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Unscrambling quantum information with Clifford decoders

Salvatore F.E. Oliviero,1, 2, 3, ∗ Lorenzo Leone,1, 2, 3, † Seth Lloyd,4, 5, ‡ and Alioscia Hamma6, 7, §
Physics Department, University of Massachusetts Boston, 02125, USA
Theoretical Division (T-4), Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, New Mexico 87545, USA
Center for Nonlinear Studies, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, New Mexico 87545, USA
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, USA
Turing Inc., Brooklyn, NY, USA
Dipartimento di Fisica ‘Ettore Pancini’, Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II, Via Cintia 80126, Napoli, Italy
INFN, Sezione di Napoli, Italy
Quantum information scrambling is a unitary process that destroys local correlations and spreads
information throughout the system, effectively hiding it in nonlocal degrees of freedom. In princi-
ple, unscrambling this information is possible with perfect knowledge of the unitary dynamics [1].
However, this work demonstrates that even without previous knowledge of the internal dynamics,
arXiv:2212.11337v4 [quant-ph] 14 Oct 2023

information can be efficiently decoded from an unknown scrambler by monitoring the outgoing
information of a local subsystem. Surprisingly, we show that scramblers with unknown internal
dynamics, which are rapidly mixing but not fully chaotic, can be decoded using Clifford decoders.
The essential properties of a scrambling unitary can be efficiently recovered, even if the process is
exponentially complex. Specifically, we establish that a unitary operator composed of t non-Clifford
gates admits a Clifford decoder up to t ≤ n.

Introduction.— A famous English nursery rhyme [2] sented and simulated [30, 31].
states that, once an egg is broken, it is quite arduous to Although scrambling destroys local correlations, in a
put it together, no matter how many resources the King seminal paper [12] it was shown that local quantum infor-
may employ. At the quantum mechanical level, breaking mation tossed in the input of a scrambler can actually be
an egg corresponds to information scrambling [3–9], that recovered by measuring a local output subsystem, of size
is, the spreading of information - initially localized in a slightly larger compared to the scrambled information.
part of a quantum system - into quantum correlations all This is possible exactly because of scrambling. However,
over the entire system. this successful recovery relies on the precise knowledge
of Ut† [1], which allows for the construction of a decoder
The primary consequence of quantum information
capable of distilling back the scrambled information, ef-
scrambling is that no local measurements can fully re-
fectively reversing the scrambling process.
construct the scrambled information. This phenomenon
In this paper, we relax the assumption of perfect
has been extensively explored, e.g. in the context of black
knowledge of the scrambler dynamics Ut , which can be
holes physics [10–19]: after information falls into a black
too strong in many contexts of interest, and pose the
hole, it cannot be recovered solely by examining the out-
question of whether one can learn how to retrieve the
going Hawking radiation. In this context, it has been con-
scrambled information by solely observing a local out-
jectured that black holes are fast scramblers [13, 16, 17],
put subsystem. What one could do is try to learn the
i.e. within a time τ ∗ = O(log n), which scales logarithmi-
behavior of the operator Ut by n query accesses to the
cally with the number n of systems’ degrees of freedom,
accessible output of Ut [32], after tossing in known test
the information spreads non-locally.
states, to obtain a decoder V capable of retrieving any
The scrambling capability of an ensemble of uni- information scrambled by Ut .
taries corresponds to its degree of randomness and can The main result of this paper is an algorithm that
be probed by the decay of out-of-time-order correla- learns a decoder V for Ut by n = O(poly(n) exp(t)) re-
tors (OTOCs) [20]. This phenomenon is well captured sources. The fidelity F(V ) of the retrieved information
by the notion of k-design, i.e., the capability of such by V is
an ensemble to represent up to the k-moment of the
Haar measure over the unitary group [21]. A scram- F(V ) ≥ , (1)
1 + 22|A|+t−2|D|
bler Ut can be realized by a Clifford circuit doped by
a number t of non-Clifford resources [22–25]. Remark- while the probability P(V ) of learning the decoder V is
ably, even Clifford unitaries U0 (which are a 2-design)
P(V ) ≥ 1 − 2t−2(n−|D|) . (2)
can be, not only scramblers [21, 26, 27], but also fast
ones [9], in spite of their structural simplicity: indeed, where n is the total number of qubits of the scrambler
they can be both represented and learned by polynomial Ut , |A| is the number of qubits of input information, |D|
resources [28, 29]. On the other hand, doped unitaries is the number of read-out qubits.
Ut become exponentially more complex in t [23, 24], re- The striking part of the result is that the decoder V is
quiring O(poly(n) exp(t)) classical resources to be repre- in itself a Clifford operator. This means that it can be

