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-Table of Contents-

Chapter 1: The Sorcerous Kingdom of Ainz Ooal Gown
Chapter 2: The Kingdom of Re-Estize
Chapter 3: The Bahamut Empire
Side Story


Albedo entered the room, and then took a deep breath.

Sadly, there was nothing in the air to excite her nose. But that was only to be expected -- after all, not
only did her beloved master not possess a metabolism, but he did not even breathe, so he would not
leave any scent in the air.

Still -- she could feel it in her heart.

After breathing the air through which her master had passed, she felt peace flowing through her soul.

This was what it meant to be a girl in love.

Ku~ kuku.

As the soft chuckle escaped, Albedo hurried to cover up her mouth.

It was not that anyone was there, or even that her teeth were showing. However, it was not something
that a proper lady should have done.

Albedo sat primly upon the bed, and then lay down.

She sniffed again, and as expected, there was nothing in the air. Still, the fact that she could do this
hile l i g o he elo ed aste s ed filled he ith the deepest jo .

This was a perfectly reasonable course of action for a girl in love to take. Consider that if there were any
woman existed that could lie on the bed of the man she loved, do the same things as Albedo herself and
et ot feel a thi g, hile at the sa e ti e da i g to all he self a gi l i lo e like Al edo did. “he
would certainly consider that woman to be one that did not understand true love, and swiftly eliminate
that unpleasant person without delay.

Albedo pulled back the hands wandering down her belly. Now was not the time for such things.

It seems this is becoming a habit, Albedo thought as she pulled herself upright.

In any ase, she had to fi ish the da s tasks.

After founding the Sorcerous Kingdom and placing E-‘a tel u de thei ule, Al edo s o kload had
dramatically increased. Much of the reason for that was because the officials who were supposed to
manage E-Rantel had fled back to the Kingdom, leading to a shortage of administrative personnel.

The plan was to use the undead made by her master to handle this task. However, since they were still
in the training phase, the result was that it consumed her time instead, and added to her workload. In
addition, there were many other things that she had to do. While her schedule would probably free up
in the near future, for the time being she would still be very busy.

Of course, to Albedo, these labors were not an onerous thing. Or rather, there was not a single denizen
of Nazarick who would say that service to their master was a hardship. This was what Albedo believed.
One might even go so far as to say that the heavier her burden, the greater her joy.

It s a out ti e, I should go he k o the f uits of thei t ai i g…

It had stretched from a few days to a few weeks. Even after a month, they were still only half-baked. Still,
she would have to hand the reins of administration over to them, depending on the circumstances.
Recently, she had been considering a visit to the Kingdom, to meet with the King. In truth, it would be
fine as long as her wise master was around, even without her presence. However, such tasks were little
more than petty errands, which did not suit his role as an absolute ruler.

Kings had things which kings needed to do.

Although, o e to thi k of it… he e does Ai z-sa a i te d to take the “o e ous Ki gdo ?

A nation had policies which they could implement.

Once one had decided on them, they could to determine the laws of the land and the future direction of
the entire country. For instance, they might decide to turn humans into slaves and have the entire
country serve Nazarick. If they chose that path, then they would need to properly pass legislation for
turning humans into slaves. Then, with that as a forethought, they would need to consider various
problems such as how to deal with the nearby countries of humans, how to treat the humans of other
countries, and other related problems.

However, her master had not been able to give her a clear answer, even up till now.
In other words, the Sorcerous Kingdom was missing its central leadership, based on the foundations of
the old house called the Kingdom, and merely rebuilding itself.

Or could it be that this was the ideal sort of country for her beloved master? Or could that great being
be waiting for something else? If it was the latter, she could only feel embarrassed that she could not
read the thoughts of her master.

This was one of the fe ti es that she as t ou led he aste s illia t i telle t.

There were many meanings to every move her master made, as a being of deep insight and distant
considerations. It was because she could not immediately comprehend the significance of her aste s
actions that she felt the bitterest regret.

Even Demiurge -- whose intellect rivalled, or perhaps even surpassed hers -- had said i the past:
isdo ould ot e e egi to at h up to the aste s; it is t ul u ea a le . “till, e e so--

All I eed to do is o e Ai z-sa a s de isio s, o atte hat ki d of ou t he a ts to eate.

In all ways but one, Albedo would faithfully follow her beloved husband.

“till, hat s happe ed to hi ?

But of course, there was no answer to the sou d of Al edo s utte i g.

[End Prologue]

[Chapter 1 - The Sorcerous Kingdom of Ainz Ooal Gown]

-Part 1-

The Sorcerer King. The absolute ruler of the Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick and the Sorcerous
Kingdom of Ainz Ooal Gown. A being who ruled the 41 Supreme Beings, and the last of them who had
remained in Nazarick. At this moment, that entity who should have been enjoying the attentions of his
subordinates was curled up on a soft bed, reading a book.

Said bed had been moved from the Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick and brought to this place -- to
the private chambers of the former ruler of E-Rantel, Mayor Panasolei, which had been partially
e odelled a d o e ted i to Ai z s o ha e s. The e as a f ag a e f o he his ed as i
Nazarick which he could not detect from his bed over here.
Pe haps it s e ause the ed he e does t ha e pe fu e sp a ed o it, Ai z thought as he lea ed his
weight onto the bed in question.

Of course, sleep was a completely needless action for an undead being like Ainz.

Indeed, the remnants of his humanity told his mind that he should be tired. That was why Ainz
occasionally did this sort of thing, lying down on a bed to cool down his overheated head and heart.
However, that was only a temporary thing. Thus, lying down like this for a long time like a human being
would do was actually quite meaningless.

Of course, there were always a few exceptions to the rule.

For instance -- yes. For instance, while reading. In particular, when he was mindful of the way others
were looking at him.

It should e da ti e soo … oh!

A weak ray of sunlight filtered in through the gap in the curtains, giving Ainz a rough idea fo the time.
With that, he stuffed all the books he had been reading until just now back under his pillow.

Then, he inclined his skull to look over to the corner of the room.

He saw a maid standing there.

“he as o e of Naza i k s egula aids, a d she ould e atte di g to Ai z toda -- to be precise, she
would have attended him since yesterday. Currently, she was elegantly seated on a chair, her back
ramrod straight. However, that posture had not changed since last night. From what Ainz knew, none of
the maids had failed to remain seated.

Her line of sight was constantly fixed on Ainz, barring several momentary distractions.

It was a truly indescribable burden.

Of course, she had not intended to exert this pressure. Doing so allowed her to respond immediately to
any emergency. However, it made an everyman like Suzuki Satoru, want to a d eg spa e e,
please .

Nobody would feel comfortable if they were stared at constantly like this, especially if it was a member
of the opposite sex doing it. Even if nothing happened, it made him feel like he had left something
undone somewhere.

The most important thing was the way she silently responded to Ainz if he made any movement at all.
Simply put -- it was misery.

Of course, Ainz was an absolute ruler. If he forbade her to do so, she would stop. However, when he
thought of the looks on the faces of the maids when he said so, he could not bring himself to speak the
words waiting in his mouth.

After coming to this world, Ainz had swiftly taken action in the guise of Momon. This was not the first
time the maids had surrounded him in service. Until now, they continued serving him with an awe-
inspiring loyalty as they faithfully carried out their tasks. It was because he knew this that Ainz could not
bring himself to make them bend to his will.

Besides, they would get tired of it after a while.

It had been a month since he had thought that.

The idea that this state of affairs might continue forever filled Ainz with some degree of unease. Because
the maids took 41 days to complete a cycle of their schedule, he decided to leave that matter for the
future, but that line of thinking had merely kicked the can down the road until now.

A e these hat the all the hai s of o a di g… a agi g Naza i k, pla i g the g oup s poli ies,
espo di g to su o di ates; ishes… people ho sta d at the top really are great, no wonder they
hae such high salaries...

Now that he understood what they were going through, Ainz laughed at the foolishness of his prior
thinking, that people who stood so high and did so little could collect so much pay. And then, he slowly
rose from the bed.

At this moment, the maid silently rose from her seat. It made him feel as though there were a rope
connecting them.

How could her movements be so graceful after staying awake through the night?

--I up.

Yes. The , ou se a t shall take he lea e. Afte this, toda s aid ill o e to take o e f o e.

Ai z did ot sa a thi g alo g the li es of I ll lea e it to ou , ut si pl g u ted a d a ed his ha d

to indicate that she should carry on.

Pe haps I eing too arrogant, Ainz thought.

Still, it might have been better like this.

He had se t Ha suke to ask so e uestio s, a d the aids fi st espo se see ed to e, It feels like
he s do i ati g us, Ai z-sa a is the est o so ethi g like that. It ould seem they were all
masochists, and while it had troubled Ainz when he had first heard it, after thinking calmly about it, a
ruler ought to act and dress the part. It was what his subjects would wish for.

Using a company as an example, a boss had to look and act like a boss.

When he thought if it that way, Ainz felt that what he had done was what the Sorcerer King would have
done. The fact was, when he had sneaked peeks at the ruler of the Empire, Jircniv Rune Farlord El Nix,
the man had acted in pretty much the same way.

“till, “uzuki “ato u had ee a o ki g a , a d he felt a little u eas a out ot sa i g, Tha ks fo

ou ha d o k .

...The , ou should go ha e a good est ou self.

Ah! --Please allow your servant to offer her deepest thanks for your generosity, Ainz-sa a!

The maid bowed deeply as she said that, to express her gratitude.

Ho e e , it is tha ks to this that ou se a t ould sta ou side, to atte d ou ithout ha i g to

rest, Ainz-sa a.

No, that s ot hat I ea t, Ainz muttered in his heart.

It was true that once one put on a Ring of Sustenance, one would have no problems going without sleep
day and night. Still, sitting on a chair and watching Ainz all night should have been nothing short of
hellish. Although he was very pleased by their dedication, there was no need for them to go that far.

At least the should a el the ight shift… the pa t he e the at h e sleep, ight?

As maids, it was only natural that they should faithfully serve their master with their hearts and souls.

He did not know exactly which maid had said it, but Ainz remembered that one of them had.

Faithfully serve their master, huh. What would you say if I wanted to live in as an equal to you?

Unlike how he had felt when he had first come to this new world, Ainz could now confidently pat his
chest and say that all his subordinates were absolutely loyal to him. As long as Ainz paid attention to his
actions and did not do anything which would disappoint them, there was no chance of their betrayal --
barring outside interference. Then, perhaps he should change the relationship between them, and put
himself on equal footing with the NPCs. That might be a good choice to make, at some point.
If that happened, Ainz would be free from this life of being a ruler, of having his brain cells depleted all
day long. In addition --

--it would be like before, indeed, just like during the guild days. I wonder if I could go back to that sort of
life again.

Whenever he spoke to the NPCs, he kept visualizing the images his former friends over them. It was
because of that that Ainz that he would not have to relate to them as master and servant, but the way
they had in the past --

--No, Ainz thought as he mentally shook his head.

While he did not know what might lead his subjects to be disappointed in him, such a dramatic change
in circumstances could not possibly be a wise decision. In addition, since he knew that they craved a
master-servant relationship, it was his responsibility as their master to continue in that capacity. At the
same time, as the last person who had remained here, he had to do everything he could for the NPCs --
his children.

The maid bade her goodbyes to Ainz, and then left the room.

In that moment, Ainz sprang into action. First, he exchanged the books under the pillow with other
books. The book he had used as a substitute had a very complex title -- just flipping through a couple of
pages would make anyone lose the will to continue reading. Then, the book he had been reading last
night went into his personal pocket dimension -- his item box.

After placing it into a place where it would not be easily stolen, Ainz breathed a sigh of relief.

That too, was part of his responsibilites as a master.

He certainly did not want to read those brain-burning books all night. If possible, he would like to read
so e popula ooks i stead. Ho e e , ei g spotted eadi g su h ooks ould da age Ai z s dig it
as a ruler. Therefore, Ainz was forced to take such troublesome measures.

Incidentally, he had already taken into consideration the fact that the maids would move the books
under the pillow to another location.

Now that he had finished everything he could do on the bed, Ainz pushed aside the thin silk canopy
which shrouded the bed, then dismounted and rose to his feet. Just then, several knocks came from the
door. Shortly after that, the maid who was due to take over the next shift opened the door and entered
the room.

As she saw Ainz getting off the bed, she smiled and approached him. It looked like she was the maid
who would be assigned to accompany Ainz today.
Good o i g, Feis.

A li di gl illia t s ile da ed o the aid s fa e.

Good o i g, Ai z-sa a! I ll e i ou a e toda !

If Feis had a tail, she would probably be wagging it with all her might. That made him remember that
Pestonya had wagged her tail in the past.

Her maid uniform was the same as the one worn by the previous maid, Woss. As a regular maid, her
outfit was different from the battle maids, being identical through all their members. However, their
exact appearance varied -- probably because it was different women wearing them.

Ainz recalled something that one of his friends had said so often that it seemed to have taken up
eside e i his ea : Although si ple aid outfits a e good, a esso ized aid outfits a e ette .
The e as also a posts ipt to that: I othe o ds, aid u ifo s a e the est, o atte ho the a e.
Maid uniforms are the greatest invention of human history. Heeha, maid u ifo s~

Although Ai z did ot k o hat he ea t heeha , it as p o a l so e so t of e la atio . It

might have also have been some personally-invented term of his. In this way, Ainz recalled the
memories of his past companions, bit by bit.

Ainz smiled bitterly -- though his facial expression did not change, of course -- and silently looked at the

Ai-Ainz-sa a, is, is ou se a t ot ade uate i so e a ?

Feis seemed vaguely ashamed as her hands tightly gripped the apron of her uniform. It was then that
Ainz realized his carelessness.

Fo gi e e. It see s I as… es , it see s I as so e hat e t a ed ou.


The , let s go.

--Eh? Ah, es. U de stood!

The maid following behind him froze for a moment, but still managed an energetic reply. Ainz passed
through several rooms. What he saw there could not possibly be compared to the scenery of the 9th
Floor of the Tomb. Thus, when Ainz had decided to stay here, the Guardians had voiced their objections
one after the other.

Item. This place is lacking in taste as a residence for a Supreme Being.

Item. This place lacks defensive ability and has inadequate protection against spies.

Item. Item. Item.

However, Ainz had shouldered through all these obstacles and selected this place as his home.

This was his responsibility as a King -- after all, Jircniv too lived in the Imperial Palace of the Imperial
Capital. Or at least, that was what he wanted people to think. The fact was, this place was luxurious
enough for Ainz, no, for Suzuki Satoru. His old home was even less worthy of comparison. In addition,
his room on the 9th Floor had always been too unreal, too large.

He had not minded it when it had still been a game. However, now that he had actually lived there, he
was acutely aware that there was no place for him within its walls. All Ainz wanted to do was to burrow
into a corner of the room.

Ainz led Feis and the Eight Edge Assassin that had dropped down from the ceiling to the dressing room.

Several regular maids were already there and waiting for him. As one, they executed respectful bows to
him. Feis swiftly joined their ranks as well.

Ai z-sa a, hat ould ou like to ea toda ? Feis asked i a oi e that as u sti g ith e e g .

...Oh, it see s Feis e es are sparkling too. Or rather, it feels like anyone in her place has sparkling eyes. I
did hea that ladies like lothi g… is that ho the e p ess it? O do the just like oo di ati g thei
clothes and accessories?

A steady sensation of fatigue crept ove hi , ut he ould ot sho it. I stead, he e t U u -- a

which he felt was quite cool, because he had been practicing it beforehand.

Frankly speaking, Ainz had no need to change his clothes.

His magic robes would not get wrinkled even if he spent all night rolling around on the bed. His body did
not excrete any waste products. The dust floating in the air could settle on him, but all he had to do was
pat it off. In addition, any place where Ainz went would have already been thoroughly cleaned by the
maids. In addition, he did not need to eat or drink, and would not get dirty from those activities.

Wearing the same set of clothes would not have posed him any problems.

However, none of his subordinates could permit that. Yet it was only to be expected; having their
absolute ruler wear the same thing everyday would ruin his image.

That said, Ainz was not confident in his ability to coordinate his outfit.
Now, if he were preparing his equipment for battle, he was quite confident that after considering his
oppo e ts a ilities a d skills a d pla i g out his ta ti s, he ould sele t the app op iate e uip e t
that best matched the foe he was facing. However --

Well, to some extent, the experience gained by Suzuki Satoru allowed him to comment on whether this
tie would work with that suit. However, he could say nothing about whether this purple robe with silver
filigree matched a silver necklace socketed with four diamonds and so on. In addition, he had to select
clothes to match a skeletal body.

However, if he wore a mismatched outfit, people might doubt his sense of style as a leader. That would
be like betraying his loyal subordinates. Therefore, Ainz had to give his utmost even in the matter of
dressing himself.

Therein lay a fatal problem.

Would any of his subordinates comment if Ainz wore something unsuitable? It was a similar situation to
a toupee slipping off the head of the CEO of some large company; nobody would dare say anything. That
being the case, there was only one course of action left to him.

--Feis, I ll lea e it to ou. P epa e a set of lothi g that est suits e.

U de stood! Lea e it to e, Ai z-sa a! You se a t ill take the g eatest a e i he hoi es!

You do t ha e to e so li el -- well, Ainz thought that, but he had never actually said so to the maids

I! I thi k ed suits ou ell, Ai z-sama! Therefore, I was thinking of using red as a base color for
oo di ati g ou atti e. What do ou thi k?

...I just said that I ould lea e that to ou. That ei g the ase, the e s o eed to ake su e ith e.

Yes! U de stood!

If he had no confidence in himself, then all he needed to do was hand the task to someone else -- like
how he had allowed the maid to pick for him.

Ainz was somewhat disturbed by the bright red robe she had selected, however. The almost blinding red
color was further adorned by many huge gemstones, almost like buttons. It might have still been
acceptable if they were all the same color, but the many gemstones reflected half a dozen different
colors of light. In addition, the garment was edged with strange characters embroidered with gold

--Is this really normal clothing? Can it be considered clothing in the normal sense of the word?
He felt like a sandwich-board man illuminated by neon lights. He would never have picked this clothing
of his own accord. Or rather, Ainz began to wonder why he had ever bought this in the first place. Since
he had no recollection of his guild members forcing it upon him, there was no other explanation but that
he had used magic to delete the memories of its acquisition from his mind.

Was it a gift? What so t of a ti it ould fo e a gift o to ou? … “till, ell, it a t e helped, huh.

Even recalling how he had obtained it would not make the crimson robe before him vanish.

While it ould e eas to si pl efuse it, that ould ake a lie of the I ll lea e it to ou that he had
told Feis. More to the point, it might only be Ainz who found it embarrassing, while everyone else liked
it. Or rather, that was quite likely to be the case.

And, to put it more bluntly, since Feis had selected this robe, he could blame her if anyone commented
on it.

I really am a terrible boss.

Ainz knew that this was not something of which he could be proud, and he felt guilty for it.

Pushing the blame to someone else was not laudable conduct for a boss -- for a superior. Ainz knew this,
but even so, he needed some form of protection.

He had to protect himself by sacrificing his subordinates. It could not be helped.

--“o a out that.

Ah, si e est apologies!

It s fi e… I as just talki g to self. Pa it o heed. Co e to thi k of it…

Ainz decided to choose his words carefully as he asked his question.

The e s so ethi g I d like to ask; do ou thi k this o e is a it too gaud fo e?

Ce tai l ot! Afte all, just a out a thi g looks good o ou, Ai z-sama! Although I feel that black as
a base with dark brown as a secondary color would look good too, but wearing that all the time would
not show off your other virtues, Ainz-sama! All this is to imprint your powerful image into the eyes of
everyone who--

Ainz interrupted the gushing flow of her words.

--It s fi e. As lo g as it s suita le, it s fi e. The , ould ou d ess e?

U de stood!

Feis and the other maids got to work.

As Ai z e ai ed sta di g, the aids sile tl e o ed Ai z s lothi g. The a t of ha i g his lothes

changed by women, even if his body was nothing more than a skeleton, filled him with a burning shame.

But of course, such a gesture was a natural act for an absolute ruler.

Ainz remained still and allowed the maids to work, while he silently looked into the dressing mirror.

Soon, a red-robed Ainz appeared in the mirror. As expected, it was gaudy. It was nothing but gaudy.

...No. This o ld has a p ett di e ge t se se of aestheti s. Fo all I k o … these lothes ight e uite
suitable for a ruler to wear.

He recalled Hamsuke as an example, and quashed his unease.

The , let s go.

Those thoughts went through his head as he strode forth in the company of Feis. How he wished he had
the time to sigh.


The swaying, gaudy red robe advanced toward his office. In the instant that Ainz neared the door, Feis
swiftly darted forward and courteously opened it for him.

“o eti es, he thought of sa i g, It s just a doo , let e ope it. Ho e e , as he at hed the look o
the aids fa es hi h said, Whoa, look at e, I o ki g! , Ai z ould do othi g ut a ept this as a
form of automatically-opening door.

Ainz led Feis and the Eight Edge Assassin into the office.

The desk in the center of the room was like the one Ainz had in his own room, and it radiated an air of

It had been brought here from Nazarick, along with his bed. A flag hung in the depths of the room -- the
flag of Ainz Ooal Gown -- of the Sorcerous Kingfom.

Ainz passed through the room, and approached the balcony.

There was a glass box on the balcony, which was not very large and contained a jungle environment.
Ainz inserted a finger of bone into the box which seemed devoid of lifeforms, and lifted up a leaf.
Hidden beneath was a creature that hid in the darkness to avoid the sunlight.

Its brightly-colored body was covered in sticky yet slippery secretions, and the front part of its body
resembled a pair of human lips.

Ainz carefully studied the lip bug before his eyes.

--That s a good olo . It looks uite li el , hi h is the i po ta t thi g.

He remembered what he had been once told, which was that color was very important. He also recalled
having several lip bugs placed in front of him, and being taught to tell when they were most energetic by
their color. And indeed; the lip bug before him seemed much livelier than the others at that time.

Ainz picked out a fresh cabbage leaf from a nearby plate.

Co e, Nu u u u-ku . It s ti e to eat~

He brought the leaf close to the lip bug, which latched onto it with a nom. After he let go of it, the lip
bug frantically devoured it in large mouthfuls.

Ainz brought out two more leaves, which the lip bug readily devoured.

Because Entoma had told him that overfeeding it was not good, he decided to stop there.

Ainz gently returned the fed and happy lip bug to its shaded home in the glass box -- to the place it most

It see ed a little g oss at fi st, ut it g e to e uite ado a le afte I a ed fo it.

He was not speaking to anyone in particular, just talking to himself. Ainz had a cheerful smile on his face
as he closed the thin lid of the box. This box was not very sturdy, and the lip bug could escape if it really
wanted to. The reason Ainz used it was the proof of his confidence of being able to take good care of its
occupant. Still, the fact remained that it was a mercenary that had been spawned with gold, so it might
still decide to escape.

Ainz gently cleaned his hand with a nearby cloth, and after finishing all his tasks for the morning, he took
a seat in his chair. He leaned his weight onto its back and let his body sink deeply into it.

...Ah, o k. The e s o offi ial working hours, but my heart still sinks around this time. I guess old habits
die hard.

The desk did not have so much as a speck of dust on it, to say nothing of documents.
It as o pletel u like “uzuki “ato u s desk.

All this was because he did not eed to o k th ough the ight. Ai z s jo as to ake the ig de isio s,
not worrying about the fine details. After he decided the overall direction, his subordinates went into

...“till, this is h it s so diffi ult. Fo the fi st ti e, I ealise that the difficulty of a job is determined by
ho u h espo si ilit it pla es o o eself. It s o e e tall tha ph si all ti i g… a d it s e tai l
more stressful. Ara, is it time to start work?

There was no need to look at a watch.

At that precise moment, a knock came from the door. Fifth -- who was standing in attendance at the
door -- verified the identity of the caller.

Ai z-sama, it is Albedo-sa a a d the Elde Li hes.

The e as espe t i Fifth s oi e, e ause the Elde Li hes had all een personally created by Ainz.

I see. Let the i .

Fifth stepped away from the door to make way for the visitors. Albedo entered the room at the head of
six Elder Liches.

Good o i g, Ai z-sa a.

The Elde Li hes follo ed Al edo s lead a d deepl bowed their heads.

U u, good o i g, Al edo. It see s toda s eathe is uite fi e.

I deed it is. I ha e epo ts that it ill e su all da -- of course, if it is your wish as the ultimate ruler
of this world, we can produce any kind of weather you desire. How do you wish to proceed, Ainz-sa a?

This was just using an irrelevant topic to start a conversation, but he had not expected her to lead with a
suggestion like that.

That ill ot e e essa . I do ot dislike ha ges i the eathe . “u ny days are fine, the roaring of
thunder on rainy days are to be savored, and the gentle falling of snow is quite intriguing. The
e te tai e t o es f o e jo i g the atu al ha ges of the eathe .

Ai z did ot dislike this o ld s ha gi g li ate. I this undespoiled world, he found himself agreeing
ith his fo e o ade Blue Pla et s o ds: The ai as o igi all atu e s lessi g.
It was best to let nature remain natural.

Yes, u de stood... Of ou se, I se sed that ou had o desi e to alte the weather, but I had to ask to be
sure, Ainz-sama. After all, you are not the sort of leader who would directly order us around to fulfil
ou desi es.

...I that so? I do t feel it s like that…

Ainz thought about it, but he could not come up with anything he particularly wanted. When he had still
been Suzuki Satoru, his mind had been filled with YGGDRASIL. After his body had become like this, it had
only gotten worse. Although he was not sure if that was a side effect of becoming undead, the chances
of always having been this way were quite high. If he had to speak of desires, that would be a desire for
collecting rare items. And also--

Ainz smiled sadly, and gently shook his head.

No, it ight e just as ou sa . Ho e e , that is si pl e ause there is nothing I truly want. If I have
a desi es, I ill atu all gi e the app op iate o de s at that ti e.

Whe the ti e o es, I hope ou ill allo e, as the Gua dia O e see , to sele t the people to fulfil
ou desi es, Al edo eplied as she lowered her head. When it came back up, her face seemed
so eo e flushed. Ho e e , ou lothes toda a e uite spe ta ula . The a e e t ao di a il adia t.
No, the shi e this ightl e ause ou e ea i g the , Ai z-sa a.

Albedo continued lavishing her praise on him.

The radiance of which she spoke were probably the gemstones which seemed to substitute for buttons,
since his skull would not reflect the light. Ainz nodded as he thought about this.

Is that so, the I ust tha k ou fo that, Al edo.

You a e too ki d. I as si pl stati g the o ious. Ai z-sama, you are truly--

Ainz raised his hand to interrupt Albedo as she excitedly prepared to continue. He had the feeling that
following that topic would make their conversations very long.

Let s lea e that atte aside fo o . The , hat of the do u e ts ou a d the othe s e e ha dli g
este da , Al edo?


Albedo puffed up her cheeks in an adorable matter, and the Elder Liches followed her directions and
placed their documents on the table.
The pile of documents stacked one on top of the other came to a sizable thickness. Files of this type
were light on the motions, but heavy on the attached information. Much like how he had needed data
from many fields in his old job, it would seem that this was all preparation to deal with a complicated

His heart was ready for this. Ainz had spent all morning psyching himself up and firming his resolve.

Suzuki Satoru was a mere employee, and he was not the sort who needed to interact with the
o pa s ope atio s. If asked hethe so eo e like that ould a age a e ti e ou t , Ai z ould
ha e o fide tl a s e ed o . No, e e a ope atio s a age ould fi d it e diffi ult to u a

What made it worse was that Ainz was an absolute ruler. Even if there were any mistakes in the words
he spoke, his subordinates would rally together to turn them all into reality.

Was there anything scarier than that? A single word from Ainz might lead to a mass suicide.

What should he do in that case?

The answer was very simple. Much like these clothes, he had to hand that responsibility to talented

Bei g a le to skilfull allo ate o e s su o di ates a o di g to thei st e gths as also a esse tial
quality in a boss.

That said, there were problems with delegating everything to others. It was true that he could leave
everything to Albedo with ease. However, he was not a decoration, but a king. As someone who was
highly placed, as a superior being, there were responsibilities for him to fulfil.

The e e e so e tasks hi h ould ot e es aped sa i g I k o othi g.

As such, Ainz began carefully reading the stack of documents from top to bottom, placing the royal seal
on each one.

After rhythmically stamping several do u e ts, Ai z paused, ha i g sele ted o e of the as the da s
target. He opened it to peruse its contents. And then--

...I do t get it, afte all. Does this ha e so ethi g to do ith ate ial esou es? Is this e i po ta t?
Do the Elder Liches reall u de sta d? ...Well, the e e all ade e… hat s this gap, a a --
although, eadi g all this is eall ti eso e, it s all legal la guage...

He had to flip back and forth between the pages to look up the words on other pages, and at the end,
the conclusion was negative, based on the above decision. In addition, there were many negative proofs
in the text, which made understanding it a tedious task.
--Al edo.

Yes, Ai z-sa a! Has so ethi g aught ou atte tio ?

No, it s u elated to this, but I thought of something. How is the progress on the passing of legislation?
Although this is called a Sorcerous Kingdom, we have not introduced any unique laws of our own, but
si pl eused the Ki gdo s la s.

Yes. This is si pl a d aft fo o . If we pushed through with the law too harshly it could lead to
idesp ead dis o te t. Thus, e a e hesita t to do so.

These words sounded strange when they came from Albedo, who cared nothing for humanity. Still, Ainz
could not help but pat his chest in relief.

Although I e dis ussed it ith De iu ge efo e… the la s of the Ki gdo si pl do ot g a t e ough

power to an absolute ruler such as yourself, Ainz-sama. We are currently considering simply retaining
the first edict and then executing the rest of it fo e.

While I a o e o fide t i othe a eas…

That was a lie. Ainz had no confidence in just about everything.

I eg et to sa that I a ot e sed i the a s of the la . Do as ou see fit. You ha e t ust.

Yes, I u de sta d.

Albedo had a look of delight on her face. If Ainz looked closely, he could see her wings quivering behind
her. She -- and Demiurge, for some unknown reason -- seemed to consider Ainz to be a genius who was
always one step ahead of them.

Thus, when Ainz said he did not know or something along those lines, he could keenly understand the
joy which they -- who were made as highly intelligent beings -- felt at being able to validate their

“till, the e s o eed to lie a out ot u de sta di g the la …

No, it s t ue. I a ot uite e sed i atte s of the la .

I see… that ust e ho ou see it, f o the pe spe ti e of a sup e e leade ho has e e ee
ou d a la s. I u de sta d ou ea i g.
Ainz felt that he was being misunderstood, but he decided to ignore the matter. After all, he had no idea
how to explain it to her. Instead, he simply smiled. This feeling was only vaguely familiar to him, but that
might be how children felt when proudly showing off their talents to their parents.

Is so ethi g o g?

Al edo s look of su p ise o l ade Ai z that u h o e delighted. “till, it ould e ude fo the jo to
be all his.

Fo gi e e, ut he I sa ho happ ou e e, I as st u k ho ute ou looked… ho shall I sa

this, umu, it s so e hat diffi ult to e plai .

As he said that, there was a brief commotion from the Eight Edge Assassins on the roof, but then they
no longer moved.

Kuku, ho e a assi g.

Albedo pressed her hands to her cheeks. As Ainz saw how she blushed, he realised how uncomfortable
he must have made her feel, and with a slight cough, he decided to study the documents before him

It would seem that his way of treating the NPCs as the children of his friends made him say things which
embarrassed them.

He felt a little guilty about his rudeness, but in the end, he stamped the final document instead. With
that, one task was complete.

He handed the files to Albedo, who was covering her mouth with her hand and muttering about
something. She in turn handed them to the Elder Liches.

The , let s egi the usual. These a e the p oposals e ill s ee th ough toda .

Ainz opened his cabinet and took out a stack of papers. These were suggestions and opinions collected
from everyone in Nazarick in order to aid in the development of the Sorcerous Kingdom.

After reading them, Ainz would summarizecopy these suggestions downout and read them out for
Albedo to hear around this time every morning.

The e s o eed fo ou to aste ou alua le ti e ith pett tasks like writing them all down, Ainz-
sa a.

No, e ause the e ight e so e suggestio s i the e hi h a e di e ted at e. I additio , od

does ot e ui e sleep. It ould e a aste of ti e if I did othi g.
That too was a lie. Or rather, it was true that he would be left idle if he did nothing. However, he could
spend that time on things like reading, bathing, practicing his acting skills and simulated combat. Even so,
he still had to do this by hand because Ainz was sneaking in his own suggestions among the others.

Ainz had to do this because if he made those suggestions directly, his subordinates would force
themselves to make them happen, even if they were impractical. That could lead to tragic consequences.

Therefore, by anonymously submitting his suggestions, he hoped that Albedo, as an impartial third party,
would judge them by their merits alone. In addition, by not disclosing the names of the suggesters,
Ai z s o a ilities ould ot e alled i to uestio , hi h as like killi g t o birds with one stone.

Ainz began reading the uppermost suggestion out loud.

Muu… I elie e that e eed hild edu atio se i es hi h a s out out tale ted i di iduals a d
cultivate them. This way, we might be able to strengthen Nazarick. Even if it does not work out, we can
still use it to develop technologies for ourself, which can also be used as a foundation to strengthen
Naza i k as ell. “o ethi g like that.

Ainz looked at Albedo, who was standing with her eyes facing forward.

The e efits a e lea l outli ed, a d it is a e elle t suggestio . O e a se se the suggeste s

e elle e th ough it. It ight e good to i ulate this as a spe i e fo othe s to stud .

After that round of praise, Ainz resumed his usual stern countenance -- though of course his face did not
o e. Co e to thi k of it, ho do ou thi k ote that?

I elie e that ould e Yu i Alpha.

It was an instant answer. Ainz felt the same way as well.

I ag ee. It should e Yu i s suggestio . The , Al edo, hat do ou thi k of that suggestio ?

It is utte l foolish. “ i e should li e like s i e a d die afte gi i g e e thi g the ha e fo thei

breeders. There is no need for them to live in any other way. Since there is no meaning in allowing them
to know this, the e is o poi t i allo i g the to hoose it.

Well, that as uite a ha sh a of looki g at it, ut I do ag ee, to a e te t. O e eeds asi

edu atio i o de to se e as a og to tu i so iet s heels. This is ho people should li e, age a d
die. Allowing technology to spread would only threaten our power -- h ?

Ai z-sa a, a e ou all ight?

These o ds a d opi io s sou d fa ilia . “o eo e said the to so eo e else, ut ho? Na e al
a d… oho, Lupus egi a. Whe she as aski g a out the heali g potio s… I guess the e as o eed to
tell ou si e ou al ead k e , Al edo. Oh, hat a gaffe, please pa it o heed.

No, I elie e that I eed to u de sta d ou p ofou d i sights, Ai z-sa a. Please, sha e the ith e.

Is, is that so.. Well, although it e a asses e so e hat , I a t e the o l o e sha i g thoughts.
If ou a e u happ ith a thi g ou hea , please feel f ee to sha e it ith e.

There was nothing more embarrassing than acting like a know-it-all in front of someone he knew well.
With the worry of being treated like an idiot in his heart, Ainz decided to share his thoughts on the

Knowledge, education and information were the basic weapons of humanity -- which also included non-
human beings in this world. As a atio s k o ledge i eased, so ould its po e , ut o the flip side,
so would resentment at knowing they could not have everything.

Thus, a ruler had to consider whether or not to arm the masses with the weapon called knowledge,
because that weapon might someday be pointed at the ruler himself.

In the game called YGGDRASIL, Ainz had learned the importance of possessing information. This was
why he had brought the Bareare family of herbalists to Carne Village, which was not under surveillance,
and had them make potions there. This was so that he could monopolize the fruits of their research and
not allow anyone else to learn from them.

F o Ai z s poi t of ie , those ho e e uled o e ought to a t the pa t, li i g a d d i g i thei

ignorance. Howeve o e eeded to de elop e te h ologies as a atio s po e i eased. I the e d,
the question was at whom would the spears of knowledge be pointed.

I sho t, e should o l sha e ou e te h ologies ith those ho a e a solutel lo al to the G eat

Underground Tomb of Nazarick. We will give the common folk outdated technology which poses no
th eat to us. The F uit of K o ledge o l has alue he o l e possess it.

After he got to that part, he sneaked a peek at Albedo, to make sure she did not doubt or distrust him.

A d o , this is hat I eall getti g at. Al edo, i o t ast to hat I just said, I thi k e should
accept this suggestion.

Al edo s e es e t ide fo a o e t.

Ma I k o hat led ou to that o lusio ?

“e ti e talit . I additio , I feel Yu i has a poi t.

“till, I feel the e a e too a de e its to that suggestio … o a e ou sa i g that ou i te d to test it
out in the outskirts? There are quite a few more advantages to sealing off all information leaks and then
com e i g edu atio th ough ai ashi g.

We ill ot do that. Though this ight o fli t so e hat ith Yu i s suggestio , e shall fou d a
o pha age i this it .

While Ainz had been living here as Momon, he had heard of the orphanages run by the temples. He had
immediately hit on the idea of founding an orphanage in the name of Ainz Ooal Gown.

I a e e t, e should o side the possi ilit of Naza i k s te h olog leaki g i to the outside o ld.
It should be fine if we run a regular orphanage and limit the knowledge we teach there to those close to
us. If we find talented individuals there, we can then consider what to do with them.

...I see. That a a ge e t should ot pose a p o le s.

The , I i te d to use ido s as the staff i the o pha age.

The o e ho lost thei hus a ds i the attle he e ou de o st ated a f a tio of ou al ight

power. It serves as financial aid of sorts for those women who are struggling below the poverty line. And
indeed, such aid will only improve the popula opi io of ou self… as e pe ted of ou, Ai z-sa a.

M , if e o l take a tio afte Mo o hea s of the ido s plight, o l his eputatio ill i p o e,
and not mine. Thus, we must take action swiftly, before anyone can come to him for help. In order to
a o plish this… I o de Pesto a a d Nig edo to e eleased f o thei o fi e e t.

Ai z se sed a fai t gli t i Al edo s e es.

Fo gi e di e t ess… ut if ou g a t a est to those ho ha e ee judged guilt of diso e i g

your dictates a d fo gi e the , I fea it ight lead to dis uptio i the so ial o de of Naza i k.

Did e ot pla e the i o fi e e t fo that?

That is fa too ild a pu ish e t. You ill is e e thi g to us, Ai z-sama. The crime of disobeying your
dictates is utterly unforgivable. Your servant submits that they should be relieved of their heads as a
a i g to othe s.

If it s fo those--

Ainz wanted to say that it was a petty matter, but she had said so out of her reverence for Ainz -- one of
the 41 Supreme Beings. If he denied that point, it would be quite tragic for her.

“till, that as h he had to fo gi e the t o of the . Thei pe so alities e e eated Ai z s past

f ie ds. Thus, Pesto a a d Nig edo s a tio s ould e said to speak fo the i tentions of his friends.
Ainz knew that if he gave an order, Albedo would obey it without question. However, that was a last
resort for him. First, he had to try to persuade her with words.

--The fact is that allowing those orders to leak out into the outside world would be problematic.
Anyone would be able to connect the dots and trace the incident in the Royal Capital back to Nazarick,
hiding in the shadows. That was why even the young children had to be eliminated.

However, the two of them were only trying to defend those infants who had no memories of the
incident, which meant that there was no need to eliminate them. One could also say that they
a u atel u de stood i te tio s.

The e e si pl t isti g the fa ts fo thei o o e ie e. Thei a tio s a e u fo gi a le.

Al edo--

He ould u de sta d Al edo s feeli gs as the leade of the Gua dia s. That as h he had to thi k as
hard as he could to convince her.

Ainz smiled; a troubled, bitter smile. Of course, his expression did not change.

Ai z-sa a, that look of ou s is too u i g… Al edo utte ed, ith so e hat pi k heeks. Ai z
patted his face, as if to check.

Oh, eall o ?

M , that is…

Albedo sighed powerlessly, and let her head droop down. Hu~ha~, she went as she took a deep breath.

When she lifted her head up again, she had returned to normal.

If it is ou ill. Nothi g is o e i po ta t tha ou ishes, Ai z-sama. They are everything to me. I

a glad to e ei e ou di e tio s.

I do ot a t ou to o e e because of your feelings. I want you to obey me because it is the sensible

thi g to do.

That ill ot e a p o le . I all likelihood, o od i Naza i k ill o je t to the f eei g of those t o

othe tha self f o just o .

Is that so… the that s good. Let the t o of the take ha ge of the ope atio s of the o pha age.

I u de sta d. I shall o e ou i st u tio s to the .

I ll lea e that to ou. The -- the e t suggestio .

Ainz murmured to himself. The next suggestion was one he had written to himself.

...Ahe . Well, this is t a te i l good suggestio … eh, it a t e helped.

Ai z s u k a peek at Al edo s e p essio a d o ti ued speaki g.

Let us ake a u ifo fo athleti a ti ities g lothes to st e gthe the u it of Nazarick. What do
ou thi k?

Just as he finished speaking, Albedo furrowed her brows in anger.

...That idea has gi e e a d sadde ea i g to the o d ulga . Whose suggestio as it, a a ?

Ainz made a supreme effort to check his impulse to go, I so a d i stead took o a t ou led

E , that -- I ot uite su e. I disposed of the o igi al sheet of pape .

I a ot i agi e ho put upo ou ust ha e ee . Ho ould a o e aste ou p e ious ti e ith

such an utterly idiotic suggestion, Ainz-sama? Let us immediately launch an investigation to root out this
pe so a d dete i e the app op iate pu ish e t.

...No! The e s o eed fo that! Liste , Al edo! You ust ot do that, o atte hat!

Though he as goi g a a a a in his heart, Ainz managed to thrust out his chest:

I ha e told e e o e i Naza i k that i o de to e ou age feed a k f o a a gles, I ill ot follo

up on any kind of suggestion made to me. If you rebuke them for it, that would turn my words into lies.
That would also mean that everything I say in future would also be a lie.

I additio , it is diffi ult fo f ighte ed people to gi e thei opi io s… the efo e, I hope that o e ou
lea e this oo , ou ill fo get that suggestio .

Yes, I shall. It is as you say, Ainz-sa a.

Good, good. You ust do that.

Ainz was deeply grateful for the fact that his body could not sweat. If that were not the case, the floor
would probably be drenched by now. However, despite the marvelous constitution of his body and mind,
the o d ulga stu k deepl i his hea t, lea i g a ou d that ould ot heal fo a lo g ti e.
...Ai z-sama, I have a proposition. In future, please allow me to select the suggestions. That way, such a
pathetic suggestion will not t ou le ou a se o d ti e.

Guh… o, the e s o eed to t ou le ou ith that. Besides, if ou sele ted all of the , the all I ould
do as a ept o de the . The e ould o lo ge e a poi t i the t o of us ha i g a dis ussio .

Ah, es, that s right, Ainz-sa a. We ust o k losel togethe a d do it.

Al edo s i gs flapped, a d the Eight Edge Assassi s o e head s ui ed o e o e.

All, all ight. “i e ou u de sta d, let s o e o to the e t o e, Al edo.

Personally, he did not think that suggestion was unworkable, but the mood in the air was not one which
would allow him to bring that up, nor did he feel confident enough to mention another similar topic.

The , e t…

Just as Ainz was about to continue reading, the sound of knocking came from the door.

The two of them turned to Fifth. She bowed slightly, and then went to see who the visitors were.

A li el hild s oi e a e th ough the gap i the doo , alo g ith a al ost i audi le oi e that la ked
any confidence at all.

...This should be the first time the two of them have come here at this hour, right? Did something
happe ? If that s the ase, the it s just as ell that Al edo is he e too.

Since Ainz already knew who the visitors were, he could have immediately allowed them entry. However,
Fifth seemed quite enthusiastic about performing her duties, and granting them permission to enter
before she could report their names would entail interrupting her.

Going over her head might make her lose the motivation to work. It was important for people on top to
understand and take these matters into account.

I guess Jircniv does this too. After all, he leaves a lot of things to his maids, Ainz thought as he
commented on the person he had been constantly studying, his role model as a king.

At some point, I should have a relaxed chat with him about the burdens of rulership.

Ai z-sama, the people outside are Aura-sama and Mare-sa a.

Now that she had completed her orders, Ainz indicated that the two of them were permitted entry to
his office.
The door opened, and a pair of petite dark elves stepped in. Their beaming smiles did not seem to imply
that anything troublesome had happened, and Ainz was relieved.

Mo i g! Ai z-sa a!

E , u . Good, good o i g, Ai z-sa a.

Oh, good orning to the two of you. Nothing could delight me more than to see the two of you so
f esh a d full of e e g .

The two of them greeted Albedo as well. Aura went around the table and stationed herself next to Ainz.

Once she was very close to him, she stuck out both hands, making two V-for-Victory signs.

U u.

She did not say anything to the baffled Ainz, merely raised her hands and made the signs.

Her sparkly eyes, so full of anticipation, trained themselves on him, and then she began hopping from
foot to foot.

After realising what she wanted, Ainz pulled his chair back, grabbed Aura under the armpits, and lifted
her up.

What, hat a e ou doi g, Ai z-sama--

Ai z paid o head to Al edo s st a gled of su p ise. I stead, he tu ed Au a a full 180 degrees,

facing her back to him, and then he sat her down onto his right thighbone.

U like a o al thigh, o es e e ha d, so Ai z had to pla e he pa allel to it, allo i g Au a s soft u p

to cushion her.


It was a somewhat bashful, yet thoroughly delighted laugh from Aura, and Ainz returned it with a smile.
Then, he turned and beckoned to the nervous-looking Mare.

He picked up Mare as he approached, and placed him on his left thighbone.

Ah, u , Ai-Ainz-sa a, ho , ho a out e?

As Ainz o de ed hethe he should get the a ushio of so e so t, it as Al edo s tu to speak

nervously, but it was too embarrassing to let a grown woman sit on his thigh -- his thighbone.
No, that… I a t.

But, ut, the t o of the …

...Al edo, these t o a e just hild e . You e a adult, a e ou ot?

For a moment, he thought he saw something behind Albedo -- a flash of light that was the physical
manifestation of the blow she had just suffered. Although he felt a little sorry for her, embarrassment
was embarrassment. Besides, if he actually followed through, it would be sexual harassment.

The , ou t o. What s goi g o ?

The fortress in the Great Forest of Tove -- the fake Nazarick, or perhaps a resource depot -- had been

Au a s next task was to fortify and conceal the fortress.

The original plan was to flee there if enemies showed up and conceal the real Nazarick, but Jircniv now
knew the location of the Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick.

That being the case, it was now a bunker and a resource depot.

Mare, on the other hand, had been tasked to dig an underground tomb on the outskirts of E-Rantel.

There were no plans to utilize that facility right away. It was simply because he had manpower to spare.

Humans would incur labor costs, but stone golems and the undead did not have that problem. In
additio , the ould use Ma e s agi to o k ith si ple sto es.

Incidentally, among the other Guardians, Shalltear was assigned to [Gate]-related teleportation duties
and the security of Nazarick. Cocytus was in charge of the Lizardman village and its nearby lake.
Demiurge, on the other hand, was on assignment to the Holy Kingdom.

In other words, all the Guardians in E-Rantel were now in this room.

Since they had already been allocated their tasks, what were the two of them doing here?

Au a hee full a s e ed Ai z s uestio :

We a e he e to see ou, Ai z-sa a!

He i o e t o ds ought a ea i g s ile to Ai z s fa e.

I see. Well, I a e delighted to see the t o of ou as ell.

Ai z patted Au a s head. Au a see ed to fi d it e o fo ta le, a d uzzled a k i to Ai z s ha d. It
was kind of like playing with an adorable puppy.

The , the . Ai z-sama, w- hat a e ou doi g? I, I hope e a e t t ou li g ou…


Ce tai l ot. Ho ould eeti g ou e a t ou le to e? Ai z ge tl eplied to Ma e.

Ainz then turned to Albedo.

Fo gi e e, Al edo. I got sidet a ked just as e e e a out to sta t o a e topi . Ah, that s ight, I
feel the same way about you as well.

Y- es, Al edo said, he fa e as ed as a apple as she pouted a d t ied to look se ious.

Ai z-sa a!

What is it? Ainz thought as his eyes went wide.

Og aa!

Ainz wondered if he had misheard something. What had she just said?

As though to i fo Ai z that his hea i g as fi e, Al edo e t Og aa!! agai , i a te i l sh oi e.

...“he s p o a l t i g to a t like a a . No, the s a thi g ould e if she t ied to a t like a thi g
else. Still, why is she doing this? Is she tired from working too hard? Ah! This might have something to
do with Nigredo and releasing her from confinement.

Confusion overwhelmed Ainz, despite his undead body, and at the same time, Mare began shifting
uneasily in his seat.

That, u , it, it s fi e fo e, so, um, I should let Albedo-sa a…

Those words were like a revelation to him.

Just now, I said that it was fine because they were kids, so as an adult, you ought to be able to bear with
it. Is that h she s p ete di g to e a kid o ?

Still, why a baby? And besides, letting Albedo sit on my thigh is too...
That said, she s go e to su h e a assi g le gths to put he self fo a d. I a t just o e look that,
both as a superior being and as a man. In addition, Albedo is one of the children, like Aura and Mare. I
must be fair to her.

Fo gi e e, Ma e, Ai z said. Ha i g esol ed hi self, he let Ma e alight f o his leg a d e ko ed


Co e he e, Al edo.


Al edo s sh ess f o ea lie a ished like ist i the o i g su , epla ed a look of anticipation
hi h a pupp ight ha e just efo e goi g fo a alk. I a i sta t, Al edo o ed to Ai z s side.

Albedo made the V-signs as well.

It was somewhat difficult for Ainz to do while seated, but he nevertheless placed his hands under her
armpits and lifted her up.

...U , so a out this. Would ou i d just sitti g do as ou a e?

Of ou se! U de stood!

Al edo took Ma e s pla e o Ai z s left thigh, a d shifted he self i a o uettish a e.

The first thing Ainz felt was her softness. Unlike the children, it was the softness of a mature body. Then,
her warmth flowed into him, which made him itch a little.

E e so, she s still eall soft!

She was a level 100 warrior, but he had no idea where her muscles had gone. One could phrase it in a
less polite way and wonder if she was a mollusc.


He hea d Al edo s uiet laughte .

A s e t afted o e f o Al edo s lo g hai , hi h it hed i side Ai z s ose.

--M ?

I this o e t, so ethi g spa ked i side Ai z s o e istent brain.

This s e t is fa ilia ; he e ha e I s elled it efo e? Al edo s lothes? No, he pe fu e?

Ainz was quite sure he had encountered the scent Albedo was currently emitting in the past. However,
he had no idea where he had first picked it up, and he could not remember the details.

M … Al edo. A e ou usi g so e ki d of pe fu e?

Yes, I do use pe fu e. Does it displease ou?

No, of ou se ot, it s ells i e.

Albedo hurriedly turned her face towards Ainz. Her bulging eyes frightened Ainz a little.

‘eall , Ai z-sa a! If ou d like, ho a out s iffi g e? A hou ould e fi e, a hole da ould e

fi e too!

No, esides, a hou ould e too…

Still, no matter what he said, it was a fact that he was quite interested. Besides, if he sniffed her, he
might be able to recall more details about that scent.

The , a I s iff a little?

Ainz carefully brought his skull close to Albedo and inhaled her aroma. Since he was closer to her than
just now, he could smell that pleasing scent more clearly. As he thought, it was familiar, but he still could
not place where he had encountered it before. Just as Ainz was racking his brains to solve the mystery in
his head, a cold voice reached his ears.

...Ai z-sa a.

Although he had no idea who it was for a moment, that voice clearly belonged to Aura. Ainz nervously
turned to look at her, and saw that Aura was pouting with her cheeks puffed with.

That looks ki d of pe e ted.

Ah, so …

She did have a point.

Ainz cursed himself for doing something like this in front of the children. This would have a bad effect on
their sexual education.This was why she had addressed him in the same tone that his old friend did
when she was angry at her little brother.

Th-then, Albedo, Aura. Please get up. Oh, Al edo, let s o ti ue dis ussi g that atte f o just o .
However, there was no movement.

Both of them remained still. They were waiting for the other side to get off first.

Good g ief…

Ainz picked up Aura and placed her on the ground e t to hi . A uiet laugh of Kufufufu~ a ef o
Al edo s side.

...Au a as the o e ho sat do fi st. Al edo, ou d est get do as ell.

But, ut… Au a s ee sitti g fo i utes a d se o ds. I e o l ee sitti g fo se o ds.

Though it a sou d foolish, I elie e I should e allo ed to sit fo a othe th ee i utes.

Ha e t ou spe t o e ti e eeti g ith Ai z-sa a al ead ?

It a t e helped, that as o k.

Oh, o k, is it? You just a e to eet hi fo o k? I a e all the way here just to see Ainz-sama, you
k o .


Al edo iggled he u p o Ai z s thigh, adjusti g he positio to sta e Au a i the e e.

Ai z thought, I a guess h Al edo a ted to sit o thigh, ut h did Au a a t to do that? It s

not like she loves me like Albedo does.

He could not remember what he had done to make a girl like Aura love him. The feeling called love
should have been a mystery to Aura. And then -- Ainz finally found the answer.

I see. “o she as ei g possessi e.

In additio , she ight lo g fo a fathe s lo e. Au a a d Ma e e e desig ed as hild e , a d the e e

still at an age where their parents would care for them. Perhaps they were unconsciously looking at Ainz
to fill that gap in their hearts.

If there was a country of Dark Elves, he had considered the possibility of sending them over to make
f ie ds. Ho e e , “uzuki “ato u had ot e pe ie ed a fathe s lo e hi self, so he felt it ight e a it
late for that.

I o de if the e a e ooks fo hild e s se education in the library?

It had been fine when they were just data. However, he had been thinking up till now, and noticed that
the e e e still so e thi gs issi g i o de fo Au a a d Ma e s health e tal g o th.

As I thought, they really need to make Da k Elf f ie ds! Let s ake that a p io it . That ei g the ase--

Au a. The e is so ethi g I d like to ask; hat happe ed to the th ee El es I left ith ou a d Ma e?

You ea the El es ho set foot i Naza i k ut ho e e pa do ed ou e , Ainz-sa a?

Ainz nodded.

When he had drawn those workers in, he handed the Elven slaves following them to Aura and Mare.
Normally, anyone who entered Nazarick without invitation would not be allowed to leave with their
lives. However, they probably had not been there of their own will, and they had no intention of taking
the treasures of Nazarick for their own. That being the case, it was not unreasonable to show them
some measure of kindness.

In addition, if they were Wood Elves, they would probably ha e a e efi ial effe t o Au a a d Ma e s

Yes. Fo the o e t, e e put the all o ou Floo .

Whe e a e the ?

Yes. Ho shall I sa this… the ha e othi g to do, ut keep t i g to take a e of us. It s ki d of

annoying how they keep ha gi g a ou d us.

That, that s ight. Like, ou , ou lothes a d so o . I, I a d ess self, ut the keep o i g o e to

help e…

You eed to pull ou self togethe . The keep t i g to d ess ou e ause ou keep a ti g like that.
Look at me, I do t ha e that p o le , o?

I see, so they wish to do something. Just like the maids around me. I feel your pain, Mare. Still, that
ea s the th ee people I es ued a e t o pletel useless, afte all. Would it e ad fo fo e sla es
to teach se edu atio ? H ~

Well, e did sa e thei li es. Do t kill the o i pulse, e e if ou e ad. If ou feel the e t ul
t ou leso e, tell e a d I ll se d the so e he e else.

Got it! I ll let ou k o he the ti e o es.

Ainz glanced at Mare, ho had his head lo e ed, a d utte ed What, to hi self. The , he shifted a
somewhat icy look to Albedo.
Al edo, it s a out ti e to get off. It s ee o e th ee i utes o .

Albedo looked disappointed for a moment, but she still obediently dismounted f o Ai z s thigh
without saying anything.

Co e to thi k of it, hat e e ou t o doi g, Ai z-sa a?

H ? Ahhh. I gathe ed suggestio s f o people i Naza i k a out ho to ake this ou t g eat. Ah,
that s ight. You t o as ell. If ou e got a good ideas, h ot gi e it a t . I ll liste to a thi g, ou
k o ?

Au a s fa e lit up.

If ou sa so, Ai z-sa a! I ha e a g eat idea!

Hohoh -- A d hat ould that e, Au a? Co e, tell e.

Yes! I thi k o s should d ess like gi ls, a d gi ls should d ess like o s!


Ainz screamed the name of one of his old friends internally.

Fo a o e t, Ai z e e sa the pha to i age of a Pi k “li e goi g “oh- ! i a ado a le oi e

that was completely at odds with its appearance.

I see. “o that as Buku uku haga a-sa a s idea. It is e tai l a e elle t p oposal. Mo eo e , i this
ou t , a de isio of the “up e e Bei gs ill su el e the o e t o e.

Correct? Ainz wanted to make fun of Albedo, but he could not do it.

In any case, this idea could not be allowed to happen. However, there was a problem with that.

The two of them only dressed like that because Bukuchagama designed them that way. If Ainz denied
Au a s idea, he ould the ha e to e plai the e a t reason why to the others.

Ainz could not immediately think of such an explanation.

Ai z-sa a. “hall e i ple e t Au a s suggestio i ediatel ?

Why are you making the decision so quickly?!

He was out of time.

If he agreed to this suggestion, it would be declaring to all parties inside and outside the country that
the Sorcerous Kingdom of Nazarick was a nation that valued cross-dressing. That would be incredibly
bad. Perhaps only Bukubukuchagama would be interested in that. No, if Bukubukuchagama were in this
world, Ainz felt she would definitely not want to make a country like that.

If they knew the NPCs had developed their own egos, some people would be intrigued and want to
meet them, while others would want to avoid them. Bukubukuchagama would probably fall into the
latte g oup. Ya aiko a d A ko o Mo hi o hi ould p o a l a t to eet the . Wh is it the e so
different despite them all being girls...

As he reminisced about them, Ainz slowly rose and looked out the window. Of course, that action had
no special significance. He was simply trying to buy himself time. Once he had a rough idea of what he
was going to say, Ainz turned to look at the three of them.

I a ot possi l allo that idea.

Wh , h is that?

Of ou se the d ask that, right? ...I mean, giving single men masks on Christmas would still be a better
law than that...

Ainz sighed. Of course, that action had no special significance. He was simply trying to buy himself time.

The e a e a o ple easo s fo that, Al edo. Do you need me to explain each and every one of
the ?

Y-yes. P-please, if ou do t i d.

Ainz was planning to say that to Albedo, but Mare had been the one who had intercepted it instead.
He s o all su h a ho est o ; h s he ei g so i ked o , Ainz thought sadly. If it were Albedo,
she ould ha e defi itel said, The e s o eed fo that. Allo e to e plai to the t o of ou o Ai z-
sa a s ehalf . But u de these i u sta es, Ai z had to do it hi self.

...Is that so. The , I shall e lighten you. But where shall I start from that would make it easy to
u de sta d…?

Umu, Ainz went as he supported his chin with his hand. Needless to say, that too was to buy himself
time. Ainz desperately forced himself to think, so hard that he thought his brain would start sweating,
and then an idea struck him.

--Fi stl , ah es, that should e it. The t o of ou ust feel that e ause ou e d essed that a , the
entire country must dress like you as well, am I right? After all, you must feel that such was
Bukubukuchagama-sa s ill. Ho e e , that ould e i o e t. --Yes, the t o of ou a e spe ial.
We e spe ial?!

I deed ou a e. The t o of ou a e spe ial to Buku uku haga a-san. That is why you have been
pe itted to d ess i that a … so do ou intend to let that specialness spread to many people that you
do ot k o ?

Ho ould e?!

The person who had retorted so loudly was -- surprisingly enough -- Mare.

Ne e ! I ll e e let a o e ut Nee-chan have Bukubukuchagama-sa a s spe ial ess!

That, that s ight. That s ho it is. Do ou u de sta d, Au a?

Yes! I as so stupid that I did t thi k a out ho Buku uku haga a-sa a felt!


Aura and Mare had already accepted that reasoning. It should be fine to slowly exit the topic now.
However, there was one more thing that worried Ainz.

Ainz muttered something about there being several other reasons, and as he did he peeked at Albedo.

Someone as extraordinary as herself would probably have thought beyond Ainz. Would she find it
strange if he terminated the topic now? That was what made Ainz uneasy.

As their eyes met, Albedo smiled, and then inclined her neck.

Not knowing what that response meant, Ainz averted his eyes. And then, there just happened to be an
Elder Lich in front of him. Ainz nonchalantly eyed the files he was holding.

--Ahhh. So you were thinking about that too, Ainz-sama. After all, you were looking at that document
the ost. It should e all ight to tell the t o of the as ell, ight?

Ainz turned to Albedo again as she suddenly spoke.

--U u. “o ou thought of it too, Al edo.

Yes, I did. I as o de i g if ou e e goi g to e tio that idea as ell, Ai z-sama. I believe what
you are thinking about is whether or not to explain to the two of them, am I right?

As e pe ted of ou, Al edo. You k o thoughts ithout the eed fo e to speak the .
You a e too ki d,

Albedo smiled and lowered her head. On the other hand, Aura puffed up her cheeks in annoyance.

“till, I a ot elie e I did ot thi k of Buku uku haga a s ill, though it should ha e ee the ost
important thing to consider. As expected of our creator, our Overlord. I will never be able to equal your
ise de isio s, ade o side i g ou tless poi ts of ie .

No, do t sa that, Al edo. I e tai ou ill displa tale ts that ill e eed i e so eda .

The fact was, she had already exceeded him by far. Ainz felt ashamed of himself as he thought about
that, but Albedo simply nodded, her face full of conviction.

Yes! I shall!

--The , hat othe easo s a e the e?

‘eall o , Au a. Al edo, e plai to the t o of the . Make it eas e ough to u de sta d that e e a
hild ould get it. Yes, it ust e eas to u de sta d,

After Ainz said this, he fell silent and and then looked out the window once more. However, all the
nerves of his body were concentrated on listening, because he did not want to miss a single word
Albedo said.

I deed. A tuall , I a ted to i g this up ith Ai z-sama afterwards, but then a small problem
cropped up.

Ehhh? Did so eo e ause ou t ou le? Wa t us to go o e the e a d ipe hi out fo ou?

No, it s ot like that. The t uth is, e e dis o e ed that ou esou e sto kpiles ight ot e suffi ie t
for the future. So if we ordered everyone to change their clothes right now, we would only be able to
take t ou leso e easu es like e ha gi g old lothes a d so o .

Eh, really? Of course, Ainz could not say that. All he could do was desperately try to recall the contents
of the file he had just seen.

Indeed, it had contained something about resources, but that amount seemed quite adequate. However,
if Albedo said so, then it must be true.

I othe o ds, this is a p ett ad situatio , o? “till, if that s the ase, a t e just pu hase oe
from the Kingdom or the Empire? A city like this should have enough assets for that, right?

Al edo had a a s e to Ai z s justified dou ts:

This it as a e elle t sto ehouse fo esou es, a d it fu tio ed as a t ade it . Ho e e , si e
Ainz-sama has taken control, the traders from the other three countries rarely visit this place. Thus, we
a e i a situatio he e ou e ai i g esou es a e e i g a a .

If e do t ha e the , the let s g a the fo else he e. Ho a out f o the E pi e o the

Ki gdo ?

O ee- ha , e, e a t do that. Ah, A-Ainz-sama said we were forbidden to use force on those three
ou t ies, ight?

Indeed. Though he did not know about the future, he had placed a blanket ban on the use of military
force until he had fully assumed control of this city. Of course, if the other side attacked first, that was a
different matter entirely.

The , hat should e do?

E ,e , e should t eed to o . A-after all, A-Ainz-sa a ill settle it.

Are you going to dump all this on me now? Ainz wanted to refute Mare with that, but he forced himself
ot to. Afte Au a eplied to Ma e ith, I see! he ould ot i g hi self to et a the t ust those t o
kids had in him.

However, an ordinary employee like Ainz could not possibly think of a proper financial policy. Because of
that, Ainz decided to play one of his two trump cards.

Ainz slowly turned, and confidently said:

--Al edo. You e taki g a e of this, a e t ou?

In other words, he would dump it all on another talented person (Albedo) and be done with it.

Yes. ‘e e tl , the seeds De iu ge has ee so i g should e ead to e ha ested.

Just so. The t o of ou ha e othi g to o a out.

Their sparkly-eyed looks of respect and adoration made Ainz feel a twinge of guilt. At the same time, the
fear of seeing the looks of disappointment in their eyes when they found out all this was fake took root
in his heart.

“till, that De iu ge. I do t k o hat seeds he pla ted, ut he s eall a azi g.

Ainz wanted to ask about the harvest, but he could not.

This was because Ainz Ooal Gown should have been a luminary who knew everything.
I k o I should ha e studied e o o i s, ut I ould o l ski those o pli ated ooks… like, the
should have made the ones on Keynesian economics and so on easier to understand. Or could it be that
I e e o e set i a s e ause of age?

Ainz was thoroughly versed in the game mechanics of YGGDRASIL. This was not an idle boast; he had
learned over 700 spells and had memorized the details of each one, a feat which had shocked his friends.
I additio , those spells he had ot lea ould still e o e a eapo to ead his oppo e ts st e gths
once he knew of them. This was why Ainz had done his best to memorize all those spells. He was easily
among the top five among his guild when it came to magical knowledge.

Still, while he could do that, he was completely clueless about academics.

Eh? Could it e that I a t e e e o e thi gs e ause I do t ha e a ai ?

Ainz knew that he had learned many things since coming to this world, so he also know that was
impossible. Still, he trembled a little at that frightening supposition.

A d the , I ha e a atte hi h e ui es Ai z-sa a s app o al…

--What? Did ou sa app o al?

Ainz did not feel any suggestion Albedo made would require his approval. After all, she was a clever girl,
and would surely make choices that were better than his own. However, if that were the case, the
organization would not be able to function properly. After all, the people on top had to bear
espo si ilit fo thei su o di ates a tio s. Be ause of that, it ould see that supe io s had to g a t
seals of approval in this fashion.

“o eo e ust isit the ‘o al Capital to sti up those hu a s. Would ou pe it ou se a t to go?


Ainz was taken completely by surprise, and exclaimed louder than normal.

Sending Albedo out while Demiurge was not around as well made AInz feel very uneasy. Besides, his
control over this city was not perfect.

More than anything else, the reason why this was so shocking was because this was the first time
Albedo had said something like this.

...If I se d ou out… I ould e uite t ou led…

M , Al edo s iled i delight. It ill e fi e, Ai z-sama. I shall immediately settle matters and return
to ou side.
Is that so… ell, if it s just fo a hile it should e fi e. Who ill e gi e o t ol of Naza i k a d this
it ?

Aura and Mare looked quite surprised, so it was obviously not them. Not to me, I hope, Ainz hoped.

I pla to e t ust the to Pa do a s A to .

Au a a d Ma e said so ethi g alo g the li es of It ll e fi e if it s hi .

...Hi , ou sa .

