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EE : eras Ps ¢\ Ra anor eee ae poeeee ea nee eerie r eco eo DATASHEET NAME PR fd te cane fhe ui & PROFILES ‘These 0 that tell you how'mighty them ny): This is the speed at which a ee esti Stic model hasa Move of atally i is unable to moy (1): This reflects the mode's fe against physical harm. f): This indicates the protection a mour gives them Hs armour g Inds (W): Wounds represent how Bich demage a model can sustain bef Bi siccambs to its injuries. Ifa model’ Bounds characteristic is reduced to 0, tha trodel is destroyed Leadership (Ld): This reveals how ined or self controlled a courageous, det models, The lower this number, the better model’ Leadership is. Gbjective Control (OC): This shows how tectively a model can exert control over In objective on the battlefield © ABILITIES Dany units have special abilities and rules Pat may apply during the game, from Core Riles shared by many units to bespoke Psychic abilities and invulnerable saves. These will be described here, along with any rales that appl models such as Wills have suffered sufficient damage when larg Soite abilities are bestowed by items Olwargear that models in a unit can be *ilipped with, and are known as Wargear bles These only apply while a model in Betunit is equipped with the relevant iter af Wargear, ca WEAPONS feng charset th Weapons with a ran of fel 2 'elee Weapons and ca b n close combat All ‘i Attacks (A); his tells yo. are made each time hat Sa cae eapon is used Weapon Skill (WS): ‘This re ie bearer’s mg the relevant melee weapon Bollistic Skin (as) ): This shows how the beare curate when shooting with relevant ranged weapon, Strength (5); Tow likely the weapon Wound a foe ef Atmour Penetration (AP): Th: repre the we: on’ ability to cut through i target's defences, eo Damage (0): The amount of damage inflicted by a successful wound, e KEYWORDS Datasheets have a list of keywords, Separated into Faction keywords and other keywords, The former are used when deciding which models to include in your but otherwise both sets of keywords are functionally the same UNIT COMPOSITION AND OTHER RULES This section details the number and types » the unit, and the defaul weapons and wargear those models are of models equipped with, It may also describe other interactions, such as how units with the Leader ability can attach to other units, and passenger restrictions that may apply to Transport models. > WARGEAR OPTIONS Some datasheets have a bullet-pointed list of wargear options. When such a unit in your army, you can use pons and other wu include options to change the weap 2 unit, The ot viargear of models i the unt The you use these options ir but each can only be used once, CORE RULES | DATASHEE LEADERSHIP TESTS Ihe fle requlres you to take Leadership test fra uni cell 2065 ithe totals greater than oF equal tothe best Leadership characteristic in that anit that test is paced ‘Otherwise, it is failed. e RANDOM CHARACTERISTICS Some characteristics are a random Value instead ofa number. For example, a models Move characteristic might be 206", or weapon's Attacks characteristic might be D6. When a unit with random Move characteristic is selected fo move, determine the cntire units move distance by rolling the indicated number of dice, For all other characteristics, toll to determine the value on an individual, per model or Per-weapon basis each time that characteristic is required, AURA ABILITIES Some abilities affect multiple models or units in a given range. These are known as Aura abilities and are tagged with the word ‘Aura A ‘model with an Aura ability always Within range ofits own Aura ability. ‘A unit can be affected by more than one Aura ability ata time, but if ‘unit is within range of the same ‘Aura ability more than once, that ‘Aura ability only applies to that unit once PSYCHIC WEAPONS AND ABILITIES Some weapons and abilities can only bbe used by PsvKeRs. Such weapons and abilities are tagged with the ‘word Psychic’ Ifa Psychic weapon ‘or ability causes any unit to sutier ‘one or more wounds, each of those ‘wounds is cansidered to have been inflicted by a Psychic Attack. COMMAND PHASE battle, consolidating their objectives before makin i i alt tactics and strategies with which to defeat the fae eratigl e the flow of the nd devising new Commanders geus their battle plans @ Your Command phase is split into 1. COMMAND At the start of your Command phase, else, both players gain 1CP. Comm, resource that you can spend during You can find out more about Straj ‘st, both players two steps. In ED) at ‘Then, ifyou have any other n ee tircthee ‘Command the Command phase, you da ae F yu Test hase rules in the second, you Battle-shock step. test to see ifany of your units are Battle-shocked. Both players gain 1CP. ——_&——_ @ Resolve any other rules that occur in the Command ph: COMMAND BATTLE-SHOCK In this step, you must take a Battle-shock test for f units on the battlefield that is Below Half-stren To do so, roll 2D6: if the result is greater than or « best Leadership characteristic in that unit, the test is o; GAINING COMMAND POINTS otherwise, the test is failed and, until the start of Outside of the CP players gain at Command phase, that unit is Battle-shocke: the start of the Command phase, each player can only gain a total of While a unit is Battle-shocked: 1CP per battle round, regardless of the source. ORE RULES | co} a The Objective Controll t = Ifit Falls Back, youlm p every model in w Its controlli erm krn asit Ww! F-STRENGTH ete Sa Halfstrength. rting Strength gStrength of 1, then itis said jrhas a Starting Strengt BPM serit While tis semaining Fosberofwedinds ie less than half ofits umber 0 winds characteristic 5 : PM RERN Ge the namiber of models ih RS icemlMMhae al of is Starting Strength, that ri aid BERADT Hel-strength 5 We models will suffer damage and be d When a modél is destroyed, i is removed tlefeld: When every mnodel in a unit has ved, that unit is destroyed e NGTH eee contains when it is added ATTACHED