efficiently represented. A decoder for even a very com- D ∪ B ′ for any D such that |D| = |A| + log ϵ−1/2 is,
plex scrambling dynamics Ut can thus be learned, and, thanks to Eq. (4), ϵ−maximal
once paid the price for learning it, one can utilize the
decoder in a very efficient way. Thus, it turns out that I(R|DB ′ ) = |A| − ϵ , (6)
to decode the information scrambled by Ut it is sufficient
and thus A is completely decoupled from R, i.e. I(R|A) ≡
the Clifford part of Ut . This can be efficiently encoded
|A| − I(R|DB ′ ) = ϵ. Since now the information is per-
in V , while all its complexity (given by the injection of
fectly correlated with Bob’s qubits, there exists a unitary
non-Clifford resources) turns out to be useless.
V that decodes the information and enables Bob to distill
When does all of this fall apart? As long as t ≤ n,
an EPR pair between Alice R and a reference system of
which we refer to as quasi-chaotic regime [33], the unitary
the same dimension of R, say R′ . As a result, Bob can
Ut is exponentially complex, yet one can still learn its
access all the information in Alice’s possession by just
efficient Clifford decoder at the cost of linearly increasing
looking at B ′ together with any subsystem D containing
the size of the readout qubits D. However, approaching
slightly more qubits than the ones in A.
the quasi-chaotic regime, the number of read-out qubits
As shown in [1], to read the output subsystem D, Bob
increases with t, indicating a more complex and mixing
first appends a reference state |A′ R′ ⟩, apply the decoder
scrambling process that seems to be not locally reversed.
V : A′ ∪ B ′ 7→ C ′ ∪ D′ , and then projects the resulting
As soon as t > n, we observe that both the fidelity (1) and
state onto |DD′ ⟩. After decoding, we obtain the final
the probability of learning (2) decay exponentially in t for
state |ΨV ⟩ = πV −1/2 ΠDD′ V T |Ψt ⟩ |A′ R′ ⟩, where πV is
any choice of |D|, until one reaches full quantum chaos at
a normalization and T is the transposition. The fidelity
t ≥ 2n [23], where the unitary Ut resembles the properties
F(V ) between |ΨV ⟩ and the target EPR pair |RR′ ⟩ quan-
of a random unitary operator, and for which the fidelity
tifies the success of the decoding protocol by Bob and is
and learning probability are exponentially small in n.
defined as F(V ) ≡ ⟨ΨV | ΠRR′ |ΨV ⟩. The closer F(V ) is
Decoding scramblers.— In this work, a scrambler is a
to one, the better the decoding.
unitary Ut acting on a joint system A ∪ B of n = |A| +
In [1] it has been proven that a perfect decoder V would
|B| qubits with output C ∪ D, i.e. Ut : A ∪ B 7→ C ∪
D. (See Fig. 1). The initially localized information is be the inverse scrambling operation Ut† , i.e. F(Ut† ) =
represented by the state in subsystem A while subsystem 1 − ϵ. However, as we will see, a perfect decoder is not
D represents the readable output system. unique. There are potentially an infinite number of per-
Let us formally define a scrambling unitary. Consider fect decoders V with possibly very low gate fidelity with
two subsystems X and Y , the OTOC ΩXY (Ut ) is defined Ut .
as The Clifford decoder.— Let us show in a simplified
fashion how the perfect decoding of a scrambler Ut can
ΩXY (Ut ) = ⟨tr(PX Ut† PY Ut PX Ut† PY Ut )⟩X,Y , (3) be achieved by a Clifford decoder V . We will see that
2n the Clifford decoder V can be written as
where PX , PY are Pauli strings with support on X and Y
respectively, and ⟨·⟩X,Y represents the average with re- V = DRD† V ′ (7)
spect to the local Pauli groups, i.e. the local observables,
i.e. as a product of three Clifford operators, namely the
on X and Y . The unitary Ut is a scrambler if and only
diagonalizer D, the randomizer R, and the decrypter V ′ .
if the OTOCs ΩXY (Ut ) behave as [1]:
While here we operate under the assumption that the
1 1 1 knowledge of V is given and explore the role of each com-
ΩXY (Ut ) ≃ + − . (4)
22|X| 22|Y | 22(|X|+|Y |) ponent D, R, V ′ in Eq. (7), in the subsequent section, we
will elaborate on how Bob can learn the Clifford decoder
Let us now describe an adversarial setup often used
V from the output of the scrambler Ut .
in the context of information scrambling [1, 12, 34]. We
A Clifford unitary U0 on the total system of n qubits
consider Alice R and Bob B ′ sharing respectively an EPR
sends Pauli strings to Pauli strings. As we dope the uni-
pair with the input state AB of the scrambler Ut , i.e. the
tary by t non-Clifford resources, Ut will not generally
state of the whole system ARBB ′ is
send every Pauli string in another Pauli string. How-
|Ψt ⟩ ≡ Ut |BB ′ ⟩ |AR⟩ , (5) ever, Ut may still behave like a Clifford operation just
P2|Λ| on a subset of the Pauli group. To be precise, let PΛ de-
where we denote |ΛΛ′ ⟩ = 2−|Λ|/2 i=1 |i⟩Λ |i⟩Λ′ an EPR note the Pauli group on the subsystem Λ, and let GΛ (Ut )
pair between Λ and Λ′ and ΠΛΛ′ ≡ |ΛΛ′ ⟩⟨ΛΛ′ | [35]. denote such a preserved subset of the Pauli group, i.e.
One then questions how much (local) correlation be- GΛ (Ut ) := {P ∈ PΛ | Ut† P Ut ∈ Pn }. In [33], we prove
tween A and R survives after the unitary dynamics Ut . that |GΛ (Ut )| ≥ 22|Λ|−t , i.e. a fraction of 2−t Pauli oper-
In this regard, the decoupling theorem [12] states that, ators are preserved by the action of Ut .
after the scrambling dynamics Ut , the mutual informa- As we show in [33], for any t-doped Clifford circuit
tion I(R|DB ′ ) ≡ |A| + log 22|A| ΩAD (Ut ) between R and there exists a Clifford operation D and two subsystems



