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Q1: In a standard set of playing cards, which is the only king without a moustache??

a. Spades
b. !Hearts
c. Diamonds
d. Clubs
Q2: Which language is NOT Indo-European??

a. !Hungarian
b. Russian
c. Latvian
d. Greek
Q3: Which essential condiment is also known as Japanese horseradish??

a. !Wasabi
b. Karashi
c. Ponzu
d. Mentsuyu
Q4: What did the Spanish autonomous community of Catalonia ban in 2010, that took effect in 2012??

a. Mariachi
b. Flamenco
c. !Bullfighting
d. Fiestas
Q5: Which iconic Disneyland attraction was closed in 2017 to be remodeled as a "Guardians of the

a. The Haunted Mansion

b. Pirates of the Caribbean
c. !Twilight Zone Tower of Terror
d. Peter Pan's Flight
Q6: Who invented Pastafarianism??

a. !Bobby Henderson
b. Zach Soldi
c. Eric Tignor
d. Bill Nye
Q7: In a 1994 CBS interview, Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates performed what unusual trick on camera??

a. Standing on his head

b. Typing on a keyboard during a handstand
c. !Jumping over an office chair
d. Jumping backwards over a desk
Q8: Computer manufacturer Compaq was acquired for $25 billion dollars in 2002 by which company??

a. !Hewlett-Packard
b. Toshiba
c. Dell
d. Asus
Q9: What was the original name of the search engine "Google"??

a. CatMassage
b. !BackRub
c. SearchPro
d. Netscape Navigator
Q10: The Mexican Beer "Corona" is what type of beer??

a. India Pale Ale

b. Pilfsner
c. Baltic Porter
d. !Pale Lager
f the Galaxy" themed ride??


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