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MIDLANDS STATE UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF BUSINESS SCIENCES DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS MANAGEMENT SCIENCE! (CHANGE MANAGEMENT. CODE: BM431/BM401 SESSIONAL EXAMINATION NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2022 DURATION: 3 HOURS EXAMINATION INSTRUCTIONS 1. Answer all questions in Section A and B and any two (2) questions in Section C. 2. This question paper consists of SIX (6) questions. 3. Section A carries 40 marks, Section B 20 marks and Section C caries a total of 40 marks. 4, Begin an answer to each question on a fresh page. Use relevant practical examples. Pageofa SECTION A: ANSWER ALL QUESTION QUESTION ONE ‘The collapse of Nokia's mobile phone business In the 1990s and 2000s, the Finnish company Nokia was a phenomenon. It grew to be a technology giant, leading the change global in how people used mobile phones. Nokia was the number one mobile maker and probably the first phone that many people owned. In 2004, Nokia opted to be a matrix structured organization. It cause many conflicts as many managers had equal power. It led to the power struggle in some departments and complete dysfunction in others. Some executi Nokia and many workers lost trust in management. Employees insecure regarding their jobs and started to hide facts. Many em] knew Symbian operating system was way behind the Android but enj did not tell the truth to the higher management believing that it wa! use. The tagline of Nokia was ‘Connecting people’ but during those seemed like employees failed to connect with each other, Nokia's loss of dominance in the mobile market after 2007 is one of t significant failures in modern business history. In 2007, Apple presen! iPhone. Nokia's managers belittled this novelty product. In the samé Google started development work on Android. In face of competition partnered with Microsoft in 2010 to compete with the iPhone but it claim its throne back.Finnish company had enjoyed its steady growth market share and popularity for years. As a result, Nokia had dependent on its status quo and would only make insufficiently improvements to its hardware and even smaller changes to its s Nokia clung to its fundamental ways and did not change with developments. Yet Apple and Samsung figured out that small, incret changes would not be enough to build a strong presence on the they went for disruptive innovation to which Nokia proved to be relu Page2 of rs left same loyees ineers of no lays it most sd the year, Nokia iid not in the grown small ket ental et, 90 nt. Also, in 2010, the difficulties in responding to the challenge competitors and product concepts started to become apparent. Nokia's market share dropped, and the profit rate got weaker. Stephen El 1p was ‘appointed as the new CEO. The company started its first large-scale redundancies in 2011. Personnel layoffs continued almost without break until, finally, the new owner of the mobile business, Microsoft, production in 2016. Around the same time, Finland sank into regression during the aftermath of the global financial crisis. Noki retained its network business. QUESTIONS toped Jong only (a) Robbins and Coulter (2017) outlines two different approaches to change, that is, the calm waters metaphor and the white waters metaphor. Using evidence from the case study, discuss the metaphor which was used: () Nokia (10 mar (ii) Apple and Samsung (10 mar (b) Using Lewin's force field analysis determine whether Nokia s1 should not have changed their business practices immedi 2007 and 2008 when iPhone and Android was launched.(20 SECTION B: ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS QUESTION TWO You have been contracted as @ change manager to lead a programme ) ) nuld or ly in rks) that is aimed at changing the attitude of a section of the Zimbabwean society that practices circumcision the traditional way which the ministry of unsafe. Using Benne & Chin (1969) and Nickols (2010) management strategies, discuss the appropriate strategy or strategi advice: health change fes you would use and why? Support your answer with relevant practical examples, (20 marks) Page 3 of4 “ls Bene SECTION C: ANSWER ANY TWO QUESTIONS: QUESTION THREE PreWeb Ltd introduced a major systems overhaul that dragged for two and half years. Tadiwa, a junior associate felt as if she was “a giraffe stuck in quick sand”, Discuss the emotional stages by Kubler-Ross that Tadiwa could through during the change process and suggest ways to ae the different stages of such emotions. (20 QUESTION FOUR When carried out correctly, organisational development (OD) interventions help organizations accomplish their goals, facilitating management, and enhancing overall operations.Using practical examples, examine the difficulties faced by organisations when implementing OD intervention (20 marks) QUESTION FIVI Research suggests that one of the main reasons for some organization’s inability to change is organizational inertia, Using practical examples, discuss the impediments to change that cause inertia in organisation: (20 marks) QUESTION SIX Mckinsey 7s fundamentals in effective change management. Demonstrate how a quality manager can make use of the Mckinsey 7s model to bring significant iagnostic model is premised on appreciating seven (6) changes on high customer dissatisfaction, (20 marks) END Page 4of 4

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