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The Interdisciplinary Council on Developmental and Learning

Disorders Diagnostic Manual for Infants and Young Children –

An Overview
Stanley I. Greenspan, MD1; Serena Wieder, PhD2

Objective: To describe the Interdisciplinary Council on Developmental and Learning Disorders Diagnostic Manual for Infants
and Young Children (ICDL-DMIC) created by representatives of the Interdisciplinary Council on Developmental and Learning
Disorders. Method: A description of the rationale of the different sections of the ICDL-DMIC dealing with infants and young chil-
dren, focusing on a classification system which integrates all components of development and functioning which have been
traditionally addressed by different disciplines. Results: A description of an in-depth approach to mental health diagnosis for
infants and young children that goes beyond simply a description of symptoms and captures the qualities of the individual.
Conclusion: The ICDL-DMIC presents an innovative approach to the assessment and diagnosis of infants and young children
and their families, featuring a multi-dimensional classification system which uniquely considers the emerging functional
emotional developmental capacities of the infant and young child and the developmental pathway to symptom patterns.
Key Words: functional emotional developmental capacities, infants, multi-axial, interdisciplinary, young children

Objectifs: Présenter l’Interdisciplinary Council on Developmental and Learning Disorders- Diagnostic Manual for Infants and
Young Children (ICDL-DMIC) créé par les représentants de l’Interdisciplinary Council on Developmental and Learning
Disorders. Méthodologie: Cet article présente et analyse les différentes sections du ICDL-DMIC qui traitent des nourrissons
et des jeunes enfants. Il se concentre sur un système de classification intégrant toutes les composantes du développement
et du fonctionnement, domaines qui étaient encore récemment du ressort de disciplines différentes. Résultats: L’article
décrit une approche approfondie du diagnostic de santé mentale du nourrisson et du jeune enfant qui va au-delà de la simple
description des symptômes et prend en compte les qualités du sujet. Conclusion: L’ICDL-DMIC propose une approche nova-
trice de l’évaluation et du diagnostic du nourrisson, du jeune enfant et de sa famille. Il présente un système de classement
multidimensionnel qui est unique car il considère les capacités développementales, émotionnelles et fonctionnelles du nour-
risson et du jeune enfant, ainsi que le cheminement développemental qui conduit aux symptômes.
Mots clés: capacités développementales, émotionnelles et fonctionnelles, nourrissons, multi-axial, interdisciplinaire, jeune
Clinical Professor Psychiatry and Pediatrics, George Washington University Medical School, Washington, DC, USA
Co-Chair, The Interdisciplinary Council on Developmental & Learning Disorders, Bethesda, Maryland, USA
Corresponding email:
Submitted: March 20, 2008; Accepted: April 27, 2008

Introduction Developmental and Learning Disorders

Infancy and early childhood is characterized Diagnostic Manual for Infants and young
by dynamic relationships between the different Children (ICDL-DMIC) utilizes a comprehensive
dimensions of human development, including approach which includes interactive, neurode-
emotional, social, language, cognitive, regula- velopmental, regulator y-sensor y processing,
tory-sensory processing, and motor capacities. language, and learning disorders (Interdis-
No classification system currently exists that ciplinar y Council on Developmental and
describes challenges in each of these areas of Learning Disorders, 2005). It emphasizes the
functioning and the relationships between them. multiple relationships between different areas
A dynamic, developmental, multi-axial approach of development and can identify those infants
that includes all the relevant dimensions of and young children who present with a specific
human development is especially vital during type of problem but often have challenges in
these formative years when not only is the brain other areas of functioning. For example, a pre-
and mind growing more rapidly than it ever will schooler with an impulse control problem will
again, but it is literally forming the relationships often have challenges in terms of caregiver/
between its different components. Attending to child interaction patterns and different aspects
these interconnected components is essential in of sensory processing, language, and cognition.
classifying disorders as the basis for meaningful Similarly, children with language problems may
intervention planning and research. often also evidence contributions from chal-
The new Interdisciplinar y Council on lenges in motor planning and sequencing and

76 J Can Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry 17:2 May 2008


other aspects of sensor y processing. Thus, the goal of the ICDL-DMIC is to formulate
Challenges in any area can derail healthy emo- a truly clinically useful approach that will facili-
tional development and relationships. tate research into etiological factors and inform
The ICDL-DMIC introduces the concept of effective inter vention approaches that are
the developmental pathways which guides tailored to the unique developmental profiles of
understanding of why particular symptoms each child and family.
develop related to the way the child reacts to
and comprehends different sensations and An Interdisciplinary Approach to Classification
plans actions (an expression of his or her bio- This classification system integrates all
logical patterns), the ways in which the caregiv- components of development and functioning
ing environment interacts with these individual which have been traditionally addressed by dif-
differences (within the normative range of indi- ferent disciplines. It is designed for profession-
vidual differences, but not at the level of a als credentialed to do diagnoses. It can also be
disorder), and the levels or stages of emotional used by all disciplines as a roadmap to under-
and intellectual organization that are negotiated standing the interactions between the different
through these interactions. These inter-related components of the child’s development, their
elements constitute the Developmental, family and environment in order to guide
Individual Difference, Relationship-based (DIR) assessments and interventions. It augments
model (Greenspan & Wieder, 1997). The DMIC other existing diagnostic systems such as ICD-
was conceptualized over a thirty year period, 10, DSM IV-R, and DC: 0-3R. Because the ICDL-
beginning with the research conducted at the DMIC is an interdisciplinary tool that supports
Clinical Infant Development program (NIMH) the integration of knowledge from different dis-
directed by Greenspan. Important foundations ciplines, it will, for example, guide the mental
for this effort stem from an ongoing task force health professional to integrate what has been
of leading infant researchers who met regularly learned about development, regulatory-sensory
to formulate the critical factors essential for processing, language, visuospatial, and learn-
infant metal health. These pioneers included ing capacities into their mental health expert-
Reginald Lourie, Selma Fraiberg, T. Berr y ise. Similarly, pediatricians, occupational, phys-
Brazelton, Julius Richmond, Ed Ziegler, ical, and speech and language therapists,
Katherine Barnard, as well as Stanley educators, and professionals from other disci-
Greenspan and Serena Wieder and a number of plines will integrate understanding of emotional
others. This led to the Task Force at Zero to development, interactive disorders, and family
Three: The National Center for Infants, Toddlers, and environmental factors on adequate,
and Families which developed the first constricted or disordered functioning.
Diagnostic Classification (DC 0-3), chaired by
Greenspan and Wieder (1994) and then to the The Need for a Comprehensive
Interdisciplinary Council on Developmental and Multidimensional Developmental Approach
Learning Disorders (ICDL) Task Force which Earlier diagnostic approaches relied on lists
formulated the ICDL-DMIC in 2005. of categorical symptoms that are readily observ-
The ICDL Task Force expanded the classifi- able are used in the belief that they facilitate reli-
cation system to include language and learning able judgments. The symptom-based approach,
disorders, and a new developmentally-based however, has not demonstrated the clinical valid-
framework for regulatory-sensory processing ity, including predicting clinical course or inform-
disorders and neurodevelopmental disorders of ing clinical practice, to the degree hoped for. For
relating and communicating (autism spectrum many diagnoses, the reliability among practicing
disorders, multisystem developmental disor- clinicians making the diagnosis has also been
ders, etc.) to provide a comprehensive and sys- disappointing (Spiegel, 2005).
tematic method for presenting a rich, detailed
clinical picture of each infant or young child and Multidimensional Classification Based on the
his or her family along with a framework for DIR Model
systematically organizing these rich descrip- Dimensional approaches tend to be based
tions into clinically meaningful categories. on an implicit understanding that most mental

