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My wife: good morning, my husband

Me: Good morning too, dear. What time is it?

My wife: It's still 6 am.

Me: Today, do you go to work?

My wife: Yes, definitely. Why?

Me: Today, my school has a flag ceremony. It takes me 20 minutes to get to school. But I have to take
the kids to school as usual. I'm very confused.

My wife: Don't be confused, my dear. Then, I'll prepare the food for you, the clothes are ready to
wear. I'll go with the children later.

Me: Okay, I'll take a shower first, then get ready for school. Thank you, my wife for your


Me: hello, excuse me. nice to meet you.

Sandi : nice to meet you too

Me: Let me introduce you, my name is Muhammad Alif Amrulloh. What's your name?

Sandi: My name is Sandi.

Me: Where are you from?

Sandi : I'm from Australia. And you ?

Me: I'm from Jombang, when did you come to Indonesia?

Sandi : I've been in Indonesia for 4 years. more precisely, July 23, 2019.

Me : By the way, is your wife Indonesian?

Sandi : yes, my wife is Indonesian.

me : waow, amazing. where did you meet your wife?

Sandi : At that time, I was on vacation in Bali and I met my wife there, more precisely at Sanur beach.

Me: Since your first meeting, what was your reason for choosing her to be your wife?

Sandi : She is kind, always helps people who are in trouble. Always thinks positively.

Me: When did you get married to her?

Sandi : A year later, we decided to get married.

Me: What date did you get married? And where did you get married?

Sandi : on December 14, 2020 we got married in Australia.

Me: When you got married, what season was it in Australia?

Sandi : It was spring.

Me: mashaallah, may it be a family full of love. thank you for your time, see you next time.

Sandi : you're welcome, nice to meet you. see you soon.

Me : Nice to meet you too, see you soon.


1. a. I am cooking now
b. My friends is writing a book
2. a. She has been to Surabaya for 2 hour ago
b. I have saw him since graduation day
c. My wife has cooked in the kitchen
d. I have watched a flag ceremony
3. a. My son has been watching TV since 1 hour ago.
b. My wife has been working since 2 years ago
c. My wife has been received PPPK since 1 years ago
d. I have been married with my wife since 5 years ago


1. a. I am not cooking now

b. My friends is not writing a book
2. a. She has not been to Surabaya for 2 hour ago
b. I have not saw him since graduation day
c. My wife has not cooked in the kitchen
d. I have not watched a flag ceremony
3. a. My son has not been watching TV since 1 hour ago.
b. My wife has not been working since 2 years ago
c. My wife has not been received PPPK since 1 years ago
d. I have not been married with my wife since 5 years ago


1. a. are you cooking now ?

b. is my friends writing a book ?
2. a. has she been to Surabaya for 2 hour ago?
b. have I saw him since graduation day?
c. has my wife cooked in the kitchen ?
d. have I watched a flag ceremony?
3. a. has my son been watching TV since 1 hour ago?
b. has my wife been working since 2 years ago?
c. has my wife been received PPPK since 1 years ago?
d. have I been married with my wife since 5 years ago?

istriku : selamat pagi, suamiku

saya : selamat pagi juga, sayang. sekarang jam berapa?

istriku : sekarang masih jam 6 pagi.

saya : hari ini, kamu masuk kerja?

istriku : iya, pasti. kenapa?

saya : hari ini, disekolahku ada upacara bendera. saya memerlukan waktu 20 menit untuk tiba
disekolah. tapi aku harus mengantar anak-anak kesekolah seperti biasanya. saya sangat bingung

istriku : tidak usah bingung sayangku. kalau begitu, segera aku siapkan bekal untukmu, baju sudah
siap dipakai. nanti saya akan berangkat bersama anak-anak

saya : oke, saya akana mandi terlebih dahulu, lalu siap-siap berangkat sekolah. terimakasih, istriku
atas pengertianya.


saya : hello, permisi. senang bertemu denganmu

Sandi : senang bertemu denganmu juga

saya : kenalkan, nama saya muhammad alif amrulloh. siapa namamu?

Sandi : nama saya sandi.

saya : darimana asalmu?

Sandi : saya dari australia. dan kamu?

saya : saya dari jombang, kapan datang ke indonesia?

Sandi : saya di indonesia, sudah 4 tahun yang lalu. lebih tepatnya, 23 Juli 2019

saya : ngomong-ngomong. apakah istrimu orang indonesia?

Sandi : ya, istriku orang indonesia.

saya : waow, menakjubkan. dimanakah anda bertemu dengan istri?

Sandi : waktu itu, saya lagi liburan di bali dan saya bertemu dengan istriku disana, lebih tepatnya di
pantai sanur.

saya : sejak pertemuan pertama, apa alasan anda, sehingga memilih dia menjadi istri anda?

sandi : dia baik, selalu membantu orang-orang yang sedang ditimpa masalah. sellau berfikir positif.

saya : kapan anda menikah denganya?

Sandi : setahun setelahnya, kami memutuskan untuk menikah.

saya : tanggal berapa anda melangsungkan pernikahan? dan dimana kalian melakukan pernikahan?

Sandi : pada tanggal 14 Desember 2020 kami melangsungkan pernikahan di Australia.

saya : saat melangsungkan pernikahan, sedang berlangsung musim apa di australia?

Sandi : disana sedang berlangsung musim semi.

saya : masyaallah, semoga menjadi keluarga yang penuh cinta. terimakasih atas waktunya, sampai
ketemu lagi di lain kesempatan.

Sandi : sama-sama, senang bertemu denganmu. sampai jumpa

saya : senang bertemu denganmu juga, sampai jumpa juga.

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