(a) (c) (d)

FIG. 1. (a) diagrammatic representation of |ΨV ⟩, where the upward direction represents the progression of time. The steps
of the decoding algorithm generating |Ψ⟩V are: (1) parallel application of Ut (obtaining so |Ψt ⟩, diagrammatically shown in
the purple box) and of the decrypter V ′ on the initial state |RA⟩ |BB ′ ⟩ |A′ R′ ⟩ (2) application of D† (obtaining D |Ψ⟩t , as
diagrammatically shown in the violet box) and DT . This process dumps the stabilizer entropy onto the F, F ′ subspaces. (3)
The final steps involve the application of R∗ and of a projective measurement on DD′ . Panel (b) provides an example of a
doped random Clifford circuit Ut , whereas panel (c) displays the circuit D† Ut , where D is a diagonalizer for the circuit Ut
given in panel (b). Panel (d) illustrates the adjoint action of both circuits on the generators of the group PE . The circuit Ut
shown in panel (b) only preserves the generator IIZII, transforming it into another Pauli operator, whereas the adjoint
action of D† Ut preserves all generators, showing how the diagonalizer can move non-Cliffordness away from the subsystem of

E1 , E2 ⊂ D such that PE1 ⊆ D† GD (Ut )D ⊆ PE2 . How- The action of the randomizer results in hiding the non-
ever, for the purpose of this paper, we work in the follow- Clifford information contained in F in the subsystem C,
ing simplified setting: assume that there exists a subset E which is equivalent to tracing out the subsystem F with
of qubits E ⊂ D and a Clifford operation D : D 7→ E ∪F probability governed by the size of C. In practice, a ran-
and, such that D† GD (Ut )D = PE . In words, the diago- domizer R is just a random Clifford operator, which is
nalizer D moves the non-Cliffordness around the sub- scrambling with overwhelming probability [21].
system D and concentrates it all into the subsystem At this point, a decrypter V ′ that reads the clean Clif-
F ≡ D \ E. The simplified scenario described above cor- ford information out of the subsystem E is sufficient to
responds to a special class of circuits in which E1 ≡ E2 , completely decode the information in a Clifford-like fash-
see [36]. ion. V ′ is a Clifford unitary operator that obeys the fol-
By measuring the output subsystem E only, the uni- lowing property
tary operation D† Ut is indistinguishable from a Clifford
(D† V ′ )† PE (D† V ′ ) = P̃E ∀PE ∈ PE (9)
operator: the action on any Pauli string PE ∈ PE is, by
construction, a Pauli string in Pn i.e. it mimics the (Clifford-like) action (8) of the opera-
tor D† Ut only on the local Pauli group PE . The reason
(D† Ut )† PE (D† Ut ) ∈ Pn (8) behind this capability is that the unitary operator D† Ut
is practically indistinguishable from a Clifford operator
By applying the diagonalizer, Bob effectively splits the from the point of view of an observer that measures the
output subsystem D into two parts: E that contains only subsystem E only, see Eq. (8). Let us denote the adjoint
Clifford information, and its complement F that contains action of D† V ′ on P ∈ P as P̂ ≡ (D† V ′ )† P (D† V ′ ).
all the non-Cliffordness of Ut . In what follows, let us In summary, the decoding protocol consists in the fol-
denote the adjoint action of D† Ut on Pauli operators P lowing steps: starting from Eq. (5): (i) apply the diago-
as P̃ ≡ (D† Ut )† P (D† Ut ) to lighten the notation. nalizer D on the ouput D of the scrambler Ut ; (ii) append
The question is: can Bob only look at the subsystem E |A′ R′ ⟩; (iii) apply the decrypter V ′T followed by D∗ , (the
and learn the information scrambled by Ut by employing star denote the conjugate operation); (iv) apply the ran-
a Clifford decoder? The decoupling theorem says that the domizer R∗ on F ′ ∪ C ′ ; (v) project onto |DD′ ⟩. The
joint subsystem E ∪B ′ contains all the information (up to final state |ΨV ⟩ with V = DRD† V ′ can be represented
an error ϵ) about R, provided that |E| = |A| + log ϵ−1/2 . diagrammatically as in Fig. 1.
Therefore, the answer is Yes, provided that Bob looks We are just left to show that the decoder V built as
only at the joint subsystem E ∪ B ′ by tracing out the described above achieves the promised fidelity in Eq. (1).
subsystem F . In practice, this operation is equivalent to It is possible to show [37] that for V = DRD† V ′ , the
projecting onto the |EE ′ ⟩ instead of |DD′ ⟩, and can be fidelity reads:
achieved by applying a randomizer, i.e. a Clifford opera-
tion R that, acting on F ′ ∪ C ′ , scrambles the unwanted 1 ⟨tr(P̃D R† P̂D R)⟩D
F(V ) = (10)
information contained in F ′ throughout the system C ′ . 4|A| ⟨tr(PA P̃D PA R† P̂D R)⟩D,A