J Can Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry 17:2 May 2008 77


health and developmental disorders are based types can provide a basis for basic research on
on complex dynamic, developmental processes. underlying etiologies and developmental path-
We have formulated a developmental, biopsy- ways. A number of unique features operational-
chosocial model to describe the processes that ize this perspective. For example, in Axis I each
contribute to mental health, development, regu- of the primary disorders classified under the
latory-sensory processing, language, and learn- heading “Interactive Disorders” is described in
ing disorders in infancy and early childhood— terms of its clinical phenomena, presenting
the Developmental, Individual-Difference, symptoms, developmental pathways, and ther-
Relationship-Based (DIR) approach. The DIR apeutic implications. In addition, each disorder
approach focuses on (D) Developmental capac- is described along a number of axes, which
ities - the level of emotional, social, and intel- attempts to capture and emphasize an impor-
lectual functioning (technically called functional tant component of, and/or contributor to, the
emotional developmental capacities). It also disorder. These include the infant’s or young
focuses on biologically-based (I) Individual pro- child’s level of emotional and social function-
cessing differences in the way an infant or ing, child-caregiver and family interaction pat-
young child reacts to and comprehends differ- terns, motor planning and processing differ-
ent sensations, such as auditory, visuospatial, ences (regulatory sensory processing profile),
or tactile, as well as the way in which the child language functioning, visuospatial capacities,
plans, sequences, and executes actions. It also and unique stressors that may be affecting the
focuses on the (R) Relationships, including child and his or her family. In addition, a new
child/caregiver/family and other relationship feature of the ICDL-DMIC is the inclusion of
patterns). Language Disorders and Learning Challenges.
The goal of the ICDL-DMIC is to present
Unique Features of the ICDL-DMIC Multiaxial both a rich, detailed clinical picture of each
System infant or young child and his or her family and,
Comprehensiveness and systematization at the same time, provide a framework for sys-
guided the ICDL work groups in creating this tematically organizing these rich descriptions
manual. Only a diagnostic system that into clinically meaningful categories. Each Axis
describes the full complexity of disordered is briefly described in this article and summa-
functioning and characterizes different sub- rized in Figure 1.

78 J Can Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry 17:2 May 2008


Axis I–Primary Diagnosis: The broad diagnostic Axis VIII–Other Medical and Neurological
categor y—Interactive Disorder, Regulator y- Diagnoses.
Sensory Processing Disorder, Neurodevelop-
mental Disorder of Relating and Communi- Selecting a Primary Diagnosis
cating, Language Disorder, and/or Learning Most infant and early childhood disorders
Challenges—and the specific type of disorder are characterized by multiple elements or
within the category. dimensions, for example, interactive and family
patterns, and regulatory-sensory processing
Axis II–Functional Emotional Developmental patterns. These disorders include anxiety and
Capacities: The relative mastery of each of the mood disorders, disruptive behavior, elective
functional emotional developmental capacities, mutism, as well as sleep, eating, and elimina-
including shared attention and regulation, tion disorders. A multi-axial approach will allow
engagement and relating, two-way intentional, a systematic description of each of the con-
affective signaling and communication, long tributing elements. Before concluding on a
chains of co-regulated emotional signaling primary diagnosis, all the axes must be fully
and shared social problem solving, creating evaluated in order to determine the various
symbols or ideas, building bridges between dimensions contributing to the presenting prob-
ideas- logical thinking. lems. Once all this information is considered,
clinical reasoning will guide the experienced cli-
Axis III–Regulatory-Sensory Processing nician in selecting the predominant pattern and
Capacities: The regulatory-sensory processing identifying how the developmental pathway con-
capacities, in terms of self-regulation, sensory tributes to the symptom choice.
modulation, sensor y discrimination, and The decision process would first consider
sensory-based motor abilities, including pos- the most comprehensive disorder where multi-
tural control and motor planning. ple elements of development are derailed. For
example, Neurodevelopmental Disorders of
Axis IV–Language Capacities: Includes ges- Relating and Communicating includes
tural and verbal communication (comprehen- Regulator y-Sensor y Processing Disorders,
sion and production) at each developmental Language Disorder, and emotional constric-
level. tions. When relating and communicating are
not significantly derailed then the Regulatory-
Axis V–Visuospatial Capacities: The progres- Sensory Processing Disorders are considered
sive development of visuospatial aspects of next to see if the presenting behavioral pat-
body awareness and sense thinking, location of terns are coupled with motor and/or regulatory-
the body in space, relation of objects to the self sensory processing challenges. When a regula-
and other objects and people, conservation of tor y-sensor y processing contribution is
space, visual logical thinking, and representa- significant, it will take precedence over the
tional thought. interactive elements in the designation of the
primary diagnosis. If interactive challenges
Axis VI–Child-Caregiver and Family Patterns: dominate, it becomes the primary disorder.
Characteristics of infant or child-caregiver inter- With Interactive Disorders there is so much
action patterns and family or environmental overlap in symptoms, the clinician must con-
patterns. sider when the symptom is part of a broader
disorder such as anxiety, mood or disruptive
Axis VII–Stress: Stressors related to situa- behavior, and when it is itself the primary disor-
tions, conditions or events in the family’s or der. For example, if a child with Anxiety Disorder
child’s life which can impact the child’s emo- also has sleep problems, but the sleep problem
tional functioning and development when is intermittent or a temporary disruption of a
appropriate protective factors or adequate developmental capacity already mastered,
resiliency isn’t evident. along with possible other disruptions in eating
or toileting, then an additional diagnosis would
not be necessary. However, if the sleep problem