UNITS Some CHARACTER units have the Leader ability (pg.39), Which lets them merge with other units (known/as Bodyguard units) to form an Attached unit The Starting Strength of an Attached unit is equal to the combined Starting Strengths of all ofits units (1 the number of models in the Leader unit added fo the number of models in the Bodyguard unit) tfeitherthe Leader unit or the Bodyguard unit in an Atfached unit is destroyed, the Starting Strength of the remaining unit 's changed to be equal to its original Starting Strength, Example: A Primaris Captain (Starting Strength 1) is Ths taf {0 @ unit of Intercessors (Starting Strength 8) This Attached unit has a Starting Strength of 6. Ifall the Intercessors are destroyed, the remaining Primaris ia would revert to having a Starting Strength of 1. that are triggered when a unit S are still triggered when one of it made up an Attached unit ig Header or the Bodyguard unit) Example: Ifa rule awards you with IVP ‘each time an Un Soit's destroyed, and you target an Aitaghed Unit you would gain 1VP if the Body destroyed and 1VP if the 4 total of 2VP) urd tinit is Leader unitis destroyed (fo The ground battlefield and vie for advantaget Start your Movement phase by selecting Om army that is on the battlefield to move Your Movement phase is split 1 Unless that unit i within Engagement Range of any ent into two steps. First you can models, it can make a Normal move, or Advance, ‘move your units, then you can set Remain Stationary ‘up reinforcements. m lf that unit is within Engagement Range of any enemy models, itcan either Remain Stationary or Fail Back After you have finished moving MOVE UNITS from your army to move, and g with all of your units. Once y REINFORCEMENTS progress to the Reinforcem ee ee at, select another unit il you have dor joved all of you ‘our Movement ph ent phase ich time you move a choose to. The controll move their models. W mov its models you thooses the order in which t It move a model, you can p the battlefield along any path ¢d across an enemy model cross the edge of the Hd. It can be moved over friendly models as if they werem@ebthere if you wish, but it cannot en its move on top of another model, The when moving MONSTER or VeHicLe be moved 0} must only exception to this is models; such models cannot ver other friendly MONSTER or VEHICLE mouels «il moved around them instead. The dis moves is measitred using the part of its base that moves furthe along its path. Ifa model does not have a base, me, whichever part of that model move: stance a mode asure using 8 the furthes Mi When a unit moves it can make a Normal move, Advance or Remain Stationary. Units that are within Engagement Rango of any enemy models can only Fall Back or Remain Stationary, REMAIN STATIONARY IFa unit Remains Stati for the rest of the pag NORMAL MQ When a unitag iiypione of its models can be moved bach model in that unit i ta its Mov can move gl Range of any CORE RULES | Movewey ADVANCE MOVES Wiba woit Advances, : Ppaing one Ds ‘Add the result in inches t epee ofc chm Phase Each model move by mov al, but no mod Be arpdele A unit cannot shoot or de nodel in that unit distance in in fel can be moved withi: enemy Kame turn that it Advanced. i Advance Move: Models move up to M+D6" Cannot move within Engagement Range of any enemy models. ntil the in that unit can then make an A s less than or equal to this vance roll for that unit the Move Engagemen BM Units that Advance cannot shoot or charge this turn ALLBACKMOVES = unit Falls Baek, each model in that unit can ll Back move by moving a distance in inches sGdal toits Moye characteristic, and when youcanmove it within Engogement Range ny models provided it does not end that move Engagement Range of any enemy models ~ if votpossible that unit cannot Fall Back, snnot shoot or declare a charge in the same tit Fel Baek, rate Escape Tests when maling other types of move, models can enemipmdels when making a Fall Back Seseenemy models were not there, but you aDespetate BScape test for cach model that “(slang models that are Tramic or can FLY) Dedelsin that nit are moved, In addition, ate sched When itis selected to Fall Back, A DEP Escane test for every model ‘before anyare mioved, Each time you take a Desperate Escape test for a model, roll one D6. For each roll of 1-2, one model from the luni thatis Falling Back is destroyed (eelected by you), ‘The same model can only ever trigger one Desperate Escape test per phase. {M Fall Back Move: Models move up to M’ Units that Fall Back cannot shoot or declare a charge in the same turn '= Models can move over enemy madels when Falling Back, but you must take Desperate Escape tests for them before they do so (excluding models that are TitaNtc or can FLY) 1m If Battle-shocked units selected to Fall Back, ‘take a Desperate Escape test for every model in that unit '™ Desperate Escape Test: Roll one 06. 0n a 1-2, one ‘model from that unitis destroyed, ote Lea ne tre on ren a eae Perr Ee eae CULO ena Ce a Le een MUL ena wall for exarnple, but can clitab up oF b J ovet terrain featun ‘4 model can be moved or less in height as ithe an ‘del can be moved vertically in order te Jimb up or down any 1 this, counting th : s move. Model in features that are cal distance wy f Is cannot win as part of Jove mid-cimd —ifits not any kind of ae result, that m possible to end the move as cannot be made 1m Models can move freely over terrain features 2° o less in height. 