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Department of Computer Science HITEC University,

Taxila BS Computer Science Program (Batch 2021)

CS-304: Database Systems

Lab Folder
Fall 2023

Section B

Lab Report # 07
Muhammad Jahangir
Basit Ali
Muhammad Alrayan
Instructor: Fatima Rauf
1 Create a table student having primary key with the following schema:
(std_ID, std_Name, DB_marks,DB_paperdate, CN_marks, CN_paperdate)
2 Insert at least 7 rows in the table
3 Calculate average of database and computer networks marks
4 Minimum of database marks

5 Maximum of computer networks marks

6 Count distinct student database marks where marks >15.
7 Display all table where Name in ascending way and database marks in
descending way

The provided SQL queries allow for the creation, insertion, and effective querying of a "student"
table. They help calculate averages, find minimum and maximum values, count distinct records,
and display results sorted by student name and database marks. These operations provide valuable
insights into student performance in database and computer networks courses.

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