J Can Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry 17:2 May 2008 79


is very intense or of longer duration, and also meaningful for clinical planning or research on
meets the description of the primary disorder, etiological factors and developmental path-
then it could be considered a second primary ways. We do not yet have a scientifically-based
diagnosis. Similarly, if a child manifests disrup- diagnostic system for mental health, develop-
tive or oppositional behavior, Anxiety Disorder or mental, and learning challenges, but we do
Disruptive Behavior Problem could be consid- have emerging data and a great deal of clinical
ered and the differentiating consideration would experience.
be whether the child has a pattern of impulse Since we are currently operating on expert
control problems in various situations or emo- consensus with supportive, but incomplete,
tional states. If not, then Anxiety Disorder may data, this classification system utilizes func-
be the only primary diagnosis selected. More tional or operational considerations to make
than one diagnosis is permitted under this the clinical judgment of whether the presenting
system. In addition, as indicated earlier, we problems cross the clinical threshold to be con-
emphasize a Language Disorder or Learning sidered a disorder. The following hierarchy
Challenge can be used as a second primary should be considered:
diagnosis when a child evidences a significant • Is the child functioning within his or her age-
difficulty in either of these areas of functioning. expected functional developmental capaci-
In other words, clinical reasoning must deter- ties? What is the range of the child’s
mine if the multiple symptoms are significant comprehension and expression of emotions
enough to constitute an additional diagnosis or with gestures and/or words or play, in
are part of the primary problem. comparison to age expectations? See Axis
II– Functional Emotional Developmental
Clinical Thresholds for Diagnosis Capacities, as well as other clinical assess-
Deciding when a behavioral or emotional ments.
pattern constitutes a disorder rather than a dis- • How well is the child functioning within the
ruption or variation within the normal range family structure on a daily basis including
presents the clinician with a challenge. This routines of sleep, meals, play, relating to
can be especially difficult during the first five family, caregivers and sibling interactions?
years when development is proceeding rapidly Is the environment stable? Is the child
and has so much variation influenced by indi- stable?
vidual differences. It is also a challenge when • Is the child adapting to daycare or pre-
so many of the same symptoms can relate to school adequately and able to enjoy these
different disorders given the limited number of environments and learning experiences?
symptoms in the infant’s and young child’s • Is the child participating in expected social
repertoire. interactions, developing friendships, and
As indicated above, the attempts to define able to play with peers?
specific criteria for disorders in order to reach • What are the child’s emerging attitudes and
reliability do not always have solid evidence. In feelings towards him or herself and others
addition, many of the current classification (e.g., angry, depressed, suspicious, etc.) in
approaches go beyond the available research comparison to what’s expected for his or
in their specificity by requiring a specific her age (e.g., some degree of negativism is
number of criteria for a diagnosis, yet there are expected during the preschool years)?
insufficient studies documenting what it means
if the patient meets only two out of five (i.e., The child may present significant chal-
there is no data suppor ting a clear line lenges in any one of these areas which may be
between two versus three of the criteria), or are sufficient to warrant a diagnosis as with, diffi-
some criteria more important than others. culties in relating and communicating. In some
Similarly, there’s insufficient data on how cases, more than one area may be involved but
long a symptom should be evidenced, as if two the problem may not be spilling over signifi-
days less than the indicated two weeks is sci- cantly to preschool or peer play, such as a dis-
entifically based. Criteria that are easy to agree order of emotional range and stability where
upon are not necessarily the criteria that are constrictions are significant and family inter-

80 J Can Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry 17:2 May 2008


actions cannot support healthier emotional basis for understanding the nature of the diffi-
development. Sometimes the threshold is not culty and for devising an effective intervention
crossed until the preschool brings the problem plan. As with all infant and early childhood dis-
to the attention of the family—the problem may orders, it is also important to consider the
not be perceived or evidenced at home, yet is child’s constitutional-maturational variations,
significantly impeding the child’s adaptation at and family and environmental factors (Axes VI
school. The greater the number of areas of and VII) .Although each child has a unique
functioning that are involved, the more likely a regulatory-sensory processing profile, constitu-
diagnosis is indicated. tional-maturational variations are not a major
Furthermore, in addition to the detailed contributing factor in interactive disorders, as
descriptions of the primary diagnosis to guide they are in the category of Regulatory-Sensory
clinical judgment, Axes II through VII require a Processing Disorder.
clinical formulation indicating the degree to The evaluating clinician must also consider
which impairment is evident. The more severe the interaction patterns characteristic of each
the impairment or delay of the expected devel- of the six developmental levels and determine
opmental capacities, the greater the evidence which patterns have been negotiated success-
for the disorder(s). Clinical judgment relies on fully and which are absent or constricted.
evaluating the functional or operating areas These are captured in Axis II. Regardless of the
and each of the dimensions in this multi-axial symptom, the goal of treatment is not only to
system to determine if the clinical threshold for alleviate it, but also to facilitate the child’s
a diagnosis has been crossed. progress toward an age-appropriate develop-
Even when the clinical threshold is not mental level and toward an age-appropriate
crossed, the diagnostic process and evaluation degree of stability and range of thematic
provides the parent with a better understanding experience.
of their child’s profile of strengths and vulnera- Symptoms that can reflect an interactive
bilities and allow anticipatory guidance to disorder include anxiety, fears, behavior control
better support the development of the child problems, and sleeping and eating problems.
and family in the future. The same symptoms can be reflective of any
number of diagnoses. This is understandable in
Axis I–Primary Diagnosis light of the limited number of behaviors or
[Note: Due to space limitations, only the over- limited expression of feelings infants and
arching diagnostic code is included for each young children are capable of. This category
primar y disorder. Please see ICDL-DMIC also includes transient situational adjustment
(Interdisciplinar y Council on Developmental reactions, such as a child’s response to his
and Learning Disorders, 2005) for more detail.] mother’s return to work. It also includes certain
reactions to trauma in which the response does
100. Interactive Disorders1 not involve multiple aspects of development.
Interactive disorders are characterized by Because of space limitations, just a few abbre-
the way a child perceives and experiences his viated primary disorders (101. Anxiety Disorder
emotional world and/or by a particular mal- and 105. Depression) have been selected to
adaptive child-caregiver interaction pattern illustrate the ICDL-DMIC approach to Axis I. See
(Greenspan, 1992). The caregiver’s personal- ICDL-DMIC (ICDL, 2005) for more detail.
ity, fantasies and intentions; the child’s emerg-
ing organization of experience; and the way 101. Anxiety Disorder
these come together through child-caregiver Presenting Pattern. Infants and young chil-
interactions are important components of the dren may evidence persistent levels of anxiety
and fear which impede age-expected range of
Work Group on Interactive Disorders includes:
emotions and functioning. In infants and very
Serena Wieder, Ph.D., Lois Black, Ph.D., Griffin Doyle, young preverbal children anxiety is more gener-
Ph.D., Barbara Dunbar, Ph.D., Barbara Kalmanson, alized nature, in which symptoms such as
Ph.D., Lori Jeanne Peloquin, Ph.D., Ricki Robinson, M.D., excessive fear fulness, tantrums, agitation,
MPH., Ruby Salazar, LCSW, Rick Solomon, M.D.,
Rosemary White, OTR, Molly Romer Witten, Ph.D. avoidance, panic reactions, and worries are in

