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Clinical Imaging 90 (2022) 32–38

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Clinical Imaging
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Musculoskeletal and Emergency Imaging

Delays in imaging diagnosis of acute abdominal pain in the

emergency setting
Alana Fruauff, Christopher Trepanier, Hiram Shaish, Lyndon Luk *
Columbia University Irving Medical Center, Department of Radiology, 622 West 168th Street, New York, NY 10032, United States of America


Keywords: Acute abdominal pain is a common cause of ED visits and often requires imaging to identify a specific diagnosis.
Delayed diagnosis Prompt and appropriate imaging plays a crucial role in patient management and leads to improved patient
Abdominal radiographs outcomes, decreased hospital stay, and improved ED workflow. There are many cases of abdominal pain in the
Oral contrast
ED with delayed diagnosis and management secondary to a combination of institutional policies and knowledge
Contrast-induced acute kidney injury
deficits in current imaging guidelines. Inappropriate use of abdominal radiographs, use of oral contrast for CT
abdomen and pelvis, and concern for iodinated contrast-induced acute kidney injury are three of the more
commonly encountered roadblocks to prompt imaging diagnosis of abdominal pain. The purpose of this review is
to discuss why these potential causes of delayed diagnosis occur and how radiologists can help improve both
imaging and ED workflow by utilizing the most up-to-date imaging guidelines such the American College of
Radiology (ACR) Appropriateness Criteria and ACR Manual on Contrast Media to assist clinicians working in the
emergency setting.

1. Introduction computed tomography (CT), and concern for contrast-induced acute

kidney injury) and provide up to date recommendations for both radi­
Acute nontraumatic abdominal pain is a non-specific, but common ologists and clinicians to provide more timely patient care.
complaint encountered in the emergency department (ED). Approxi­
mately 4–10% of ED visits are for acute abdominal pain, of which one- 2. Abdominal radiographs in acute abdominal pain
third never have a diagnosis established.1,2 The evaluation of acute non-
traumatic abdominal pain in the ED has changed significantly over the Many patients presenting to the ED with abdominal pain first un­
past several decades due to improvements in quality, speed, and avail­ dergo an abdominal radiograph (AR), which has long been considered a
ability of radiology imaging modalities.3 The range of pathology that primary initial imaging modality in part because they are low cost and
can manifest as acute abdominopelvic pain is extremely broad and re­ quick to obtain.6 There is a wide body of evidence that ARs are limited
quires the proper imaging approach in narrowing differential diagnosis by poor diagnostic yield, poor interobserver agreement, and inaccuracy
and guiding patients to appropriate medical and surgical management. in diagnosing common clinical conditions, including bowel obstruction
Thorough understanding of evidence-based imaging guidelines and a and pneumoperitoneum (Figs. 1-4).7,8 In a retrospective study con­
streamlined approach in performing imaging leads to efficient diagnosis ducted by Ho Anh, et al., AR was found to have a sensitivity of 49% for
and treatment, improved outcomes, decreased hospital length of stay, diagnosing bowel obstruction.9 CT is not only more sensitive at identi­
and overall cost of stay.4,5 fying bowel obstruction, but it can also lead to identification of the
In reality, there are many cases of abdominal pain in the ED with location and cause of obstruction. This additional information can be
delayed diagnosis and management secondary to knowledge deficits in essential to patient management and determining which patients need
current imaging guidelines. The goal of this manuscript is to review emergent surgery and which can be conservatively managed. Delay in
three of the more commonly encountered potential radiology causes of surgery can result in complications such as intestinal ischemia and
delayed diagnosis of abdominal pain in the emergency setting (inap­ strangulation with associated increased morbidity and mortality.10
propriate use of abdominal radiographs, oral contrast use with Mortality rate is further increased in elderly patients, who often have

* Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: (A. Fruauff), (C. Trepanier), (H. Shaish), (L. Luk).
Received 25 April 2022; Received in revised form 9 June 2022; Accepted 26 June 2022
Available online 29 June 2022
0899-7071/© 2022 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
A. Fruauff et al. Clinical Imaging 90 (2022) 32–38

Fig. 1. Supine abdominal radiograph (A) of a 79-year-old female with diffuse abdominal pain shows air-filled, dilated small bowel in the left midabdomen and air
within the ascending and transverse colon, interpreted as ‘possible small bowel ileus’. Coronal CT of the abdomen and pelvis with IV contrast (B) shows a dilated,
fluid-filled small bowel loop with focal transition point (arrow), consistent with small bowel obstruction.