We recall that P̃ , P̂ represents the adjoint action of D† Ut subsystem D, there exists a subgroup GD (Ut ) consist-
and D† V ′ respectively. From Eq. (10), it is possible to ing of Pauli strings that are sent to Pauli strings by the
see that selecting the randomizer R as a random Clif- adjoint action of Ut . By employing entangling measure-
ford operator is equivalent to tracing out the unwanted ments (yet stabilizer) on the output of Ut on test Pauli
non-Clifford information. Indeed, in the supplemen- operators PD ∈ PD , one can decide whether Ut† PD Ut is a
tal material [37], we show that, with failure probability Pauli string or not. By repeating this procedure multiple
O(2−2|C| ) [38] in the choice of the randomizer R, the times for different test Pauli operators, one can effectively
fidelity reads learn a set of generators gD (Ut ) for the group GD (Ut ).
Notice that the above procedure reveals also the image
1 ⟨tr(P̃E P̂E )⟩E group, denoted as Ut† GD (Ut )Ut , of GD (Ut ) through the
F(V ) ≃ . (11)
4|A| ⟨tr(PA P̃E PA P̂E )⟩E,A adjoint action of Ut . The total time and query complex-
ity of the algorithm is polynomial in n while exponential
The above equation tells us that the action of the ran- in the number of non-Clifford gates t.
domizer is equivalent to tracing out the F ≡ D \ E sub-
At this point, having learned the groups GD (Ut ) and
system: the average ⟨·⟩E is now restricted on E only.
Ut† GD (Ut )Ut , one can construct the Clifford decoder V
From the definition of the decrypter in Eq. (9), one
through classical postprocessing in polynomial time. To
has that P̂E = P̃E , therefore tr(P̃E P̂E ) = 2n and by
build the diagonalizer D, it is sufficient, through ma-
definition in Eq. (3) one has 2−n ⟨tr(PA P̃E PA P̂E )⟩A,E =
nipulation of the tableau representation of Clifford cir-
ΩAE (Ut ) . Therefore, from Eq. (11), and using Eq. (4)
cuits [30], to construct a Clifford operation that sends
for Ut being scrambling, we obtain the following value for
GD (Ut ) to a Pauli group PE on a subsystem E of size
the fidelity
|E| = log |GD (Ut )|. As the swap operator between qubits
1 belongs to the Clifford group, the learner can freely
F(V ) ≃ . (12) choose the subsystem E among the qubits in D. Sim-
1+ 22|A|−2|E|
ilarly, it is possible to distill the decrypter V ′ that sends
The above equation shows that, by employing the diag- GD (Ut ) to Ut† GD (Ut )Ut ≡ (D† Ut )† PE (D† Ut ). Notice
onalizer and a randomizer, Bob is able to distill an EPR that existence of both D and V ′ is guaranteed by the
pair between R and R′ with fidelity approaching one ex- Gottesman-Knill theorem [39]. Finally, to build the ran-
ponentially fast in |E| − |A|. However, there is an impor- domizer R, it is sufficient to draw a Clifford operator
tant caveat: the size of the subsystem E does depend on uniformly at random. As a result, Bob is able to con-
the number t of non-Clifford gates. For t = 0, E = D. struct the Clifford decoder V by having black-box access
More generally, we are only assured that |E| ≥ |D| − t/2, to the scrambler Ut and reading the output D of Ut in
recovering Eq. (1). If we allow an ϵ−error for the fidelity, time O(poly(n) exp(t)).
we have the following condition |D| ≥ |A| + t/2 + log ϵ−1 ,
Black-hole scrambling and Clifford decoding.—In this
i.e. to make a constant error ϵ, Bob must collect a lin-
section, we provide a brief overview of the potential im-
early increasing (in t) number of output qubits D, ren-
plications of our findings in the context of black hole
dering the unscrambling process increasingly nonlocal.
physics. Black holes are inherently isolated objects and
At the same time, Eq. (2) shows that the success prob-
thus, if the laws of quantum mechanics hold, their in-
ability shrinks with |D|. This is because the randomizer
ternal dynamics must be unitary. Traditionally, black
becomes less effective in scrambling if C is small and
holes have been conceptualized as exhibiting maximally
|C| = n − |D|. The algorithm breaks down as t ∼ n, as
chaotic unitary behavior [40, 41], being often described
both the probability of learning and the fidelity of recov-
as random unitary operators [42], to account for their in-
ery start decaying exponentially in t.
trinsic complexity. Furthermore, black holes are widely
Learning the Clifford decoder.—The Clifford de-
believed to be the fastest scramblers in nature [13].
coder (7) is capable of decoding the input information
scrambled by the t-doped Clifford circuit Ut . In this sec- However, the assumption of resembling random uni-
tion, we show how one can learn each component D, R, V ′ tary dynamics for fast scrambling might be overly strin-
of the Clifford decoder V by observing the output sub- gent. This is because, as discussed above, Clifford circuits
system D. Specifically, we assume black-box access to excel at efficiently scrambling information. We can thus
Ut , meaning we can apply one or multiple copies of Ut on challenge the conventional notion of characterizing black
a quantum register and measure the output D. We note holes as maximally chaotic systems and instead focus
that the ability to construct the decoder V solely by ana- solely on their (fast) scrambling properties. Under this
lyzing the output D is desirable in contexts in which the perspective, the internal dynamics of a black hole could
output subsystem C is inaccessible to the observer [12]. potentially be described by Clifford circuits or, more gen-
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[32] We refer to query access as the ability to perform the present paper lower the failure probability from 2−2|C|+t
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Unscrambling quantum information with Clifford decoders - Supplemental materials