J Can Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry 17:2 May 2008 81


evidence on a persistent basis even when the over reactive to sensations like sound and
child is not threatened by separation from a touch and to experience and express affect
primary caregiver. In the older child anxiety can intensely. Caregiver overreacts to the child’s
take the form of specific fears or verbalized emotional communications. As a consequence,
worries, obsessions or preoccupations, exces- the child feels overwhelmed and deregulated
sive tantrums, distress and agitation, and (contrast with depression where caregiver
avoidance or counterphobic behaviors. The shuts down). Instead of experiencing a loss or
child may talk about their fears but not respond rupture in the relationship (as the depressed
to reassurances, or may have a freeze, fight or child might), the anxious child constantly feels
flight reaction and is clearly distressed and overwhelmed and experiences dysphoric or
fearful and cannot carry on usual routines and unpleasant affects associated with being over-
activities without significant disruptions during whelmed.
the day or night. Hypervigilant behavior can be Therapeutic Implications: Requires long
observed at all ages, even in very young infants chains of especially soothing, reciprocal emo-
(3 to 4 months of age). The child appears fright- tional interactions. Therapy needs to focus on
ened, overly reactive, and overly focused, as use of affects as a symbolic signal to cope and
though there were imminent danger. Infants not escalate or panic and on the child’s expec-
who are abused may show this reaction quite tations that relationships will intrude on or over-
early in their development, although it can man- whelm him. Along with verbal awareness of the
ifest itself at any time. child’s affective and interactive patterns, the
For any form of anxiety, first consider is the anxious child needs to experience new ways of
anxiety primarily related to a Regulator y- engaging in interactive, affective exchanges
Sensor y Processing Disorder (see 200. and signaling.
Regulator y-Sensor y Processing Disorders).
Second, is the anxiety primarily related to 105. Depression
expected developmental transitions or tasks In healthy development, infants and young
the child is having difficulty mastering? Or third, children gradually expand their capacities for
is the anxiety primary related to infant-caregiver emotional expression and experiencing a wide
interactions? The primary source of the anxiety range of feelings. This gradually expanding
may not always be clear. capacity is part of the infant-caregiver relation-
Interactive elements are evident in situa- ship pattern. Adaptive interactive patterns
tions where the primary caregiver is not provid- enable the infant to successfully negotiate
ing ongoing personal security and may be each of the functional emotional developmental
unable to alleviate the anxiety through such capacities, and thereby experience, by the time
strategies as helping the child anticipate what they are toddlers, a large range of emotions
might be anxiety, problem solving conversa- from joy, pleasure, and enthusiasm to transient
tions, practice in pretend play, preparing the sadness and fear. They are also able to enjoy
child for what will occur; soothe, negotiate and assertiveness and exploration, as well as a
reassure the child sufficiently if the anxiety growing curiosity.
increases. Caregiver may also be anxious and Presenting Pattern. Infants and young chil-
distressed and anticipating the child’s anxiety dren can begin showing a consistent mood
and feels ill equipped to help, or feeling pattern, rather than the range of emotional
annoyed, or overly worried. He or she may also states expected for their age and developmen-
be bringing her own anxieties to the situation at tal stage. For example, some toddlers and
hand, such as social inhibition, or a specific preschoolers display a persistently sad or
phobia such as fearing dogs, or over- identifying depressed affect. They may indicate they are
with the child who reminds her of similar expe- sad or well up with tears when asked about
riences in her childhood. In either case, the feelings or even seeing someone else feeling
interaction between the child and caregiver sad or crying. They appear to show little pleas-
increases the anxiety and distress and makes ure or interest in their usually enjoyable activi-
it difficult to support the child. ties and do not initiate “fun” activities.
The Developmental Pathway: Tend to be Sometimes they may have difficulty showing or

