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We have a potential flight to (WICC),please provide us the following information.

o Operating hours ? : 23.00Z – 12.00Z
o Is there any night curfew or restrictions applicable ? : Untuk pengajuan extend ada
sampai dengan kurang-lebih 13.00z
o Is this airport a port of entry/exit ? : Hanya untuk keluar saja

o Is there any restriction for the passenger to arrive due to COVID ? : Ada pembatasan
o Can a foreign national arrive ? : Belum bisa
o Is there any special permission/Approval required ? : Ada
o Can you obtain the landing permit through Normal channels ? : Belum bisa

o Is there any PCR test requirements prior to the arrival or after the arrival do they need to
do test ? : Iya memerlukan hasil tes PCR
o Is there any online applications/forms to be filled prior to arrival ? : Ada
o Is there any Quarantine requirements for the passengers ? : Ada

o Do you require any documents from passengers for obtaining the permits and approvals
Ada,diantaranya ID card,Vaksin 2 kali,PCR negatif

o Is crew exempted from quarantine ? : Tidak
o Does the crew need Visa prior to arrival or can they arrive on Gendec ? : Tidak
o If the crew arriving in Gendec, how long can they stay in Gendec ? : 7-14 hari

o Please advise if any other restriction applicable

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