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BAB 4 Family (Keluarga)

Pada kesempatan kali ini kami akan membahas tentang anggota keluarga dalam
Inggris. Keluarga dalam bahasa inggris disebut Family. Ada lumayan banyak
vocabulary atau kosakata Family ini, Bukan hanya family yang dekat seperti father,
mother grandma, dll tapi juga ada kepanjangannya dari keluarga kita seperti aunt,
uncle, sister-in-law, brother-in-law, dan lain sebagainya. maka kita harus
mempelajarinya untuk memperkaya vocabulary kita dan mempermudah dalam
belajar bahasa inggris. Mari simak langsung macam-macam vocabulary family di
bawah ini.

1. Family = Keluarga
2. Grandfather = Kakek
3. Grandmother = Nenek
4. Parent = Orang Tua
5. Father = Ayah
6. Mother = Ibu
7. Children = Anak-anak
8. Son = Anak kandung laki-laki
9. Daughter = Anak kandung Perempuan
10. Boy = Anak Laki-laki
11. Girl = Anak Perempuan
12. Only Child = Anak Tunggal
13. The eldest child = Anak sulung
14. The youngest child = Anak bungsu
15. Twins = Anak Kembar
16. Own child = Anak kandung
17. Step child = Anak tiri
18. Adoptive child = Anak angkat
19. Foundling = Anak pungut
20. Brother = Saudara laki-laki (Bisa kakak atau adik)
21. Sister = Saudara Perempuan (Bisa kakak atau adik)
22. Baby = Bayi
23. Uncle = Paman
24. Aunt = Bibi
25. Cousin = Saudara sepupu
26. Nephew = Kemenakan laki-laki
27. Niece = Kemenakan perempuan
28. Grand child = Cucu
29. Grandson = Cucu laki-laki
30. Granddaughter = Cucu perempuan
31. Orphan = Anak yatim piatu
32. Husband = Suami
33. Wife = Istri
34. Sister-in-law = Ipar perempuan
35. Brother-in-law = Ipar laki-laki
36. Son-in-law = Menantu laki-laki
37. Daughter-in-law = Menantu Perempuan
38. Parents-in-law = Mertua
39. Step Mother = Ibu tiri
40. Step father = Ayah tiri
41. Bride = Pengantin perempuan
42. Groom = Pengantin laki-laki
43. Widower = Duda
44. Widow = Janda
45. Great Grandmother = Nenek buyut
46. Great Grandfather = Kakek buyut
47. Nenek Moyang = Ancestor

Soal Latihan Vocabulary Family

1. My father has a daughter. She is my...

a. Sister
b. Aunt
c. Brother
d. Son
e. Niece
2. The leader of a family is...
a. Grandfather
b. Father
c. Mother
d. Grandmother
e. Brother
3. My father has a son. He is my...
a. Grandfather
b. Brother
c. Sister
d. Uncle
e. Aunt
4. My mother has a husband. He is my...
a. Uncle
b. Grandfather
c. Father
d. Brother
e. Children
5. My father has a wife. She is my...
a. Sister
b. Aunt
c. Mother
d. Grandmother
e. Daughter
6. My mother has a sister. She is my...
a. Grandmother
b. Sister
c. Daughter
d. Aunt
e. Mother
7. My mother has a mother. He is my...
a. Grandfather
b. Aunt
c. Sister
d. Daughter
e. Grandmother
8. My mother has a father. He is my...
a. Uncle
b. Son
c. Brother
d. Uncle
e. Grandfather
9. My father and mother are my...
a. Kids
b. Children
c. Parents
d. Friends
e. Enemy
10. My father has a brother. He is my...
a. Uncle
b. Father
c. Grandfather
d. Son
e. Daughter

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