82 J Can Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry 17:2 May 2008


verbalizing expectable feelings of sadness in moments of heightened affect). The child expe-
situations that would ordinarily elicit sad feel- riences a loss or rupture in the relationship,
ings, or insist they are “happy” even as they cry sometimes only for a few seconds. This very
or look very sad. As they become symbolic, brief sense of loss becomes associated with
they may play out and talk about depressive strong affect. As expectations are formed, due
themes. Preschoolers may, for example, enact to better “pattern construction,” the child
in play and/or verbalize persistent feelings of expects loss and/or emptiness when he has
being “bad,” and slightly older children may strong feelings. As he becomes more symbolic,
even talk about wishing they were not alive or this pattern can be experienced in terms of
present themes of dying in their play (which is images of loss and, later on, “I must have
not part of a bereavement or trauma situation). caused the loss by being bad or angry or
Infants and young children may also evi- demanding.” Instead of an internal security
dence persistent agitation and irritability, with blanket of warm, soothing, comforting images
nothing pleasing them, or in contrast, may and expectations, the child experiences loss
move very little, show little energy, and turn and sadness.
down activities they may have once enjoyed. Therapeutic Implications. One aspect of
Other children have sleep or eating difficulties therapeutic work with the child (or adult) with
(with weight loss or gains), which are common depressive tendencies is working on the flow of
symptoms related to various sources of stress. interaction, helping the caregiver maintain co-
The severity of the mood disorder may be regulated, affective interactions, pulling the child
reflected in the intensity of just a few of the in with extra enthusiasm, as needed, rather than
behaviors described above, or the increasing temporarily withdrawing or “freezing” and, at the
number of challenges, the longer the child feels same time, helping the caregiver understand
depressed. Infant-caregiver interaction patterns what might have happened to bring on these ten-
often play a major role in the child’s difficulties dencies. The goal is to help the child become
in regulating mood. The child may experience able to experience, express, and explore a broad
the loss of love or support when the parent range of affects, including feelings of anger, enti-
cannot accept their full range of behavior and tlement, and fear of loss. Helping the child learn
feelings. For example, the parent may be very to visualize the nurturing parent can help allevi-
loving in response to compliance and being ate the sense of loss and encourage self-sooth-
good, but pull away when the child is angry or ing and adaptive responses.
aggressive. The parent may not be able to To illustrate how infant-caregiver interaction
respond to the child when his own conflicts are patterns, as well as the child’s regulatory-
triggered and he is ambivalent or unpredictable sensory processing profile and the caregiver’s
to the child. personality, can contribute to this type of
The depression becomes apparent over challenge, consider the example of a bright,
time when the child experiences some loss or talented, and precociously verbal 4-year-old
conflict with others and is unable to rely on an who became depressed when she experienced
internalized, nurturing image to soothe and competitive situations at preschool.
comfort. Such difficulties can, if left unad- When a child became competitive with her
dressed, persist into adulthood. See the case during playtime, she felt the other child was
example below. unfair and had a feeling of loss; she then got
Developmental Pathway. Sensor y over- depressed and didn’t play with or talk to the
responsiveness, stronger verbal processing other children for the rest of the morning. This
capacities, and weaker visuospatial processing sequence occurred routinely when she experi-
capacities characterize the pattern we have enced competition. She could describe a
observed in many individuals prone to depres- feeling of “being all alone” during these
sion. In a child at risk for depressive patterns, moments. Her therapist asked her if she could
the caregiver tends to shut down when the bring to mind an image of her mother and
child’s affect is becoming intense (i.e., the picture her nurturing her at these times. She
caregiver finds it hard to maintain a pattern of said, “I can’t picture my Mommy.” She was
co-regulated affective interaction at these unable to create a nurturing internal image. Her

J Can Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry 17:2 May 2008 83


therapist later learned that she had a mother “stone-faced” mother and had sought out her
who had consistently responded to her strong father as an “ally” in the family triangle. Only
feelings not by nurturing her but instead by after she was able to construct internal, nur-
“shutting down” and “becoming stone-faced.” turing images, however, was she able to
A clue to this pattern was the patient’s reac- explore her own competitiveness, triangular
tion to her therapist’s periodic temporary loss of relationship, and other conflicts.
empathy and relatedness. If, for example, the
therapist looked out the window for a second, 200. Regulatory-Sensory Processing
she would immediately look quite sad. Instead Disorders2
of trying to pull the therapist back in, she would [Note: Due to space limitations, only the over-
look down and her voice would go into more of arching diagnostic code is included for each
a monotone, as though she were giving up. primary disorder.]
It wasn’t sufficient, however, just to verbally Regulatory-Sensory Processing Disorders
point out this pattern. It was also necessary to (RSPD), involve symptom patterns such as inat-
create a different type of affective interaction tention, overreactivity, sensory seeking, and
and rhythm. The therapist needed to pull her refer to those challenges where differences in
back in with animated affective gestures and the child’s constitutional and maturational vari-
literally challenge her with his affective ges- ations, in terms of sensory over- or underreac-
tures to take the initiative. He did this with very tivity, visuospatial, auditory and language pro-
distinct “expectant” looks, which communi- cessing, or motor planning and sequencing
cated, “Can you keep the affective rhythm difficulties are a primary contributor to the
going, or are you going to intensify my momen- child’s challenges. While all children evidence
tary lapse with an even bigger one?” Eventually, their own unique regulatory-sensory processing
therapist and patient were able to explore this patterns, an RSPD should be considered when
pattern in play and with words. the child’s motor and sensory differences are
Initially, this patient didn’t have the basis for contributing to challenges that interfere with
recreating a multi-sensory, affective experience age-expected emotional, social, language, cog-
of nurturing in her own imagination. She didn’t nitive (including attention), motor, or sensory
have the internal affective image or feelings to functioning. RSPD gives rise to some of the
get her through a tough time. Instead, she would same symptoms and behaviors as interactive
get depressed because she had no internal, rep- disorders, including nightmares, withdrawal,
resentational “security blanket” to fall back on. aggressiveness, fearfulness and anxiety, sleep-
The “security blanket” was absent at the level of ing and eating disturbances, and difficulty in
two-way, presymbolic affective communication peer relationships. However, RSPD involves
and at the level of symbolization. As she learned clearly identifiable constitutional-maturational
to initiate affective interactions at times of loss, factors in the child.
she also gradually became able to imagine and The diagnosis of RSPD involves a distinct
symbolize an internal “security blanket” made behavioral pattern and a sensory modulation,
up of images. She could feel and picture her sensory-motor, sensory discrimination or atten-
mother or friends in nurturing interactions. tional processing difficulty. When both a behav-
This patient was also much stronger in her ioral and a sensory pattern are not present,
verbal processing capacities than her visu- other diagnoses may be more appropriate. For
ospatial processing, a pattern we have example, an infant who is irritable and withdrawn
observed in many individuals prone to depres- after being abandoned may be evidencing an
sion. Because of these processing patterns, expectable type of relationship or attachment dif-
she took a long time to progress to the level of ficulty. An infant who is irritable and overly
feeling and picturing nurturing interactions. She
began by describing them and gradually pro-
gressed to picturing and feeling them. Work Group members include: Lucy J. Miller, Ph.D.,
As her explorations broadened, she was OTR, Marie Anzalone, Sc.D., OTR, Sharon A. Cermak,
Ed.D., OTR/L, Shelly J. Lane, Ph.D., OTR, Beth Osten,
able to deal with many additional conflicts. For M.S., OTR/L, Serena Wieder, Ph.D., Stanley I.
example, she was very competitive with her Greenspan, M.D.