He is a e elle t i di idual eated ou self, Ai z-sama. As they say, like father, like son -- ah, I
apologize. To think we who were merely created would dare claim to be the children of the Supreme
Bei gs. I p a ou ill fo gi e ude ess.

Al edo s sudde apolog stu ed Ai z -- even the red points of light in his eyes faded.

The e s o eed to apologize. That is, ell, hild… so . I do ot dislike hi , that, h . foolish hild…
o, that s ot his fault eithe … Well, ho shall I put it. He s like a hild. U u.

Before he knew it, everyone had gone quiet. Ainz knew that the conversation would dry up if this went
on, so he steeled himself and asked:

If e let Pa do a s A to a age this, hat a out Mo o , ho he is po t a i g? “hould I do it?

No, ho ould e allo ou to do that so t of thi g, Ai z-sama? I was planning to have Momon accept
a e uest a d e se t a oad fo e o aissa e.

Mm, Ainz nodded. Although he had thought about relaxing by taking the guise of Momon, things were
now vastly different from when he was playing the role of an adventurer.

There would be many troublesome things, or things which had to be carefully handled. That being the
case, sending Momon out on a scouting mission might be the best choice.

Ah, a-a ou that… if ou se d Mo-Momon-sa a out, ill the people i this it e all ight?

The e ill e o p oblems. This single move by Ainz-sama has had telling consequences. Because we
have not acted in ways which trivialized humans -- although there was hardly any intention to do so --
Momon too has benefited from this and is deeply trusted. Thus, all we need to do is have Momon tell
the local leaders to obey us before he leaves and all should be fine. Still, come to think of it, they have
no idea that they are puppets dancing on strings and ruled by Ainz-sa a… as I thought, o l he ould
have anticipated this turn of events right after being transported here and made the appropriate
p epa atio s.
M -- it s ki d of st a ge, ho the t ust Mo o -sama and not Ainz-sa a.

I deed. “till, this is a i po ta t pa t i o pletel o t olli g this it i the a e of peace. All we

need to do is gradually remove Momon and instil loyalty to Ainz-sama in its place. This might take
se e al ea s, ut it a t e helped.

Good. The , Al edo, ha d it to Pa do a s A to . Afte ou ha e p epa ed ou self a d ha ded o e

ou tasks, go a d eap the ha est. Is the e a thi g else ou eed?

U de stood. The , I pla to o du t so e egotiatio s he I go to see the hu a ki d. Could ou

spa e so e of ou alua le ti e to go o e a d aft ith e?

U u. B i g it to e late .

Besides, all he ould e doi g as so ethi g si ple like putti g his seal o Al edo s d aft.

I additio , though it sha es e to ask, I ould e delighted if ou ould gi e e se e al sets of

clothing. I was simply thinking that it would be ne essa to ha ge lothes the e.

Is that so. The I shall gi e ou se e al sets of lothes. Co e look fo e late . “peaki g of hi h,

Demiurge -- o, the e s o eed. It s fi e. The , let s o ti ue… h , si e ou e o e all the a he e,
I d like to hea f o the t o of ou as ell.

-Part 2-

After their business was concluded, the three of them left the room with the Elder Liches, leaving Ainz
and Fifth. And, of course, the Eight Edge Assassins on the ceiling.

Frankly speaking, this was the e d of Ai z s o k fo the da . The est as all f ee ti e. While the e
were some matters which were best settled earlier on, once they were finished, he found himself quite
free. As he mused on what to do with his time, Ainz suddenly thought of something and rose to his feet.

I ill e seei g Pa do a s A to e t.

With that order, Ainz strode forth. Fifth followed in silence. Naturally, so did the Eight Edge Assassins.

Once he left his home, he found that the outdoors was still quite cool, as befitting the season. The wind
had a hint of chill in it, but Ainz was completely immune to the cold. After glancing at Fifth to make sure
she was all right, he continued walking.

This dist i t o tai ed th ee ki ds of uildi gs: Ai z s o eside e, all a e of government

st u tu es, as ell as guest houses. Pa do a s A to -- no, Momon lived in one of those guest houses.
Normally, he would have summoned Momon before him as befitting his status as a ruler, but what he
did now was was because he had changed his mind.

--H ? What s this? Ai z utte ed as he ea ed the guest house. He as looki g at the sta les hi h
adjoi ed the guest house i uestio . The o d sta les i plied that it ould e used to ua te
horses, but now the only one in there was Hamsuke. Or rather, that was how it should have been.

Somewhat confused, Ainz drew near to the stables, and heard a quiet hyu~hyu~ of snoring. Sleep was a
privilege of living creatures, so Hamsuke should be inside.

The sun was already quite high in the sky, but Hamsuke was still asleep.

Hamsuke could see in the dark like a cat, but according to Hamsuke, it was neither diurnal nor nocturnal.
It ate its fill and then slept until it was hungry. That was its way of life.

When Ainz first heard of this, he wondered, What pa t of this sou ds like a Wise Ki g of the Fo est . He
felt like a fool for expecting it to behave like an intelligent being.

It has t oti ed us e e though e e so lose. Did it lose its fe al i sti ts? ‘eall … hat a
degenerate fellow. No, pe haps it o ked all ight last ight.

That is ot the ase. Ha suke-sa a as he e the hole of este da as ell.

...I see.

Ai z a ted to speak to Ha suke despite Fifth s e iless o ds, ut he ould ot thi k of a thi g to

Well, it was just a pet a a . I should t ha e e pe ted a thi g f o it. Does t atte if it allo ed
itself to fall to that le el… still, I us ith all so ts of thi gs, ut this hap s off ha i g fu . It eall
pisses e off… although I k o I just taki g anger out on it.

He peeked his head into the stables, and the giant hamster was sleeping on the ground in an unguarded
manner. All it needed was a giant bubble from its nose and it would be the very picture of a sleepyhead.

However, there was something else hi h d e Ai z s atte tio , apa t f o the a Ha suke as
sleeping like a middle-aged uncle (although its body should not have allowed for it).

The e as a Death K ight that had Ha suke s tail apped a ou d its aist. That u dead eatu e ust
have ee hat d e Ai z s atte tio to this sta le i the fi st pla e.

Since it was an undead creature which he had made, there was a bond between them and so he could
judge its approximate location. However, there were too many undead in E-Rantel, so that particular
sense had grown confused.
In all honesty, it was very difficult for him to finely discern the location of the undead he had made. Even
so, Ainz did not recall stationing one in the stables, hence his confusion at picking up an undead reaction

Wake up, Ha suke.

Muuu, es....

Its eyes blinked like those of a human being as its big face moved, and then it caught sight of Ainz.

Ohhhh! I as o de i g ho it as, ut as it tu s out, it is ilo d!

It does t atte ho I a . No ally you should be calling me Ainz-sama, right? After all, you are
Mo o s steed, ot i e.

Of ou se I a , ilo d!

Is that so… ell, as lo g as ou u de sta d…

That said, Ha suke s ea tio ade Ai z thi k, Do ou eall u de sta d?

In addition, magical beasts were not particularly resistant to mind control. Hence, Ainz lent an item to
Hamsuke which made him impervious to mind control, but he was still uneasy that someone might try
to manipulate him through means other than magic.

Well, si e ou ha e t ade a istakes to date, I shall t ust ou. The , o to the ai topi . What s
ith that Death K ight?

Ohhh! He is a f ie d ho t ai s ith this o e, ilo d!

It was then that Ainz remembered.

He had conducted an experiment in learning martial arts while Hamsuke was training to be a warrior. In
other words, the had used this Death Knight to see if it could continue gaining levels as a warrior.

He had equipped the Death Knight with artifacts that would increase his XP gained and which would
greatly weaken him, but in the end the Death Knight did not gain levels. Ainz had anticipated this, so he
was not upset. However, he did not know why, but Hamsuke had been grumbling, so in the end he took
back the artifacts and left the Death Knight with him.

“o that s the o e… Co e to thi k of it, the spikes o its a o see to ha e ee ou ded do … I

did t loa hi out to e a hug pillo , ut e ause I a ted hi to e o e a a io , o pe haps
aste so ethi g… Well, it does t atte . The e s e ough Death Knights to go around. Giving it one
o t atte .

In fact, there were more than enough Death Knights, so much so that Ainz no longer made Death
Knights when he created undead every day.

Is that so. I u de sta d. “till, o atte hat, ou used to e a ild agi al east. It s uite
p o le ati that ou let so eo e get so lose ithout oti i g. We e ot Au a, a e e? “hould t ou
e taki g this a it o e se iousl ?

Hamsuke looked depressed, and its whiskers drooped down.

I si e el apologize. This one used to be the strongest creature in that forest. This one never needed
to e o ale t e ause this o e as e e a ushed efo e.

You should ha e had a hildhood… pe iod… o so ethi g, ight? But efo e that, as t the e the
Giant of the East a d the “e pe t of the West?

Who a e the ? These ge tle e … East? West? Of ho do ou speak?

A uestio a k appea ed o e Ai z s head.

...The e e ei gs ho laid lai to the fo est, just like ou.

Hoho~ I did ot e e k o su h people existed in that forest! As expected of you, milord! Your insight
is i deed kee . This o e k e little outside of this o e s te ito .

You… ou all ou self the Wise Ki g of the Fo est a d ou still…

I the past, a hu a a io ho t espassed in the territory of this one addressed this one in such a
way. Speaking of which, this one spared that warrior and that warrior alone because this one thought
the name sounded quite impressive. Ah, how nostalgic--

Ainz felt that he had finally solved the mystery.

After that warrior returned alive, he must have greatly exaggerated the tales of his enemy, Hamsuke. It
was probably some way of justifying his own survival when all his comrades had perished.

That too was not hard to understand. The fact was that Hamsuke was very strong. Of all the human
warriors Ainz had met, perhaps only Clementine and Gazef could have beaten Hamsuke.

Ainz suddenly recalled Gazef.

Ohh? Is so ethi g the atte , ilo d?

No… it s othi g. Just… es… it s just that ou do t ualif as a Wise Ki g of the Fo est, just a Ha ste
of the Fo est.

Ha ste s, ou sa -- indeed, you have spoken of those creatures before, milord! So is this one truly a
ha ste ?

U u. You a e a Gia t Ha ste .

Ohhh! “o this o e as a tuall a Giant Hamster! Then, do you know where to find other members of
this o e s spe ies, ilo d?

That, I do ot k o .

After that curt reply, Hamsuke fell into despair once more. Was I too harsh? Ainz thought and made to
comfort it:

I ha e gua a teed all who serve Nazarick that they will be rewarded appropriately for their service. As
lo g as ou o ti ue o ki g fo Naza i k, I shall so eda fi d fello e e s of ou spe ies fo ou.


Ha suke s hiske s ou ed as the stood up.

Although this one was already loyal to milord, this one shall serve milord even more loyally from this
da fo th!

U u u u. The , Ha suke, is Mo o -- o, is Pa do a s A to ithi the guest house?

Milo d s dou le? This o e is ot too o fide t i that ega d. After all, he often rides the coaches and
ago s hi h the hu a s of this it p epa e fo hi , a d he does ot al a s take this o e ith hi .

Ah, I see to e all that he takes su h t a spo t to sha e i fo atio .

Kuku, Ainz chuckled evilly.

Everything had developed as he had anticipated. Under the guise of sharing information with him, they
would say things to Momon which they wanted to keep secret from Ainz, or perhaps they plotted to
drive a wedge between Momon and Ainz. However, the truth was, they were the ones who would be
u k o i gl poiso ed the thoughts of Pa do a s A to .

Ainz was a trustworthy king, a merciful being who thought of the people, and so on.
I u de sta d. Ho e e … ou see to e a le to ea a o o . If ou ha e othi g to do, how about
putting it on and training in it?

The prototype armor should be complete.

This o e u de sta ds, ilo d! The , this o e ould also like to see those liza d e -do os, if possi le.

Ve ell. I shall g a t that ish of ou s. I ill speak to Cocytus afterwards and have him send
so eo e he e.

You ha e this o e s u d i g tha ks, ilo d. Co e, Death K ight-do o! Let us o k ha d togethe !

Ainz paid no heed to the burning friendship between a beast and a corpse and moved on.

Behind Ai z as a oi e hi h said so ethi g alo g the li es of ‘eall -- ho a o i g! ut he did ot

think the Death Knight had spoken. Although Ainz was vaguely interested in what Hamsuke was up to,
he soon cast that away.

Speaking of which, some time back, I thi k I ga e Ha suke… it feels like I e fo gotte so ethi g. Oh
ell, if I a t thi k of it, it ould t ha e ee that i po ta t, I guess.

Ai z s head as filled ith these thoughts, hi h he ould ot uite a ti ulate. It felt a it like aiti g
for a sneeze which would not come. He arrived before the door to the guest house, but he would not do
anything like knock. Fifth, who had been following behind Ainz, immediately advanced before him.

Ope it.

U de stood, Ai z-sa a.

Fifth looked terribly serious as she opened the door, but the corner of her mouth seemed somewhat
relaxed. This must have come from the satisfaction she felt at being able to help Ainz in some way.

It seems I was right to observe Jircniv. I have truly become a proper ruler. G a ted, that s ot e a tl the
ight a to t eat hi , ut I ll o ti ue stud i g hi f o o o . Afte all, it s to help e lea ho it
is to be a king.

Ainz did not thank Fifth, but looked to the open door.

--Eight Edge Assassi s.

Yes! ‘ead fo o de s!

The Eight Edge Assassins that were following behind Ain swiftly formed up into a line.


Their jaws opened and closed, and then the lined-up Eight Edge Assassins responded with a voice that
seemed more forceful than usual befo e e te i g the uildi g. O l Pa do a s A to as supposed to e
in this guest house. On occasion, Narberal was here, but for the most part, she was in the Great
U de g ou d To of Naza i k, a i g out Ai z s o de s.

He could have stationed a regular maid here, but it could be troublesome if people who came to visit
Mo o thought the e e ei g o se ed. Thus, it had o e to this. Ho e e , if Pa do a s A to
stayed here alone, there was the possibility that the people who had brainwashed Shalltear might
infiltrate this place. Thus, Ainz felt it was better to set up some countermeasures.

...Still, in order for that to happen, someone would need to infiltrate all the way in here. Well, only fools
do t p epa e e ough. ...M -- still, how long should I wait here? Or should I move forward? By
common sense, I should wait here. After all, the Eight Edge Assassins will return to me. However, is a
king really supposed to wait at the door?

After hesitating for a bit, Ainz thought, ah well, forget it, and entered the guest house.

He advanced, using the regal, proper bearing he had practiced dozens of times, in a way which he felt
best fitted a ruler.

However, within less than 20 paces, one of the Eight Ege Assassins returned and genuflected before Ainz.

Ai z-sa a, e ha e su o ed Pa do a s A to -sa a. He ill p ese t hi self to ou soo .

Is that so. The I shall ait i the guest oo .

Ainz had been to this guest house before, so Ainz had a rough idea of its layout. After Fifth opened the
door for him, Ainz moved without hesitation to the main seat in the guest room.

This violated much of the manners he had picked up as a salaryman and felt wrong to him. However,
this was an easy task for Ainz, who had spent much time practicing to be a ruler.

Shortly after, a knocking came from the door. Ainz nodded to Fifth.

Ha i g e ei ed pe issio , Fifth ope ed the doo , a d Pa do a s A to e te ed the oo . He as ot

using magic to appear as Momon, but was in his usual military uniform.

Oh “up e e O e, my creator Ainz-sama--

No eed to g eet e. “it.


He clicked his heels together with a kan before marching in.

His o e e ts e e as s ooth a d isp as that of a soldie s, ut to Ai z, the e e e ti el

unnecessary. The best word to desc i e this as o e a ti g .

A d so, Pa do a s A to ad a ed to the pla e eside Ai z a d sat.

Do t people usuall sit opposite ea h othe ?

Everyone possessed an area around them called their personal space, but Ainz could not help but stare
at Pandora s A to s e o seless litzk ieg o that do ai .

...Well, I guess it s all ight. “till, he s eall lose...

Ai z losel i spe ted Pa do a s A to as he sat do . He o lo ge felt the sa e sho k he had he he

had first seen him in the Treasury. Perhaps the passage of time and meeting him several times to give
orders had softened the impact on him.

Ma I ask--

No, it s othi g, do t o a out it. All ight, I ha e so e thi gs to ask ou. Fi st, I d like to k o
a out Mo o s o ditio . I k o hat ou e epo ted to Al edo… so, a e the e a p o le s?

It ould see that the e is othi g spe --

Is that so. Good. The , I d like to ask ou, as Pa do a s A to -- a e the e a p o le s o ou e d?

The mood in the air changed.

I t uth, Ainz-sa a!

Ai z lea ed a k, as though the t e e dous p ese e of Pa do a s A to as ushi g hi .

I, I ha e suffe ed g eatl !

Who s the o e suffe i g he e?!

Ho e e , Ai z did ot ha e the ti e to shoot a k ith that efo e Pa do a s A to o ti ued speaking

Du i g this ti e, I ha e ot o e ee a le to tou h agi ite s. I ha e ee u a le to ai tai the
various magic items created by the Supreme Beings. The sorting of data crystals has ground to a halt as
well. Please! No matter what, Ainz-sa a! I esee h ou to g a t e so e ti e ith those ite s!

...I, did I desig ou that a ?

Of that the e is o dou t! These feeli gs e e esto ed upo e ou self, Mo o ga-sa a!


Ainz desperately tried to recall the way he had desig ed Pa do a s A to . He ould e all gi i g hi a
a ksto that stated he liked a agi g agi ite s a d the like. Ai z s o igi al i te t as to desig
him in such a way that he would not find it strange to be alone in the Treasury -- indeed, one could
co side ei g su ou ded the thi gs he lo ed to e a hea e l jo . “o it ould see that Ai z s
personality settings were the source of the problem. However, for some reason, it seemed to have
reached the level of a fetish.

Did I ot pe it ou to etu to Naza i k e e da ?

While half of Naza i k s u dead e e ade Ai z, the othe half e e ade Pa do a s A to .

G a ted, the u dead ade Pa do a s A to e e eake tha those ade Ai z, to so e e te t.
Still, that was within acceptable parameters, and there were adequate frozen corpses on the 5th Floor
for that purpose.

In fact, there were so many of them that the two of them working together could not use them up.

Ho e e , I ha e ot e ei ed pe issio to etu to the T easu !

What could he be feeling that made him omit his usual theatrics?

I u de sta d. The , I shall i fo “halltea a d ha e he gi e the ‘i g to ou. I additio , I g a t ou

pe issio to o k o o ades eapo a d e uip e t. Do t da age the .

It shall--

“top that. “peaki g o all ill e fi e. Did t I tell ou this efo e, h , Pa do a s A to ?


The elatio ship et ee us is o e of eato a d eated. The fa t is, I a e happ ith the a
you have worked hard to show me the being I intended to make. However, sometimes I wonder; should
a so ot o k to e eed his fathe ?

Ohhhh… Ai z-sa a. To thi k ou ould efe to e as ou so !

U u, u u. You a e, e , so , o so ethi g like that. That, e , ho shall I put this, ost likely, er, that
should e the ase. The efo e, the e s o eed to use Ge a o salute o e so d a ati i f o t of e.
“i e I ade ou, I a t to see the pa ts of ou that I did ot ake, as p oof that ou ha e g o .

Ainz glanced behind at the sound of sniffling, and saw that Fifth was dabbing at the corners of her eyes
with a handkerchief.


Is t she i g too easil ?

Just as Ai z as feeli g o fused, Pa do a s A to o ed his head.

I u de sta d -- Fathe !


I shall sho ou hat ou ish to see, Fathe !

He was wrong. He had taken it too lightly. Although it was impossible, Ainz felt a headache assailing him.

Pa do a s A to . You ust ot tell a o e else of hat has happe ed he e. U de stood? If people

k o that ou e receiving special treatment, it might result in friction with the others. Also -- in fact,
because of that, I will be placing you lower on my priorities. If the time comes when I have to choose
et ee helpi g ou o the Gua dia s, I ill a a do ou.

But of ou se! Please, sa ifi e e as ou see fit!

As Ai z at hed hi th ust out the hest hile speaki g, guilt g e i Ai z s hea t.

Ia so . A d… Fifth. Do ot speak of hat has happe ed he e.

After seeing Fifth nod in acknowledgement, Ainz nodded as well.

The , I ill e o a .

Ah, a out that, ould ou hold o a little? “i e e eet a el , the e is a atte I ould like to ask ou,
Fathe . Ma I k o ho ou i te d to ule this “o e ous Ki gdo ?

Ma hu a s ha e their doubts about the path upon which you intend to take this country, Father.
For instance, if you wish to adopt a policy of expansion, they fear that they will be sent onto the
attlefield, a d so o .

Ainz froze in place.

Where was he going to take Ainz Ooal Gown?

To begin with, Ainz was just a regular person, yet he had stated a nigh-unreachable goal like conquering
the world. Ainz had stopped thinking about it. He felt that it would be better to hand this matter to
intelligent people like Albedo or Demiurge.

That said, the matter of how to run this country was a question which he could not evade.

Is, is so ethi g o g, Fathe ?

...I i te d to let ou k o , ut I still d afti g it up i i d. I shall dis uss the atte ith the
various Guardia s of Naza i k a d the i fo ou.


Ainz rose silently.

The that ill e all, Pa do a s A to .

Afte hea i g Pa do a s A to id hi fa e ell, Ai z left the oo .

Before he left through the main door, he sent a [Message] to Shalltear before he forgot, informing him
of Pa do a s A to s e uest. If he put it off, he ould p o a l fo get it late o .

Once he reached the door, Ainz moved faster than Fifth and opened the door before she could do so for

Then, he looked to the sky.

It was a clear, blue sky.

I ll e fl i g, Ai z u tl said. Although the people ehi d hi ega to pa i , Ai z hose to pa the

no heed.

Ainz floated into the sky thanks to the [Fly] spell, and then landed on the roof of the guest house.

Because E-Rantel was a city protected by three layers of walls, from this vantage, half of his field of
vision was blocked by the city walls.
I a t see f o he e, huh? Looks like I ll ha e to go fo a alk.

He might be able to think of something if he walked the streets. Staying here meant that there was no
way he would be able to think of anything.

Just then, the forms of the Eight Edge Assassins -- who had climbed the walls -- appeared before Ainz as

Ai z-sa a, please ait! It s da ge ous to go alo e!

He ould ot si pl laugh off the Eight Edge Assassi s o ds.

Someone standing in the middle of a wide-open area with good visibility in all directions was practically
asking to be sniped.

That s t ue. I d ake a good ta get if oppo e t as Peroroncino-sa .

Peroroncino the archer -- who was the most specialized in ranged combat within the guild Ainz Ooal
Gown -- would probably be able to hurt Ainz very badly. That man could easily attack from even two
kilometers out. His favorite tactic was concealing himself and then sniping his opponent -- albeit with a
bow. That said, even if his opponent was Peroroncino, Ainz had no intention of allowing himself to be
toyed with until he died.

Ainz was confident that he could use various means to defend, escape, or counterattack. He had honed
his skills through PVPing, and he would definitely not die in such a helpless manner. However, if he had
to be wary of attack methods from this world, the Eight Edge Assassins had a point.

Ainz could not die now. At the very least, before experimenting with resurrecting players, he had to
assume he only had one life, and prepare a meatshield for himself.

His best and safest option for that job was Albedo, whose defensive strength was the highest among the
Guardians. However, he would need people to protect her as well, which would necessitate a large
deployment of forces. He did not want to do that unless it was for the purpose of baiting an enemy

If that was the case, the best choice would be disposable and high-level vassals, but--

I do t ha e a high-level vassal monsters. Even if I wanted to use mercenary monsters, I spent a lot of
o e su o i g Al edo s su o di ates, so I do t ha e the ash out of po ket to asuall su o
He had decided to make a big show of spending to show that he was generous, and now he vaguely
regretted doing so. All he could do was comfort himself by saying that he had to maintain his image as
her boss.

Ha g o , let s thi k this th ough step step.

Ainz listed various possibilities in his mind.

Mercenary monsters. He had no money, so they were out.

The skill, [Undead Lieutenant]. It required XP, so he decided against it.

Using the summons from the Staff of Ainz Ooal Gown. The very fact that he had to carry the Guild
Weapon with him meant that it was out of the question.

The skill, [Create Undead]. Even if he created upper-tier undead, they would only be level 70, which he
would not even trust to escort the Guardians.

No, I have a trump card in store.

He had enhanced his undead creation skills through the use of a dark ritual.

He could only create upper-tier undead four times a day. However, if he divided those up into two uses,
he could make undead of roughly level 90.

Ainz stroked his chin, and wondered what sort of undead to make. The thief-type [Eternal Deaths], or
sensory-focused Eyeball types...

Granted, the [Eternal Deaths] were excellent undead to use, but they had a passive skill called [Aura of
Death and Decay] which was always activated. That was a potent skill which combined the effects of
Ai z s [Despai Au a V i sta t death ] a d [Despai Au a I fea ], hi h ade it apa le of ausi g
instant death and stat penalties to the enemy. In particular, the stat penalty was not a mind-affecting
ability. This allowed it to bypass immunity to mind-affecting effects, which made it very hard to deal

That said, if this ability were used under conditions where friendly fire was enabled, it would swiftly
paint a hellish picture of suffering and misery. Of course, he could simply order it not to use it at all, but
bringing that sort of undead onto a city street was complete insanity.

Several other scary monsters appeared in his mind, but he shot all those ideas down.

...Ho should I sa this… the e e apa le, ut the all look ugl .

None of them were at all suitable as guards which a king would have with him when walking the streets.
Just as Ainz was puzzling over the matter, he noticed Fifth beneath him, trying desperately to climb the

Without another word, Ainz jumped off, using [Fly] in mid-air to slow his descent, and he landed
gracefully on the ground below.

Fifth -- who was gripping a window face and whose face was flushed red -- hurriedly assumed her
position behind Ainz.



I ill e goi g out to the it afte this.

U de stood, I shall ead the a iage i ediatel !

No, the e is o eed fo that. I i te d to o se e the o ditio s i the it . I ule these st eets, so I pla
to go o foot.

Eh?! But that would only stain your precious feet! Please order us to clean the streets for you! And we
ust p epa e the follo e s!

Only a few roads on E-Rantel were cobbled, so after the rain, the rest became stretches of mud.

The e is o eed fo that. I ha e li ed i this it efo e.

That said, after checking into the inn, he immediately returned to Nazarick to make undead.

I additio , I i te d to su o follo e s ith agi , so the e is o eed to se d o e people f o

Naza i k.

...If that is the ill of the “up e e O e.

Still, the question of what to summon remains. If I call up demons or undead, it will lead to bad rumors
a d i ious gossip. “o I ll eed to su o so ethi g p ett , to aise opi io s of e. What fits the ill...

As he thought of that, Ainz found the answer.

I ill e su o i g a gels afte this. Let s go.

Although Ai z s ka a alue as e t e el egati e, he ould ot ha e a p o le su o i g a gels,
whose karma values were highly positive. There were some classes which had the penalty of not being
able to summon monsters whose karma values were too different from their own, but Ainz did not have
such classes.

I ide tall , the o ste s su o ed those lasses got st o ge the lose the o ste s karma
values were to their masters.

In YGGDRASIL, any disadvantages would have matching advantages as well.

Ainz headed toward the courtyard.

As expected of a place used for putting horses through their paces, training hunting hounds and other
such activities, the expanse of trimmed grass which made up the courtyard was vast indeed.

The , let s egi . This a take a hile, so talk ith e i the ea ti e.

W- ho, e?

E a tl . I othe o ds, I a t to k o e e thi g a out Naza i k s th Floo -- right. Tell me about

ou o k. Is the e a thi g a out the oo s ou a e lea i g?

Ainz did not wait for Fifth to reply. After changing out parts of his equipment, he cast his spell.

This spell was the super-tier spell [Pantheon], which was similar to the 10th tier spell [Armageddon -
Good] and the super-tier spell [Nibelung I], and which was diametrically opposed to the super-tier spell

He liste ed to Fifth s o ds as he aited fo the supe -tier spell to take effect. If there was a sudden
need to take urgent action, he would naturally use a cash item, but doing so at this time would have
been terribly wasteful.

Chatti g ith the aids is t ad, Ai z thought.

I additio , this as the fi st ti e he hea d that Al edo s oo as fo idden to the maids.

--I see. Well, this was quite a meaningful conversation. Although I just thought about it, go back to my
room and bring Nurunuru-ku o e . It ould e t ou leso e ithout hi .

U de stood!

Ai z at hed Fifth s aid outfit s a ildly as she jogged off, while he remained in the courtyard.

While he aited, he e alled Fifth s o ds.

Apparently, Albedo had told the maids that she would handle the cleaning of her own room as part of
her bridal training, so she did not wish anyone to enter her room.

Ai z utte ed Good g ief to hi self.

Al edo, it s ot that I do t u de sta d ou feeli gs, ut the fa t is that ou e a us pe so , so ou

should lea e the lea i g to the aids. I a t eall sa this, ut it see s I a ette ruler than you are,
i that se se.

Before long, Fifth returned, panting and presenting Nurunuru-kun. Ainz smiled, satisfied by his ability to

Tha ks.

Ainz accepted the Lip Bug from Fifth with a brief word of appreciation. Then, he applied the Lip Bug to
the base of his bony throat.

Ah, e , u .

Fo so e easo , the e as a ha ge i Ai z s oi e. G a ted, that as the eatu e s spe ial a ilit , ut

he still did not understand it. All he could do was accept it.

Ainz put his doubts aside and cast the super-tier spell. Six pillars of light appeared around him, and from
them came six angels.

These a gels had lio s heads, ith o e pai of i gs st et hed out a d a othe pai folded a ou d
them, for a total of four wings. They each wore suits of shining armor and held shields with eye patterns
in one hand and lances of fire in the other.

These angels were around level 80, Cherubim Gatekeepers.

Ainz did not know much about mythology, so he did not know why they were called gatekeepers, but he
did know about their strengths as monsters.

The Cherubim Gatekeepers were quite well-suited to the task of being a tank, and their considerable
sensory abilities also made them very good sentries.

P ote t e. Do ot kill e e ies, ut e de the foe powerless while doing as little damage as
possi le.

U de stood, o su o e.
This order had not been given out of compassion. Although Ainz had no hesitation about killing his
opponents, he had to consider that people might be scheming behind the scenes. In addition, he had to
let Momon perform the executions, hence his instructions to capture the enemy alive.

The , let s go.

Once the Angels had taken a defensive formation around Ainz, he immediately strode forth.

Summon spells -- including this super-tier spell -- would terminate after a while. Thus, he had to avoid
wasting time.

A gels, Fifth ill e alki g ith us. Defe d he as ou ould e.

U de stood, o su o e.

Ai-Ainz-sama, how could my body be compared to the precious form of the “up e e O e?

...Fifth. You ight e a aid, ut ou a e still a eatio of o e of f ie ds. Thus, ou a e e

valuable to me. Remember that well, because I find it troublesome to repeat myself. Then go tell all of
ou fello s.

Tha k, tha k ou e u h!

Incidentally, he did not say the same thing to the Eight Edge Assassins, as they were beings summoned
from YGGDRASIL gold. He might have felt vaguely regretful about having to sacrifice them, but they had
no value to him beyond that.

Let s go.

With the six Angels, Fifth, and several Eight Edge Assassins -- the rest were left as sentries -- in tow, Ainz
headed for the gate.

There loomed the form of a Crypt Lord, who commanded over twenty Death Knights.

It was dressed in tattered purple robes which were once magnificent, and it wore a crown that shone
uncharacteristically bright. It was a level 70 undead creature from Nazarick.

Its commander-type skills could strengthen any Death Knights it controlled, but it could not do so since
the Death K ights hi h e e its su o di ates e e u de Ai z s o t ol. That said, Ai z had put it he e
because he acknowledged its excellent command abilities.

I ill e headi g out afte this, let Al edo k o .

After walking past the Crypt Lord -- who was bowing deeply -- Ainz arrived at the streets.
He had no objective in mind.

‘athe tha taki g a alk, it as o e like he a ted to fi d the a s e to Pa do a s A to s uestio .

He would not be able to sort out what he could normally figure out if he was being bothered from all

Ainz opened up his stride as he imagined the future which the Sorcerous Kingdom of Ainz Ooal Gown
would have under him.

-Part 3-

Ainz and the company advanced in a straight line along the main road.

It was hard to say the streets were filled with life. That much was obvious when he compared his
memories from his time as Momon to the scenes before him now. The expressions of the pedestrians
were grim, and they seemed to be moving a little quicker.

In contrast, the Death Knights walked proudly through the streets. They were probably patrolling in
place of the usual city guard. Ainz had only given them simple orders: apprehend anyone engaging in
violence, protect anyone who asked for help.

Ainz turned his gaze toward the city wall.

A portion of the mass-produced Death Knights had been assigned to sentry duty on top of the walls.
There were others like them who were watching the city gates or patrolling. However, the most bizarre
way in which they had been used was how they had been sent to found villages with the denizens of the
slum districts.

The people who ended up being residents of the slums were typically the second or third sons in villages,
those people who did not have farms of their own to work. They dreamt of a better life in the city, but in
the e d, the ould o l s ape out a paupe s ise a le e iste e a idst the ashes of thei d ea s.
Thus, Ainz promised to grant them a plot of land, and sent them to it.

They were sent to the ruins of the villages that had been burned down through the machinations of the
Slaine Theocracy. Since they had fallen to external reasons, all one needed to do was to clear the rubble
away, seek new villagers, and the village would naturally recover.

Because they had been attacked in the past, Ainz permitted the Death Knights and Soul Eaters to go with
them as guards, and he also ordered them to help the villagers with their farm work.

Granted, neither of them was particularly adept at working the fields. However, they were far superior
to ordinary human beings when it came to raw, physical work. Essentially, they were heavy duty farm
equipment which did not require fuel and which could function for 24 hours a day. They were ideal for
the task of pioneering and heavy labor, and they would surely reap great gains in the coming harvests.

Ai z s ai as to uild the illages a k up ithi a ea , a d allo the to a hie e asi self-

sufficiency. They would then begin a regular harvest in the second year.

However, the objective of that was merely to collect their produce as taxes and dump them into the
Exchange Box, where they would become YGGDRASIL gold coins. Albedo and Demiurge had praised this
idea to the heavens, so it should be quite workable.

He had lent the undead to them in order to avoid foolishly wasting years on developing the wilderness.

At the same time, since the undead were on loan, he would collect additional rental fees on them in
addition to the agreed taxes. While he did not need to charge them rent, he had come up with the idea
after considering that he might end up loaning the undead to various users in the future.

While that pla p io itized se di g la ge ua tities of the slu s eside ts -- with their families in tow --
out of the city, that alone was not the reason for the lack of people on the streets.

That would probably be because of Ainz. When pedestrians encountered him on the streets, they would
stare with eyes wide before going back the way they came, or circling around him.

It was like walking in an abandoned wasteland.

Still, being feared was not bad. It was dozens of times better than being belittled.

Still, to think my city would be such a lifeless place...

He did not care what happened to anyone else as long as the Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick and
its NPCs were happy. However, what would his past friends think if they were around?

Would they be like Ainz, who had been affected by being undead, and end up being influenced by their
nature as monsters? Would they end up treating humans as little more than fodder? Or would they
continue holding on to their strong emotions from their time as humans?

What on earth do I want to build this country into...

Just as Pa do a s A to had said, Ai z eeded to de ide o ho to u this ou t a d the aim of ruling

this city.

Fo e a ple, fa i g heat a d the like, a d the tossi g the i to the T easu s E ha ge Bo . B

using the coins obtained from that to strengthen the Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick, the country
would then become one whose sole aim was to produce currency.
For example, he could breed and slaughter humans, thus making the country produce XP to be stored
within Greed and Generosity.

For instance, he could hand over all production tasks and work to the undead, making it a country where
the living did not need to work.

And for example--

From a land filled with love to one ringing with resentment, how would this country which bore the
name of the guild turn out?

He could not hand this decision to his subordinates. This was his duty, his responsibility, as the ruler of
Nazarick and the Sorcerous Kingdom of Ainz Ooal Gown.

--Fifth, hat do ou thi k of this it ? Of this ou t ?

M deepest apologies. Ma I k o ho ou ould like e to a s e ?

He had been too abstract. Ainz decided to ask again:

Do ou feel this is a ou t he e ou a li e i happi ess? Tell e the hole t uth a d hold othi g
a k.

Yes. I a e happ i this ou t e ause ou ule it, Ai z-sa a.

Ainz looked to the sky and sighed. Well, he should have expected an NPC to give him an answer like that.


Oh, hat s the atte ? Tell e a thi g that o es to ou i d.

U de stood. Wh is it that despite ou ei g he e, Ai z-sama, that nobody comes out to pay homage
to the rule of this ou t , to ou ight fo ? A d the the e s the a the hide i the uildi gs
a d peek at ou… it s e upsetti g!

Fifth snorted. Indeed, many people were spying on Ainz and his entourage while hiding in the shops
along the roads. In fact, some of them had gone weak at the knees when they saw the angels.

Fifth, do ou thi k hu a s a e o i g eatu es?

Yes. It is as ou sa . The e e ot eated the “up e e Bei gs, thus the a e pitia le lifefo s.

More than half the beings in Nazarick thought that way. Even the level 1 maids were no exception.
Fifth. All of ou a e still the ost i po ta t to e.

Tha k ou e u h!

Ho e e , I should sho so e easu e of e to the people I ule. Afte all, the a e itize s of the
“o e e Ki g.

It is as ou sa .

The , h ot tu this pla e i to a utopia? A o de ful, d ea -like world, as sweet as soaking in

ho e . A o ld he e the ill ish to e uled ete all .

I feel this is a e elle t pla .

“i e I i te d to conquer the world, these subjects of mine will not just be humans. All the races of the
o ld ust k eel efo e e.

Natu all .

Project Utopia.

This plan was being carried out on the 6th Floor, and had been started with the intention of appealing to
any players they encountered with the idea that Nazarick was a good guild which welcomed all races.

Using this place for the experiment sounds like a good idea, Ainz thought.

I shall tell the o ld: o l those ho se e the “o e e Ki g shall ha e ete al p ospe it .

The e is o dou t that it is the t uth.

If he could do that, then if he found his former friends -- his former guildmates -- he could proudly show
this city off to them.

It would seem the country Ainz wanted was one where he ruled various races who lived in harmony.

He would take the vision of Ainz Ooal Gown within the Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick and
reproduce it throughout the entire world.

Just like how his friends might be hiding in some corner of the world, he would make a world where
different heteromorphs and races could smile and live.

The light i Ai z s e es g e ighte .

The Sorcerous Kingdom of Ainz Ooal Gown should be a country where all races could coexist. This was
something only the Sorcerous Kingdom could do.

Even if the founder of a nation was a genius, there was no guarantee that his children would be similarly
gifted. And the generation after that, his grandchildren, and his great-grandchildren after them -- there
was no guarantee they would be talented either. If the second generation was incompetent, they would
be wiped out by society in the third generation. Ainz had heard this story quite often.

However, if they were ruled by an unaging, undying genius, this sort of thing would not happen. The
ideal form of this was to have a dictatorship run by a handful of geniuses.

With people like Demiurge and Albedo in the Sorcerous Kingdom -- no, it was because they were there
that they could make it an eternal paradise. Like Ulbert had once said, a dictatorship run by an iron hand
would be great, or something like that.

Ainz pondered the matter further.

Led by Demiurge and Albedo, the Guardians were proceeding with their objective of world domination.
Ainz could not completely deny them in this. After all, this might be able to spread their name to his

However, would it not be better to spread that name through means other than ruling through force?
By letting the Sorcerous Kingdom of Ainz Ooal Gown be known as a utopia, they could make many
people choose to bend the knee and submit to his rule for that sweet, honey-like promise.

Sugar and the whip.

If Demiurge and Albedo were the whips, then Ainz would be the sugar.

What a good idea...

Ainz had decided.

Ainz-sama was different from the NPCs that could only disdain those outside of Nazarick. This form of
world conquest was something which only he, with his vestiges of humanity, could come up with. He
would dominate through overwhelming charm.

Then, what should he do in order to carry out this plan?

As Ainz walked again, he thought desperately about the subject.

He would need methods unlike those of Demiurge and Albedo -- methods which did not rely on strength.
He could not imagine running a country by himself. Because of that, Ainz would imagine himself as an
employee of a small company.

It would be a small company, the kind which only had a single floor in a building, and the sole employee
of that company was Ainz.

The p odu t of this o pa ould e The “o e ous Ki gdo s Outsta di g ‘ule ship . He ould
then promote the sales of this product.

First, he had to consider his target market. Only then could he deliver this product to the hands of those
who needed it. However, he lacked information on the consumers. Why was that? It was simple --
because he did not have enough publicity.

That said, it was not a matter of running to various cities and giving out pamphlets at the entrance. That
would just be a waste of time. Ainz was the sole employee, so he had to consider other methods.

There was nothing like the mass media in this world. Although traders and other such professionals had
their own intelligence networks, any publicity from them was hardly guaranteed to be accurate. By the
time Ainz had noticed this, he had come to the e t a e of the Ad e tu e s Guild.

Perhaps it was because he had come here often as Momon, but it seemed to have become a habit. That
was probably a symptom of workaholism, right?

Ainz smiled bitterly, and opened the door.

The counter within loomed into view. There was a female receptionist seated there. On her left was a
large set of double doors, and on the right was a noticeboard, which had requests on parchment
attached to it. And the adventurers who should have been standing before it -- were not there.

The Guild was empty. There was no comparing it to what he had seen during his time as Momon.

Ainz ignored the receptionist staring goggle-eyed at him, and walked to the noticeboard.

While he still could not understand their letters, he had memorized a few phrases, which included the
month and the year.

At a glance, there were only old requests from a month ago. In other words, they were unimportant,
repeating jobs.

...‘e eptio ist. The e see to e u h fe e jo s o . Has o od put i a e e uests?

Hiii… es, es, that s ight. These a e all e ha e, You Majest .

So the number of adventurers had gone down because the number of requests had gone down as well.
The cause of that was Ainz.

Ainz had used his own military forces -- the Death Knights -- to patrol the streets and maintain the
internal security of the Sorcerous Kingdom. In the end, it caused people to flee the threat of those

He considered that if they kept up their patrols, people like adventurers might completely cease to exist.

He would need to prepare requests for them in order to keep them around -- no, there was no need to
keep the adventurers around.

Anything adventurers could do, Death Knights could do better -- though they might have difficulty with
certain tasks, like picking herbs. But in that case, all he had to do was to rent the Death Knights out to
herbalists as bodyguards.

Ainz still could not think of any uses for adventurers. And when one got down to it, the fact of the
matter was that adventurers cost money to hire. E-Rantel and its lowered income did not have the
luxury of such things.

In addition, they were hardly indispensible.

With that in mind, Ainz turned to the outside.

What a banal job...

He recalled the first time he and Narberal had o e to the Ad e tu e s Guild i this it .

He had thought that adventurers were like what he had seen in YGGDRASIL, those who ventured into
the unknown and trekked to various places around the world.

If the e just a ti-monster mercenaries, then o e the eed fo the is go e, the ll e out of a jo . It s
the same all over the world. To think that the image of adventurers as they were represented in
YGGD‘A“IL as ulti atel othi g o e tha a d ea … A d ea ? Of e plo i g the u k o a d
travelling the world? Could it be...

I spi atio flashed th ough Ai z s i d.

If he changed adventurers from monster-hunting mercenaries to explorers of the unknown like in

YGGDRASIL, that would mean they would carry the name of the Sorcerous Kingdom into unexplored
Ainz did not just want to reach the human world, but all the other races as well. He could easily promote
hi self i the hu a o ld th ough t ade s o e tio s. Ho e e , si e that as ot e ough,
adventurers were the best choice for the job.

H h , Ai z odded.

Although the receptionist looked at him in a puzzled way, he paid her no heed. Or rather, if he had
minded her, that rare flash of inspiration would have vanished.

Thinking like the head of a small business, Ainz decided to contemplate the outcome of this plan.

However, the number of adventurers in the Sorcerous Kingdom is slowly dwindling. If this keeps up, the
situation will continue to deteriorate. They might even vanish completely in the near future. What can I
do to reverse this trend?

It was simple enough to increase their numbers. All he needed to do was reverse the current
circumstances -- in other words, the Sorcerous Kingdom would pay for monster elimination. However,
that e t agai st Ai z s goal of ha i g ad e turers be explorers of the unknown. While he could also
place requests to have them advertise him, Ainz did not have the money for that.

There were literal mountains of gold in the Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick, but those were not
Ai z s pe so al fu ds. While the NPCs would all agree that all the wealth in Nazarick belonged to Ainz,
he did not want to use that money on a personal project.

Just as Ainz was deep in thought, the sound of a door opening came from the entrance.

As he turned around, he saw adventurers -- who he seemed to have met before -- standing in the
doorway, frozen in place as they watched him.

H ? That gu s a e is… let e see… Yok ok? No, that s ot ight, ut it s lose.

It felt like he could reach it with his fingertips, but he could not quite get his hands on it. This frustration
made Ainz dredge up the depths of his memories with all his will.

Mok ak...?!

Just as he had found the answer, he blurted it out without thinking. Having been addressed by name,
the adventurer froze in place.


It was too late by the time he realized it. He could feel the eyes of the guild receptionist looking in this
It was impossible that the new ruler of E-Rantel, the Sorcerer King Ainz Ooal Gown, would possibly know
of a mere mithril- a ked ad e tu e . A d if he did k o the a , hat did that i pl ? Ai z s ai spu
into high gear as he cogitated, but before he came up with an answer, Moknak spoke:

Did, did ou hea that f o Mo o -do o? M a e, that is…

U u, es. That is o e t.

Ai z de ided to at h that pass. A pai of d a ati all opposite e otio s appea ed o Mok ak s fa e,
expectation and fear.

Having recovered from his prior perturbation, Ainz began a deeper analysis of the situation.

He remembered that this man was the leader of the mithril- a ked ad e tu e pa t ‘ai o . The
first time he had seen him was during the Vampire Disturbance incident. They had spoken several times
after that, but since they had not met recently, the man had slipped from his mind.

Much like other adventurers and soldiers, he seemed to worship Momon as a hero. So how would he
feel about Momon becoming a minion of the Sorcerer King?

Why would Momon mention him to the Sorcerer King? Idle chatter? Or did Momon sell him out? His
heart was probably awhirl with doubts and suspicions like that.

Ainz began looking for a way to turn this danger into an opportunity.

Whe I asked hi a out apa le ad e tu e s a ou d he e, he told e a out Mok ak, the leade of
‘ai o .

Moknak, who had originally lowered his head, suddenly looked back up.

Is! Is that t ue?

Do ou dou t o ds?

No! Of ou se ot…

Whe dis ussi g usi ess ith a lie t, the fi st thi g o e should do as p aise o e s ou te pa ts. Fe
people would react poorly to praise. Once they were in a better frame of mind, they could then talk
business. This was both a basic skill for a salesman, and also an ultimate secret.

Now that he had shaken up the other side and fully seized the initiative, Ainz did not waste the chance
to fire off another question.

Tell e, h a e ou i E-‘a tel?

If he wanted to learn more about adventurers, the fastest way to achieve that was to directly question
an adventurer.

Mok ak as affled Ai z s uestio , ut efo e lo g, he seemed to have scrounged up enough

determination to answer him.

Be ause of the u dead, You Majest . This pla e is lose to the Katze Plai s, a d e a kill o ste s
fo o e ithout e e u i g out.

Although Ainz did not quite understand, it would seem that even as the sweat gushed off him, Moknak
had a e ellious s ile o his fa e that see ed to sa , The e, I said it .

Ainz had been planning to bring the Katze Plains under his dominion in the near future. Of particular
note were the rumors of a ship that uised alo g the la d, hi h pi ued Ai z s i te est.

Is that so.


H ?

Ah, o…

What a frustrating man. Ainz refused the urge to sigh and impulsively asked:

Is that all?

...No, the e s o e. Befo e Mo o -dono came here, we were the only mithril-ranked adventurers
among the senior adventurers, so it was easier for us to get well-pa i g jo s.

So it was money after all. Perhaps earmarking part of the budget for adventurer remunerations might be
the best course of action.

Also, I was born in this city, so I know many people here. And also, all sorts of magic items flow through
he e.

Hoh, agi ite s, ou sa .

Yes. Afte all, agi ite s ha e sa ed life i the past, so as a ad e tu e , I ould atu all a t to
base myself in a place with many of them.

In YGGDRASIL, there were also stories of how a simple magic item averted a total party kill. That said, he
had also see a people ho looked like ad e tu e s i the I pe ial Capital s a kets. I othe
words, if he could set up a larger-scale magic item business than the Imperial Capital, it would be sure to
draw adventurers over.

He would probably be able to achieve excellent results by making magic items with appropriate data
crystals and then auctioning them off. Howe e , that ould fu da e tall e aidi g Naza i k s
reserves, and there was no guarantee that Ainz and the others would not find the technologies
developed with those items as a base pointed at their throats instead.

It should be fine if I use it as bait, ight? No, I d athe a oid usi g Naza i k s esou es if I a a oid it. “o
how about items made using the magical technology of this world? That way, we could hand them off to
othe ou t ies ithout ausi g a p o le s… ah, this is ha d. I ll lea e that idea for another time.


Mok ak s o ied oi e jolted Ai z s i d a kf o the depths of o te platio .

You Majest , a Ik o h ou a e aski g e these uestio s? If ou ill pe it e to e f a k...

Moknak grit his teeth, and continued in a deeply pained voice.

We a e as dust o pa ed to e e o e of the u dead that You Majest o a ds. With su h po e ful

undead defending the area around this city, there is little point to the existence of adventurers within
the “o e ous Ki gdo .

What should he say now? What turn of phrase could he use to leave him -- and the receptionist looking
here, and the guild staff who had clustered around them sight unseen -- with a good impression of

Or perhaps, he could take a dangerous risk and di e tl shut hi up sa i g The e is o eed to

e plai that to ou. That ight e safe . Ho e e , if he did that, it ight ake the e e oe
suspicious. There ought to be a better--

No, I ha e to elie e i self. I a a ho has o e o e a y dangers in the past. I ought to be

able to think of some way past this difficulty!

Ainz allowed his presence to radiate forth from him.

Co e to thi k of it, ou e al ead got su h a lea pi tu e of thi gs i ou i d. “o h a e ou still i

this city? Because you were born here? Do you have a girlfriend?

The answer to those questions would determine the direction in which the Sorcerer King would take this

Befo e I a s e ou, I ould like ou to a s e fi st uestio . Wh a e ou still i this it ?

That, that s e ause…

Moknak began stumbling over his words. Then, despite hesitating a little, he continued:

It s e ause of Mo o -dono. Momon-dono stayed in this city to be our shield. That being the case,
how could I, a nati e of this it , do so ethi g as disg a eful as u i g a a ?

In that instant, Ainz smiled.

Granted, while he had been Momon, he had understood this man to a certain extent. However, he had
not expected him to bare his heart so readily.

Is that so. The , I shall a s e ou uestio .

Ainz pretended to fall silent for a while, and then in a stern voice he announced:

It is e ause of Mo o . “i e all of ou ight so eda e o e people like Mo o , I a ted to k o

what adventurers wanted, and what the sought.

Mok ak s e es e t ide. The sou ds of gulpi g ould e hea d f o the ea guild e plo ees.

Mo o is st o g, ut o e i po ta tl , he has a o le spi it.

It felt a little embarrassing to say that sort of thing about himself, but that as ho Mo o s ha a te
had been planned, so it could not be helped.

A d the , I sa so ethi g like Mo o s adia e a o g ou ad e tu e s.

Did my acting practice pay off, Ainz wondered as he uttered those words. A thunderbolt seemed to have
flashed behind Moknak and the others.

But, ut Mo o -do o is a sup e e ei g, that o l a hose o e ould aspi e to e. We ould t

possibly reach his--

“o ou e sa i g that Mo o is li d to his o g eat ess, the ?

What! Did, did Mo o -dono say that too?!

Not di e tl .

While he did not think it was funny at all, he nevertheless strove to imply that he found it amusing. Ainz
took o a ki g s s ile -- the result of much practice -- and showed it to everyone.
E e if ou a ot do it, ho a out ou children? Your grandchildren? Are you saying nobody around
you could possibly give rise to someone like Momon? I am an immortal being, and the ruler of the
Sorcerous Kingdom. It is only natural that I would want to take action to inspire genuine loyalty toward
me from the next Momon. This is the meaning that I, as a ruler, have found for the existence of
adventurers within the Sorcerous Kingdom. Well, there is another reason, but since it has not fully taken
shape in my mind yet, I shall leave it at that fo the o e t.

The air around him was silent.

H ? Did t it o k? Is this a ot a zealous fa of Mo o ?

Just as unease was beginning to descend upon Ainz, Moknak bowed deeply to Ainz.

You Majest , I a g ateful fo this eeti g ith ou, a d the oppo tu it to lea of ou thoughts.

As Moknak raised his face, there was no trace of the unease, fear or doubt that had originally been there.
In contrast, he had a cheerful, carefree smile in its place.

...What a a eso e a . To thi k ou possessed such incredible charisma, surpassing even your own
pote t agi .

I too a glad to ha e e ou te ed su h e elle t ad e tu e s. “o eda , I ould like to take ou u de

i g.

Mok ak s fa e ela ed, feeli g a little happie o .

“till, You Majest . The Ad e tu e s Guild e ai s u affiliated ith the go e e t. Neithe a I. Ca

ou eall take us o as su o di ates?

U u. I a e fo p e isel that o je ti e. G a ted, this is just a ough d aft a d has ot et full take
shape… ‘e eptio ist, tell the guild aste that the “o e e Ki g ould like to speak ith hi .

Y- es!

The receptionist -- who had been dumbly listening to their conversation -- ran out of the room in a hurry.

The , You Majest , e id ou fa e ell.

This was completely unlike how they had acted when they had first showed up. Moknak delivered a bow
full of respect before he turned and left.

No the … hat should I do e t.

The ai th ust of Ai z s i o plete pla as to use ad e tu e s to e tol the i tues of the “o erous
Kingdom. There were three main points to that plan:

The fi st as the e pa sio of the Ad e tu e s Guild. The e as o poi t i a o ga izatio that o l

had 10 or so members.

The second was to nurture them. Weaklings could not go far, and if the gospel of being ruled by the
Sorcerous Kingdom spread too slowly, it would not reap him many benefits.

The third was to make them want to genuinely help him. It was not that he could not use Momon, but if
Ainzach wanted to help him of his own free will, it would make things much easier in the future.

I eed to sol e these th ee p o le s efo e egotiati g ith Ai za h. “till… it s eall ha d to egotiate

without any information at all. Ah~ my stomach aches.

All he could do now was pray that the Guildmaster was not in. Unfortunately, the first thing which the
e eptio ist said he she etu ed as, This a , please.

Ainz looked up to the ceiling, and then followed behind the receptionist.

-Part 4-

He had walked through this corridor quite a fe ti es as Mo o , a d he passed the guild aste s
room -- though he did not enter, but was instead taken to the room beside it. That room was used for
entertaining guests.

A powerfully built man came out to meet him -- the guildmaster Pluton Ainzach.

Ainz had met him as Momon several times before -- he had dragged Momon with him to adult
establishments in the past. However, this was the first time he had encountered the man as the Sorcerer
King Ainz Ooal Gown, so he had to be deeply aware of his words and actions.

Oh, it is You Majest , the “o e e Ki g. As a itize of this ou t , othi g ould delight e o e

than to receive you within my humble abode. Please, come in, and though this is a dirty place, I bid you
take a seat if it pleases you.

Ainz sat down at the place where Ainzach had indicated.

Fifth stood behind Ainz, while three of the angels followed Ainz inside. The rest remained outside the
room, awaiting orders.

B ight, I should ha e ee the o e to isit ou, ut I a deepl grateful that you came all this way to
see e.
Ainzach genuflected, and bowed his head deeply.

Ainz smiled bitterly as he saw Ainzach putting on that act.

It was completely different from how he had been when speaking to Momon. His kind voice was tinged
with respect, but that was just a front. Ainz could not help but smile after realising that all this was just
professional technique at work. Of course, his own expression had not changed at all.

Ainz turned his eyes toward the other door in the room, the one which was not the entrance.

That doo led to the guild aste s oo . He ould p o a l e talki g i the e if he as Mo o . The
fact that the guildmaster had received him here made Ainz aware of the distance between the two.

Is so ethi g the atte , You Majest ?

Ainzach had raised his head to peek at Ainz, who seemed to have ignored him in favor of looking at the
room to the side. Ainz could not help but snort at his foolishness.

Ai za h s fa e f oze. Pe haps he thought that laughte as di ected at him..

Ainz felt disgusted by his rudeness, but the Sorcerer King could not apologise. Instead, he decided to
push ahead with the conversation in an attempt to gloss it over.

Still, what sort of attitude should he take toward the guildmaster?

Ainz was still feeling out the proper way to be a king, and did not have any knowledge in that field. The
o l thi g guidi g hi as a ague feeli g of this should e ight . With that, he de ided to t

I thi k ou should ha e hea d a out it o , Ai za h, ut I ha e a p oposal fo ou.

--Forgive me, Your Majesty, but I am unsure of what you speak. If it is possible, could you start from the
egi i g?

From his previous interactions with the man, Ainz knew that Ainzach was a capable man who was also
capable of lying through his teeth. There was a high chance that he already had a firm grasp on the
situation. That was probably why he had not been alarmed by the angels.

That being the case, there was no need to beat around the bush. Ainz decided to speak directly.

I i te d to i o po ate this Ad e tu e s Guild i to the “o e ous Ki gdo .

...Is that so. I do ot thi k a od ill o je t to that.

Hoh. I ha e hea d that the Ad e tu e s Guild has al a s held itself to eut alit . A e you truly fine
ith this?

All shall p o eed as ou desi e, You Majest . This atio is go e ed the la s hi h ou ha e set
do . If You Majest ishes to su o di ate the Ad e tu e s Guild elo his a e , o od a
gai sa that de isio .

Ainz snorted again. That reaction seemed to get a rise out of Ainzach. Ainz sensed that he had gotten to
the guildmaster, from the look deep in his eyes.

I deed, it shall p o eed as I desi e. Ho e e , do ou t ul i te d to go alo g ith it? O pe haps ou

intend to warn off the adventurers and send them to the Empire and the Kingdom before handing over
a e pt shell of a guild to e.

Ai za h looked i te tl at Ai z, a d the he ou ded his shoulde s, as though to sa , “o that s as fa as

I go, huh.

As expected of Your Majesty. To think you would not only claim and rule this city, but even see through
i e ost thoughts… did ou ead i d ith agi ?

No, I did ot use agi . It as othi g o e tha e pe ie e.

Be ause ou ha e li ed a lo g time, I take it. My my, what a fearsome lord you are. Then, what is to
e o e of e?

Nothi g ill happe to ou.

...I ill ot tha k ou fo that, ou k o ?

I do ot eed ou tha ks. Mo e tha that, I a t ou opi io s. I ha e hea d that ad e turers exist to
defend the people. Thus, they do not wish to be used in the wars of humanity and have maintained a
deg ee of i depe de e f o a atio . Is this t ue?

It is as ou sa , You Majest . I t uth, he You Majest laid lai to this to , e had no intention
of offe i g a esista e.

A d et the a alled Mo o stood efo e e…?

Ai za h g u ted, Oh. Well, the e as o poi t gi i g hi self a ha d ti e. Ai z de ided to o ti ue

speaking, and of course, he had to help cover for Momon.

Ah, I o t pu sue that atte . Afte all, e a e o ki g togethe , i a se se. I deed, that oope atio
is o e of the easo s I a pea efull ule this pla e.
Ainzach seemed to be on the verge of saying something, but Ainz ignored him and pressed on.

This was the real meat of the issue.

He had to bring Ainzach over to his side, and make him want to aid the Sorcerous Kingdom out of

After recalling the various gripes and complaints he had heard during his time as Momon, Ainz said:

...The , I ha e a uestio afte hea i g ou o ds. You e e uite e tai that Ad e tu e s e ist to
defe d the people . Ho e e , ho e a tl a e these people ?

Ma I k o hat ou ea that?

The e as a affled look o Ai za h s fa e.

I othe o ds, does the o d people e o pass all hu a oids, o just hu a ei gs? A e El es,
Half-El es a d othe spe ies that li e i ha o ith hu a it o e ed that o d?

Well, a out that, es, the a e i luded.

Ho st a ge, the . I see to e all that Elves are slaves in the Empire, are they not? That being the
case, can you really say that you are protecting them? Are they not slaves because they ran afoul of the
E pi e s la s?

Ainzach lowered his head. Then, he looked up to face Ainz again.

...I a ut the aste of the Ki gdo s Ad e tu e s Guild. Thus, I do ot k o hat the E pi e s

Guild has i i d.

“o ou e just t i g to get out of it ith easel o ds, the …

AI za h s e es e t ide, a d the e as lea a ge the e.

You Majesty, such mockery--

Mo ke ? Is this ot the t uth? ...I shall ask ou agai . A e ou ot t i g to get ou self off the hook
ei g a iguous?

Ainzach lowered his eyes.

...It is as ou sa .

You sa that ou ill defe d El es a d Half-Elves, ut ou ha e ot do e that at all. Wh is that?

Ainzach gave his explanation, beginning from the position that he was unclear about the intentions of
the Ad e tu e s Guild i the E pi e.

Though e a e a Ad e tu e s Guild, e a ot full es ape the bonds of countries. While the

Ad e tu e s Guild p oudl de la es itself to e a o e thei ule, e e ai o edie t to the la s of the
nations. We are an armed organization. It would be very dangerous if a group with our strength were to
turn that power agai st the atio . I elie e the E pi e s Guild thi ks alo g the sa e li es.

That is hat I ea . “i e ou a e ou d a ou t s la s, the the e should e o p o le ith

being incorporated into that country. That being the case, why do you dislike that?

Both the E pi e a d the Ki gdo o et ou st e gth. Afte all, o l ad e tu e s like ou sel es a fight
on an even footing with powerful monsters. Because of that, nobody has made any difficult requests of
us until now. However, that point is moot where Your Majesty is concerned. If we are made subordinate
to ou, the e is a ha e that ou st e gth a e di e ted agai st the people.

A d so, ou seek to esist assi ilatio i to the ou t e ause ou fea ei g ade to use fo e
against the o o a , a I o e t?

It is as You Majest sa s. We do ot ish to e ade to supp ess people o to fight a s. It ould

ake us a esso ies to a deaths.

Ainz could not help but laugh at this. Well, I knew that already. But of course, he could not actually say

The sit. I shall o e plai hat I i te d fo ou i the futu e.

Ainz had to tell him to sit again before Ainzach finally complied, taking a seat out of fear. Then, Ainz
began his explanation.

I a o side i g the possibility of having adventurers take on other, more meaningful types of work. I
a t ad e tu e s to dis o e the u k o a d e plo e this o ld.

Ainz felt Ainzach looking directly at him for the first time.

Fo i sta e, the e is a pat h of ilde ess in the south, between the Theocracy and the Holy Kingdom.
But do ou k o the details of the te ai a d hat a e of o ste s li e the e?

No, e ause the e a e a de ihu a settle e ts the e. The Ad e tu e s Guild of the Ki gdo has
sent people the e, ut o e ha e etu ed i o e pie e. The efo e, e k o e t to othi g a out it.

The , the e is a ou tai a ge to the south est hi h se es as a atu al a ie et ee ou sel es

a d the Theo a . What do ou k o of that pla e?
No, e do ot ha e a detailed i fo atio a out the egio .

A e ou ot asha ed of that ig o a e? No, pe haps it ust see u a oida le, f o the poi t of ie
of an adventurer. After all, you are an organization that protects the people, so there is no need to know
about places which do not contain any people. Although, there is the chance that lifesaving herbs might
g o the e.

Ai za h s outh tighte ed i to a st aight li e at that p o o atio .

O e I take the Ad e tu e s Guild u de a e , I pla to fill i all the la k spa es o the ap.

...Would it ot e ette to ha d that task to the people lose to You Majest ?

Do t e foolish. I hea d that ou used to e a ad e tu e , Ai za h, so let e ask ou agai : Whe ou

thi k a out the o d ad e tu e , eall po de it, do ou thi k ou e ist e el to fight o ste s?
Before I researched adventurers, I believed that they were beings who turned the unknown into the
k o .

Ainzach bit his lip, so hard that it seemed as though he was trying to draw blood.

--We ust p ote t the people.

The e is o eed fo that. I this “o e ous Ki gdo , I ill p ote t the people as thei ule . Gi e the
sha p d op i e uests, ou should e a le to u de sta d the t uth of that, a I o g?

Ainzach answered in the affirmative, in a pained voice that sounded more like a groan.

The hat ill ou do e t? Will ou o e to the Ki gdo o the E pi e to p ote t the people? That
sounds a lot like what a specialized monster-hu ti g e e a ould do.

Ainz paused here. The next step would be persuasion, He had to devote the full capacity of his mind to
what he said next.

Ea lie , ou said su o di ates should do it . F o a e tai poi t of ie , that ould e a good

solution. It is true that my subordinates excel at slaying the enemy. However, many of them raise
serious doubts in my mind about whether or not they can build good relationships with the beings they
meet in this unknown world. It is a great mark of shame for me. Therefore, I want to leave this task to
ou ad e tu e s.

While he as uite i te ested i the sile t Ai za h s ea tio , his p ese tatio as ot fi ished et.

Well, si e I pla to ha e the do su h a da ge ous jo , I ill atu all gi e the full suppo t. Do
you not think it is e essa fo e to assi ilate the Ad e tu e s Guild fo that?
...All ou ha e to do is hi e us.

I see. “o ou a e uite o fide t i ou st e gth. I do ot dislike that ou age.

What, hat do ou ea , You Majest ?

Dis o e i g the unknown means the possibility of making unfortunate encounters with other
civilizations. If that happened, do you not think the Sorcerous Kingdom would disavow you? In addition,
the Ad e tu e s Guild ould the e solel espo si le fo deali g ith a p oblems which arose, am I
wrong? Since you claim to be an independent organization, do you not think that is to be expected?
Afte all, a o t a ts I ake ith ou ill ot i u a loss to the “o e ous Ki gdo .

Ainzach fell silent.

That is hat it ea s to a t i depe de tl , f ee f o a atio s o t ol, is that ot the ase? A d if a

situatio es alates to a i te atio al le el, ou ould thus ha e to deal ith it ou self… is hat I a
sa i g so laugha le?

Ce tai l ot, You Majest , Ai za h odded deepl , to sho that he u de stood. E e o d ou

ha e spoke is o e t.

Just so. But if that happe s, alua le ad e tu e s -- who are professionals that possess special skills --
will end up being depleted. As it takes human beings a long time to mature, the death of any talented
i di idual ill e a g eat loss. Be ause of that, I a ted to a ui e the Ad e tu e s G oup. A d the ,
the ould e ei e full suppo t as the p i e of ha i g to a out o de s.

That is a e att a ti e p oposal… Ho e e , I ha e a dou t I ish to la if . O e e ha e u de stood

the u k o , does that ea e ill the e o e i asio fo es fo the “o e ous Ki gdo ?