Fig. 2. Supine abdominal radiograph (A) of a 70-year-old male with history of hypertension and diabetes presenting to the ED with generalized abdominal pain
shows a diffusely dilated air-filled stomach with curvilinear lucencies along the greater curvature (white arrow). Coronal CT abdomen and pelvis with air window (B)
obtained afterwards clearly shows air throughout the wall of the stomach (black arrow), consistent with emphysematous gastritis. Intramural air within the stomach
was missed on the abdominal radiograph.

atypical or late presentations of medical conditions that may confound though other studies of left lateral decubitus ARs in postoperative
timely diagnosis, which is exacerbated when AR does not readily iden­ pneumoperitoneum show a positive rate of 53%.13,14 CT is superior in
tify a focal abnormality.11,12 detecting pneumoperitoneum as it is able to detect small amounts of free
ARs have low sensitivity for identifying pneumoperitoneum. One air that would not be appreciated even on well-executed ARs.6
study evaluating patients with documented visceral perforation found Not only are ARs inferior at identifying pneumoperitoneum and
that only 51% of ARs showed pneumoperitoneum.1 The sensitivity of AR bowel obstruction, they also have low overall diagnostic yield. A ran­
to diagnose pneumoperitoneum depends largely on the technique used. domized clinical control study conducted by Nguyen et al. compared the
Often ARs will exclude or incompletely visualize portions of the use of low dose CT (LDCT) and AR in the evaluation of patients pre­
abdominal cavity, such as the diaphragm, from the field of view.6 Other senting to the ED with acute abdominal pain. A diagnosis was obtained
common occurrences include radiographs with inadequate penetration only in 21.8% of patients imaged with AR. Diagnoses made by abdom­
due to obesity, overlying artifact from clothing and external devices, and inal radiograph included bowel obstruction, fecal loading, and pneu­
radiographs of patients laying only in the supine position.1 If AR is ob­ moperitoneum. The remaining ARs were interpreted as normal or
tained to identify free air, a well-performed left lateral decubitus nonspecific. In patients imaged with LDCT, a diagnosis was established
radiograph should be obtained. Prior studies of left lateral ARs in proven in 64.2% of patients. With LDCT, additional diagnoses of diverticulitis,
hollow viscera perforation have shown a positive detection rate of 98%, acute pancreatitis, hernias, and hydronephrosis were made.6 A similar

A. Fruauff et al. Clinical Imaging 90 (2022) 32–38

Fig. 3. Supine abdominal radiograph (A) of a 52-year-old male with history of stem cell transplant, hypertension, and diabetes with low abdominal pain shows a
non-obstructive bowel gas pattern. Coronal CT abdomen and pelvis with IV contrast (B) shows diffuse submucosal edema (arrowhead) and enhancing mucosa (arrow)
throughout the small bowel. Patient was diagnosed with graft-versus-host disease and was treated with steroids.