1m Models cannot move through terrain features taller than 2°, but ean climb up and down them FLYING Wa modal en it makes a Normal, Advance ot Fall Back move, it ean be moved over enemy models as if they re not there, and can ed within Engagement emy models when making such a move. Note this also means ‘hat Monster 2nd Vewtcte models that can Fty can be moved over other MONSTER and VEHICLE models when making such a ve However, models that can Ftv cannot end their moye on top of any other models or within Engagement Range of any enemy models When a mode! that can Fly starts or ends a move on a terrain feature, instead of messuring the path it has moved across the battlefield, you instead measure its path ‘through the air as shi in the diagram below Mite PGE tts eee tere rt SO er ener Reicaee arernee Coe ee rover it De eel ul eid mi FLy models can move over enemy models when they r Advance or Fall Back m Fuy madels that start or end a m an aterrain feature m moved through the air when they m: ‘a Normal, Advance or Fall Back m 2. REINFORCEMENTS yea rule that allows them to start the battle in | ae Such unite will arrive yes, such 25 eer battle an Bene pat have not been set up on the battlefield when Deep Strike (pg nd are known as Reserves units. Any gerves 0 ihe battle en¢ Reinforcements step of your Movement phase, if you have discount as having been destroyed, “ag ts in your army, you can select one or more of ay Rese emi and set them up © oe ves units that you wish to set up this turn have been prec thase ends and you progress to your set up You IGhooting phase. erves uni . the battlefield, one at a time. Once al. Movement phase e Spenals of how to set up Reserves units are described in the Eepeles that enabled the unit to be set up in Reserves. These ically specify a distance away from all enemy es ill & never such a distance is specified, it always models; wi Bplies to the Horizontal distance, even though Hnommlly you measure to and from the closest part ofa models base. Reterves units always count as having made a Normal move in the turn they are set up on the tatdefield, and so cannot move further duri ihisphase Otherwise, units set up in this Gnacinonmally this turn (shoot, declare a charge fight, etc.) BReserves Unit: A unit that starts the battle in a location other than the battlefield, MAlWa¥S count as having made a Notmal move in the turn they are set pon the battlefield, MANU Specified distance from hem models applies to horizontal Chane Moa Reserves unit not SEtUp on the bY the end of the battle COURS 25 destroyed Use the following sequence when a unit shoots. ——@—— SELECT ELIGIBLE UNIT —g@——_ SELECT TARGETS ————_ MAKE RANGED ATTACKS ———__ REPEAT FOR NEXT ELIGIBLE UNIT eae Bd Th your Shooting phat h them, Each unit camel hoot once per phase. Once all of the units yal ft, progress to your Charge phase ligible to shoot unless any of the fol = That unit Advanced this turn, = That unit Fell Back this turn, SELECT TARGETS Each time a unit shoots, be esolved, you must select the all of the ranged weapons you to make attack Each time you select a anged weapo' can only select an ener ast one 1 in that unit is bo weapon and visib that attacki apon if the distance alto or less than tha weapon! Ifa model has more than one ran; of them at the same ta different target, but it ca one model, those models can sho targets. In when you s arget unit you mu which models will target that unit with which weapo: fore any attacks are resolved. If any of these weapons have tmore than one profile that you must choose betw also declare which profile is b BW Before a unit shoots, ranged weapons, Atleast one model fe same or RANGED ATTACKS odels now make attacks using their ranged o hoots with a ranged weapon, s equal to the Attacks (A) hooting 2 9 pons: Bach time 2 ee ber of at imate a number ofa gerisic in that weapo setack being made (see Maki profile. You make one Hit roll for Attacks, pages 21-23) one et for your unit to shoot at, Veelected more than one targ ee Este all of the attacks against one target before ¥ if your unit is shooting more tha Botti net tee your ulti shooting mor i z idweapon at a target, and those weapons have differen Bs tents youhave resolved tacks with one of Ge you must, ifany other weapons with the = PF pbeing shot at that unit, resolve those attacks before Gobing any other attacks against the target the target unit was of that attacking ected, that Bygetint provided atleast one model i (dableloan attacking model and in rang fhovlds weapon when that target unit was s ill be even if no models j fons attacks can still be mad = finiéremain visible to or in range of it when you come to cb thiose attacks (for example, because models in the targe Uithavealteady been destroyed by attacks made with other esponsin the attacking models unit), the BWhena model shoots a weapon, it makes a number of Hs equal to that weapon's Attacks characteristic. 1 allattacks against one unit before resolving KS ageinst any other unit. Mfesoive all attacks made with the same weapon profile esoWing attacks with any other profile tespon Was in range and its target was Visible when ahatweapon’s attacks can always be made. ocked in Combat Lape PE! shoot while itis within Eng agement *@Beafede Or more enemy units Vileag enemy unit is with: in Engagement Rage of one u nore Sess Your army, you can ot select that enemy unit as a SBitofanged weapons, 4 BIG GUNS NEVER TIRE Monsters and war enigines cant dispense death from afar even as they trample the masses before them. Mowster and VEHICLE units are eligible to shoot in their controlling player's Shooting phase even while they are within Engagement Range of one or more enemy units. Ranged ‘weapons equipped by MONSTER and VEHICLE units can target one or more of the enemy units they are within Engagement Range of, even if other friendly units are also within Engagement Range of the same enemy unit. Each time a Monster or VEHICLE model makes a tanged attack, if its unit was within Engagement Range of one or more enemy units when it selected its targets, unless that attack is made with a Pistol (pg 25), subtract 1 from that attack’ Hit roll. You can select an enemy Monster or VEHICLE unit within Engagement Range of one or more units from your army as.a target of ranged Weapons. Each time a model from Your atmy makes a ranged attack against such a target, unless that attack is made with a Pistol, subtract 1 from that attacks Hit rol, Designer's Note: A unit that is within Engagement Range of an enemy MONSTER or VEHICLE sini is still not eligible to shoot, anid so cannot make ranged