That is a e o pli ated uestio . I a ot ule out that possi ilit e ti el . After all, if we learn that
an enemy which exists in unknown lands plans to launch an invasion, it is quite reasonable to use that
information to take the initiative and strike the first blow instead. Said enemies might include
demihumans like Ogres or Orcs who live in the wilderness. Or perhaps, it might be necessary to launch
an invasion to show them the difference between their strength and ours. If there was a ferocious
monster beside you which was sharpening its fangs, would you not want to strike first i stead?

I see, it is as ou sa , But--

..H .

Is so ethi g the atte , You Majest ?

It s othi g, fo gi e e fo i te upti g ou. What e e ou goi g to sa just o ?

...U de stood. Ho e e , hat t ou les e is hethe o ot it is ight to subdue by force those races
ho a e li i g i pea e.

What a es a e ou thi ki g of? El es, pe haps?

Well, pe haps.

...The details of this so t of thi g a e top se et as the a e li ked to atio al poli , so I a ot dis uss
this openly. If invasion and conquest are advantageous to the Sorcerous Kingdom, we might end up
doing so, If they bring only disadvantages, we will not do so. This is quite common among countries, am
I correct? However, if it comes to the simple matter of invasions, I can plainly state that I have adequate
military forces at my disposal. I do not expect adventurers to collect information on enemy nations, nor
do I need them to scout routes for me. As I said earlier, I simply desire them to explore the unknown and
discover all so ts of thi gs. I gi e ou o d o this.

However, right after saying that, Ainz asked Ainzach:

“till, it does see ou t eat a es diffe e tl depe di g o ho att a ti e the a e. Wh did ou ot

sa that li e a out hethe o ot it is ight to su due fo e those a es ho a e li i g i pea e
he the topi of i adi g O s a d Og es a e up?

That, that s e ause the e de ihu a s--!

Hahahaha. I see, I see. “o that is hat ou thi k. I u de sta d, I u de sta d. “o, hat is ou a s e ?

Ainzach seemed to want to say something, but he immediately shook his head. That was probably to
change his mind.

Must I a s e that uestio i ediatel , You Majest ?

Ce tai l , I ould like ou to a s e ight a a . Ho e e , this atte is of weighty importance, and

you must prepare for it by discussing it with others. That it takes time cannot be helped. However, I
ould like to k o hat ou thi k, Ai za h.

Ai z lea ed fo a d, so he ould look ight i to Ai za h s e es f o lose up.

I a e a g . But o e tha that, I a sadde ed the fa t that ou a e othi g o e tha si ple

monster exterminators. How dare people like you call yourselves adventurers? Ainzach, what do you
think? Are you willing to adventure under my rule? It is my hope for you all that--

Here, Ainz paused for a beat. Then, he let the strength flow into his eyes and his voice.

--That ou ill all e a le to e o e Ad e tu e s .

Tension filled the room. As though observing an opponent who had been slain by his finishing move,
Ainz held his breath -- although he could not breathe to begin with -- a d a aited Ai za h s espo se.

...I feel this is a e att a ti e p opositio .

The lights ithi Ai z s e pt o its di ed. It see ed like he ould fi d so e reason to refuse.

--Therefore, I intend to ask the others if they can accept this proposal. It is true that using adventurers
like us for such a purpose is like a dream come true. Becoming agents of the Sorcerous Kingdom is
something we can come to terms with at some point. If I might be allowed to speak as a former
ad e tu e … I ould e happ to help.

--Eh, does that mean it worked?

‘eall o …

Ainz leaned back against the sofa.

The jo of his spee h s su ess sp ead steadil th ough hi . It as like the feeling of leaving a client
afte li hi g a deal, the ushi g to a offeeshop to all up o e s o fi a d shouti g I did it! o e
the phone.

He had not expected his experience as an adventurer to end up being used here. No, it was because of
that experience that Ainz could come up with that proposal.

And just then, Ainz thought of something that was so important it had to be done right away. It
concerned the future of the Sorcerous Kingdom which he envisioned.

Ah, that s ight. O e o e thi g.

Ainz raised a bony finger.

Whe ou said ou a ted to p ote t the people, ou defi ed it as e o passi g all hu a oids. Thus,
the pu pose of ad e tu e s is to p ote t all people ithi that defi itio .

Yes. That is t ue, You Majest .

A d then, when the topic turned to invasion, you indicated that it would be alright as long as they were
de ihu a s. Is that o e t?

Ai za h odded, his e p essio sa i g, so hat?

The “o e ous Ki gdo ill a ept all a es as its su je ts. That is to say, not just humanoids, but
demihumans and heteromorphs. Therefore, if the philosophy of adventurers is to protect the people,
the ou ust defe d de ihu a s a d hete o o phs as ell.

Ai za h s e es e t ide.

What a e ou sa i g?!

...What s ong? I do not understand why you are so excited. In my country, there is no difference
between humans, demihumans or heteromorphic beings. If they acknowledge me as their king, then
the shall e su je ts.

This, this is too idi ulous. This is i possi le, You Majest !

Is that so? I ha e hea d of a ou t to the o th of the Ki gdo alled the ‘epu li . A e the e ot
a a es hi h oe ist the e?

I deed, I ha e hea d of su h a ou t … o! Do ou i te d to ha e us oe ist ith those a es which

see hu a s as little o e tha food?

I see, it is as ou sa . The “o e ous Ki gdo ill ot pe it its su je ts to eat fello su je ts. I ill
make that a matter of law. That should be enough, right? However, I will not stop them if they seek to
p e upo those ho a e ot su je ts. Afte all, I a ot the so t ho ill i te fe e ith people s
di i g ha its… o, seei g the e e s of o e s a e ei g ut he ed a d sold fo eat is da agi g to
the i d… pe haps that atte ill e ui e fu the de ate.

According to Lupusregina, the villagers of Carne lived in harmony with Goblins and Ogres. Thus, there
was no reason for that to be impossible for this city. That said, the sheer number of people involved
would complicate the matter.

What, hat e a tl do ou i te d, i te d to do?

You e tai l do ask a lot of su p isi g uestio s. Wh ot ask h all of ou, as fello li i g eatu es,
cannot be united? As one of the undead, I find that point quite difficult to understand. To me, there is
no difference between humans and Goblins. All races will be equal under my rule. Of course, I shall be
a o e ou as ou a solute ule , as ill the su o di ates u de e.

Ai za h s eathi g see ed to shift th ough a a iet of speeds, efo e al i g down in the end.

“o ou ill take Go li s u de ou a e -- ake the i to ou itize s?

Did ou ot hea hat I said efo e? I said I ould take O s a d Og es as su je ts as ell, o?

Fo gi e, fo gi e e. I did hea that, ut I elie ed that the ould e ou sla es.

That a s e e tai l suits a a e hi h ould take El es as sla es. Let e epeat self -- all citizens
u de ule ill e e ual.

As he glanced at the way Ainzach was panting, Ainz considered if the man had picked up on his

An extreme interpretation of those words would be that every subject of the Sorcerous Kingdom was a
slave of the Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick and its members. Of course, he would not say that.
Nor was there any need to say that. It would be best if Ainzach did not pick up on that at all.

The e a e a Go li s u de p ote tio . I a fe da s, a g oup of Go li s ill isit E-Rantel. Do try

mixing with them. The preconceptions you have of Goblins will surely be shattered. In addition,
Lizardmen do not eat much meat, their primary diet being fish. Dryads and Treants love clean water and
sunlight, and they only attack humans in self-defe se.

Ha e ou al ead su o di ated that a assals?

The e is o dou t a out that. There are quite a number of demihumans and heteromorphs which have
e o e su je ts. Oh, it see s e e d ifted uite fa off-topic. Then, Ainzach, I take it you
pe so all app o e of the Ad e tu e s Guild e o i g a pa t of the “o e ous Ki gdo ?

--As lo g as You Majest is t ue to his o d.

You do o a lot, do ou ot? I a ot l i g. Ad e tu e s should seek to e plo e the u k o .

If possible, he hoped to put all sorts of races together into parties and send them out.

The , I ill lea e the task of explaining the matter to the other adventurers. If any adventurers do not
app o e of e o i g pu li se a ts, the I ill ha e o ual s a out letti g the lea e.

Will that eall e all ight?

Fo ed oope atio ill ot e effe ti e. That said, one can imagine that large changes to the
o ga izatio s st u tu e a d sudde de iatio s f o u e t p a ti es ill ause a lot of p o le s.
Therefore, the status quo will be maintained, to some extent. The most obvious change will only be the
esta lish e t of a i estigati e offi e fo the guild a d the guild aste .

All that was left was the most important part; the inducements which would make more adventurers
a t to joi the Ad e tu e s Guild of the “o e ous Ki gdo .

The suppo t hi h the Sorcerous Kingdom offers will primarily include the establishment of a training
facility. It would be a terrible loss to blaze a trail into distant lands, only to be slain by unknown
monsters. Therefore, a more practical training method than the current model -- that of live combat
against monsters -- will be required. Considering that adventurers need to get used to team combat, it
ight e a good idea to uild a la i th fo the to del e.

A d the pa t of the o ste s ould e filled Naza i k s POP undead.

I feel that this is a e good idea. O l , it ould su el e a sizea le u de taki g.

Since the staff would be composed of the undead, who did not require salaries, the operating costs
would not be too high. However, there was no need to be completely open with the information. One
ought to sell favors without hesitation when the need arose.

I deed, this ould e ui e a siza le i itial i est e t. Ho e e , that is ithi the allo a le li it fo
necessary expenses. After all, adventurers are a alua le hu a esou e fo the “o e ous Ki gdo .

Ia deepl g ateful, You Majest .

No eed to sta d o e e o . The , ho a out it? Do ou ot thi k the ad e tu e s ould e

att a ted this?

I deed, the la i th ould e uite att a ti e to low-le el ad e tu e s… ut hat if the ad e tu e s

de ide to t a sfe to the Ki gdo o the E pi e s guilds afte o pleti g thei t ai i g?

Of ou se that ill ot e allo ed. This is a state o ga ; isuse of it ould ell e o side ed t easo .

I see… it see s I ill eed to a efull e plai that pa t.

The , ho shall e att a t highe - a ked ad e tu e s?

It ould see e u e atio is the est a s e .

Well, it is ot as though o e a eat d ea s.

It is as ou sa . I additio , ithout better weapons, armor and other magical items, it will be
i possi le to defeat po e ful o ste s. These ite s a e t pi all e e pe si e.

...H . The e is that.

Mass-production could lower their prices. However, powerful adventurers were very rare. Thus their
gear was custom-made, which naturally drove their prices up. In addition, the people who could make
these items were very rare, which only contributed to their price. He had to think of a way to deal with
the problems which followed that as well.

I additio , I ould like to let o e ad e tu e s -- those of the Kingdom and the Empire -- know of this
pla e. Do ou ha e a ideas?
The Ad e tu e s Guild hi h You Majest i te ds to esta lish is a u i agi a l desi a le thi g,
compared to the Ad e tu e s Guilds of the Ki gdo a d the E pi e. O e the e s gets out, the
Guilds of the various nations might try some means to interfere with it in order to keep their
adventurers from being drawn away. After all, each country counts adventurers as their trump cards,
a d the ould ot e pleased to see thei ad e tu e s go to a othe ou t .

I deed, that is o e t. What do ou thi k ould e a good solutio to this?

It is diffi ult fo e to a s e p o ptl . Might I e allo ed a it of ti e?

Co e to thi k of it, that is t ue. I too ust plot a ou se fo the futu e..

The fact was, this lofty goal was a bit too much for Ainz to handle by himself. He had to calm down, think
about things, and discuss it with someone else.

Ainz rose to his feet.

The , e ll lea e-- Ai z ui kl shut his outh efo e he ould sa so ethi g ude. That as ot ho
a ki g should speak. We ill lea e atte s at this fo toda . I shall see ou agai .

Ainzach hurriedly rose to his feet and lowered his head.

U de stood, You Majest .

Without looking back, Ainz left the room through the door Fifth had opened.

Although he wanted to sigh, he was still in the guild. Doing so right now would be premature.

Ai z led the Che u i out of the Ad e tu e s Guild. After walking a little further on, he allowed himself
to sigh quietly.

Ahhhh~ I eat...

While Ainz Ooal Gown could not possibly say that he was tired, Suzuki Satoru was practically crying for a
rest for his overheated brain.

Before I talk to Albedo a out a so i g the Ad e tu e s Guild, I should take a ief est. I also eed to
fi d so e a to o i e Al edo of the e its of this pla … the e s so a thi gs to do o ...

Ainz strode forth in silence. He did not use teleportation magic, instead praying that he would hit on a
good idea before he returned home.

The door to the adjacent room -- Ai za h s offi e -- opened, and a new guest entered.
The man with an excessively skinny body -- to the point where some might even consider him anorexic --
as Ai za h s old f ie d, the head of E-‘a tel s Magi ia s Guild, Theo ‘akeshee .

Pluto , that as uite a su p ise. I did t e pe t the “o e e Ki g to o e alli g i the iddle of ou

dis ussio s. Did he oti e so ethi g?

I ot so su e a out that.

This morning, Ainzach had gone through the daily routine of meeting Rakesheer early on to exchange

Ever since the city had fallen under the sway of the Sorcerer King, they only met in the morning. The
reason for that was because they believed that most undead did not like the sun. Still, after seeing the
undead army patrol the streets, they knew that it was little more than a way to put their minds at ease.

Their meetings were essentially undertaken for the purpose of swapping news, with no consideration to
the futu e o e e ts of the Ad e tu e s Guild a d the Magi ia s Guild. O athe , e e si e the
founding of the Sorcerous Kingdom, everyone who could flee had already left for the Empire and the
Ki gdo . The Magi ia s Guild had also transferred all their magic items out of the city, with only a few
e e s sta i g ehi d. I othe o ds, the Magi ia s Guild of this it as effe ti el dis a ded.

However, there was still much that needed to be discussed in the field of information analysis.

Although adventurers were not particularly bound to countries, could they still carry on as they had
before, from within the Sorcerous Kingdom? Would the Sorcerous Kingdom send harriers after the
former citizens of this land who were busy fleeing it? If they managed to successfully cross the border,
would the Sorcerous Kingdom demand the extradition of the refugees at a national level? What about
magic casters?

How could they handle this situation without sacrificing Momon, who was now a resident here? In
additio , ho should the Ad e tu e s Guild t eat Mo o ?

The temples remained silent, sensing that the Sorcerer King was keeping a distance from them too.
However, would this carry on in the future? Would they lead a resistance movement against him?

Each of these questions was a challenging one, which taxed both their brains to the limit with nothing to
show for their effort. However, it would be troublesome if they did nothing and simply let things unfold.
The temples were particularly problematic in that respect.

Could the temples really accept their mortal enemy, one of the undead, as their king? They held their
peace for now, but that in turn frightened the people even more.
In addition, there were the religious factions from the surrounding countries. If things went poorly, they
might decide to independently declare a jihad, with the temples within the Sorcerous Kingdom serving
as a fifth column. That situation had a chance of coming to pass.

The reason why there was nobody here to represent the temples was because their stance on the
matter was unclear. While it was easy enough to call them over, it would be bad if they ended up being
drawn into something else instead.

That said, neither of them thought the temples would actually be able to defeat the Sorcerer King. What
made them uneasy was the massacre that would surely unfold after they tried. Even worse, they feared
that this would result in Momon, the Sword of the Sorcerer King, slaughtering them all. In addition, how
would the heal the ou ds i the hea ts of the ou t s people afte so ethi g like that happe ed?

Just as their heads were aching from this chaotic mess of events, the Sorcerer King had arrived.

Ho e e , His Majest see s to ha e se sed ou p ese e he e.

The est p oof of that as the “o e e Ki g s s o t of laughte as he looked at the oo e t doo .

If it goes poo l , e e thi g e e talked a out ight ell ha e ee leaked.

What? That ea s…?

E a tl hat ou thi k. He also ea t fo ou to hea his o ds.

The acoustics of this room were tuned such that everything said here could be heard in the other.
Because of that, Rakesheer -- who was hiding in the room next door -- should have heard everything the
two of them had said.

Do ou thi k he ould ha e ee istake ?

No, that s i possi le. To so e e te t, he should ha e se sed so eo e as the e. Ho e e , His

Majest ight ha e thought it as so eo e f o the te ples.

At that time he had been more confused than shocked due to the suddenness of the situation. When he
thought back to it, all he felt was regret for his actions. How he wante to laugh at himself, who stowed
his friend out of the way.

He should have invited Rakesheer out, so the three of them could have had a face-to-face talk.

Granted, the Sorcerer King probably had not put all his cards on the table yet. However, he had stated
his opinions to a mere citizen, with the regal bearing of a ruler. How had he performed, in contrast?

As he watched Ainzach knit his brows, Rakesheer icily asked:

The , hat ill ou do e t? No, I al ead k o . Afte all, ou used to all hi the “o e e Ki g, ut
o ou efe to hi espe tfull .

Do t ou thi k so eo e ight e liste i g i o ou o e satio ?

Do t ou thi k that s the easo I telli g ou this o ?

Could it e that I as agi all ha ed?

I ot o fide t i o pletel uli g it out, ut I do t thi k so. Cha agi is ti e-limited, and even
if the Sorcerer King wanted to sustain it, he probably would ot e a le to.

The agai , it ight e possi le fo His Majest .

Co e o , gi e e a eak. That ould e a eal heada he if it as t ue. Afte all, that s agi of the
th tie a d a o e, the eal of the di i e.

The two of them laughed briefly, and then Ainzach resumed his serious expression.

I elie e helpi g His Majest i this atte is a good idea.

E e if that akes ou all a o pli es i i adi g othe ou t ies?

...Is it ot atu al fo st o g atio s to su jugate eake o es?

“o ou k o it ill esult i t aged a d ha e hose to pe it it?

Thi gs a ot e essa il de elop i that a . Afte all, e e si e His Majest took o t ol of this
ou t , ho a o g us is poo e off?

Rakesheer fell silent.

The surprising thing was that nobody in this country could say they were in a worse situation than

A e t the e ad e tu e s ho lost thei jo s e ause of this?

Well, ou e ight, ut is t it a little… o e o , la off e al ead .

That s t ue. I spoke ithout thi ki g. “till, gi e that this as su h a a e oppo tu it , h did t ou
ask the “o e e Ki g hat he thought a out the te ples?
Gi e e a eak. If His Majest de ided that the e e a uisa e a d de ided to dest o the
because of something I said, I d ha e to li e the est of life k o i g I aused a g eat slaughte . Ho
do ou thi k I ould li e ith self if that happe ed?

Do ou thi k the “o e e Ki g is so eo e ho ould do su h a thi g?

No. I fa t, I d sa it s the opposite. His Majest is e atio al, to the poi t he e it s uite sho ki g.
To the point where sometimes, I wonder if that undead face of his was actually made by magic. Yes -- it
feels just like when I talk to Momon-do o.

Well, that ould e a slight o Mo o -do o.

Ainzach smiled thinly as he saw his old friend with a displeased look on his face.

Well, that s t ue. It s dis espe tful to o pa e a he o of hu a it to the u dead “o e e Ki g.

Ho e e , he ou o side that the e oth ei gs of supe hu a might, they do seem quite similar.
If I had to des i e it… es, I a feel the sa e p ese e a ou d the , o e hi h o l those
e t ao di a e tities ould adiate.

I see. That does ake se se he ou put it that a .

The two of them recalled the form of that great hero (Momon).

Then, after that brief pause, Ainzach looked directly at Rakesheer.

--‘akeshee . If ou do ot ish to aid His Majest , ould I t ou le ou to ot o e he e a o e?

The reason for that hardly needed to be said. After all, Ai za h s oo ight ell e used to sto e data
pertaining to the national administration of the Sorcerous Kingdom. Allowing outsiders to traipse in and
out of such a room was definitely not appropriate.

I additio , the “o e e Ki g s o ds -- which had ade su h a g eat i pa t o Ai za h s hea t -- had

also been spoken to his old friend.

The new vision of adventurers of which he had spoken was a shining and glorious one. In the past, there
had been adventurers who had set foot upon unknown lands. However, most of them died far from
their homes, or had broken down in the face of reality. Only a handful of people could actually do such a
dangerous thing. But now, the Sorcerer King -- a magic caster who wielded absolute power -- was
offering his full support to them. That opened up a whole new vista of possibilities to them.

Contained within that was the possibility of becoming true Adventurers.

After a brief pause, Rakesheer finally spoke.

I sa , Ai za h. You do k o that the Magi ia s Guild i this it is p a ti all dis a ded, ight?

Ahh, so it is.

The , please allo e to suppo t ou ith all st e gth, as ou fo e o ade. Afte all this is
o e , h ot let us go e plo e the u k o as ell?

--Haha, Ai za h hu kled. Thi k of our age, though. Huhu -- a e e eall goi g fo it?

Wh ot? Although, ou ll ha e to speak to His Majest the , a d o i e hi ot to put a age

est i tio o the Ad e tu e s Guild.

And so the two of them filled the room with their cheerful laughter.

[End Chapter 1]

[Chapter 2 - The Kingdom of Re-Estize]

-Part 1-

The magic item in his pocket vibrated, and Climb took it out.

This was a pocketwatch, just large enough to fit into his palm, with three hands -- the hour, the minute
and the second -- which traced a halo of twelve numbers.

While large mechanical clocks existed, personal watches only existed within the Kingdom as magic items.
As pocket watches were closely linked to everyday life, they were fairly cheap, as far as magic items
went. That said, they were still not something a commoner could afford.

Climb had borrowed the pocketwatch which he now bore, and so it differed from regular magic items in
that it possessed a magical ability. The name of the watch was Twelve Magical Power. Once per day,
when the watch reached a set time, it would unleash its magic.

However, one would need to have carried the pocketwatch for at least a full day in order to enjoy that
ability, so Climb -- who had just obtained this watch -- could not make use of its magic.

H ? Is it ti e al ead ? That as fast… said the gi l ho see ed to e spa i g out hile looki g i to
the blue sky. Naturally, those words were addressed to Climb.
It see s that a , Cli a s e ed the gi l -- Tina, a member of the adamantite-ranked adventurer
pa t Blue ‘ose .

H ~ It s ha d to tell the passage of ti e he e e sla ki g off.

This was a highly exploitable statement.

In the first place, Tina was not slacking off. She was guarding the main door of the building behind Climb.
While she had said thi gs like Is it ti e al ead a d That as fast , the fa t as that she ought to
have a very acute perception of time.

There were some people in the adventuring community whose time perception was preternaturally
keen. In particular, many people in the thieving profession had trained that ability up. It was very
important to them, given that they often needed to move independently on stealth operations.

H ? We e ou a out to sa so ethi g?

No, ot eall .

Ti a eplied ith a Is that so, he she hea d Cli s a s e , a d the looked at the sk agai .

She was deliberately concealing something. Yet, there was no way someone like Climb could ask why
she was lying.

To begin with, they did not have the money to hire Tina and the others; they just happened to be
operating in the same area completely by chance. After all, that person would not do anything to hurt
the othe pa t s feeli gs.

The , I ill go epo t to the P i ess.

“ee a~

Climb turned toward the building he had been protecting all this while.

He had seen it during its construction several times, but this was the first time he had laid eyes on it
after it was complete. A sense of warmth flowed in the depths of his heart as he beheld the size of this
building -- and felt the presence of his mistress within it.

After opening the great doors, the unique scent of recently- o pleted ood o k ea hed Cli s ose.

He continued forward, and after passing through the corridor, he opened the door to a room in the
depths of the building.

Within that room was his mistress.

She was a princess possessing blinding beauty, Renner.

Surrounding her were several children.

The way she smiled tenderly at the rowdy children and the posture which she took to listen to their
words would make anyone who saw her think of a saint.

As he beheld this painting-like scene, Climb lost the ability to speak.

He was afraid that he would ruin this sacrosanct vision before him. The same applied to the women who
stood by the window, none of whom dared to do anything unnecessary.

However, someone within the room did not share their feelings.

Oi, it s the at. A out ti e.

Renner raised her head in response to the cool voice which came from below the mask, and looked
directly at Climb.

Climb could see himself reflected into those jade-green eyes.

...M deepest apologies, ‘e e -sa a. It is ti e to etu to the Pala e.

Is it~ The , although it pai s e to do so, I eed to go.

The kids ho used Ehhhhhh~ , i oi es laced with longing and reluctance. They would not have made
such a sound if she had not ensnared their hearts so thoroughly.

In response to the children, the other women stirred into hurried motion. They patted the children
soothingly, and pulled away those hild e ho e e slo e o the uptake f o ‘e e s side.

E e o e, a I o e to pla ith ou e t ti e?

The kids espo ded o e hel i gl i the affi ati e to ‘e e s uestio .

The , e ll ook e t ti e. --Cli , let s go, You too, Evileye-sa .

Hu~ Well, I ou od gua d too, e e if ou do t sa it -- although, si e this is t a e uest, it s

o e like e happe to e t a elli g togethe . Do t o , I ll e ehi d ou.

The group exited the building just as a horse-drawn carriage drew up nearby.
Tina entered the carriage without introducing herself. Although it seemed like she was being rude, she
was ensuring that the carriage was safe. Shortly after that, Renner, Climb and finally Evileye entered one
after the other, and then the carriage set off.

Within the bumpy carriage, Evileye could not help but mumble:

...You e eall so ethi g, to uild a o pha age like that.

‘eall so ethi g?

Yes. A lot of people a e sa i g that too. Whe e i the o ld do ou get all that money from to spend
o pla es like these?

Renner cupped her chin with one hand, tilting her head slightly.

I do t thi k so, ight? A i-sa a as uite happ to liste to e uest. Besides, it s e ause the
world is like this that we need to take good a e of the hild e , ight?

Evileye raised her chin slightly, as though to permit her to continue speaking.

As e all k o , the ule of the “o e ous Ki gdo has aused a deaths. As a esult, I elie e the e
will be many orphans who have lost their parents. Thus, this orphanage was built to protect these
o pha s. I additio , those o e ho ha e lost thei hus a ds ill also eed a pla e to o k, ight?

The “o e e Ki g, huh… ell, e ll talk a out that late . Could t that o e e etter spent on things
esides these o pha s? The eak losi g thei li es is just the a thi gs o k i this o ld, o?

That s ot ight.

‘e e s state e t as lea a d su i t. U like he to e f o just o , those o ds e e filled ith

tremendous power.

“a i g the eak is hat the st o g should do. A d…

Cli felt ‘e e s e es sudde l tu i g to hi .


The i age of hi self as a hild appea ed i Cli s i d.

Perhaps the Princess had built the orphanage because she had remembered him from that time. In a
way, it was to prevent children like Climb from appearing again.

A wave of heat flashed through his chest.

Of ou se, he ould ot e if the P i ess a tual thoughts. E e so, Cli did ot dou t that it as that

Well, I d thought alo g those li es self, A d it see s o g to fo e o ie s o othe s. “till,

as the e a eed to ake it so la ge?

Yes. Afte all, e ha e to o side that e ill take i a hild e i the futu e, a d the e ill e
others from those regions directly administered by the Crown. With that in mind, even a building of that
size can be considered small. Children are our treasure, and we need to take care of them to make sure
the do t go o the o g path.

H . P i ess-sa a, that s a good head o ou shoulde s.

What a e ou t i g to sa , Ti a?

I as thi ki g a out ho hild e ithout thei pa e ts ould li e, E ile e.

That is… I see… si e e a t spa e p e ious a po e to eple ish the depleted u e of t oops,
ou e usi g alte ate ea s to ai tai pu li o de … I see.

O e a li e a good a d ighteous life u de supe isio . But people ill e d up follo i g thei desi es
if they are not careful. And then, when they commit those crimes, they will fall further into wickedness.
Thus do small sins grow larger, like the rolling of a snowball, so we should not let such chances appear.
Ho e e , si e it is diffi ult, e use these ethods to edu e the u e of those ha es.

H . “o ou e sa i g, --Not everyone has su h a st o g ill , the ?

Well, people ha e said that a out ou efo e, E ile e -- ould it e it s othe i g ou?

I thi k that fello s said so ethi g like that a out th ee ti es al ead .

While the latter half was something that nobody but Evileye and Tina could understand, the first half
was simple enough that even Climb could understand.

Those children who had lost their parents often turned to crime in order to survive. If that happened,
even the weakened Eight Fingers would soon return to full strength, which would worsen the security of
the Royal Capital.

In other words, his beloved lady had undertaken this countermeasure for the future.

However -- Renner asked Evileye in a curious tone:

--What doe that ea ?

Oi… did e ead too deepl i to it? O is this just a a t?

H ~ it looked ge ui e e ough at a gla e.

Well, if ou sa so, the it ust e t ue. I feel like I as o ed fo othi g.

Well, although it feels like ou opi io s of e ha e d opped like a o k… ut, it s true. I think about a
lot of things, you know? Right now, these orphanages are giving these kids a certain degree of education,
and once we start identifying talented individuals among them, the other nobles will surely follow suit.
Because of that, we need a e tai a ou t of kids… Although that s ot eall so ethi g to e p oud of.

No, I a u de sta d gathe i g those ats fo that easo , a d it s p ett ad i a le too. If ou a

a tuall p odu e esults, it ould e p aise o th . It s just that people are going to be suspicious if you
do so ethi g ithout e pe ti g a thi g i etu .

E ile e s hea t is t isted e ause she o ies too u h.

Oi! You e the sa e t pe as e, a e t ou?

Ce tai l ot. I a e pu e. It s o l ou ho has ee stai ed.

Cheh! The sound of an explosive scoff came from beneath the mask.

‘ight, ight. The i petus to uild the o pha age as all tha ks to B ai -sa s idea.

B ai U glaus, huh. What happe ed to hi . Ho o e he is t a ou d toda ?

B ai -san is us ith so ethi g else. He s u i g a ou d the Capital o .

Hoh? Could the e e so ethi g o e i po ta t tha p ote ti g the P i ess?

Yes. He s doi g so ethi g i o de to fulfil the ishes of the late Wa io -Captain. And, about the
Warrior-Captai … ell, tha k ou fo ou help.

Tina narrowed her eyes, as though to conceal her feelings.

Well, I p ett ad a out ou de il leade s p ett fa e getti g hu t.

Ia e so a out that ti e. Please allo e to apologize o Fathe s ehalf.

Ik o ou e al ead apologized to the oss, hi h is h I fo gi e ou.

Tha k ou.
...It see s that so eti es, the o ds of the dead a e o e po e ful tha those of the li i g.

For a moment, Evileye glanced out of the carriage as she was deep in thought. Of course, that was just
for a moment.

“peaki g of hi h, hat is B ai U glaus doi g?

Well, the Wa io -Captain told Brain that he hoped for Brain to succeed him as Warrior-Captain, but he
felt that he was not up to the task. Therefo e, he s looki g fo so eo e suita le to e o e the e t
Warrior-Captai a d the he s goi g to t ai hi up.

“o he s looki g fo so eo e ho s ot f o a o le fa il … I see -- after all, both Gazef and Brain

ee o o e s. “o that s h the thought the same way. And the sign you got from him was--

--That s ight. The i di atio as to uild the o pha age. Ne t ti e, I ill go isit the hild e ith
Brain-sa . Fo all e k o , the e ight e a tale ted hild a o g the .

Well, I ha dl that pe epti e, Ti a said. Ho a out ou, E ile e?

You a t dis e agi al tale t at a gla e. At the e least, ou eed a lot of agi al t ai i g efo e
you can roughly understand whether or not someone can use magic, and that in turn is limited to arcane
agi . If those ats a e tale ted at spi itualis o di i e agi i stead, all I ll see is othi g.

‘e e e t H ~ i a othe ed to e, a d the a s ile losso ed o he fa e.

Well, I thi k e ought to i ite all so ts of people to the o phanage and have them look over the
hild e fo tale ts.

Renner was looking at the two of them, apparently trying to convey something with her gaze. To some
extent, it was more persuasive than actual speech.

...That s p ett ai e. But if it as that fellow, ah--

I so , E ile e, if it as ou de il leade --

--Yes. “till, I o t ag ee so easil , e e if it s fo that fello s o ds, o? Afte all, e eed a e tai
amount of remuneration for this -- si e e e ee hi ed, e ll eed a i i u payment. Besides, if
e do t olle t a thi g, it ll e ad fo the othe s too. It ll also iolate the ad e tu e s ules. I
additio , a p i e has to e paid fo t a s itti g te h i ues.

Well, I do ag ee ith e e thi g ou e said, ut I e so . The t uth is, I do t ha e a o e …

Renner hung her head in dejection as she said that.

The Third Princess was a spare among spares, and nobody had any expectations of Renner besides her
ability to form a bond to the royal bloodline through marriage. Because of that, she was not backed by
any nobles, and thus lacked any money of her own to spend as she wished. Of course, this was not much
of a hardship for Renner, who lived a simple lifestyle. However, there was no way that the First or
Second Princesses would be able to tolerate this sort of thing.

Because of that, Climb could keenly feel her intentions through the armor he wore.

I e hea d p i esses all ea p ett d esses a d lead g a eful li es...

‘ealit s ha dl that i e. “till, e a t sa the e a e t a p i esses like that.

As he at hed P i ess ‘e e s e es light up ith ad i atio , a e otio hi h he ould ot e p ess

ith o ds elled up ithi Cli s hea t.

How he wanted to give that sort of life to she who was both the most beautiful person in the world and
who had the most noble soul in the world.

On the flip side, all this had been because of her. He was standing here now because she had saved him.
Just then, Renner turned her face, and her sparkling eyes met Clim s o f o the side.

--Thi ki g of so ethi g, Cli ?

Ah, o, it s othi g, ‘e e -sa a.

Is that so? Well, if ou thi k of a thi g, ou should speak up. We eed to help ea h othe i tough
ti es, afte all.

Ah, es! Tha k ou e u h!

Oi. “o to i te upt ou i ti a , ut I eall do t like ha di g do skills fo f ee. No atte

hat she sa s, I still goi g to ask fo a app op iate pa e t.

I ill st i e to eet ou p i e.

Renner lowered her head.

H ~ ut hat ou want to know is whether they have talent or not, right, Hime-sa a? If it s e, I
a at h thei o e e ts, ut ho a out ou, E ile e?

Ah, I ll le el ith ou. You a t fatho a pe so s depths just seei g the a out a fe e e ises.
Magical ability is more internal than external. In addition, I might seem like a genius when it comes to
agi al a ilit , ut that s all the e is. I do t ha e the a ilities of that g eat agi aste f o the
E pi e.

“o, ide tif i g tale ts--

Ttale ts, huh, ‘e e sighed. It ould e a ig help if e ould ide tif the du i g hildhood. It
ould also help softe the o les stu o ess to a d the o o e s too.

The , ho a out setti g up a u i e sal atu al tale t ide tifi atio s ste fo hild e ? There are 3rd-
tier spells which can verify the presence or absence of a natural talent. However, if you want a full
pi tu e of hat that tale t ight e ou d p o a l eed a highe -tie ed spell… ell, i the e d it s just
idle o je tu e.

‘eall ? Ca ou eall ide tif atu al tale ts?

Well, I do t k o hat that spa kle i ou e es is fo , ut do t get ou hopes up. I e hea d the e s
a 3rd-tier spiritualist-o l spell hi h a e if if so eo e efo e the aste s e es has a tale t. That
said, e e if the e as su h a spell, the t ou leso e pa t ould o e afte that. You d eed to lea
ho to p ope l de elop that tale t. A d it s also uite likel that afte e p essi g that tale t, it ll e d
up ei g a ea i gless a ilit .

Is that so…

The light i ‘e e s e es di ed.

I thi k it ould e o e i po ta t to ha e the t a it of e e thi g. O ha e the sta d u de a

waterfall, or inhale some relatively safe sleeping drugs to go into a trance. Apparently, it makes you
suddenly realize you atu al tale t, o so ethi g.

‘eall ? ...H , is that eall the ase?

A a, do ou ha e a atu al tale t too, E ile e-sa ?

At this, the hitherto chatty Evileye suddenly fell silent. It would seem someone had brought up a topic
she did not want to be asked.

However, his master was innocent enough to actually ask it.

Could ou tell e hat ki d of tale t it is?

It was not that she did not mind such incisive questioning, but the fact was, she tended to be this way
normally. One might say she did not know how to read the flow of a conversation, or perhaps that she
would unintentionally ask some questions which were normally very difficult to bring up.
Neither was it because she did not care about the other party; it was simply because she had grown up
in the royal family.

What, a e ou getti g e ited o e a uestio like this?

The e a e e fe people ith su h tale ts a ou d e, so I d like to k o hat so t of a ilit E ile e-

sa has.

Is that so. Well, si e it s gotte to this, I ight as ell tell ou.

Evileye leaned her body forward, and Renner -- her face a picture of excitement -- leaned forward as

Natural talents could sometimes serve as a trump card, and this was even more so for adventurers.
While he did not think Renner would go around blabbing out that secret, Climb felt that this was
something which should not be shared lightly.

This is t so ethi g I eall a t othe people to hea , so ould ou i g ou ea lose ?

All ight.

Renner brought her ear close to Evileye.

And then--


Her angry voice echoed through the carriage.

Tina seemed to have anticipated this, and had plugged her ears beforehand.

Ho ea ! M ea s a e i gi g!

‘e e th e he self i to Cli se a e. A suita le sou d effe t fo this ould e po f.

She looked up from his chest, her eyes brimming with tears.

Cli i ediatel ast aside su h thoughts like “he s ute , “he s ells i e a d othe ea i gless
thi gs f o his i d. It as fo idde to ha e su h fa tasies a out o e s ist ess.

E ile e-sama, I understand how you feel, but could I ask you to forgive--

--Ah? Pu k, she s e o e like this e ause ou keep spoili g he , o?

It, it s othi g like that, I, it s ot like I spoil the P i ess o ...

Even if he wanted to spoil her, there was no way he could do it.

Yes, I feel that Cli a a d should spoil e o e. I app o e of hat ou said, E ile e-sa .

No, o, that s ot ight, P i ess-sama. It feels ki d of o g…

Of ou se ot! If ou spoil e o e, I a take s oldi gs like that o e easil . The efo e ou ust spoil
e o e. Let s sta t appi g togethe like e used to as hild e . Co e, E ile e-sa , please go o !

Ugh, it s fi e. I su h a idiot… I a ase, I do t i te d to go a ou d telli g othe s tale t, kid.

Got it?

Is it eall that da ge ous?

Ah, es. It s a e i the hole. If I use it… es, it ould e like if ou leade s s o d e t e se k. It
could easily a ihilate a e ti e it .

The e see ed to e a te i le eight i E ile e s oi e as she said this.

“till, a affled H ? ade its a up f o his hest. He a ted to look do , ut if he did, it ould
make him very aware of the reality that Renner was very close to him. There was no way he could do

He considered pushing Renner away, but after taking her soft and fragile body into consideration, he did
not know how much force he should use.

As Cli s hea t o ti ued pou di g, the o e sation continued without him.

The s o d Lak us a ies?

Ah, a o di g to he , o e it goes ild, it ll lead to g a e o se ue es. A it , o, a atio , as it?

Appa e tl it ll e o pletel iped out. “he did sa so ethi g a out ha i g to use use pa t of her
st e gth to supp ess it…

“o that s hat as goi g o … I did t k o a out that…

Climb had not told his mistress about that demonic sword yet.

It s est ot to i d it. Ou de il leade did t e tio it to the t o of ou e ause she did t a t

ou to o . I d e glad if ou o ti ued p ete di g that ou did t k o a thi g.

...I see. I u de sta d. The I ll do as ou sa .

“peaki g of hi h, hat happe ed to Ai d a-sa a? I ha e t see he a ou d e e tl ...

H ? I do t thi k a o e e tio ed it, ight? P i ess, did t ou tell hi ?

...I fo got. It see s like she s t ai i g ith Gaga a -san and Tia-sa .

Evileye took up the baton from Renner and continued.

The t o of the lost thei li es du i g the attle ith Jalda aoth, the Demon Lord who attacked the
Kingdom. Of course, they were resurrected after that, but it expended a large amount of their lifeforce.
Thus, they need to place themselves in danger, treading the edge of life and death in order to regain
thei st e gth.

I t uth, I ish I ould ha e go e ith the .

“till, if ou did that, ou d egi to depe d o it so e he e i ou hea t. The est path to st e gth is
th ough a s all a ou t of sho t attles.

I dou t that.

U u, it does see like the a effe ti e a to lai - ellup le el up ... Well, if ou do t el o that
ethod, ou ight ot e e e a le to stall fo ti e he that fello atta ks the ‘o al Capital agai .

“tall fo ti e? Ahh -- ti e fo that pe so ou e o e ded, E ile e?

Of ou se! Until that hero-sa a a a i e!

E ile e s ood see ed to ha e sudde l ha ged.

One could clearly feel her passion and excitement through that mask of hers.

It s Mo o --sa--sa a, ight?

That s ight! The g eat he o, Mo o -sama! The mightiest warrior ever, who swings his twin
g eats o ds like the e e little o e tha t igs! The e s o dou t that he s the st o gest fighte i the
land! Even if Jaldabaoth comes again, as long as Momon-sa a is a ou d, he ll defi itel slaughte hi !
Although, it was a shame that he managed to escape last time. Still, that great man should have thought
up a ou te easu e fo that o !

O e hel ed the a do of he o ds, all Cli ould do as eakl a s e , Ah, es.

But ill that pe so eall o e? Is t he a i io of that “o e e Ki g?

Ti a s e p essio suggested she as tho oughl e hausted as she spoke out to E ile e, ho had he fists

Ahhhh~ Mo o -sama! Shit, that damn Sorcerer King! To think he would actually dare to take control
of that g eat a ! E e if Hea e pe its it, I o t! If o l I ould defeat hi a d f ee Mo o -sama!
What on earth was he thinking, anyway? Maybe I should go to E-Rantel and ask Momon-sama about his
thoughts, ho a out that?

...That ill ha e to ait fo afte the t o of the e o e.

I ll just pop o e fo a it, a d o e I fa ilia ize self ith the pla e I a just telepo t a k. Plus, if I
use [Fl ] a d t a el self, it o t take u h ti e!

E ile e, ou eall do eak do o e it o es to Mo o … Did t ou de il leade sa ou a t do

that so t of thi g?

“o help e keep a se et!

Well, lips a e p et~t loose, the ll e eal e e thi g i a i sta t.

Oi, judgi g ou p io o atio , that ould e i possi le, ight?

Alas, I a o Ti a of Blue ‘ose , also k o as Ca t Keep A “e et To “a e He Life .

It as the that Ti a s e es took o a se ious glea .

...H , this is a good oppo tu it . I e ee a ti g to ask ou, E ile e -- a ou kill the “o e e Ki g?

Evileye froze. Her excitement drained away in an instant. In its place was the highest-levelled magic
caster among adventurers.

If those u o s a e all t ue -- then he wields more strength than any single other magic caster. I did
some investigations after the incident at the Katze Plains and looked up all my contacts -- I even got in
touch with that granny -- a d the a al zed the i fo atio I o tai ed. Ho e e , it s so idi ulous it s
ot e e fu a o e. It s a su d to the poi t he e I as se iousl suspecting if the punk was
es e ized a illusio .

That as defi itel ot a illusio . A d the e e e so a dead…

‘e e s fa e t isted i ago .

Of the , people ho took pa t i that a , , of the lost thei li es. I e also heard that
the e a e su i o s ho e e e tall s a ed a d a t li e a o al life a o e. “o e of the
o pha s had fathe s ho e ded up like that.
...Well, afte liste i g to the pu k, I a see ho the d e d up like that. If the e e hased su h
o ste s…

...Yes. It as hell. Fo tu atel , I had B ai -sa … a d the Wa io -Captain with me, and thanks to those
t o st o g e , I did t suffe a e tal ou ds. E e so, so eti es I efle i el fi d self a ti g
to look back over my shoulder. It ust e o se fo the peasa t le ies, a d it ould t e st a ge fo
the to e o e e tall ill as a esult.

You eall eed to tha k ou lu k fo that.

Climb could only nod in response.

The , Ti a. Let ea s e ou uestio ho estl . I a ot defeat the “o e e Ki g.

That was the answer she had expected.

As I thought…

Well, es. I ight e a le to thi k of a a to deal ith those o ste s he su o ed. G a ted, it s
hard to say that, given I was not at the scene. Still, the Sorcerer King -- who can not only summon
multiple monsters of that kind and control them -- is truly a monster that does not belong in this world.
“o eo e like that possesses the po e of the gods.

Is it possi le that the ould ha e ee su o ed f o a ite , a d ot f o the “o e e Ki g s

po e ?

The possi ilit does e ist, ut if that e e the ase, it ould also e e da ge ous. That said, e ha e
o a of e if i g that.

If o l he ould e d up o i g i to o fli t ith Jalda aoth.

That s a de elop e t e e all looki g fo a d to. Afte that, the est-case scenario would be Momon-
sa a sla i g the “o e e Ki g…

Bet ee Mo o -sa a a d the “o e e Ki g, ho do ou thi k is st o ge ?

The person who asked this question was Climb, but to him, he felt that the Sorcerer King that had
su o ed those po e ful o ste s as fa supe io . Yet, E ile e s pe si e e p essio sho ked hi .

I ot su e. Pe so all , I feel that Mo o -sama -- who drove off that Jaldabaoth -- is stronger. But the
Sorcerer King also possesses unimaginable might. Both sides are far superior to us, to the point where I
a t e e pi tu e the out o e.
“till, ha i g so eo e like hi u de the a e of the “o e e Ki g is p ett u h the o st-case
scenario. Nobody would da e de la e a o hi .


The only person who might be able to take the Sorcerer King on even terms had instead become his
vassal. That was a truly troubling development. Anyone who declared war on the Sorcerer King would
effectively be declaring war on two Sorcerer Kings.

Just as the mood in the carriage grew grim, there was a knocking on the board which separated the
passe ge o pa t e t of the oa h f o the d i e s seat, a d the it ope ed.

We ll e ea hi g the ‘o al Pala e soo .

As she hea d the d i e s o ds, ‘e e slo l ose to he feet, a d lo ked e es ith the t o
adventurers seated before her.

Toda , I ha e e ei ed ou a e i a ious a s. Whe Lak us etu s, I ill tha k he p ope l . Ma I

ask if you have time to dine with e?


Afte the epo t of his ou ge siste s etu ea hed hi , the “e o d P i e -- Zanack Valreon Igana
Ryle Vaiself -- departed his chambers to welcome her home.

The whereabouts of his elder brother -- Barbro Andrean Ield Ryle Vaiself -- were still unknown. Given
that a long time had passed, his chances of survival were considered extremely tiny. That being the case,
Zanack was effectively the heir to the throne. Thus, the way in which he went to receive his younger
sister was entirely inappropriate. While they were siblings, there was a clear distinction in their
respective stations.

The reason why he had chosen to go in person despite knowing that fact was because he had a proposal
he urgently wanted to discuss with her. Zanack might not have been entirely willing to do so, but he had
lost his closest confidant and thus had nobody else to turn to.

Soon, his younger sister appeared before him.

Climb -- clad in his pure white armor -- was close by. Wherever Renner went, Climb often followed her.
Thus, this was nothing out of the ordinary.

The paupe s hild that ‘e e had pi ked off the st eets -- Climb.
In the past, he had thought she must have gotten a bee in her bonnet and picked him up out of a
o e t s fa . Ho e e , afte he a e to u de sta d ‘e e s st a ge pe so alit a d he
incomparable intellect, Zanack began to think she might have a reason for doing so.

And then, after Jaldabaoth assaulted the Royal Capital, and the Sorcerer King wrought his grand
massacre, he slowly began to understand the meaning behind her actions.

The e e e e fe a io s i this it ho e e st o ge tha Cli . E e a o g the e of Gazef s

hand-picked warrior band, one could count the number of people who were stronger than Climb on one

In addition, there was the man called Brain Unglaus, who had come with Climb, as well as her close
friendship with Lakyus, the leader of the adamantite- a ked ad e tu e pa t alled Blue ‘ose . The e
was no doubt that his younger sister now possessed the most physical power in the Royal Capital.

--Was she conspiring to overthrow him with military force?

Zanack was right to suspect her of doing so.

Even if Renner was not one to resort to such measures so easily, one still had to take precautions.
Therefore, Zanack had begun to secretly build ties with orichalcum and mithril-ranked adventurers.

Zanack sent a silent word of thanks to his elder brother.

The reason why he could work so actively on these events was because his brother had gone missing
and had i tuall assu ed hi the th o e. A othe ig easo as e ause his othe s stipe d o
went to him.

That said, the fa t that C o P i e Ba o s o pse had ot et ee fou d left a hi t of u ease i his
heart. It would be very troublesome if he had been imprisoned by the Sorcerer King or hiding in a village
somewhere while recovering from his wounds.

‘eall … Is he goi g to gi e e t ou le ight u til the e d? )a a k utte ed, uietl e ough that the
members of his retinue could not hear.

He had to avoid agitating the nobles before he consolidated his position.

Cu e tl , )a a k s a ki g as still ot e se u e.

Marquis Raeven -- who had pacted with him to revitalize the Kingdom -- had th o off )a a k s ha d
as he reached out to detain him, and returned to his own lands. It could not be helped, as he had lost
many people from his demesne, but at that time, there had been an air around him which seemed to
say that he would never be coming back again.
Part of the reason for that must have been the deaths of his formerly orichalcum-ranked adventurer
team and that of his strategist, the man who had clawed his way up from peasantry and his treasure, of
whom he spoke in glowing words.

Zanack felt a slight pain pricking at his gut. Could discussing matters with his younger sister soothe that

He had been agonizing over a certain problem for the past few weeks.

That was -- should he offer a tribute to the Sorcerer King? If he did so, should he send them in the name
of celebrating the founding of his nation? Or should he do so for another reason?

Judging by the current circumstances, not sending the gift would be the right choice. Why would anyone
se d a gift to so eo e ho had take o e s o te ai a d fou ded a atio o it? The su ounding
countries would surely take it as a mark of vassalage. That said, it was crucial to remain on the best of
terms with the Sorcerous Kingdom.

Though the “o e ous Ki gdo s fighti g st e gth e ai ed u k o , the fa t that the “o e e Ki g

could destroy a nation by himself was common knowledge.

No atte hat, he had to a e t the possi ilit of that a s e e tu i g to the Ki gdo o e o e.

Because of that, he had to send a gift. Zanack felt that it could not be helped, even if other nations
believed it to be a sign of fealty. No matter what, he had to buy as much time as possible.

However, the nobles would never accept that. This was the troublesome part.

The “o e e Ki g s ight as idel k o . That said, the ould ot possi l a ept a attitude of
submission from the future ruler of the Kingdom (Zanack), even in the face of such strength.

The nobles had suffered tremendous losses, so they were looking for scapegoats upon which to vent
their frustrations.

Due to the loss of his confidant Gazef Stronof, the current king, Ranpossa III, had been overcome by grief
and despair, and had fallen into a state of extreme mental distress. To some extent, seeing the king in
this sad state had ollified the o les a ge , ut thei hat ed to a d their broken king -- and perhaps
the entire royal family -- could not vanish so easily.

If that fello e e a ou d, he d p o a l e a le to o e up ith so ethi g good.

If possible, he would have like to have come to a conclusion himself. However, time was tight, and he
needed an action plan soon.

Zanack stood in place, while stomping his boots loudly.

Renner reacted to the sound, and turned to look at him. Then, she changed her direction and headed
to a d )a a k. That a , )a a k s dig it as a supe io being would remain intact.

Soon, his younger sister stood before him, but Zanack did not speak first. Opportunities like this were
very delicate. He had to let more people understand who exactly was on top here.

I e etu ed, o ii-sa a.

Wel o e a k, siste .

I the fa e of ‘e e s espe tful g eeti g, )a a k espo ded ith e ual ge e osit . He sa Cli
saluting from the corner of his eye, but there was no need to return the salute of a mere soldier.

Let us alk togethe .

It ould e pleasure, onii-sa a.

Zanack and Renner set out together, side by side. He raised his chin, indicating that his retinue should
keep their distance. If he had looked over, he would have seen Renner gesturing to Climb that he was
permitted to stay further away.

“peaki g of hi h, o ii-sa a, ou see uite ha ied. What has happe ed?

Renner smiled as she asked her gentle question.

Could it e that the “o e ous Ki gdo has se t a e o o e ?

Zanack could distinctly hear his heart thump in his chest. He had been too focused on what action to
take on his part, and had completely overlooked the fact that they might try to initiate contact with him.

In other words, Renner felt that it was about time for the other side to take action.

Zanack made a mental note of that, and shook his head.

It s ot like that.

That is to sa , ou a e all this a to see e fo so e othe easo ?

Ahh. I as po de i g the p o le of t i ute.

I thi k that o e thei e issa a i es, it ould e ette fo ou to offer twice as much as what you
are currently imagining, Onii-sama. Half of that is a token of thanks for their coming all this way, while
the other half -- I t ust that goes ithout sa i g?
)a a k did ot sa a thi g, ut a efull e ie ed ‘e e s p oposal.

Indeed, it was a very good move.

Surely none of the nobles would object to presenting a gift to a guest who had come to their home,
even if there were ulterior motives for doing so.

The fact that Renner had instantly solved a problem which had been troubling him for a long time once
o e st u k fea i to )a a k s hea t. I additio , as lo g as ‘e e possessed he po e ful su o di ates,
even assassination would not be effective on her. That being the case, his only option was to suck up to

...Whe I e o e Ki g, I ill g a t ou la d o the o de . You ill p o eed the e.

I u de sta d. I shall o e a o de s that ou gi e e, O ii-sa a.

Afte I se d ou out, I ill ot su o ou to the ‘o al Capital agai . It ight ot so e hat li it your

freedom, but I will choose a domain that will ensure that you do not suffer hardship. You should spend
the est of ou life the e.

I see. M deepest tha ks.

In all likelihood, Renner had already understood what he was aiming at, but he had to actually vocalize it
in order to let her understand the kindness he was showing to her.

You a take a of the o pha s to e ou hild e . I that espe t ou a do as ou please.

Tha k ou e u h, O ii-sa a.

The fact that she replied without a delay was evidence that Renner already knew what Zanack was going
to say.

Zanack could not understand why Renner loved Climb the commoner. His looks were very plain, and he
was not particularly special. He did not seem to match his little sister at all.

Ahh, come to think of it, I heard of her fetish back then.

Once he recalled that shameful memory of his little sister, Zanack began to feel a little sorry for Climb.

The , I do look fo a d to the da ou ill e o e Ki g, O ii-sama. After your coronation, I would be

happ if ou ould thi k of e f o ti e to ti e as I li e o a fa .
Ohh, I shall, dea siste . Ho e e , it ould e est if I ould look ou up fo a dis ussio f o ti e
to time -- uu?

Zanack turned his gaze to the soldier that was jogging over to them.

That a as o e of the su i i g e e s of Gazef s a io a d.

He had fought to protect the King on that battlefield. Now that the Warrior-Captain was gone, he had a
good position and the trust of the King. Incidentally, ‘e e s t o su o di ates e jo ed that sa e t ust.

The e tal i age of his fathe s ithe ed f a e appea ed efo e his e es.

M P i e, His Majest desi es ou p ese e.

The instant he finished that, he turned to look at Renner.

He e uests ou p ese e as ell, P i ess.

What happe ed?

We ha e just e ei ed a epo t that the “o e e Ki g ill e se di g a diplo ati pa t to all o us

soo .

Zanack snuck a look at Renner, but still managed to answer the man.

I u de sta d. Notif hi that we will be arriving shortly. My sister, I will be proceeding first. Please
p o eed ith all haste o e ou a e ead .

I u de sta d, O ii-sa a.

Gi e that she had ee at the o pha age u til e e tl , ‘e e s lothes e e plai a d eathe ed.
Appearing like that before the nobles would only embarrass herself.

With that, Zanack stalked off, a stern expression on his face.

H ph. Thi gs ei g as the a e, that p oposal is o lo ge appeali g. Ah, it as too late, afte all.

-Part 2-

It was estimated that the envoys of the Sorcerous Kingdom would take about a week to travel from E-
Rantel to the Royal Capital.

Today was the seventh day. If all went according to plan, the envoys would reach the Royal Capital today.
Zanack, dressed in armor that he was not accustomed to, stood in line with his knights at the gates of
the Royal Capital which faced E-Rantel.

The cloudy weather of the past few days had cleared up, like it had all been a joke, and the sky was the
very picture of spring.

However, one could see heavy cloud cover in the distance. It would seem the azure sky was limited to
the air directly above the Royal Capital.

This so t of s e e as uite iza e. I fa t, the ‘o al Capital s eteo ologist as shouti g, This is

i possi le! as he scratched his head.

He had ee o ki g i the ‘o al Pala e fo a lo g ti e o , a d he ould p edi t the e t da s

weather with over 90% accuracy. Thus, when he declared that this was impossible, it implied that these
blue skies were anything but natural.

Zanack sighed deeply under his helmet.

He had never heard of weather-controlling magic from his teachers. However, that Sorcerer King might
well be able to use such magic with contemptuous ease.

)a a k s e e e ot o l u skilled i the a ea of magic, but they lacked any knowledge of other

strange phenomena. This made his head ache. More accurately, it was because he had relied too heavily
on Marquis Raeven.

He had gathered the knowledge from his adventurers, compiled it, and called it the Tiger Scroll. It
contained information on various kinds and forms of magic items, the types and powers of various
monsters, various spells, and so on.

Until now, he had freely shared that scroll with Zanack, his ally. However, since Raeven was no longer in
the Royal Capital, the Tiger Scroll was naturally gone with him.

He had tried seeking out nobles who had learned from adventurers, like Raeven had, but sadly, there
were none. This was not because these nobles were stupid, but because they lived in completely
different worlds from those adventurers. While some nobles did hire adventurers, it was merely to make
use of their strength. The nobles were not interested in the adventuring world or the news which
adventurers had..

The nobles had always been like this th oughout the Ki gdo s ea s of histo . F o that poi t of
view, Raeven was quite atypical.

It s p o a l ha d to fi d eti ed ad e tu e s -- especially those of mithril rank and above.

He heard that adventurers hated troublesome things like politics. Indeed, once one entered the world of
politi s, o e ould lose o e s f eedo . Would ad e tu e s like that a t to o k fo hi afte eti i g?

)a a k s hea t sa k as he thought a out that.

--M P i e!

The shout of the knight next to him brought Zanack back to his senses. He looked to the end of the
street -- and saw it.

He ould egi to see the “o e ous Ki gdo s e o s.

They had exerted pressure beforehand to shut this street down for today, closing it to traffic. As a result,
nobody would be popping out of doors behind them. The city gates had also been locked down just for

All ight, let s go o e this agai . We a e to t eat the like fo eig dig ita ies. T i g a thi g o the
envoys of the Sorcerous Kingdom is a grave offense. It ill e pu ished su a e e utio .

“i !

The reply of the ranked knights was quite forceful, and the swords at their waists made a clear, crisp and
unified sound.

All ight! The , sho the the ut ost espe t, a d i p ess the glo of the Ki gdo upo the !

“i !

The group remained absolutely still until the envoys had arrived.

Befo e lo g, the e o s a gua d ea hed the .

It was a black-armored knight which rode a red-eyed unicorn, whose body was jet black and which
sported two horns on its head. One could imagine that the rider was not human. It emanated an aura of
mortal danger, as radiant as the sun. Its full plate armor pulsed as though it was alive.

Zanack could feel his warhorse trembling in fear beneath him.

It clenched its clawed gauntlet and thumped its chest.

Apologies! We a e the e o s of the “o e ous Ki gdo of Ai z Ooal Go !

O e ight o pa e that oi e to usi s ueezed out of otted i st u e ts. It ade its liste e s hai
stand on end just by hearing it. Zanack gathered up his courage to banish his fear, and then he spoke.
I a the “e o d P i e of the Ki gdo of ‘e-Estize, )a a k Val eo Iga a ‘ le Vaiself! B His Majest s
o de , I a to guide ou pa t to the ‘o al Pala e. Please follo ehi d us!

Acknowledged. Then, we shall avail ourselves of your guidance. This one -- forgive me, this one does
not bear a surname, but please allow this one to introduce itself by the name of its species. This one is a
Death Ca alie !

Zanack gawked a little when it had given the name of its species, but he responded immediately so as
not to give offense through his delay.

The , a I add ess ou as Ca alie -do o?

I ould e ho o ed to e so add essed.

I see. The , a I g eet the leade of the e o s? As the Second Prince, I am also responsible for said
leade s a tio s ithi the Ki gdo . If possi le, I ould like to e plai the i u sta es to ou leade .

A k o ledged. This o e shall o e ou essage to ou leade -do o.

You ha e deepest tha ks.

With that, the outrider retreated to deliver his report.

While the whole process sounded quite laughable at times, he was facing up against the Sorcerous
Kingdom, after all. It was a nation that could control the undead and make use of monsters, so it would
be best to assume that the usual ways of doing things were inapplicable here. He felt stupid for even
expecting the leader of the envoys to have a vaguely human shape.

No the , stiff uppe lips, e e o e. We a ot affo d to do a thi g that ould offe d the .

“i !

As he hea d the k ights espo se, )a a k pou ed st e gth i to his ell .

The envoys had passed through several towns on the way here, which was how Zanack knew of the
pa t s o positio .

There were five coaches.

Each of them was pulled by a horse-shaped monster that radiated an inauspicious air. Then, there were
monsters tasked with perimeter security and numerous Death Cavaliers. There were also other
monsters beside them.
Zanack was unclear on the names of those monsters or how dangerous they were. Still, whether he
knew them or not, his duties remained unchanged. Since they were envoys dispatched by the Sorcerer
King, he could not possibly allow any slight to be shown to them.

A Death Cavalier -- probably the same one from just now -- app oa hed hi fo the e o s side.

Fo gi e the lo g ait. Ou leade -dono -- the right hand of the Sorcerer King Ainz Ooal Gown, Albedo-
sama, has agreed to meet with you. Zanack-do o, please, p o eed this a .

After signalling to the other knights to hold their position, Zanack guided his horse after the Death

In truth, this was quite terrifying.

After all, Zanack was moving amongst monsters he had never seen before.

Even so, he still had his pride as a member of the Royal Family. Zanack would soon be King, and since he
would necessarily have to meet with emissaries of the Sorcerer King, he was forbidden to disgrace
himself. Instead, he had to demonstrate his ability at this time, and let them take home news of the
talented people in the Re-Estize Kingdom.

)a a k s ho se ould ot keep itself f o eaki g out i to a old s eat as it app oa hed the oa h.
Zanack dismounted, standing before the coach.

The , this is the leade of the e o pa t , Al edo-sa a.

What sort of monster is going to show up next? Zanack willed his expression not to change.

The door slowly opened, and a human figure slowly emerged.

What he saw there -- was beautiful.

No, Zanack could not think of an adjective that could better describe her. The only thing which came to
i d as o ld- lass eaut

No od i this o ld ould possi l possess looks o pa a le to ‘e e s. )a a k had elie ed this

u til o , ut the he ealised that as istake . If ‘e e s as a adia t eaut , the Al edo s as a
dark-tinged, bewitching beauty.

Albedo trod on the stepboard of the coach. The faint sound of her high heels jolted Zanack back to

Zanack immediately genuflected before her and lowered his head.

One might think that it was embarrassing for a prince of a royal family to kneel before anyone, even if
they were an emissary from another nation. However, after considering the difference in power
between the Kingdom and the Sorcerous Kingdom, this was the right course of action. What the
Kingdom needed now was not glory, but concrete benefits.

Could ou please aise ou head?

The quiet, lovely voice spoke above his head.

At o e.

As he looked up, the fai aide s fa e as all s iles as she te de l looked do o hi .

This was a practiced attitude which superior men would adopt -- no, was she even human?

Zanack moved his eyes to size her up. First, were the wings on her waist magic items, or something else?
Similarly, the horns curling out from the sides of her head.

Whether they were magic items or if she was actually a heteromorphic creature, neither of them
seemed particularly bizarre once he considered that she hailed from the Sorcerous Kingdom.

I a the e o of the “o e ous Ki gdo of Ai z Ooal Go , Al edo. Though it is ut fo a few days,

we will be imposing upon you. Rise, Prince-do o. You e tai l a ot o ti ue speaki g as ou k eel.

You ha e deepest tha ks.

Zanack straightened up, and then a problem presented itself.

Though he had learned her name was Albedo through conversation, was that really all?

In the Kingdom -- and in the Empire -- commoners had two names, nobles had three names, and titled
people had four names. For the royal family, they had four names -- plus their titles for a total of five

This was why Jircniv Rune Farlord El-Nix and his four names were mocked for not being actual royalty.
However, a name like Albedo sounded like an alias, or a nickname. One could not possibly be as foolish
as to address a member of the nobility by such a moniker.

Though he might have been worrying needlessly, he could not be sure that such a situation would not

The reason why he said this was because many nobles had died in the previous battlefield. It was not
just family heads who perished, but even the firstborn heirs of some families. Currently, many noble
fa ilies e e led the spa es , the se o d o thi d so s.
Spares were spares. Nobody expected much of those nobles. Not only did they lack class, but they
lacked knowledge as well. In short, they lacked the appropriate upbringing.

Under normal circumstances, they would have been properly educated by the higher-ups in their faction,
but the previous war meant that they no longer had the manpower for such efforts. As a result, many
incompetent people were forced onto the center stage, and these incompetent people gathered
together to form an incompetent faction.

Cu e tl , the lass of the Ki gdo s o ilit had plu eted, tha ks to these people. At this u ial
moment, could they meet a woman like Albedo with adequate etiquette?

...Fo gi e e, ut a I k o ho I should p ope l add ess ou, Al edo-sa a?

This was a somewhat disrespectful question.

No all , he should ha e asked. What title do ou hold a o g the pee age, Al edo-sama, or perhaps
hat is ou positio i the “o e ous Ki gdo ?

The p o le as, she ight ha e shot a k, Do ou ot e e k o the a k of a e issa fo ou

eigh o i g ou t ?

Still, that was the fault of the Sorcerous Kingdom.

After all, no information about the Sorcerous Kingdom had flowed out from its borders. Though it had
declared its own sovereignty for several months now, they had largely restricted themselves to internal
affairs. This was the first time they had engaged in diplomatic relations of their own accord.

All Zanack knew about Albedo was that she was the leader of the envoys, and the hand of the Sorcerer

The E pi e ould p o a l k o … ut the did t tell us a thi g… Well, a o e ho ould ha e

asked for that sort of spell to be used on us must hate us to the bone.

As though sensing his worries, Albedo answered:

Though it a ot appea that a , I ha e ee appoi ted as the supe iso ho leads all the Floo
Guardians and Area Guardians within the Sorcerous Kingdom of Ainz Ooal Go .

Ohh, I see.

He said that, ut he had o idea hat ei g the supe iso ea t. I additio , he as o pletel
lueless ega di g the Floo s of hi h she spoke.
Albedo continued speaking, having seemingly seen through his concealed confusion:

I deed. I a Ai z-sa a s -- o, I should sa , I a the “o e e Ki g s se o d-in-command, the Guardian

O e see . Pe haps that ould e o e app op iate?

