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Briss’ Backstory

Briss’ Family
Briss (Full name: Briss Kaylin Deepgale) was born as the child of a Javen Deepgale (Human man, 32 at
the time) and Finnea Deepgale (Eladrin woman, 210 at the time) in the city of Summer’s Breeze. She
has an older brother by the name of Folred Deepgale, who is 7 years older than her. However, unlike
Briss, who is a half Elf, Folred is a nearly pure-blooded Eladrin. Briss’ grandparents on her human side
are both dead, but her elven grandmother, Pyria Crarie, is still alive at the ripe old age of 695.

Briss’ father, Javen Deepgale, was at the time of her birth, already the captain of a highly renowned
(if not one of the best) pirate crew known as the Storm Scourge Pirates. He had acquired the title of
captain at 29, being the first mate of the previous leader. The crew is split into two ships by the
names of the Sunray (which is commandeered by Javen) and the Moonglow (which is commandeered
by Javen’s first mate, Ayen Syllar (Elven man, 367).

Finnea Deepgale is an antiquarian who owns the antique shop called “The Emerald Dragon”. She has
been the owner of said shop for about 70 years, which she inherited from her father after his
passing. Having been an elven family business for generations, The Emerald Dragon has one of the
most impressive collection of antiquities in the entire kingdom. Some of the most impressive items in
the storage of The Emerald Dragon (which are not meant to be seen by the general public and are
generally reserved for wealthy tourists, nobles or even royalty) include a fully intact, preserved heart
of an Emerald Greatwyrm (has to be stored in the cellar due to its size, also the thing the shop is
named after.), the Talisman of Vuca the Zealous (a famous Half-Orc adventurer about 8 centuries
ago) and the performance garments of Ceprith Feygust (a world-renowned Gnome dancer about 6
centuries ago who was known for having performed personal shows for almost every royal family at
the time. Those who are still alive that have attended one of her performances recall it to be
enchanting and unnaturately beautiful.). Finnea is a very intelligent woman with vast historical
knowledge. She is relatively wealthy, but lives in the upper floors of the shop. Due to the high value
of expensive items inside, Finnea has payed spellcasters to protect the store with enchantments.
Adventurers often stop by The Emerald Dragon to look for magic objects, such as weapons, to assist
them on their adventures.

Finnea and Javen (23 at the time) met at an antiques market which she was browsing for object that
could be worth adding to the shop’s catalogue while the Storm Scourge pirates were hauling off
some valuable antiques that they had taken from a wealthy merchant’s ship’ personal quarters.
Javen became instantly smitten by the Eladrin woman and spent the next few months thoroughly
looking for antiques on ships they robbed in order to impress her, even going out of his way to target
mainly the ships of wealthy old-money men and women instead of merchants in order to find an
antique to impress her with. The object he ended up settling with was the crystal ball of Kollith the
Gazer, a well-known diviner that had died a few centuries ago. Finnea and Javen fell in love and
married a year later.

Briss had a relatively happy childhood, spending her years playing with the children of fishermen that
waited for their parents to return home in the evening or being tutored by her grandmother instead
of going to school. She lived in the uppor floors of The Emerald Dragon with the rest of her family.
The reason that Finnea didn’t pay for her daughter to get an education at a school is because she had
always intended for her son Folred to take over the family business, his longer lifespan making him a
more well-suited candidate than Briss. She ended up sending Folred to a prestigious University in the
capital city of Canta Coire when he was 20 (and Briss 13); from which he returned home only twice a
year during the biannual one-month vacations.

Even though she was not oblivious to the fact that her mother preferred her older brother, she didn’t
hate her by any means. Likewise, her mother didn’t hate her either. In fact, she liked Briss, but to
describe her feelings towards Briss as parental love would be an exaggeration. Her father, however,
was much more emotional, and grew progressively angry at the neglect of her daughter. Retaliating,
Finnea argued that he was not any better, often going to sea for weeks for the sake of piracy. They
grew to dislike each other and, when Briss was 15 (and Javen 47), they got a divorce. Finnea got
custody of her son Felrod and Javen of his daughter.

