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General Education Reflection

A well-rounded education is critical for our future personal development and

professional success as engineers. As an undergraduate, taking general education
courses exposes students to various subjects, from literature and history to the arts.
This wide range of knowledge contributes to a well-rounded education that provides
students with valuable skills and perspectives. Furthermore, general education courses
expose students to a variety of perspectives and approaches to problem-solving.
Collaborating with people from various academic backgrounds improves their ability to
solve complex problems novelly.

My primary focus as an international student at Iowa State University has been

on developing a deeper level of critical thinking and a well-rounded grasp of what I have
encountered. Rather than simply pursuing academic excellence, I have sought a deeper
and more profound involvement with my education. This approach involves questioning
and challenging my past perspectives and viewpoints by seeking comprehension of
various topics and incorporating them into my technical knowledge. This academic
journey has broadened my horizons and honed my critical thinking abilities, preparing
me to face a diverse and ever-changing world with adaptation and resilience.

Two of the general education courses that I took were MGMT 371:
Organizational Behavior and RELIG 359: The Study of the Quran Based on Historical
Perspectives. In my experience with the course MGMT 371, which provides an overview
of behavioral science theory, research, and practice, I learned to appreciate the
interdisciplinary nature of Organizational Behavior (OB) and its dedication to better
understanding and managing people in the workplace. For RELIG 359, The course
delves into the Quran's refined aspects, addressing its historical context within the world
of 7th-century Arabia, its content concerning themes related to God, humanity, and the
cosmos, and its function both in its original context and in contemporary society. By
examining the Quran through these three interconnected lenses, the course not only
conveys knowledge but also fosters a profound appreciation for the various rich human
thoughts and beliefs, contributing to my broader goal of thinking deeply and

In our globalized world, engineers often work in diverse environments and with
international teams. General education courses such as RELIG 359 are not only
relevant but are also an essential part of my engineering educational experience. These
courses not only provide students with cultural awareness but also nurture empathy,
tolerance, and effective collaboration skills that are crucial in a multicultural,
international, and diverse working environment. Embracing these qualities helps student
engineers like myself to become better equipped to contribute to more inclusive and
innovative solutions that cater to the multifaceted needs of our interconnected society,
ultimately advancing the field of engineering in an ever-evolving global landscape.
Engaging myself with various viewpoints will help nurture empathy, tolerance, and the
ability to collaborate effectively in a diverse world.

Leadership and teamwork are not only important but often critical for engineers.
General education courses such as MGMT 371 offer me, as an engineering student,
opportunities to engage in group projects and discussions about human behavior in an
organization. These experiences develop leadership and teamwork skills, which are
essential in engineering projects, which frequently require effective collaboration.
Moreover, The course also emphasizes its student the blending of conceptual and
practical perspectives, offering insights into not only how things are designed to work
but also how they function in the real world. This approach mirrors my broader
educational goal of seeking a deeper understanding and the ability to think critically
across a diverse range of subjects, ultimately enhancing my capacity to navigate the
complexities of a constantly evolving world.

In conclusion, my exposure to general education courses at Iowa State has

broadened my perspective on societal issues, revealing their intricate systemic nature.
Solving these complex problems requires more than just direct, engineering-style
solutions but also profound shifts in societal perspectives and values. Our commitment
to innovation and ethical responsibility remains paramount in addressing the intricate
issues of our time and also the future.

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