Ohhh, so that as ho it as!

Ainz-sa a, it looks like she s lose e ough to add ess hi i that a e . “o she s a a hio ess, o, a
du hess, pe haps? I eed to get this i fo atio a k to the othe s. But still, Gua dia … O e see ?

The , Al edo-sama, permit me to escort Your Grace to the Royal Palace. There are suites in the Royal
Capital where I pray you will take residence for the time being. My father -- King Ranpossa III is of
advanced age, so he assigned me the task of meeting you at the gates of the Capital. I pray you will
fo gi e us this slight.

It is fi e.

Her smile had not changed at all.

Normally, she should have been thanking the Prince. However, he could clearly sense who was the
superior party from her attitude.

Zanack was gushing cold sweat from his back. This was because he understood that forging good
relations with them would probably be a very difficult task.

...I additio , e ould o all i g the ells i ele atio , ut the u fo tu ate isu de sta di g
between our countries led to tragedy, so please forgive us for not doing so. In addition, the common folk
do ot et k o of ou a i al, so please take that i to o side atio .

Of ou se, it is ot a p o le .

He had no idea what would the people would do if they knew that an emissary of the Sorcerer King had
o e to all o the . I that espe t, Al edo s answer was a great relief.

Is it better to think that I owe her a favor?

He was not at all worried that the envoys would be attacked by an angry mob. Those Death Cavaliers --
indeed, everyone present was probably very strong, even within the Sorcerous Kingdom. He could easily
believe that each of them was a match for that Gazef Stronoff.

The , a I ask a fe uestio s of o ?

Of ou se! I ill a s e as lo g as it is i po e to do so.

Well the , ould ou tell e of the iti e a afte e ea h the ‘o al Pala e?

Yes! Fi st, the e is a di e s heduled ith self a d the est of the ‘o al Fa il to ight. To o o ,
we will visit the theaters in the day to watch the dances and hold a dinner party at night, where all the
nobles of the Kingdo ill e i ited. The da afte that ill featu e a o e t the Pala e s o hest a
-- afte hi h e ill egi the diplo ati egotiatio s.

“o that s ho it is… the , I t ust the e ill e o issues if e de ide to f eel tou the apital?

Of ou se. We shall sele t e eptio al k ights to se e as ou gua ds.

Although the word itself meant to defend them, it also implied observation, and even to restrain them if
the need arose.

Ma I k o hi h pla es i te est ou?

They would need to completely lock down the area on that day, to make it impossible for commoners to
go near that place.

No… the e a e o pla es hi h pa ti ula l i te est e. “i e I do ot k o hi h lo atio s a e o th

visiting in the capital, could you guide me on a tour?

U de stood. I shall ake the app op iate p epa atio s.

Albedo smiled as she nodded.

-Part 3-

For the past month or so, Philip felt that he was one of the luckiest men of the Kingdom.

He was arguably the luckiest such man, if he did say so himself. However, modesty was a virtue. Besides,
there might be other nobles luckier than himself, so it would be best not to speak in absolutes.

Nobles -- huh.

Philip tightened up his smile while smoothing out his clothes.

This was only the second time he had participated in a noble party like this. Still, perhaps he should say
that this was expected of a dinner gala organized by the Royal Family -- the sheer decadence of this
event outshone the one he had previously attended.

The formal attire of the other guests seemed much more costly than the ones at the earlier party. How
much did their outfits cost, anyway? Philip glanced at his own clothes, and began to feel a little
As he thought, the upper-class nobles had really awesome clothes.

The noblewomen in their fancy dresses all had smiles on their faces, but were those smiles mocking him
for his plain attire? Philip could not help but think that way, even without any basis for such thoughts.
When he looked around, he imagined all the surrounding nobles laughing at him.

It s all e ause the e s o o e .

If his do ai as ealthie , he ould ha e ee a le to affo d ette lothes. Ho e e , Philip s do ai

had never been that prosperous to begin with. Even his clothes now had been hastily stitched together
f o his olde othe s fo al ea . As a esult, the still felt a little tight a ou d the shoulde s.

Well, o e s s a e e ause the heads u til o e e useless. “o o e I e o e the e t head, I ll

make my domain more wealthier.

Philip was the third son of his noble family.

Similar to commoners, third sons were not beings which were particularly welcome in noble families. No
matter how rich a family was, splitting its assets multiple ways would ultimately weaken it. Therefore, it
was all inherited by the eldest son. In this respect, the nobles followed the same basic principle as the

Perhaps a wealthier family might be able to give a third son some financial support. Perhaps they could
count on connections to other noble families and foster him out. However, this was not the case for
Philip s fa il .

Once the eldest son came of age -- in other words, when the chances of him dying of disease were
greatly decreased -- the third son Philip became unnecessary to his family.

Would he be given a bit of money and then chased out of the family home? Or perhaps he would be
sent to live with a poor family and work like a peasant. He could only see tragedy waiting in both options.
Yet, things had not unfolded that way. Instead, he was making his debut at a grand society ball.

That was why Philip felt he was lucky.

The first bit of luck was his elder brother, the second son, dying of illness before he came of age.

Since his eldest brother -- the first son -- was already a man by then, there was no longer any value to
his elder brother, the second son. In addition, theirs was not a wealthy fief, and they could only use
herbs instead of priests to treat him. In the end, his condition had taken a turn for the worse, and he
became an invalid.
At this point, Philip was now elevated to the position of a spare. His value had risen from that of a
farmer to that of a butler.

Things like these were not uncommon.

However, what had catapulted Philip into the upper crust was the result of Philip s e t st oke of lu k.

“e e al ea s afte ea hi g adulthood, it as ti e fo Philip s elde othe to take o e the fa il

estate. Then, that war with the Empire had broken out. If it had been like previous years, it should have
ended after a few bumps and scrapes. Therefore, it was a safe way to obtain a battle record, and a point
of pride for his family that they had pledged men to the battle.

However, his elder brother had not come back.

He had ee o su ed the “o e e Ki g s agi , a d perished with the twenty peasants that went
with him.

Philip could not forget the instant of joy he felt when he heard that news. It was the joy he had
cultivated ever since becoming a spare.

His body was missing, and so was the suit of full plate armor passed down from his ancestors. Still, that
was not a big problem. Once his domain grew wealthier, he would make a better suit of armor for
himself. The more important thing was that the title of estate heir had gone from unattainable to
practically his.

The timing for that was perfect.

If his brother had died after inheriting the family estate, Philip would have had to spend his time waiting
for his nephew to grow into a man. However, since his brother had died without claiming his inheritance,
his lordship was a done deal.

It was as though the Sorcerer King had gone out of his way to arrange all this for Philip.

Because of that, Philip even felt something like a hint of goodwill to the Sorcerer King that he had never
met before. If only he could convey his g atitude di e tl to the “o e e Ki g s e issa .

In addition--

That s ight. I goi g to ide o st eak of lu k. Ho a I let su h a good ha e get a a efo e


Philip s hea t lazed like a o fi e.

He could only think of his father and elder brother as idiots after seeing what they had been doing all
this ti e. Wh do t ou do this? Wo t this i g ou o e e efits? Of ou se, he e e told the
that sort of thing to their faces.

That was because none of the gains made would trickle down to him. Neither would any prestige for
doing so be his. Therefore, over a long time, Philip had cooked up ideas on how to properly administer
his fief and stored them in his heart.

I will let the nearby lords know that I am the one who deserves this title. I will let Father know how poor
his taste was in choosing Onii-sama. Selling the good-quality wheat and vegetables to those traders -- no,
what should I do? That would draw too much attention, and what if my revolutionary proposal was
stolen b othe s? “till, the e s o o e ithout t ade. I eed to fi d tight-lipped and reliable
merchants -- in other words, not that guy.

Philip s fa e t isted as he e alled the fa e of that e ha t.

The unpleasant memory of that man outmatched his joy at being able to stand in this lavish hall.

How dare he look down on me! Although I have to bear it for now, once I find a better merchant in the
‘o al Capital, I ll oot hi a a ! I e al ead got o e tio s of o !

Philip had already found his own underground connections during his few weeks in the Royal Capital. His
pride at this chased away the unhappiness in his heart.

As e pe ted of e, I e al ead got path all apped out. I ll ake do ai i h a d o tai a huge
fortune. Those idiots who looked do o e ill see ho s the t ue idiot o .

Just as Philip was envisioning his glorious golden future, a male voice rang through the hall.

Ladies a d ge tle e ! I p ese t to ou the leade of the e o s f o the “o e ous Ki gdo , Al edo-
sa a!

At this o e t, the g a d hall s o hest a lo e ed thei i st u e ts, a d the ood of jo ialit i the ai
died down.

Judging by the noises, it would seem the master of ceremonies had just announced the star of the feast
which the Royal Family was hosting.

Al edo-sama serves as the right hand of the His Majesty the Sorcerer King in the Sorcerous Kingdom,
and commands a position equivalent to that of a prime minister as Guardian Overseer. Albedo-sama will
g a e us alo e this e e i g.

A soft o a s oi e said, Huh, alo e? . A ealth -looking noble standing nearby chastised her with a
Quiet, ou. Philip felt a little su p ised at this.
Coming by oneself is all well and good. But to think someone like that would serve as an emissary! Does
the Sorcerous Kingdom truly have such high hopes for the Kingdom?

As Philip wondered what sort of man this emissary would turn out to be, he looked toward the doors by
which the master of ceremonies was standing.

The , let us el o e the leade of the e o s, Al edo-sa a!

As the great doors opened, the entire hall fell silent.

A goddess-like woman was there. Her perfect features were more beautiful than any peasant, more
eautiful tha a ho e i the Ki gdo s othels, o e eautiful tha a o a Philip had ever
seen before. Of course, the Princess he had seen earlier was pretty, but Philip preferred what he was
seeing now.

Her clothes were beautiful as well. Her platinum dress was accented with golden hair ornaments, while
the lower half of her dress was covered by what seemed like black feathered wings. Her reflection in the
magical lights above made it seem as though she were glowing.

Philip looked at the woman who had spoken earlier. She was standing in place with a retarded look on
her face.

What s this, hat s this. Is this the so t of fa e the o pa io of so e ig-name noble ought to have?
You look just like a roadside peasant.

The elatio he felt at at the “o e ous Ki gdo s i to -- to which he was favourably inclined -- made
the joy of victory surge up in his heart.

We el o e ou p ese e, Al edo-do o.

Ranpossa III rose to welcome Albedo.

You Majest , I a g ateful fo this e eptio .

Philip ould o l see the side of Al edo s fa e, ut he he sa Al edo s te de s ile, he as acutely

aware of one thing.

“he s eautiful e o d o ds...

I do hope ou ill fo gi e e fo taki g a seat, due to age. The , o les of the Ki gdo . Ou ai
guest has a i ed. Please, e jo ou sel es to ou hea ts o te t to ight. The , Al edo-dono, I hope
you will enjoy yourself as well.
M tha ks, You Majest .

Albedo smiled sweetly to him.

He snuck a peek at that noblewoman from earlier, and saw that she was mumbling something about
she did t lo e he head o so ethi g alo g those li es. Philip cast aside that foolish woman and her
foolish words and instead feasted his eyes on that world-class beauty.

He burned the image of her speaking closely with Princess Renner into his mind.

If only I could make that woman mine...

He understood that it would be a very difficult task. However, when one thought about it, it was not
completely impossible.

Once my fief becomes wealthy, the other nobles will start introducing their daughters to me. The
wealthier I get, the better the girls will be. E e that P i ess, e e that e issa is t out of the

Philip felt a wave of heat surge up from his lower body.

Well, the G eat No les usuall ha e a o u i e o th ee… the est ase ould e if I ould e jo those
two beauties at the same time.

Philip looked back and forth between Renner and Albedo.

Philip hurriedly picked up a beverage from nearby before his fantasies grew out of control,. It would be
very bad if he got hard here. The cool sensation of the drink sliding down his throat helped him regain a
measure of calm.

Co e to thi k of it, ho did the ake this i e? Is it agi …

The o l people i Philip s estate ho ould use agi e e the p iests. While the ould help u e
illness, they would demand money for doing so. They would ask for an appropriate payment if they had
to make ice.

“i e the e i do ai , I ll ha e the heal e fo f ee e t ti e. A e e eside t da i g to ha ge

his lord money, how ridiculous is that!

Philip made a mental note of this new way to deal with the priests in future.

He looked forward to getting to work on his domain once he returned. He could imagine all his brilliant
ideas being put into action, lighting up his life with golden radiance.

When he looked back to Albedo, he saw her standing by herself.

There were many nobles around, but nobody knew how to approach her.

The “o e ous Ki gdo , huh… What ill e o e of the Ki gdo afte this?

Philip did not particularly care what happened to the Kingdom, but it would be troublesome if it affected
his estate.

That being the case--

Philip shuddered at the idea he had just had.

--Oi oi, do t thi k a out su h da ge ous thi gs. It s just… ell, it s ot e a tl a ad o e, ight? Ho
should I sa this… I a t elie e I a tuall thought of an idea like that...

He looked at the side of Al edo s lo el fa e.

The e s o use i ei g thi d. The e s o poi t i ei g se o d. The ost i po ta t thi g is to e the


The emissary of the Sorcerous Kingdom looked like she had been outcast because nobody was talking to
her. Philip had read about how ladies were quite vulnerable to this sort of thing.

Do it. You have to make a gamble to get a return. The chance to rise has come because everything has
ha ged. I a lu k a , so I should ake good use of my luck.

Philip s fa il had al a s ee ou d to a fa tio , ut the e e t pi all at the tail e d of that fa tio .

There were only so many benefits he could gain from continuing to be bound to that faction.

Then, he recalled some words he had hea d e e tl . A e tai e ski ist ess had said, Wh ot
ake a fa tio of ou o ?

After making up his mind, Philip downed the glass of wine he had been holding all this time.

It was unlike the watery wine he had drunk at home. It felt like his throat and belly were burning. As
though propelled by the heat which rose from his belly, Philip stepped forward.

Al edo-sa a, i d if I ut i ?

Thanks to his voice, Albedo turned her smile to him.

He was not just blushing because of the wine.

A a, ho do ou do--

Her brows creased for a moment, as though deep in thought. Philip immediately realized what she was
looking for.

Ia Philip.

Oh? Ah, Lo d Philip -- no, Philip-sa a. It is a ho o to eet ou.

The pleasu e is all i e, Albedo-sa a. Nothi g ould delight e o e tha to ake ou a uai ta e.

Philip was keenly aware that the air around him seemed to have changed.

A quick glance aside revealed that the higher-ranked nobles had looks of shock on their faces.

He could not stem the joy within him as he realised all eyes at the dinner party sponsored by the Royal
Family were on him.

I, I o ,I o the e te of atte tio !

To think that he -- who had only eaten cold meals in the past -- was now the focus of these people who
stood at the pinnacle of the Kingdom. As he thought about this, an unexpected excitement took control
of Philip.

That s ight! I Philip! Wat h e! Wat h the a ho ill e the e t al figu e of the Ki gdo !

Philip racked his brains, and then made the biggest bet in his life.

That was to say, he invited Albedo to the ball a couple of days later.


You oo !

That e uke e ti guished Philip s e ite e t. Yet, at the sa e ti e, it lit a fla e ithi his hea t. It as
a fire that seemed to consume all the fuel Philip had hidden within his heart his entire life.

Philip looked disdainfully at the white-haired man before him.

I did t se d ou the e fo that so t of thi g! You i e ile!

Philip sighed as his father asked him about the dinner at the Royal Palace.
I the fi st pla e, that i itatio to the ‘o al di e ould e e ha e o e to ou house. I o ked
fingers to the bone to secure it so you could express your gratitude to the Counts and the other nobles
while you made yourself known to them!:

The ‘o al Fa il s di e pa t gathe ed people f o oth fa tio s. Whe this happe ed, the fa t that
the head of a family had changed would probably not come up. Thus, nobody would pay too much
attention to that fact and he would be readily accepted by others. After that, once they had tacitly
acknowledged him, it would be quite difficult for them to protest that fact.

I othe o ds, Philip s fathe had o faith i his a ilities at all. He felt that if he had t ied to i t odu e
himself to the other members of his faction in the normal manner, he would mess something up.

As Philip realised this, he strove to suppress the annoyance within him, and put on a fake smile.

No, o, Fathe . Do t get so o ked up. I as doi g this fo ou house--

--What do ou ea ou house? What ou e do e is o pletel a su d!

What did he mean, absurd, Philip griped in his heart. Everyone else was a coward without the courage
to make a move, so why should he not take the first step?

Was he supposed to pretend to be polite to all those incompetent cowards and remain in this pathetic
place for the rest of his life?

Fathe ! Thi k a little! Although the oad joi i g the “o e ous Ki gdo a d the Ki gdo is uite lo g,
our domain lies on the middle of it! If the “o e ous Ki gdo akes a o the Ki gdo , e ll
definitely be drawn into the mess. Therefore, we should forge good relations with the Sorcerous
Ki gdo , should t e?

You, ou idiot!

His fathe s fa e as e e edde tha efo e.

Those asta ds f o the “o e ous Ki gdo killed ou othe ! A d ou a t to o k ith the ! Is t

that t easo agai st the Ki gdo ?!

So what, Philip thought.

Since the Sorcerous Kingdom was stronger, what was wrong with betraying the Kingdom? All he needed
to do was pledge vassalage to the Sorcerous Kingdom. What was wrong with the weak following the
strong? Who had the right to reproach him for it?

What o ea th a e ou thi ki g?!

Philip ould ot help ut feel f ust ated at his fathe s foolishness.

The fact that he actually had to explain such self-evident things struck him as terribly stupid. Still, it had
to be said.

It s si ple, Fathe . This is fo -

He s allo ed the o d the o e t he thought of it. “oo e o late it ould e t ue, but for now,
it was not entirely his.

--Ou do ai . It s to p ote t ou se fs. The “o e ous Ki gdo is o e hel i gl po e ful. Mo e so

than the Kingdom. That being the case, it would hardly be strange if they attacked the Kingdom. This is a
way out fo he that ti e o es.

Cheh! What do ou ea , a out? What do ou thi k the su ou di g lo ds ill thi k he the hea
a out hat ou e do e?!

The o t o e a d atta k us, ot i this da a d age.

Ma people ithi Philip s do ai had died because of that battle. The same applied to the
su ou di g estates. The efo e, the ould ot ha e the e ess st e gth eeded to atta k Philip s

Did ou o side a thi g else?

Hah? Philip eplied. He had o idea hat his fathe as getting at.

That s h I sa ou thi ki g is shallo . You e a ti g as though ou da d ea s a e al ead ealit .

This is--

--I thi k ou should stop the e fo o , i te upted the a ho had ee sta di g ehi d his fathe
all this time.

He was the butler who had attended his father all this time. Philip disliked that man, who was the type
that never let anyone see his feelings. He was one of the people Philip intended to chase out after he
had solidified his position as the family heir.

His father o ked to get his eathi g u de o t ol o e he hea d the utle s o ds. The ed i his
face receded, leaving a pale, anemic face.

...Haaah. Hah. Philip. I ha e a uestio fo ou. A e ou ot af aid of aki g e e ies of the

su ou di g o les?
The e othi g to e s a ed of, o?

His father rounded his shoulders in disappointment. That response sparked frustration and unease
within Philip.

Had he missed out something? Still, he could not think of what that might be.

Ma ou g e died i the battle of the Katze Plains. This will lead to all sorts of problems within the
next few years. Therefore, the surrounding nobles will need to work closely together in a co-operative
relationship. This domain will produce food, that domain will weave clothi g. No od s estate is la ge
enough to be self-sufficient, nor do we have much money left over. Under these circumstances, who will
help a fa il that a ti el ou ts the “o e ous Ki gdo s fa o ?

Cold s eat oke out o Philip s a k. His fathe had a point.

You k o that too, ight? Ou de es e does ot p odu e a thi g the othe s do ot -- we have no
unique exports. Therefore, they will have no problem with kicking us out of their co-ope ati e.

Philip racked his brains. He had a good head on his shoulders. He should be able to refute any number of
his stupid fathe s asse tio s.

That s h e ha e to el o the “o e ous Ki gdo , Fathe .

His father bade him to continue.

O e e uild ties ith the “o e ous Ki gdo , e ll just ha e the suppo t us.

...The let e ask ou so ethi g. If ou e e so eo e f o the “o e ous Ki gdo -- no, if you were
the king of a certain country, and a village from a country that you were at war with asked you for food,
ould ou gi e it to the ?

Of ou se. If it as e, I ould defi itel do so.

--Wh is that?

Is t that o ious? B doi g so, I ll sho e e o e that I a e iful ule .

...Apa t f o that?

...Nothi g else.

His fathe s ja d opped. He ust ha e ee i p essed. “till, that sort of reaction was quite strange.
After all, the Sorcerer King would surely want to be known as a kind ruler, particularly since the
Sorcerous Kingdom had been founded on E-Rantel and the area surrounding that city. He would surely
make some concessions to quieten them down.

Is that so… so that s hat ou e e thi ki g. Well, if it e e e, I ould su el se d aid as ell, i

order to create a casus belli to invade the other country. After that, I would declare war on the Kingdom,
under the pretext of li e ati g that illage hi h the Ki gdo as opp essi g.

I possi le. It s fa iful thi ki g. Besides, that so t of ause o t o k at all.

‘eall o , a d h do ou thi k it s i possi le?

Let s a k up a it he e. Let s assu e it s eall as ou sa , Fathe . Is t that o e of a easo to

deepe ou elatio ship ith the “o e ous Ki gdo ?


His father was at a loss for words.

Ha e ou o p ide at all as a o le a of the Ki gdo ?

Of ou se I do. Ho e e , it ould e ette ot to ha e it tha e dest o ed, o?

That s the de o ki g ho sle ou othe a d ou tless people of the Ki gdo ith f ighte i g
agi , o? This is the ki g ou e putti g fo a d.

That as a , fathe . What diffe e e does it ake if the died to s o ds o spells?

...Wh is it that ou ha e so u h t ust i the ki g of the “o e ous Ki gdo ?

That was not trust, though there was some goodwill there. More importantly, they were all just pawns
for Philip to play in order to improve his lot in life.

A pa ! That s ight! To e, e e the “o e e Ki g of the “o e ous Ki gdo , ho is fea ed all the

people of the Kingdom, is little more than a pawn in my hand!

Philip grew excited as he imagined himself playing a massive -- a national-scale -- game of chess.

“till, it s o l atu al that Fathe ould e o ied. That said, if I a e utt hi so easil , it just ea s
that s all the e is to hi … Although, it ight e est to dis uss the atte ith Al edo-sama the next
time we meet.

I ti e of this… Did ou tha k the Cou t-sa a fo the di e pa t ? I aski g a out hethe he
a k o ledged ou as the e fa il head.
That was the one thing Philip could not accept.

Even if he was the head of the faction, why did he have to bow his head to a count who was nothing
more than an outsider?

It as the fa il head s p e ogati e to de ide ho the e t leade of the fa il ould e. It had othi g
to do with that count. Now, perhaps if the count had backed him when his brother was around and he
was still a third son, leading to him becoming the heir, he might have been grateful for that. However,
that was not the case. Philip had achieved his current position entirely through his own luck.

In other words, there was no reason for him to bow and scrape to him.

Therefore, Philip had not gone before the Count to lower his head and offer his thanks. However, if he
said that, his fathe ould p o a l get agitated agai . This as a lie fo the sake of his fathe s health.

Of ou se.

I see. That s good. “i e ou e do e that, the e ought to e a a . Whe the ti e o es, all ou ha e
to do is ask the Cou t fo help.

With that done with, just as Philip was beginning to feel at ease, the butler interrupted again from

--There is one more problem. The matter Philip-sama mentioned at the beginning has not yet been
resolved. Philip-sama said he was inviting the emissary of the Sorcerous Kingdom to a ball organized by
this fa il … What shall e do a out that?

That s ight, Philip! What e e ou thi ki g? Ou fa il does t ha e a pla e to host a all!

All landlords had an estate in the Royal Capital.

There were small mansions set aside for their visits to the Capital.

Of ou se, the e e ot as ti as o o e s ho es. The ight o l e used a handful of times a

ea , ut the e e also a sig of the o ilit s po e . The efo e, the had to e la ge e ough to
accommodate the entourage the lords brought with them. However, they were not much larger than
that, and the interior was not large enough for a ball.

Still, that problem had already been dealt with.

It s fi e. It s t ue that ou estate a ot host su h a e e t, ut I e al ead a aged to e t a othe

pla e.

Ohh, ould it e the Cou t?

Philip shook his head at the faint flowering of jo o his fathe s fa e.

No, it s a pla e elo gi g to so eo e I k o i the ‘o al Capital. The ist ess the e said she ould
loan it to me. The fact was, I spoke with her before I came back, and she assured me that it would be
fi e.

A d hat ill e ha e to pa fo it?

Philip sighed i te all at the utle s uestio .

“o that s the fi st thi g he asks, huh.

It s f ee of ha ge.

F ee of ha ge, ou sa ? ...Is that e e possi le?


The o ds of the ist ess a e to Philip s i d: I ha e high hopes fo ou futu e, so I ll i est i ou.
Ho e e , I hope ou ll etu ki d ess i the futu e.

I do ot elie e su h good fo tu e ould fall upo ou just like that… Could ou ha e ee de ei ed?
Anger blazed up within Philip, but he knew that his father trusted the butler implicitly, so he could not
rebuke him just yet.

I ll o e a fa o , ut si e I p o ised to etu that fa o , it ill e fi e.

...“o that s the e ue take a e of, ut ho a out the i itatio s? “hall e have the Count send them

What is he saying, Philip thought. This event was being run by his family to raise their reputation. Why,
after putting in all that hard work and preparation, did he have to hand over the most beneficial part of
that to others?

“o that s his sla e e talit talki g. Ho sad… I do t a t to e d up like hi .

It ll e fi e. I e asked the ist ess ho le t e the e ue to help e ith the p epa atio o k. Of
ou se, I ill de ide the guest list.

...“till, it ould e uite ude ot to let the Cou t et the . It s ot too late to ask the Cou t fo help
o . I additio , do ou eall k o hi h fa ilies to i ite hi h o t ause offe se?
I do, to so e e te t, a d I i te d to i ite so e spe ial people this ti e. The mistress has already
gi e e thei a es.


Dou t appea ed i his fathe s e es.

...Ha e ou ee a ipulated that ist ess o ds?

Fathe ! Ho a ou sa that? I a e up ith this a d ade it happe ! It s t ue that I had to o o

some help to do it. But that mistress agreed that my plan had merits after she heard it -- which means
that she saw that my plan could succeed, and she felt that I could pay the appropriate price! What have
you been thinking all this while? Under normal circumstances, you should be giving me your full support
as the e t head of the fa il !

That u h as t ue. The ist ess had said, I ill gladl help ou if ou ill allo se e al o les lose to
e to take pa t. It as e ause oth of the had a utuall beneficial relationship that he had gone to
her for help. He was definitely not being manipulated or anything.

She was completely different from that count who controlled his father, stole all the gains away, and left
him with nothing.

You e the o e ho s ei g o t olled, Philip a ted to sa .

...Fo gi e e. But a ou tell e the a e of that ist ess?

Philip suppressed his anger. After all, he was talking to someone who had not yet shed his nature as a
slave. He had to open up his heart and take all this in stride.

He a e is Hil a C g aeus. Ha e ou hea d that a e efo e?

No, I e e e hea d of he efo e. Ho a out ou?

The butler shook his head. Philip was proud that he had managed to acquaint himself with someone
that even his father, who had long immersed himself in noble society, did not know.

I ill get the ist ess opi io o the atte of the Cou t. It ight e t ou leso e to pass he a d
ask the Cou t fo help i stead. Is the e a thi g else, Fathe ?

His exhausted father had no response to this.

Though he was still a little unsatisfied, Philip began putting his plan into motion. The next step was
sending an invitation to the emissary of the Sorcerous Kingdom, Miss Albedo, and then thinking about
how to consolidate his position from there.
-Part 4-

A g a d hall filled Philip s e es, easil the e ual toof that all oo i the ‘o al Pala e -- no, it was even
better than that.

He could not help but think of how to show this off to others. Granted, Hilma had arranged the
prepa atio s fo this e ue. Ho e e , she had asked hi efo eha d: “hould I a a ge fo a egula
all oo e e t, o a i o pa a le spe ta le? The latte ill e ui e a heftie fa o i etu ? a d
Philip had chosen the latter without any hesitation.

In other words, this ball had been organized by the favor Philip had paid for -- in other words, this was
an event which corresponded to the effort he had put in. And then, there were the many nobles who
had gathered here because of him.

It was perfect. However, it was because of this that Philip felt very unhappy about a certain detail.

He had decided the location on the invitation -- though he had to el o othe s isdo , the fi al
decision had still been his -- and the wax seal on the letters had belonged to his family. More
importantly, everyone was here to meet the emissary of the Sorcerous Kingdom. And it was Philip who
had invited that emissary here.

In other words, he was the organizer and the one who had worked to make this happen, so he was the
one who should have been receiving words of praise and nods of gratitude. They should have been
thanking Philip for inviting them to such an event. They should also have been praising his courage in
inviting the emissary of the Sorcerous Kingdom, who nobody else had dared approach.

Instead, what was happening now?

The first person everyone spoke to once they came here was Hilma. Only after that did they come to
g eet hi . I additio , the o l did so elu ta tl , afte Hil a e tio ed Philip s a e. What would
they have done if she had not brought it up?

Since he owed Hilma a favor, he had to bear with the fact that she was more noticeable than he was.
However, all he felt toward those nobles was annoyance. Going by the basics of noble society, it should
have been obvious who they should have been addressing first.

That s h ou e all a useless lot. Cheh, it see s a epti g Hil a s suggestio as a ad idea.

He had i ited the o les he e tappi g o Hil a s i tellige e.

The nobles he had chosen were newly elevated heads of their families thanks to the war with the
Sorcerous Kingdom, or those who would soon become the heads of their families. In other words, these
people were in similar situations to Philip.
The easo h he had a epted Hil a s suggestions was because there were not many people who
thought like Philip did. If there had been no change in the family leadership, it was very likely that they
would all only think ill of the Sorcerous Kingdom.


Is the e a o e he e ho is t incompetent?

He looked over the guests who had just arrived, and then he walked toward Hilma.

What a cock-up, Philip thought.

Those idiots buried in their family trees were truly idiots. That was why they had messed up on the
person to whom they should have first apoken to. Or rather, one could say there was no other reason
for that.

...No, ut, is t this a good thi g? The o t e a le to take leade ship e ause the e idiots, ight? If
there was a noble here with a better brain than mine, I would t e a le to take o a d of the e
fa tio that I d fou d, a d eg etfull , fa il is t that po e ful eithe .

This might be a chance for him. Since this was their error, he would consider them to owe him one for
not speaking to him first, and then he would collect on it in future.

Just as he was plotting eagerly, Hilma appeared before him.

She was a woman who was little more than a bag of skin and bones.

Her sickly thinness made her look like she had a severe illness. She would probably have been beautiful
if she had more meat on her bones, but that was already a thing of the past.

Philip-sa a, it see s all the i ited guests ha e a i ed.

Is that so?

In other words, they all saw him as number two here, Philip thought. He tried to conceal his feelings of
inferiority, but Hilma seemed to have seen through him.

She cackled.

You see dissatisfied.

No, e tai l ot.

Philip smiled. He was a nobleman -- he could deal with such intrigues.

The e s o eed to lie. I a ou suppo te i this because I stand to gain from it, Philip-sama. We
a ot ha e a se ets et ee us.

Her words were tinged with flattery.

That was it.

Philip s hea t ui e ed.

This was the proper attitude a commoner should have.

He was finally experiencing the situation he had long looked forward to, and the unhappiness in his
heart vanished like it had all been a lie.

Is so ethi g the atte , Philip-sa a?

No… ell, o e to thi k of it, I ot upset, ut I a u eas .

What dis o fo ts ou? Is so ethi g lacking? If that is so, shall I prepare it before the emissary-dono
a i es?

It s ot like that, Philip said as he affe ted a ough. I si pl did t e pe t the people he e to e so…
unexceptional. Even if I gathered all these people into a faction, I wonder if they could compete with the
othe fa tio s. That is hat dis o fo ts e.

I see, so that s ho it is.

Hilma smiled.

She was too skinny to inspire lust. Even so, her charm was such that it made him gulp.

But the , is t it e ause the e this way that they will need your careful leadership, Philio-sama? I
wish to call your attention to your domain -- a e the peasa ts the e e i tellige t?


Whi h is h the eed a ise leade , o?

Yes, i deed, that s ight.

If it s ou, Philip-sa a, I su e ou ll e a le to stee this fa tio ell. I ill also p o ide as u h help
as I a gi e.
Be ause ou sta d to gai f o it, a I ight?

But of ou se. I a helpi g ou e ause I a e tai that I ill eap e efits f o doi g so.

Hilma chuckled.

The a ge i Philip s hea t as o pletel go e.

Everything Hilma said was correct.

Philip thanked his luck for being able to meet a woman like Hilma.

She had broad contacts, great wealth, and had access to a great many things which Philip could not
obtain within the Royal Capital. Her explanation for why someone like her would want to curry favor
with him was also quite reasonable. In addition, his terms of repayment were also very simple, which
was why he felt at ease in making use of her.

If ou help e, I ill ake ou ealthie tha a othe o a .

Hil a s e es ide ed a little, a d the she s iled happil .

Well, that ould e uite delightful. I ould e glad to e a le to ea a e kla es set ith la ge
gemstones like the noblewomen do. Then, please work hard, Philip-sa a.

Ah, lea e that to e… The , a I ask a othe uestio of olla o ato -do o?

Yes, all ea s.

...Ma I k o h ou a e so sli ? Does so ethi g a out ou od t ou le ou?

It would be troublesome if she could no longer support him. If even the priests could not heal her, then
he would have to find someone to replace her, or allow her to recommend a successor.

Oh, it is ot a p o le o th e tio i g, o.

I e hea d that so e hei esses diet to lose eight, is that the easo ?

Hilma smiled. This was the first time Philip had seen a smile which conveyed such unease without
o ds.

It s ot like that. The fa t is, I a o lo ge eat solid food, so I a o l o su e d i k, a d I a t take

i too u h eithe … es. Please, do ot o . I ill ha e so eo e use heali g agi if it s e ause of
a ill ess.
Her mood returned to normal, as though nothing had happened.

I ill defi itel ot die efo e I eap the e a ds of ou acquaintance, Philip-sa a.

Oh, ohhh, eall , the that s good. Ho e e … h a t ou eat solid food?

That had been nothing more than a throwaway statement, but it had a telling impact. It felt as though
the e otio had falle off Hil a s fa e.

The change was greater than before, and it made Philip anxious.

Is, is -- so ethi g the atte ?

Ah, ahhh, apologies. I si pl e e e ed so e thi gs.

Hilma covered her mouth as she said that, and she looked very pale.

Ah-- my apologies for making you e e e so ethi g u pleasa t.

What had she gone through to make her incapable of eating solid food? While she now enjoyed broad
so ial o e tio s a d e ough ealth to li e i de ade e, she ust ha e had a ti e he she ould t
eat properly too. He wanted to probe further, but it would probably be a very bad idea to do so.

Philip-sama, I believe it is about time to summon the emissary. I believe that if you were to be her
escort, everyone would look at you with different eyes. That would prove you were the organizer more
than any number of words -- it ould sho ho is the ost po e ful pe so he e.

Ohh! I deed, that s ight.

Be ause she had sho ed up alo e at the ‘o al Fa il s di e pa t , Philip had thought that so t of
thing was normal. So it was not. It shamed him to know that was not the case, and he put on an act of
having forgotten but just remembered.

E e o e ill su el e su p ised. The a people ho did ot o e to speak to ou ill su el feel

anxious and uneasy, Philip-sa a.

A sadisti glee a oke i Philip s hea t. “o e of the o les he e e e highe -placed than him and had
larger domains than himself. What sort of expressions would they show him, he who had once been
regarded as the burden of his family--

That s ight, it ould e ad to keep he aiti g. I ll head o e .

The , I shall ha e o e of people sho ou the a the e.

Led o e of Hil a s se a ts, Philip set fo th to a d the oo of the “o e ous Ki gdo s e issa ,

He knocked on the door, and then opened it.

What he saw behind that door was a woman whose beauty knew no equal.

She wore a jet-black dress, though not the same one from their encounter in the Royal Palace. Her bare
shoulders gleamed like alabaster, and while her necklace consisted of large gemstones linked together,
it did not seem tacky, but instead accentuated her beauty.

How beautiful...

Philip blushed in spite of himself.

--The , shall e?

Yes. Please pe it e to e ou es o t.

Philip took a hand that was sheathed in a black lace glove, and helped Albedo up.

A fragrance came from his side. What kind of perfume is this, it makes my heart feels so light. Although
he subconsciously wanted to sniff at it, that would have been terribly rude.

While the two of them were already walking side by side toward the ballroom, proceeding in silence like
this made the air seem heavy. Philip struggled to think of an appropriate topic to bring up, but by the
time he had come up with something, they were already near their destination.

The e a e a o les i the all oo . All of the ha e gathe ed to see ou, Al edo-sa a.

It seemed a little rash, but it nevertheless received an immediate response.

Is that eall t ue? Tha k ou fo ou assista e, Philip-sa a.

Albedo smiled te de l to hi , a d Philip s hea t pou ded.

While this probably was not the case, could it be that she was starting to like him?

He was a man who would soon stand at the top of a great faction. In contrast, the Sorcerous Kingdom
wielded overwhelming military power, but for now it was little more than a city-state.

When one thought of it that way, he was quite the catch himself.
Not to mention, he was unmarried too.

Co e to thi k of it, a e ou al ead ed, Al edo-sa a?

Albedo froze. He had seen her gentle smile several times already, but this was the first time he had seen
that expression on her.

Philip felt shame creep up through him as he realised that he had asked an inappropriate question.

What a st a ge thi g to ask, Philip-sama. Regretfully, I do not yet have a partner in that capacity, and I
a sadl si gle.

Is that so? Gi e ou eaut , I ould ha e e pe ted the suito s to o e thi k a d fast, Al edo-sa a.

Fufu -- it is quite a surprise that no such suitors have come my way. Still, such offers would be quite
t ou li g fo e, so it is ha dl a ad thi g, i opi io .

Is that so...

Befo e he ea hed the doo , Philip pla ed his ha d o Al edo s f ag a t shoulde , a d ade to slo l
pull her over to him.

There was a strange gichiri sound. The walking corpse looked to his right to see where it came from.

Did so ethi g happe ?

His tiny doubts faded away as Albedo asked him that question with a smile on her face.

No, it s othi g. The , please allo e.


What exactly did their eyes see?

How did this scene appear to these fancily-dressed nobles?

Hilma was interested in the answers to those questions

First-class cuisine, first-class servants, first-class utensils, first-class music, and below third-rate trash

The people gathered here were largely good-for-nothing wastes of food, third sons and below who were
the spares of spares. They had been forced to bow their heads to the world for various reasons and
were filled with resentment.
The looks on their faces said everything.

Many of them expressed the carefree joy of liberation. Many others were consumed by the flames of
desire. To these people, this place was one where they could fully indulge their vanity.

Then again, this place had always been intended to be a feeding ground.

Noble society in the Kingdom was now in a state of chaos.

It had been several months since the war with the Sorcerous Kingdom, but the scars it left behind were
large and could not fully heal. Several factions had dissolved because of this and new ones had risen to
take their place. The upper-class noble houses had been displaced by the those families which had
previously been lower-ranking.

The current chaos in the Kingdom was an incredibly good chance for all those people who were
unaligned to any of the factions. No, it might be their last chance. If the factions established themselves
again, they might find themselves banished to the sidelines once more.

Because of that, this gathering was a gigantic feeding ground for them.

It was one where hungry fish would lure the small fry into their bellies.

In contrast, would the small fry be eaten without them ever noticing? Or would they realize something
and skilfully disengage? Or perhaps -- would there be nobles filled with desire who would turn their
tables on their would-be devourers?

After studying this scene for nearly an hour, Hilma concluded that there were no nobles here which
could be considered first-rate, the kind which she wanted to ensnare with all her might.

Even so, she was not disappointed by this outcome. Indeed, she would be worried if there were any
first-rate nobles parading themselves in a dangerous place like this.

She had been quite careful when sending out her invitations, but Hilma did not think she was perfect.
There would surely be someone from one of the factions in here.

Still, that would be interesting, she thought.

The more she had to say in her report, the more her own value would rise. This was not a bad thing at all
for her.

The , it s a out time, no?

It had been an hour and a half since the ball started, so it was the appointed time.
Hil a s eal o k as o l egi i g.

--It was frightening.

Her previous arrogance vanished as if it had been nothing more than a lie.

Perhaps a gentle term like f ighte i g ould ot e a le to e o pass the shee te o that elled up
from her stomach. She thought of fleeing with all her might as she imagined the hell that awaited her if
she displeased them.

Of course, if she actually did that, she would assuredly suffer a fate which would make that hell feel like
blissful paradise.

As a member of the Eight Fingers, she had handed down many assassination orders to her underlings.
She had also ordered people to be tormented before they were killed. But compared to what those
monsters had done, her orders overflowed with the milk of human kindness.

--Hil a.

The voice from behind startled her, and her shoulders twitched.

When she turned around, she saw the stupidest man in this hall.

H ? Is so ethi g o g?

No, Walki g Co pse-sa a, othi g is o g.

Hilma concealed her true emotions within her smile. Among those emotions was anger at being
surprised by a piece of trash like him.

Al edo-sama wanted to rest for about ten minutes, so I came to find ou.

That is uite easo a le, gi e that she as speaki g ith all those guests. I u de sta d; the , I shall
accompany Albedo-sa a to the eak oo .

‘eall ? The , I shall go too.

What the hell is he talking about? That was the reply Hilma wanted to give. No, it might be that he had
sensed something.

With caution in her heart, Hilma continued her act:

I feel it ould e ette ot to do so.

Wh is that? I as Al edo-sa a s side u til just o . It should t e st a ge fo us to go togethe ,

Now, Hilma was sure that this man had not suspected anything.

In other words, he was a moron among morons, a good-for-nothing with neither the knowledge or the
etiquette to be a nobleman.

I fea that if a lad is a o pa ied to the est a ea y a gentleman who is not her husband, it might
lead to the sp ead of… i app op iate u o s fo oth pa ties.
不是丈夫的男性同伴在女性休 的场所这件 ,我认为会给诸位来宾提供各式各样不 当的话

Ahhh. Ho e e , pla is to i ediatel etu o e I get the e.

E e so, it is ot uite app opriate. I understand your concern for her as the host of this event.
However, I am also the provider of the venue, so please allow me to take on this responsibility and
escort Albedo-sa a safel to the est a ea.


It looked like he was going to say something else, so Hilma waited in silence for him to finish.

The truth was, she wanted to get this over with as soon as possible, but unfortunately, this imbecile was
also the driving force behind this gathering. She could not be too rude towards him.

What do ou thi k I should do i o de to joi self to he i at i o ?


Hilma had completely forgotten to stay in character because of his words.

Eh? “a hat?

As i , a a to ha e Al edo-sa a a e.


Hilma desperately fought the urge to shout those words. She could hardly believe anyone could actually
e that stupid. A o di g to Hil a s i fo atio , the pe so he as ou ti g as the “o e e Ki g s
right hand -- in other words, someone who held a position equivalent to that of a prime minister. It was
unthinkable for a low-class noble from a neighboring country to actually utter those words to someone
like her..
Perhaps if he had asked to marry Princess Renner instead, Hilma might have been less shocked.

Ahhh, ut ou see, I a a ho a aged to gathe this a o les too. I do t thi k I that fa

ehi d he , hat do ou thi k?

Without he ealizi g it, Hil a s th oat had o t a ted tightl .

Even though she knew those things would not be sliding down her throat, the unease and terror of the
trauma she had suffered drove her to do so.

No, that as ot a thi g hi h ould e su ed up ith the o d t au a .

What if that person heard those foolish words, which held zero appeal to women? What would happen?
It would be good if only the walking corpse had to bear those consequences. But if she was to be
punished for it as well, that black hell might well be waiting for her.

I ,i a ase, it s ha dl o ka le. I hea d she holds a positio e ui ale t to that of a prime minister
i the “o e ous Ki gdo . That is to sa , she ould e a du hess i the Ki gdo .

But is t the “o e ous Ki gdo a ti a le of a it -state?

No, o, ou a t speak of it that a .

Those words, which seemed to sneer at the Sorcerous Kingdom, made Hilma break out in goosebumps.

It was true that in terms of territory, the Sorcerous Kingdom was not large, even with the Katze Plains
factored in. However, was their military power not overwhelmingly superior? Regardless of how much
effort one put into trade, diplomacy and other fields, relationships between nations were still decided
thei o pa ati e ilita st e gths. It did ot atte ho la ge a atio s te ito as, e ause
once that nation lost, it would all be taken away.

If he did not even understand that fact, then how could she possibly explain it in a way that this twit
could understand?

Hilma pondered deeply, but could not find an answer. After all, wisdom and stupidity were two sides of
the same coin.

In the end, she had to reason it out for him.

It a ot e do e. The e is o ha e that o a ould ed ou, Walki g Co pse-sa a.

...But I thought the ood as p ett good. Did t the t o of us look good togethe he e ade ou
e t a e?
“o that s what he was thinking, Hilma thought in surprise.

Could it e that he as t i g to get people o his side a ti g like he had the “o e ous Ki gdo s
a ki g? This fello is the ulti ate o o … se iousl , spa e e, I eggi g ou. Please do t ake
that person angry.

Hilma felt something sour rising up from her stomach.

Yet, at the same time, she wanted to let this fellow feel what it was like to have something squirming
into his stomach.

...Pe haps I e said too u h. Please allo e to es o t Albedo-sama. You should stay here and enjoy
yourself as the man of the house, Walking Corpse-sa a.

...Well, si e it s like that, it a t e helped. I ll lea e Al edo-sa a to ou, the .

I d do that ithout ou ha i g to sa it. Hil a lo e ed he head, keeping those words in her heart. Then,
i o de ot to hea a o e of that it it s a li gs, she ade a eeli e to Al edo s side.

Albedo was speaking to a nobleman. Under normal circumstances, Hilma might have watched the mood
and bade her time. However, dealing with that nincompoop had exhausted her, so she immediately cut
in and addressed Albedo:

Fo gi e e, Al edo-sa a, it see s it is a out ti e fo ou to ha e a est.

I deed… M apologies, do allo e a sho t eak.

Taking Albedo by the hand, Hilma led Albedo out of the ballroom.

Fu~ ...Ahh, ho disgusti g.

Hilma turned around as she heard the voice from behind her. If things were really that bad, what should
she do?

As she turned around, she saw Albedo dabbing at her shoulder with a handkerchief.

Al edo s e es et Hil a s.

A disgusti g a tou hed e. O l o e a i this o ld is allo ed to tou h od i a lustful a …

“hit. That pie e of ai less dogshit…
Her words were accompanied by a gnashing of teeth. To think that her face, which typically bore a
gentlel smile, would actually display her displeasure so openly. Was that an indicator of how unhappy
she really was?

Hilma hesitated. Should she speak to her? Or was this a prelude to her punishment?

...What should I do? “a so ethi g.

Ah, - es… Hil a eplied as he hea t filled ith a i o pa a le te o . I a u de sta d ho ou

feel, Albedo-sa a.

A a, if that s the ase… a ou get id of that eatu e a d the p op up a othe hu a i his pla e?

If it is your wish, then I shall immediately prepare another puppet for your strings, Albedo-sa a.

Albedo opened her mouth, and then closed it. She repeated that action several times.

It was a very attractive suggestion, one which would make anyone hesitate.

That said, it did not matter what she chose. Only hell would await him. Still, whatever happened to that
idiotic walking corpse, one could only say that he had asked for it.

Hu… Ne e i d. He as just a egula uisa e. That pe so s foolish ess ade uite an impression
o the o les at the o al di e , so s it hi g hi out o ould e a it of a aste… H , it ight e
fu to follo up o that. But o, p o a l ot

Hilma recalled the conversation from just now, the wild fantasies and ravings of the absolute madman
who wanted to marry Albedo.

What would change if she told her that?

No, that was too scary. She could not possibly bring herself to tell Albedo. After all, she might get caught
up in that as well.

He did othi g, ut elie es that he s the only special one. He has truly reached the ultimate level of
i o pete e.

I deed. “oo I ll e a le to splatte hi all o e the g ou d. He ust e pu ished fo the i e of

touching this body of mine, which belongs to Ainz-sama, with his filthy hands.

They did not speak after that, nor did they meet anyone else. Hilma brought Albedo to a certain room.

Once she reached that room, Hilma nearly collapsed due to her legs going soft in relief. Handling that
woman alone -- who was a confidant of that demon king who could even subdue that Jaldabaoth -- had
drained an enormous amount of her stamina. However, not being able to remain standing was
absolutely forbidden.

Hilma gathered up all her strength. In her heart, she resolved to sleep for a full day after all this was over.

This a , please.

After Hilma opened the door, the men seated on the chairs within rose as one. All of them were as
ski as Hil a. The e e Hil a s olleagues; the fi e a h leade s of Eight Fi ge s a d thei
chairman, making a total of six people.

They were also the people she most trusted in this world. In the past, they had feuded over profits, but
now they no longer thought that way. After learning about the link between Jaldabaoth and the
Sorcerous Kingdom, their fates were now linked. They had no choice but to work like slaves until this
country was consumed and they were liberated.

These close friends of hers lowered their heads deeply as they beheld the very incarnation of terror
(Albedo). The fear they could not hide made itself visible in the trembling of their shoulders.

Hilma closed the door to the room, and Albedo took the highest-placed seat in the room. The men and
Hilma did not sit down, but remained standing as they awaited their orders.

No the , a o de fo ou lot. You a e to t a sfe esou es to the “o e ous Ki gdo .

U de stood, I a eage to se e.

The head of the Smuggling Division did not waste a moment in replying. How could he delay? Once they
had been summoned like this, the only possible response to any order they were given was
U de stood . The e as othi g else the ould do apa t f o that.

The “ uggli g Di isio s leade had lost a lot of po e i the t ade s guild du i g Jalda aoth s
disturbance, when much of his resources had been stolen away. Even so, there were advantages to
being in his position. This was because his dealings with the nobles that had taken part in the war
against the Sorcerous Kingdom had been taken place entirely in cash terms. Or perhaps, it would be
more accurate to say that his power was slowly returning now that the merchants -- who had extended
credit to the nobles -- were now agonizing about repayment.

Ia ot efe i g to that. All ou eed to do is o du t t ade at a app op iate p i e. Afte that, you
will use the money earned to import food in preparation for the upcoming famine in the Kingdom. Buy
the rations which the Royal Army could not move out in time -- no, start by trading in grain futures.
After all, Ainz-sama has already begun large-s ale food p odu tio .

The future of which she spoke would surely come to pass, given the massive loss of labor in the Kingdom.
U de stood. I shall o ilize the t ade s i ediatel .

These a e espe iall i po ta t. Make su e the e i the fi st ship e t to o e o e .

The man carefully, graciously accepted the piece of paper that she had tossed out.


The , hat e s is the e a out agi ite s?

Another man seemed to jump into the air.

M deepest apologies!

He bent his waist and pressed his head against the table, with a startling amount of force.

M su o di ates a e u e tl i filt ati g the Magi ia s Guild to o du t a i -depth investigation on

them. If I can be allowed a little more time -- no, if you are willing to accept an in-progress report, I can
deli e o e ight o !

Ne e i d, the . Just speed ou a tio s up. I additio … es. Ha e ou de ided o ou e

olleagues et? If so, e ll eed to i g the a k fo aptis .

The colleagues in question were meant to fill the empty seats of the Eight Fingers as their new division

As she recalled exactly what that baptism entailed, Hilma choked back the urge to vomit. Similar
expressions to hers appeared on the faces of her friends, who were desperately trying to keep their
facial nerves under control.

It was a demonic baptismal, which broke the will and completely erased any inkling of resistance within
its subjects. If any of the people in this room were told they would have to undergo it again, there was
no doubt that they would start bawling like children.

Ia e so , ut e ha e ot et de ided, said the Chai a .

This was the truth, and it was also a lie.

The reason why he said so was because the divisions which the newcomers would head were now
meaningless. The empty seats belonged to the chiefs of the Security and Slavery divisions. There was
hardly any trade in the latter, so there was little benefit to having someone fill that position. As for the
former position, the very need for its existence was in doubt. In addition--
The ge tle e e e e allo ed to o o ha e pe fo ed e ell. It ight ot e out of the
uestio to ha e the se e as di isio heads the sel es.

The gentlemen in question referred to the undead which had been lent to them, each of which
possessed unbelievable power.

Once they realised that the Six Arms were dead, a group of subordinates -- the leaders of which had
originally been Workers -- began plotting a violent overthrow. As a result, they sent out one of those
undead creatures. In the end, that entity had eliminated nearly 40 people without letting a single one

There was another reason for doing so, quite a laughable one, in fact. That was because nobody here
wanted anyone else to go through the same thing as them. These hardened masters of the underworld
who could calmly order the death of a man did not want anyone else to taste the same despair they had.
This was how they protected them

...I u de sta d. It ill e fi e as lo g as the o ga izatio a function as normal. Then, do you have any
pa ti ula e uests fo e?

I fea to ask, ut e ha e dis o e ed that the “keleto s ha e p odu ed outsta di g esults i the i es
I have acquired. If possible, we would like to hold on to them for a little longe .

H , of ou se. If ou a pa the app op iate fee, the e ill e o p o le .

M deepest tha ks.

The speake s fo ehead ega s eati g p ofusel . He iped at it ith a ha dke hief hi h as so et
it had changed color.

The frightening thing about the Sorcerous Kingdom was not simply the whip that it wielded, but the
sweets which it offered.

They did not take everything away like the strong would do with the weak, but they conducted business
like skilled traders and played by the rules. As long as they did not show any signs of betrayal, they might
even feel the peace of mind that came from being protected by powerful beings. Of course, if the
chance presented itself, they would still choose to flee in terror.

The , the e s ot u h else fo e to sa i f o t of ou. I elie e I e e tio ed this efo e, ut do

work your hardest to help the Sorcerous Kingdom swallow up the Kingdom in the future. In preparation
for that day, you would do well to start making inroads at becoming legitimate busi ess e .

U de stood!

All of them nervously bowed to her.

None of them would possibly object to the Sorcerous Kingdom devouring the Kingdom. Since these
monsters had made their declaration, it was only a matter of time before it surely came to pass.

At first, they had considered asking Blue Rose, Red Drop and Darkness for help. However, after hearing
of the awesome power of the Sorcerer King, who counted Jaldabaoth as one of his minions, they
realised that there was no hope. All they could do was lower their heads and wait for the end to come.

Oh ight, ight--

Hilma and all the other members shuddered.

The e s o e o e thi g I a ted to sa . The e s a agi ite that I a t ou to use ou i tellige e

networks to locate for me. Record your findings on a parchment at regular intervals and send them to
Al edo i the “o e ous Ki gdo . Ho e e , I do t k o a thi g a out its e te al appea a e, so
the e is that.

...What so t of agi ite ould that e?

It s a agi ite that a o t ol a ta get s i d.

Mi d o t ol… a a d of ha i g o the like?

No, it feels like it should e so ethi g st o ge . I looki g fo so ethi g ot i ge e al i ulatio , a

legendary item, or at least news about it. You must let me know anything you find, however insignificant
it ight e. Do ou u de sta d?

The mind control of which she spoke was a terrifying effect.

It was obvious why she would be wary of such an item, and so they immediately showed that they


P i-Pri-Princess-sa a!

The maid opened the door and barged in, clearly panicked.

She had not knocked, which was hardly an act that was worthy of praise, but that implied something
had happened which had flustered her to the extent of not doing so.

Renner immediately saw through what was going on. However, in front of the maids, Renner was an
innocent princess. Because of that, she put on a suitably clueless impression and asked in an equally air-
headed voice:
What s goi g o ?

The aid s e e t it hed.

That tic had probably come from her anger within. Why was this princess so daft while she herself was
so worried?

Renner lazily replaced her cup on its saucer.

The sound of doing so seemed to jolt the maid back to reality, and she hastily sprang into action.

A-a-about that--

It s oka , It ll e fi e, Cal do , take a deep eath.

The maid did as Renner told, taking several deep breaths to regulate her panting. After regaining a
easu e of al , ‘e e asked, What happe ed? Is it de o s agai ?

N- o, that s ot it. The “o e ous Ki gdo s e issa -sama says she wants to meet you, Renner-sa a!

Is it a lad ?

Yes, a e eautiful lad !

‘e e s uestio should ha e ee st a ge, e ause the e as o l o e o a a o g the e o s

from the Sorcerous Kingdom. If someone pressed the point, they might wonder what she was on about.
However, the maid was currently confused, and answered in earnest.

Well, it s fi e, ‘e e thought. The o e sill thi gs she did, the o e she uilt a eputatio hi h she
could use. It was all just setup, anyway.

Climb had been standing by her side. His armor clattered in response.

He must not have been able to follow what was going on.

His ado a le a tio s, like a i o e t pupp , filled ‘e e s hea t ith a su ge of ate al love.

There was probably no way he could figure out why the emissary was coming here to meet Renner. He
had already seen her exchange greetings with Renner. That being the case, speaking with the Third
Princess -- who was little more than an ornament -- would not bring any benefits to the Sorcerous
Kingdom. At least, that was what Climb should be thinking.

Renner smiled warmly in her heart.

What they said about children being cuter the dumber they were was most assuredly true. Or rather
one should say that one loved them despite their shortcomings. Well, it was probably true however you
looked at it.

If someone other than Climb had done this, other emotions would have come to the fore.

Although she as d i e the i pulse to look i to Cli s spa kli g eyes forever, she had to bear with
it for now. At least, until the moment she was enveloped by that delicious sugary candy.

Wh e a tl ould Al edo-sa a a t to eet e?

Tilting her delicate little head was very important. Doing so would induce a negative reaction in a
worried party. Its effectiveness had been proven after several experiments.

A d the fa t as, eak fla es fli ke ed i the aid s pupils.

The e e fla es of a ge . At the sa e o e t, Cli sa o latte ed softl .

He must have se sed that aid s feeli gs a d thought of so ethi g. But the sou d soo stopped, a d
he returned to his upright and locked position.

How adorable.

He was like a puppy that was confused over whether or not to step forward, in order to protect his

That was because it would be better not to move if Renner had not noticed. The maid was the heiress of
a good family, and no matter what Climb said, one word to her parents and Renner might be in trouble.
Climb had probably thought of that.

He was probably crying inside, since he believed so much in Renner. If only he had a good upbringing,
this sort of thing would not be happening.

Renner resisted the desire to turn at look and Climb, who was standing behind her. This was because the
interfering maid opened her mouth to speak:

I do ot k o the easo , o l that she a ted to eet ou.

Is that so… Al edo-sa a s a o a too, so a e it s gi l talk... is it a out akeup?

She asked that question in an innocent -- or perhaps in a flat-out brainless way.

I do ot k o a out that eithe . The , a I i g he i ?

Of ou se ou a !

After her reply of feigned delight, Renner turned to look at Climb.

H ~ Cli ,I so , ut si e this is a atte et ee ladies, ould ou step out of the oom for
a hile?

U de stood.

It was kind of a shame, but that could not be helped either. Climb did not need to know about
bothersome things. All he needed to do was look at her with those pretty eyes of his.

When Albedo entered the room, there was only one person inside.

Albedo had four objectives in coming to the Royal Capital.

The first was the transport of resources. The second was to create a casus belli. The third was to set the
scene for her personal objectives. The fourth was to trade with the owner of this room.

No, calling it a trade would not be entirely accurate. This was more of a reward.

Albedo strode across the room and took a seat without waiting for the owner of the room to give her

Then, she looked to the girl who was genuflecting before her with her head lowered, and said:

You a aise ou head.


The girl called Renner lifted her face.

You ha e do e a e elle t jo .

Tha k ou e u h, Al edo-sa a.

A a~

Albedo seemed quite interested in Renner s ea tio , hi h as o pletel u like hat she had sho
thus far.

This was the Renner of whom Demiurge had spoken.

She had betrayed her family, her bloodline and her people, but there was not a shred of regret on her
face. She was human, yet she was inhuman. Perhaps she was a spiritual heteromorph. Her mind
comprehended good and evil, but that was all. She was the type who was not bound by the petty
constraints of morality, but who quietly worked to advance her own agenda.

...As a e a d fo ou efforts, I have brought you a gift from Ainz-sa a.

Albedo reached into the air, and pulled out the item which her master had given her for safekeeping.

It was a box that bore several layers of seals. It was impossible to open without fulfilling specific

This ould e…

As the girl accepted it with gratitude, Albedo watched her with a cold gaze, as though the girl were little
more than a guinea pig.

Indeed, she was a guinea pig. But because of that, both sides shared the same goals.

You have my deepest gratitude. Please convey my thanks to His Majesty, Ainz Ooal Gown-sa a.

That I p o ise ou. I t ust I eed ot aste o ds o the othe ite ou a t?

Of ou se. I shall e ei e that oo o e I ha e deli e ed the app op iate e o pe se. There is nothing
o e delightful tha that.

The girl smiled.

It was a very lovely smile.

That was why she asked:

...Although ope i g that o a fulfil ou ish, a ou eall ope it?

What would the others in Nazarick think if they saw Albedo showing concern over a human being? That
said, if her wish really did come true, then this could be regarded as preparatory work for her elevation
to a status equivalent to that of an Area Guardian. In that case, it was perfectly understandable to show
o e o e a a didate fo a su o di ate s positio .

Yes, Al edo-sa a. The p epa atio s ha e al ead egu .

‘eall o . The , ake su e the e fi ished efo e e i ade.

U de stood, e alted ist ess.

As the girl lowered her head again, a pair of eyes appeared in her shadow.

The Shadow Demon lurking within slithered forth and lowered its head along with the girl.

Albedo considered whether or not to lend her extra reinforcements, but in the end she decided not to
mention it.

If the gi l s a tions were exposed before the Sorcerous Kingdom invaded the Kingdom, that would mean
there was no value in taking her into Nazarick.

In other words, all this was a test.

The , let us dispe se ith the fo alities he e.

There seemed to be a change in Albedo s to e, a d the e as a su p isi g e p essio o ‘e e s fa e.

E di g the eeti g he e ould e too hast . Is the e a thi g -- let s hat, the . All ight, sit. Ca ou
tell e a out ou pupp ?

Albedo was greeted with a full-faced smile.

I ould love to, Albedo-sa a. I additio , if I a , ould ou tell e a out His Majest as ell?

[End Chapter 2]


The innermost reaches of the Slaine Theocracy.

Very few people were allowed into this inviolable sanctum.

The first was the highest-ranked member of the Theocracy; the Pontifex Maximus.

Next were the Cardinals, the highest appointment holders of the six sects that were devoted to the Six
Gods. Incidentally, each of them (aside from the one belonging to the same sect as the current Pontifex
Maximus) was a potential candidate to be the next Pontifex Maximus.
The Cardinal of Fire -- Berenice Nagua Sandeni.

She was the sole female among them. She was over 50 years old, and a little plump, possibly due to her
age. Her well-fed face bore a motherly smile which put all who looked upon it at ease.

The Cardinal of Water -- Ginedine Delan Gwerfe.

He was a shrivelled old man. He was so old that one could not tell his exact age, and his skin was a dusty
brown. Although people worried about his health, none could exceed his intellect.

The Cardinal of Wind -- Dominic Ire Partouche.

He looked like a kindly old man, but he was originally of the Sunlight Scripture, and had exterminated
many heteromorphic beings during his time as a holy warrior. His wrath was like a wildfire while his
murderous intent was like chilling frost.

The Cardinal of Earth -- Raymond Zag Lauransan.

He was a keen-eyed man and the youngest of his present company. That said, he was still in his mid-40s,
though his energy made that fact difficult to believe. He was a former member of the Black Scripture
who had served for 15 years -- a hero who had defended his nation.

The Cardinal of Light -- Ivon Jasna Dracrowa.

His narrow eyes and skinny frame made him look like a sinister person, but that was definitely not the
case. Everyone here knew the reason. As a user of divine magic, he ranked at or near the top of all the
people present.

The Cardinal of Darkness -- Maximilian Oreio Lagier.

He was surrounded by countless books that were supported by improved versions of the [Floating Board]
spell. He wore round glasses, and he had originally been a priest from the judiciary. Hence, many of the
books levitating next to him pertained to the law.

In addition, there were the heads of the Judicial Branch, the Legislative Branch and the Executive Branch
of the Theo a s go e e t. The e as the head of the esea h i stitute hi h ha dled agi al
research. In addition, there was the Grand Marshal, the highest appointment-holder in the military.

These 12 people comprised the highest executive authority of the Slaine Theocracy.

After entering the room, they took up cleaning tools and began cleaning the room. Some of them got rid
of dust with feather dusters. Some of them used dry cloths to wipe up, while others used wet cloths.
Someone used a magic item to vacuum up dust.
There was no wastefulness in their movements, and they cleaned the room with well-practiced

Not a single one of these people -- who stood at the pinnacle of the Slaine Theocracy -- was slacking off.
Sweat gushed from their foreheads, their beautiful and pristine robes were stained by dust, and none of
them stopped in their efforts until the room was spotless.

The room had been quite clean before they started working on it. Now, it seemed to glow.

None of them thought to wipe off their sweat. Instead, they lined up in front of the six statues -- which
appeared to be defending this room -- and lowered their heads.

Toda , e gi e tha ks to the gods that hu a ei gs like ou sel es a e still ali e.

After the Pontifex Maximus said those words, everyone repeated them after him.

Thus do e offe ou tha ks.

They raised their deeply bowed heads and stored their cleaning equipment in the corner of the room.
Then, they cast [Clean] spells, cleaning their clothes and their equipment, and the freshly-rinsed towels
they used to wipe away their sweat smelled sweet.

It was a trivial matter to clean dirt and dust with a first-tier spell. Widening that spell would allow the
entire room to be cleaned with ease. However, there was nobody among them who was sacrilegious
enough to do so in this sacred room.

After cleaning themselves, they took their seats at the round table.

This included the Pontifex Maximus of the Slaine Theocracy.

At this table, everyone was equal. There were no superiors or inferiors here. Everyone was a
collaborator and a comrade. Indeed, all this was for the glory of mankind.

The , let us egi the eeti g.

The organizer of this meeting was the Cardinal of Earth, Raymond Zag Lauransan.

Ou fi st topi is the seizu e of the Ki gdo s Fo t ess Cit E-Rantel and its surrounding area as the
hea t of the “o e ous Ki gdo of Ai z Ooal Go , a fo t ight ago.

There was nothing that could possibly be any more important than the sudden advent of this mysterious
However, far too few people knew the details of the situation. Most of what they knew was little more
than hearsay.

For starters, they knew that the Sorcerer King was an undead creature, that he was an extremely
powerful magic caster who had obliterated the Royal Army, that he controlled an army of the dead, that
there was a Death Knight among those undead, and so on.