Salvatore F.E. Oliviero,1, 2, 3, ∗ Lorenzo Leone,1, 2, 3, † Seth Lloyd,4, 5, ‡ and Alioscia Hamma6, 7, §
Physics Department, University of Massachusetts Boston, 02125, USA
Theoretical Division (T-4), Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, New Mexico 87545, USA
Center for Nonlinear Studies, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, New Mexico 87545, USA
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, USA
Turing Inc., Brooklyn, NY, USA
Dipartimento di Fisica ‘Ettore Pancini’, Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II, Via Cintia 80126, Napoli, Italy
INFN, Sezione di Napoli, Italy

We provide proofs and additional details supporting the claims in the main text.
arXiv:2212.11337v4 [quant-ph] 14 Oct 2023


I. Decoupling through randomization: Proof of Eq. (11) 1

A. Average of N1 and N2 2
B. Correlation terms 3
Chebyshev inequality 5

References 5

Supplemental Material I: Decoupling through randomization: Proof of Eq. (11)

′ ′
In this section, we prove that, with high probability, the randomizer R, acting on the subspaces F and C , returns
the fidelity in Eq. (11) by inducing a decoupling effect. In the following, each state will be associated with a diagram.
In Fig. S1 we show a few introductive diagrams that will help in the comprehension of the next results.

