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Turn Torah into Prayer

Day 1 – Made in the Divine Image

Opening Instructions for Practice:

1. Set a time and place for your Hitbodedut session. Note – this session will take a bit longer than
usual because of the sources to read.
2. Make sure you will not be interrupted for the 25-30 minute session.
3. Create an opening ritual and intention. This can include ritually washing hands and thanking God
for the opportunity to connect.
4. Read some or all the sources for today about being made in the Divine Image, Self-Respect and
Respect/Honor of Others. Look for ideas that are particularly inspiring to you.

Source 1: In the Image

ֵ ‫ָאדם בְּ צַ לְּ מֵ נּו כִ ְּד‬
ָ ‫ֹלהים נַעֲ ֶשה‬
ִ ֱ‫וַ יֹּאמֶ ר א‬

And God said, “Let us make the human being in our image and likeness. (Genesis 1:26)

‫נברא אדם יחידי בעולם ללמד שכל המאבד נפש אחת מעלין עליו כאילו איבד‬
‫עולם מלא וכל המקיים נפש אחת מעלין עליו כאילו קיים עולם מלא‬

Humans were created unique, to teach that anyone who destroys a life it is as if he destroyed
an entire world. And anyone who sustains a life it is as if he sustained an entire world.
(Jerusalem Talmud Sanhedrin 23a, Chapter 4, Mishna 9)

We must recognize and know that the mitzvah to imitate God is not an impossible decree …to
become different than we are; rather, this great mitzvah befits us, especially once God
has revealed this great love by informing us that we were created in God’s image. The Divinity
within us obligates us to become whom we really are in potential, whom we were created to be
- to release the potential within each of us and become people who truly reflect God's image.

(From a talk by Rav Nosson Tzvi Finkel zt'l, the "Alter of Slobodka" [1849-1927]. Translated by Rabbi
Nosson Scherman, from the Greatness Within Website)
Source 2: Self-Respect

‫כשהחכם אוכל מעט זה הראוי לו לא יאכלנו אלא בביתו על שולחנו ולא יאכל בחנות ולא‬
‫בשוק אלא מפני צורך גדול כדי שלא יתגנה בפני הבריות‬
‫מלבוש תלמיד חכם מלבוש נאה ונקי ואסור לו שימצא בבגדו כתם או שמנונית‬

When the wise man eats the little which is fitting for him, he should eat it only in his own home, at his
table. He should not eat in a store or in the marketplace, unless there is a very pressing need, lest he be
viewed by others as lacking in self-respect…

A Torah Sage's clothing should be attractive and clean. It is forbidden that [a] blood or fat [stain] or the
like be found on his garment.

(Mishneh Torah, Laws of Character Development, 5:2,9 - Maimonides, d. 1204, Egypt)

Source 3: Respect for All

‫ ֶשאֵ ין לְּ ָך ָאדָ ם ֶשאֵ ין ל ֹּו ָשעָ ה וְּ אֵ ין לְּ ָך דָ בָ ר ֶשאֵ ין‬,‫ וְּ ַאל ְּת ִהי מַ פְּ לִ יג לְּ כָל דָ בָ ר‬,‫ַאל ְּת ִהי בָ ז לְּ כָל ָאדָ ם‬
:‫ל ֹּו מָ קוֹּם‬

He (Ben Azzai) used to say: “Do not be scornful of any person and do not be disdainful of
anything, for you have no person without his hour and no thing without its place.”

(Pirkei Avot 4:3)

Source 4: Honor and Reverence

,‫ ּוכְּ בוֹּד חֲ בֵ ְּרָך כְּ מו ָֹּרא ַרבָ ְך‬,‫ י ְִּהי כְּ בוֹּד ַתלְּ ִמ ְּידָך חָ בִ יב עָ לֶיָך כְּ ֶשלְָך‬,‫( יב) ַרבִ י אֶ לְּ עָ זָר בֶ ן ַשּמּועַ אוֹּמֵ ר‬
:‫ּומו ָֹּרא ַרבָ ְך כְּ מו ָֹּרא ָשמָ יִם‬

Rabbi Elazar ben Shamua said: Let the honor or your student be as dear to you as your own; the
honor of your colleague as the reverence for your teacher; and the reverence for your teacher
as the reverence of heaven.”

(Pirkei Avot 4:18)

Source 5: Honoring One’s Parents

‫ת"ר …ואיזהו כיבוד …מאכיל ומשקה מלביש ומכסה מכניס‬

Our sages taught: What is Kavod [for parents]? … to feed them, give them drink, dress them, cover them
and accompany them.

(Talmud Bavli Kiddushin 31b)

Continuing Instructions for Practice:

5. Make a prayer out of a teaching that feels important to you in the sources. Express how much
you want to integrate the teaching into your life. Just say your prayer out loud, or spend 10 minutes
writing your prayer and 10 minutes saying the prayer, adding any elaborations that occur to you as
you speak.
6. At the end of the session engage in a closing ritual. One tradition is to say, “May the words of my
mouth and the expressions of my heart be acceptable to you, Holy One, my Rock and Redeemer.”
(Psalm 19)
7. Optional: write down any insights in a practice journal.
8. As always, remember to post on the discussion thread in response to the prompt listed in the

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