Raymond, who commanded the Six Scriptures, epo ted these details i his apa it as the eeti g s

Just then, someone spoke out:

Ik e e should t ha e ta itl a k o ledged it, e should ha e i te e ed i that a !

...What a e ou sa i g? Ope attle agai st a agi aste ho ontrols a Death Knight is extremely
da ge ous. Did t e all ag ee o that ea lie ? You ight ha e o je ted the , ut do t t to o e tu
ou p e ious de isio … Although, I did t thi k he ould a tuall esta lish a atio .

The group nodded one after the other.

What does the E pi e pla to do? The e allies of the “o e ous Ki gdo a d the e e do sed the
fou di g of that atio , so does that ea the e offi iall olla o ato s o ? O a e the ei g
o t olled agi ?

I dou t it. Pa ad e s the e.

The , I guess e ade a istake i t usti g that E pe o .

...Well, a o e i po ta t p o le is the fa t that he s o e of the fe eaka a s ho is t ei g

p ope l utilized. “hould e egi the pla to d a hi to ou side?

The --

After a brief clapping of hands, the debate which was about to heat up promptly cooled down.

--Thousand Mile Astrologer was observing the battle between the Empire and the Kingdom. However,
the e s ee a slight p o le , so the epo t as dela ed. I eg ou fo gi e ess.

The problem in question probably referred to the fact that she had locked herself in her room and had
been in there for quite some time. At least, that was what everyone thought.

The , e shall dist i ute the e o ds of hat she sa . These ha e ot ee e ified othe s; the e
just he a ou t of hat she sa of the “o e e Ki g s a at the attlefield.
How troublesome, everyone thought, though they did not say it. They took the records and studied

They stopped after the last piece of paper. They went over the same part over and over again. They had
the same stiff expressions and their faces slowly grew pale.

Raymond smiled to see the changes in their expressions. He had been through the same thing that was
happening to them now, and he was glad because misery loved company.

And then, as though to represent everyone else, Maximilian shouted. His mouth opened so wide that his
glasses fell off, but he did not seem to care about that.

I possi le! Ho ould a thi g like this possi l e ist?!

I told ou ea lie , did t I? This is just a des iptio of hat she lai ed to ha e see .

Ma i ilia shut up i the fa e of ‘a o d s old espo se.

He was panting like he had just been sprinting. As Maximilian struggled to get his breathing back under
control, Berenice decided to ask another question, to see if someone shared her opinions.

Ca ou sa that agai ? Is this a tuall eal?

If e e o e he e still elie es the o d of Thousa d Mile Ast ologe , the it is.

With pained looks on their faces, they all looked back to the papers they were holding.

They had all stopped at the same place -- the o positio of the “o e e Ki g s a .

Hu d eds of Death K ights at least , hu d eds of “oul Eate s at least ... is it? If they went
e se k, it o t atte if it s the Ki gdo , the E pi e, the Cit -State Alliance or the Holy Kingdom --
the d all e dest o ed!

...As ould e. If these thi gs s a ed us, e d eed e tu ies to e o e f o the da age.

Death Knights. Difficulty estimated at 100 or higher. They were able to create Squire Zombies which
could themselves make other Zombies. The Zombies themselves did not have much combat power, but
they might lead to the spawning of stronger undead.

Soul Eaters. Difficulty estimated at 100 to 150. They were undead with area-affecting abilities. They
could consume the souls of the deceased for sustenance and grew stronger the more souls they ate.
They radiated an aura of fear. Without at least a 3rd-tier magic caster, even facing them was impossible.

All of them were undead on a level that could destroy a city or a small country singlehandedly.
Was she istake ? Ma e the “o e e Ki g oti ed ou su eilla e a d used illusio s to o fuse us.

Ivon put that possibility forward as he stretched out his withered, branch-like arms.

Oh , the su ou di g people u u ed, ut ‘a o d shatte ed that possi ilit .

The Bla k “ iptu e k o s of a o ste s. While it is t ue she ight ot ha e the full pi tu e of

things, she -- Thousand Mile Astrologer -- was in charge of providing intelligence support to her team.
There is no way she could have been mistaken. In addition, we have verified sightings of Death Knights
and Soul Eaters in the capital of the Sorcerous Kingdom -- the former city of E-‘a tel.

That was answered by several defeated sighs.

All they could do was acknowledge the point in voices full of fatigue, and then they continued discussing
the matter.

What should e do? What is the est ou se of a tio for ourselves, as the protectors of mankind?
What a e do a out o ste s, ea h of hi h a dest o a atio the sel es?

“o thei fo es a e e ui ale t to s all ou t ies… that s i sa e, ight? Ho adl ould that

country upset the balance et ee atio s?

The uestio is, hat does the “o e e Ki g i te d to do ith that ki d of ilita po e ? If he just
i te ds to ha e the defe d his te ito , it o t e a p o le i the sho t te .

Ho ould that e? It s fa too u h just fo defe se. Also, is t the “o e e Ki g o e of the u dead,
ho hate the li i g? I su e he ll use his po e to assault the eigh o i g ou t ies.

It does t atte ho the “o e e Ki g i te ds to use his ilita st e gth. What atte s is hat e
can do a out it.

It was a valid opinion, and the direction of the meeting began to turn.

The … a the Bla k “ iptu e deal ith it? That s the ost i po ta t thi g.

The e e the “lai e Theo a s fi al a e i the hole, a spe ial fo es u it o posed of heroes. One
could think of them as adamantite-ranked adventurers, but there was a critical difference between the

The gods had left divine equipment behind in this world, but adventurers would need to go on epic
quests, the likes of which were the stuff of heroic sagas, all just to obtain a single piece of their panoply.
In contrast, each member of the Black Scripture possessed multiple articles of such gear.

If even they could not handle a threat like this, then they could still conduct a grand ritual to summon
the highest-ranked angel to deal with the problem.

Surely the most exalted of angels would be able to triumph over Death Knights and Soul Eaters.
However, the sheer number of foes made them very uneasy.

All eyes went to Raymond.

He chuckled. Some people smiled in response to his laughter, but those smiles froze on their faces as
they heard what he said next:

It s i possi le. I sa this as a fo e d “eat of the Bla k “ iptu e; a o e ho e pe ts us to fa e

of them must be an absolute madman. It would have been bad enough even if they were only present in
equal numbers. No, if not for this, why would Thousand Mile Astrologer have locked herself up in
despai ? Ho e e …

The nature of his smile changed.

It s diffe e t fo the God-ki .

Ohh, e t the sou ds of ejoi i g.

The t o of the should e a le to deal ith a a of Death K ights a d “oul Eate s. Of ou se, just
i ase, e still eed to gi e the the est a kup e a .

“o it ll e fi e ith those t o.

Well, that s a elief.

A idst this ju ilatio , o l Gi edi e e t h ph . “e si g the eight ai of fatigue a ou d hi ,

everyone quietened down.

...You e ot telli g us e e thi g, a e ou?

Gi edi e, hat a e ou getti g at?

The la does ot p ohi it false testimony and obscuring the truth in this place, but we are colleagues
serving under the same flag and lying is a grave offense. If you agree with this, let me ask you one more
ti e: What a e ou hidi g?

Gi edi e. What s o g ith ou? Wh a e ou sa i g this?

Do i i , I ha e a uestio . Wh did Thousa d Mile Ast ologe lo k he self a a ?

Knowing that nobody could answer that question, he continued to speak.

“he did so out of despai . O pe haps she ust ha e suffe ed so e so t of sho k. It s t ue that a a
of the dead is f ighte i g. Ho e e , she s a e e of the Bla k “ iptu e. Do ou eall thi k she
ould go i to hidi g just e ause of that? ... It s e ause she sa so ethi g that e e the God-kin
ould ot eat. This epo t is t o plete, is it?

Everyone looked at Raymond and Ginedine.

..What a e ou t i g to a hie e hidi g that poi t? I t ust ou. I k o ou e ot the so t of a

ho ould use the “ iptu es fo his o gai . But h a e ou ot e eali g this?

Well do e. As e pe ted of ou, Do i i . I si pl a ted to e plo e the possi ilities… the , I ll sa it.
Ago izi g o e this p o le alo e ould si pl gi e e a ul e , so I d e glad to sha e it ith all ou
ge tle e he e.

Raymond looked at his seated audience.

Ho u h do ou k o of the attle et ee the Ki gdo a d the E pi e -- no, between the

Ki gdo a d the “o e ous Ki gdo ?

The person who answered on their behalf was the Pontifex Maximus.

I hea d that the “o e e Ki g used a po e ful spell. As a result, the Royal Army routed and was
defeated. Because of that, they abided by the requests made before the battle and ceded E-Rantel to
the “o e ous Ki gdo fo the fou di g of a atio . That s all.

A d the u e of deaths?

The Pontifex Maximus simply shook his head at Raymond.

I do t k o . That e s has ot ea hed e et. It should e the sa e fo the est of ou, ight?

Yes. P iests a d t ade s do t go to E-Rantel now that it has become the Sorcerous King, with an
undead king. So all e hea a e u o s of u k o p o e a e.

“o e eed the “ iptu es -- this sort of thing is better suited to the Clearwater Scripture than the
Wi dflo e “ iptu e, ight?

Yes, hi h is h o l the o a de of the “i “ iptu es -- namely, you -- knows the truth. All we
lea ed is hat little leaked out.
...I see. The , elease the full, u a idged e sio of hat Thousa d Mile Ast ologe sa du i g that
attle to us.

After reading the rest of the report, the room filled with the silence of despair.

Feeling that this could not be allowed to go on, Ivon raised a question:

I see, I see. ...You e e af aid ou hea ts ould stop if e sa this fi st, ight?

Not eall . You hea ts a e st o g e ough to sp out hai . I as si pl af aid that if I opened with this,
o e of ou ould elie e it.

Ivon nodded, unable to refute that.

It s t ue that e ould ha e dou ted this if e had see this fi st. We ould ot ha e elie ed it at all.
But after understanding the reality of the Sorcerer Ki g s a , e ha e o hoi e ut to elie e.

“till… I do t a t to elie e this. With just o e spell, he killed o e half of the ‘o al A . Du i g this
attle, the Ki gdo o ilized e . Half of that ould e at least people, ight? I
hea d the ‘o al A as defeated, ut this…

O l she sa it, ight? It s ot u o o fo death tolls a d asualt ou ts to e e agge ated…

E e so, the des iptio of ipi g out a e ti e i g of the ‘o al A ith o e spell ea s o e

deaths. A d the the e s the hideous o ste s su o ed f o those sa ifi es…

I a t de hat she s see a o e. This is agi of the gods. th tie agi , I elie e? That should
e it.

The ad e t of the gods.

What s itte he e is si ila to the des iptio of that god… is it possi le He has des e ded f o the
hea e s o e o e?

I possi le. The o al t aditio s state that the God of Death, “u sha a-sama, was slain by the Eight
Greed Kings.This must be something else. And if Surshana-sama had actually descended once more, that
person would surely have told us. After all, that person is Surshana-sa a s fi st follo e .

The , it s o e at last?

P o a l , es. Afte ea s.

It should e o e t, judgi g the o al t aditio s. It ight appea so e he e o the o ti e t.

Thei atio al po e i eased so slo l e ause those piles of t ash essed up so u h of the pla .

Those idiots i the Ki gdo …

Everyone had looks of hatred in their eyes as they heard those words.

The Kingdom was the most geographically secure country of all. Because of that, the Slaine Theocracy
had assisted them in the hopes that the Kingdom would become the nation which would save mankind.
By breeding large quantities of humans on safe and fertile land, many talented individuals would also
appear, who could be groomed into heroes that could resist non-human invasions. However, peace and
prosperity caused them to fall, and the Kingdom rotted from the inside.

What was more troubling was how they produced narcotics and exported them to the other promising
country, the Empire.

Thus, the Theocracy had changed their plan.

Their backup plan was to allow the Empire to devour the Kingdom, and then educate the talented
individuals within.

The reason why the Theocracy did not conquer the Kingdom themselves was because they would then
become neighbors with the Republic, which might lead to a dangerous movement within the people to
destroy the Republic.

The basic tenet of the Theocracy was that humanity was chosen by the gods, and all other races had to
be exterminated.

Thus, they inculcated an attitude in the people that they were surrounded by enemies and that they had
no choice but to work together. This was the only way they could focus their national power and
become a strong country. However, if they became neighbors with the Republic, there was a chance
that their philosophy might lead them in a dangerous direction.

Everyone here understood that they could only plan the future of the Slaine Theocracy by knowing the
strength of their country, those of the other countries, and which matters to prioritize. However, the
common folk would shout for war with the Republic in order to destroy the enemies of mankind.

That would be disastrous.

The Republic was very strong.

To be precise, the danger lay with one of the councillors of the Republic, the Platinum Dragon Lord, child
of the Dragon Emperor. If they did battle with him, the mightiest of the Dragon Lords, they ran the risk
of their country being reduced to scorched earth. But what of the people who did not know that? What
would they think? They would see enemies to destroy, yet all they could do was bite their nails and wait.

Of course, everyone here could easily quash such resentment through force, but that would produce
backlashes that would weaken their national power. In addition, they could not deny that a war might
break out in the future.

Thus, the Theocracy could not share a border with the Republic, nor could they directly control the
Kingdom. Even if they wanted to rule it from the shadows, the Kingdom was too large.

Let s o side the “o e e Ki g fi st. To egi ith, he should ha e ee the o e ho dest o ed the
“u light “ iptu e, so e ti e a k.

The air seemed to crackle and freeze.

A agi aste ith that a e appea ed i a ea illage ith that a e at al ost the sa e ti e. I
do t thi k e e istake , a e e?

What a out the Va pi e that the Bla k “ iptu e e ou te ed? A i io of the “o e e Ki g?

It s e possi le, ut I thi k it s o e likel that it as a ei g o the sa e le el as the “o e e Ki g,

just like those people. Othe ise the e s o a to e plai that po e .

I deed, so si e e e o the topi of ultiple appea a es, Jalda aoth ought to e su h a eing, right?
That would explain the power he wielded in the Kingdom, as well as the reason for a monster with that
so t of po e appea i g all of a sudde .

The ho a out Mo o ? He see s to ha e ee hasi g that Va pi e, ut if that p edi tio is o ect,

he should be a similar entity to the Sorcerer King. That would also explain why he was as strong as
Jalda aoth. The uestio is hethe o ot he s a all of the “o e e Ki g…

Mo o sle the Va pi e a d stood agai st Jalda aoth. Gi e that the ight be the same manner of
eatu e et opposi g ea h othe , it s possi le that the ight still ha e ee e e ies the ? Afte that,
he egotiated a t u e ith the “o e e Ki g a d e a e his all .

The the e s o l the uestio of h he killed the Va pire and opposed the Sorcerer King. Perhaps he
killed it because it was controlled by the Supreme Treasure. Still, why would he oppose Jaldabaoth? ...If
Mo o as a o ade of the “o e e Ki g, i hat so t of s e a io ould he e Jalda aoth s e e ?

...Perhaps the Vampire and Jaldabaoth were working together, while the Sorcerer King and Momon
were allied. Or there might be one where the Vampire, Jaldabaoth, the Sorcerer King and Momon were
all e e ies. The e a e also othe possi ilities. But the e s too little i fo atio to tell.
The o st-case scenario is all four of them being on the same side, but the likelihood of that is very low.
Momon is too humble. Normally, someone with that much strength would flash it around much more.
Yes, just like the Eight G eed Ki gs. O pe haps, like ou Gods.

I see. “o the easo h he did ot do that as e ause he as o the lookout fo othe s. No, pe haps
he as ei g at hful fo othe s o the sa e le el as hi .

The , si e the “o e e Ki g has take the stage and begun building his nation, someone will be taking
a tio to ake up fo the diffe e e i fighti g po e . If Mo o s o ds a e to e t usted,
Ho ope oko has a o pa io . We ha e to at h out fo it, as ell as Jalda aoth.

This is all just conjecture at the moment. We just need to think about making contact with the Sorcerer
Ki g o Mo o .

It s too isk . It s fa too isk . We should i stead go to the E pi e a d gai i fo atio f o the
people there, and then make contact with the Empero .

That ould e good, as lo g as the E pe o does t ag his tail fo the “o e e -Ki g, that is.

It s a ga le, ut it a t e helped. If e do othi g ut o e i a o e , e ll e d up ha i g to pla

catch-up ith othe s.

“till, he ou sa a ga le… ho u h of a ga le? If e ess it up, it ll e o e a asus elli to

atta k us, o? We should t to u de sta d the E pe o s sta e o the atte efo e aki g o ta t.

As everyone agreed on that proposal, someone else asked a reasonable question.

...“till, ha e the e ee o e olts i E-Rantel, that city ruled by the undead? Have they all been killed?
O is the e a pe fe t eig of te o i pla e?

Afte hea i g that uestio , ha dl a o e ould elie e ‘a o dsa s e .

A o di g to ou epo ts, it see s to e uled i pea e.

Hah?! That sound did not fit these people at all, but it could not be helped that they made it.

H h . At age, I do e d up hea i g thi gs that a e t the e, ut it see s o ditio has sudde l

worsened. ‘a o d, hat as that a out pea e?

It looks like the su s goi g to o e up f o the o th to o o .

...All ight, e ough ith jokes. If ‘a o d is telli g the t uth, that ould e a t ul u i agi a le sight.
Is our informant a madman or a satirist?
The epo t states that the Death K ights a e used as it gua ds, Elde Li hes as pu li se a ts hile
“oul Eate s a e used to pull a go ago s.

E e o e s ja s d opped esides ‘a o d s.

No o o, ait a i ute. What? Could ou sa that agai ?

I the fa e of Ma i ilia a d his issi g glasses, ‘a o d s did ot ha ge his o ds as he epeated


Haaah?! Once more, that same unfitting sound escaped them.

Each of them was an undead creature of jaw-dropping power. But now, that knight of the underworld
maintained public order like a good little soldier, that lord of the labyrinth sat at a desk managing the
flow of goods, and a monster that could slaughter an entire city did the job of a horse and its groom.

And such a country existed right on the other side of their borders.

What the hell. What pit of hell did that o e f o ?

Undead were strolling about on the streets and managing the city. All they could imagine was that all
the humans there were dead.

No. The fo e eside ts of E-Rantel -- the current citizens of the Sorcerous Kingdom are living ordinary
lives there. There was some confusion at first, but it is peaceful now.

...It see s e ha e all ee u de esti ati g the Ki gdo all this hile.

U u… ho st o g a e thei spi its?

Just imagining the act of walking beside an undead creature which hated the living made everyone
present shiver in fear.

That would be like living next to a starving monster. It would be normal for a regular person to be afraid.

The e p o a l putting up with it because they trust that great warrior, the heroic adventurer
Mo o the Bla k.

‘a o d elated a a ou t of hat happe ed o the fi st da of the “o e e Ki g s ule o e E-Rantel.

They all listened intently.

As I thought. It s i possi le fo Mo o to ha e ee the “o e e Ki g s o pa io .

A a, is t that fu the p oof of Mo o a d the “o e e Ki g ei g i ahoots? The did sho up at
p a ti all the sa e ti e, ight?

M … E e o e held thei heads i o te platio .

They felt that the chance of that was not insignificant, but there was honestly no way to tell.

Is the e a a to set Mo o agai st the “o e e Ki g? Pe haps if e used the people of E-Rantel, we


That s da ge ous, fa too da ge ous. If it goes poo l , e ll ake a e e of Mo o a d the “o e e

Ki g at the sa e ti e.

You e ight. As it is, e e take o side a le losses. Though the dead ha e ee e i ed, the Bla k
Scripture will still be short on manpower, while the Sunlight Scripture is effectively dissolved. The
C o s ee stole , the Miko P i ess a d Kai e a e dead. It ll take us at least ea s to e o e ou
st e gth. We a t go a ou d oasti g eat e t to a sleepi g D ago i this state.

Yes. We eed to a oid ope i g up t o f o ts at the sa e ti e.

At this moment, the hostility in the room seemed to swell.

Those filth t aito s.

Those asta d el es.

The Theocracy was currently at war with the Elves of the Great Southern Forest. Originally, the
Theocracy and the elves had a cooperative relationship. But that relationship had been broken, and the
Theocracy was now fighting the Elves with their own power.

They had built a forward base at Crescent Lake, seat of the Elven Capital. According to the plan, the
Capital should have been destroyed in a few years, but that plan was slowly going off-script.

Ho a out a easefi e ith the fo o ?

Do t e foolish. Ho u h lood do ou thi k has ee spilled i the fighti g up till o ? Fi stl , ho

can we not take reve ge fo that pe so ?

That hild--

After saying this, the old man smiled bitterly.

He treated her as a child because of her appearance, but the fact was that she was older than anyone in
this room.
--Ho is she?

I the sa e oo ea , as al a s.

U u, e eed to gi e he a ha e to a e ge he othe .

Yes, othe ise it ould e fa too u fo tu ate. He hea t should p o a l e at ease afte taki g he
e e ge.

Pained looks appeared on the faces of everyone present.

..F a kl speaki g, I take offense with the priests of the time. They raised a poor little girl with that sort
of pe so alit .

Well, if ou a t to sa that, ou ight as ell la e the a a ia s of the fo est. The Ca di als did t
think it was good to snatch her away fro he othe s side.

...What a t ou leso e topi .

“till, if e deplo that gi l, that D ago Lo d ight espo d i ki d.

The po e of the gods, Do fall of Castle a d Cou t , ill p o a l ot o k o that fello ho a

use wild magic, unlike ith the Catast ophe D ago Lo d. Ho a out usi g it o the “o e e Ki g?

Silence descended over the meeting room. It was a proposal that they were thinking, but could not

...It s ot a ad idea, ut the fa t that e do t k o hat so t of po e the “o e e Ki g s

su o di ates possess akes e u eas .

...If o l it ould ha ithout li it, the e ould e o p o le s.

Ho da e ou! The gods ga e thei li es to p ote t us, hu a it ! A d to thi k ou ould e dissatisfied

with the secret t easu es the left ehi d? The auda it !

After the rebuke, the old man bowed his head deeply.

I isspoke.

Wat h ou to gue!

The , a k to the topi . We a e all agai st usi g Do fall of Castle a d Cou t o the “o e e Ki g?
It s too da ge ous.

If the Catast ophe D ago Lo d appea s, e ould o t ol it a d use it as a a gua d…

There was no point in hoping for what was not there.

It a t e helped. “hould e se d a esse ge to talk ith that D ago Lo d a out the El es?

Who k o s hat the ll ask fo ?

Let s just a ept if the e uest is t too u easo a le. Afte all, it s fo the pea e of that gi l s soul.

There were no objections. Everyone here was deep in introspection.


A quiet chuckle rang out, and everyo e s e es e t to the pe so ho ade the sou d.

Fufu. No that the people ho k e the situatio a k the a e all dead… ell, ou lot a e uite a
o passio ate u h.

Those words might have felt insulting, but the tone was otherwise.

...Ou ai is to defend all of humanity from the other races, and all of humanity includes that girl. I
thi k e a e fo gi e fo a little a use of ou offi es if it s to sa e a o ade.

..I ha e o easo to o je t if this does ot esult i a deaths.

As he heard this , the Grand Marshal smiled bitterly.

It ould e ette to di e tl dist i ute this k o ledge athe tha goi g o al t a s issio , o? It s
all ight if e e goi g up agai st so eo e disti ti e, ut it ll e da ge ous if the othe gu has gone to
g ou d. “p eadi g that k o ledge ill also ake it easie to gathe i fo atio .

This was a suggestion which had been made fairly often over the centuries. Naturally, it had been
rejected each time.

Ou o ld is as f agile as a little oat hich has been tossed into the ocean. The fewer people who
know about it, the better. After all, there might be a typhoon every 100 years or so. Do you think people
could sleep easily if they knew that? The fact is, the powerful cannot hide in the shadows for long. They
ill e e o ious, e e if the t to li e a o al life.

If that s the ase, hat do ou thi k that fo e p iest-do o ill do?

They all had complicated expressions on their faces.

I ot uite su e, ut the e s a e high ha e of o e e t… Pe haps the e s so e ki d of t u p

a d i sto e.

O a e the fo e th “eat, Wi dst ide, ight k o so ethi g...

Ho o i g. Is she lose to us? Nothi g is o e t ou leso e tha that…

There were several sighs in the room.

What about asking the retired members of the Black Scripture for help? That way we can restore our
fighting strength, no, maintain our vigilance. We can send them to the Draconic Kingdom as
ei fo e e ts. The ha es of the d i g a e e lo .

The Black Scripture was commonly assigned to very dangerous tasks, and so they had a very high
attrition rate. However, as long as the corpses remained, they could be brought back to life. The
p o le as that esu e tio s d ai ed a pe so s lifefo e, a d o e ould eed to train for a long time
to recover the strength they had before death. Thus, some people chose to retire instead.

There were also others who had retired due to their age, but no matter the reason, any retirees had
priority on whatever post they wanted. While there were those who were content to live a degenerate,
jobless lifestyle, there were very few of those. Most of them would not be able to bear the repeated
looks f o thei i es a d uestio s like Daaaad, h ha e t ou fou d a jo et--? a d thus they
returned to work.

It would take a while to refamiliarize these people with the feel of actual combat, and there were those
older ones who could not perform as they had in their prime due to age. Still, they were more reliable
than most others.

Just e plai the situatio to the a d ake ou e uest. Do t e pe t e e o e to take up a s,


Of ou se. It ould take a eal asta d to put p essu e o people ho o pleted issio s i the ost
da ge ous pla es a d the eti ed.

Yes. Just ask the . But if a o e ag ees, pa the o e tha the e pe ted.

If o l the paid us at all.

Self-deprecating chuckles echoed through the room.

Complaining about a lack of wages was a private joke for them.

In the Theocracy, salaries fell off after one rose past a certain rank. This was a form of self-purification,
in order to ensure that people would not be motivated to rise through the ranks by greed. Thus, many of
those who took high office did so because they were moved to serve their nation.

After the laughter stopped, the Pontifex Maximus spoke again:

The , e e o e, let s egi the e t topi . ‘a o d, go ahead.

[End Intermission]

[Volume 10 Chapter 3 - The Bahamut Empire]

-Part 1-

Albedo had left for the Kingdom on a clear, sunny day, and Ainz came to the courtyard of his residence
to send her off.

There were five luxurious coaches parked there. One of them was for Albedo and another was for her
luggage. One of the remaining coaches contained gifts to the King, to impress upon them the difference
between the might of the Kingdom and the Sorcerous Kingdom. Surrounding these carriages were the
20 Death Cavaliers Ainz had created.

It would have been simple enough to just teleport to the Kingdom, but they had not chosen to do so.

Al edo a d he pa t e e espo si le fo de o st ati g the “o e ous Ki gdo s po e . Pa t of that

was using monsters in place of horses to pull their coaches; an implied threat, so to speak.

The , Ai z-sama, please take care of yourself for a hile.

U u, e a eful. We ha e t fou d the people ho ai ashed “halltea et. Thus e a ot ule out
the possibility that they might seek to control you, and then use you as part of a great gamble to inflict
assi e da age o Naza i k.

Of ou se. I ill e a eful a d e e let this lea e pe so .

Albedo was hugging a World-Class Item to her breast.

I elie e possessi g that should eli i ate the isk of ei g ai ashed a Wo ld-Class Item.
However, the opposition might not be limited to just that item. In addition, while that is the most
powerful World-Class Ite agai st ph si al o je ts, do t fo get that it is ot e useful agai st
i di idual ta gets.

Is that so? M ai eapo is the t a sfo ed e sio of this…

It s eake than a specialized divine- lass ite . “till, it s still uite st o g i that it ill e e e
dest o ed o da aged. All I a t to sa is, do t e a eless e ause ou e st o g. Although I do t
thi k ou ll ake a istake like that..."

Come to think of it, Albedo had never been outside until now.

He had stationed her in Nazarick and had her serve as a rear guard. Because of this, Ainz felt worried, as
though he was letting a child go out on an errand by themselves for the first time.

‘e ai ale t a d do not be careless. If you feel there is danger, retreat immediately. Do you have any
teleportation items? Some of them need time to take effect, so does yours work immediately? Some
enemies can also impede teleportation before attacking, have you thought of a way to deal with them?
The e ight also e e e ies ho dist a t ou ith ait efo e a ushi g ou. Do t e fooled ou
e e ies st e gth, al ight? Although I e hea d ou e go e th ough o at t ai i g i o de to
improve your flexibility, you still eed to stud up a it o e. I additio ―

He thought, it would have been good if I had lectured Shalltear like this while he thought about the
tactics he would use for PKing. As he did so, he sprayed Albedo with a stream of words at machine-gun

How long had he spent on thinking up all kinds of attacks? Ainz only returned to normal after he realised
Albedo was looking at him with a delighted expression on her face.

This was terribly embarrassing.

Ainz coughed.

Well, so ethi g like that. I believe that you of all people, Albedo, will not slack off on preparations and
ou te easu es. I so fo dela i g ou. Take a e he ou t a el.

U de stood, Ai z-sa a.

Although it ight ot e app op iate to ask ight efo e ou go, a out De iu ge ― o, e e i d.

He should e fi e, I elie e?
If he had received some communication from Demiurge, he would not have a huge pile of questions to
ask hi . Fo i sta e, Al edo had ot opposed the fo atio of the Ad e tu e s Guild, ut it ight be
better to ask him in person when he returned. Albedo seemed surprised, but after she realised that Ainz
did not intend to reply, she resumed her usual gentle expression.

The , Ai z-sama. As the Guardian Overseer, I will show you results which will not bring shame upon the
offi e.

You a tio s ha e e e i sulted ou statio .

Granted, right after that he recalled Albedo mounting him cowgirl-style, but that was not the sort of
thing one could bring up at this juncture.

The e is o e o e thi g I have to say. While you are immune to disease, this world might possess
ill esses that a pass e e that i u it , so e a eful. I e hea d that it s e eptio all eas to
at h si k esses at the tu of the seaso .

The transition between the four seaso s as ot e lea i “uzuki “ato u s o ld.

A thought struck him -- what would Blue Planet do if he were here? He would probably have the same
sparkly-eyed expression that Albedo did. ...Although, whether he could actually make that expression
was a different matter entirely.

Then, Albedo volunteered a suggestion, with a look on her face like a freshly-blossomed flower:

Ai z-sa a! I, I k o of a p e e ti e edi i e that o ks e ell agai st ill ess!


That was quite a surprise. He had not expected her to know of medication which was unique to this

Nfirea the herbalist should not have come into contact with Albedo. That being the case, could it have
come from knowledge within YGGDRASIL, or perhaps something Tabula Smaragdina programmed into
her? His curiosity now aroused, Ainz looked forward to what she would say next.

A kiss!

...A kiss?

Yes, kissi g elie es st ess a d a ti ates the pa as patheti e ous s ste . O e the effi ie of
the parasympathetic nervous system increases, the performance of the immune system improves with it.
I othe o ds, if ou get kissed, ou o t get si k!
What ou e said sou ds ki d of fa ilia …

He recalled someone mentioning something about the parasympathetic nervous system while he was
playing YGGDRASIL. That must be it. However, he did not feel that it would be effective in this world too.

The efo e, I a t a kiss~

Albedo closed her eyes and puckered her lips.

All he could see now was an octopus.

That description might sound like it was slandering a great beauty, but the truth was, her looks had not
been greatly diminished. After all, a beautiful woman remained beautiful no matter what expression she
had on her face.

That u ti el thought flashed th ough Ai z s i d.

Ainz had considered running away at this point.

He a ted to sa , Ce tai l ot , ut it as plai l o ious that she as hopi g fo a kiss. I additio ,

this was a wish from someone who was about to run a work errand, so he wanted to help fulfil it, to a
e tai e te t. I additio , it ould ake his hea t a he to ig o e the ishes of Ta ula “ a agdi a s

Ai z took Al edo s hi i o e ha d, a d pla ted a kiss o he heek. That said, Ai z had o ski , a d
thus no lips, so the kiss Ainz gave was little more than pressing his front teeth against her. In addition,
since he had no saliva, all she could feel was something dry and hard poking her.

Although this was terribly embarrassing, he had to inflict himself on her.

I glad I ushed teeth, e e though I did t eat a thi g.

Afte his ha d left he hi , he et Al edo s ide-eyed gaze.

What, hat s o g? Besides, it ould ha e ee too u h to kiss ou o the lips, so the heek ill
ha e to do. Was it ot ight?!

...I did ot thi k ou ould ha e o side ed it at all.

Befo e Ai z ould ask he a out hat she eall ea t, tea s elled up i the o e of Al edo s e es.

Fueeee ~

Albedo wept. Those were not crocodile tears. She was truly crying.
After the long-awaited shock of his emotional suppression washed over him, Ainz hurriedly scrambled to
do something. That said, he had no idea how to proceed.

In the past, when he had made Albedo cry in the Treasury, he had thought of something comforting to
say. However, nothing came to mind now that Ainz had made her cry after kissing her. What would that
prettyboy Emperor (Jircniv) do at a time like this? Although he thought about that topic, it would seem
that none of the scenes which Ainz witnessed had ever covered a situation like that.

Al edo, please do t .

He desperately wanted to look to the duty maid behind him for help, but he had already embarrassed
himself badly enough. He could not disgrace himself even further.

Al edo, do t .

Ainz pulled Albedo into his embrace and gently patted her back.

They stayed like this for a while, and then Albedo sniffled. It would seem her tears had stopped.

Ainz released the hands holding Albedo, as relief washed through him.

A e ou all ight, Al edo?

Yes, Ai z-sama. I am very so fo letti g ou see that sha eful side of e.

Though stained with tears, hers was still a very beautiful smile.

There was only one reason she could be crying.

His nonexistent stomach began aching after he realized how cruel he had been. Because the ga e s
ending soon -- if only he had not thought that way, she would not have cried like this.

Is that so. ...Well, it s a out ti e. You should set out if ou e fi e.

U de stood! Mo o ga-sa a!


The curtains mounted in the coach windows opened, and he saw Albedo waving to him. In response,
Ainz waved back to her.

This was a scene straight out of those railway train farewells one might have seen on television.
The coach stirred slowly into motion, and the sentries began moving as well.

Ainz at hed u til he ould o lo ge see Al edo s oa h, a d as he sta ed i to the dista e, he issued a
somber, grave command.

Fo get e e thi g that happe ed he e.

U de stood.

Ainz walked past the maid, whose head was lowered. Ainz had no way of seeing what sort of expression
she had on her face at the time.

-Part 2-

The Blood Emperor, Jircniv Rune Farlord El-Nix clutched at his head.

This was not a recent thing. He had been this way for quite some time now.

In the past, he had purged all manner of nobles, heard about treachery which could shake the Empire,
and learned of deteriorating relationships with neighboring countries. Through it all, this man had
neither panicked nor fallen into confusion. However, in the face of an insoluble problem, even this man
could do nothing but bitterly cradle his head.

Da it! You so of a it h! Die! Die a d ot a a !

While the power of magic could curse someone to death, Jircniv did not have that kind of power.
Therefore, he was simply speaking offensive words. If he could actually kill that hateful man who had
wrought such devastation on his mind and his stomach lining for the past few months, he would gladly
seek out such techniques.

No, ait. It ould e ette to tell hi to li e , ight? O a e, e dest o ed ould e oe

app op iate? I e hea d of so e p iests dest o i g the u dead ith sa ed po e .

He was even thinking about such meaningless things.

Ji i s sto a h a hed a d st a ds of his falle hai ado ed his pillo e e o i g. The culprit
responsible for all of this was the Sorcerer King, Ainz Ooal Gown.

There was no satisfactory solution to the problems posed by the Sorcerer King.

The first problem concerned the casualties among the Imperial Knight Corps at the Battle of the Katze
There were only 143 deaths; a trivial number, if they had clashed directly with the enemy. However, the
losses at the Katze Plain had been entirely self-inflicted.

In addition, 3,788 people had expressed their desire to leave the Knight Corps upon their return to the
Imperial Capital. In other words, over 6% of the 60,000 men of the Imperial Knight Corps had lost their

And then, there were thousands of people who complained of uneasiness and night terrors. According
to the reports, there were at least 200 mentally unstable people as well.

Knights were professional warriors, and training even a single one of them entailed considerable

Nor was it just a matter of money. Training time was also essential. One could not simply grab
so e od off the st eets a d sa , F o to o o o a ds, ou a e a k ight.

The Empire would need to spend a great deal to fill the shortfall in the number of knights. But where
would he get the funds for those expenditures?

At this critical moment, it was too risky to purge the nobles and seize their assets to make up the
required amount.

The reason for that was because of the second problem -- namely, the petitions which the Imperial
Knights themselves had submitted to Jircniv.

The Knight Corps were permitted to make proposals to Emperor Jircniv. This was because there were
some things which only blooded veterans could understand, and it was also to reduce the conflicts
between military officers and bureaucratic officials. At the same time, it was also to give the impression
that Jircniv -- who had a martial background -- was especially fond of the Knight Corps.

Of course, one could not expect such letters to always be positive, but the recent petitions were harsh

These petitions, from the uppe e helo s of the K ight Co ps o a d st u tu e, e p essed thei
desire to avoid warfare with the Sorcerous Kingdom.

Jircniv could understand that sort of thing even if they did not bring it up.

Anyone who dared face that Kingdom in open combat would be far beyond a mere fool; he would be an
absolute madman. That was a nation which could trample 200,000 enemy troops which a single spell.
There was no way Jircniv would conceivably pick a fight with such a foe.
Even so, the reason why the Knight Corps had tendered such a petition was because they had lost their
faith in Jircniv.

Befo e the Battle of the Katze Plai s, Ji i had p oposed to the “o e e Ki g: I hope ou ill use ou
st o gest spell . The uppe e helo s of the K ight Co ps k e this, and laid the blame for that miserable
hellscape squarely at the feet of Jircniv.

In other words, they were using him as a scapegoat.

When he learned of that, Jircniv had been furious and frustrated in the extreme.

If he had known that such magic existed, he would never have said such a thing.

Besides, the reason why Jircniv had asked that damnable Sorcerer King to use his strongest spell was to
verify how powerful his magic was.

O igi all , it should ha e ee the othe a a ou d. Tha k ou fo drawing out part of the Sorcerer
Ki g s po e . No e k o ette tha to asuall ake a o e o hi , the should ha e said hile
expressing their gratitude. After all, if things had gone poorly, that magic might have been unleashed in
a city.

However, the Knight Corps did not see things that way. It was because they felt that Jircniv was a
splendid Emperor that they believed he had asked for the use of that magic, knowing full well what it did.
Thus, many suspicious gazes now shot toward Jircniv.

This was the first time Jircniv had been so disgusted by his own reputation.

However, crying and complaining would not help things. If someone could do something in his place,
Jircniv would gladly cry and scream and rest until his stomach pains went away. Of course, nobody could
do Ji i s jo fo hi , so he had to ha dle it hi self.

Da that “o e e Ki g! It s all his fault!

He pressed against the pain that radiated from his stomach, no -- Jircniv paused to think.

This as ot the “o e e Ki g s fault . This as the “o e e Ki g s o spi a .

It was very possible that the state of the Empire might have been orchestrated by him. When he calmed
down and considered it, the possibility of that was very high.

Jircniv took out a key and opened a drawer. He withdrew a bottle from within.

Then, he pressed the silver ring he wore on his left hand against it.
The Ring of Unicorn -- an item which could detect poisons and which enhanced resistance to poison and
disease, which could also heal wounds once a day. After confirming that there was no reaction, he
gulped it down.

Jircniv placed the bottle on his desk, and frowned.

He took a mouthful of water from the bottle on the desk, to wash away the now-familiar astringent
taste spreading through his mouth. After that, Jircniv pressed the area around his belly again.

Was it just a placebo effect, or had his wound really been healed? While there was no way he could
know for sure, at least his stomach pains had subsided for now.


After that abnormally heavy sigh, as though ponderous tasks awaited him, he continued his work. First,
he had to start with that accumulated pile of documents.

A quiet knocking rang through the room, as though it were waiting for his hand to reach out.

The man who ente ed as a s i e. All of Ji i s ha d-picked scribes were excellent workers. However,
this man was easily the equal of Roune.

Incidentally, there were no women among the scribes. Jircniv felt that the only woman who could
handle this sort of work was one of his concubines.

You Majest --

Jircniv waved to cut short a greeting that might take a very long time.

--No eed fo that, spa e e the g eeti gs. Do t aste ti e, get to the poi t.

Yes, You Majest . Those t ade s f o that atio ha e finally replied to us. They seem to have very
good sto k ith the , a d the ill e isiti g the I pe ial Capital soo .

‘eall o !

Jrcniv smiled at this, the best news he had heard in the past few weeks.

The nation in question was the Slaine Theocracy. Needless to say, the trader in question was an
emissary from them.

While this room was warded against spying, after witnessing that spell from the Sorcerer King, he had
come to believe that all these countermeasures were little more than stage dressing. The fact was, he
had come to feel that someone was spying on him of late.
Still, no matter how many people he sent to investigate, they found no observers. The only conclusion
the ould ea h as that this as a pa a oid delusio o Ji i s pa t. G anted, his nerves had been
wound up quite tightly of late, so it might actually be the case. However, he could not get rid of the
sense of foreboding that came from being watched.

In the past, he might have let Fluder set up anti-spying measures, but he could not do that now. For all
he knew, Fluder might already have betrayed him. Therefore, Jircniv had to operate under the
assumption that spies had already infiltrated the Imperial Capital.

Therefore, all policies concerning important matters needed their own codewords. Of course, there
were a few small problems which cropped up at a result, but it was still better than letting the alliance
against Ainz Ooal Gown be exposed.

The , he ill it e?

I elie e the hope to a i e ithi the e t fe da s.

Normally speaking, he would have openly invited them to the Imperial Capital, but that would be far too

It s est to eet the hile p ete di g that it as a oi ide e. Ho e e , hat so t of lo atio ould
avoid suspicion?

He was out of options, but even if that were the case, he could not give up like this was just a regular
ga e. Casti g that spell of ut ost uelt as esse tiall telli g Ji i , I a u dead, so sla i g the
li i g is o l atu al . He ould ot possi l ig o e a ei g like that.

It was the duty of the Emperor of the Baharuth Empire to raise his chances of winning, even if it was
only by a little.

In order to achieve that aim, one of the measures he had taken was to forge a secret alliance with the
Slaine Theocracy. The Theocracy was a country with a longer history than the Empire, and it also
counted divine magic as one of the pillars of their nation. There was no doubt that it was the best nation
one could appeal to for ways to deal with the undead.

However, it would be very bad if the Sorcerous Kingdom learned of his contact with the Theocracy.

The Empire was now an ally of the Sorcerous Kingdom, and one which helped guarantee its sovereignty.
The reason why the Empire had done this was to understand the strength and organization of the
Sorcerous Kingdom, as well as everything else within it. If they discovered that they were working
against the Sorcerous Kingdom, the first target for the might of the Sorcerer King would undoubtedly be
the Empire.
Pe issio to speak, You Majest .

Jircniv raised his chin, indicating that the man should continue.

Is the a t of ope i g hostilities ith the “o e ous Ki gdo ot a ost foolish ou se of a tio ?

Jircniv glared at the scribe. You too, huh. He chucked a scroll case into a specially designated trash bin as
he thought that.

Do t ush flaggi g hea t, please… Ho e e ...

The , hat ould ou suggest e do?

Well, a out that…

Jircniv smiled as he watched the scribe gulp audibly.

‘ela . I ill ot e su e ou fo a thi g ou sa . Co e, speak ou i d.

Yes, the , I apologize efo eha d fo a offe se I ight ause.

With a cough, the secretary shared his thoughts:

I elie e e should o ti ue st e gthe i g ou o d of allia e, a d if the “o e ous Kingdom has any

e uests… e should gi e i to the .

The s i e s fa e as still pale despite Ji i s gua a tee.

Within his heart, that treasonous statement warred with the fear that his very life might be extinguished.

Jircniv once again smiled bitterly.

You e ight.


It as e ause he k e the a s ali e that he felt that his gapi g outh as uite o i al. Ji i
smiled in a different way than before, and then continued speaking:

I feel hat ou a e sa i g is o e t. I ou position, I might well make the same proposal. No, it would
e st a ge if a a I appoi ted as a s i e did ot suggest su h a thi g.

Simply put, the Sorcerous Kingdom was far too powerful.

Though they could only judge from a military standpoint, it was clear that the Sorcerous Kingdom was
on a level that they could not hope to even deal with.

The personal power of the Sorcerer King Ainz Ooal Gown alone was already far too risky to face. Then
there was the army of the dead he had brought to the battlefield, each of which was rumored to be able
to level a nation by themselves.

They were in completely different dimensions. When one thought about it, the very idea was laughable.

Although I feel that is the est hoi e, does that ea e should ot p epa e to take some other
action? For instance, if the Sorcerer King intends to destroy the Kingdom, do you think bending the knee
to hi ill suffi e to spa e us?

He had not yet heard of any massacres in E-Rantel.

Could it be that the undead were not there? After trying to gather some information, he discovered that
the undead openly occupied the city, turning E-Rantel into a demon city.

It might be that he intended to rule the residents of the area without slaughtering them, but that was
jumping to conclusions. After all, there was the news of how he had subdued that adamantite-ranked
ad e tu e Mo o , so just f o that poi t alo e, it as da ge ous to thi k that the “o e e Ki g s
tender mercies would extend to the Empire.

It is as ou sa . It ould see I as so o ed the “o e e Ki g s o e hel i g po e that I ould

ot e e ake su h a atio al de isio . M deepest apologies.

No eed to apologize. Afte all, the thought a e to i d i the past… a k to the poi t, he e ha e
the traders of that ou t hose to est?

It see s the ill e lodgi g i the la gest of the se o d of fou .

The se o d of fou efe ed to a sh i e of the God of Fi e. The o d la gest as ot ode, so it

probably referred to the largest shrine in the Kingdom -- the Central Temple.

From this point on, Jircniv began nonchalantly chatting about random issues, with some lies sprinkled
into the mix.

Sometimes, he would casually speak of made-up things. Even if anyone heard, investigating the truth of
those words would be a tedious process. For the time being, he might have to continue this brain-
straining work. As he thought about this, he realised they had been talking for several minutes.

Jircniv then decided to get to the main issue.

Ho is ou fa il ? A e the still ell?

Hah? Ah, es. The e e ell.

Is that so? That s g eat. Good health is the ost i po ta t thi g, afte all. I o t lie; the t uth is,
od s ee doi g uite poo l of late. Medi i e o l keeps it at a fo a hile. Do ou think I should
i g a p iest o e ?

It see s the te ples a e ot too happ ith You Majest s e e t a tio s. Appl i g p essu e ight
esult i a a klash. Wh ot isit i pe so , You Majest ?

What a o de ful idea.

The temples which battled the undead -- to the priests, the founding of a nearby country which was
ruled by a powerful undead being was something about which they were very wary. Thus, they had sent
many requests to meet with Jircniv.

However, Jircniv had refused each time.

Jircniv was now in a state where he would take any help he could get, but he had his reasons for not
accepting. One of them was because he did not trust their ability to keep out spies. The other was
because Jircniv feared that if he told them what he knew, they might do something which he could not

If both sides reached an accord, and the priests then decided to declare war on the powerful Sorcerer
Ki g e ause he is u dead , the o se ue es ha dl eeded to e stated. It ould esult i the
Empire being caught up in their suicidal actions.

In short, Jircniv was afraid that once he made contact with the temples, the Sorcerer King would assume
that the Empire was hostile toward him.

Jircniv sighed deeply.

Although he had hoped they would wait for the right moment, it would seem they did not understand
that poi t, Ho e e , the Theo a s diplo ati pa t had o e tl ea hed the I pe ial Capital.
Perhaps if he waited for them to make contact with the temples, there might be a chance to turn it all

The , I should ake so e ti e i the e t fe da s to isit the te ples a d let the take a look at
od .

That see s like a ise ou se of a tio . The , I shall go ake the a a ge e ts o .

Tha k ou. The , hat shall e do a out the Colosseum? I remember there was an exhibition match
s heduled soo ; shall e let it go o as pla ed? I ot goi g to e stopped o ds like ou said ou
e e goi g fo a he kup, so ou a t go the e , ou k o . If a of ou a ts to at h the fight ith
e, ou a do so ith e i VIP oo .

The s i e s e es ide ed, a d his e es glea ed as he t ied to di i e the t ue ea i g of that


Yes, that s ight. You d e ight to suspe t e. Co e, see hat I eall ea .

Jircniv wanted to avoid meeting the people of the Theocracy in the temples.

The temples contained knowledge on healing and various other kinds of wisdom. If they were chosen as
targets for a pre-emptive strike, far too many things would be lost, at a time where this accumulated
knowledge was more important than anything else.

U de stood. The let e ha dle the a e a. I elie e ou e e s heduled to isit the a ou ded at
the hospital o that da as ell?

Jircniv had not received this news, so this was probably a bluff.

In other words, he was suggesting to Jircniv that the hospital might be a better location than the arena.

Jircniv had chosen the arena because he had heard that the arena often hired priests to heal the
wounded. With that in mind, he was thinking of bringing the emissaries from the Slaine Theocracy over
in the guise of those priests.

Dela the isitatio s. We ll follo the s hedule e ag eed o ea lie .

With that, all talk about the traders had disappeared halfway through the conversation. If there were
a ea esd oppe s, hat ould the thi k of this? What ould the lea f o the ph ase t o of fou ?

Even if the Sorcerer King possessed demonic levels of intelligence, he could not make any plans without
any information to work with. In addition, not all of the “o e e Ki g s su o di ates ould e as
intelligent as he was. Also, the more spies there were, the higher the chances they would be exposed.
Since no information on those spies had been found yet, there probably were not many spies. Or rather,
he hoped that was the case.

The spe te of the “o e e Ki g s a solute a d u de ia le agi hau ted his i d. Pa t of hi

o sta tl thought “i e the e the “o e e Ki g s e , the ust e e eptio al too . I deed, he
had seen many incredibly powerful beings arrayed before that throne, so that implied that those spies
might be of the same caliber as them.

If that s eall the ase, the e do t ha e a ha e at all… if s ea i g assalage to hi ill settle

thi gs, the ould t that e the est ou se of action?
He had just drunk a healing potion, but Jircniv felt a spike of pain in his stomach again.


Two weeks later, a coach with Jircniv on board left for the Colosseum.

On the surface, he seemed to be going to the Colosseum to watch a fight, but in truth, he was there to
enter into an agreement with emissaries of the Slaine Theocracy and high-ranking priests of the Empire.

He had ot ought a of his o al gua ds e ith hi to a oid sta di g out, ut t o of the E pi e s

Four Knights -- Lightning Bolt and Violent Gale -- e e o the ehi le as Ji i s gua ds.

If possible, he would have liked to use all of these outstanding warriors to protect him. However, Heavy
Explosion was not reliable, so he had left her behind under the pretext of guarding the Imperial Capital.
No, saying that she was unreliable was not exactly correct. To be precise he could already tell from her
actions that she wanted to move on to the Sorcerous Kingdom. Thus, in order to avoid leaking any
information to her which she could offer to the Sorcerous Kingdom as a gift, Jircniv had decided to keep
a distance from her.

“he had o igi all said, I ill do a thi g to lift this u se, e e poi t this s o d at You High ess .
Jircniv understood this, but had still decided to make use of her. Therefore, he could not rebuke her
even if she decided to betray the Empire. That said, he still could not allow her to take away information
that was critical to the Empire.

That said, if she really had managed to eavesdrop on the E pi e s state se ets, the he ould eed to
have her arrested. However, she was one of the strongest people in the Empire, so he would need to
send out people on her level to eliminate her. In terms of swordsmanship, only Lighting Bolt and Violent
Gale were up to the task. Sending anyone else would only result in a one-sided slaughter for them. In
additio , supp essi g he ith u e s ea t that the I pe ial Capital a d the E pe o s se u it
details would be thinned out.

That being the case, he would ha e to tu to Flude s dis iples, Wo ke s, o pe haps assassi s as
represented by Ijaniya, all of whom possessed skills outside of melee combat. However, no matter
which option he chose, he would have to be prepared to pay dearly for it.

The disciples were paid on a yearly basis -- although e e si e Flude s et a al, he had o fis ated
Flude s la d a d ade the o les -- so there would not be too many additional expenses there.
However, dispatching them would require them to stop their work, which would incur losses invisible to
the naked eye. In addition, if they were actually killed instead, the damage done would be more than
what the latter two would cost.

Therefore the best option was to deny Heavy Explosion the chance to obtain valuable information and
let her go empty-handed to the Sorcerous Kingdom. That might well be the most satisfactory solution
for all parties concerned.
Jircniv had hinted as much to Heavy Explosion.

However, Heavy Explosion was still in the Imperial Capital. Her response as alo g the li es of I shall
e ai u til I epa the ki d ess that You Majest has sho e .

He wanted to take that at face value, but that was impossible.

Hea E plosio ight e o e of the E pi e s Fou K ights, ut the “o e ous Ki gdo ould ost
likely rate her fighting power very poorly. Each and every one of the many undead directly loyal to the
Sorcerer King were stronger than her. Because of that, she was looking for a way to raise her value in
their eyes.

As Jircniv thought about the hopeless reality that the Sorcerer King commanded a thousand undead who
were individually stronger than Heavy Explosion, the mightiest warrior of the Kingdom -- and this did not
include the Sorcerer King himself -- his stomach began aching again.

What should I do about this?!

A single strong person cannot change the course of a battle, they said. Yet, reality said otherwise.

The Ki gdo s Gazef “t o off as a a ho ould do just that. It as e e o e t ue of the E pi e s

head magician, Fluder Paradyne, a being who could shake an entire nation.

Each of them was a figure comparable to an army, or a country.

In other words, even without considering the frightening power of its undead king, the Sorcerous
Kingdom already wielded the might of a thousand armies.

The e s othi g to e do e, is the e? If… ell, ou ould t stop hi e e ith a thousa d a ies,
right? ...As I thought, giving up is better...

Of course, he could not actually say that in front of his subordinates, but the idea had appeared in
Jirc i s i d se e al ti es al ead . I fa t, it had ee his fi st thought o e he hea d a out the Battle
of Katze Plains.

--The , You Majest . Afte e eet ith “il e Ca a , e ll o e out. Will that e al ight?

Jircniv shifted his gaze to regard the man seated before him.

Befo e hi as o e of the Fou K ights, Light i g Bolt Bazi ood Pesh el.

Jircniv nodded in silence.

They had engaged a team of adamantite-ranked adventurers as security for today. While they were
ostensibly there as a security detail, their main objective was to seek out any spies from the Sorcerous
Kingdom. Regretfully, he could not meet up with Ijaniya, which had been considered as one of the
alternatives. This also made Jircniv realise that inducting them into the Empire would be very difficult.

You Majest , although ada a tite-ranked adventurers possess the highest fighting strength of all
hu a it , the still a ot step e o d the ou ds of hu a a ilit . Please do ot lo e ou gua d.

Jircniv was painfully aware of those o ds hi h Viole t Gale Ni le A Dale A o h as t i g to tell

him. In fact, having seen the serried ranks of monsters within that throne room, he might understand
those words better than Nimble, who had watched that grand massacre with his own eyes.

Of ou se. Ho e e , the ight e a le to hold out. Co side the Ki gdo s ada a tite-ranked
adventurer, Momon. He pointed his sword at the Sorcerer King and defended the people with his
strength. Since the members of Silver Canary are adamantite- a ked ad e tu e s as ell, it ll e uite
t ou li g if the a t do the sa e.

As he said this, Jircniv smiled sadly.

A d if e e the … if e e the a t do it, hat the ?

Ji i s uestio ought pai ed e p essio s to the fa es of oth k ights. That look was a better answer
than anything they could have said. Unconsciously, Jircniv began mirroring their expressions.

You Majest , please do ot ake that fa e. We ight ot e st o g, ut e ill still de ote ou hea ts
and souls to completing ou task.

That s ight, You Majest . Please, adopt that o fide t, s agge i g attitude of ou s agai . This f agile
state ou e i o ill suits ou.

Thei ge tle o ds pie ed Ji i s hea t, a d he ould ot i g hi self to sa , does t that apply to

ou as ell? Yet, he de ided to a ept the ithout o plai t. Those o ds ight ha e had as u h
effect as scattering water on the desert, but it was true that they had soaked into the desert of his heart.

..Fo gi e e. Tha k ou fo ou si e it . The … si e o l the t o of ou a e he e, ould ou i d

liste i g to foolish ess fo a hile?

The two knights nodded wordlessly.

What do ou thi k I should do? Wh ould a o ste like that appea e t to the E pi e? Wh ? What
sin did I commit against heaven and earth to warrant that? What should I do to slay that monster -- or
faili g that, to seal it a a ? No that the E pi e s t u p a d has ee stole a a the e e , is
the e eall a a to tu the situatio a ou d?
He had not planned to say that much.

If Jircniv did not stand at their head, his people would not be able to follow him. One who placed himself
above others needed to adopt an appropriately superior attitude. This was especially true for the Bloody
Emperor, who had purged many nobles.

The Emperor could not afford to show weakness. That was a lesson which the father he respected had
taught him.

However, all humans had a limit to what they could take.

The human side of Jircniv was one he would only show to his concubines. Now, that part of him was

It s t ue I asked hi to ast us a spell. But that ould t e helped! We a t pla a ou te easu es

if we have no idea of his abilities! Am I at fault for that? Must I take responsibility for everything that
went o g? E e o e see s to thi k so!

Jircniv bit his lip and clutched at his hair.

The truth was, this was merely the tip of the iceberg. If Jircniv had completely given himself over to the
feelings in his heart, he would probably be crying and screaming and rolling around on the floor. He was
simply trying to protect the image of the Emperor.

Still, he had some sense of self-awareness about how he was letting himself go.

It would seem this was becoming a habit, so Jircniv returned himself to normal.

Fo gi e e. It see s I got a little e ited. I e ee u de a lot of st ess e e tl .

He glanced down, and saw strands of hair on his fingers.

Judging from the portraits, none of his ancestors had thin hair. Jircniv could not help but muse that he
might be the first Emperor in the history of the Empire to go bald.

He waved his hand to keep his subordinates from noticing. Sometimes pity hurt more than a rebuke,
and the same applied to the matter of hair loss.

That said, it ight ot e e o i i g afte ou e see that side of e. Ho e e , the t o of ou

eed ot o . I ll take a e of it, so eho . I o t let hi do hat he a ts to the E pi e.

That confident smile of his seemed to soften the faces of his subordinates.

However, none of them was truly at ease.

The too u de stood that Ji i s o ds e e just a te po a elief.

No matter how they thought, they could not come up with any way to deal with that monster.

In truth, Jircniv felt it would be impossible if there was no weapon which could permanently slay the
undead, or if another very powerful human being showed up.

That s h e eed to el o the “lai e Theo a . Thei histo is lo ge tha ou s, so the ight e
able to find a weapon that can slay the undead in one blow. No, just sharing information with them will
allo us to keep fighti g!

All he could do now was pray that this was the case.

The oa h o ti ued fo a d, a d ith it ode Ji i s last hopes.


The Colosseum was circular in shape. There was a large entrance at one of its sides, and the coach
entered from there. This entrance led to the VIP rooms, and so very few people made use of that
entrance. The other entrances were used for the entry and exit of the regular patrons or for the
transportation of cargo. These were the three main types of entrances to the Colosseum.

The first to alight from the coach were, naturally, the two knights serving as bodyguards. After they had
verified the safety of the location, Jircniv dismounted from the coach.

Five men waited for them there.

Their manner of dress looked entirely out of place for the VIP entrance.

Ainz could evaluate the worth of any particular work of art with a glance, but he could not divine such
information from their gear and equipment. This was because what they were wearing was both
a t o k a d a gea . Thei s as ot the outfit of a o le s house gua ds, ut the pa opl of attle-
hardened veterans.

By the normal rules of etiquette, the inferior party should have introduced themselves first. However,
some adventurers did not care about status or rank, and they were such adventurers.

Still, he was the ruler of the Empire. Was it really appropriate for him to be lowering his head to

Amidst this awkward atmosphere, the man standing in the center of the group of five spoke up:
You Majest , E pe o Ji i ‘u e Fa lo d El-Nix. I believe this is the first time we have met, and it is
an honor. We are the adamantite-ranked adventurer team Silver Canary, who have accepted the
re uest of p o idi g se u it se i es. I a the tea leade , F ei a tz. Pleased to eet ou.

His dignified voice echoed through the surroundings.

He had a lute on his back and a rapier at his waist. He wore a chain shirt which wreathed his body in
bizarre lights.

All his equipment did not just reflect the light, but emitted magical radiance from within. Every piece of
his panoply looked like it was a first-rate magic item, especially that lute, which was also known as Star

As he observed the a s tho oughl o fide t attitude, Ji i e alled hi self f o se e al o ths

back, and could not help but feel some envy.

...As the highest-level adventuring party in my country, I have heard about the deeds of you gentlemen.
That heroic saga of how you slew the Radiant Crawler truly got my blood boiling. Therefore, I know
about all of you to some extent. However, since this is a rare opportunity, could I trouble you to
pe so all i t odu e the he oes of ou t to e?

The , allo e, as the a d to…

--C o hief, la off a it, ill a? Hate ta sa it, ut he I hea a go at it, I eak out i u ps.
“hi sho ts o d o hat ot… a a , a e just skip that pa t? A , a Majest . “o out the a I
talk, I was born this way. No wo ies, eah?

The man beside Freivartz stepped forward and gently inclined his head.

He was a stocky and short man. Though he had a smile on his face, those disproportionately small eyes
of his had no mirth in them.

He as Keila No “edeshti , the Pla e of the thief p ofessio .

There was not much information about the Planner, so there was much which remained unknown about
him. He was probably closer to the underworld, ambushing and assassination than regular thieves.

Jircniv indicated that he should not worry about it, and then Baziwood chuckled.

Haha, it s fi e. His Majest s lo g used to it.

Oh, a d this ould e… ou ust e Light i g Bolt -sa of the E pi e s Fou K ights. Could it e ou
e e o the e as ell, f ie d?
H ? Ahh, o, probably in a different place. I popped out in a dirty little alley. You must have crawled
out of a deepe a d da ke pla e tha e.

“ee s that a . The ai a ou d ou s diffe e t… so out that. Guess I as too hast .

It s fi e, Da k Cloud .

I e e e alled self Da k Cloud efo e… eall , this is all ou fault, hief.

Freivartz simply quirked up the corners of his mouth as Kaila looked to him.

It s ette to let us i t odu e ou sel es athe tha go st a ge i k a es. M apologies, Your

Majesty. First, this is Sede, our eyes and ears. Next is our fighter. You might be a bit surprised when you
see hi , ut I a gua a tee his st e gth.

No, of ou se His Majest o t dou t hi . Afte all, I feel he ight e st o ge tha e.

Well, I glad to hea that f o a st o g a . This is Fa Lo g.

The person being introduced was red-furred ape which stood around 170cm tall. He was wearing armor
that looked like it was made of white furs, and he had battle axes on either side of his waist.

He was an Ape Beastman, as well as one who channelled the spirit of the apes through the power of his
warrior class, the Beast Lord. He had read about this in a report before, but actually seeing it with his
own eyes was quite the shock.

And indeed, appea a es alo e, he looked st o ge tha e e Bazi ood, the ightiest of Ji i s

Fan Rong raised his right hand and waved to Jircniv and the others.

The , e t is the o e ho heals ou ou ds.

Freivartz hurriedly began the next introduction. This was because he was worried Jircniv would be

This ti e, the a at F ei a tz s left stepped fo a d.

Fo gi e e, he said as the st a ge staff he held ade a i gi g oise. That eapo as appa e tl

alled a shakujo .

This o k goes U kei a d is a follo e of the Buddha. Pleased to eet ou.

Though he was dressed strangely, he seemed quite a bit more civilized than the Beast Lord from just

After he removed his bizarre, large hat -- called a fukaamigasa -- the head thus revealed had no hair
upon it. If he had not known that the man had shaved it all off himself, Jircniv might have looked
pityingly upon him. He was quite young, after all.

He wore a strange battle robe called a kasa. He was a soryo, who were spiritual magic casters that might
lack a bit in the healing department, but which showed exceptional power when battling the undead.

The Buddha he followed hauled from the far South, and had few followers. Some viewed him as one of
the followers of the Four Gods. There was little known about him and there had been no interesting in
uildi g a te ple to su h a god ithi the I pe ial Capital. Ho e e ,Ji i did k o that this a s
existence was considered a nuisance of sorts.

Basically, the temples set the price for the use of healing magic. However, when a lone, unaffiliated user
of healing magic appeared, how would they deal with him? What would they do if that man was also an
adventurer of the highest order -- an adamantite-ranked adventurer?

There was o pa ti ula li k et ee the E pi e s go e e t a d its eligio . The fa t that Ji i had

no ties to them could be considered good fortune.

He did not want to be further embroiled in troublesome issues.

Ho e e , he he ki g th ough the a s e ord, he found that he displayed exceptional

pe fo a e agai st the u dead, hi h i ediatel d e Ji i s atte tio . If eed e, he ight eed
to apply the necessary pressure to the temples. Of course, that was only if his abilities were really that

I see. The , the last o e ust e Po apo .

It is as ou sa , You Majest .

The man Freivartz had saved for last was stranger than the ones before him. He was arguably the most
bizarrely-dressed of the five men, and he lowered his head to Jircniv.

His bare upper body was tanned black with strange white patterns painted all over him. This was
probably because he was a member of the odd class called the Totem Shamans.

...A e t ou old?

I ha e al ead e uipped a agi ite hi h p ote ts against shifts in the temperature, so there is no
p o le at all.
Jircniv could not help but feel surprised at the reply, which was more normal than he had expected. He
had received reports about his queer appearance, as well as the news that he was a regular person
under all that. Still, the sheer dissonance filled him with surprise. At a closer look, he seemed quite
handsome, and quite young as well.

Why had he chosen this class? Part of him wanted to know, but at the same time he did not want to

Jircniv regarded Silver Canary before him.

This was a weird team made up of weird members. The only thing they had in common was that they
carried a feather of the silver canary their team had once raised somewhere on their persons (in the
case of the Totem Shaman, it was on his waist).

Those feathers glittered with silver light, as though they had just been shed.

U de stood, ge tle e . The , I ll e i ou a e toda .

Lea e it to us, You Majest . Thi k of it as idi g a ig oat.

Jircniv could ot help ut g i l as he hea d F ei a tz s o ds, a d ade to lea e. Ho e e --

--Ha g o a it, Ye Majest , “e de said i a dull oi e.

We e ee hi ed to p ote t a, Ye Majest , so please do t alk so fa ahead. That oka ?

It is ot a matter of being okay or not. You were hired to protect me, so I will do whatever you deem
necessary. In addition, if you feel that you need to make use of their strength, please feel free to order
the a ou d. Ho e e , I d like to e uest that the e kept ea e as u h as possi le.

Well ho a out that. “o e a o a d the E pi e s Fou K ights as e please, I guess e e eall

hit the ig leagues o . “till, it ll e fi e if ou t o sta His Majest s side. If a thi g happe s, just
run when we gi e ou the i st u tio . That oughta do it. The , pla us a tu e, hief.