FIG. S1. Diagrammatic picture of (a) an EPR pair |ΛΛ′ ⟩, (b) a projector ΠΛΛ′ ≡ |ΛΛ′ ⟩ ⟨ΛΛ′ | (c) the action of a unitary
operator U on the EPR pair |ΛΛ′ ⟩ (d) the expectation value of the product of the operators U and V in the completely mixed
state over the system Λ

Let us consider the output state |ψV ⟩

1 1 †
|ψV ⟩ = √ = √ ΠDD′ (R∗C ′ F ′ DD
T ′∗ ′ ′ ′
′ VA′ B ′ ) ⊗ (DD [Ut ]AB ) |BB ⟩ |AR⟩ |A R ⟩ (S1)
πV πV

where PV is the normalization coefficient of |ψV ⟩. To prove that the randomizer R is able to decouple the composite
subsystem EB ′ we have to look at the behavior of the fidelity. To compute the fidelity of the output state ψV with
the input state, we have to project the output state |ψV ⟩ ⟨ψV | on the projector ΠRR′ :
P † † ′
F(V )πV PD tr(PD (D Ut ))PD (RD V ))
F(V ) = tr(ΠRR′ |ψV ⟩ ⟨ψV |) = =P † † ′
πV PD PA tr(PA PD (D Ut ))PA PD (RD V ))

where we wrote it as the ratio between F(V )πV and πV , because has shown in [1, 2], both possess a diagram that,
thanks to the average over the Pauli group and Bell pairs, can be written in terms of OTOCs, returning the r.h.s.
A proof of Eq. (S2) can be found in [3]. As stated in the incipit of the section our main interest is the effect of the
randomizer in the learning protocol. Let us set up the following notation, given a subsystem Λ, |Λ| will label the
number of qubits of the subsystem Λ. A way to study the randomizer is by looking at its average behavior and its
fluctuations. Define the following coefficients
1 X
N1 := 22|A| πV F(V ) = tr(PD (D† Ut ))PD (RD† V ′ )) , (S3)
22|D|+n PD
1 X
N2 := 22|A| πV = tr(PA PD (D† Ut ))PA PD (RD† V ′ )) . (S4)
22|D|+n PD ,PA

Then the fidelity F(V ) can be rewritten as a function of N1 and N2 as F(V ) = N1 /N2 . Due to the correlations
between N1 and N2 , average over F(V ) and its fluctuations we consider the following expansion for ⟨F(V )⟩R
⟨N1 ⟩ ⟨N1 N2 ⟩ − ⟨N1 ⟩ ⟨N2 ⟩
⟨F(V )⟩R = +Θ 2 (S5)
⟨N2 ⟩ ⟨N2 ⟩
and the following one for the fluctuations ∆R F(V ) ≡ F 2 (V ) − ⟨F(V )⟩ around the average
 !2 
∆ R N 1 ∆ R N 2 ⟨N 1 ⟩ (⟨N 1 N 2 ⟩ − ⟨N 1 ⟩ ⟨N2 ⟩)N1 ⟨N 1 N 2 ⟩ − ⟨N 1 ⟩ ⟨N 2 ⟩
∆R F(V ) = Θ  2 + 4 −2 3 +3 2
, (S6)
⟨N2 ⟩ ⟨N2 ⟩ ⟨N2 ⟩ ⟨N2 ⟩

a complete proof of these expansions can be found in [4]. It is now necessary to compute each coefficient in ⟨F(V )⟩R
and ∆R F(V ).

A. Average of N1 and N2

Let us compute the average of N1 . First, let us give a diagrammatic picture of this average

⟨N1 ⟩ = dR = (S7)

= 2−n tr PD (D† Ut )PD (D† V ) PD

where the averaged diagram is given by the trace of the product between ΠRR′ with the unnormalized |ψV ⟩⟨ψV | times
a multiplicative factor, while the r.h.s P Pof the average of R on
shows the effect Pthe diagram. LetPus expand Eq. (S8) the
sum of a function depending on PD as PD f (PD ) = PE ,PF f (PE ⊗PF ) = PE f (PE ⊗1lF )+ PE ,PF ̸=1lF f (PE ⊗PF ),
it means that the average on N1 can be written as
X X  
⟨N1 ⟩ = 2−2|D|−n tr(PE (D† Ut )PE (D† V )) + 2−2|D|−n tr PE ⊗ PF (D† Ut ) PE ⊗ PF (RD† V ) R
PE PE ,PF ̸=1lF
−2|D|−n † †
= 2 tr(PE (D Ut )PE (D V )) (S9)

Where we used the fact that ⟨PF ⟩R = 0 for PF ̸= 1lF . For N2 diagrammatically we have

dR N2 = 2 2|A|−n
dR = 2−n (S10)

= 22|A|−n tr PD (D† Ut )PA PD (D† V )PA PD ,PA

that corresponds to the normalization coefficient of |ψV ⟩ times a multiplicative factor. Repeating the calculations
done for ⟨N1 ⟩, we obtain
⟨N2 ⟩ = 2−2|D|−n tr(PA PE (D† Ut )PA PE (D† V )) (S12)

