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CASE #001

Royal Mail Ship (RMS) Titanic was a British passenger liner, operated by the White Star Line, which sank
in the North Atlantic Ocean on 15 April 1912 after striking an iceberg during her maiden voyage
from Southampton, UK, to New York City.
Of the estimated 2,224 passengers and crew aboard, more than 1,500 died, which made the sinking
possibly one of the deadliest for a single ship up to that time. It remains to this day the deadliest peacetime
sinking of a superliner or cruise ship. The disaster drew much public attention, provided foundational
material for the disaster film genre, and has inspired many artistic works.
RMS Titanic was the largest ship afloat at the time she entered service and the second of three Olympic-
class Ocean liners operated by the White Star Line. She was built by the Harland and Wolff shipyard
in Belfast. Thomas Andrews, who was the chief naval architect of the shipyard at that time, died in the
disaster. < courtesy Titanic - Wikipedia>

Your tasks
You have been asked to download the case data file and complete the following tasks
Task 1. Pre-processing: Convert relevant text data in the Table 1 of the data file into numeric values
Task 2: Computation: Calculate the information relating to the following questions in Table 2
Q1: How many people survived?
Q2: Does gender have any impact on survival?
Q3: Does passenger class have any impact on survival?
Q4: Does passenger age have any impact on survival?
Task 3: Visualization: Convert information in Table 2 into appropriate graphs for each of the 4 Q’s
Task 4: Assembly: Assemble a presentation using these graphs
Expected output
1, Prepare a presentation that has 1 title slide and between 4 and 8 supporting slides
2. The supporting slides should have
• A header (to communicate what the slide is about)
• 2-3 bullet points to highlight key points on that slide
• A graph (or graphs) that visualize the answer to the question

Evaluation criterion
• Accuracy of data findings
• Relevance of key highlights and insights drawn from the data
• Storytelling / Presentation of your findings
o Please refer to class notes to revise concept of storytelling

Notes: Data dictionary and notes

Age: Age is fractional if less than 1. If age is approximate, is it shown asxx.5
Passenger Class: Class of berth purchased by passengers. Can be used as a proxy for socio-
economic status (SES) to answer Q 2,
• Affluent or upper SES = 1st Class berths
• Middle class SES = 2nd Class berths
• Lower class SES = 3rd Class berths

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