84 J Can Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry 17:2 May 2008


responsive to routine interpersonal experiences, ties frequently occur in the presence of vestibu-
in the absence of a clearly identified sensory, lar, proprioceptive, and visual-motor problems,
sensory-motor or processing difficulty, may have and include poor stability in the trunk, poor
an anxiety or mood disorder. Sleep and eating righting and equilibrium reactions, poor trunk
difficulties, in the absence of identifiable rotation and/or poor ocular control.
sensory responsivity or sensory processing dif- Postural challenges can occur with or
ferences, are classified as disorders in their own without a motor planning disorder, although it is
right. Further evaluation is then needed to deter- often observed with dyspraxia, particularly in dif-
mine whether the cause is an interactive disor- ficulty with bilateral integration activities (e.g.,
der or some other underlying problem that does doing activities that require use of both sides of
not fall within our three broad categories. See the body together such as riding a bike,
ICDL-DMIC (ICDL, 2005) for more detail. pumping a swing, etc.) and with rhythmical activ-
Type I: Sensory Modulation Challenges ities (e.g., bouncing a ball, clapping on the
(such as over-responsivity, under-responsivity, beat). Dyspraxia is an impairment in the ability
and sensory-seeking) are characterized by an to plan, sequence and execute novel or unfa-
inability to grade the degree, intensity, and miliar actions. It is characterized by awkward
nature of responses to sensory input. Often the and poorly coordinated motor performance,
child’s responses do not fit the demands of the which can be observed in gross motor, fine
situation and the child, therefore, demon- motor and/or oral motor abilities. To be diag-
strates difficulty achieving and maintaining an nosed with sensory-based dyspraxia, deficits
optimal range of performance and adapting to must manifest in processing of sensory infor-
challenges in daily life. In addition, sensory dis- mation in one or more of the following sensory
crimination challenges and to sensory-based domains: tactile, kinesthetic, proprioceptive, or
motor challenges (postural control problems vestibular. Visual-motor and visual spatial
and dyspraxia). deficits usually accompany this difficulty also.
Type II: Sensory Discrimination Challenges These children learn by trial and error, with
represent problems discerning the characteris- decreased ability to generalize skills to other
tics of sensory stimuli. The result is a lessened similar motor tasks. Execution of discrete motor
capability to interpret or give meaning to the skills (e.g., standing, walking, pincer grasp) may
specific qualities of stimuli, to detect similari- be adequate. However, the performance of
ties and differences among stimuli, and to dif- complex tasks may be compromised, including
ferentiate the temporal and/or spatial qualities tasks that require one or more of the following:
of stimuli. Children can perceive that stimuli significant sequencing, impor tant timing
are present and can modulate their responses aspects, rhythm of motor action, or subtle adap-
to the stimuli, but cannot tell precisely what or tation in the “moment of action.” All three pat-
where the stimulus is. Children with this chal- terns involve inattentive, disorganized behavioral
lenge have difficulty interpreting the spatial and patterns and school and academic challenges.
temporal qualities of sensory input and, as
such, cannot use time and space information 300. Neurodevelopmental Disorders of
or other specific characteristics of the sensory Relating and Communicating3
experience to guide performance. Neurodevelopmental disorders of relating
Type III: Sensory-Based Motor Challenges and communicating (NDRC) involve problems in
(Postural Regulation Difficulties and multiple aspects of a child’s development,
Dyspraxia). Postural challenges refer to diffi-
culty stabilizing the body during movement or at 3Since
the description of multisystem developmental dis-
rest in order to meet the demands of the envi- orders in DC:0-3, a work group of the Interdisciplinary
ronment or of a given motor task. Postural Council on Developmental and Learning Disorders (ICDL)
has developed the current classification of NDRC. The
problems are characterized by inappropriate Work Group members include: Serena Wieder, Ph.D.,
muscle tension, hypo- or hypertonic muscle Lois Black, Ph.D., Griffin Doyle, Ph.D., Barbara Dunbar,
tone, inadequate control of movement, and/or Ph.D., Barbara Kalmanson, Ph.D., Lori-Jean Peloquin,
Ph.D., Ricki Robinson, M.D., M.P.H., Ruby Salazar,
inadequate muscle contraction to achieve LCSW, Rick Solomon, M.D., Rosemary White, OTR, Molly
movement against resistance. Postural difficul- Romer Witten, Ph.D., and Stanley I. Greenspan, M.D.