When we make the assumption that our unitary operator Ut is a scrambling unitary and in the hypothesis of
(D† Ut )† PE D† Ut = (D† V )† PE D† V for all PE ∈ PE , we obtain
⟨N1 ⟩ = 2−2|D|−n tr(PE (D† Ut )PE (D† V )) = 2−2|F | (S13)
X 1
⟨N2 ⟩ = 2 tr(PE (D† Ut )PA PE (D† Ut )PA ≃ (22|E| + 22|A| − 1) (S14)

B. Correlation terms

Computed the average of N1 and N2 , we can then proceed to calculate higher-order moments. Let us look at the
average of the product between N1 and N2
⟨N1 N2 ⟩ = 2−4|D|−2n tr(PE (Ũ )PE (Ṽ ))tr(PA QE (Ũ )PA QE (Ṽ )) (S15)
X D E h i
+ 2−4|D|−2n tr(PE ⊗ PF (Ũ ) PE ⊗ PF (RṼ ) )tr PA QE (Ũ )PA QE (Ṽ )
PE ,QE ,PA ,PF ̸=1lF
X h D E i
+ 2−4|D|−2n tr(PE (Ũ )PE (Ṽ ))tr PA QE ⊗ QF (Ũ )PA QE ⊗ QF (RṼ )
PE ,QE ,PA ,QF ̸=1lF
X h D E i
+ 2−4|D|−2n tr (PE ⊗ PF (Ũ ) ⊗ PA QE ⊗ QF (Ũ )PA ) PE ⊗ PF (RṼ ) ⊗ QE ⊗ QF (RṼ )
PE ,QE ,PA ,PF QF ̸=1lF

where we defined Ũ = D† Ut and Ṽ = D† V . Performing the average over R one can easily observe, that the first term
is equivalent to the product of ⟨N1 ⟩ and ⟨N2 ⟩, while the next two terms are equal to zero because ⟨PF ⟩R = 0 for
PF ̸= 1l, and defining Ũ = D† Ut and Ṽ = D† V , we obtain

⟨N1 N2 ⟩ = ⟨N1 ⟩ ⟨N2 ⟩ (S16)

X h D E i
−4|D|−2n † † ⊗2 †⊗2 ⊗2 ⊗2
+ 2 tr (Ũ PE PF Ũ ⊗ PA Ũ QE QF Ũ PA ) Ṽ R PE PF ⊗ QE QF R Ṽ
PE ,QE ,PA ,PF QF ̸=1lF

Let us take compute the average of R†⊗2 ⊗2

F C PF ⊗ QF RF C . For any PF ̸= 1l
2|F |+|C| TF C − 1l
dRF C R†⊗2 ⊗2
F C PF ⊗ QF RF C = δQP (S17)
22|F |+2|C| − 1

where TF C is the swap operator on the combined subsystem CF . We can then rewrite the second term of Eq. (S16)
1 X
2|F |+2|C|
tr[(Ũ † PE PF Ũ ⊗ PA Ũ † QE PF Ũ PA )Ṽ †⊗2 (PE ⊗ QE )(2|F |+|C| TF C − 1l⊗2
F C )Ṽ
] (S18)
2 − 1 P ,Q ,P ,P Q ̸=1l

Now, let us consider the following hypothesis Ut† D† PE D† Ut = V † D† PE D† V . In this hypothesis the term related to
CF is null, consequently we obtain that

1 X
tr[(Ũ † PE PF Ũ ⊗ PA Ũ † QE PF Ũ PA )Ṽ †⊗2 (PE ⊗ QE )(2|F |+|C| TF C − 1l⊗2
F C )Ṽ
22|F |+2|C| − 2|E|
P ,Q E E ,PA ,PF QF ̸=1lF

2|F |+|C| X
= 2|F |+2|C| tr[(Ũ † PE PF Ũ ⊗ PA Ũ † QE PF Ũ PA )Ṽ †⊗2 (PE ⊗ QE )TF C T T Ṽ ⊗2 ] (S19)
2 − 2|E|
P ,Q E E ,PA ,PF QF ̸=1lF

2|F |+|C| X
= tr[(Ũ † PE PF Ũ ⊗ PA Ũ † QE PF Ũ PA )Ṽ †⊗2 (PE ⊗ QE )TE Ṽ ⊗2 T ]
22|F |+2|C| − 2|E|
P ,Q E E ,PA ,PF QF ̸=1lF

Where we used T TCF = TE and [T, Ṽ ⊗2 ] = 0; expanding TE = d−1
E KE KE ⊗ KE , we obtain

2|C|+|F | X
= tr[(Ũ † PE PF Ũ ⊗ PA Ũ † QE PF Ũ PA )Ṽ †⊗2 (PE KE ⊗ QE KE )Ṽ ⊗2 T ]
2|E|+2|C|+2|F | − 2|E| PE ,QE ,PA ,PF QF ̸=1lF