attacks against that MONSTER or VENICLE unit (unless that unit is eligible to shoot even while within Engagement Range of enemy sinits, eg. its itself a MonstER Or VEWICLE unit, or its models are equipped with Pistols). Other units Srom your army that are eligible fo shoot can, however, target and shoot ‘hat enemy MONSTER or VEMICLE tint MH MONSTERS and Venicues Gan shoot, and be shot at, even while they are within Engagement Range of enemy Units: Each time a ranged attack is made by or against Such a unit, subtract 4 from that attack’s Hit oll (uniess Shooting with a Pistol) CORE RULES] s} NOTING PHASE jay with blade, hammer and claw. Strident war cries In your Chi rmy on th bat, you can select th n only if any Use the following sequence to ue a A unit is eligible to ieee o—_—_ enemy units at the st fur Charge phase, u: Pave ee following apply E UNIT SELECT ELIGIBLE UN = That unit Advanced or Fell Back this tur -—— m That unit is within Engagement Range of any enemy m oe @ That unit is an AIRCRAFT unit cacan CHARGING WITHA UNIT ——&——_ Once you have selected an eligible unit to declar must select one or more enemy units within 12" of it as MAKE CHARGE ROLL targets ofthat charge. The targets of ac he e to the charg You then make a Charge roll for the charging unit b MAKE CHARGE MOVE 2D6. The result is the maximatieaiiilitmber of inches e.c in that unit can be movedal enable the char r REPEAT FOR NEXT ELIGIBLE UNIT CHARGE BONUS Many warriors thunder headlong into combat, using the impetus of their charge to bring swift death to their foes. Each time a unit makes a Charge ‘move, until the end of the turn, that unit has thé Fights Rirst ability (pg 32), but do not need to Efficient to move within Engager Begement Range of any unit tha os a Charge Fossil each model mal a baset Charge all, and must move into Jemy model if possible an be movec Charge errain features that ved over terrain rac asif they were not there. A er to climb lly in order to c wed vertical oes rer any terrain features that ar crtical distance up ‘counting the v ee Saat its Charge move. Model: jown BY, Charge mave mid-climb - ifitis not Wodelscanbe moved freely over terrain features2”orless in height. fsseamatmove troughterrain | % feurestlorhan 2”, but can climb up an downthem: CHARGING WITH FLYING MODELS : can FLy'starts or ends a Cha feature, instead of measuring ied across the battlefield, you Hts path ‘through the air’ In imoved over other models as i A model that can Fuy cannot P of another model, MPuimadel=¢2n move over other models ‘Wenthemake 2 Charge move. FAMbdels that start or end a Charge move Ssltisin feature measure distance ni ope aitwhen they make a aug deciares a charge agains Cer Cee ear ae Ce 7 units when the charge is er ea ‘a Charge move within Ce AL Sct ee Se een Veterans on top ofthe ruin. The Tyranids Fetes allowing the Tyranid Prime to move with Engagement Range ofits target Note that as the Tyranid Prime can Fu, it CU ace CL ant ee through the air IGHT PHASE warring armies meet heat ls. Blood spurts and fles d-on_ Fangs and claws crunch through h tears as hate-filled foes tear one ifs the battlefield as the e engul te nglike hammers on anvil ‘pone. Blades ri gnother apart ate selecting ting with the ppoth steps of the Fight ph fible units from their army, one a! atime, st peo isnot taking place, and fighting with them Betta payer cannot pass or opt not to ight when they Spite one or more eligible units that could fight — they must ‘The Fight phase is split into two steps. Units that have the ability to Fight First do so, followed by any remaining eligible units. my units —_@—__ FIGHTS FIRST {lect one of them to fight Jaboth steps, a unit is eligible to fight if ether or both of the following apply ment Range of one or more this turn, a Tess vithin g Kemadea Charge ounit can fight more than once in the Fight phase. In each ‘ep, ifall of one player’s cligible units that c t during that Units that can step have fought, the opposing f -an thi vith all of Fight First do so their femaining eligible at can fight during that step, one atime ——-@——_ (Onceneither player has any eligible units to fight with during REMAINING COMBATS theeurrent step, you progress to the next ste ll eligible Bee eee cre step, the Fight phase ends. The Remaining units that players tum then ends and, unless the battle ends, the next aoe next can fight do so Notethat after an enemy unit has fought and finished its (zslliion more (pg 25), it might be that previously eligible unlts are now eligible — these units can then be sdkted to fight during the Remaining Combats step. 1. FIGHTS FIRST Inthi le units with the Figh with the Fights First ability fight ber that this will include units that made a nists and that have a Charge bonus (pp 29), fess Peed laidin their IY that are eli gible to ight do so in nth ery modelin the unithas an enemy mode For 2 Pile In to be possible fend these moves within Engagemer more enemy units and in Unit Coherency, feconditions cannot be met, no models in the unit can make Pile-in moves this phase and you progress to maki unit, Otherwise, the unit can mak ri area] ach tin nakes a Pile-in move, it must end that Closest enemy model. If it can also nd th i se contact with one or mc els Ving all of the conditions above, it must do « (MAKE MELEE ATTACKS ig player chooses the order in which to mc BS Bay Fin Move: Up to 3° WEEvery model that moves must end clos Make attacks enemy model, and in base-to-base contact with an enemy model if possible. The unit must end in Unit Coherency and ® within Engagement Range of at least one enemy unit (or no mod: can Pile In) pe Suk 2. MAKE MELEE ATTACKS ich models can fight, then As will make © attack Bony models in that fenge of an enemy unit, o fer model from the h an enemy unit, thin Engagement Range of an lo 0 usi Jee weapon $0 using a melee weap ons a model is equipped with are Hasheet, Ifa model has more than one m: Hy use one of t you jem to make a lust now declare which it ¥ has more than one profile to choose -ted weapon has mor e solecte Pathe amodel ie ese iisigits, 90 vou must also Jving any of its attacks can only use one of them to make attacks with also declare which profile it will h eA fe r0 fi will make a number of melee attacks odel fights, it wi ine by the Attacks (A) characteristic of the melee maerermin” jn its USINE. hat can fight does so using one of its Each model t weapons male eporayes a umber of attacks equa tothe tacks ie F Braraceistc of its selected weapon. ECT TARGETS ; B pou resolve any melee Saar to select an ener yg model must b ; y anit, or in b tal ig itself in base-to-base contact with that hat is e attacks, you must first select th: ¥y unit as the target of a melee attack, the e either within Engagement Range of e-to-base contact with another model Bppdie weapon a model is using to fight with can make Bethan one attack, those attacks can all be made against Feeamitarge or they can be split between different targets feiary fa unithas more than one model, each model can Geis attacks at the same, or different, targets. In either case, fareno eligible targets (because there are no enemy units BEngazement Range, for example) then that unit cannot Giailee attacks this phase, but it can still Consolidate Bi sclect targets for all attacks before any are resolved. MB Attacking mode! must either be within Engagement Range BPian enemy unit to target it, or in base-to-base contact, Hlth another model in its unit that is itselfin base-to-base SGontact with that enemy unit. [ACKS follow the same attack sequence as ranged attacks Attacks, pages 21-23), and you make one Hit roll Hack being made. » Fesolve all of the attacks against one target Onto the next, Bmaking attacks with more than one melee weapon, Baud those weapons have different profiles, the solved an attack with one of those weapons, if Bove With the same profile are also being used to Bezalnst that unit, you must AB ANY other attacks resolve those attacks against the target the attacks you have sei the target units, even if, when you come HO Models in the ( declared targets for are arget unit of that attack N ARGS NaN sc ‘a RAN RAR eae a SS ANG Ace ished making all of its melee attacks, it a unit Consolidates, you can move it that is not already in base-to-base contac fmodel up to 3" ~ this is a Consolidation move fation to be possible, a unit must be able to end within Engagement Range of one or more enemy Unit Coherency. If these conditions cannot be met, sodel in that unit can instead make a Consolidation irds the closest objective marker, but only if, afte that unit is within range of that objective marker and ii Unit Coherency, If these conditions also cannot be met, n models in the unit can make Consolidation moves this phase and that unit's fight ends. Ifa unit can end its Consolidation within Engagement Range of one or more enemy units, then each time one of its models makes a Consolidation moye, it must end that mo to the cloyest enemy model, Ifit can also end that move in base-to-base contact with @me or more enemy models while bove, it must do so. Seder in which to m f but this must result in the ‘and in Unit Coherence. Se Pee eee (ei nnn ter rr ty Termagants are within Engagement Range ofthe rt ey Se ern Peete ean eer ore ee Le ~ these Termagants will also getto make attacks, The ‘remaining two Termagants are tao distant from the CO rents Go Ribeiro anton have made allofther attacks, one enemy model has been destroyed. The Termagants now ‘hen they Pled in, each model must move up to 3"in order to end closer tothe closest enemy contactifthey can. Three Termagants are already inbase-to-base contact, and so are ws CeO} ‘Use the following sequence to make Pe eka ——_@—_—— Pa ——_@—S ee ——@)——— PVR EL ee ead SEEK ala gel 1. HIT ROLL nodel makes an atta one Hit ro mne D6. Ifthe result of the Hit rc hhan or equal to the attack’s Ballistic Skill (BS) char. he attack is being made with a ranged weap. waracteristic (if the af attack sequer anmodified Hit roll off jl odif ways fail can never be mod: Hit Roll (Melee Attack): Ait is equal: eds thal tical Hit: Unmodified Hit ro I An unmodified Hit roll of 1 BA Hit roll can never be modi 2. WOUND ROLL mean attack scores ah ‘or equal to hat Wounc jeofthe Wound roll is gre Be yn he tal ren ad the attack sequenc eS opposite, t fil” er se te attack (al (uherwise odified eends. Wound roll of 6 is called a Critical Wound and Fee unt l afl shay ipa sc fale. A Wound volcan am ever be modified by more than Ppdical Wound: Unmodified Wound rol of 6. Aways successful . ee aster und roll of 1 always fails, 3, ALLOCATE ATTACK Panatick successfully wounds the target unit, the player Getflling tHe target unit allocates that attack to one model in target uni as follows femodelinthe target unit has already lost one or more Seung otha already had attacks allocated to it this phase delatste must be allocated to that model. Otherwise, that fekeanbeallocated to any model in the target unit. Note Geiitdines not matter if that model is visible to or within, Tieeteseemicnt Range ofthe attacking model MMS inesel inthe target unit has already lost any wounds or fesoetattacks allocated to it this phase, the attack must Bealloeated to that model, 4 SAVING THROW SRPREE Controlling the ta LOB deat, is wi ‘het todes Save in lesaves thar Unit then makes one saving i an armour Saving throw using ye chatacteristic, but some models have Heused instead (see right), To then modif ake je result by eristic of the attack, For APOF-1, then 1 is subtrac ed from ects i Beater tha nod in Or equal to the Say the attack. Was allocated to, then th t saving th at saving throw is “afl, PE Atari seciency ends, Oj Pitas model. oot © characteristic o that saving ullers damage (pp 23) ‘ always fail S.A saving thro ethan 41 ey attack’s AP if Te Model being rolled for that mode} Suffers damage, a sr aS ESS Whether shielded by force fields, eee Pere cas senses and lightning-fast reflexes, some warriors are protected by more than mere physical armour. Some models have an