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Transformative Life Coaching and Hypnotherapy Package

I'm thrilled to introduce you to our comprehensive Transformative Life Coaching and
Hypnotherapy Package, designed to empower you on your journey towards self-discovery, growth,
and positive change.

**Package Duration: ** 3 Months

**Sessions per Week: ** 2

**Package Inclusions: **

 1.**Personalized Life Coaching Sessions: ** In our one-on-one coaching sessions, we will

work closely to identify your goals, aspirations, and areas for personal development.
Together, we'll create a tailored roadmap to guide you towards achieving your dreams.

 2. **Empowering Hypnotherapy Sessions:** Our transformative hypnotherapy sessions

are designed to tap into the power of your subconscious mind, helping you overcome
challenges, develop new habits, and enhance your overall well-being.

 3. **Goal Setting and Progress Tracking: ** We will collaboratively set clear and
achievable goals for each phase of your journey. Regular progress assessments will ensure
we stay on track and make any necessary adjustments to guarantee your success.

 4. **Customized Hypnotherapy Scripts:** Receive personalized hypnotherapy scripts

designed exclusively for your needs. These scripts will reinforce positive suggestions and
aid in achieving your desired outcomes.

 5. **Accountability and Support:** I am committed to your success. I'll provide you with
unwavering support and hold you accountable throughout our journey together, ensuring
you remain motivated and focused.
 6. **Resource Materials:** Access a curated collection of resources, including self-help
guides, worksheets, pen and copy book, and reading recommendations, to supplement your
learning and growth outside of our sessions.

 7. **Email and Messaging Support:** Have burning questions between sessions? Feel free
to reach out via email or messaging, and I'll be there to provide guidance, insights, and

 **Investment: Rs 15,000**
 Embark on this transformative journey today and witness the positive changes unfold in
your life. Your investment of Rs 15,000 covers the entirety of the 3-month package,
including all coaching and hypnotherapy sessions, resources, and ongoing support.

I am excited about the opportunity to guide you towards a more fulfilling and empowered life. If
you're ready to take the next step or have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me.
Together, we will unlock your true potential and pave the way for a brighter future.

Looking forward to embarking on this journey of growth and transformation with you.

Warm regards,

Nushrat Cosman,

CEO of Natural Glow/ Face Yoga & Fitness Expert/ Transformative Life Coach/ Certified

58281557 / 59167945

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