Got it. M apologies fo “e de s to e, You Majest . No atte ho a ti es I tell hi , he al a s

e ds up doi g that…

No eed to o . That said, it ight e t ou leso e if he did that i a pu li a ea…

Perhaps Freivartz had gotten the message, but he nodded slightly. That implied that he knew the right
time and place for this sort of thing.
And then, he sang. No, this was less of a song than a collection of bizarre sounds. This was because there
were some parts he could hear, but not understand. It stopped after several seconds, although the
strange music lingered in their hearts. Then, Seyde made his move.

If one had to attach some form of sound effect to his movements, oth sluggish a d sli ould e
appropriate. Either way, Jircniv was not capable of those movements.

The , please keep a out te ete s a k a d follo e.

They did as Seyde said, keeping ten meters back before moving on. Jircniv took the opportunity to ask
Freivartz about the song from just now.

What as that, a a ?

Does You Majest ot k o ? That as a a d skill, a spellso g. It diffe s f o use to use , a d a e

performed with various instruments, but in my case, I evoke its effects th ough so g.

“o that s it, huh.

Freivartz could not help but smile as he saw Jircniv mumble to himself. Just at that moment, Jircniv
remembered something he wanted to learn about, but did not have a chance to follow up on. He
decided to take this opportunity and asked:

...I ha e so ethi g to ask ou. Ca that spellso g o t ol people?

“pellso gs a o e a suggestio effe t, just as spells a . It should e possi le. I additio , the
should e a le to ha people, to a e tai e te t.

Jircniv looked at Freivartz.

I see… is that so…

That should e it, es.

So that monster had the power of a bard, unless--

The , hat do ou k o of o ste s hi h look like f ogs?

--Unless it was an innate ability as a monster. That possibility could not be completely crossed out. It
was very important to make sure of that.

F ogs? You ea like Gia t Toads?

No, ot like that. “o ethi g o e i tellige t. I talki g a out a o ste hi h sta ds o t o legs,
and can instantly activate something like that spellso g.

...Is that efe i g to a Toad a ? A Toad a a d ould fit ou des iptio … ut if I e all o e tl ,
Toadmen are not particularly outstanding demihumans. Perhaps if it was an old, tribe leader-class
Toad a ... I e hea d those a use spe ial a ilities to o fuse the foe.

What happened there was not quite confusion.

He had read about the demihumans known as Toadmen, but their appearances differed slightly from
the monster called Demiurge. Could he be a mutant or offshoot Toadman, or perhaps a king-type
Toadman? Those possibilities could not be discarded, but it was most likely that those were not the case.

It see s ot. M deepest apologies, You Majest . The e is si pl too little i fo atio . Pe haps, if ou
could tell me o e a out the eatu e i uestio , I ight e a le to sol e this ste fo ou.

That was like a life preserver to a drowning man.

‘eall o . The , I shall tell ou a out the appea a e of this o ste . If possi le, ould ou use ou
wisdom to help e out? I additio , ould ou tell e i detail a out spellso gs?

In the Empire, there was probably nobody who knew more about monsters than adamantite-ranked

You Majest , that ould e i posi g o the . These a e thei li elihoods ou e talki g a out.

F ei a tz hu kled i espo se to Bazi ood s o ds.

Well ell, it s t ue e a t talk too u h a out ou t u p a ds. “till, a s e i g that uestio ea lie
should e fi e. Just… ould it ot e ette to ask that g eat agi aster-do o? I su e he ould
k o o e tha us…

Jircniv strove not to show any information when the topic of Fluder came up.

He had al ead issued a gag o de o Flude s et a al, so o i fo atio had ee leaked. Fo o ,

Fluder was still in his position as the head magician, though his privileges and powers were slowly being
stripped away so he would not notice. At the same time, he was looking for a way to fill the gap Fluder
would leave.

From the size of that gap, Jircniv realised exactly how much of a boon Fluder had been for the Empire,
but it was already too late.

We a t keep el i g o the old a . This is like ho e o k fo a stude t. If o e si pl aits fo all the

a s e s e ause o e had a good tea he , he ll i d up ei g s olded fo it.
Ji i s o ds e e et ith se e al laughs.

I deed, You Majest has a poi t. I u de sta d. Well, the fees fo this e uest e e uite a o e
a e age, gi e the task e e e hi ed to pe fo . The , I ll su a ize the atte of spellso gs fo ou

I see. I ll lea e that to ou, the .

The e e e se e al VIP oo s i the Colosseu . O e as ese ed fo the Colosseu s i esto s. O e

was reserved for high-ranking nobles. Then, there was the one reserved for the Emperor, for a total of
three. They were currently heading for the room that had been set aside for the Emperors through the
generations. Perhaps Seyde had scouted the route before, but he did not ask the way even though he
was leading the group.

At last they arrived, but at the corner before they could see the door of the room, Seyde reached a hand
out to Jircniv, indicating that he should stop.

Not pi ki g up a o e he e, ut let e go fi st. Ca ou gu s ait at this o e fo a it?

He did not wait for a response to his whispered words, but instead turned the corner like he was going
for a stroll. His curiosity piqued by this, Jircniv had a look of curiosity on his face as he tried to spy out
the situation.

He approached the door without making a sound, and after doing something, he slowly opened the door.
Although he had barely cracked it open, that seemed to be enough for him to enter, and his entire body
vanished into the room.

Afte a hile, the doo ope ed, a d the ould see “e de s fa e ithi .

It s fi e. This oo is safe.

The group entered the room, which had been verified as safe.

Jircniv looked around.

It was a little small, but the exquisitely-made furniture was all first-class. The room had been
immaculately cleaned for an Emperor who hardly visited.

A large window had been opened on the side of the room which overlooked the Colosseum, allowing a
panoramic view of the scenes below. If one squinted, they would be able to see rows upon rows of fully
occupied seats, packed by an audience which was excited to a fever pitch and cheering wildly.
The reason for the large crowd was because the Martial Lord had been suddenly scheduled for an

The King of the Colosseum -- the Martial Lord -- was overwhelmingly powerful. There was nobody he
could fight in earnest. Therefore, it had been a long time since there had been a match with the Martial

It was because of such a long-awaited battle with the Martial Lord that the crowd had come, drawn by
anticipation of the heroic figure who would do battle with him

As expected, a big reason for that was admiration for strength. Since the Empire had its professional
warriors that were called knights, the battlefield was like another world for the dwellers of the Imperial
City. This was why they looked forward to this spectacle of life-and-death battle.

No, he had heard there were those knights who enjoyed the Colosseum as well.

In other words, they looked forward to a spectacle and display of brutality.

Just as Jircniv was spaced out while thinking of this, Silver Canary had already completed their sweep of
the room.

We e the e a sig s of di i atio agi ei g used i he e?

We dis o e ed o t a es of su h, You Majest . Is that ight?

Yup. Well, seei g if spells ha e ee ast is p ett ha d fo e, so I did a look-see around, checked for
a agi ite s, ut othi g tu ed up. “till, hope a do t fo get that I do t ha e the pe eptio of a
thief. Please do t thi k it s a solutel safe… ell, ou hief s oosted ou dete tio a ilit ith his
spellsong, so it should e fi e.

‘ega di g the field of agi , this hu le o k has used a di i atio to i estigate the su ou di gs.
However, there were no traces of any spells being cast. In any event, I have created a magical barrier
which should impede divinatio spells, so o e a assu e that it should e fi e.

Unkei thumped his shakujo on the ground, and a clear ringing echoed through the room.

The , a I ake a othe e uest? Is the e agi hi h dete ts the p ese e of people ea ? It
would be best if it as a spell hi h ould dete t e e a i isi le pe so .

‘eg etfull , this hu le o k has ot lea ed su h spells a o g his epe toi e. Ho e e , I elie e ou
leade has su h a spell.

Freivartz, whose name had come up, signalled that he understood and left the room.
No hat? What easu es ill ou take if the foe i te ds to ea esd op upo us?

Jircniv strove to think of what he could do against Ainz Ooal Gown. However, it was impossible to
imagine what surpassed the imagination. The fact was, that man seemed so massive in his mind that
nothing he could think of felt more than insignificant against him.

...F a kl speaki g, I thi k it should e fi e afte doi g this u h. At least, that s hat I thi k. Do t
look at e like that, e e fo tified ou sel es ith se e al spells al ead , ight?

That s ho it is, You Majest . This hu le o k has al ead used a ti-divination magic and configured
it so that a atte pt at agi al i estigatio ill se d a ale t to e. Please e at ease.

Seyde and Unkei spoke thusly, one after the other.

Did they think he was a bit of a maniac? Or did they think he had gone a little mental because he was
worried about assassination?

Still, what would these two think if he told them they were going up against the Sorcerer King? Now that
as hat eall i te ested Ji i . Would the go, e a t possi l p epa e e ough agai st hi ? O
ould the sa , If I d k o , I ould t ha e o e fo this easl su ?

Naturally, the best scenario was to not tell them anything about the Sorcerer King and have them
prepare against all threats as best as they could.

Still, no matter how much he tried to censor information on the Sorcerer King, he could not stopper up
60,000 mouths.

News had probably gotten out. That being the case, since adventurers tended to spend more time
gathering information the higher-ranked they became, there was a very large chance they had already
lea ed a out the “o e e Ki g s a ilities.

It ould t e ha d fo the to figu e out h I really wanted them here, no?

After pondering various possibilities, Jircniv decided to bluff his way through with a warm smile.

The two of them realised that Jircniv could not accept what they had said. Neither did they have
anything else to say beyond that.

A great cheer rose up from the Colosseum.

From where they were, it would seem that one of the battles between the gladiators had a winner.

In the past, the defeated were condemned to death, but not any more. There were still cases of deaths
in battles, but there would be no killings after the victor was determined.
Apparently, a gladiator had been spared because his repeated defeats were amusing. This allowed him
to awaken his true power and he became champion, whereupon that particular restriction had been
abolished. This decision had been made because there might be another person like him someday.

Whi h Ma tial Lo d as that? Although he ould t o pa e to the u e t Ma tial Lo d, ut he as

apparently quite a powerful chap. These people a e t lo al to a ou t . I eed to thi k a out ho to
get them on my side...

I a e e t, e e do e he e, You Majest .

Ji i tu ed as he hea d F ei a tz s oi e.

Tha ks.

He should probably have been more sincere in his thanks toward these adamantite-ranked adventurers.
However, he had simply tossed off the usual appreciation instead.

You e el o e. “till, e e e hi ed fo p ote tio , so should e sta d i this oo ?

They had been hired as bodyguards. With that in mind, it was a reasonable suggestion.

However, would it really be alright to have secret talks with them in the room?

Granted, there might be a lot of merits in involving them in this. However, once they realised what he
was aiming for, he ran the risk of making unnecessary enemies.

“till, the e othi g o pa ed to that -- hat a I thi ki g? I o pa i g e e halle ge I eet to

that o ste , that s p oof that I sta ti g to go ad, if othi g else. Besides, it ould e stupid to
keep making enemies.

Jircniv shook his head.

I so , ut the e ill e i po ta t talks taki g pla e afte this. It ould e uite t ou leso e to
ha e ou aiti g i he e.

Ho e e , it ll e e diffi ult to p ote t ou that a , You Majest .

The e a e t o e I t ust i this oo . The ought to e a le to u e ough ti e fo ou to get he e.

Well, that s t ue, the hithe to sile t Ape sudde l said. Ho e e , if the e e is a assassi o the
le el of “e de, if thi gs go o g, the ight e d up aki g uite a ess.
Whe ou talk a out a assassi of le el, ou e p o a l talki g a out that gi l f o Ija i a. “he s
the ki d ho a use i jutsu to sudde l atta k f o the shado s.

Well, ith these t o a io s a ou d, a s o d-wielding foe should not pose any difficulty. However,
what about magic? It is precisely that point which makes this humble monk uneasy. In addition, I feel
that e ill e o e i te ested the at h tha a talks You Majest is o du ti g, o?

They had all ended up trying to persuade him to let him stay, but since Jircniv was this determined to
not let information leak out, he could not accept their suggestions.

You dou ts a e ell-reasoned, gentlemen. However, I cannot compromise on that point, be it as a

man or as the Emperor of the E pi e.

Silver Canary looked to their leader, who sighed deeply.

It a t e helped, the . I su e You Majest ust ha e ou easo s hi h ou a t dis lose to us.

The , e ll sta d at h outside. Ho e e , a ou tell us e a tl ho is o i g?

A easo a le uestio . Ho e e , ou ha e to p ete d that ou sa othi g. Ca ou?

Of ou se. We ill ot e eal a thi g, o atte ho o es. If it gets out, e ill gladl ea the
o se ue es.

I t ust ou. Fi st a e the High P iests of the God of Fire and the God of Wind. There will be four other
p iests ith the .

I see. The , e ll e o gua d fo a o e esides these people.

Ah, please do. This VIP oo as seg egated f o the othe VIP oo s du i g its o st u tio . I dou t
anyone will get lost a d a de he e a ide t.

U de stood… Also, is it all ight if e eak the lo k o the doo s, You Majest ?

You a dest o the if ou see fit.

Fan stepped forward. A sinewy, scratchy sound came from his hands, which clutched the hilts of his
battleaxes with a force that no human could match. It seemed a bit excessive just to break a lock, but
Jircniv was no warrior, and had no room to comment.

However, the two members of the Four Knights had surprised looks on their faces as they spoke quietly
to ea h othe . That got Ji i s atte tio .

Fan slowly raised his battleaxes.

--Ah, ou a t eak the doo s.

Fa stopped half a as he hea d F ei a tz speak. Ji i s o s fu o ed.

Wh ot? We e t e goi g ith the pla of Oh, e were planning to break the lock, but we wrecked
the doo too, hat a sha e, h do t e o e i as ell? o so ethi g?

Do t do that this ti e. I do t a t to get i ol ed i that o ple politi al stuff.

I deed. This hu le o k does ot ish to e e e o e hated the te ples.

All ight. The this u h should e e ough.

Fan gently swung his battle axe, and effortlessly broke the lock.

He should have been speechless. Or perhaps he should have been displeased. Perhaps he should have
felt many things, but all Jircniv felt was impressed. It made him think, as expected of an adamantite-
ranked adventurer.

He was not impressed by how he could so easily break a lock with a battleaxe, but by the sheer audacity
of openly saying such things in front of the highest authority in this country. In addition, there was the
arrogance it took to declare that they were willing to ignore the wishes of their client -- who was also
the most powerful man in the country -- in order to do the best job they could.

These were the things that Jircniv now lacked.

...I ight as ell d ag the all i to the ud of u eau a so the a t es ape.

Just as Jircniv quietly mumbled that, the members of Silver Canaries left like fleeing >rabbits, as though
they had arranged it from the beginning.

The only people left with Jircniv and the two knights, who looked at each other.

That as i p essi e. The o ked togethe so losel ithout sa i g a o d. ...Pe haps that as just
pa fo the ou se? The e ada a tite-ranked e ause the a do that.

...Well, I do t k o hat to sa . Though, it ight ot e uite ight to ad i e the … You Majest ,

should e p epa e d i ks?

We should. “o a out that. Ca ou help e ith the p epa atio s?

U de stood. The , o e help out too, Baziwood-do o.

Baziwood frowned at the suggestion.

Eh? Me too? You Majest , e should ha e ought a aid alo g, should t e? Ou guests ould
p o a l fi d the d i ks tastie if a gi l e e se i g the . I ea , I k o I ould.

Yes, yes. Enough complaining. Baziwood-do o, please e e t a a eful.

Please, Bazi ood. The e s o poi t ishi g fo hat e a t get. We ha e to o k ith hat e ha e.
Just like the E pi e.

That a alog ould use so e o k, You Majest , Bazi ood said as he busied himself with the

Cries of encouragement rang out from the Colosseum below, and there were howls which sounded
slightly different from those of wild beasts.

The next match had already started.

Jircniv searched his memories.

The at h efo e the Ma tial Lo d s as appa e tl et ee ad e tu e s a d o ste s. Mat hes

where adventurers fought were quite popular with the audience, because it was more likely that they
would be flashy affairs laced with magical explosions and the like.

Jircniv felt very touched as he looked down on the heated intensity below him, and he said

What a pea eful sight.

‘eall , You Majest ?

As he wondered why someone was responding to his self-directed mutterings, Jircniv turned to see
Baziwood sta di g efo e hi . Ni le had a look of a o a e o his fa e as he ha dled Bazi ood s
share of the work as well.

Does t see pea eful to e at all. Just look.

One of the adventurers had been gashed by a bestial monster, and blood flew through the air. The
audience wailed and shouted their encouragement.

I did t ea the fight, I ea t the audie e.

Jircniv looked over the loudly-shouting crowd.

Is this ot a pea eful sight, o pa ed to the situatio hi h the E pi e is i ? If the people k e the
sort of monsters which lurked under that thin, fragile layer of skin, do you think they could enjoy
the sel es like this?

But is t pea e good? The e s o poi t letti g the people go a ou d ith a hi g ellies, is the e?

Baziwood was right.

Jircniv deeply regretted the pointless words he had spoken.

You e ight, Bazi ood. The , it s al ost ti e. What a out the p epa atio s?

Yes, You Majest . I as a it o ied e ould ot ake it i ti e e ause so e od as ot helpi g

out, but the drinks a d pape a e all laid out. “o is the i k.

The astounding quantity of ink and paper was in case someone was eavesdropping on the VIP room.
Although he felt that the cheering was loud enough and this room was distant enough from the others
for that not to be a problem, and listening alone could only get one so much, it did not hurt to be
redundantly prepared.

He knew it was very troublesome. He had done this before in the Imperial City, but this was really very

The reason he had gone to such convoluted lengths was because the might of the Sorcerous Kingdom
was an unknown value.

If he knew what they could and could not do, their response might have changed.

He had planned to use the war to mount an investigation, but it had ended in a truly horrific manner,
leading to a terrible tragedy. Still, he could not completely give up on his investigations. He thought of
othe ethods, ut if the e e o safe tha efo e, the he ould o l t e le efo e the e e s
shadow. But even if he did get any results, even if he did uncover any actionable methods, he might end
up being paralyzed by that same shadow to the point where he might as well give up.

No, he could not forget that heat that passed through his throat.

Ai z Ooal Go -- if I knew the li its of the “o e e Ki g s po e , I ight ot ha e eeded to go this


At that point, he had asked him to help as a collaborator, but now that he was a king and a peer, asking
him for help was nearly impossible. No, he could ask for help, but the potential price of such aid made
his head ache.
It s ot just the “o e e Ki g, You Majest . It s p ett ad as lo g as e do t k o hat his assals
a do, ight?

That s o e t.

...What if those su o di ates a e st o ge tha the “o e e Ki g hi self?

Ho ould that e? That s i possi le, ight?

Jircniv broke into a cold sweat at that answer.

As he reflected on the fact that the Four Knights were stronger than him -- and that they were his
subordinates -- he could not bring himself to say that it was impossible. One who stood above others did
not need pure physical strength, but other things.

What if Ainz Ooal Gown was like that?

--No, it a t e. Liste , Ni le. You thi ki g is o g. U de stood?

Yes! “o , You Majest .

If that were really the case, then they were finished. He hoped that at the very most, those subordinates
would be equal to the Sorcerer King -- and Jircniv was desperately praying to the gods that they would
be weaker than him.

They did not know enough, after all.

I guess we should continue that plan of trying to learn something from that Dark Elf girl, with the
k o ledge that it ould e da ge ous. G a ted, e a t u a lot of sla es f o the Theo a , ut
a e that ethod ould… O pe haps t i g the boy (Aura) would be better? No, he looks too young,
so usi g o e o hi p o a l o t o k. Besides, he looks e spi ited.

Just as Jircniv settled in for a long contemplation, a knocking came from the door.

The three men looked at each other, and then Nimble went to open the door.

As expected, Freivartz was there.

You Majest , the guests ha e a i ed. The e a e si people i total a d I e et the High P iests efo e,
so I elie e it s the .

The , please o e i --
Just as he said that, Seyde chipped in.

Whoa, hoa ha g o a ti k, ou gu s i the a k. Nu e s add up, ut so ethi g s off? The t o of

ou i the a k feel like e. “o, ou e f o the pu ish e t s uad of the te ples -- the ones who kill
apostate priests? I thought you guys were just supposed to e ooge e ?

This hu le o k is uite su p ised too.

Whose people a e ou?

Good g ief, ho t ou leso e. It ould ha e ee fi e if ou had just let us pass ithout i ide t…
Firstly, you are mistaken. I -- no, we have a good reason to be here. Namely, because the Emperor
i ited us. He ll e u happ if ou sho hostilit to us, ou k o .

H-- . Oka , so ould ou ait the e fo a it? Let e he k if ou gu s a e telli g the t uth he e.

He let Jircniv see their faces. There was the High Priest of the Fire God, the High Priest of the Wind God,
as well as four others he had not seen before. They wore dark-colored hoods which prevented him from
seeing their full faces, and that was the most suspicious part.

Since this was the first time they had met, there was no guarantee that they actually were emissaries of
the Theocracy. However, since the High Priests were there as well, things would not be able to progress
if he did not believe them. The Sorcerer King would be the only one who benefited from any internal
disputes which resulted.

The a e the guests I as aiti g fo . “o , ut ould ou let the i ?

The members of Silver Canary had shocked looks on their faces, but they still let them pass.

Even after the doors were closed, they did not lower their hoods.

Jircniv did not say anything about this impolite behavior. They were probably just as wary as Jircniv was,
and the object of their mutual caution was the Sorcerer King.

It see s gua ds ha e i o e ie ed ou. I apologize.

Please, pa it o heed. The t uth is, those ada a tite-ranked adventurers were right about the two
people in the back.

The two emissaries of the Theocracy took a seat, while the other two stood at attention behind them.

Jircniv wrote the o d “ iptu e o the sheet of pape he had. His espo se as a fai t s ile, ut it
spoke o e tha a o ds ould. The Theo a s spe ial fo es e e k o as the “ iptu es, so the
must have come from one of the Six Scriptures.
The , h do t e e jo the fight fi st? The ai e e t is a out to egi , is it ot?

Jircniv nodded to that question.

The main event was when the excitement of the crowd reached its peak, and so the noise intensified.
This would make eavesdropping very difficult, which was why he had chosen this time and this place.

The emissary from the Slaine Theocracy produced a document and handed it to Jircniv.

Jircniv carefully revealed the document, so as not to let it be seen from the back or the sides, and saw
several questions there.

Simply put, they were asking why he had asked the Sorcerer King to use that spell.

The , the asked a out the E pe o s positio o the atte .

About how much they knew about the Sorcerous Kingdom.

It was couched in the most diplomatic of terms, but it was still a questionnaire.

While the could have simply mailed it to him, the reason why he had managed to get them all the way
he e as e ause the fea ed the ea h of the “o e ous Ki gdo s a s. O pe haps it as e ause
they did not trust the Empire.

Dissatisfa tio elled up i Ji i s east. Ho e e , he he e alled thei elatio ship ith the
Sorcerous Kingdom, it was only natural that they would not trust them at all.

Jircniv filled in his answers just as a round of cheering went up. It would seem the match was about to

Befo e this g a d out, let e all ou atte tio to E pe o El-Nix, who has come to spectate the
attle! Ladies a d ge tle e , please look to the VIP oo a o e ou!

It as the a ou e s oi e, a plified by a magic item.

E use e.

Jircniv rose, so the audience below him could see his face.

The people cheered as one for Jircniv. Jircniv turned his handsome face to the people, and smiled
silently to them. The women began shrieking for him, and Jircniv felt quite satisfied that his popularity
had not yet waned.
Tha k ou e u h! The , e t up, ladies a d ge tle e , the lo g-awaited battle with the Martial
Lo d! The p epa atio s ill take a hile, so please e patie t.

The Ma tial Lo d, huh, Ji i utte ed.

Jircniv had once asked Baziwood about letting all the Four Knights battle the Martial Lord. He had
laughed and said they had no chance of winning. The answer worried him, so he let Fluder gather some
information about the Martial Lord. The results showed that the Martial Lord was a being that was so
powerful that it was unfair.

“till, ho is the Ma tial Lo d fighti g, You Majest ?

The question from the emissary was an obvious one. The fact was, Jircniv did not have an answer for

I ot too su e self. This at h ith the Ma tial Lo d see s to ha e ee hastil de ided a d did
ot appea o the p og a eithe , fo se e s sake.

I see, the e issa eplied.

Well, a o e ho ould go o e o o e ith the Ma tial Lo d must be an adamantite-ranked

adventurer. However, Silver Canary is here, so it must be someone from Eight Ripples. Honestly, I really
a t app o e of e hi itio at hes ith a ha e of killi g o e of the a e ada a tite-ranked
ad e tu e s.

I a ot ompletely refute that, but the fact is that strength is attractive. This place is probably best
suited for letting the people see an example of overwhelming power and giving them a dream of making
it thei o .

The man who interrupted was the High Priest of the God of Fire -- in other words, the highest-ranking
e e of the God of Fi e s faith.

That said, afte o side i g the E pi e s p ese t o ditio , it s possi le that it ight e d up lo e i g
its ilita st e gth. The Ma tial Lo d is the E pi e s mightiest being. Why not enlist him into your
fo es?

...To thi k so eo e like ou ould a tuall sa so ethi g like that.

The Slaine Theocracy was a human-centric country. No, it would be better to say that they looked down
on the countries of other races.
They were a nation that could still exist in a world filled with various races after advertising that fact.
One had to hand it to them. Or rather, one could say that uniting a species was a condition of building a
strong nation.

That s just pe so al opi io . It does t efle t o ou t . Well, that s e ough hit-chat for now,
Your Majesty. Can I have your reply?

I deed. The --

--The ait is o e , ladies a d ge tle e ! I t odu i g ou halle ge !

Ji i s ha d stopped as he as a out to write the answer to the first question. This was because he
was curious about the challenger, who was brave enough to issue a challenge to that Martial Lord. Being
acknowledged as a challenger meant that he must be able to put up quite a fight. Did anyone like that
still exist in the Empire?

If he was outstanding enough and was willing to serve the Empire, he would employ him even if he lost.
Depe di g o ho thi gs e t, he ight e d up gi i g hi the seat o the Fou K ights that The
I o a le had left empty after his death.

..The a e of the halle ge a ell e k o to a i the audie e. That g eat a has o e to

g a e us toda ! I gi e ou, the “o e e Ki g of the “o e ous Ki gdo , His Majest ! Ai z! Ooal! Go !


That sound of utter stupefaction escaped from Jircniv.

He did ot u de sta d the a ou e s o ds as the u ied the sel es i to his ai .

Confusion filled the Colosseum, and the VIP room was deathly silent.

Jircniv looked around him, and he was sure that everyone had heard the same thing.

Ai z Ooal Go ?


Of course it was impossible. The leader of a country could not possibly appear in a gladiatorial match in
another country. This was obvious to anyone with common sense. It was not as though he was a

I the fi st pla e, the had ee keepi g a e e o the “o e ous Ki gdo s o e e ts. If the “o e e
Ki g had e te ed the E pi e, that atte ould ha e ea hed Ji i s ea s i ediatel . It ould ha e
been an absolute top priority matter. He had arranged to have that news reach him whether he was in
his harem or in some other place.

If that news had not reached him despite all these efforts, that meant--

He secretly entered the country? Why would anyone do that? And he came to the Colosseum? What on
earth is he think-- hat? Could it e? Is it that ho it is? This… ho is this possi le?

Ji i s od shudde ed u o t olla l .

Then, he shifted his line of sight alone to look at the emissaries from the Slaine Theocracy.

Their eyes were keen under their hoods, and the looks in those eyes said only one thing. No, in all
likelihood, Jircniv would have reached the same conclusion if he were in their shoes.

They were thinking: Jircniv called the Sorcerer King here.

Please ait. This is a trap!


All this was a conspiracy of Ainz Ooal Gown. If they did not understand that -- no, if could not accept
that, the situation would become very dire.

A t ap of the “o e ous Ki gdo ? O so ethi g else? Afte all, this pla e as specified by you, Your
Majest , a d e o l lea ed a out this a fe hou s ago.

That was correct. He had been keeping everything hidden until the last moment in order to reduce the
risk of information leaking out.

Jircniv desperately tried to recall who knew about this matter. The number was very small, and all of
them were reliable people. Or was that really the case?


--It s possi le that the i fo atio as e t a ted th ough agi al do i atio . This is defi itel ot a
part of my plan. This is the p oof. If I had set this t ap, ould I e so pa i ked ight o ?

You e pe t us to elie e that? A e ou doi g this to d a us i ? O pe haps, to sell us out?!

They did not trust him at all.

No, that was to be expected. Jircniv would be castigating them if he were in their place.
Still, where was the leak? No, did it really leak? Could it be all this was all within the palm of his hand?
He set out the bait, and waited for me to take the hook--

Suddenly , a chill wind blew across his back.

How many of his actions had the Sorcerer King predicted?

It was very possible that everything that had happened until now was part of his plan.

The “o e e Ki g is su h a oppo e t, Ji i s illia t i d o luded.

How elaborate was his scheme, anyway? No, o s ot the ti e to e af aid of his u i g! If I do t a t

No good, e ha e to lea e o --

However, it was too late.

The i t ude s oi e as like that of a hu te ho had see his p e fall i to a a efull -laid trap.

Ji i Rune Farlord El-Nix-do o. It has ee a hile.

As he struggled to control his panicked breathing, he saw the form of the Sorcerer King, who had
ascended from the heart of the arena to the same height as that of the VIP room.

He brazenly displayed that disquieting face of his. It must have been to let everyone know that it was
the man himself.

Du , du -- huu. The same to you, Gown-do o. I did ot thi k I ould eet ou i a pla e like this.

He had no idea what to say. Just about anything he said might e held agai st hi . Ho e e , Ji i s
lips would not open, as though they had been glued shut.

The feeli g is utual. What a oi ide e!

Kuku, the “o e e Ki g laughed e ill . It as e o ious he did ot thi k it as a oi ide e at all.

It was definitely not a coincidence.

Ji i as e tai that all this as pa t of Ai z Ooal Go s s he e.

By taking control of the secret talks with the Theocracy, he would apply pressure on both Jircniv and the
Theocracy and prevent them from allying with each other.

He was a truly twisted genius.

He wiped his sweaty palms on his clothes.

A lot of information must have leaked out. The question was, how much of it did this fellow know?

Just as Jircniv was struggling to think, the hateful lights in the “o e e Ki g s e eso kets tu ed to
ega d the Theo a s e issa ies.

F ie ds of ou s, You Majest ?

Ji i had o a of a s e i g Ai z s uestio .

This was no simple question.

It was a test of his intentions.

Would he lie to protect the people of the Theocracy, or sell them out, as a friend of the Sorcerous

It was such a malicious scheme that Jircniv began feeling nauseous.

That emotionless skull looked like it was twisted by evil. It must be mocking him, Jircniv, who could not

What s o g? El-Nix -- no, Jircniv-do o. You look pale. A e ou u ell?

The fact that he sounded genuinely concerned first disgusted him, then terrified him. He felt like a small
animal, squirming within a loving hand. As a human being, it was only natural to feel that terror
wrapped up in that joy.

It, it s fi e, it s othi g. I see to ha e gotte a little dizz f o sta di g up so sudde l .

Is that so. Well, the sa ou od is ou est asset, ou d est take a e of it.

Ji i s e cused sounded very unnatural, but at least he had been let off. Was he waiting for the right
moment to finish off his prey, or was he indulging his hobby of sadism? Or perhaps--

The , ould ou ge tle e like to i t odu e ou sel es? I a the “o e e Ki g, Ai z Ooal Go .

--Perhaps that was what he was aiming for.

Since he, as the leader of a country, had already stated his name, the other side could not retreat
without saying a word. If they gave a false name, if the Sorcerer King learned their real names, how
would he react then?

Stop toying with us!!!

His expression had not changed, or rather, that was because it was a skinless and fleshless skull. Not
only did he not have eyes, the empty orbits of his eyes were occupied only by dancing crimson flames,
from which no emotions could be read. Yet, Jircniv could feel that evil grin widening.

Tha k ou e u h, a d i t uth e ould ha e i t odu ed ou sel es as ell. Ho e e , a di e

emergency awaits us, so we must leave immediately. We shall inform Your Majesty about ourselves
soo .

The Theo a s e issa ies ose f o thei seats.

Is that so? What a sha e. I do hope e ill eet agai . Please e ell u til the . The , the e is still the
atte of the at h, so please e use e.

With those parting words of mockery (probably), the Sorcerer King descended.

As his shape a ished elo , the Theo a s e issa ies gla ed at Ji i .

You set us up.

No, I did t!

You did t? No atte ho ou look at it, he k e e e thi g a out his pla e. E erything he has done
is a clear mockery of a bunch of fools who are moving exactly as he has predicted. ...How much of this
did you tell him? How many people were you going to betray to save your own country? You must have
asked him to use that illogically dest u ti e spell too, did ou ot?

Jircniv looked desperately to the priests for help.

However, he did not see suspicion and doubt there, but hostility and disappointment.

The Sorcerer King had struck a magnificent blow at the moment when it would have been most effective.
It was one which would utterly cripple the Empire. It told the Empire that they had no choice left other
than to betray humanity--

Please elie e e, I did t sell this i fo atio to hi --

...E e if I did elie e ou, the e s o a ou a de the fa t that ou e ti e ope atio has ee
e posed. You Majest , I a sad to sa that e ill ot e eeti g agai .

Afte sa i g that, the Theo a s e issa ies ade to lea e, follo ed the p iests.

Please ait! I fo id ou to lea e this oo u til I hea ou opi io !

Nimble and Baziwood drew their weapons and prepared to make their move.

As Jircniv struggled to restore some life to his shattered heart, he stared at the two High Priests. The
Theo a s e issa ies did ot even look back as they left.

You, tell e hat the te ples thi k. What do ou thi k a out the “o e e Ki g!

...The “o e e Ki g is a i ked, u dead ei g, a d e ill ot pe it it to all itself Ki g.

Before Jircniv could answer, the High Priest of the God of Fi e o ti ued: Ho e e , e a ot defeat
hi i attle, so e ust fi d so e a to dest o it.

Bet a us if ou ill, oh E pe o , ou ho ha e ee sedu ed the po e of e il.

That statement, made by the High Priest of the Wind God, clearly illustrated their hostility towards

This was extremely bad.

The temples could not influence the government. However, they might well decide to excommunicate
an Emperor who was in league with the universal enemy, the undead.

He could not purge them, because the temples were in charge of healing, as well as the saviors of the
peoples souls.

If he did that, the Empire would fall apart from the inside.

To Jircniv, that single move by Ainz Ooal Gown felt like the sweep of the Grim ‘eape s s the. E e if he
did nothing, the Empire would collapse. Then, the Sorcerous Kingdom would find some reason to come

If it e e Ji i doi g it, he ould use a e use alo g the li es of We e se di g t oops o e to

maintain peace be ause ou allied ou t is i haos.

Judging by their reaction, the Slaine Theocracy would not censure the Sorcerous Kingdom for doing that.
The Kingdom would not have the strength to do anything about it, while the City-State Alliance would
take a while to make such a statement.
What kind of enticements could he offer to remove the doubts from their hearts? Or rather, to keep to
their commitments even if they had doubts?

Jircniv had always placed that topic foremost in his heart when he spoke to others in his capacity as
Emperor. The simplest way to get people to take action was to appeal to their desires. Jircniv had grown
up knowing this to be the right way to view things. There were so many humans who were ruled by
desire for a pretty face that it was hardly surprising.

However, at this moment, Jircniv could not find an answer.

Now that others thought he had betrayed humanity to work with the undead, there was nothing he
could offer the other side.

All he could do was sincerely and earnestly tell his side of the story.

Please allo e to sa o e last thi g. That fello s u i g su passes i e. These de elop e ts ight
ell e his doi g. ...While I k o I ould ot elie e that so easil if I e e i ou shoes… I t ul did ot
sell you out. And while you might not believe this either, as a human being I wish to tell you one thing.
The “o e e Ki g s eig is e e iful. The people of E-‘a tel still li e i pea e.

But e ha e o idea ho lo g that ill last, do e?

Pe haps. But fo the time being, at least, they are safe. If we fight a war which we cannot win, our
country will immediately tread the road to annihilation. So I hope you will think carefully and not make
a ash o es.

The two High Priests looked at each other.

Then, their previous hostility toward Jircniv seemed to mellow a little.

...It see s e a ha e ee too e otio al. If that u dead eatu e t ul is as the u o s sa he is, e
cannot discard the possibility that all this might have been part of his plan. Then, may we meet again
so e he e, if it is ea t to e.

Tha k ou. A d efo e that, I ha e a e uest. No atte he e, please at h that fello fight i the
Colosseu . If ou a see a a to defeat hi , please tell e.

Jircniv lowered his head.

Conspiracies included, there was no way to beat Ainz in a battle of wits. The human heart was the sole
trump card left to those that wished to fight him evenly.

Cheering came from downstairs, and Jircniv turned to look at it.

...Good lu k, Ma tial Lo d. Oh, gods!

Jircniv prayed in earnest for the victory of the Martial Lord.

-Part 3-

The much-awaited Imperial Capital.

As he pee ed th ough the slight gap he had ope ed i the oa h s i do , Ai z felt a te i le se se of


Life and energy abounded

The faces of the people were bright. It was a bustling city, completely unlike the dreary Sorcerous

And then, the sense of defeat soon faded away. After all, that city had been annexed recently. When a
city was taken over by a new ruler, life would change. It was only natural that people would feel uneasy,
leading to a temporary state of low energy.

Punitto Moe had once taught Ainz about strategy games. When one conquered territory during a war,
the happiness value of the people would plummet. Also--

--What did he say about partisans appearing? The heck? Why would a large amount of weapons appear
all of a sudden?

The first part was completely unrelated to the second. He had the feeling that he had gotten something
wrong somewhere.

Since the game had nothing to do with YGGDRASIL, he had lost interest halfway. However, they should
have been vaguely related, at least.

He as p o a l talki g a out so e ki d of et a al. O a e it as so e fo of pla e sla g, huh…

Pa tisa s… see s to e a kind of polearm. So, when he talked about weapons being sold in large
ua tities, he as talki g a out a easo to fight? Citize le ies, a e? H ? Ma e the e fighti g
the new ruler, but that would be an uprising, right? Then it should have just been called a rebellion from
the egi i g. Wh pa tisa s? Well, it does t atte a a ...

The reason why there had been no rebellion in E-Rantel was because the Death Knights were patrolling
to maintain public order. Or was it because the character of Momon had a calming effect on them? No,
perhaps the root reason was because of his benevolent social policies.
...Nothi g s ette tha a pea eful eig . Killi g the goose fo the golde eggs is utte foolish ess. I guess
I need to make the occasional concession like returning dropped items to an opponent after PKing them,

As he e alled the o te ts of PKi g fo Du ies , Ai z ealised that he had gotte dist a ted, a d
hurriedly got his thoughts back on track.

Hang on, I was thinking about high energy. Well, no matter what, I only rule one city, and this is the
apital of the E pi e, hi h has a ities, so the diffe e e i thei e e g le els a t e helped.
E e thei populatio s a e diffe e t… “o I guess as lo g as the u e of people i eases, the
“o e ous Ki gdo ill also e o e o e i a t… I guess I eed to fo us o poli ies hi h e ou age
a population increase. Albedo can carry them out.

After Ainz comforted himself, he decided upon a new direction to take, in his capacity as a ruler.

The , ah, You Majest ...

The man who was looking out the window as well spoke to him, and it brought Ainz back from his

I, I fea to ask, You Majest , ut is this ot the I pe ial Capital, A i ta ?

The man -- who had practically been brought along by force -- asked that question in a trembling voice.

I deed it is. As e pe ted of the Ad e tu e s Guild aste , ou e og ized this pla e at a gla e.

Tha k, tha k ou e -- o, ait! I do t e all us passi g th ough a he kpoi ts! Is t this illegal
i ig atio ?

That was, in fact, what had happened. Since they had used the [Gate] spell to directly transit to the
Imperial Capital, they would not have passed through any checkpoints.

---Details, details.

These a e t just details! A king crossing the border illegally into another country will blow up into an
i te atio al i ide t!

Jircniv did the same thing when he came to Nazarick. Ainz did not say that, of course. Common sense
would dictate that the Guildmaster was right and Ainz was wrong.

After thinking as hard as he could, he still could not think of an explanation which Ainzach would accept.
I stead, he e ded up sighi g at the a s su p isi g stu o ess. He had thought he ould e the ki d
of a to sa , Well, as lo g as ou do t get aught .
His opinion of the man changed a little.

...Guild aste , I ha e a e good elatio ship ith El-Nix-do o. I e e e a eded to his e uests i
the past.

AInz recalled what had happened during that war.

Well, I k o it s ha dl the sa e thi g, ut I su e he ould gladl app o e if I just asked hi .

G a ted, I ll e telli g hi afte the fa t… ut ould t it e al ight if the E pe o hi self app o ed?

If, if ou put it that a …

The ost i po ta t thi g is that eithe ou o I ha e ought a thi g ad ith us. Does t that
ea it s fi e?.

Muu, Ai za h used.

Ainz smiled in his heart, believing that he had convinced the other man.

In truth, there were two reasons for their clandestine crossing of the border.

If Jircniv knew about this, he would probably prepare a reception for me. He might be wary of Nazarick,
ut si e I the ki g of a allied ou t , he ould ha e to el o e e at the f o t doo . That ould
be very bad.

The Emperor would surely host some kind of ceremony to welcome the king of an ally country,
something which Ainz, who was unfamiliar with the customs of noble society, had to avoid at all costs.

If he became a laughingstock because of that, he would not be able to look the Guardians -- who were
working hard for the Sorcerous Kingdom -- in the eye.

There was also another reason.

Now, I need to think about how to get Ainzach involved in this. Perhaps I should ask for his help like I did
when I spun that story at the guild?

The other reason was because he wanted to pressgang Guildmaster Ainzach into his schemes.

Ai z s o je ti e i o i g he e as to e uit ad e tu e s.

He had al ead i o po ated the Ad e tu e s Guild as a atio al o ga izatio . Ho e e , e e if the

shell was ready, filling it up would take a long time. This was quite bad for the Sorcerous Kingdom, since
it only controlled one city and the number of adventurers they could draw on was completely
insufficient. Using heteromorphs -- like lizardmen, for example -- was a problem for later. Right now, he
had to increase the number of human adventurers.

This was why he had to come here to do talent scouting. If it was not enough, he could recruit from the
surrounding countries as well.

However, this sort of recruitment was not easy, especially since Ainz was essentially going to do door-to-
door sales -- one of the hardest kinds of work in the sales business.

Acording to Ainzach, adventurers were supposedly freelancers, but in truth, they were a form of
national defense against monsters. Headhunting them aggressively would lead to stiff backlash.

Of ou se, Ai z did ot thi k he ould lose, e e if the Ad e tu e s Guilds of e e si gle atio

mounted a full-scale campaign against him. However, that would reduce the morale of any adventurers
he did manage to recruit. It was quite easy to see how they would lose their motivation when seeing a
conflict between their new allegiance and their former home.

This was why he had to involve Ainzach -- ho u de stood Ai z s ai s and concepts -- in all of this.
Surely things would go smoothly if he was the middleman. He had considered that Ainzach would flat-
out refuse if he told him about this in E-Rantel, so he had dragged him along like this.

In addition, he was also considering the fact that Ainzach would have something in common with the
other side.

That was a secret of salesmanship. People tended to gravitate towards those who were similar to them.

Ainz -- no, Suzuki Satoru had seen colleagues leverage the fact that they had been born in the same
place or that they supported the same team as prospective clients to clinch a sale.

Having once been Momon the adventurer, Ainz understood the life of the adventurer, to some extent.
However, he had risen through the ranks so quickly that he could not say that he truly knew the
hardships of being an adventurer. Thus, he had to let Ainzach -- who was a veteran adventurer and also
the Ad e tu e s Guild aste -- speak fo hi to i p o e the othe side s lose ess to hi .

In other wo ds, the su ess of thei little e peditio to the E pi e as elia t o Ai za h s pe fo a e.

Still, the question is, how can I truly motivate Ainzach to help?

If it was a matter of money, he could certainly pay. However, he did not imagine that such means would
make Ainzach give his all.

Let s go.
After commanding the driver, the coach began moving quietly. The driver in question was a creature
which Ainz had summoned with what little gold he had left, a monster whose level was over 80, called
Hanzo was a humanoid ninja-type monster, and was skilled in countering stealth. There were others of
roughly the same level, such as Kashin Koji, which was skilled in illusion. Fuuma, which was skilled in
hand-to-hand combat and special techniques, Tobi Kato, which was skilled with weapons, and so on.

The interior of the coach wobbled with a katakata sound as it travelled forward.

Ainz had considered that using a heavily-enchanted coach would be very suspicious. Thus, he had
chosen a regular stagecoach instead.

...The , You Majest . “i e e ha e al ead a i ed at the I pe ial Capital, a ou tell e hat e

ill e doi g he e?

AInzach furrowed his brows.

We ill e e uiti g ad e tu e s fo ou ou t .

A itte e p essio ossed Ai za h s face. It was clear he was having trouble accepting that.

...Could it e that ou i te d to pe suade the ad e tu e s of the E pi e to joi ou?

I deed. We ill e headhu ti g i this ou t .

While it had been done during a time of war, the fact that he had killed so many soldiers of the Kingdom
would make it very difficult to attract the adventurers of the Kingdom to his camp. In addition, Albedo
was visiting the Kingdom, so he could not make things difficult for her. That being the case, their allied
country, the Empire, was the ideal option.

The City-“tate Allia e as so e dista e a a f o he e, a o di g to Flude s i tellige e o the

countries. However, after consulting Demiurge and Albedo, he decided that intervening there was not

I hat a ill ou p o eed? I…

Ainzach took a deep breath.

...You Majest , I ha e e g a ed ou ie s o ad e tu e s deep i to hea t. Thus, I ish to aid You

Majesty with all my strength. That said, am still a man of the system, for the most part. I feel that having
adventurers abandon everything they have known up till now would be very difficult. This is particularly
t ue fo the ad e tu e s of the E pi e.

A se satio of e , f esh jo elled up ithi Ai z s hest.

Indeed, Ainz wanted opinions like this.

It was not that the Guardians were at fault, but they took his words as holy writ and rushed to execute
them. Thus, Ainz was frequently uneasy about whether or not he had given the right orders. Because of
that, he had longed to hear someone oppose one of his statements. That way, he would know where
the problems lay.

Ai z s opi io of Ai za h e t up a ot h.

Still, he could not completely accept his views.

Heaven only knew why, but all his subordinates seemed to think that the Sorcerer King Ainz Ooal Gown
was a genius. Thus, Ainz could not say or do anything to betray that faith. He could not disappoint them.

...Ho affli g. The e efits ought to out eigh the d a a ks. I do ot u de sta d. It see s I do ot
know enough about ad e tu e s.

This face of his which showed no emotion was a great help, because nobody could tell he was lying. It
was the ultimate poker face.

At this point, Ainz stopped for a moment and looked Ainz straight in the eye. He could not imply that he
was aiti g fo the a s espo se.

What ould ou do, i ou ase? Is the e a p oposal hi h ould e att a ti e e ough to ake
ad e tu e s ho ha e al ead pi ked out a ho e ase ha ge thei i ds?

...You Majest , ust e sta t headhu ti g ight o ?


A e e goi g to sta t t i g to e ti e the ad e tu e s of the I pe ial Capital ight a a ?

Ainz cupped his chin with a hand as he thought.

If possible, he would like to do so as soon as possible. However, if he could not, he did not mind waiting.
After all, the aim was to sing the praises of the Sorcerous Kingdom.

Heteromorphs did not possess the concept of a lifespan. In that sense, there was more than enough

I deed, it is ot pa ti ula l u ge t.
The , should e ot la a strong foundation first? We should build the desired organization within the
Sorcerous Kingdom, and then make various other preparations as needed. Once the shell is ready, we
a fill it at leisu e, is that o g?

That is a e elle t suggestio , o e hich I have considered before. However, it poses a problem of its
own. If we do not estimate the contents before we begin to build, the finished vessel may be too large
o too s all… Would ou a e to t ?

I -indeed, that task is beyond me. After all, I remain unsure of how Your Majesty wishes to nurture
ad e tu e s, a d I do ot u de sta d the e te t of ou pla s fo the “o e ous Ki gdo .

I deed. F a kl speaki g, I a still feeli g thi gs out. I pa ti ula -- I know you are interested in my
words, but I do not know how many hearts they can move. In order to observe their reactions, I have
o e to the E pi e to atte pt a test e uit e t, a d to see the out o e.

I see… as e pe ted of You Majest , ou ha e al ead pla ed so fa ahead. I a ashamed of my

shallo thi ki g.

Ce tai l ot. You a d I a e diffe e t ei gs. Be ause of that, I ight ake a istake he it o es to
the reactions of human beings. For all I know, I might say something which upsets others. Please tell me
if such a situatio o u s. I that espe t, I ill eed a helpe … Ai za h.


The , I ll e ou ti g o ou i futu e.

Ainzach paused to think for about a second, and then he bowed his head deeply.

It looked just like how the Guardians of Nazarick did it.

Ainz graciously nodded as he reflected on his previous words.

I a ase, a I eall lea e the task of appeali g to the E pi e s ad e tu e s to Ai za h alo e?

This was a very important point.

He could do the presentation himself if need be, but it was not because he particularly liked it. If
someone was more adept at a task and more capable, then he should hand it to them. However--

--I a t lea e it all to hi . If a p o le o es up, I ought to deal ith it as his supe io .

He did not want to be a bad boss. Ainz clung to that determination. Just then, he realized that Ainzach
seemed to have fallen into contemplation.
Is so ethi g o g?

...You Majest , ould it e that ou do ot i te d to li it ou self to the u e t op of ad e tu e s,

but to incorporate the adventurers of the future into your organization and have them explore the
unknown world?

That as i te tio .

With that i i d, I feel t i g to pe suade the p ese t at h of ad e tu e s ill e e diffi ult.

However, it might be possible to have those people who wish to become adventurers come to our
“o e ous Ki gdo . That is to sa , e ill gathe the hat hli gs a d the aise the .

While adventurers knew no borders, the people who became adventurers belonged to a certain country.
Ainz had thought of this point as well, but since this man -- who was more familiar with this world than
Ainz -- shared his opinion, then it should be fine.

I see. The , hat should e do?

The st o g ha e al a s ee ad i ed. Thus, a I ask how your Majesty feels about showing his might
as a fo of ad e tise e t?

And what would that accomplish? Ainz thought.

That said, pu li it as e i po ta t. Afte all, the easo h he as fou di g his o Ad e tu e s

Guild was to spread the name of the Sorcerous Kingdom of Ainz Ooal Gown.

...“o I ha e to sho ight a d do hat ad e tu e s do?

All I have to do is make an Empire-brand Momon, then, Ainz thought. However, Ainzach shook his head.

O that ote, You Majest . This is the I pe ial Capital. How would you feel about displaying your
ight i the A e a?

Hoh…? That sou ds i te esti g. Ela o ate.


The coach stopped in a spacious courtyard.

Momon and Nabe had walked the streets of the Imperial Capital, but Ainz had never seen such a vast
personal home during that time. Not even in E-Rantel had he seem a home more impressive than this.

Is this the ho e of the A e a s o e ? This is uite a i p essi e pla e.

Ai za h s espo se to Ai z s uestio as alo g the li es of That ight e st et hi g it.

The a e a itself is state p ope t . People e t it fo e e ts, so alli g the p o ote s ight e oe
a u ate. The pe so ho li es he e is a o g the ost po e ful of those people.

I see… a f ie d of ou s?

It would be good if that were the case. Regretfully, Ainzach shook his head.

The e a e a e e ts i the a e a, a d so eti es ad e tu e s e d up fighti g o ste s. I e o l

et this pe so a fe ti es, he I aptu ed those o ste s a d shipped the he e.

Is that so. Still, it ended up being quite useful indeed, so I must thank you for your connection. That
said, what sort of monsters did you capture around the outskirts of E-‘a tel?

Ainzach had an uncomfortable look on his face.

We aptu ed the u dead f o the Katze Plai s. The u dead did t eed food, so the did t i u
additio al e pe ses afte e aptu ed the .

Hoh. Good e e. You do k o ou stuff, afte all.

Is that so? I do t st ike self as a e likea le pe so … still, You Majest . I fea to offend you, but is
it eall al ight to speak of aptu i g ou ki d?

Ainz looked straight at Ainzach.

What on earth was he on about?

Be ause the e u dead…

Ahh, I see -- well, there are many kinds of undead. I do not count all undead as my kind.

Fo gi e dis espe t… The , a Ii ui e as to hat t pe of u dead You Majest ight e? If it does

ot offe d, of ou se.

I a a O e lo d. Ha e ou hea d of those efo e?

M deepest apologies, ut I ha e ot. I as ot i li ed to a d studies, so I do ot k o .

Well, that s to e e pe ted, Ai z thought.

In YGGDRASIL, there were several types of monsters in the Overlord family: the Overlord Wiseman,
which was skilled in magic, the Overlord Kronos Master, which could use time-related skills, the
Overlord General, which was adept at controlling armies of the undead, among others. Even the
weakest of those was at least level 80.

He had a rough grasp of the strength of this world and the amount of strength one needed to be
considered powerful in this world. That being the case, the appearance of an undead being like an
Overlord would cause a huge disturbance, particularly because the undead did not age, so they would
continue ruling the land for all eternity until it was defeated.

In other words, the fact that nothing like this had happened implied that there were no Overlords here.

Is that so. Well, I i te d to se d ad e tu e s i to the u k o ea hes of the o ld to olle t

information of that sort. It would be quite troublesome if others of my kind were around, bearing a
hat ed fo the li i g. Do ou u de sta d?

Ai za h s e es e t ide, a d he odded.

It is as ou sa . I o tho oughl u de sta d the t ue atu e of ad e tu e s.

I deed. Co side e a u dead ei g that is a exception to the rules. I understand the value of
humanity, so I will not engage in meaningless slaughter. However, other Overlords might not think the
sa e a , o?

Is that eall the ase?

That e ai s to e see . I do ot k o if I a the e eption, or if my species is an exception in itself.

However, should we not assume the worst- ase s e a io a d p epa e a o di gl ?

...It is as You Majest sa s. I shall e g a e it i to hea t.

Ainzach nodded.

If there were traces of one having appeared, and having being defeated -- it might have had some
involvement with whoever brainwashed Shalltear. No, one could not rule out an Overlord being
dominated the same way Shalltear had been.

The , I shall go se u e a appoi t e t fo the eeti g.

Tha k ou.

Ainzach got off the coach. After Ainz watched him leave, he took out his mask and put it on. He could go
around barefaced in E-Rantel, but this was the Imperial Capital -- and he had crossed borders illegally to
be here -- so at the very least it was better to hide his true face. His robe was also something that was
more subdued.
Although it meant that his personal equipment would go down by one class, it could not be helped.
After all, Ainz only had one set of divine-class robes. While he still had the things left behind by his
friends, in the end, the armor his friends left behind was more customised than their weapons.
Therefore, it was not so much that he could not equip them, but that he could not bring out their full
power, being that he could not make use of the large amounts of data that were used to benefit their
abilities. That being the case, it was still better for Ainz to use the items which had been made for him,
even if it was a little weaker.

After swapping out his gear, a knocking ca e f o the doo of the a iage, follo ed Ai za h s oi e.

It would seem less than five minutes had passed.

M deepest apologies, You Majest .

What happe ed?

I eg et to sa that toda does ot see o e ie t. The othe pa t hopes e a come again

to o o . Ho e e , I elie e e a fo e ou a i to o e You Majest s o ds to his ea s. What
shall e do?

The e is o eed fo that.

Forcing an unsolicited meeting during a busy period would not endear anyone to him. On the contrary,
he o e looked at it f o a usi ess poi t of ie , the e fa t that the had o e u i ited a d
had not only not been chased away, but given a time to visit again could be considered a major

The , e ll o e agai to o o . Good thi g the e s ee a lot of f ee ti e latel -- hat s o g?

Ainz realised Ainzach was goggling at him, and so he asked him why.

No, it s othi g. I just felt that You Majest as a t ul ge e ous pe so … afte all, the e a e those
nobles who look dow o e ha ts…

A d ou elie ed I ould i sist o a eeti g?

The fa t that Ai z did ot a s e i ediatel told hi I did elie e that i a a that o ds ould ot

Would that e the ight thi g to do f o a ule s poi t of ie , Ai z o dered. While it seemed a bit
too late to think of that now, Ainz Ooal Gown was a king. If that was what a ruler ought to do, then he
should do it, even if it seemed strange to Suzuku Satoru.
This is fi st ti e o up i g a positio o e hu a s. Do ou not think I would do so, if it was proper
i hu a so iet ?

A u o fo ta le look appea ed o Ai za h s fa e agai :

I a u su e, You Majest . I ha e e e et the Ki g, so I a ot sa if it is t ue o ot. Although,

personally speaking, I prefer Your Majest s poi t of ie . But to high-ranking nobles, the use of force
ight e app op iate.

Hu a so iet is so o pli ated.

For some reason, Ainzach smiled warmly to Ainz after he muttered that.

It ight ell e as You Majest sa s. The e a e a o pli ated thi gs i deed.

Their chuckling filled the coach.

Ainz clenched his right fist where nobody could see. It would seem Ainzach was no longer so guarded.
Ainz was sure of it.

--Then, did you tell him them that I would be coming tomorrow as ell?

No, I did ot do that. I a ted to hea hat ou thought of it fi st, You Majest . O a I pe itted to
use You Majest s a e?

...It s fi e as lo g as the a e ot hu a s ho ill ake a fuss. “i e the a e f ie ds of ou s, that pa t

of thi gs ill e at ou o dis etio .

U de stood. The I shall ot dis lose it fo o ."

After discussing details like the time and so on, Ainzach stepped down from the coach again

Ainz felt a bit guilty about using him as a runner. While he knew this was not a world where seniority
mattered, Suzuki Satoru was a working man, and it bothered him to order an older person around.

Now I understand why people dislike having old subordinates.

He would not have had a problem ordering someone around from a completely different company. For
instance, if Ainzach was from the Empire, he could point and dictate with no problems at all. The reason
why Ainz could not do so was because he had come to see Ainzach as one of his subordinates.

I need to reward him app op iatel . The people of Naza i k do t ask fo pa e t, ut the e a
e eptio . If I fo get this, the ll thi k of e as a te i le ule . I ust ot e o e the oss of a la k-
hearted enterprise.
Ainz vowed that to the voice of Herohero in his mind.

Although, he it o es to e a di g Ai za h… ho u h should I pa hi , as a ki g? The sa e as a

mithril- a ked ad e tu e ? No, the e should e a dut allo a e as ell… so a othe % o top of that?
Is there anyone I can ask about how much is appropriate?

He could discuss it with Demiurge or Albedo, but it was unclear whether the two of them had any idea
of what kind of payment was appropriate. He had the feeling they would reply with something along the
li es of He should e glad to se e ou, Ainz-sa a .

As e pe ted… I eed to fi d a ise hu a . Flude said he as e o fide t of his agi al k o ledge,

but he knew next to nothing about other matters.

Nazarick was arguably invincible, but he felt uneasy about his lack of knowledge concerning human

...“o it s asi all shell-p o otio fo hi , the ? I guess ag eei g ith De iu ge s p oposal as the
ight hoi e. The agai , I had o i te tio of de i g hi he he ought it up…
(TL Note: This part is fairly complex; Ainz uses a saying here which refers to self-promotion. However,
Ainz has mis-stated o e o d, goi g f o to . I CN, it s , hi h e a e .

As Ainz drifted off into contemplation once more, someone knocked on the door.

Fo gi e the dela , You Majest .

It s ot as though I was waiting for you. However, Ainz decided to allow Ainzach to continue, with a
magnanimous attitude that best fitted a ruler.

As ou ha e desi ed, the appoi t e t has ee ade to eet at te i the o i g to o o , You

Majest .

U u. The , the e s just the atte of aiti g u til to o o … Ne t, I shall use telepo tatio agi to
send you to E-‘a tel. ‘ela a d a ept the spell. [G eate Telepo tatio ].

Ai za h s od disappea ed i a i sta t.

[Greater Teleportation] would safely transport him to the outermost of E-‘a tel s t iple gates. E e if
there was someone at the destination, the spell would deposit him in the nearest safe location, so there
was no need to verify the destination with magic.

The , I should o ta t that gu ith [Message].

Ainz muttered to himself. This was a distasteful task, so he did that to pull himself together.
He was sending the message to Fluder, who had offered everything to him. The reason why he had been
dragging his feet on giving the man what he had promised was because he did not feel confident he
could actually give that old man what he wanted.

Fluder wanted Ainz to teach him everything he knew about magic.

Ho e e , Ai z s po e did ot o e f o the stud of agi .

Perhaps if this were YGGDRASIL, he might be qualified to talk about magic. Sadly, the magic system of
this world worked slightly different from that of YGGDRASIL.

Why was it that they learned the same spells in different ways? He had asked himself that question
many times, but he could not find the answer. In addition, there was a veritable mountain of other
unanswered questions. In the worst-case scenario, he had to consider that he might not be able ot use
his powers from YGGDRASIL.

Perhaps he could find the answer by using the level-draining option of the super-tier spell [Wish Upon A
Star]. In this world, that spell could alter reality itself, and by draining multiple levels, it could fulfil a
greater wish.
However, that was a very risky gamble.

It was unknown if he would find the answer even if he used it. It was very likely he would just be wasting
effort. More importantly, he was afraid to use a spell which qualified as a trump card. Of course, it
would be a different matter if he had a way to obtain large amounts of experience, but sadly, he had not
discovered such a way so far.

Although he had o lu gs, Ai z e t Haaah~ as he sighed. He had the attitude of a sales a ho as

prepared to to apologize for failing to deliver the requested goods to a client as he cast the [Message]

Flude Pa ad e. It is I, Ai z Ooal Go .

Once he reached him, he continued speaking the pre-arranged words.

You e e o i Bel ous Village. You ea liest o ta t ith agi as th ough the spell aste i ou

?Ohhhh! It is you, Teacher! Long have I awaited this!?

He could feel the gratitude from Fluder.

Those pre-arranged words were a form of code, because Fluder had said that there was no way to tell if
the person on the other side of a [Message] was a friend or a stranger. Thus, they had arranged to verify
their identity by mentioning the (already-changed) name of his village and his memory.

“till, e e afte doi g that, Flude s dou ts a out the [Message] spell e ai ed.

He s got it p ett ad. That said, there was not much Ainz could do about it.

Ai z ade his epl , feeli g slightl i ti idated the u i g i te sit of Flude s e thusias .

Fo gi e the slight dela . I elie e it is ti e to tea h ou agi , as e ag eed. A e ou f ee o ?

Of course! I will make as much time as needed for you, Teacher!

He a ted to sa , You do t ha e to t so ha d , ut Flude s e thusias a out agi as the t uest

expression of his character. In the face of this magic-crazed madman, Ainz could not help but feel a little
tongue-tied, as a regular person.

As he considered this great task, which seemed like settling a claim by a difficult customer, his stomach
began to ache.

...My stomach must hurt the worst of anyone in the Imperial Capital.

Still, he could not delay it any further.

Befo e telepo ti g to Flude s oo , Ai z de ided to e if his desti atio ith a di i atio spell.

All ight. I shall o ast [G eate Telepo tatio ] to ea h ou ha e s.

Ohhh! Not [Teleportation], but [Greater Teleportation]! Dare I ask which tier of magic it belongs to?

...Let s lea e that fo late . The [Message] ill ot last fo e e . Neithe do I ha e le els i o a de -
t pe lasses… “till, I ould like to ask ou so ethi g efo e that. What so t of anti-divination
countermeasures have you taken? What spells have you cast? How did you cast them? Did you do
a thi g to a d agai st telepo tatio ?

None, none at all, I have not taken any such measures.?

Ai z s o e iste t o s t it hed as Flude eplied.

Is t doi g othi g at all a little a eless…?

I othe o ds, e e thi g he said i Flude s ‘oo ight ell ha e ee leaked to a thi d pa t .
My sincerest apologies. However, I am not adept in that field of magic.

I that ase, ou should use magic items to substitute for that, right? I have seen many magic items in
the I pe ial Capital, all pu po tedl ade ou.

Ainz recalled what he had seen when he first came to the Imperial Capital. He had been startled by the
fact that they had things like refrigerators on sale.

It is as you say, but as you must surely know, one must know a related spell in order to make a magic
item. For instance, one must know the [Fireball] spell to make a flaming weapon. However, only a few
people are willing to learn anti-divination spells...

I see, Ai z utte ed.

In YGGDRASIL, one could normally only learn three spells per level. A level 20 character would thus be
able to learn a maximum of 60 spells. It would be quite difficult to incorporate anti-divination magic into
such a limited selection of spells.

Perhaps those who were not in the know might think 60 was a sizable sum, but if Ainz were limited to 60
spells from the 3rd tier of magic, he would probably have to spend all day worrying over his choices.

This was because he had to consider future uses, whether or not he would change his class and so on.
There were many things which needed to be planned and anticipated.

From that point of view, his rebuke of Fluder was petty and sad.

I deed, I misspoke. It is as you say. Divination magic would necessarily be a lower priority when
stud i g offe si e a d defe si e spells.

I the ga e, he ould sa , I ll lea this, so I ll lea e that to ou a d easil settle thi gs. Ho e e , the
choice of spells was a life-changing decision to the people of this world. It would take a very brave
person to learn an unpopular spell.

In addition, the divination school of spells was quite deep. One needed to anticipate the means that the
foe would use to collect information.

Simply put, becoming a divination specialist was something which one would stake their lives on.

Al ight. The I shall gi e ou the a ti-di i atio ite I possess. Use that to a d ou self i futu e.


Even without looking, he could tell that Flude s head as deepl lo e ed. Fo all he k e , he ight
even be genuflecting.
?I have certainly received your loving words, Teacher!?

Ainz had originally planned to give him a decent item, but the thought of that pained his heart.

Ah, ahhh… The I shall s ou oo o .

Ai z ast his spell o Flude s ha e s.

He looked down upon the genuflecting Fluder.

Then, he decided to check for magical auras, and as expected of Fluder, there were many different
colors of them in his room. However, none of them looked like a dangerous color which would impede
teleportation. After verifying that, he cast [Greater Teleportation].

His field of ie ha ged, sho i g that he had su essfull telepo ted to Flude s oo . Though the e
had been no delays, and he did not sense anyone spying on him, and he was quite certain that he had
ot ju ped i to the e e s ase, he still took a ui k look a ou d hi self.

In truth, there was no need to be so worried. However the brief period of vulnerability after
teleportation was when it was easiest to be attacked. These protective actions -- to defend against being
PKed -- had ee lo g d illed i to “uzuki “ato u s od .

I id ou el o e, Tea he .

...‘aise ou head, Ai z o a ded Flude . I all honesty, there was no need for him to go that far.

That sort of loyalty -- or rather, his thirst for knowledge that led to a desire to obey -- was abnormal.