invulnerable save listed on their datasheet. Each Poeun ed eter’ Dene nent ec econ gs dates ees to use either that model’s Save characteristic or its invulnerable save, but not both. Ifa model has a Coker ee ae Se ee ee ee SC eae Cee ee use a model’s Save characteristic), Ca eC eartt tee neaees modified by an attack’s Armour brea Ceca td otherwise follow the normal rules cout M Invulnerable Save: Never Modified by an attack’s AP W The controlling player can choose to use either a Model's invulnerable save or its Save characteristi 5. INFLICT DAMAGE The damage inflicted is equal to the Damage (D) fhe attack. A model loses one wound for ia itouffers. fa model's woundaiggeeds it royed and removed from pl wounds from an attack and is d Ly ee Ue i ere tea regs Penh Paes cr aha rt of damage on the target Une basin aia pepe rt oa arene Heenan cent bees ent es a Reser PORTE pre heretiry OAL peers ana ‘Unlike damage inflicted by normal attacks, excess damage from mortal eres au Pear tes ae paren a tg ‘othe number denoted by ‘x, that: wound i peer er st sclost Il ty eens youes Peer ra esa fet ape and ee Fach time a mode wouild lose a wound (includin Js}, roll one D6 if th eee eo ss 1 Feel No Painx eee ner neteny wound, inflict mortal wounds on the target, tha resolve any normal damage inficted eee teeing Peete een a Seer tn aie’ inflicts mortal wounds in addition to any normal damage, but the normal ee pend eee ‘wounds as described above, ‘that damage Was saved oa, epee nr Mer eee eee See ad ‘ary wounds or has already had! attacks ere ee eee ey eee eee ae a rer etd De ae aa eg Corre nen staied above - you will need to roll the dice peor penn Ce ee eg Allocate toa target containing models ‘vith two wounds each, As excess damage ie ree eet a Ce een ed Ceca ae Co ioe nee a eee ey Coie eee Aest0jed mode but applying them in the Cer et pear en ne Oa Se eens damaged with onbyone wound remaining As suc, thezolls should be made one at or Pe ee es pioneer an penetra eater ets Cee er eee aad en ee ner eh ec eerie tars Se ee er ee ee eh peter teat: eee ane’ Peat tanker | Cee eer Seer eee ote Ser a ten esninianarh Cn a ye lL ictinaikednacte eet) Lenco daicooi Salaun tect re peer eid ee ere ear weapon abilities may ASSAULT Assault weapons fire so indiscriminately that they can be shot from the hip as warriors dash forward. Weapons with {assavur] in their profile are known as ‘Assault weapons. Ifa unit that Advanced this turn contains any models equipped with Assault weapons, itis still eligible to shoot in this turn’s Shooting phase, When such a unit is selected to shoot, you can only resolve attacks using Assault weapons its models are equipped with Can be shat even if the bearer's unit Advanced, RAPID FIRE Rapid fire weapons are capable of long-ranged precision shots or controlled bursts at nearby targets. Weapons with [RaPio Fine x] in their profile are known as Rapid Fire weapons, Each time such a weapon targets a unit within half that weapon’ range, the Attacks characteristic of that weapon is increased by the amount denoted by x. Example: A model targets a unit that is within half range ofa weapon with an Attacks characteristic Of Land the (rarioFRe 1} ability. That weapon therefore makes two attacks at she target, and you make two Hit rolls, [RAPIOFIREX]: Increase the Attacks by ‘x’ when targeting units within half range IGNORES COVER Somie weapons are designed to root enemy formations out of entrenched positions, Weapons with (leNoREs caver] in their profile are Known as Ignores Cover weapons, Each time an attack is made with such a-w have the Benefit of Coy TWIN-LINKED Dual weapons are often grafted to 0 system for greater lethality, eapon, the target canal 1 against that attack (pg Weapons with frwin.uimeo) in as Twin linked weapons, Fach t ch time on ati made with such a weapon, you can re attacks Wound roll ir profile PON ABILITIN PISTOL Pistols can be ded even at point-blank ran, Weapons with [etst@l] in their profile are known as Pistols. If unit comfains any models equipped with Pistols, that unit@ligible to shoot in its controlling player's Shoot fen while itis Engagement When such resolve atta one of the ithin OF more enemy units, hoot, it can only s Pistols and can only target ts it is within Engagement cumstances, a Pistol can tar; if other i luipped with one or more Pistols, JONSTER or VEHICLE model, it can either § Pistols or with all of its other ranged ‘weapons, Declare whether such a model will shoot with its Pistols or its other ranged weapons before selecting targets. @ Can be shot even if the bearer's unit is within Engagement Range of enemy units, but must target one of those enemy units. @ Cannot be shot alongside any other non-Pistol weapon (except by @ MONSTER or VEHICLE) TORRENT Torrent weapons shoot clouds of fire, gas or other lethal substamees that few foes can hope to evade are known fean attack is made automatically hits Injuries on any foe, m ftheir profile are known Bh time an attack is made ical Hit automatically Bin their profile are known a» » attack is made with the bearer made @ Charge mov BP that attack’s Wound roll RECT FIRE st fire weapons arvening obstacle profile are swith [INDIRECT Fire] in their profile Pweapons al Indirect ce | Fe item even if the target a Bee a ks can destroy enemy See, model. These attacl y Spttacking ™ Be alsin a target unit ov Ie to the attacking unit when you selected visi hat target. it are visible to the dels in a target un Tipo m0 a king unit makes an attack ¥ Jin the attacking times mode! indirect Fire weapo q farget using an Indirect P s Bitom the attack’ Hit roll and the target Se Senet ‘of Cover against that attack (pg 44) E unit is targeted by an imple: An enemy uni i ee, ‘model equipped with a weapon with the Mpbnecrene} cil, No models in the target unit ienttacks made with that weapon, subtract 1 Spam that attack’ Hit roll and each time an attack Gpallocated to. a model in the target unit, it has the Beneht of Cover against that attack. Wi Gantarger and make attacks against units