted daily maintenance requirement for water, sodium,
produce hyperchloremic metabolic acidosis that may be
and potassium in healthy, 70 kg adult results in an estimated
prevented or corrected by infusion of fluid containing
2500 mlday-1 of a solution containing a Na of 30 meqL-1
bicarbonate or bicarbonate substrate.
and K of 15-20 meqL-1 intraoperatively, fluids containing
sodium free water are rarely employed in adults because Guidelines have been developed for replacement of
most surgical losses are isotonic. Postoperatively, lactated fluid shift during surgical procedures. The simplest formula
Ringer’s solution or 0.9% saline commonly is used until provides, in addition to maintenance fluids and replacement
patients are haemodynamically stable. Subsequently, of estimated blood loss, 4 mlkg-1hr-1 of lactated ringer’s
patients can tolerate fluids containing either more free solution or 0.9% saline for procedures involving minimal
water or containing Na+ in excess for maintenance trauma, 6 mlkg-1hr-1 for those involving moderate trauma,
requirements if cardiac and renal function is satisfactory.19 and 8 mlkg-1hr-1 for those involving extreme trauma.

Dextrose Clinical implications of hypertonic fluid administration

Traditionally, physicians have infused glucose- An ideal alternative to conventional crystalloid and
containing intravenous fluids perioperatively in an effort colloid fluid would be hypertonic fluid which is inexpensive,
to prevent hypoglycemia and limit protein catabolism. produce minimal peripheral or pulmonary oedema, generate
However, due to the hyperglycemic response associated sustained hemodynamic effects, and be effective even if
with surgical stress, only infants and patients receiving administered in small volumes. Hypertonic, hypernatremic
insulin or drugs that interfere with glucose synthesis are solutions combined with colloid appear to fulfil some of
at risk for hypoglycemia. Iatrogenic hyperglycemia can these criteria. In an experimental study small volumes
induce an osmotic diuresis and may aggravate ischemic 6 mlkg-1 of 7.5 hypertonic saline restored blood pressure
and traumatic brain injury. 23,24 The type of fluid and cardiac output and increased mesenteric blood flow to
administered may be of importance because preoperative greater than control values in haemorrhaged dogs and all
administration of glucose-containing fluid has in several animals survived.26 Although posttreatment serum

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1) 25th Annual UP State Chapter 5) XIX Annual Conference of the Indian Society for
1st and 2nd November 2003 study of pain (IASP–Indian Chapter) ISSPCON 2004,
Contact : Dr. Mukesh Tripathi 23rd, 24th, 25th January 2004
Organising Secretary Contact : Dr. S. Sen
UPISACON-2003 Pacific Point-57/14, Ballygunj Circular Road,
Dept. of Anaesthesiology, Kolkata – 700 019.
Sanjay Gandhi Postgraduate Institute of Email :
Medical Sciences, Lucknow – 226 014.
E-mail: 6) 5th Annual Conference of Indian Society of
Neuroanaesthesiology and Critical Care
2) Post-Graduate Assembly, Anaesthesiology 6th 8th February 2004.
& Critical Care, 2003 Contact : Dr. G.S. Umamaheshwara Rao
8th–15th November 2003 Organising Secretary
Contact : Prof. A. K. Sethi 5th Annual Conference of Mental Health
Organizing Chairman and Neurosciences (NIMHANS)
Head, Dept. of Anaesthesiology & Critical Care, Bangalore – 560 029 KARNATAKA
University College of Medical Sciences & GTB Hospital, E-mail:
Shahdara, Delhi-110 095
7) 7th Annual Conference of Indian Association
3) Asian Society of Paediatric Anaesthesiologists of ISA. of Cardiovascular and Thoracic
22-23rd November 2003 Anaesthesiologists (IACTA)
Contact : Dr. Dilip Pawar 19th and 21st February 2004.
Dept. of Anaesthesiology, Contact : Dr. Suresh G. Nair
All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Oranising Secretary
New Delhi – 110 029. Anaesthesia House, Shopping Complex,
Email: Panampilly Nagar, Cochin – 682 036
Tel : 0484-2322251
4) 51st Annual Conference of ISA ISACON 2003 E-mail :
26th- 30th December. 2003
Contact : Dr. Narayan Acharya 8) 13th World Congress of Anaesthesiologists
Organising Secretary 2004 Paris (France)
IMA House Medical Road, 18th -23rd April, 2004
Ranihat, Cuttack – 753 007 Orissa. Contact : Prof. Philippe Scherpereel
Mobile.: 0-9437053586 / 0-9861053586 President, WCA 2004
Email.: drnacharya@isacon2003. Congress Office, COLLOQUIM-12
Reu-dela-Croix-Faubin – 75557, Paris-cedex-11-France
Tel. : 33(0)144-64-1515

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