It was quite similar to how the people of Nazarick acted. Although Ainz had finally started getting used
to that sort of thing recently, seeing it from someone he barely knew made him want to back away.


“peaki g hile sta di g is ot good. I ll take a seat.

Yes! E e thi g I ha e is ou s, Tea he . Please, sit a he e ou like!

Complex feeli gs of hethe o ot to get used to this a th ough Ai z s hea t as he sat o the sofa.
However, Fluder did not take the seat opposite him. Instead, he remained as he was, kneeling on the
ground with his head raised.

It s fi e. Ha e a seat.
Is, is it eall al ight? Fo e to sit i the sa e a as ou, Tea he .

...You should ha e dis iples too, ight? Do ou t eat the this a as ell?

This sort of sports-team attitude alarmed Ainz, which prompted his question. In response, Fluder shook
his head.

Not like that, ut the diffe e e et ee self a d ou is like that et ee the hea e s a d the
earth, Teacher. I fear to even begin to mention myself in the same breath as--

--It s fi e. I g a t ou pe issio to sit do . Co e. ha e a seat.


After he made sure Fluder was seated, Ainz thought, my belly really hurts as he spoke.

Fi st, ho is the atte that I as--

He ha ged his i d half a s th ough the o d asked .

--that I ordered you to handle? That is to say, making a itte e o d of the E pi e s i fo atio o
the a ious ou t ies?

Yes! Most of the i fo atio pe tai i g to the eigh o i g ou t ies has al ead ee o pleted.

What happe ed? Is the e a p o le ?

Yes! O athe , I should sa , as e pe ted of the E pe o .

A look of pride crossed his face. It was the expression a teacher might have toward an outstanding pupil.

He see s to ha e oti ed t ea he .

It as o l atu al fo e plo ees to s ea ot to e eal thei fo e o pa s secrets before job-

hopping. WIth that in mind, Ainz was a villain for making Fluder feed him sensitive information on the

However, Ainz knew well that he did not run a company, but a country. Nothing was off-limits for the
sake of his atio s p osperity -- for the happiness of the people who belonged to the Great
Underground Tomb of Nazarick.
Ainz held no grudge against Jircniv. However, that meant nothing in comparison to the well-being of his
own country. If his misfortune made the Sorcerous Kingdom prosper, then he would simply have to

That said, Ainz still preferred coexistence and mutual prosperity to conflict.

Pu itto Moe o e said so ethi g a out M . Nash a d p iso e s o ditio s a d so ethi g alo g those
lines, but the general upshot of that was, if opportunities were unlimited, cooperation would reap the
greatest benefits for all parties involved.
(TL Note: Ainz is getting it wrong again - see Nash E uili iu a d the P iso e s Dile a

Ainz knew that international relationships were basically a matter of each party using the other, but he
wanted to maintain a good relationship with Jircniv.

I kept the u e of I pe ial asualties to a i i u as the p i e of poa hi g Flude , so e e

probably even on that count. I feel a little lose to hi o . It ust e e ause of all the ti es I e spied
on him.

...Is so ethi g the atte , Tea he ?

E , u , othi g. Just thi ki g a out e tai atte s.

‘eall ? M deepest apologies fo i te upti g ou thoughts, Tea he !

The e s o eed to apologise. I a he e toda e ause of ou.

Ohhh! Tha k ou e u h, Tea he !

Why is he thanking me so vigorously? Though Ainz was puzzled by that, he eventually managed to get
the topic back on track.

Ah-- es, the fa t that ou e ee tu ed. Well, it s al ight fo ou to e e posed, ut the e is a

p o le . That is to sa , ou safet .

Ohh! To thi k ou ould a tuall e o ied a out the safet of so eo e like e, Tea he !

Why did this old man have to overreact to everything? The basic duty of a boss was to look out for the
well-being of anyone he did not intend to discard from the beginning. Or did they do things differently in
the Empire?

If it s the latte , that ould e s a … Well, I ight kill people ho got i a , but killing people who
were once my subordinates is still...
Flude , that s ight, do ot get too e ited. It ould e odd if a o e a ou d ou oti ed.

That ill ot e a p o le . This floo is e lusi el fo use. No od else is a ou d.

He had come here before. That said, this tower was quite large, so it was no wonder the greatest magic
caster of the Empire was allowed an entire floor to himself.

Ba k to the atte of ou pe so al safet . Has a o e t ied to kill ou afte ou t ea he a e to


Nothi g of the so t. Ho e e , espo si ilities ha e steadil de eased, a d hile the E pe o

frequently came to consult me in the past, he has not summoned me ever since he returned from the
glo ious do ai that ou ule, Tea he .

I see… The , Flude . Do ou a t to o e to side?

Ohhh! Gladl !

He answered right away...

The , afte o side i g ou p ofessio -- no, before, that there is something I must do. It concerns
ou e a d.

After saying that, Ainz exhaled, and then reached into his pocket dimension. He had rehearsed the flow
of the conversation which would follow many times, poking fun at the words even as he corrected them.

Although he had no way to be sure if Fluder would react as Ainz imagined, he had put in enough practice

As ag eed, I shall o i pa t a po tio of k o ledge to ou. Take a d stud this ook.

Ainz handed a tome called The Book of the Dead to him.

It was a fairly ancient volume, which gave off a musty smell. Surprisingly enough, the book itself was
very sturdy, with no trace of being worm-eaten.

Fluder accepted the book Ainz offered with trembling hands. Ainz was glad that he was undead. If he
were still human, the book might be wobbling nonstop from nervousness.

Flude s goal as to plumb the abyss of magic, but Ainz did not know what the abyss of magic was. He
could teach him about YGGDRASIL, but the abyss of magic or whatnot was right out.
That said, not giving it to him would be a betrayal of his loyalty. One had to repay good unto good and
reward loyal service. Thus, Ainz had given him a book from his collection, which seemed the most likely
to hold the secrets of magical knowledge. The parts he had flipped through seemed to contain
something about magic which he could not understand.

The , please e use e.

Fluder reached out to the book, and that delighted expression of his soon twisted into despair after
flipping though a few pages.

--What s the atte ? Is this ot hat ou sought?

Ainz suppressed his unease as he asked that question. It was fine even if it was not what he wanted. He
had already practiced for that eventuality.

No, it s ot like that. I si pl a ot u de sta d it.

Ah, I see.

Ainz took the book from Fluder, flipped through it, and stopped at a certain page.

This hapte o e s the t a sfo atio of the dead i to souls; spe ifi all , the se tio a out
diffe e tiatio .

It was written in Japanese, so obviously Fluder could not understand it. However --

This looks more like a setting book for a fantasy world than a fantasy novel. The hell is this
diffe e tiatio stuff. A d the the e s souls as louds a d so o . It looks eall ha d a d I a t ap
ai a ou d it at all. Feels like I a o l s at h the su fa e… Could it e that I a t u de sta d this
book, even if I can read it?

Books were like the occult, or rather, this book was pretty much an occult volume. To Suzuki Satoru,
who had no knowlege in this field, all he saw was a collection of scribblings. Still, all this seemed to have
been taken from some kind of mythology. If Tabula Smaragdina were around, he would probably be able
to explain it to him.


The se se of guilt i Ai z s hea t g e as he at hed Flude look at hi ith jo ful e es.

I deed… Well, I a ot gi e this to ou e ause I o l ha e o e set, ut gi e this a t .

Ainz placed a pair of glasses on the book and handed it to him. Fluder put it on and hurriedly flipped
through the pages.
This, this is! It s sa i g that souls a e e tities like the foam left by the waves of this great world, and so
hethe g eat o s all, the a e fu da e tall the sa e. That eeeeaaaa s!!!

The absolute madman.

Even Ainz was startled, to the point where he nearly shrank back.

The a Flude s e es e e ide ope a d loodshot, his eathi g like a ild east s, ade it see as
though he was about to pounce on someone.

Ho , ho is it?

Flude s e es pi oted a d sta ed st aight at Ai z.

This, this is a azi g, Tea he ! This is the lo e that I sooooooooooouuuuught! H aaaaah!

The ala he felt at the old a s a ia e eeded a p edete i ed th eshold, a d Ai z s iftl al ed

down again.

--Is that so. The , etu e the glasses.

Wha! But, this..

Co side the t a slatio of that ook to e ou training. Once you can understand and digest it, you
ill e a le to set foot i a highe do ai . It ould e poi tless fo ou to use these glasses.

Ho ould this e… The , a I e allo ed to gi e this ook a o e-o e fi st?

O e page should still e all ight. But if ou o ti ue afte that, it ill egati el affe t ou g o th.

Fluder closed the book shut with a patan, and then closed his eyes.

After several seconds, he opened his eyes and spoke. His voice had returned to normal.

U de stood. I will abide by your teachings, oh Teacher. May I seek your aid if there are matters I do not
u de sta d?

U u. As lo g as it is ithi po e to a s e .


Fluder removed the glasses and returned them to Ainz.

E elle t! I o t hea a thi g from Fluder for a while now. Ah, I need to instruct him about this first.
That… ho shall I sa this...

Ainz struggled to pry open the vaults of his memory. Then, in solemn, heavy tones -- which made one
think of the voice a leader would have -- Ainz spoke:

Flude .


I ha e e t usted ou ith this ook of a a a e ause I t ust ou. You ust e e ha d it to a thi d
party. The same applies to any notes you make to study it. Nothing about this book can be allowed to
sp ead.


The e is hardly a need to tell you the reason for that, but this is knowledge that surpasses what humans
a o p ehe d. It ould e e t ou leso e if othe s a e to lea of it… Although so eo e of ou
talent might not be beyond salvation. I do not want to have to clean up behind you ten years down the

But of ou se. I ill ot leak a of the k o ledge I ha e o tai ed f o ou to othe s. I s ea it.

--I t ust ou, Flude . Do ot disappoi t e.


Fluder got up from his chair and knelt on the ground.

He wanted to say that there was no need to go to that extent, but this too was proof of how effective
his air of majesty had been. Ainz could not help but feel proud that his hours of acting and vocalization
practice could be put to good use.

E ough. “i e ou u de sta d, I shall sa o o e. ‘etu to ou seat. “till, it ill e e diffi ult fo

ou to de iphe a u k o la guage ithout a help. Do ou ha e so e a of o e o i g that?

Yes! I a use a t a slatio spell, though its efficacy is very power. I believe that with that, I can slowly
de iphe the te t.

‘eall o . ‘eall o ! Ma ellous.

This answer was exactly what Ainz wanted to hear. By slowly giving him the appropriate practice, he
would be able to buy himself time. In addition, a problem like that would not be enough to make Fluder
give up.
The I shall ha d this to ou… o, that s it. I ill le d ou a o fo ou to sto e it i . I do ot thi k that
you will treat it lightly, but someone might wish to steal it f o ou.

Ainz pulled a box out of his pocket space. It was an item of the same grade which he used to store his
personal notebook.

O e ou sto e the ook i he e, e e if this o is stole , it ill take uite so e ti e to ope it. Of
course, it ill all e fo othi g if so eo e o e hea s the o a d o d to ope the o … so e
a eful.

Of ou se, Tea he ! I ill e e do a thi g like that!


Ainz shifted his gaze from Fluder -- who was caressing the book in delight -- to the ceiling. Now, what
would he talk about next?

Ah, that s ight. The atte of ou t ea he o i g to light, a d thus ou o i g o e to e. Whe

a ou lea e?

If Tea he ishes it, I a lea e at a ti e. I ha e o atta h e ts to this ou t .

Ainz mentally furrowed his brows.

He had no idea what to say to someone who could casually discard his position of trust. He might well
do the same thing to Ainz in the future.

Ai z a ked Flude do se e al poi ts ith a ed pe i his hea t s ledge .

...The , Fluder. I wish to have you participate in the magical research of the Sorcerous Kingdom.
However, your spells will not spread. They will only be given to me and those whom I trust. Can you bear
it? Ca ou fo sake ou desi e fo fa e?

The e ill e o problem at all. The only thing I desire is to glimpse the secrets of magic. I desire
othi g else.

Ainz studied Fluder in earnest, the man who could make such a statement.

Ai z had o a ilit to e aluate a pe so s ha a te . As hu a ei gs, it as obvious that Fluder -- a

genius sage who had lived far beyond the span of a normal human being and who was deeply involved
in the operations of the vast nation called the Empire -- was superior to him. There was no way for him
to see through any attempt by Fluder to deceive him.
However, being unable to see through such things and not trying to see through such things were two
different matters. With that attitude in mind, Ainz stared at Fluder, and in the end he simply said,

I ill e t ust ou with all the powers and privileges of your office once you arrive in the Sorcerous
Kingdom. I also intend to help you with magical research as much as possible. Then--

Now, there would be one more person helping Nazarick, beyond the Bareares. If he could obtain the
woman which Demiurge and Albedo had recommended, Nazarick would be further strengthened.

He had to increase his power as much as possible, so long as he could not see the true face of his enemy.

The enemy possessed a World-Class Item, so he had to o tai a po e aside f o YGGD‘A“IL s as soo
as possible. He had to assume that anything he could do, the enemy could as well.

However, there was one more problem.

That would be, how would he protect the Empire.

Demiurge felt that the Empire was a potential enemy, but Ainz did not think so.

Although the future was unclear, the use of force alone in world conquest was not a wise decision. If the
Sorcerous Kingdom was painted as a nation which annihilated everyone who stood against it, countries
which might have been friends would probably end up as enemies.

That being the case, why not form a deep friendship with his fellow dictator Jircniv, and send that
message to their subordinates?

This a , I ll e a le to i i ize the fo e De iu ge a d the others use in world conquest. What a

illia t pla . Mo e tha the allia e of atio s, o the allia e of guilds… f ie dship?

The shapes of his hete o o phi f ie ds appea ed i Ai z s i d.

Still, how should I make friends with him? Giving people things is t the ight a to ake f ie ds,
ight… Thus, p ote ti g Ji i s p e ious thi g, the E pi e, should e the est a . It s uite likel that
my enemies will set their sights upon them.

He put himself in the role of the people who brainwashed Shalltear. If they used the methods Ainz used,

In the worst-case scenario, they might use [Ia Shub-Niggurath] on the Imperial Capital. Everyone would
thi k I did it, ega dless of the a tual ulp it… The , the ould sp ead that e s th oughout the o ld.
That ould g eatl de ease the “o e ous Ki gdo s i flue e.
Ainz recalled his YGGDRASIL days.

It was foolish to directly fight a powerful guild, so it was quite common to instigate wars with other
guilds to eake the po e ful guild s i flue e. These methods would probably be applicable here. Ainz
would probably do so if placed in that situation, and so it was very likely his foe would do the same thing.

In order to prevent this sort of thing from happening, Ainz considered allowing Fluder to spread rumors
that he could not use that spell again (a lie, naturally). However, Fluder could no longer be used, so he
had to consider some other method.

This is close to forbidding the carrying of palm-sized da ge ous o je ts… As e pe ted, I ll eed to discuss
the matter with Demiurge, maybe order him to think of a way to deal with this. However, would he not
thi k it st a ge? Ahh, ho t ou leso e, I a t figu e it out.

If only he could hand everything to those two. However, if he did that, it would damage his image as an
absolute ruler. He had to think of a way to solve his problems while maintaining his position.

Tea he , hat is o g?

...Flude , I i te d to p ote t the E pi e fo so e ti e. Do ou ha e a ideas?

...Ma I k o h ou ask?

Conquering it would be easy, but I have no interest in standing atop a pile of rubble. I wish to keep the
Empire intact, and so I would like to prevent the loss of fighting power that would result when they lose

Flude s i kles deepe ed.

It is difficult to answer that question immediately. I believe that there will be no problems for a while
e e if I a ot a ou d. That said, it is also t ue that o od a fill the oid that I ill lea e… If it is fi e,
the I shall sta fo the ti e ei g.

A e ou illi g to do so? The , I ill o ta t ou agai to o o , afte the dis ussio s a e o plete.


‘ight, the e a e t o o e thi gs I a t to ask ou. Fi st, I ould like to k o the details of the Ma tial
Lord. The second matter concerns Death K ights…


With the appointed time drawing near, Ainz cast a detection spell. Normally, he would have stacked
numerous defensive spells in himself first, but it would be too wasteful to expend a lot of valuable
scrolls. Unlike how things were at the graveyard, when he was sure there were hostiles present, Ainz
simply cast the spell.

That said, he picked a place where any counterattacks would not strike others.

A different scene appeared on his field of vision. This was the interior of a coach. Ainz manipulated the
floating point of view and observed the exterior of the coach.

Then, Ainz cast [Greater Teleportation].

The teleport took place without incident, and Ainz opened the door to the coach. Ainzach, who was
seated within, had a look of shock on his face. However, Ainz nonchalantly boarded, closed the door,
and dispelled the invisibility spell he had cast on himself.

As I thought, it as You Majest . Although I u de sta d the eed fo se e , ould ou please ot use
an invisibility spell next time?

If I do ot use i isi ilit , I ill e spotted, o?

It should e fi e e ause of You Majest s ask, a I o g?

I deed, that ight e the ase, ut I used a telepo tatio spell. I ould like to a oid ei g d a i to
troublesome matte s.

I deed…

Well, si e ou u de sta d, shall e lea e?

All ight. Let us depa t.

The coach passed through the opened gate, and reached the place designated by the doorman. This was
a parking area which could accommodate several coaches.

The , let us p o eed.

Ainz dismounted from the coach after Ainzach.

A old a i a utle s u ifo a aited the the e. He as a o pa ied a aid.

Though he looked like a butler, he did not feel as powerful as Sebas. He seemed like a very ordinary,
albeit well-bred old man. The butler was human, though the same was not true for the maid.

A pai of ea s ado ed the top of the aid s head; ot hu a ea s, ut ea s f o so e ki d of a i al.

Although it was hard to be sure since they were obscured by her hair, there was no swelling at the site
where normal humans had their ears. She had a cute face, but it was not the same way a human being
was cute -- more like an animal sort of cute.

Wel o e, Ai za h-sama and -- Your Majesty the Sorcerer King, I believe. The master awaits you. Please
allo us to lead the a . Ma I ask ou to follo ehi d us?


Afte he hea d the utle s spee h, a st a gled of su p ise es aped Ai za h s outh.

Ai za h had said i este da s talk that he ould ot i g up Ai z s t ue ide tit , so he ust ha e

been shocked because they had managed to guess who Ainz was. For Ainz, however, this was nothing to
be alarmed about. His mask might have concealed his face, but he had not changed his clothes. Anyone
with a good information network would have heard about him. Under these circumstances, not replying
would be rude.

Tha k ou. The , please sho us the a .


The butler lowered his head. A beat later, so did the maid.

After the two of them started walking, Ainzach quietly told Ainz:

Tha k ou e u h, You Majest .

His thanks was because Ainz had responded to the butler.

No need for that, Ainz wanted to say, but in the end he accepted the thanks in silence.

To Suzuki Satoru, a superior ought to o e fo his su o di ates if the latte ade a istake. Ai za h s
tha ks as a atu al ea tio . It as a u a oida le step i his futu e g o th as o e of Ai z s

Once more, Ainz keenly realized that being a boss was not relaxing at all.

Sudde l , Ai z ealized that he had e e o e said Tha ks hile he as olepla i g as a ule .

I need to find a time to thank the Guardians and all the NPCs. I need to show my appreciation for their
hard work.

Ai z s o je ti e as to u the G eat U de ground Tomb of Nazarick like a benevolent company. As he

idly pondered the matter, he did not stop moving, but continued walking toward the direction where he
was being led.
Although, it as uite su p isi g to a tuall e ou te a ‘a it Ma , You Majest .

Would t it e ette to dis uss this so t of thi g afte the pe so i uestio as go e? Ai z thought
that, but the topic interested him, so he decided to go with the flow.

“hould t it e ‘a it Wo a ?

No… ell… thei spe ies a e is ‘a it Ma .

Ai za h, it as e el a joke. Taki g it so se iousl is so e hat t ou li g.

...I o de if she a e f o fu the east tha the Cit -“tate Allia e. Ho e oti .

H …

Ai z had o idea ho fa a a east of the Cit -“tate Allia e as. His information did not yet cover
such distant regions.

Still, he had not seen any in the Kingdom, and she was the only Rabbit Man he had encountered in the
I pe ial Capital. It ust e ha d to li e i a pla e ithout othe e e s of o e s ki d, e e ithout
considering discrimination from other races.

Ainz was curious and wanted to ask her some questions, but he could not do so. It would be
troublesome if he stepped on a landmine during their conversation.

Before long, they reached a house.

The aste a aits ou ithi . Please.

The interior of the house was decorated with many articles of lovingly-oiled and maintained weapons
and armor. They were clean, free of dust and displayed in neat rows.

Upon closer inspection, many of the weapons were scuffed and dented on their business ends. It was
clear that these weapons had been used in actual combat.

‘athe tha a eapo e ha t s shop displa , it see ed o e like the galle o e displa i g the
weapons of his glorious past.

After a hasty glance around, Ai z s gaze etu ed to the s o d he sa fi st.

It was the most beautiful of all the weapons in the room.

The e as o sig of da age o the s o d. The galle s o e ust ha e ee uite fo d of it, judgi g
by how it had been placed to be the first thing anyone would see when they entered the room.

Does it please ou?

Ah, t ul a e elle t olle tio .

Thus did Ai z a s e the oo s o e seated o the sofa -- in other words, the owner of this gallery.
The owner was a stout-bodied. His hair was cut so short that one could see his scalp.

They did not bother with greetings, but continued talking about weapons.

“o, hi h pie e do ou fa o ost -- ah, that o e. E e o e ho o es i to this oo sa s that.

Ainz entered the room and stood before the sword.

Ma I pi k it up?

Of ou se, all ea s.

Ainz thanked him and picked up the sword. Of course, it would drop if he actually tried to wield it in
earnest, but holding it was fine.

He peered at the sword, and then he noticed the characters carved on the blade. These bizarre
characters were vaguely familiar to Ainz. He searched his memories, and finally found the answer.

‘u es?

Ohhh! As e pe ted of You Majest . You k o of these lette s!

What? Seriously? ...Are runes commonly used in this world?

‘u es e e a set of lette s hi h had appa e tl ee used i the past of “uzuki “ato u s o ld. The
fact that such characters existed in this world meant that it was very likely someone from the same
world as Suzuki Satoru had spread them here. Thus, Ainz carefully answered:

...P o a l , I elie e. I o l k o of the . I a ot eate u e-engraved items. May I know which

s ith ade this?

Ohhh, that as a good uestio . That s o d as fo ged a u es ith of the D a e Ki gdo in the
Azellisia Mou tai ‘a ge. It is a out ea s old. The lade a a u ulate ele t i it , a d the e s a
ake s a k o the hilt. Did ou see it?

The gallery owner was standing next to Ainz.

The overwhelming smell of cologne assaulted his nose.

This is a pie e “to e el, a fa ous o kshop.

AD a e o kshop? ...Looks like I ll ha e to gathe i fo atio a out that so t of thi g.

Hoh. That does sou d like a fa ous o kshop. A e the e a o e e a ples of thei o k he e?

Ainz looked around, and the man laughed heartily.

Hahahaha. No, ot i he e. I sto e the else he e. Ho e e , this is the o l pie e hi h ea s su h a

po e ful e ha t e t.


Ainz concealed his disappointment as he quietly emoted.

That said, he had still learned something about the workshop called Stonenel. He had to see if there was
a pla e the e.

I e hea d that the eapo s ade d a e u es iths a el i ulate o the a ket. A d ou

a tuall ha e o e of the i sto e?

Ainz gave Ainzach a mental thumbs-up for asking that question.

I deed I do, Ai za h, the a s iled. I s at h the up he e e the e o au tio . ‘e e tl , the e

was a really persistent adventurer trying to outbid me. I ended up paying three times what I had
originally planned.

Ainzach shook his head incredulously (sort of), while Ainz nodded in approval. This was how things were
for a collector. An outsider would never be able to understand. At times, even Ainz did not understand
the actions of his past self.

Ainz wanted to keep asking, but in the end he decided to return the sword to its original place.

It see s I as e t a ed ou a ellous olle tio ithout e e g eeti g ou. Do fo gi e la k

of espe t.

The man was all smiles.

You Majest has a a ith words. Then, allow me to reintroduce myself. I am Osk, an insignificant
e ha t.
You ill su el a ge the othe e ha ts of the E pi e if ou all ou self i sig ifi a t. I e ai the
“o e e Ki g, Ai z Ooal Go .

Not a da goes he I do ot hear of your mighty name. Please, have a seat. I will have the servants
p epa e d i ks.

...While this is a a e oppo tu it … the e is o eed to p epa e sha e.

Osk s e es did ot see uite p opo tio al to his head. He studied Ai z ith those e es.

You Majest , I ha e hea d the u o s… ut ould I t ou le ou to e o e that ask?

...“i e this is a e uest of the ho e s o e ,I ust o pl .

Ainz took off his mask, revealing his bare face.

The e as o look of su p ise o Osk s fa e. His e es were very small, so once he narrowed his eyes to
smile, there was no way to look into their depths.

Ohhh… I see, I see…

Osk nodded several times before speaking again.

I t uth, I as o ied that I ould ot e a le to p epa e tea that ould e able to satisfy the tastes of
the e o ed “o e e Ki g, ut it ould see that as asted effo t o pa t.

Afte those hee ful o ds, Osk s ell o led ith laughte .

“a , Osk. Wh did ou thi k His Majest ould o e ith e?

Ahhh, it s ot hard to tell, right? E-Rantel is under the control of His Majesty. When I heard that the
Guildmaster of E-‘a tel s Ad e tu e s Guild as isiti g, i the o pa of so eo e o e i po ta t
than himself, only one person came to mind. Granted, it could have been some other confidant of the
“o e e Ki g, i sti ts told e othe ise, Osk said.

The , is it tu to ask uestio s o ? Did ou o e use the eapo s a a ed o e the e?

Osk hu kled at Ai z s uestio .

Ho ould that e? You Majest , do consider my body! I can wield an abacus, but I have never once
s u g a s o d. That is just a ho of i e… “i e I as a hild, I ha e al a s ad i ed the st o g, as
ell as s o ds a d othe eapo s.
I see…

It see s ou u de sta d. No the , I ha e a uestio of o . I ha e hea d of You Majest s

unstoppable might; was that due to the long time you have lived -- well, I suppose it does count as
li i g?

That is o e t, i o pa iso to the lifespa s of ou hu a s.

As Ainz said this, he thought of something. What kind of being was the Sorcerer King Ainz Ooal Gown?

O iousl he ould ot sa , Ce tai l ot, ou t o a e olde tha e. E e if he did sa so, the ould
not believe him. So he had to speak while in-character as the Sorcerer King. However, if he did not lock
do the e a t details of the “o e e Ki g s ha a te , thi gs ight tu out adl .

I a ase, it s o fi ed that the u dead li e a lo g ti e. If a o e asks h I do ot k o e tai

things despite my long life, I can epl that I as fo used o esea hi g agi . Let s use that as a asi
detail fo the “o e e Ki g s ha a te .

That ei g the ase, do ou possess eapo s of the past?

Judging by that question, Osk did not intend to hide his curioisty.

Of ou se I do. Ho e e , I a ot just gi e the to ou, o?

Fo a suita le a ou t -- o, I ill t to pa th ee ti es the a ket alue.

Ainz could not reject him on the spot. This was because he recalled the precarious state of his personal
finances. However, it ould ha dl e dig ified fo the ule of a ou t to go “u e, let s do it.

...Mo e does ot e a tl appeal to e.

I si e el apologize. “a i g so to You Majest -- who is the ruler of a country -- was terribly rude of
e… The , hat a I offe to ake ou a t to t ade the to e?

So he wants to phrase it as receiving a bounty for meritorious service to my country, or something like
that? Hm? Well, in that case...

Ainz withdrew a shortsword. It was wreathed in a billowing mist effect. Its faintly translucent blue blade
was made of blue crystal metal, and it contained little mana. That said, its overall ability ranked it as a
high-class item, and it was certainly more powerful than the average magic item in this world.

This, this is!

Two voices cried out those words.

Ai za h s e es e t ide as he sta ed at the sho ts o d. U u, Ai z utte ed, efo e pla i g it i

front of Ainzach.

Take it.


Once more, those words were spoken by two voices.

Ai za h, this is a gift fo ou ha d o k. That said, this is ot a a a d, o is this ea t to s olize

your station, I simply felt that this sort of thing is similar to the reward I wish to hand out in my ideal
nation, so I have given this to you. If ou e ui e ash i stead, it is fi e to sell it off.

This shortsword did not contain enough data to kill Ainz. Nor was it one of the weapons made by his
former guildmates and thus filled with memories.

I, ho ould I da e a ept su h…
Ai za h s od shuddered uncontrollably.

This is othi g a azi g. Well, if ou do ot a t it, I a ha ge it fo so ethi g else he the ti e

o es. A heali g potio , pe haps. That should e fi e. What do ou thi k?

Ainzach hesitated for a while, but in the end he decided to keep the shortsword.

I shall a ept it. Tha k ou e u h, You Majest ! I ill o ti ue se i g You Majest ith all
st e gth, ith effo t that ill ot e outsho e this s o d!

Co g atulatio s, Ai za h. If ou u i to a t ou le, e e e to thi k of this f ie d of ou s.

Osk eyed the shortsword as he said this. Ainzach had a look on his face like a bitch protecting her

It o t happe . Ne e .

Ainz decided to change his tone.

Well the . Let us o e o to the eal usi ess.

Osk reluctantly pulled his eyes away from the handkerchief that Ainzach had used to wrap the sword,
and replied:

...U de stood. Ma I ask h ou ha e g a ed hu le estate ith ou p ese e?

U u… I a ot gi e to d essi g up o ds. Let e get to the poi t…. I ould like ou to a a ge a
out ith the Ma tial Lo d of the a e a.

Osk s e es ide ed, ut soo the etu ed to thei o al shape.

I ha e hea d that the Ma tial Lo d is ot a pa t of the a e a pe so el, ut a gladiator you have raised
from a child. Ainzach told me that you can quickly put a fight on the cards if you agree to have the
Ma tial Lo d fight, hi h is h I a e to ake this e uest of ou.

Fuhahahaha. A e ou se ious, You Majest ? You do k o that the Martial Lord is the mightiest man in
the a e a, ith a o ste s od a d outsta di g fighti g skills? He ight e the st o gest o e i
history. Perhaps Your Majesty counts strong individuals among his followers as well, but defeating him

Osk shook his head with pride.

...Is he st o ge tha Flude ?

No, this is f o the pe spe ti e of a a io . It s ot appli a le to a agi aste . All the ha e to do is

take to the sk a d atta k epeatedl ith agi a d that s the e d of it.

Osk s uiet grumbling somewhat perturbed Ainz, and then Ainzach chimed in:

O e, a ad e tu e tea took to the sk a d o ai i g spells a d a o s o hi f o a dista e.

That was a pretty disappointing fight. Ever since, the arena forbade teleportation and flight agi .

Then, Osk looked at Ainz. He seemed to have recovered.

Cough! Well, that as ude of e, You Majest . I e alled so e itte e o ies… The , a k to the
topic, Your Majesty. May I ask who intends to fight the Martial Lord? Are they human?

Ainz and Ainzach looked at each other. Then, Ainz answered:

That ould e e.


I, Ai z Ooal Go , shall e his oppo e t.

After a brief period of silence, Osk asked in a panic:

But, ut ut, ut a e ou ot the ule of a ou t , You Majest .

I deed I a . What of it?

Eh? No, that s o e t, ut… that…

Ahh, I u de sta d hat o ies ou. You ust e thi ki g, hat ould happe if I e e hu t?

It ould e fi e if it e ded i just getti g hu t, Osk utte ed u de his eath. Ainz pretended not to

Be at ease. The e ill ot e a p o le , o atte hat happe s to e. I ill lea e itte p oof of

But if that so t of thi g happe s, I o t e a le to do usi ess a o e. I ha e hea d that the E pi e

is supposed to be an ally of the Sorcerous Kingdom. If I allow the king of an allied country to be seriously
i ju ed, the state ill ha e its e e o e.

I p o ise ou -- ou ill ot e i o e ie ed this.

E e if ou sa so… Osk paused to thi k, a d the asked agai : These o ds ight e u pleasa t to
the ea , ut ould ou offe up so ethi g as a gua a tee?

A gua a tee? Like hat?

...Please gi e e so ethi g like hat ou ga e Ai za h ea lie . If a thi g happe s, it ll e fi e as lo g

as I a keep that ite .

If that is hat it takes to satisf ou, the I shall ake that p o ise. Ho e e , I a ot gi e it to ou
ight a a . I p o ise it ill ea h ou to o o .

Tha k ou e u h, You Majest . ...The e is also a othe atte I would like to ask, though I fear it
is i app op iate.

Ainz waved, indicating that Osk should continue.

As a p o ote , I olle t a lot of i fo atio . Mu h of that i fo atio pe tai s to po e ful ei gs

which might appear in the arena, or monsters. There are also rumors concerning Your Majesty -- dare I
ask if it is t ue that You Majest sle te s of thousa ds of the Ki gdo s people ith a si gle spell?


Ainzach coughed in a very contrived way. He was glaring at Osk with reproachful eyes, but this was
nothing that had to be hidden, nor was it something to be ashamed of.

I deed, that is t ue. I sle the ith agi . Will ou ep oa h e fo it?

No, I as si pl aski g to gauge the e te t of You Majest s sti po e s. Afte all, if ou did use
that spell f o the u o s, it ould e… e ad. Afte all, the a e a is ithi the I pe ial Capital.

No, o, I ill ot use agi like that.

Even Ainz had no intention of using such a spell in the middle of an allied country. What kind of terrorist
would do that?

Of ou se, I feel the sa e a as ell. U like the o o i age of the u dead, You Majest is a
noble and rational man. I do not believe you will enact a great slaughter because you hate the living.
That said, making assumptio s a d egle ti g to o fi these thi gs ight lead to failu e.

Ainz agreed on that point as well. This was one of the dangers that came with allowing a new person to
join. In truth, Suzuki Satoru had failed like this in the past.

You o e s a e alid. Allow me to repeat myself -- I ill ot use that spell.

Wh is that? Is it e ause it has so ethi g to do ith the alig e t of the sta s?

While that is ot elated to the at-

A light ul e t off o e Ai z s head.

Well, that spell is o e of my most powerful trump cards. Because El-Nix-dono desired it, I went out of
my way to cast that grand spell, which I can only use once every ten years. Thus, for the next decade, I
ust o se e st e gth.

Hoh! A st a ge glea lit up Osk s e es. Is it really alright to tell me that? After all, this might be
o side ed to e a eak ess of You Majest …

It is fi e. I a ot e a le to use a dest u ti e spell like that, ut slaughte i g a fools ho oppose

me is still easy. After all, it does not ea I a ot use othe spells.

As e pe ted of You Majest . I othe o ds, the Ma tial Lo d ill also e a eas oppo e t; is that
hat ou a e i pl i g?

Afte Ai z odded ith o fide e, a s ile lit up Osk s fa e. Ho e e , he Ai z studied hi , he could

not be sure if the smile was genuine.

I se . Fi all , please allo eo e o e uestio . Wh do ou a t to fight the Ma tial Lo d, You

Majest ?
Be ause I ha e hea d that he is a po e ful foe… I ish to k o ho is st o ge , et ee hi a d
Gazef Stronoff. There was Gazef in the Kingdom, so perhaps the greatest reason is because I want to
k o ho is his e ui ale t i the E pi e.

Of course, that was not why Ainz was fighting. However, it was the reason he and Ainzach had agreed
upon after discussing the matter.

It would have been fine to state the real reason, but Osk was not a trustworthy person. In truth, he
seemed like the sort who prioritised his own gains. Ainz felt that being honest with him would not end

I u de sta d. Tha k ou e u h… The , I shall s hedule the fight ith the Ma tial Lo d. Ho e e --

Osk aised his ha d to i te upt Ai z s tha ks.

I hope ou ill a ide the ules of the a e a. I additio , hile You Majest ight e taki g the
match with the Martial Lord seriously, it is still a performance of sorts for us. Thus, an overly one-sided
fight would be terribly boring. With that in mind, I would like to request that Your Majesty not use magic,
and that you will use a sword -- a weapon -- to battle the Martial Lord. I submit that these conditions
should ake fo a good fight.

What a e ou sa i g?!

Ainzach sprang up from his seat. His face was red from anger.

Is that e e possi le?! His Majest is a agi aste ! Ho do ou e pe t hi to i ?!

Hoho. I deed, that is the ase. The e ould e o a fo His Majest the “o e e Ki g to i o e his
magic was sealed. My my, to think I actually brought up such a sensible matter. Still, I did not expect to
hear these words from your mouth. I would have expected you to be alright with His Majesty losing. It
see s opi io of ou has ha ged.


Ai za h, do t get too o ked up. It is fi e.

...You Majest , hat did ou sa ?

Ainz chuckled, because Osk and Ainzach were looking at him in an amusing way. However, it would be
bad if that laugh were interpreted as sneering, so Ainz tried to mask it with a snort.

However, that was impossible for someone who had only a hole for a nose.

AInz decided not to waste his energy and decided to try and bluff his way through with words.
You see to ha e ishea d e. I said, it is fi e.

The e as o ha ge i Osk s e p essio , ut his i d as o ki g at high speeds. That u h as


...The , ill ou s ea it o the a e of the “o e e Ki g, You Majest ?

“ ea o a e? ...I u de sta d. I, Ai z Ooal Go , s ea o a e that I shall ot use a

fo of agi du i g the attle ith the Ma tial Lo d.

Wait! You Majest ! Ho a ou ake su h a oath ithout e e seei g the Ma tial Lo d s st e gth?

Ai za h s o ds e e e se si le. Ho e e , if his i fo atio o the Ma tial Lo d as o e t, the e

should be no problems in doing so.

Well, it ll o k out so eho .

Do ou eall thi k it ll o k itself out?!

Ainz was vaguely o ed Ai za h s eto t. No od had stated thei opi io s like this e e si e he had
begun his reign as the ruler of Nazarick. That had come up a little during his time as Momon, but even
that had faded away after he had risen through the ranks.

You too! If the ki g of a othe ou t dies i the E pi e s a e a, the e ll e hell to pa !

Of course, Ainz thought as he locked eyes with Osk.

Well, that s o l to e e pe ted. What ill ou do, You Majest ? It is ot too late to a ept the ad i e
of you lo al su je t a d gi e up o .

Ai z sh ugged i espo se. He ould u de sta d Ai za h s o ies. Afte all, this pla had o igi all ee
his idea. Granted, he had been operating under the assumption that he could use magic when he came
up with that plan. However, did he really think that Ainz without magic was that weak?

It ill e fi e. Mo e i po ta tl , shouti g like that is uite sha eful, Ai za h. The , Osk. I ot too
lea o this, ut hat good does death do ou?

Osk s e es e t ide i surprise. A reaction like that was not the slightest bit cute on an uncle.

It see s You Majest is istake . I ould gai othi g f o it. As the Guild aste sa s, it ould e a
fa g eate hi d a e fo e.
There did not seem to be any ulterior motives behind proposing these disadvantageous conditions for
Ainz. In all likelihood, it had been born from his thoughts as a promoter.

--Is that so. The , e ill p o eed as pla ed..

...You Majest , do ou ha e a a to defeat the Ma tial Lo d -- who is stronger than Gazef Stronoff --
ithout agi ?

...“t o off, huh. T ul a a of e ia le st e gth.

Ai z oti ed the look of su p ise o Ai za h s fa e, ut Ai z did ot sa a o d as he e alled the fo e


If the Ma tial Lo d is st o ge tha that a , tha o iousl , I ll ha e to e o gua d. Ho e e , the

strength I speak of refers to his spirit and not his fighting ability. Now, if we were comparing the
st e gth of the Ma tial Lo d s a d “t o off s s o d a s, su el the fo er would slay the latter in a
o e t.

I see. “peaki g of hi h, I ust o ti ue a s e i g the uestio hi h ou asked ea lie , You

Majest .

Osk raised both his hands. His arms were muscular and bereft of flab.

I lo e the lash of s o d agai st s ord and fist against fist. Regretfully, I have no talent for fighting
skills, and all my efforts cannot win me victory. That was why I was thinking of making a warrior who
ould su stitute fo e, a d ha e hi attai i to i pla e.

Osk sneered. This as ot the e ha t s attitude he had ee sho i g u til o , ut his fa e as a

human being.

This was the first time Ainz had encountered such a strange person, although he knew that fetishes
varied from person to person. In other words, Osk had a particularly abnormal fetish. Ainz made a
e tal o pa t e t alled Pe e ts a d filed Osk i to it.

The efo e, it ould feel e good should You Majest lose to the Ma tial Lo d I ha e t ai ed.

Is that so.

Osk and Ainzach looked at Ainz, surprise written all over their faces.

Ainz wanted to ask, what have you been doing since just now?

Do t gi e e that du look. If ou ha e so ethi g to sa , sa it.

No, o, that s all I ha e to sa .

I ha e o idea hat so t of ea tio ou a t f o e, Osk… Hu a s a e t ul o pli ated eatu es.

Well? If that s all, does that ea ou e pe t e to fill the gap? ...H , ho a out this. A e ou eall
that happ to eat e hile I a ot use agi ?

For some reason, Osk stumbled over his answer.

Eh, ah, that… I do t eall like agi that u h…

I see. The , let s lea e the atte at that.

Osk and Ainzach looked at each other. Come on, spit it out, Ainz thought. Still, this was how the working
world went. If someone who has no permission to speak bared his heart, he would get into trouble.

We ha e ade ou t ue i te tio s k o to ea h othe , so let us ot aste ti e ith pett de eptio s

and get on with things. How will you arrange the schedule for the fight with the Martial Lord? If possible,
I d like to ake a ig e e t of it.

The , I ll offi iall a ou e a halle ge to the Ma tial Lo d afte toda s e e ts. I d ette get o it.
Ho e e , I i te d to keep the fa t that the halle ge is You Majest a se et u til the at h sta ts.

I do ot u de sta d ou easo s fo that. Would that ot e a aste, f o a p o ote s poi t of ie ?

Logi di tates that the ki g of a allied ou t sho i g up at a a e a at h is… o a? Co e to thi k

of it, I ha e t hea d of a el o i g e e o . Is it s heduled fo late ?

Ainz could not help but look away.

This was bad.

Ainz gave thanks that he did not have a heart, and then forcefully shook his empty, undead skull. Then,
he shrugged helplessly.

I a e to the E pi e i a pe so al apa it . El-Nix-do o does ot k o that I a he e.

Osk s e p essio a ished. He ust ha e s e ted so ethi g suspi ious. As a e ha t, it ade se se

that he would be very sensitive to potential profit. In other words, if there were no gains to be made,
there would be no point in participating.

I u de sta d.

Pu li l a ou i g You Majest s halle ge ould su el d a o e ts f o all sides. Natu all ,
the identity of the challenger must be kept secret. Then, can I assume you will handle all the problems
hi h esult f o this, You Majest ?

Of ou se. Lea e that pa t of thi gs to e.

I u de sta d. The , a I take up a it o e of ou ti e? I ould like to fi alize the s hedule fo the

da of the at h.

Has he go e a k?

Yes, Maste .

The butle had etu ed f o se di g off the “o e e Ki g, a d that as his a s e to Osk s uestio .

‘eall o , Osk eplied, a d the he looked to the aid sta di g ehi d the utle .

--Headhu te a it.

What, the man before him thought as he tilted his dainty little head.

Yes, his. He as a a , d essed i a outfit that est fit a aid.

According to him, he did so because dressing like a woman made others underestimate him and become
careless, and also because people would not attack his groin.

It would seem that it was for those two reasons, and not because of personal preference. However,
given that he displayed adorable motions like those from just now even in everyday life, he probably
enjoyed this sort of thing to some extent.

The fact that his thoughts had actually wandered that far was a sign that he was thinking too much
about this.

It did not inconvenience Osk in any particular way, so he did not mind.

The , the e as the atte of his alias, Headhu te ‘a it .

It did not suit a cute-looking man, but then again, he was a mercenary who hailed from a nation to the
east of the City-State Alliance, famous as a warrior cum assassin.

Osk had signed a contract with him and hired him for a staggering amount. He had contracted workers
teams and gladiators as bodyguards too, but nobody else was paid as highly as him.
His strength matched his price tag -- above an orichalcum-ranked adventurer, at the very least. The fact
was that he had not been embroiled in any troublesome matters ever since he had employed him.

Tell e hat ou thi k of His Majest , the “o e e Ki g.

He had another ability, besides being a first-rate fighter cum assassin.

That was the ability to analyze his opponents. Through long experience in the murderous profession of
being a warrior and assassin, he had attained the ability to evaluate people -- to see if they were strong.

It s e t e el ad.

To date, there was only one other person about whom he had stated a similar opinion. That person was
the Martial Lord himself. In other words, this was the second person he could not defeat.

I ide tall , the a k elo that as It s ad , hi h he had said he he had see the E pi e s Fou

Is His Majest a st o g a io as ell?

I ot su e. Judgi g his footsteps alo e, he s ot that st o g. He does t alk like so eo e ho s

been trained as a warrior or assassin. Rather, the uncle beside him feels more like a warrior. Still -- it s
ad. Just sta di g ehi d hi ade e a t to u a a .

After he said that, he extended his arms.

Osk s e es e e e t a ed his fists.

They were round fists.

His fists had been reshaped by punching hard objects tens, perhaps hundreds of thousands of times,
until they were now in a round, ball-like shape.

These hands were made for battle.

A chill ran through Osk, followed by an uncontrollable excitement.

--Whe e a e ou looki g, ou pe e t.

I as just thi ki g that those e e good ha ds.

It was true he liked those hands very much, but sadly, Headhunting Rabbit did not interest him.
Ge de as ot a ig atte fo hi . Ho e e , Osk s ideal pa t e as the a io f o the Ki gdo s
Blue Rose (Gagaran). Granted, Headhunting Rabbit would make a good partner as well, but he felt too
skinny, compared to her. In contrast, the Martial Lord was a little too thick.

...“o ou do t a t e to e e o t a t ith ou e t ea ?

That ould e e t ou li g! Ha dl a o e a at h up to ou… Well, the hei ess of Ija i a aside.

Oops, it see s e e gotte off-topic. Then--

Osk s e es left those ou d fists, a d t a elled up. Goose u ps oke out o Headhu ti g ‘a it s ski .

I ha e t ee a le to al do et. It feels eall ad.

“o he s othi g u h as a a io , ut he s a e t e el ad oppo e t…

He s just like a othe Ma tial Lo d.

Osk picked up on what Headhunting Rabbit was trying to say. He was referring to that Martial Lord.

There were powerful and weak races in this world.

Humans typified the weak races, being little more than meatbags without darkvision, with no hard
carapaces to protect their bodies, or other special abilities.

In contrast, there were the mighty races, like Dragons, for instance. They were protected by hard scales,
they were graceful and mighty, they were equipped with claws and teeth which could easily rend steel,
they possessed fiery or icy breath and other special abilities, and they were furnished with wings that
they could use to soar through the sky.

They were a race that was strong, even without warrior training.

What Headhunting Rabbit was trying to say that the Sorcerer King belonged to such a race.

The undead had poor physical stats. This was what Osk knew to be true. Yet, it did not seem to be the
case for the Sorcerer King.

Osk-sama, why did you accept this match? His Majesty knows about the Martial Lord, but we do not
k o a out his a ilities. I feel it ill e a e u fa o a le at h.

...A a? You do t get it?

Headhu ti g ‘a it eplied i a ti ed oi e, I do t thi k a out these poi tless things--

The butler looked to Osk in a surprised way. Thus, Osk answered:

Does the ha pio flee f o halle ge s?

Is that all?

That is all. Ho e e , that is also h it is so i po ta t. The e s o eed to just kill ea h othe . But if this
is a offi ial halle ge, o plete ith a lette se t up to e uest a at h, it a t e a oided. The
Ma tial Lo d ould thi k the sa e a as ell.

What a idiot--

Pe haps. “till, that s e fo ou. Ho e e , I feel His Majest is the t pe ho e eals his true strength
in battle, rather than during a competitive match. Now, consider a regulated bout, and a no-holds-
a ed death at h. U de hi h i u sta es ould ou p efe to fa e the “o e e Ki g?

Neithe . I d tu tail a d u .

Osk laughed, because that was the wisest choice.

The , e t up. What do ou thi k of the “o e e Ki g?

That line was not directed at his master, but at the butler waiting in the rear who did not change his

In the past, he might have expressed his displeasure silently, to indicate that was not the proper attitude
a hired man should have toward his master. Still, that displeasure had vanished somewhere along the
way. Perhaps it was when Headhunting Rabbit had slain a would-be assassin.

He has a e ha i g pe so alit .

Ho~ , Headhu ti g ‘a it used i a st a ge a .

Ainzach did not appear to be under duress. In other words, the Sorcerer King had something which
allo ed hi to se u e the oope atio of a it s eside ts ithi a fe o ths of conquering it.

Did ou see his egal ea i g? Whethe it as i i gi g o l Ai za h, o ag eei g to ot use agi i

his attle, he adiated the p ide of the ight . I additio , he s a e i tellige t a . It feels like he s
very used to this sort of negotiations.

Even he felt it was surprising.

Osk was a merchant, but the Sorcerer King viewed him as an equal. Under normal circumstances, some
nobles would want to establish who was on top, to say nothing of a king.
This was what baffled him.

He could understand it if he had been a trader in the past, but that was impossible. In other words, he
was simply adept at negotiations.

I te s of o e all a ilit , he is o pa a le to ou E pe o .

Of course, he had not read that deeply into him. It was simply that the Sorcerer King frightened him that

No, I should sa that he s e ui ale t to the Blood E pe o , at the e least.

So at a minimum, he was equal to the greatest Emperor in history. What a nightmare.

Osk shook his head. He would be paralyzed by contemplation if this went on. Of course, he did not want
to gaze into the abyss of the Sorcerer King. However, there was one thing he had to do right now.

...I ust i fo the Ma tial Lo d of this, a d keep hi i p i e o ditio f o o o .

Will he ag ee?

He is a a io . He ill ot u f o a halle ge.

Ho~ . Well, it d e good if he ould i ~

-Part 4-

On the day of the match with the Sorcerer King, Osk asked the usual question.

Ho a e thi gs?

No p o le s. I i top fo .

A gigantic monster answered him.

It was a monster known as a Troll, but one major difference set it apart from them.

That would be the air of a warrior that surrounded it, a mantle which none but those who had survived
countless intense battles would be able to assume.
However, that was only to be expected. He was a troll who had adapted to fighting and who had
specialized in battle. He was an outstanding individual even among the diverse troll species, and he was
known as a War Troll.

He was the Martial Lord, the strongest gladiator in the arena.

Osk looked tenderly at that body.

It was true that there were many people who could beat the Martial Lord in terms of pure warrior levels
(strength). Most silver-ranked frontliners in adventurer teams could do that. However, the reason why
the Martial Lord could easily defeat such people was very simple.

This was because the bodies of War Trolls were far superior to those of humans, be it in terms of
strength or endurance, or in the huge attack radius their massive frames granted them.

In addition, there were the racial abilities he possessed which humans did not.

The first of them was his skin. Wearing a suit of armor over that thick hide of his was sufficient to cause
the majority of attacks directed at him to simply bounce off. Granted, one could target the soft-looking
and mobile joints but his regeneration presented a formidable barrier to anyone attempting to cripple
him via that route.

An attack that would certainly slay a normal human being would not kill a troll. Their astounding
regenerative ability caused wounds to seal shut and it could only be stopped by fire or acid.

With this immense biological power on his side, the current Martial Lord was truly the strongest in

The a io that Osk p aised as the ightiest do ed his a o efo e the a s e es.

He had hired adamantite-ranked adventurers to gather the components for that armor, and then had
the masterwork result enhanced with magic. At that time, he had sunk about 20% of his assets into that
particular project. The club he carried was made of a magical alloy as well, and it had been made in a
similar manner.

The Martial Lord put on his magic rings, amulets, and the other components of his panoply.

--I ead .

These words sounded far more intelligent than how he had spoken in the past.

Every time Osk saw his majestic frame, his chest grew hot. He was the one who had raised him into this
The , Ma tial Lo d, let s go.

They walked together to the entrance of the arena. This was a ritual they had always performed.

The Martial Lord remained silent after leaving his room.

His silence was because he had once been excited and looked forward to fighting his foes. Somewhere
along the way, it had turned to disappoi t e t i his oppo e ts a ilities. Ho ould it e o ?

Suddenly, the Martial Lord stopped in his tracks.

Osk did not recall anything happening like this before...

He began to panic at this unprecedented occurrence, and looked up to ask what was going on. The
Martial Lord slowly raised the visor of his armet helm, revealing his face.

Tha k ou…

It sounded as though he was squeezing out that voice.

Osk blinked.

This was only the fourth time he had heard those words of thanks. The previous three times had been
when he was given his weapon, his armor, and then when he had fought his best opponent, the
p e ious Ma tial Lo d ‘ot Wolf , K el o Pala t e .

What, hat s o g, Ma tial Lo d?

His eyes stared at the corridor before him.

Fu, fu.

The Ma tial Lo d s od ui e ed as he hu kled.

It was the excitement of a warrior.

That was what Osk believed, but it did not seem to be the case.

What ki d of… What ki d of halle ge is this? No, a I the halle ge ?

Wha- hat?

Fu, fu… Ho s a . Osk, I shaki g i fea .

Osk could not help but doubt his ears.

This, this ust e hat li i g ei gs all i sti t. M legs o t o e… It s as though the e telling me
that if I go, I ll die, fu, fu.

That was not laughter. He was simply trying to calm his disturbed breathing.

I hea d oppo e t as the “o e e Ki g, a d I o de ed hat so t of foe he ould e… It ould

seem my arrogance up till now will e epaid i full.

What a e ou sa i g, Ma tial Lo d? What do ou ea , a oga e?

Ia st o g.

Osk a ted to epl that the e as othi g o g ith the Ma tial Lo d s state e t, ut the Ma tial
Lord continued before he could say so.

No, st ength is a lie. It comes from my racial abilities, and it is not actual strength. Still, there are
very few people who can contend with me. In particular, ever since I learned to use warrior techniques, I
ha e e e t ied to u de sta d halle ge s a ilities or equipment, in order to create an unfavorable
situation for me. There is no other way to train myself. But in the end, I have found a foe which my
instincts are screaming at me to run away from. Thank you very much. You have completely fulfilled the
ag ee e t e ade he ou et e.

Ma tial Lo d… Go Gi .

He had met the Martial Lord about ten years ago.

There was a rumor on the streets about a monster on the outskirts of the Empire. That monster was
very rational, and would not slay a foe who put down their weapons. Osk was interested, and hurriedly
set forth from the Empire to meet that bizarre monster. This was because he heard that the greatest
power in the Empire, Fluder Paradyne, was on his way to dispatch the monster.

He had been afraid at first. That was only natural. After all, the humans who had encountered him had
only survived by chance.

However, the Martial Lord had taken one look at Osk and snorted in disinterest, preparing to leave.

That as h he fo got his fea a d asked: Wh a e ou doi g this?

The a s e he got as ot uite as a ti ulate as it as o , ut it had ee alo g the li es of I a

t ai i g to e o e st o ge .

Osk felt the scales fall from his eyes.

Osk had a dream. That dream was to make a strong fighter. It was a dream of raising the ultimate
warrior, in order to substitute for his talentless self. However, at that point, he realised that he did not
need to limit himself to human beings. No, since nonhuman species were higher-spec to begin with,
would that not be the way to make a strong -- the ultimate warrior?

At that point, Osk was not thinking about bringing a monster back. He was scouting someone who might
well be the ultimate warrior, the tyrant of the arena, the future Martial Lord.

It had been almost ten years since that fateful encounter. And now, for the first time, he witnessed the
Martial Lord shaking in fear.

Ma tial Lo d--

“e e al thi gs popped up i Osk s i d. The fi st as, Do ou a t to fo feit this at h? The isk of

death existed within this bout, and Osk could not bear to lose him, the Martial Lord that he had raised
until now.

However, he could not bring himself to speak those words.

To the strong, having someone show concern for them was like an insult. For all he knew, those words
might shatter the friendship he had built between himself and the Martial Lord.

There was only one thing he could say here.

--Do t lose, Ma tial Lo d.

H ph. What a e ou sa i g? I ha e o i te tio of losi g. All halle ge s felt the sa e way.

E e o e stood efo e e i the hopes of a hie i g i to . No , it is si pl tu .

That s the a !

Osk slapped the Martial Lord on the back.

The “o e e Ki g is a agi aste , ut that ould e too o i g of a o test. “o, I ha e uled that both
sides a ot use agi . You ill ot lose to a foe like that.

...His agi ? The “o e e Ki g ag eed to fight e, e e u de those o ditio s?

I deed, a d he did so ith a attitude hi h did ot e e o side the possi ilit of his defeat.


The Martial Lord clenched his fist. It was a fist that called to mind the image of a giant maul.
The st o g a e ofte p oud. I shall tea h hi the foolish ess of his a s.

That s the spi it! Ho e e , do ot get o k . The “o e e Ki g is the sort of man who can give away
jaw-d oppi g eapo s o a hi . I all likelihood, he possesses agi ite s of a eso e po e .

‘est i ti g the use of agi ite s ould p o a l i ease the Ma tial Lo d s ha es of i to . But
that would be too much of a handicap.

It ll e fi e. I o possess the i dset of a halle ge . I ill ot e o e o fide t. I ill ot lose

e ause I did ot use full st e gth.

The Martial Lord took a step forward with a muscular leg, and Osk scrambled to follow.

“a , ould ou se iousl o side hat e talked a out ea lie ?

The Martial Lord suddenly stopped in his tracks, a look of disgust on his face.

Ea lie … ou ea that?

Yes, the atte of ou ife.

Wh o … Huhaha.

The Martial Lord laughed, and Osk fu o ed his o s hile lushi g. If ou u de sta d, do t a t like

‘eall , a ou ot hee e o so e othe a ? Ho a ti es ust I sa this… I ill etu to

village if I want a wife. You want my partner to be a human, right? Thank you ve u h, ut I ll pass o
a hu a s o hat ot. I ot i to pe e ted thi gs like that, o athe , a hu a ho ould
actually want to sleep with me would be absolutely disgusting. What kind of sick fetish would that be,
anyway? Besides, you want my child, ight? I a t ake those ith hu a s.

While it should be possible for humanoids to breed with each other, having children with demihumans
was the sort of thing that only existed in stories.

Well, that s t ue… That ei g the ase, h ot i g our wife back with you? If you need anything to
etu i t iu ph, let e k o a d I ll get it fo ou.

...Let e get this out of the a fi st. We T olls thi k of hu a s as food. M ife ight e d up al l
eati g hu a s, fo all I k o .

To Osk, it would be fine if she only ate unnecessary humans. However, he did not say that.
Is that so. The i g ou hild a k efo e he k o s the taste of a flesh. If e t ai hi up oe
i te si el , he ll su el e st o ge tha ou a e o .

The Martial Lord crinkled his face with a smile.

Well, that ould e i te esti g. Al ight, I ill o side that se iousl .


You Majest , a ou eall i this?

Ai z eplied to Ai za h s uestio ith the a s e he had gi e ou tless ti es:

It ll e fi e.

A person who would take on a hopeless battle was either a true man of courage or an utter fool. This
was not a random encounter; the battle had been decided from the planning phases.

Ainz reviewed what he had learned in his mind.

If the Martial Lord was only on the level of the Giant of the East, he would surely be able to win. That
said, if he had the same strength as a warrior as Gazef, then after adding up his racial and job class levels,
he would be a very tricky foe.


Well, it was a pretty despicable fighting method to begin with. I even asked Fluder for help after that.

Ainz had the ability to completely negate weak attacks He did not think the Martial Lord would be able
to breach that defense. Therefore, Ainz had disabled that particular ability.

Victory was not assured for him.

At that battlefield, Ainz had killed over 100,000 people with magic. In YGGDRASIL, the amount of
experience points gained was reduced in accordance to the level difference between both parties, to a
minimum of one point. In other words, he should have earned over 100,000 experience points. Coupled
with the accumulated experience from before coming to this new world, he should have gotten enough
to level up. However, Ainz did not feel that he had levelled up or seen any related phenomena.

In other words, Ainz could not get any stronger, as he had expected.

Still -- he could not be satisfied with that.

If level 100 was the limit, then it could not be helped. However, he was then obliged to fully utilize the
power of those 100 levels and refine his skills. If he believed he was the strongest and rested on his
laurels, someone might someday surpass him.

Ainz knew that he had a certain amount of strength from being a mage. The skills and abilities he had
honed in YGGDRASIL were also effective here. However, he had not practiced his abilities as a vanguard

I learned a lot from the battle with that woman.

He felt nothing but gratitude for that woman, who had taught him how lacking he was as a frontline

That battle had sparked the desire in Ainz to improve his close combat ability. Right now, Ainz was
confident that in stats, skills and even tactics, he was the equivalent of a level 33 warrior.

This battle with the Martial Lord would be the touchstone for that. Ainz eagerly looked forward to it.

Ainz looked at his neck.

He did not have the luxury of wearing that any more. During the encounter with the Workers, he did not
feel that he had earned much experience or learned any techniques. Honestly speaking, it felt like a
waste of effort.

As he thought about that, Ainz recalled a more pressing problem.

Ah~ Ji i is at hi g this fight too, ight? Wh is he he e? He as t a ou d he I a e to he k just

now. It looks like the illegal o de ossi g is goi g to e e posed… Well, I guess I a just apologise fo
it. If he akes a ig deal of it, I ll just ask hi if he got the Ki gdo s pe issio he he a e to
Naza i k a d e do e ith it… I should p o a l go up a d sa hello to hi . I guess not greeting him will
ruin my image in his eyes.

You , You Majest , it s a out ti e to e te , the a fo the a e a said as he e te ed the oo to

notify Ainz.

The had et se e al ti es, ut he f oze up e e ti e he sa Ai z s t ue fa e.

Should I fight while masked? He considered that, but he had gained permission to make a speech after
beating the Martial Lord. For all he knew, there might be people in the audience who wanted to become
adventurers in the Sorcerous Kingdom. With that in mind, it would be better not to engage in any

All he could do was trust in his choices.

Ainz slowly stepped forward.

Normally speaking, the higher-ranked person ought to enter later. However, Ainz was the challenger in
this arena, and was thus the lower-ranking one. Thus, he was obliged to enter first. Of course, Ainz saw
it as natural and did not question it.

Ainz smiled to the very worried-looking Ainzach.

It seemed strange that he was more worried than the one who was about to go into battle himself.

--Do t ake e epeat self, Ai za h. I ill ot lose.

After greeting Jircniv, Ainz returned to the arena.

He had promised not to use magic during the fight, but the fight had not started yet. Surely his
opponent would not quibble over something like that.

He did t see too a g despite the fa t that I ossed the o de illegall . Is he goi g to o plai
afterwards? Or did he think I entered normally? If that was the case, they might end up hosting some
sort of welcome for me, or may e I ei g too self- o s ious… Will he e ad e ause I di e tl
addressed him as Jircniv?

Ainz mocked his thoughts, and then turned his eyes toward the entrance which faced him.

The Martial Lord had not showed up yet.


Ainz looked around at the audience in the arena.

A shocked silence ruled the scene. Even the slightest movement was clearly audible.

Well, it a t e helped… No, ou people o e the e, this is ot a ask.

Ainz felt his smooth and shiny face. Now he understood. Anyone who could look at this face
nonchalantly must be quite brave.

Because of this,my popularity will increase once I get the audience fired up.

While his objective was not to boost his popularity, it was better to have it than not. Plus, if it ended up
raising the general opinion of all undead, it would probably improve their opinion of the Sorcerous
Kingdom, which controlled many undead.

Ainz gripped the staff in his hand.

As a pu e agi aste , Ai z s sele tio i eapo s as e li ited, la gel sta es, daggers and the like.
This time round, he had selected a staff used for physical attacks. It was a weapon he had made as a
prototype in YGGDRASIL, but which had ended up not being used. Since it was something he had used a
long time ago, it was not very strong. Ainz as he was now could probably make a better weapon.

That said, Ainz had not made such preparations.

After considering the difference in strength between himself and the Martial Lord, Ainz had decided to
fight him with his present weapon, and see how it turned out.

This was the ultimate in foolishness to the YGGDRASIL player Suzuki Satoru, an unforgivable lapse of
a eless ess. If his f ie ds e e ea , the ight e uke hi ith a That o t do~

However, he had already learned of all the Martial Lo d s agi ite s f o Flude . Thus, he had to
subject himself to these unfavorable circumstances in order to use this as training.

He did not want to show them a one-sided slaughte . Ai z s o je ti e as a o e hel i g i to of

just the right amount.

Ladies a d ge tle e ! F o the o th e t a e! The! Ma tial! Lo d!

U like ho the had t eated hi ea lie , the e ti e a e a e upted i hee i g. Ai z ould hea Ji i s
voice from the VIP room where he had shown his face earlier. The man was screaming as though to
break his throat.

...He sounds pretty excited. Does Jircniv really like the Martial Lord that much? The king of the ring
seems to be an idol of sorts, so this should be a normal reaction, right? It was the same in YGGDRASIL --
the strong fighters in PVP matches were very popular with the spectators.

As he reminisced about his YGGDRASIL days, Ainz began to pity Jircniv a little.

He ll e sho ked he I i . Like a lie t hose spo ts tea lost...

It weighed on his heart, but he could not throw the match.

A massive shadow appeared from the opposite entrance.

The cheering he thought could not get any louder went up another level, and now it sounded like an

In all honesty, he wanted a part of that cheering for himself, but he would simply have to win it through
his own strength.
In YGGDRASIL, the voices of the supporters would slowly turn toward the challenger if they did well. In
other words, if Ainz fought well against the Martial Lord, more and more people would start to support

So it seems conditions like these where I hardly have any support are pretty good for advertising myself,

He could slowly see the form of the Martial Lord.

He wore a suit of full plate armor, and carried a gigantic club.

As he beheld this alki g fo t ess efo e hi , Ai z s e es -- the flickering red flames within the empty
orbits of his skull -- narrowed into points.

H … He looks a out the sa e as the des iptio . That ei g the ase -- o, that ould e e kless. I d
better be careful.

According to the information Fluder had supplied, he did not possess any particularly lethal equipment.

However, in YGGDRASIL, some people would prepare a set of identical-looking gear, equipped with
completely different data crystals. In PVP matches, small tricks like that improved the chances of victory.
Although a kup gea as t pi all eake tha o e s ai pa opl , ei g a le to su p ise a foe had
effects beyond mere data values.

He could not guarantee that the Martial Lord would not do that.

Taking that into consideration. Ainz continued studying the Martial Lord.

He had hea d of hi efo e, ut seei g the eal thi g ade hi thi k, No o de . That as p o a l
hat the ea t the sa i g seei g is elie i g . F o hat Flude had told him, the creature under
that armor looked very similar to the War Troll he had turned into a zombie, but the Martial Lord had a
completely different air around him.

One could say it was the difference between a domesticated pig and a wild boar.

This is… i te esti g… I te esti g?