retrospective study by Ho Anh, et al. showed 68% of ARs were read as clinicians in making the appropriate decision when imaging is required
nonspecific, 23% of ARs were interpreted as normal, and only 10% of for a specific clinical condition. On the most current version of the ACR
ARs leading to a specific diagnostic abnormality. ARs had 0% sensitivity Appropriateness Criteria, CT is categorized as “usually appropriate” for
in identifying appendicitis and diverticulitis, two common causes of 33 of 39 (85%) separate scenarios of abdominal pain emergencies. AR is
acute abdominal pain. CT resulted in a specific diagnosis in 80% of deemed “usually appropriate” for none of the 39 scenarios.20
There are several reasons why ARs have low diagnostic yield. Most 3. Utility of oral contrast in evaluating abdominal pain
abdominal disease processes do not result in specific radiographic
findings and thus, one cannot secure a definitive diagnosis. ARs also The use of positive oral contrast agents with CT of the abdomen and
have low soft tissue contrast; inflammatory changes that occur in most pelvis was initially considered essential for radiologists to better char­
acute processes cannot be appreciated on AR. CT has the advantage of acterize bowel abnormalities and differentiate bowel loops from fluid
not only identifying a focal disease process, but also demonstrating the collections.21 The development and widespread adoption of multi-
extent of disease and associated complications such as abscess.6,9 detector CT (MDCT), which allows for quicker acquisition times,
Because ARs are commonly interpreted as nonspecific and do not decreased motion artifact, and improved spatial and contrast resolution,
lead to a diagnosis, patients will often require additional imaging. led to investigation into timelier imaging of ED patients with acute
Nguyen et al. found that 50.9% of patients initially evaluated with AR abdominal pain. Several studies have shown equivalent and superior
required further imaging during a hospital admission versus 26.4% of accuracy of MDCT without oral contrast compared to MDCT with oral
patients initially imaged with LDCT.6 Delay in CT imaging in ED patients contrast for patients being evaluated for several abdominopelvic pa­
who had an AR performed first can lead to disease complications and thologies, including blunt trauma, appendicitis, bowel obstruction, and
increased risk of complications during surgery. Cournane, et al. found acute diverticulitis (Fig. 5).5,22,23 A study of 2668 consecutive ER pa­
that delays in obtaining CT scans were associated with longer hospital tients undergoing CT with oral and CT without oral contrast for
length of stay and increased hospital costs.15 Larson et al. found that abdominal pain in two urban teaching hospitals showed only one change
increase in CT utilization was associated with a 53% relative risk in final patient diagnosis after CT with oral contrast was given after
reduction of admission or transfer,16 supporting the notion that prompt patient recall.24 In addition, high attenuation of the bowel wall and
and appropriate use of CT enables clinicians to triage patients and segmental bowel wall hypoenhancement specific to ischemia may
develop disposition plans more appropriately. Delay in CT imaging for potentially be obscured or less evidence if positive oral contrast is
abdominal pain may be due in part to adherence to out of date practices given.25,26
and unawareness of current imaging guidelines. Prior studies have In addition to questionable diagnostic advantage, the use of oral
shown that the physician in charge of requesting and approving imaging contrast can also result in significant delays in scan acquisition, ED
studies may have an impact on the type and number of studies or­ throughput, and prompt management, which can have adverse effects
dered.17 Furthermore, ARs are often ordered when they are not the most on patient outcome and hospital length of stay. Patients in the ED are
appropriate imaging modality for various acute abdominal pain sce­ typically instructed by clinicians to drink upwards of 1 L of barium or
narios. A recent study evaluating AR performed in 1997 ED patients water-soluble oral contrast prior to imaging, but cannot be monitored
found only 11.8% of them indicated according to American College of consistently during contrast drinking. During the typical 60–90 min
Radiology (ACR) guidelines.18 And while many patients may undergo delay between drinking and imaging in the ED, patients are often unable
both AR and CT for abdominal pain in the ER, the AR is unlikely to to drink a significant amount of oral contrast, do not drink at all due to
provide additional information while exposing patients to radiation.19 pain and discomfort, or quickly drink a large amount of contrast just
The diagnostic superiority of CT is captured by the ACR Appropri­ prior to imaging, leaving the distal small bowel and colon unopacified
ateness Criteria, a broad set of evidence-based guidelines to assist (Fig. 6). Fluid-filled small bowel loops in cases of complete obstruction

A. Fruauff et al. Clinical Imaging 90 (2022) 32–38

Fig. 4. Supine abdominal radiograph (A) of an 82-year-old female with diffuse upper abdominal pain shows a gastrostomy tube balloon projecting over the right
upper abdomen (arrow) and surrounding ill-defined lucencies in the right lateral abdomen (arrowheads). The radiograph was read as ‘non-obstructive bowel gas
pattern’. CT abdomen and pelvis with IV contrast sagittal and axial images (B, C) shows a large amount of subcutaneous emphysema in the anterior abdominal wall
(arrowheads) and the gastrostomy tube balloon displaced into the soft tissues (arrow).

often provide adequate intrinsic contrast and obviate the need for oral was initially called contrast-induced nephropathy (CIN), but is now
contrast, as detailed by the ACR Appropriateness Criteria.20 Limitations referred to as contrast-induced acute kidney injury (CI-AKI) in the ACR
in emergency department, radiology, and transport staffing can also Manual on Contrast Media.28,29 Original studies of CI-AKI lacked suit­
increase expected imaging time, diagnosis, and disposition. Several able control groups and thus, any association between contrast agents
studies evaluating the reduction in length of stay in the ED (disposition and AKI was conflated by other uncontrolled variables.30 Furthermore,
to inpatient admission and discharge) when omitting oral contrast from much of the early research studying CI-AKI evaluated high-osmolality
CT of the abdomen and pelvis have shown a median reduction time contrast media only, which has since been replaced by low-osmolality
ranging from 30 to 241 min.5,22,23 contrast media. There have been several studies suggesting that low-
Many emergency departments have opted to determine whether a osmolality contrast media is less nephrotoxic than high-osmolality
patient requires oral contrast based on body mass index (BMI). Patients contrast media and thus, this further conflated the association.31–33
with BMI >25 are not given oral contrast for CT due to the expectation of Lastly, much of the early research behind CI-AKI was based on intra-
having more intrabdominal and intrapelvic fat as a backdrop to evaluate arterial contrast administration for cardiac angiography which carries
bowel and other viscera, as well as more easily identifying fatty in­ a much higher risk of renal injury. Conclusions drawn from initial
flammatory changes.27 studies of CI-AKI have disseminated broadly in medical education and
training, leading many clinicians to avoid the use of iodinated IV
4. Nephropathy risk with iodinated IV contrast use contrast if there was any concern for renal impairment.34
More recent controlled studies and meta-analyses have provided
After the introduction of iodinated intravenous (IV) and intraarterial evidence countering claims made in early studies, with most studies
contrast agents, there was suggestion that these agents could cause acute finding no significant change in renal function in patients who received
renal dysfunction after contrast-enhanced CT (CECT). This phenomenon IV contrast compared to those who did not.35–37 Newer research studies