that Sie not Visible to the attacking unit. lipo models are visible in a target unit when Hisselected, then when making an attack @gainstthat target with an Indirect Fire Weapon, subtract 1 from that attack’s Hit roll Snetetargethas the Benefit of Cover against ‘that attack. Gan pick high-value targets out in a iltolgh the unerring aims of a sniper EM AEctracy of a blaite-master’s strike, PRE0si0n in their profile are known feo: Each time an attack made with ee cesstully wounds an Attached unit E BR model in that unit is visible Mohsen te attacking models player thal attack allocated to thar Be 24 Of following the normal Bea Attached unit, the attackin er rable the attack allocate MOdelin that Unit visible to Jaunch munitions over or around les — nowhere is safe from their fury id attacks can be re weapons, an es ible to the en though none may have it select that target, then each ing unit when you sel BLAST es High-explosives can fl Several narof= a : Blast, but firing them where your comrades WB caught in the ensuing detonation is simply Weapons with [atast] in their proses ee Blas weapons, and they make a random nambe attacks. Each time you determine how many atta are made witha Blast weapon. add 0 the res every five models that were in the target unit : you selected it as the target (rounding down). Bla weapons can never be used to make attacks again unit that is within Engagement Range of one or 1 units from the attacking model’ army (including own unit). Example: If a weapon with the [8.ast] ability an an Attacks characteristic of 2D6 targets a unit th contains 11 models, and the roll to determine hov many attacks are made is @ 9, a total of 11 attack would be made against that unit. Grevisible fo the attacking model, so when resolving Add 1 to the Attacks characteristic for every five models in the target unit (rounding down). Can never be used against a target that is within Engagement Range of any units from the attacking model's army (including its own) MELTA Melta weapons are powerful heat rays whose fury is ‘magnified at close range. Weapons with {WE17Ax] in their profile are known as Melta weapons, Bach time an attack made with such a weapon targets a unit within half that ‘weapon's range, that attack’s Damage characteristic is increased by the amount denoted by ‘x: Fxample: A model targets a unit that is within half Tange of a weapon with a Damage characteristic of D6 and the (wewn2) ability If that attack inflicts damage on the target, it inflicts D642 damage 1 [MELTA x}: Increase the Damage by ‘x’ when targeting units within half range HEAVY Heavy weapons are amongst the biggest guns on the battlefield, but require bracing to fire at full effect and Aare unwieldy to bring to bear at clase quarters. Weapons with (Weavy] 1 in their profile are known as Heavy weapons, E, ach time an attack is made With such a weapon, ifthe attacking models unit Kemained Stationary this turn, add to that attacks Hit roll CORE RULES | WEAPON ABILITIES (ARDOUS ys powered By uns Frees pose a substantial 71 ie they are used: astable and dangerous energy to the wielder every with tuazanoous] in their profile are known 8 Bee rdous weapons, Each time a unit is selected © as Hazard Poshoot orf ; weapons, Seraamcs. on must take one Hazardous Hesifor each Havardous weapon that was just used Hraling one DS. For each roll of 1, that testis Bia nd one model in that unit equipped with ous weapon is Being aye). unless that model is a CHARACTER, IMonsren or VenIcLe, in which case it suffers 3 Sport wounds instead. Note that if you sel Spyamacten model in an Attached unit, the mortal Winds suffered must be allocated to that model Mhrateven if there is another model in that unit that Siaslost one or more wounds or has had attacks Hillocated to it this phase. r fight, ifone or more models attack with then after that unit has resolyed estroyed (selected by the teda SBeample: A unit of five models make five attacks Wpitheanged weapons with the (WAzaRDOUS) ability, infier the unit has finished shooting, its controlling Player tolls five Do. One of the results isa 1, and as ho models in she unit are CHARACTERS, MONSTERS or WEWICLES, one of those mode wed. BE Mera unit shoots or fights, roll one Hazardous ‘est (one 06) for each Hazardous weapon 1Ueed, For each 1, one model equipped with a Hazardous weapon is destroyed (CHARACTERS, WonsteRs end VEHICLES suffer 3 mortal ‘wounds instead), ns Can inflict strikes of such power that fa mockery of armour and can cleave Sith [DEVastarinc WoUNos) in their profile ies Devastating Wounds weapons. Each Ismade with such a weapon, a Critical 2 number of mortal wounds on the alto the Damage characteristic of that Pbeatiack sequence ends, altack made with a Devastating Pon With a Damage characteristic of Hical Wound. Instead of allocating @ making saving throws normally, the 2 mortal wounds Wind inflicts mortal wounds equal to ps Lamage characteristic, instead of damage, SUSTAINED HITS Some weapons strike in a flurry of blows, tearing the foe apart with relentless ferocity. Weapons with [SUSTAINED HiTS x] in their profile are known as Sustained Hits weapons, Each time an attack is made with such a weapon, ifa Critical Flit i rolled, that attack scores a number of additional hits on the target as denoted by ‘x’ Example: A model makes an attack with a melee weapon with the [SUSTANED Hits 2] ability, If the Hit roll is an unmodified 6 (a Critical Hit), then that attack scores a total of 3 hits on the target (1 from the successful Hit roll of 6, and 2 from the [SUSTAINED HITS 2] ability) MH [SUSTAINED HITS x]: Each Critical Hit scores ‘x additional hits on the target. EXTRA ATTACKS Some warriors ride to battle atop trusty mounts that gore and trample nearby foes. Others wield combat weapons that deliver a frenzy of additional blows. Weapons with [EXTRA ATTACKS] in their profile are known as Extra Attacks weapons. Each time the bearer of such a weapon fights, it can make attack with that weapon in addition to the one it chooses, to fight