2 |C|+|F | X
= tr[Ũ † PE PF Ũ Ṽ † PE KE Ṽ PA Ũ † QE PF Ũ PA Ṽ † QE KE Ṽ ] (S20)
2|E|+2|C|+2|F | − 2|E| PE ,QE ,PA ,PF QF ̸=1lF

Since Ũ † PE DŨ = Ṽ † PE Ṽ for all PE ∈ PE , we can substitute the whole term with U :

2|C|+|F | X
= tr[Ũ † PE PF Ũ Ũ † PE KE Ũ PA Ũ † QE PF Ũ PA Ũ † QE KE Ũ ]
2|E|+2|C|+2|F | − 2|E| PE ,QE ,PA ,PF QF ̸=1lF

2 3|E|+|C|+|F | X
= tr[Ũ † QE PF Ũ PA Ũ † QE PF Ũ PA ]
22|C|+2|F | − 1 Q
E ,PF ̸=1l,PA


Thus, in the hypothesis of U being scrambling

23|E|+|C|+|F |
⟨N1 N2 ⟩ ≃ (22|D| − 22|E| ) + ⟨N1 ⟩ ⟨N2 ⟩ (S22)
2n+4|D| (22|C|+2|F | − 1)
We obtain

⟨N1 N2 ⟩ − ⟨N1 ⟩ ⟨N2 ⟩ 24|E| 22|F | − 1 −2|C|
2 = 2  = O(2 ) (S23)
⟨N2 ⟩ 22|A| + 22|E| − 1 22|F |+2|C| − 1
Now, let us compute ∆R N1 ≡ N12 − ⟨N1 ⟩ , the calculations are similar to the one made for ⟨N1 N2 ⟩ − ⟨N1 ⟩ ⟨N2 ⟩,
we can repeat the calculation splitting the sum over the subsystems E and F one can easily show that
1 X D E
∆R N1 = 2n+4|D| tr[(Ũ † PE PF Ũ ⊗ Ũ † QE QF Ũ ) Ṽ ⊗2 R†⊗2 PE PF ⊗ QE QF R⊗2 Ṽ ⊗2 ] . (S24)
2 R

Using the same techniques as before,∆R N1 can be written as

1 2|C|+|F | X
∆ R N1 = tr[Ũ † PE PF Ũ Ũ † PE KE Ũ Ũ † QE PF Ũ Ũ † QE KE Ũ ]
22n+4|D| dE (22|F |+2|C| − 1) P
E ,QE ,QF ,KE PF ̸=1lF

1 2 |C|+|F | X
22n+4|D| 2|E| (22|F |+2|C| − 1) P
E ,QE ,QF ,KE PF ̸=1lF

1 2|C|+|F |
= (22|F | − 1)26|E| (S25)
2n+4|D| 2|E| (22|F |+2|C| − 1)
A similar calculation can be carried for ∆R N2 returning
1 X D E
∆R N2 = tr[(PA Ũ † PE PF Ũ PA ⊗ QA Ũ † QE QF Ũ QA ) Ṽ ⊗2 R†⊗2 PE PF ⊗ QE QF R⊗2 Ṽ ⊗2 ] (S26)
22n+4|D| R

Making the hypothesis of U scrambling and Ṽ † PE Ṽ = Ũ † PE Ũ we obtain

1 2|C|+|F |
∆R N2 = 2n+4|D| |E| 2|C|+2|F | tr[QA Ũ † PE PF Ũ QA Ṽ † PE KE Ṽ PA Ũ † QE PF Ũ PA Ṽ † QE KE Ṽ ]
2 2 (2 − 1)
1 23|E| 2|C|+|F | 2|D|
≃ (2 − 22|E| ) (S27)
2n+4|D| 22|C| 22|F | − 1
Note that ⟨N1 ⟩ = 22|F |
for Ṽ † PE Ṽ = Ũ † PE Ũ . We obtain
22|A| − 1 24|E| 22|F | − 1 −2|C|
∆R F = 4  =O 2 (S28)
22|A| + 22|E| − 1 22|C|+2|F | − 1

Note that |A| = O(1) and |E| = O(1) because, thanks to the decoupling theorem, one has |E| = |A| + log ϵ−1/2 .

Chebyshev inequality

The last step is to prove that the probability to be away from the average is small, we make use of the Chebyshev
inequality for the fidelity FV (U ) and we obtain
∆R F 2
Pr [|FV (U ) − ⟨FV (U )⟩R | ≥ ϵ] ≤ 2
=O (S29)
ϵ ϵ2
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