A. Fruauff et al. Clinical Imaging 90 (2022) 32–38

Fig. 5. IV contrast-enhanced coronal CT abdomen and pelvis without oral contrast (A) and with oral contrast (B) in two different patients presenting with right lower
abdominal pain show a dilated, fluid-filled appendix (arrows) with stranding of the surrounding periappendiceal fat. CT without oral contrast was imaged 35 min
after evaluation, while CT with oral contrast was imaged 3 h after evaluation.

Clinicians remain wary about the use of IV contrast and pre-
procedural hydration for CECT in abdominal pain for patients with
elevated creatinine, post renal transplant, on dialysis, or recent (within
24 h) CECT, even if the differential includes life-threatening conditions.
These and other risk factors have not been rigorously confimed and are
discussed in length by the ACR Manual on Contrast Media.29,38,39 While
most hospitals have creatinine and estimated glomerular filtration rate
(eGFR) thresholds where administration of IV contrast becomes con­
traindicated or requires communication between clinicians and radiol­
ogists, there is no universally agreed upon creatinine or eGFR threshold
for which the risk of CI-AKI makes IV contrast an absolute contraindi­
cation. Currently, there is very little evidence that IV contrast leads to
AKI in patients with an eGFR of ≥30 mL/min/1.73m2; an eGFR of ≤30
mL/min/1.73m2 is the threshold with the strongest evidence to weigh
risks and benefits of CECT. In the emergency setting, concern for CI-AKI
often results in lengthy discussions between ordering clinicians and ra­
diologists, which leads to delays in imaging acquisition and thus, a
diagnosis. Furthermore, if the initial CT scan is done without intrave­
nous contrast, critical diagnoses that could seriously change patient
management can be missed (Fig. 7). Unlike oral contrast, IV contrast has
been shown to increase the spectrum of identifiable pathology on CT of
Fig. 6. Coronal CT abdomen and pelvis without oral or IV contrast (A) in a 50-
year-old female presenting with right lower abdominal pain shows a dilated
patients with generalized abdominal pain.40 By the time a patient is
appendix containing an appendicolith (arrow) and stranding of the surrounding brought back for CECT, there has been even further delay in diagnosis
periappendiceal fat. IV contrast was not given due to a creatinine of >4 mg/dL. and treatment. MRI could be an appropriate imaging alternative to
The patient was instructed to drink oral contrast in the ER, but did not drink evaluate acute abdominal emergencies, particularly in young patients
any due to pain. A total of 5 h passed before the patient was imaged. Acute with multiple CT studies and patients with prior anaphylaxis to iodin­
appendicitis was confirmed on pathology after the patient was taken to surgery ated IV contrast. However, MRI may not be available to all facilities
the next morning. overnight and studies may be more difficult to interpret due to motion
artifact secondary to pain and inability to breath hold.20
have also used propensity score adjustment and propensity score
matching, which accounts for confounding variables such as sepsis, 5. Conclusion
which may affect renal function, thereby reducing confounding
bias.36,37 The most recent version of the ACR contrast manual makes a Acute non-traumatic abdominal pain is a common chief complaint
clear distinction between contrast-associated acute kidney injury (CA- encountered in the ED that often relies heavily on imaging to provide an
AKI) and CI-AKI in order to differentiate a correlative relationship from early and accurate diagnosis crucial for better patient outcomes. Three
a causative one. CI-AKI is a real but rare entity that is overestimated in practices that can lead to a delay in diagnosis discussed in this manu­
clinical practice because most published series have conflated CA-AKI script include the inappropriate use of abdominal radiographs, the use of
with CI-AKI and attributed a correlative finding to a causative oral contrast in CT, and concern for CI-AKI in patients prior to CECT. Up

A. Fruauff et al. Clinical Imaging 90 (2022) 32–38

Fig. 7. Axial CT abdomen and pelvis pre and post-IV contrast (A, B) images of a 68-year-old male presenting with bright red blood per rectum and hypotension
showing enhancement of the abdominal aorta (arrowhead), dilated, fluid filled loops of small bowel and diffuse arterial intraluminal small bowel enhancement
(arrows), consistent with aortoenteric fistula. The patient had a complex vascular history, including endograft repair of the abdominal aorta (not pictured) and had
undergone CTA chest 6 h prior to evaluate for pulmonary embolus (negative). The clinical team was hesitant to order a second contrast-enhanced study within 24 h,
requiring a conversation between the radiologist and clinical team that took approximately 1 h to resolve.

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