with. The number of attacks made with an Extra Attacks weapon cannot be modified by other rules. @ The bearer can attack with this weapon in addition to any other weapons it can make attacks with. ANTI Certain weapons are the bane of a particular foe. Weapons with [aNT-KEYWORDX) in their profile are known ay Anti weapons. Bach time an attack is made with such a Weapon against a target with the keyword after the word ‘Anti-; an unmodified Wound roll of ‘x+" scores a Critical Wound, Example: An attack made with an [ANTLVENICLE 4+] apon will score a Critical Wound against = and so successfully wound ~ a VEMICLE unit on an unmodified Wound roll of 4+, while an attack made with an [ANTEPSYKER 2+] weapon will score a Critical Wound against ~ and so successfully wound ~ a PSYKER unit on an unmodified Wound roll of 2+ oditied Wound roll of [ANTL-KEYWORD Xe) An Unt x4" against a target with the matching keyword scores a Critical Wound S| WEAPON ABILITIES y to battle altitude descent or other hig is ns that allow them to appear extraordinary means a cudenly in the thick of the fightin ep, ifevel Declare Battle Formations st his ability, you can set it up n the battlefield. tep of one of your where During the model in a unit has this abil Reserves instead of setting it up Ifyou do, in the Reinforcements s es you can set up this unit any Movement phase sunit anywhe isthe battlefield that is more than 9" horizontally away from all enemy models. Unit can be set up in Reserves instead of on the battlefield m Unit can be set up in your Reinforcements step, more than 9" horizontally away from all enemy models. SUEY Scouts form the Jnnotieal by the enemy, they range ahead! of the main force Some units have ‘Scouts 2” listed in their abiliti Ifevery model in @ unit has this ability, then at the start of the first battle round, before the fi turn begins, it can make a Normal move of tg x’ as ifit were your Moyement phase ~ a Depicateo TeaxsPorT model such a unit s ttle embarked within (provided only mi this ability are embarked within that DEg TRANSPORT model). A unit that moves y must end that from all enem nove more thay models, If bothy units that can do this, the player wia first turn moves their units first, Example: A unit has the Scout first batile round, can make aN i Normal move wi Scouts x": Unit can mal to" before the frst tus lf embarked in a Denig ‘hat DeDicaten Tray move instead, niniaissance units whe iting for the right moment to sty deployment, if every model in a unit has Ris ability, then when you set it up, it can be set jp anywhere on the battlefield that is more than 9° Forizontally away from the enemy de pyiment zone and all enemy models Mighty heroes fight at the forefront of batt ome CHARAGTE Snits have ‘Leader’ listed on RACTER units are | Own as. Bard units, you ca hat Leadei fe unit for the duratior unit. E ch Hing unit has resolved all ofits dels in that unit, even ifa Leader Bifferent Toughness characteris Bick sucessfully wounds an Attach Be cannot be allocated toa CHARACTER init, even if that CHaracrer model Br more wounds or has already had Bted to it this phase. As soonas th model in an Attached unit has been Smade against that unit that edcan then be alloca bunit Strategic Reserves ARRIVING FROM STRATE; You can use to keep off Until you require them, Note: While all Strategic Reserves units are also te erves units, the reverse is not true, and sof s do not apply to units that are using ott rules that enable them to start the battle in) ‘h units are instead gf described by those other rules, PLACING UNITS INTO STRATEGIC RESERVES Before the battle, when you are instructed to Declare le Formations, you can select one or more units m your army to be placed into Strategic Reserves (excluding FortiFicarions). (eg. Deep Strike). $ The combined points value of all the units you wish to place into Strategic Reserves before the battle ncluding those embarked within TRANSPORT models that are themselves placed into Strategic Re cannot exce rves) 5% of your total points limit for yon ¢, as shawn in the table below STRATEGIC RESERVES ath eas Strike Force Onslaught Strategic Reserves: Units thal deployed at the start of the} = Combined points value cans your army's total 4 Cannot put Fortiricanig Strategic Reserves, GICRESERVeg PPhits that are placed into Strategie Rey Ealied Strategic Reserve 1 the battle VS at lat leNtS step of an, Pt during the fry units, and can ar the Reinforce ne Of your Movement phases ex, battle round Any Strategic Reserves units that are not tlefield at the end of the battle ae OUNE as destroy im Strategie Reserves units can arrive in the Reinforcements step of your Mavement fom the second battle round onwards M Those not on the battlefield at the battle count as destroyed, hase, ‘end of the Bitle round, Strategic Rese fobe set up wholly withing But no model in thos deployment Fd battle round, Strat Bi arrive must be set up whol! Battlefield Reserves units cannot b Bieontally of any enemy model ply when setting up Reserves unit Beciting up Strategic Reserves unt Ie Second battle round, set up wholly of any battlefield edge (notin enemy rent zone), fthe third battle round onwards, setup Blly within 6” of any battleteld edge. INO be set up within 9" of any Remy models, ou cannot FT You can use the same Stratagem ga battle, but multiple times dur stratagem mo once in the same phat To use a Stratagem you must pay the CP specified. fm The same Stratagem cannot be used more than once in the same phase. STRATAGEMS KEY EITHER PLAYER'S TURN Sia 7 GATTLEACTICSTRATAGEM WHEN: In any phase, just al, aWoune ral, Da mine the rumber of weapon, foranattack, model of i EFFECT: You re-oll that ol, test din Codexes and other pub M CATEGORIES sm belongs to one of four categories ow. There are some rules (especially j imes) that interact with Stratagems of. category IACTIC: These Stratagems bolster a unit’ etfica, boosting their attacks or defensive capabilities e fal moment.

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