Ainz furrowed his eyebrows at his own excitement. He felt the same way as he did then; that this was
going to be a good fight. Perhaps he was becoming a battle maniac, given the way he relished combat.

That was not a good sign.

The distance between them shrank. His opponent was the first to speak.
Ia the Wa T oll Go Gi , k o as the Ma tial Lo d.

I a -- he e Ai z puffed out his hest. The “o e e Ki g, Ai z Ooal Go , a u dead ei g of the

highest order, an O e lo d.

Is that so. The let us fight ith all ou st e gth.

...O a?

AInz was quite surprised.

There were two things about which he was dubious, and he decided to start with the bigger one.

A e t ou goi g to ake fu of a e?

Wh ?

You e aski g h …?

Ainz tilted his head at the counter-question. That was how it had gone back then.

I see to e all lo g a es a e so ethi g to ou…?

I see. It ould see ou do u de sta d spe ies ell, You Majest . I deed, spe ies o side s
those with short names to be strong. However, I have lived in this country for many years. During that
time, I have learned that humans take long names. Thus, I will not make fun of such things. In addition, I
sense that you are quite proud of that name, Your Majesty. Insulting the names of the strong is
sha eful fo a a io .

Is that so… It ould see I eed to e ise opi io of Wa T olls o .

Fuhahahaha. No eed fo that. I a e el a outlie . I additio , diffe e t spe ies ha e e e s ith

diffe e t opi io s. That is all.

...Hahahaha! I deed. I like ou, Ma tial Lo d… If I i , ho a out I keep ou?

Ainz extended his right hand.

Although it had been rejected back then, the present circumstances were different. The Martial Lord
considered the matter, and replied:

...Al ight. If I lose, I ill e o e ou su o di ate. A d if I i ?

Well, that is a t ou li g uestio . What do ou a t? Na e ou desi e.

...The I ill ha e ou, You Majest .


To date, I ha e ot e ountered anyone worth killing for a meal. But if I can eat you, who are stronger
tha e, I ill o tai ou po e s, You Majest .

Ainz calmed down a little. He had heard a lecture from a guildmate about the culture of cannibals.
Although they ate people, the motive behind that was the same as the Martial Lord, to obtain the power
of the e e s soul. The e e e also othe easo s fo that, like se ual fetishes a d so o .

At least it s ot a se ual thi g. I ould t lose f o that, ut it ould feel eally gross if someone were
looking at me in that way during a fight.

Al ight. Afte all, the ight of life a d death ests i the ha ds of the i to . “o e e if I kill ou, ou
ust ot eje t the esu e tio .

Ainz stepped forward. The Martial King took a stance in an instant, but he immediately relaxed.

Ainz advanced with his right hand extended. The Martial Lord returned the gesture, extending his own
massive right hand.

This was less a handshake than the Martial Lord swallowing up his hand. A great cheer rose from the

The , I ha e a othe uestio . Wh do ou add ess e espe tfull ?

The Ma tial Lo d s attitude as ot like a eig i g ha pio g eeti g a halle ge .

It is o l se si le to add ess the st o g ith espe t.

I see… Al ight, I u de sta d. That s all the uestio s I ha e. Let s sta t. Ho fa apa t should e e?
Like the distance just now -- a out te ete s o so? I ill st i e to a ide the ules of this a e a.

The e a e o ules fo dista e, ut it does t atte . You ll soo e ithi st iki g dista e.

This is a ha di ap, a ha di ap.

The Martial Lord did not speak, but nodded to show he understood.

His face could not be seen, but his breathing and actions were very calm.

Had he seen through the taunt, or was that not enough to upset him?
Ainz mentally clicked his tongue.

What a troublesome foe. If his emotions were vulnerable, he could play on that, but one could not look
down on a vigilant foe, even if they were lower in level.

The Martial Lord turned his back to Ainz, and walked away.

He turned back again after travelling about ten meters.

The , e ll sta t he the ell goes, You Majest .

‘ight… sa , Ma tial Lo d, I e fought ou ki d efo e, ut ha e ou fought ki d efo e?

O e lo ds? No, I ha e ot. I e e e hea d of that u dead… spe ies.

Is that so… Well, that s t ue. If ou et a o e of ki d, ou ould t e ali e to sta d he e.

Overlords are the highest- a ki g u dead… The , ha e ou fought a u dead efo e?

No, I e e e fought the u dead. Afte all, the u dead the i g he e a e o iousl o at h fo e.

‘eall o … The I a t sa do t thi k I like the othe u dead ou e fought. I doze s of ti es

o e po e ful tha a Elde Li h... What a sha e.

The Martial Lord chuckled.

Ainz shrugged, and raised his staff like a greatsword. Ainzach should be watching from behind, but he
had not shown him his fighting stance as Momon, so it should be fine.

The Martial Lord raised his gigantic club as well.

The bell went off.

In that instant, Ainz was swallowed up by an enormous black shadow.

Cheh, he s fast!

That was the shadow of a club swinging down.

Block the strike with the staff -- Ainz wanted to do that, but immediately abandoned the notion. While
he did not know enough about the enemy, the best thing to do in the face of a big move -- one which
was highly damaging -- was to dodge.

Then, not caring if he lost his balance, Ainz threw himself into evasion.
Ainz managed to dodge by the skin of his teeth. The club slammed into the ground, releasing a
thunderous impact that even produced an echo. The smoke and dust it produced gusted up like an

Worried about any follow-up strikes, Ainz fell back a few more paces.

After the dust cleared, the shadow of the Martial Lord, club in hand, appeared from within it.

A great cry rose up from the arena.

Was it a a tial a t? “till… this is p ett e iti g.

He ould lea l hea Ji i s shouti g his suppo t a idst the ea -splitti g hee s. Get hi ! He s ight
the e! a d othe su h hildish ies.

Ainz could not help but chuckle as he heard these cries from Jircniv, which were completely unlike him.
He could not have imagined him acting like that from all the times he had spied on him in the Imperial

...He s a u e pe tedl i te esti g hap...

Ai z s opi io of Ji i apidl ose. At fi st, he elie ed that he as a pe fe t a ith the ai of a

Emperor. However, now that he saw how passionate he was about the match, he felt that he could get
alo g e e ette ith hi . Ai z s hea t filled ith a se se of lose ess.

Then, Ainz returned his attention to the Martial Lord.

The Martial Lord was pointing that giant club of his toward him, implying that he would be intercepted if
he came close and pursued if he backed off. It was a stance well-suited to pi i g do o e s

It as a defe si e sta e that ade full use of his eapo s le gth, p a ti all tu i g it i to a shield.

In all honesty, Ainz had no clue how to break this stance of his.

This… ight e t ou leso e. It ould see ei g u a le to use agi agai st a e e l -matched

opponent is quite difficult. Well, I am a magic caster, after all...

That being the case , there was only one thing he could do.

Well? A e t ou o i g? O ill ou o e the e like a tu tle?

You Majest , I ill ot let gua d do . E e though the ules keep ou f o usi g agi , the fa t
that ou ould dodge that st ike a ot e take lightl .

“o, ou a t e to take the offe si e? I that ase, would you mind moving that club of yours aside?
It s ki d of i the a a d akes it ha d to atta k.

The Ma tial Lo d did ot a s e . His kee gaze e ai ed affi ed o Ai z th ough the slits of his hel et s

Well the … I that ase, allo e.

Ainz forcefully swung his staff at the tip of the club. The club forcefully struck the ground, as the Martial
Lo d g u ted Ggh!

The i pa t should ha e ee t a s itted i to the Ma tial Lo d s ha ds a d u ed the . I o t ast,

Ainz had no such biological functions.

I a i sta t, Ai z ha ged i to the Ma tial Lo d s atta k a ge.

Ai z se t a e tal o a d to his staff, a d fla es illo ed f o it. That said, illo i g fla es
simply meant a layer of fire that surrounded the staff. The flames did not constitute an attack in
the sel es. Ho e e , Ai z se sed the Ma tial Lo d s atte tio shifti g f o hi self to the staff.

That s ight. You T olls ha e ege e ati e po e s. Thus, it s pe fe tl atio al to e i dful of eapo s
that negate your regeneration, such as those which can inflict fire or acid damage. However, that is a
fatal mistake.

Ai z tou hed the Ma tial Lo d s a o ith his e pt left ha d. I that o e t, the Ma tial Lo d
shuddered like he had been electrocuted, making him swing his club without thinking.


Ainz failed to dodge, and the sounds of cracking came from his body as he was smashed into the
distance. Since he had disabled his High-Tier Physical Immunity and he was weak to bludgeoning attacks,
that st ike did a lot of da age. Ai z s od fle se e al meters, no, over 10 meters through the air, like
a ball struck by a bat.

Then, he hit the ground, tumbling head over heels several times.

Thunderous cheering erupted from the crowd.

Ainz heard Jircniv shouting in delight as he rolled across the ground, and the surge in goodwill he had
toward the man dropped swiftly.
Da it, e e allied ou t ies, a e t e? “hould t ou e a it o e o e ed a out the fa t that a
all s ki g is do o the g ou d, huh?

Though he had taken damage, Ainz no longer felt pain, and he peered at the Martial Lord from where he
was on the ground.

There was no follow-up attack.

The sounds of cheering gradually died down, replaced by a sense of disquiet that covered the entire
arena. Why had the Martial Lord not pressed the attack? No, why was the Martial Lord bending over?
What as slo i g do the Ma tial Lo d s o e e ts.

Ainz gracefully rose to his feet, dusting himself off. He did not seem at all bothered at being sent flying.

I o t ast, the Ma tial Lo d s o e e ts were extremely sluggish.

Ainz chuckled.

This was the best way the show could have gone.

Ainz returned to his original position, amidst a cacophony of noise. The Martial Lord asked in doubt:

Wh- hat is this? Poiso … o, hat is this?

I did ot eak the ules. This is a p ope o test. That said, this is fa e o d the o d poiso . M
tou h a i fuse egati e e e g i to a oppo e t s od . Ho e e , a T oll s ege e atio should e
a le to heal that.

Ainz made the same gesture he used when touching the Martial Lord, opening and closing his fingers.

Ho e e , I ha e a othe a ilit i additio to that. I a i fli t ph si al a ilit da age tou h. Thus,

ou st e gth a d de te it ha e ee edu ed. I do t thi k ou a heal that, a ou?"

From what Ainz knew, Trollish regeneration could only heal damage, but not the weakening of the body.

I othe o ds, Ma tial Lo d, the o e I tou h ou, the lo e ou stats ill e o e, u til ou e d up
like a ate pilla .

Naturally, that was a lie.

He could inflict ability penalties on a foe, that much was true, but even that had a limit. He could not
reduce stats to zero. Of course, his opponent could not possibly know that.
However, there were other undead with similar abilities, so he could not conclude that his opponent
really did not know. He might have been bluffing about not fighting the undead, and he might know
something related to them.

That was why Ainz had openly stated the name of his species.

Overlords are a very powerful species, and one which you know nothing about. Once he left that
i p essio i the Ma tial Lo d s i d, he ould feel that Ai z s po e as ste ious a d
unfathomable. Ainz had mentioned that he was of the highest order and whatnot to further reinforce
that sense of unease.

The most important thing was that he had given an unnecessary explanation to the Martial Lord. That
too was to confuse him with false information.

--Broadly speaking, all warfare is based on deception.

Ainz calmly studied the Martial Lord, who did not seem to be recovering from his ability penalties.

This was to see if the Martial Lord was trying to bluff with his actions.

He might have the ability to recover from his ability penalties but chose not to use it, in order to create a
fatal fla i Ai z s defe se. He ight also ha e a tale t, o so e othe hidde a ilit hi h Ai z k e
nothing about.

O e ould o l t a ple o e s foe i a ope fight he the e as a o e hel i g diffe e e i


...The a ilit pe alties I i fli t o t heal ith ti e, ou k o . I ill sha e a a at ou ph si al stats

it it, u til I deli e the fi al lo ith this staff, u de stood? Well, if ou do, the let s o ti ue.

Ainz stepped forward, and the Martial Lord slowly took a stance.

He could ot see the Ma tial Lo d s fa e e ause of his hel et. Was he laughi g to hi self, o as he
growing anxious?

The latter, I hope...

Ainz moved his left hand, the one which was not holding his staff. The Martial Lord shifted in response.
It would seem he was very wary of it.

The Martial Lord must be thinking that all he needed to do was worry about the left hand.

That as it. Du i g Ai z s e pe i e ts, he fou d that he ould i itiate tou h atta ks ith a pa t of his
body. If he felt like it, he could even use a headbutt to do so.
As Ainz got closer, the Martial Lord backed away from him.

Ainz laughed coldly.

From their movements, it was readily apparent to the audience who had the advantage here.

Do you know what the difference between us is, Martial Lord? Indeed, you might be better than me as a
warrior. But there is something which decisively sets us apart.

The biggest difference between himself and the Martial Lord was that of their HP.

Ainz had the health of a level 100 character. Even if both parties abandoned defense and engaged in a
slugging match, Ainz would emerge victorious.

However, the problem lay in martial arts, those attacks which Ainz did not know about.

I laid do a othe est i tio o self esides ot usi g agi . That would concern magic items. I
did not use magic items during this bout with you -- in other words, an equipment restriction. Still, this is
tho oughl e efi ial to e.

Ainz possessed numerous magic items from his time in YGGDRASIL. Each and every one of them was a
peerless treasure in this world. Thus, if Ainz had used those, he could have easily won his battle with the
Martial Lord. However, Ainz did not feel that was the proper way to fight.

Therefore, Ainz was equipped with low-tier items.

I ha e estricted myself to using weapons which someone of your level can wield. On the other hand, I
feel this is a e elle t oppo tu it to test out a e a uisitio .

Ainz plunged his staff into the ground and withdrew two of the four stilettos sheathed at his waist. He
gripped them tightly.

Let s test these eapo s I o o ed f o Mo o .

The Ma tial Lo d p o a l did ot u de sta d Ai z s lathe i g. Ai z had o i te tio of e lighte i g

him. He was simply talking to himself.

The -- he e I o e.

Ainz could not imitate that bizarre stance -- that strange crouching start. However, after practice, he had
learned to run in a similar way. He shot out like a loosed arrow, toward the Martial Lord.
The distance was very short. Still, even in the brief openi g efo e his oppo e t s atta k, the Ma tial
Lo d s lu s ept a oss at hi . The lo as slo ed e ause his st e gth had ee sapped a ilit
penalties, but it was a strike that should have connected.

Ainz could not execute a magnificent dodge like that woman. However, Ainz could do something which
that woman could not.

He eleased his a ilit , a d the Ma tial Lo d s o e e ts halted fo a o e t.

Ainz closed the gap between them and thrust his stiletto, aiming for the shoulder. That full-power strike,
boosted by his running speed, shot out like an arrow.

Whe she had hit hi a k the , she a aged to da age Ai z s agi all -created armor, which was
harder than adamantite. This strike was on the same level as that, and the stiletto pierced the Martial
Lo d s a o a d hide, pe et ati g the Ma tial Lo d s od .

--However, in that moment--

[‘ei fo e Hide], [G eate ‘ei fo e Hide]!

The Martial Lord activated his martial arts.

It was as though he had released something from within his body which pushed back the tip of the

The sta tli g thi g as that Ai z s full-strength hit only inflicted a tiny amount -- a s at h s o th -- of
damage. With Trollish regeneration, that sort of damage would heal within seconds.

The Martial Lord must have felt reassured by this. The club swinging toward Ainz was still very fast, and
he had o l take a s at h f o Ai z s all-out attack. One could say that victory was at hand for the
Martial Lord.

However, that would be a very foolish thing to say.

--A ti ate.

Goh! Go aaaaaaaaah

He released the spell, channelling the [Fireball] which Fluder had cast into the weapon into the place
where he had stabbed the Martial Lord and burning his body from within. He thought of plunging his
other stiletto into the opposite shoulder, but he was not strong enough, and the armor deflected it.

As Ainz thought of targeting a chink in his armor, Ainz sensed movement from the Martial Lord and
dashed to the side without looking.
A gale blew from behind him. It must have been the wind pressure from that club.

After fleeing for about 10 meters, Ainz turned back.

The Martial Lord was grabbing at his shoulder with the arm holding his club. His other arm dangled
e eath hi , p o a l i o ile. Flude s spell as a little too strong. Perhaps he should have asked a
weaker magic caster to infuse it with magic.

After realising the Martial Lord was in dire straits, the crowd wailed in sympathy.

Ainz looked around the arena.

No matter where he looked, he could not see anyone cheering for him.

Ho st a ge… I YGGD‘A“IL, it ould t e u usual fo so eo e to sta t hee i g fo e a ou d o …

I guess away matches are hard.

It a t e helped. I guess I ll ha e to a a do the pla of seizi g the audie e s hea t. No then,

Ma tial Lo d… ti e to die.

Ainz sheathed the stiletto whose charge was expended and drew another one. This stiletto was imbued
with a 3rd-tier acid-element attack spell. He had prepared this in case the Martial Lord had rendered
himself immune to fire damage.

Granted, the Martial Lord looked like he had been hurt by that fire-elemental spell, but that might have
been an act. Regenerating monsters could not completely resist attacks which shut down their
regeneration, but that was only for YGGDRASIL.

For all he knew, it might be possible in this world.

If that was the case, his plan was to kill him by activating his skill when the audience -- when everyone --
could see that victory had been decided.

If ou ad it defeat o … I ll e d thi gs he e.

No… You Majest . Not… ot et. I a still the Ma tial Lo d. I a still the ki g of this a e a. I ill esist
u til I die.

The , take off ou hel et a d let e see ou fa e.

It was a surprising request, but the Martial Lord complied, and showed his face.
Sweat beaded on his forehead, and his face was distorted, probably from the intense pain. Yet, there
was great strength in his eyes.

Those a e good e es. The e i d e of Gazef “t o off.

Tha k ou. Bei g p aised a ight ei g like ou self fills e ith jo .

...Tell e. Do ou ha e a o es hi h a eat e? Do ou ha e a o es hi h a tu the


--I do ot. E e so, I still ish to fight.

They were very honest words.

Ainz felt ashamed of using so many bluffs in this fight. Then, there were all the abilities he had sealed off
to make this a good match.

Since his opponent was fighting in earnest, Ainz was obliged to respond with everything he was allowed
to do.

The Martial Lord, who had come straight at Ainz, seemed to shine in his eyes.

What ould the Gua dia s thi k of the light i those e es…

Still, he knew that they would scorn any being that was not of Nazarick. If that was the case -- unease
and loneliness filled Ainz.

Ainz cast aside these emotions, and slowly raised his stilettos.

The Martial Lord wiped off his sweat with his forearm, and put his helmet back on.

--Co e at e, Ma tial Lo d.


With a roar, his vast body pressed in on Ainz.

He was faster than just now. Perhaps he had activated a martial art.

That incredible speed and that immense body. The two of these synergized to produce an overwhelming
sense of oppression that would freeze any foe in place. No, that would apply to normal people, but the
undead were immune to such mental effects.

Ainz calmly studied the Martial Lord.

He was fast -- but that was it.

His balance was off, probably because the shoulder pierced by the stiletto was unable to move.

--Worse than that time.

More importantly--

Do you know the truth behind how I slo ed ou do ? If ou do t k o , it ll e o e fo ou, o?

Ainz activated the same ability from just now.

[Despair Aura I (Fear)]

This ability had five effects.

I was for Fear.

II was for Panic.
III was for Confusion.
IV was for Insanity.
V was for Instant Death.

Fear referred to an abnormal status of being afraid, which inflicted a penalty to all actions.

Panic was a more severe version of Fear, caused by stacking additional Fear effects on each other.
Anyone afflicted by that status would want to flee the ability user at all costs -- in other words, they
would be unable to take any combat-related actions against that person.

Confusion was as the name suggested. Without any recovery measures, the target would be in a state of

Insanity was an extremely annoying bad status condition, being a permanent version of Confusion. It
could not be removed without magic from a third party.

And it went without saying that Instant Death caused death.

The effe ts ha ged as o e s le el i eased.

Ainz had used the Fear effect first, and then cancelled it almost instantly afterward. By doing so, there
would be a moment where the actions one imagined did not match up to the actual actions taken, and
thus the body would feel as if it had been paralyzed.
However, the Martial Lord should have anticipated that this would happen if he tried a frontal attack.
Even after his mind and body went out of sync, he still swung his club.

Afte fa to i g i the o i ed pe alties Ai z s tou h a d the fea status, e adi g the Ma tial Lo d s
atta k should ha e ee hild s pla . Ho e e --

[“t o g “t ike], [God “kill “i gle Flash]!

Ainz thought he saw a flash of light.

In that instant, intense pain -- immediately suppressed to tolerable levels -- and a floating sensation
filled him.

[Flo A ele atio ]!

A dull impact came from above, followed by a burst of pain in the next moment.

Although he was briefly confused by the situation, Ainz quickly came to his senses.

This was probably a two-hit combo. The first part launched Ainz into the air, while the second smashed
him down into the ground.

If he was Suzuki Satoru, he might not have been able to grasp the situation and fallen into confusion.
However, Ainz Ooal Gown was immune to such bad statuses.

Ainz knew that he was down on the ground, and that the club was coming down on him.


Ainz flipped away just as the club struck. Perhaps it was because of a martial art, but the impact flowed
th ough the g ou d a d i to Ai z s od .

However, this did not deal any additional damage.

As Ainz leapt, the club that buried itself in the ground sprang up. That move, like dredging up something
f o the depths, see ed to sa I ll fi ish ou ith this .

Ainz made a split-second decision to block the strike ith his stiletto, a d Ai z s od sailed th ough the
ai o e o e. The audie e s hee s a g th ough the a e a, ut the Ma tial Lo d itte l u sed,
Da it! He had ee hopi g to fi ish off Ai z ith that o i atio atta k.

After being knocked several meters through the air, Ainz tumbled a few times on the ground and then
swiftly regained his stance as he muttered about himself.
Nothi g to tu the tide? He t i ked e. Pu itto Moe ould s old e fo this.

Much like Ainz, the Martial Lord had saved his trump card -- his martial arts -- until the final moment.
That proved he was a first-rate warrior.

Ainz sheathed one of his stilettos, freeing up a hand.

His arrogance and haste to seize victory had earned him a hard blow -- no, two of them. It was time to
dis a d his ai e thi ki g. He ould ut his oppo e t s stats do to size efo e e di g thi gs.

How noisy...

The audie e s hee s e e eall a o i g. The had just ee aili g, a d o the e e ejoi i g.

--You, Jircniv! What the hell do ou ea fi ish hi ?! Ah, se iousl ...

Ainz moved slowly. He had not been severely injured, but he had been punished for his carelessness
with pain, so he would not make that sort of mistake again.

“till, I eall do t get a tial a ts. These a e skills hi h do t e ist i YGGD‘A“IL… did so eo e
de elop the to ou te YGGD‘A“IL pla e s? O a I just t i g to fo e a theo he e…? Ha g o , that
a tial a t should ha e ee so ethi g hi h i eased atta k speed. He ll p o a l t that again, so
I d ette p epa e od fo it, o?
(TL Note: Once again Ainz seems to have misremembered a saying, to prepare your flesh to be cut and
ou o es to e oke . Of ou se, he has o flesh…

Ai z e te ed the Ma tial Lo d s ea h, a d the Martial Lord swung down. Yet Ainz did not evade.

He ad a ed, taki g the Ma tial Lo d s atta ks.

The pressure and pain filled him, but he could do this, given the huge difference in their HP. It was fine.
In addition, his undead body immediately suppressed his pain, so he could bear agony which the living
could not endure.

I this a , Ai z tou hed the Ma tial Lo d s od . Ha i g just fi ished a atta k -- and being under the
i flue e of the fea status f o Ai z s au a -- it was quite difficult to evade it.

The , he ai tai ed o ta t ith the Ma tial Lo d s od a d i led a ou d to his a k. Of ou se, he

was continuously infusing the ability-damaging negative energy through his armor.


This time, it was the Martial Lord who backed away from him, fatrolling along the ground.
Ainz was puzzled over whether or not to pursue, but decided to stay still, in case of some hidden move.

The Martial Lord ponderously raised his weapon. His breathing was ragged, and his imposing demeanor
from when they had first met was gone.

Ainz gripped his stilettos tightly.

The preparations were complete. This would be the final strike.

Perhaps he had sensed the change in the air, but the Martial Lord removed his helmet and cast it aside.

As surprise began to fill Ainz, the Martial Lord shed the rest of his armor as well. While he was currently
weakened, it did not seem to be at a level where he was unable to move due to the weight of his armor.

However, after seeing the determination on the Martial Lord s fa e, Ai z u de stood his pla .

I see. Armor protects against the stilettos, but it does nothing against ability penalties. He must feel
uite th eate ed it, hi h is h he s ga li g o his foe s HP ei g lo a d lighte i g the load o
his body, just so he can continue attacking.

That was his final -- and also a very disadvantageous gamble.

Tell e… A I eak?


You Majest has ot e ealed a f a tio of ou t ue po e u til o . E e ithout the ight i gs

of your magic, this is lea l ot ta i g ou. A … A I eall that eak?

Ainz closed his eyes in thought, and then he opened them again.

Yes, ou a e eak.

...Is that so.

The arena fell silent.

Ai z s oi e had ot ea hed the . Ho e e , the i to as al ead de ided in their eyes.

Du i g this attle, I fo ade self the use of a agi ite s a d the use of all so ts of a ilities.

Othe ise, ou ould ha e e ded this i a i sta t?

Ainz nodded in confirmation.

Just so. Ho e e , I k o a out ou, so-- Ai z shook his head. This was not meant to comfort him.
Well, ou just had a ad oppo e t. If ou a e the st o gest a i the E pi e… I a ell e the
st o gest a i the o ld.

I see… “till… I a glad. K o i g that so eo e is ette tha e is hat d i es e to i p o e.

I do u de sta d that, to so e e te t.

There were some of his friends -- for instance, Touch Me -- whom he had never beaten in PVP. Even so,
he looked back fondly on how he had pondered the ways to beat his tactics and equipment.

Ainz smiled to the Martial Lord, and the Martial Lord smiled to Ainz.

...The , ake ou o e.

--Your Majesty, the Sorcerer King Ainz Ooal Gown. At the very end, please show me -- even if it is just a
fraction -- of your true power. Allow me to e pe ie e the ze ith of ight!

The Martial Lord forcefully brandished his weapon.

‘eall o … Ve ell. The I shall e eal the pi a le of po e to ou.

Ainz activated his skill, and strode forth.

He e te ed the Ma tial Lo d s atta k a ge. The Martial Lord swung down.

It was completely different from the speed at which he had raised it. He might have used martial arts to
accelerate it. Still, it was nothing compared to the speed before he had his abilities penalized. It was far
too slow.

The clu s u g do o Ai z s od , ut Ai z paid it o heed.

The atta k ould o lo ge ha Ai z s od .

Ainz walked through it, as though caressed by a gentle wind.

He took blow after blow, but Ainz continued advancing, looking straight into the Martial Lo d s e es.

The Martial Lord smiled, as though giving up. Yet, he did not retreat. Ainz plunged his stiletto into the
Ma tial Lo d s u esisti g hest, a d the eleased the spell i ued ithi .

Ai z looked do o the Ma tial Lo d s o pse.

And then, he activated a borrowed magic item. It was simply a loudspeaker.

Hea e! People of the E pi e! I a the “o e e Ki g, Ai z Ooal Go !

His voice seemed to echo with a high-pitched reverberation amidst the silence. Thus, Ainz decided to
wrap this up quickly.

I i te d to esta lish a p og a to t ai a d aise ad e tu e s ithi ou t . This is e ause I

consider it advantageous for my country to both cultivate and protect adventurers, and send them
travelling to various places in the world. Many adventurers must survive with their own resources. But
ho a ha e ee ut do efo e the ea hed thei p i e?

Ainz recalled the adventurer team he had travelled with for a short time.

...The efo e, I i te d to i o po ate the Ad e tu e s Guild into my nation. There are those who fear
that the ill lose thei f eedo a d e sha kled do o e the Ad e tu e s Guild e o es a atio al
organization. I cannot completely rule that out. However, like I have just shown, my strength is more
than adequate. I do not intend to use you as tools for war. The Sorcerous Kingdom thirsts for those
people who truly seek adventure! All you who wish to explore the unknown, who wish to understand
the world and thus dream of becoming adventurers, come to me! I will help you stand on your own,
ith the aid of po e ou a ot i agi e. No ehold a f a tio of that ight!

Ainz walked over to the Martial Lord.

The Ma tial Lo d is dead! Who ill e if his death?

There was no answer.

Death is the e d of e e thing. Yet -- as so e he e ight k o , death a e fought off.

Ai z ithd e a a d, a d poi ted it at the Ma tial Lo d s hest.

It would be terribly embarrassing if he did not come back to life. His nonexistent heart pounded within
his chest.

Wit ess this!

The wand activated, and then the Martial Lord gasped. Then, his chest began moving.
‘esu e tio agi is the p o i e of high-level priests. However, it is not a challenge for me! That said,
the appropriate payment in gold must still be made! I, who have conquered death, shall back you up!
Co e to atio , ou ho seek to e o e t ue ad e tu e s!

Amidst the tides of sound, Ainz cast a [Fly] spell.

His desti atio as Ji i s VIP oo .

Glancing around, he noticed that only Jircniv and his two bodyguards were left. The others seemed to
have headed back. Ainz was delighted at having less to worry about, but he said nothing.

Well, so a out just o , Ji i -do o. O a, ou fa e looks ette o . What a elief.

His dizziness when standing up seemed genuine. However -- since he had been cheering so energetically,
it must have only been for a moment.

I apologize fo o i g ou, Go -do o.

Ahhh, do t i d it. A o e ould e o ied if the sa so eo e the k e looki g u ell.

Thank you for your concern. Still, that was an exciting match. As expected of you, Gown-dono. To think
ou ould t iu ph so easil o e the E pi e s st o gest a io . The e a e o o ds fo that ut
ag ifi e t .

Ce tai l ot. This as a good out. It ould ha e go e oth a s; I si pl had lu k o side.

Given the way Jircniv was cheering for the Martial Lord, he must have been a big fan. That being the
case, he could not go wrong by praising the Martial Lord.

Or rather--

--Da ou, ou did t cheer for me at all. I heard it!

Of course, he could not voice these thoughts. When one thought calmly about it, in a battle between the
a io s of o e s o atio a d that of a othe ou t , it as o l atu al fo o e to hee fo o e s
own countrymen.

Well, if he had actually cheered for Ainz, his attraction meter -- a phrase Peroroncino frequently used --
would probably have gone through the roof.

While outside s ight ot e a le to tell, I a su e ou a e ot istake , Go -dono. Then, next --

fo gi e e. What a I sa i g at this ti e?
I deed, Ai z ag eed. Put i a othe a , he did ot ish to e hatti g ith Ji i fo so lo g i a
place like this.

He did not want him to realize that Ainz Ooal Gown was just a mortal man.

Although he thought he would be scolded for promoting the Sorcerous Kingdom in the arena and for his
illegal border crossing, Jircniv did not seem to want to rebuke him. That being the case, it was best for
him to quickly make his exit.

Well, that s-- Ai z swallowed the informal words he was about to speak. That would be digging his
o g a e. Let us e d thi gs he e fo o . I shall o e to isit a othe da , Ji i -do o.

Personally, Ainz wanted to escape with teleportation magic, but he had to go pick up Ainzach first. So he
would return to the ground, and then teleport away -- and then, as he was pondering that matter, Ainz
realized that Jircniv was staring at him, a serious look on his face.

He was definitely going to say something weird.

This situation was familiar to any salaryman. Ainz turned to look at Jircniv.

You Majest . I ha e a p oposal. Ma I p e ail upo ou to hea it?

No. How wonderful would the world be if he could say that?

Ainz decided not to run away from reality. He smiled -- although his face did not move -- and replied
ith a Do o ti ue.

The , I hope -- no, the Baharuth Empire would like to become a vassal state of the Sorcerous Kingdom
of Ai z Ooal Go .


Ainz could not help but exclaim at those thoroughly unexpected words.

His brain had not yet parsed what he had just heard.

Vas- a assal state?

His guards -- both of whom he had seen before -- were also staring in shock.

For some reason, Ainz felt like patting Jircniv on the forehead.
Why had he suddenly requested vassal status? Come to think of it, what sort of relationship did vassal
states have, anyway? He recognized the word, but what exactly did it mean? Then there was all that
self-governing stuff and so on.

Ainz could not decide something important like that by himself. He would need to discuss this matter
with Demiurge and Albedo first before giving an answer.

...Ji i -do o, taki g ou atio as a assal state…

“o the pla of fo i g a o d of f ie dship et ee ki gs is… eh?

What should he sa a out the assal state issue? I had ot o side ed it, ould that e al ight?

However, Demiurge and the others might have intended to vassalize the Empire. He did not wish to put
his own head in a noose, because it might be troublesome to leave it as a sticking point.

It would seem the best option was to bluff his way through, somehow.

After deciding on the direction his words would take, Ainz made his reply.

It is too da ge ous to e all ag ee o su h atte s. I a ot ake a i ediate reply, but I believe

su h issues should e set do i iti g.

The , does it ea that o e I ha d the do u e t to ou, ou ill app o e of it?

Eh? The e s se iousl goi g to e o e? Ai z thought of aski g that, ut he a aged to s allo those
words. It was probably because he had calmed down somewhat. The truth was, he was no longer
perturbed as he had been just now. He could not thank this body of his enough.

Still, the problem was yet to be solved.

That s ot hat I ea t, I just stalli g fo time. Since he could not speak those words, he had to think
of something that Jircniv could accept. There was no other way.

...Ce tai l . The , do se d a op of the petitio fo assalage as ell as a d aft of the E pi e s futu e
status and treatment to my residence in the Sorcerous Kingdom, Jircniv-dono. After that, we shall plan
at le gth.

The I shall do so. I ill e dea ou to fi ish it s iftl a d deli e it to You Majest s ha ds. --Then, for
the time being, please allow me to speak to you as a king -- as a e ual. I shall e i ou a e.

Although his emotional state had calmed down, Ainz still had no idea what was going on and why the
situation had ended up like this. He simply nodded in response.
Then, trying not to appear too panicked, Ainz descended onto the arena with a [Fly] spell.

Ho did it all e d up like this? O athe , hat ould De iu ge a d Al edo do…?

Ainz rounded his shoulders, like a child who was certain he would be scolded by his parents when he got


The ai i the VIP oo as sile t i the ake of the “o e e Ki g s depa tu e. As though the shatte
this silence, Nimble shouted:

You Majest !

Jircniv furrowed his brows in an exaggerated manner as he looked at Nimble.

You e ei g too loud. I still ea .

Fo -fo gi e e. But, ut, a Ik o hat just happe ed?!

You ish to k o h I ade a de isio like that?

Nimble nodded in response. Jircniv glanced to Baziwood, who had a similar attitude.

I see… The , hat else ould ou suggest I do?

Jircniv laughed at himself.

E e si e he a e he e, alo g ith his -- ah! Negotiations with the Slaine Theocracy have broken
do . The te ples do t thi k ell of e eithe . Ho lo g ould it take to i g the atte of those
negotiations up again? Is that e e a p o le hi h a e sol ed ith e ough ti e?

Jircniv thought about what he would do if he were one of the higher-ups in the Slaine Theocracy. If
a othe ou t ga e a e use as patheti as, That as just Ai z Ooal Go seei g th ough our
s he e, e did t i te d fo a thi g else, the ould su el thi k the e as o alue i all i g ith
that country and abandon it. No, they might end up using that country as fuel for some kind of plot in
the future.

It would seem an alliance with the Slaine Theocracy was pretty much out of the question.

“o he s sa i g, please fight as ha d as ou a ou self ithout all i g ith the Theo a , h ? M

my, as expected of His Majesty, the Sorcerer King Ainz Ooal Gown. I have to take my hat off to him. His
reach is truly longer than I could have imagined. First, he lets his foes grow proud, and then he destroys
the i o e hit he the lo e thei gua d.

Though he was an enemy, Jircniv could not help but praise that perfect scheme.

It was so perfectly calculated that he had no choice but to admit defeat. There was no sign of any
reinforcements for the Empire, while he already had solid proof of their actions. In other words, Ainz
was the knife, while Jircniv was the fish to be filleted.

Baziwood shook his head. It would seem they understood the situation they were in.

Ahh, this is eall … ho shall I put this. He eall put the oot i . He hit ou ight i ou eak spot.
“o ethi g like that.

E a tl . I a t thi k of a a to deal ith hi . I guess I oke i i d a d od . It feels like

a thi g ould e fi e at this poi t.

You Majest … Ni le looked to a d Ji i , speaki g uietl .

He s ot so u h u dead as he is a de il. It feels as if he k o ho to tho oughl eak a a s ill.

“till, e e so, e o i g a assal state…

Jircniv looked gently upon Nimble, who still seemed unable to accept it.

He ould u de sta d the a s feeli gs.

However, he would have preferred a rationally considered solution to this problem, rather than that
childish revelation of his feelings. Still, if even Jircniv could not solve that problem, how much more so
for Nimble?

...I ll speak plai l o . We a ot i . The o l optio e ha e is, as I said ea lie , to su e t his

subordinates. I a ot i agi e a othe a to oppose hi . As ou ight ha e felt i that a , it s
lea that he s ost po e ful as a agi aste .

The two knights nodded in agreement.

The ho is he as a a io ? Ca ou kill hi ith a s o d?

Jircniv shrugged.

You should ha e see it, ight? E e as a a io , the Ma tial Lo d ould ot eat hi . A d hat as
that? He took the Ma tial Lo d s atta k a d e ai ed u hu t? DId he use agi ?
I ot su e, ut it ight e possi le.

‘eall o . I othe words, he can render any attack ineffective with magic, then? So assassination is
i possi le. Could he e i o tal?

Well, he has a ph si al od , so I dou t he s i o tal.

The h as he u hu t?

Nimble was left dumbfounded, and he turned to Baziwood beside him for help. However, Baziwood kept
his lips pressed flat into a straight line.

...“o, let s do this fo o . Gathe all the i fo atio ou a a out the Ma tial Lo d s eapo , a d
the e ll ou d up all the agi aste s a d ad e tu e s e can find to ask them about why he was
u hu t. Fo tu atel , that p o ou e e t of his should ha e set hi agai st the Ad e tu e s Guild, so
the should e happ to help us.

The , should t e ha e offe ed assalage afte t i g all of those? Fo tu atel , he efused.

Jircniv was somewhat annoyed by this, but he suppressed his displeasure and did not show it. Instead,
he looked at Nimble with a troubled expression on his face.

Fo tu atel ? Do ou eall thi k of it that a ? I thi k it s the othe a around. On the contrary, is it
ot est to push fo assalizatio as ui kl as possi le? Ji i asked Ni le, ho had a affled
expression on his face.

Wh do ou thi k he ould efuse ou offe of assalage?

That, that is… ou se a t is u su e…

Pe haps if he e e i o pete t, u su e of ho to ha dle the ha gi g situatio -- he might think of

something like that. However, our opponent is that man, remember? Judging by his intellect, he must
have already come up with a plan for the future in the brief period after we proposed vassalage. If he
refused the offer after thinking it true, that would indicate something about that course of action did
ot esh ith his ai s.

A d hat ould that e?

Ji i s fa e tu ed itte f o Bazi ood s uestion.

I do t k o . “till, ell, it p o a l a t e good fo us. Othe ise he ould ot e so distu ed the

offer of vassalage. For all we know, the objectives he has in mind are things which he cannot carry out in
his own country. In that case--
Jircniv let his overworked brain, which was soon to emit smoke, run wild.

His opponent was that Ainz Ooal Gown. He must surely have some objective in mind.

As the king of the Sorcerer Kingdom, what would he want? What would he hate?

Sweat beaded on his forehead, and Jircniv struggled to think.

--The Ad e tu e s Guild? Could it e he a ts to do so ethi g to the Ad e tu e s Guild, hi h is h

he opposed the assalage?

What a out that de la atio ? ...Would pe itti g it e a good idea, You Majest ? I a fe ea s ti e,
a lot of the est a d ightest of the E pi e ight e d up flo i g out of the ou t .

...I did ot get that at all. Tell e ho ou a i ed at that?.

While o e s f eedo ight e est i ted, ha i g the i edi l po e ful “o cerer King as backing is a
very attractive proposition. In the adventuring profession, far more people die than manage to make a
a e fo the sel es. Ho e e , ith so eo e that po e ful suppo ti g the … ell, at least that s
what those people with no confide e i the sel es ill thi k. Also, si e e ha e k ights, the e a e t
many jobs for low- a ked ad e tu e s i the fi st pla e.

A outflo of tale t… Although the a ot ha e faith i the sel es, it does t ea the e ot
apa le.

There were people who were talented, yet lacked self-confidence. Yet, it would take a very confident
person to explore a new world.

If that s the ase, a e t these all easo s to oppose assalizatio ? “till… ould t it e o e
convenient for us to become a vassal state? That a , he a s allo up the Ad e tu e s Guild up
di e tl … Ah! Ai z Ooal Go ! Wh ust ou i telle t su pass i e so g eatl ?! You s he es a e so
fie dish I a t egi to fatho the !

Is it possi le that he s ot thi ki g a out a thi g at all?

Ji i gla ed hatefull at Bazi ood s joki g o e t.

What o se se is that? He a ti ipated ou o e e ts to this deg ee… o, it s u thi ka le. We also

eed to o side the effe ts of his u k o a le feeli gs that d i e hi to hate the li i g…

Perhaps assuming that he thought as one of the undead would was a mistake.
Perhaps Ainz had already anticipated that he would agonize and guess about this, and worked it into his
plan. He might well be waiting with open arms for for a panicked Jircniv to hasten the vassalization

What should e do o ? Ni le asked. He as efe i g to the E pi e s futu e a tio s.

...I i te d to sp ead the e s to the su ou di g ou t ies. Fi st, I ill gathe the s i es a d tell the
in rough terms that the Empire chooses submission and to become a vassal state of the Sorcerous
Kingdom, and that we have no choice in the matter. We will get the news out to the surrounding
countries quickly and let it spread, so the Sorcerous Kingdom has no choice but to ackno ledge it.

You Majest …

The two of them lowered their heads. The fact that even Baziwood had an expression like that on his
face made Jircniv wonder it was a joke.

He deleted the bitter smile from his face, and spoke in a friendly manner.

Wh so glum? There are all sorts of vassal states. If we are allowed to govern ourselves for the most
part, then we can continue living as we always have. No -- if the Sorcerous Kingdom defends us with
their incredible power, then would we not be safer than before?

As they heard about a slightly brighter future(probably), a little color returned to their faces.

The efo e, e eed to deal ith a i te al dissatisfa tio . If the “o e ous Ki gdo does ot allo
us to rule ourselves, the Empire might start to fragment. There might be factions which are not pleased
ith assalage that ight ake thei o e as ell.

Jircniv began thinking about the disposition of the factions within the Empire.

The most important ones were the Knight Corps. However, they would not switch over to the anti-
vassalage faction. Even if they opposed it , it would only be lip service. They would not actually take

Next were the nobles. They could not be predicted. While there were few people who would complain
a out Ji i s decision, those few might be aiming for a chance to depose the Bloody Emperor. These
were people who might try sanything to become the new rulers of the vassalized Empire.

The commoners could be deceived. To them, as long as life went on as normal, they would not mind
becoming a vassal state.

--The p iests ill e a p o le .

The temples would never acknowledge it. What would make it worse was if the temples not only
opposed it, but forbade all recuperative activity. He would need to talk with them repeatedly and get
them to come over to his thinking.

...Will ou e al ight, You Majest ?

Who k o s? While I a ou d, e ll ha e the est ha e of assalizi g, a d I pla to sho the esults

of doi g so… ut that ight ot e good to sa .

Why me, he thought.

He had inherited this task from his father, and the Empire had steadily grown stronger. He should not
have misstepped at any point during that process.

But then that monster appeared, and everything went mad.

There was probably nothing wrong in the way he negotiated with that monster. It was simply that Ainz
Ooal Gown was a being whose thought processes transcended those of mankind.

In just a month, everything had changed.

Jircniv sighed deeply.

I ust e the u lu kiest a i the o ld…

Though that was merely idle chatter, the news of Silver Canary changing their home base from the
Empire to the City-State Alliance soon reached the demoralized Jircniv. In the coming days, Jircniv would
o e to e oa this as it e e ai s ut it pou s .

[End Chapter 3]

Volume 10 - Epilogue

Demiurge walked happily through the 9th Floor of the Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick.

The sensation of returning after a long time was probably an illusion of some sort. After all, he returned
to this place from time to time, and the longest stretch of time he had been away from here was a
fortnight at the most. Thus, the reason for his misperception was clearly due to the joy he felt at walking
through this place.
His mood lifted the closer he got to his objective.

Demiurge paid no heed to the guards Cocytus had stationed on either side of the doors as he adjusted
his tie and inspected his appearance. Naturally, he paid attention to it at all times, but he did not want
his master to see a side of him which was less than immaculate.

After a very earnest inspection of his personal grooming, Demiurge knocked on the door of the room.

One of the maids opened the door, poking her head out to see who was calling.

Demiurge wanted to try and spy out a glimpse of his master through the gap, but he could not do
anything that embarrassing.

Ma I k o if Ai z-sa a is i his oo ?

M si e est apologies, De iu ge-sama. Ainz-sa a is ot i .

His mood had just plummeted, but he did not let it show on his face.

Is that so. The , he e has Ai z-sa a Go e?

M si e est apologies, I do ot k o … Ho e e , Al edo-sa a ight k o so ethi g a out it.

She was right.

‘eall o , The , he e is Al edo o ?

“he is i this oo .

Demiurge knew Albedo treated he aste s oo as he o k oo . Ca t ou just use the oo ou e

been assigned, he often thought, but after considering her personality, he ended up keeping quiet. The
ost i po ta t thi g as his aste s app o al. With that, the e as othi g else for him to add.

Is she o ki g? ...Could ou help e he k if this is a o e ie t ti e to isit?

U de stood.

The door before him closed. A moment later, it opened again.

Please come in, Demiurge-sa a.

Demiurge thanked the maid and then entered. Before his eyes was the Guardian Overseer, seated on a
hai i f o t of his aste s desk.
Her lowered line of sight moved, and caught hold of Demiurge.

It s ee a hile, Al edo.

Ah, De iu ge. You e o ked ha d a oad. What is it toda ?

Ah, it oncerns the matter in the Holy Kingdom. I was planning to obtain permission for the final stages
of the pla . I ill eed a Doppelga ge … he e is Ai z-sa a?

He is so e hat fa a a . I dou t he ill e a le to etu ui kl …

In other words, he is not in E-Rantel, Demiurge mused. Otherwise she would not describe it in such a
strange way.

That is so e hat of a i o e ie e. The , I shall pe fo p epa atio o k o the th Floo u til

Ainz-sa a etu s.

If it is u ge t, ould ou ot o u i ate ith [Message]?

De iu ge f o ed, a d o se ed Al edo s e p essio .

She had her usual smile on, but the perceptive Demiurge detected some other emotion within her.

If she was just toying with him, it would be fine.

Demiurge attempted to quickly study her, but he could not read that deeply.

It ached at him, but then again, this was not a contest in the first place.

Among all the people of Nazarick, the only two people he could not read were his master and Albedo.
He set them aside as rare exceptions for the sake of his inner peace.

Demiurge shrugged.

It is ot that u ge t. If Ai z-sa a etu s the da afte , I shall i fo hi self.

Ai z-sa a did ot e tio ho lo g he ould e go e. He ight take a e lo g ti e.

The , I shall go to Ai z-sa a s side, Al edo. It is ot a atte hi h e ui es the use of [Message].

A a? Wh is that? If it is t ul i po ta t, ould it ot e o e lo al to i fo hi as soo as possi e?

The o te t of Al edo s s ile had ha ged. Ea lie , it as he usual faked smile, but now it was a wicked,
bullying smile. She must have some sort of ill intent in mind.

It would seem there was something she wanted to say, no matter what.

How tiresome, Demiurge thought as he stated his reasons.

I desi e to displa achievements to Ainz-sama, so I do not wish to use such methods to contact him.
While I can receive his praise through a [Message], in the end, I would still prefer to hear his voice in
pe so . That is all… Is that ot the sha ed d ea hi h all Naza i k has?

M , i deed, De iu ge. It is as ou sa . A o e ould feel that a .

The , he e has Ai z-sa a go e?

He has go e to isit the D a f Ki gdo , a out hi h little is k o a d hi h has ot ade

diplomatic contact until now. Thus, we do not know ho u h ti e it ill take.

Who a o pa ies hi ?

“halltea a d Au a.

That should be fine in terms of combat strength. However other aspects were more worrisome.

Aura was fine. All she needed to do was not inconvenience Ainz-sama. Yet, the face of the other person
appea ed i De iu ge s i d.

“till, i gi g “halltea alo g, does he i te d to dest o the D a f Ki gdo ?

Mare would have been a much better choice for verbal negotiations. Thus, that choice was made for
other reasons.

--What are the othe Gua dia s doi g?

Co tus is a agi g the lake. Ma e is uildi g a du geo outside E-Rantel. Sebas is carrying out his
duties in E-Rantel. Although I do not know what Ainz-sama intends, the fact that he did not bring an
army along would suggest a pea eful isit, o
科塞特斯在进行湖周的管理。马 在耶·兰提尔郊外建造迷宫。赛巴斯则是在耶·兰提尔执勤。

...The e is i suffi ie t i fo atio fo that. Wh did Ai z-sa a a t to go to the D a f Ki gdo ?

De iu ge. We a ot p edi t Ai z-sa a s thoughts.

It was as Albedo said.

His master, Ainz Ooal Gown, was the supreme ruler of Nazarick, who concealed countless stratagems
within a single move of a chess piece. Demiurge -- who had been created with outstanding talents --
could not even hope to graze the soles of his brilliance with his outstretched hands. Attempting to read
his aste s oti atio s as a istake.

That said, se si g his aste s ill a d p epa i g fo it as a a k of t ue lo alt .

If I do t o k ha d e ough...

As Demiurge rebuilt his conviction once more, Albedo picked up a piece of parchment from the table.

This a e f o the E pi e este da . I ope ed it afte e ei i g Ai z-sa a s pe issio ia [Message].

It contains an offer of vassalage from the Empire. The exact details of the vassalization are to be
finalized late .

Demiurge was shocked. This was much earlier than he had anticipated.

What s this? A o di g to p edi tio s, the E pi e should o l ha e offe ed to e assals afte the
Ki gdo as dest o ed…

This is the esult of Ai z-sa a s isit to the E pi e.

This is… As e pe ted of Ai z-sa a…

“a , De iu ge. Did ou eall thi k the E pi e ould o l e o e a assal afte the Ki gdo ould?

Of ou se. That as ho I pla ed it.

‘ega dless of hat ethods ou used?

...What a e ou t i g to sa ?

Ai z-sa a ofte e tio ed ou a e. It a e up i the o te t of Did ou hea f o De iu ge?

The it should e all ight. I othe o ds, the e as so ethi g a out ou -- about your plan which he
ould ot a ept.

What a e ou sa i g.. Al edo, h did t ou tell e ea lie ? If that s the ase--

If hat is the ase?

Demiurge could not speak.

...Let e ask ou agai . Was the e o a to ake the E pi e a assal efo e the Ki gdo ?
...The e as. Ho e e , it ould e ui e Ai z-sama himself to act. It would be a shameful course of
action for a subordinate to advise. In addition, I felt that it would require the execution of several
methods -- requiring at least a month -- in order to cause a violent upheaval within a large city. That
being the case, I believed that it would have been better to begin by subjugating the Kingdom and then
appl i g p essu e o othe a eas… ho lo g did Ai z-sa a take?

I as i the Ki gdo , so I a ot su e, ut I thi k it as th ee da s at the ost.

Demiu ge s e es e t ide.

That was too fast.

How had he demonstrated his subjugating might? How had he broken the will of the Emperor, who
sought to ally with other nations?

Although Demiurge had prepared a perfect plan that would render the Emperor unable to take action,
his master seemed to have crafted a scheme which surpassed even that.

Th ee da s? Ho did he do that…

I ide tall , the e e e al ost o asualties.

His gaping mouth felt like it had been stoppered up. All he felt was an unstoppable flow of admiration
and respect for that absolute ruler. He was like Death itself, quietly standing behind the
The trembling he felt since just now spread from the top of his head to his entire body. Savage delight,
admiration, fear and respect mixed within him, and this complex blend of emotions made Demiurge
shudder without end.

As, as e pe ted of Ai z-sama. Someone like me could not hope to even approach him. He is truly a
peerless and perfect master. Nobody else could have led the Supreme Beings. I cannot help but envy
Pa do a s A to , e e if it is just a little.

Albedo went kuku, her smile full of superiority.

It must have been the sense of superiority a woman felt when she was ordered to love such a marvelous

I additio , Ai z-sama has orde ed us to de ide ho to ha dle the assalage of the Ki gdo .

O de ed us? Wh ?
Is that ot o ious? Mu h of the de elop e ts i this field ha e ee due to the use of ou pla ,
Demiurge. Even so, Ainz-sama said nothing to you and pushed the vassalization of the Empire forward
ith his o pla . Thus, his hea t a hed.
He could not understand that. Perhaps if he were displeased at his own incompetence, he could
understand that. But not this.

...Wh ? I do ot u de sta d.

Hah~ Albedo sighed tiredly.

It is e ause he t usts ou. I othe o ds… ho shall I put this. You should e a le to u de sta d it
with that mind of yours, but this is probably how it is. Not following your plan is equivalent to doubting
your abilities. Ainz-sama awaited your communication because he did not want to do that. However,
Ainz-sama felt you were too concerned about him. Thus, his independent action was meant to tell you,
do t o a out e , I elie e.

It was an answer he could accept. No, it would be better to say there could be no other answer but that.

This t ul is…

Demiurge lowered his face in shame. At the same time, he was filled with delight after he realised how
his master had thought of him.

De iu ge. We ust o k to epa Ai z-sa a s ki d ess.

Of ou se, Al edo.

Demiurge was excited.

I o de to fulfil Ai z-sa a s e pe tatio s, let us fi ish a assalage pla fo the Ki gdo fo hi to see
efo e he etu s!

I deed. Ai z-sama has gone in person, so there must be many schemes in store. He will surely be busy
o e he etu s f o the D a e Ki gdo .

Demiurge grinned.

I deed, Al edo. I deed.

[End Epilogue]
[Side Story]

“halltea , ho had ee i ited to Al edo s oo , li ked as she sa a petite Da k Elf sta di g at the
side, and then she looked to the owner of the room in surprise. She heard a laugh, and then an answer:

A a, hat s o g? I thi k it s good to deepe ou elatio ships as o e . Do ou i d?

I do t i d, ho a out ou?

I… e a e all ight ith this.

You a efe to ou self i the si gula o .

The I shall. I suppose I a e fo gi e fo o l doi g this o e a da .

Shalltear was led into the room and to the indicated table, and she her eyes took in what was laid upon
the pure white tablecloth.

The preparations for afternoon tea had already been laid out.

There were as many teacups as they were people. There were also triple-layered cake racks gleaming in
silver and packed with desserts. No matter where one looked, there was always something delicious in
view. It was a mouth-watering sight.

At a glance, there were tender, juicy strawberries, soft and moist sponge cakes as well as strawberry
cakes made with practically butter that was virtually oil-free. There were fruit tarts which exuded a
citrus fragrance, made with copious amounts of fresh fruits. In addition, there was a rich cheesecake
which radiated a refreshingly tangy scent. The sticky chocolate cake was brown in color and sprinkled
with gold powder.

Of course, the choices were not as boring as being limited to cakes alone.

There were cream puffs that seemed to be squashed under the weight of the custard sauce which filled
them. There were long, cylindrical peach jellies and jellies made of Kyoho grapes, and even jellies of
fruits which could only be found in YGGDRASIL.

What s this all a out?

I asked Pesto a to ake so e s eets. Ho e e , it s ot “ous-Chef s ooki g, so eati g it o t g a t

any magical effects or the like.

Ohhh, so the t olle as to i g these o e .

Shalltear recalled her encounter with the dog-headed head maid.

At the same time, Albedo was skilfully making her own preparations.

The teacups were all well made. Although one usually associated teacups with the color white, Albedo
was setting out black teacups covered with intricate designs of gold filigree.

They were practically works of art. However --

I p efe lue, I ll i g so e alo g e t ti e.

I thi k I e got so e i gold ith flo al patte s--

The t o of ou ha e good taste. No, I should sa the Supreme Beings have bestowed you with good

Albedo was still pouring tea even as she spoke.

The f ag a e filled the su ou di g ai , a d it sti ulated “halltea s ose.

She thought of several kinds of tea as she continued to savor the scent, and then Shalltear decided on a
particular variety.

...Is this Plati u ++ Asga d Pekoe?

I ot too su e, ut I thi k it should e. Pesto a said so ethi g alo g those li es.

...Wh is so ethi g as good as this i the ha ds of so eo e ho a t app e iate it…

What do ou ea , “halltea ?

This is a e t e el high-end crop that needs to be harvested in Asgard at specific times within specific
seaso s, people ith spe ialized jo lasses.

M , --

Al edo, is it al ight to use su h good stuff? Wo t it ake Ai z-sa a o the othe “up e e Bei gs ad?

It ill e fi e. I ha e al ead e ei ed Ai z-sa a s app o al. Please.

“halltea s ha d a e ed et ee a epta e a d eje tio as she ea hed to a d the up p ese ted

to her. The sheer quality of the tea intimidated her.
Aura did not hesitate for an instant and gulped it down, with one hand planted on her waist as she did.
I o t ast to “halltea , ho as sta i g ith e es ide, Au a e el said, “o itte ! afte do i g a
entire cup of super-high-class black tea in one shot.


M , f uit jui e o spo ts d i ks ould e ette .


It s asted o ou! “halltea fo ed a k the u ge to s ea that at he .

Aura was just a girl, so educating her in the ways of enjoying tea was her duty as her senior.

Au a, allo e to sho ou the p ope a to d i k tea.

Shalltear gracefully picked up her teacup and took a mouthful. The natural tangy flavor spread through
her mouth, Of course, Shalltear preferred fresh blood, but she could also savor this sort of thing. That
was how refined her palate was..

D i ki g it elegantly in this manner is the--

Is the proper way in which to enjoy tea -- she wanted to say that, but Aura paid Shalltear no heed and
moved on to wolfing down strawberry cakes instead. Shalltear could only stare in dumbfounded silence.

Ah, Al edo, o e please.

All ight. What ill ou ha e e t?

M . I d like…

...Au a. He e I a , t i g to tea h ou the p ope --

--I say, Shalltear. Tea is meant to be savored as it is drunk, am I wrong? Certainly it looks uncouth
before Ainz-sama and the others, but this is a private tea party among friends, is it not? In addition, she
does ot d i k i su h a ude a , so it should e fi e, do t ou thi k?

Huhuhu, ou lose~

Kuh… A-a a , Al edo, did ou just all us he e fo a tea pa t ?

I deed. I a ted to ha e a i e hat ith fello Gua dia s.

M ~
Shalltear quirked an eyebrow, but did not rebuke her. The fact was, they were all beings created by the
Supreme Beings. Though they showed their loyalty in different ways, their aims were one all the same.
That being the case, deepening their understanding of each other was a good idea.

No he e ha e I see the fu itu e i this oo efo e?

The fu itu e i this oo as uite si ila to “halltea s e olle tio s of the oo hi h belonged to a
certain great person. In response to that question, Albedo smiled radiantly before answering:

That s ight, “halltea . B the g a e of Ai z-sama, I have been permitted to decorate my room in the
sa e a as that of the “up e e Bei gs.

...You e e e usi g the sa e thi gs as the “up e e Bei gs… it ould ha e ee o e polite to efuse.

A e ou sa i g I should efuse a gift f o Ai z-sa a?

Their intense glares suddenly turned toward their carefree compatriot.

Aura looked from one party to the other, and then asked Shalltear in surprise:

I do t k o h ou e so ad, “halltea . M oo is filled ith fu itu e f o Buku uku haga a-

sa a. Is t ou oo the sa e a ?

Indeed, it was.

Just a out all the fu itu e i “halltea s u ial chamber was placed there by her creator. When one put
it that way, there was nothing else she could say.

As she watched Albedo smile and Shalltear bite her lip, Aura posed a question.

The , h . Al edo, ho a out ou lothes? If ou e e gi e fu itu e, does that ea ou do t ha e


Those too e e g a ted to e Ai z-sa a.

Wh does Ai z-sa a ha e o e s lothes?

The suddenly immobile Albedo looked uneasily to Shalltear, as though begging for help. However,
Shalltear could not spare the energy to help her. That was because she was desperately trying to deny
the answer which loomed in her mind.

That, that so t of thi g happe s too.

Is t that usuall e ause he has a o a he a ts to gi e the to?

Tha ks to Au a s o ds, the sudde l -frozen Albedo raised her teacup and saucer to her mouth,
savoring the fragrant tea as she smiled and replied:

I deed, Ai z-sama is such an outstanding individual. He must have courted more women than there
are stars i a gala .

The saucer and teacup clattered as they struck each other. The amazing thing was that all the tea that
spilled out was somehow retained within the saucer, without staining the white tablecloth.

Neither did Shalltear have the energy to calmly praise Albedo.

He ust ha ge his o e o e afte the othe .

That, that s ight. Afte all, he is Ai z-sama, the one who rules all the 41 Supreme Beings. He must be
very popular. The, the most important thing is who gets to remain by his side in the end. His history with
o e is ot the p o le … Of ou se, if a of those o e f o efo e da es to sha elessl sho
he fa e efo e hi agai , I ill defi itel kill he .

Y- es.

Albedo and Shalltear smiled to each other. In the corner of their eyes, Au a sh ugged, as if to sa , Well,
it s fi e .

Let s lea e it at that fo o .

The , ho a out so ethi g else… ut, hat should e talk a out?

M ~ It should e so ethi g to do ith Ai z-sa a, ight, Au a?

“u e e ould. As fo Ai z-sama -- he s e ha i g, a d e ge tle.

“halltea oti ed Al edo s fa e t it h a little. If o e did ot k o hat lu ked ithi those depths, o e
might have assumed those gentle eyes were simply looking at them. She deliberately fondled the ring on
her left ring finger, bathing in the light it radiated.

You bitch -- Shalltear swallowed those words before they could be spoken, and smiled. This was not
entirely an act, because her face naturally relaxed every time she thought of her master.

Ai z-sa a… is t ul a outsta di g aste .

Whi h pa t of hi do ou thi k is the ost eautiful, “halltea Bloodfalle ?

If the e s too u h usta d, it ll spill out of the puffs.

That ould e his pu e hite od , of ou se. Its p opo tio s a e ideal. Ho I ish I could touch his
od .

Needless to say, what she actually wanted to do was climb all over him and savor the taste of his bones,
but she could not actually say that.

I deed, his od -- against which even ivory pales in comparison -- is quite beautiful… although, do t
you think the most beautiful parts of Ainz-sama are his eyes? Those mesmerizing, deep eyes, like
gate a s i to the a ss… I a feel his dig it a d i o ill th ough thei je el-like glo .

Not bad.

Still, Shalltear did not feel they could su pass Ai z s pu e hite od .

‘eall ? The ould t his ala aste od e ette ? Do ou ot ish to e e a ed that od ? Do

ou ot a t to tou h it ith ou ha ds?

A a k appea ed i Al edo s s ile. “e si g that this as the o e t to advance, Shalltear pressed the

That s ot all. Co side his ha ds pla ed upo ou aists, a d d a i g us lose to hi .


Mo e, please.

A d ho a out the ei g ought efo e his oad a d stu d hest, to hea hi hispe , i lo
tones, his -- lo -- ving -- o ds to us?


Albedo seemed to be pinching her nose. Her fingers were flecked with something red.

Ah, this heese ake is g eat.

Ho a out it, Al edo? Tell e ou a s e . Is his od ot ette ?

That, that s fa too i pu e! Ho , ho ould ou talk a out that so t of thi g? Te pti g e ith his
od is u fai ! I as talki g a out pu e eaut !

Is that so? Yet the a ou e a ti g is de la i g i to .


I sa --

What do ou sa , Au a? This is the most exciting part. Wipe your mouth so you can be a live witness as
this woman admits her defeat. Come, Albedo, admit it! Admit that the most beautiful part of Ainz is his
o od !


A s ile of i to da ed o “halltea s fa e as she atched how Albedo was gritting her teeth, and
then Aura muttered to herself:

What pa t of Ai z-sa a is t eautiful? Is t he p ett all o e ?



Shalltear nodded to Albedo.

I deed, Ai z-sa a is the ph si al i a atio of eaut . We a t sa hi h pa t of hi is est.

Yes, Al edo. It ould e dis espe tful to do so ethi g like assig i g a ks to the od pa ts of Ai z-
sa a, the “up e e O e.

“o e ha e ou a s e .

All pa ts of Ai z-sama are beautiful! However, there are parts which are more attractive, based on
pe so al p efe e e.

This was truly a glorious sight.

Well, aside from the confusion a certain girl felt at all of this.

Is it eall all ight to ha e these people as fello Gua dia s?

A a should ot gi e e uses . I hea d these o ds o e, I ill ot sa a thi g. Ho e e , please
allow me to say one thing -- if my memory serves me correctly, the current date should be 17th month
of 2015, right?

Also, I recall hearing someone say, P ea a ge e ts a e ot fi ed, thus the a e t the sa e as the
fi al out o e . Ah, hat a ha i g ph ase! Ho full of o a e it is!

...I e so .

Volume 11 will not be like this one. There is no intention of making you wait, so I hope everyone can find
it in themselves to forgive me. Also, the next volume is -- ell, a o e ho s ead all the a to the e d,
it a t e helped if it s itte do ... I additio , olu e ill featu e a u h-awaited special
editio . A o e ho s see the a i e ill u de sta d. It s a e -minute-long episode of Pure Pure
Pleiades, is t that su p isi g?!

Then, how do you feel after reading Volume 10, everyone?

How different is running a country from running an organization?

Ainz started from his interests, but how would you all do it? Maruyama is very interested in the answer.
If it e e e, I ould do this. If it e e e, I ould do that. I ould e e glad to hea e e o e s
opinions on that matter.

And if it should turn out that someone created another work based on this, or even another original
light o el, I ould e e e o e delighted. Be ause i t uth, that s Ma u a a fo ou.

And then, you already know of the popularity poll from the tail end of the book. Please tell me the
characters you like best. Unlike ordinary popularity polls, the fact that the first place is already decided is
something which has never been seen before.

I o t gi e e t a appea a es to u e pe tedl popula ha a te s. This is si pl to see hi h

characters everyone likes best.

Next, the people I want to thank:

Sorry for ruining your schedule, so-bin-sama. Thank you very much for this.

My sincere thanks to Ohaku-sama the proofreader, the designers, Chord Design Studio-sama and the
editor, F-da-sama. Also to honey, my friend from my student days, thank you as always.

Most importantly, thank you to all you readers out there. The story is now completely divorced from the
WN, so I would be very happy if you liked it.

Maruyama Kugane
一五年十七月 丸山くがね

[End Volume 10.]

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