J Can Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry 17:2 May 2008 85


including social relationships, language, cogni- drome, an infant’s motor, cognitive, language,
tive functioning, and sensory and motor pro- affective, and physical growth may slow down
cessing. This category includes earlier concep- or cease altogether. Persistent abuse or
tualizations of multisystem developmental neglect can produce a similar global disruption
disorders (MSDD), as characterized in Infancy in development and functioning. A tentative
and Early Childhood (Greenspan, 1992) and diagnosis of neurodevelopmental disorder
Diagnostic Classification: 0-3 (DC 0-3) could be given, but in these cases it would be
(Diagnostic Classification Task Force, 1994). important to see what changes occur once a
Additionally, it includes the DSM-IV-R category comprehensive intervention program is put in
of pervasive developmental disorders (PDD), place. In some cases, intervention can reverse
also referred to as ASD. Since the description the developmental impairments and the child
of MSDD in DC 0-3 and PDD in DSM-IV-R, the may get back on track with only residual prob-
framework has been broadened to allow con- lems or may recover completely. In severe
sideration of the full range of disorders of relat- cases, only partial recovery may be evidenced.
ing, communicating, and thinking. Thus, the NDRC can be more fully understood from
large degree of individual variation in infants the perspective of a developmental biopsy-
and young children who ultimately evidence chosocial model. Applying the DIR model to
common features of difficulties in forming rela- NDRC has enabled the development of a clas-
tionships, communicating at preverbal and sification system that attempts to capture indi-
verbal levels, and engaging in creative and vidual subtypes based on a more complete
abstract reflective thinking can be captured. understanding of the developmental pathways
This helps differentiate the profiles that chil- that lead to significant challenges in relating,
dren commonly considered on the autism spec- communicating, and thinking.
trum present and helps define the variations Table 1 is a very brief overview of the four
seen among the children with the same diag- types of NDRC which cluster the major profiles
nosis. This differentiation is important for both we have observed in children with significant
intervention planning and research purposes. challenges in relating, communicating, and
NDRC may be viewed as part of the broad thinking. Each type highlights the varied fea-
neurological categor y of a non-progressive tures of the subgroup, but it is important to
disorder of the central nervous system. The remember that these types and their associ-
technical term in ICD-10 (the International ated features are on a continuum. This table is
Diagnostic System) is “static” (non-progres- provided as a summary to facilitate the use of
sive) “encephalopathy” (disorder of the central this framework in a variety of clinical and
nervous system). It is also important to under- research settings. Please see ICDL-DMIC
stand how regulatory-sensory processing disor- (ICDL, 2005) for more detail.
ders differ from NDRC. Although RSPDs involve
deficits in processing capacities, unlike NDRC, 400. Language Disorders4
they do not derail a child’s overall relating and [Note: Due to space limitations, only the over-
communicating. Disorders of relating and com- arching diagnostic code is included for each
municating combine regulatory-sensory pro- primary disorder.]
cessing problems with significant developmen- Language Disorders include challenges in
tal delays and dysfunctions. The child’s communication in the context of a developmen-
biologically-based processing difficulties con- tal framework that considers all components
tribute to, but are not decisive in determining, of language (e.g., gestures, motor, sensory,
relationship and communication difficulties. A social, etc.). These can constitute a primary
complete evaluation of the regulatory-sensory disorder when not part of another major disor-
processing capacities is necessary to under-
stand their contribution to NDRC. 4Work Group members included: Sherri Cawn, M.A.,
In contrast, an important pattern to recog- CCC-SLP; Sima Gerber, Ph.D., CCC; Cindy Harrision,
nize involves developmental impairments M.S.c., SLP; Diane Lewis, M.A., CCC-SLP; Jane R.
Madell, Ph.D., CCC A/SLP; Stuart G. Shanker, D.Phil.;
resulting from severe environmental stress and Amy M. Wetherby, Ph.D., CCC-SLP; Stanley I. Greenspan,
trauma. For example, in failure-to-thrive syn- M.D.

86 J Can Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry 17:2 May 2008


Table 1: Overview of Clinical Subtypes of NDRC and Related Motor and Sensory-Processing Profile

301. Type I - Early Symbolic, with Constrictions: Intermittent capacities for attending and relating; reciprocal interaction;
and, with support, shared social problem-solving and the beginning use of meaningful ideas (i.e., with help, the child can
relate and interact and even use a few words, but not in a continuous and stable age-expected manner).
Children with this pattern tend to show rapid progress in a comprehensive program that tailors meaningful emotional
interactions to their unique motor and sensory processing profile.

302. Type II - Purposeful Problem Solving, with Constrictions: Intermittent capacities for attention, relating, and a few back-
and-forth reciprocal interactions, with only fleeting capacities for shared social problem-solving and repeating some words.
Children with this pattern tend to make steady, methodical progress.

303. Type III - Intermittently Engaged and Purposeful: Only fleeting capacities for attention and engagement. With lots of
support, occasionally a few back-and-forth reciprocal interactions. Often no capacity for repeating words or using ideas,
although may be able to repeat a few words in a memory-based (rather than meaningful) manner.
Children with this pattern often make slow but steady progress, especially in the basics of relating with warmth and
learning to engage in longer sequences of reciprocal interaction. Over long periods of time, often gradually master some
words and phrases.

304. Type IV - Aimless and Unpurposeful. Similar to Type III above, but with a pattern of multiple regressions (loss of capac-
ities). May also evidence a greater number of associated neurological challenges, such as seizures, marked hypotonia, etc.
Children with this pattern often make very, very slow progress. The progress can be enhanced if the sources of the
regressive tendencies can be identified.

Other Neurodevelopmental Disorders (Including Genetic and Metabolic Syndromes)

Children Who Are Difficult to Classify

der, such as NDRC. Language capacities also In addition to the detailed descriptions of
have their own profile (see Axis IV) because of the primary diagnosis, evaluation of the func-
the significance of language in development, as tional or operating areas and Axes II-VII deter-
well as its impact on overall development. See mines if the clinical threshold for a diagnosis
ICDL-DMIC (ICDL, 2005) for more detail. has been crossed. The more severe the impair-
ment or delay of the expected developmental
500. Learning Challenges5 capacities, the greater the evidence for the dis-
[Note: Due to space limitations, only the over- order(s).
arching diagnostic code is included for each Below is a brief description outlining the axes.
primary disorder.] See the manual for the full description.
Learning challenges are included in this
classification in order to identify the early path- Axis II – Functional Emotional Developmental
ways associated with later learning differences Capacities: Axis II identifies six basic func-
and challenges at school age. The goal is to tional emotional developmental capacities,
optimize early interventions which may head off which depend on critical affective interactions
or ameliorate these challenges later. These (see Table 2). These capacities initially emerge
include learning difficulties in reading and in a developmental progression at the ages
reading comprehension, math, and written indicated. In optimal development, as a child
expression, as well as organizational capaci- grows, he or she continues to develop each
ties (i.e., executive functioning). See ICDL- capacity to a higher level. Yet, each child may
DMIC (ICDL, 2005) for more detail. first evidence these processes at ages that
are later than expected and/or to different
Axes II to VIII degrees. See ICDL-DMIC (ICDL, 2005) for more
ICDL Work Group on Learning Challenges included: Axis III – Regulatory-Sensory Processing
Pat Lindamood, M.S., CCC-SLP, Robert L. Hendren, D.O., Capacities: This axis reviews the same regula-
Joan Mele-McCarthy, D.A., Kytja Voeller, M.D., Harry
Wachs, O.D., Serena Wieder, Ph.D., and Stanley I. tory sensory processing capacities described
Greenspan, M.D. in Axis I and is used when the individual differ-

