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chapter : 04

The Age of industrialisation

1.The industrialization is considered to be the backbone of economic development.

2. In 1900 Year a popular music. publisher E.T.PAULL produced a book that had a picture on
cover announcing the drawn of the century.

3. World trade expanded at a very fast rate during the 17th and 18th century.

4.In the Town urban crafts and trade guilds were very powerful.
(Meaning of guilds is Association of skilled, Workers)

5. The period before or beginning of industrialisation is known as proto industrialization

6. When the earliest factories started in England in the year of 1730s..

7.which of the following is considered to be the first industrial nation of the world? Britain

8. which of the following city was known as a finishing center of thecloth at the time of proto
industrialisation London

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