Life with the Storm Scourge Pirates & Shipwreck

For the next two years, Javen had Briss join the Storm Scourge Pirates, where she learned fencing
from training with her father, cooking from assisting the chief cook as punishment whenever she got
in trouble (which happened frequently), tieing knots and sailing. She was sometimes made fun of (in
a joking matter) by the rest of the crew for her seeming inability to gain muscle mass, but she would
always prove her worth to the crew by making up for her lack of muscle with her endurance and
agility. She was well-liked by most of the pirates and even became very good friends with the second-
youngest member of the Storm Scourge Pirates, Hellnil (Gnome woman, 18 ½ when Briss was 17).
They would always spend most of their time together whenever they arrived at a new destination, as
they couldn’t do so when out on sea due to the fact that Briss was always on the Sunray while Hellnil
would work on the Moonglow.

When Briss was 17, the Pirates embarked on a new adventure that, as they thought, would not be
any different from any of the previous ones. However, during their journey, the two ships got into a
terrible storm and where separated. While struggling with the wind and weather the ocean threw at
them, as if that wasn’t trouble enough, the ship was attacked by a gigantic monster of the sea. Briss
does not recall its appearance, as the rain and wind made it hard to see. The beast shattered the
boat, splitting it apart right down the middle and dooming the crew of the Sunray. The only thing
about the monstrosity that attacked her father’s ship that Briss remembers clearly is its ginormous
head rapidly approaching and opening its gaping maw. Barely being able to dodge the attack, Briss
was hit by the attack and ended up losing her left arm, which was bitten clean off. She grasped onto a
piece of driftwood, which used to be the mast of the ship before passing out from blood loss, the
salty water licking at her bleeding shoulder.

Life with Bevron Brightborn

Briss’ unconscious body eventually washed up on shore near somewhere between the edge of the
Lost Woods and the feet of the most eastern mountains of the Spine of the World, where she was
found by a druid by the name of Bevron Brightborn (Hill Dwarven man) who was planning to go on
one of his fishing trips. Unusually old (and unusually grumpy) for a dwarf, the 398 year old man lived
secluded from society, living in a shack that he had built himself about a century prior. He took Briss
in and healed her wounds (which he later often grumpily stated he shouldn’t have done whenever
Briss annoyed him, though he never actually harbored any ill will). He never could explain to himself
why he took her in. After all, he wasn’t fond of people and preferred to live alone, as he had been
doing for nearly 200 years. Most likely she reminded him of his daughter, who had fallen ill and
passed away at the hands of a debilitating disease when she was only 15 years old, though he himself
never ended up making that connection in his head.

Allthough he would’ve never admitted it to her, he liked Briss a lot. She brought a certain energy into
his life that he didn’t know he had been missing. Together, they frequently went on fishing trips or
found local wildlife that had been injured by hunters who were careless enough not to finish the
animal off, leaving it in pain. For quite some time, Bevron refused to teach Brill any druidic magic,
although she frequently asked for it. Teaching an outsider their ways was forbidden in the druidic
circle he was a part of. When one day he was cursed by a hag with a magical, incurable disease in the
line of his druidic duties, he realized that that he was not okay with dying without leaving behind a
legacy, and so he decided to teach Briss some of his druidic knowledge.

Briss was not a very gifted druidic apprentice, however. Allthough she was not terrible at telling
plants and animals apart from each other, and though she was seemingly a natural at learning the
druidic language, she never managed to get a grasp on any of the druidic spells. She was never able
to channel druidic magic to create a desired effect. One day, Briss was fighting off a bear that had
attacked her while she was gathering herbs, when she suddenly noticed that she was more focused
than she had ever been in her life. Her limbs felt like a wild electricity was coursing through them.
Dodging every blow, Briss wore down the beast until it, in its desperation, rushed at her with its
mouth wide open, preparing to bite her. Remembering the night she had lost her father at sea, her
focus allowed her to channel the power of a storm for a brief moment, and she slayed the beast with
a bolt of lightning that shot out of her. From this point on, Bevron would teach her how to channel
the raw magic of nature in a different way, until she was eventually able to recreate the effect she
had conjured that day at will.

Tragically, soon after they had accomplished this, Bevron succumbed to his illness. In total, they had
spent 11 years living together in the shack, in which she had come to think of the Dwarf as somewhat
of a second father. In his final moments, Bevron told Briss how incredibly proud he was of the brave
woman she had become. After burying his body, Briss took a week to collect all the things needed for
a journey to the nearest town. She took here Rapier, as well as the flag of the Strom Scourge Pirates,
both of which had survived the shipwreck, and set off on a journey. Now that she had acquired more
fighting power, she was determined to grow stronger, find the sea monster and slay the beast that
had taken the lives of the crew of the Sunray 11 years ago.

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