J Can Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry 17:2 May 2008 87


Table 2. Basic Functional Emotional Developmental Capacities Which Depend on Critical Affective Interactions
Level/Expected Emotional Function Developmental Level
Level 1: Shared Attention and Regulation Between birth to 3 months
Level 2: Engagement and Relating Between 2 and 6 months
Level 3: Two-Way Purposeful Interaction Between 4 and 9 months
Level 4: Shared Social Problem Solving Between 9 and 18 months
Level 5: Creating Symbols and Ideas Between 18 and 30 months
Level 6: Building Logical Bridges Between Ideas: Logical Thinking Between 30 and 48 months

ences do not interfere with age-expected emo- ogy of milestones. These six capacities are
tional, social, cognitive, or learning capacities. shown in Table 3 below. See ICDL-DMIC (ICDL,
The purpose is to capture to which pattern or 2005) for more detail
developmental pathway may be contributing to
the child’s challenges, but is not a primary Axis VI–Child-Caregiver and Family Patterns:
diagnosis. Axis VI describes the overall functioning of the
caregiver and the degree to which the caregiver
Axis IV–Language Capacities: Differences in is able to support the child’s negotiation of
language functioning, just as differences in reg- each developmental level. Since caregiver and
ulatory-sensory function and family patterns, family patterns affect children in every group of
contribute to the primary symptom patterns of disorders, and not just the interactive disor-
the child. It is also parallel to the functional ders, it is included as a separate axis. Table 4
emotional developmental stages because both outlines the guidelines to observe each care-
are describing the presymbolic as well as the giver’s interaction with the child (see ICDL-
symbolic levels of the child’s overall functioning DMIC [2005] for more detail).
and communication. The language capacities,
including gestural and verbal communication, Axis VII–Stress: The purpose of this axis is to
however, focus on communication, particularly identify and consider the possible contribution
from the toddler through the preschool years. stress may be having on the presenting
symptom patterns. Stressors related to situa-
Axis V–Visuospatial Capacities: This Axis tions, conditions or events in the family’s or
addresses six visuospatial capacities which child’s life can impact the child’s emotional
develop during infancy and early childhood (pre- functioning and development depending on the
school) years which interact simultaneously resources of the child and the family’s ability to
with the other sensory processing capacities mobilize adequate protective factors and suport
and support or impede emotional and cognitive at the time of the stress. The following se-
development. It is important to remember that quence can be used to assess the impact of the
all the capacities overlap and that the clinician stress (see ICDL-DMIC [2005] for more detail).
should keep the developmental continuum in 1. Identify and list the possible sources of
mind, as opposed to just focusing on a chronol- stress

Table 3. Visuospatial Capacities Which Interact Simultaneously With Other Sensory Processing Capacities and Support
or Impede Emotional and Cognitive Development
Visuospatial Capacities
1. Body Awareness
2. Location of the Body in Space (involves location of own body parts in relatin to each other, location of the body as a
whole in its immediate surroundings; and location of the body in terms of the broader environment)
3. Relation of Objects to Self and Other Objects and People
4. Conservation of Space
5. Visual Logical Reasoning
6. Representational Thought (drawing, thinking, visualizing)

88 J Can Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry 17:2 May 2008


Table 4. Guidelines for Observing Caregiver Interaction with Child

1. Caregiver tends to comfort the infant or child
2. Caregiver tends to find appropriate levels of stimulation to interest the infant or child
3. Caregiver tends to pleasurably engage the infant or child
4. Caregiver tends to read and respond to the infant’s or child’s emotional signals and needs in most emotional areas
5. Caregiver tends to encourage the infant or child to move forward in development

2. Determine the onset, severity and duration Acknowledgements/Conflict of Interest

of the stressors identified The authors have no financial relationships to disclose.
3. Assess the changes in the child’s function-
ing and mental health possibly influenced References
Greenspan, S. I. (1992) Infancy and Early Childhood: The
by the stressors. Practice of Clinical Assessment and Intervention with
Emotional and Developmental Challenges.
Axis VIII–Other Medical and Neurological International Universities Press, Madison, CT.
Greenspan, S. I. and Wieder, S. (1997) Developmental
Diagnoses. Careful listing of medical disorders patterns and outcomes in infants and children with
facilitates the clinician’s thorough investigation disorders in relating and communicating: A chart
and the exploration of possible relationships review of 200 cases of children with autistic spec-
with the child’s mental health, developmental, trum diagnoses. Journal of Developmental Learning
Disabilities 1, 87–141.
and learning challenges. Interdisciplinary Council on Developmental and Learning
Disorders (ICDL) (2005). Diagnostic manual for
Conclusion infancy and early childhood: Mental health, develop-
mental, regulatory-sensory processing, language and
The ICDL-DMIC presents an innovative learning disorders – ICDL-DMIC. Bethesda, MD:
approach to the assessment and diagnosis of Interdisciplinar y Council on Developmental and
infants and young children and their families. It Learning Disorders.
Spiegel, A. (2005). How One Man Revolutionized
features a multi-dimensional classification Psychiatry. The New Yorker [online]. Available at:
system which uniquely considers the emerging
functional emotional developmental capacities 50103fa_fact [accessed 5/1/08].
of the infant and young child and the develop- ZERO TO THREE Diagnostic Classification Task Force,
Greenspan, S. I. (chair), Weider, S. (co-chair and clin-
mental pathway to symptom patterns. By also ical director) (1994) Diagnostic Classification of
assessing the regulatory, language, and visu- Mental Health and Developmental Disorders of
ospatial capacities of the infant, in addition to Infancy and Early Childhood. ZERO TO
THREE/National Center for Clinical Infant Programs,
stress and medical conditions, the ICDL-DMIC Arlington, VA.
integrates all the interactive aspects of devel-
opmental capacities, individual differences,
and the impact of relationships.

J Can Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry 17:2 May 2008 89

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