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If only 1 star wuld fall evrytime i miss u, den all d stars wuld be gone.never
wounder why there is no stars 2nite its ur fault cos u made me miss u alot.

If i write ur name in d sky, d wind wil blow it away. If i write ur name in d sea,
d waves wil wash it away. So ur name has been engraved in my heart where nothing
can touch.

1day u wil ask me which is mor important 2 me, ur life or me? I wil say my life u
wil probably walk away 4rm me wit@ knowing dat u re my life.

Luv is nt how long u av bin 2geda, nt how much u av givn or received; nt how many
times u av helpd each oda..... Its how u value each oda.

If i cud hold d rainbow, i wil write ur name on it & place it back in d sky where d
whole world wil see how beautiful life is wit a frend like u.

My lips wnt 2 kis u, my eyes wnt 2 c u, my hands wnt 2 touch u. Evry part of me
wnts u, mayb bcos i was just made 4 u.

Yestaday is gon. 2day is here. 2morow is near & i wil neva fear as long as i have

All these tins i do 2 show how much i luv & care 4 u, kip my heart goin & beating &
as u hold d key 2 my breath, theres no way i culdnt luv u.

If som1 ask me weda u re gud, i wil say u re nt. If dey ask weda u re gud, i wil
say u re nt. Y shud i say u re gud or beta wen i knw u re d best.

I can b ur hero baby, i can kis away d pain. I wil stand by u 4eva, u can take my
breath away.

I find it rada amazing hw we have com 2 knw each other & eventually become frends,
life has its miracle & finding u is reason enough 2 belive.

I was neva tired of dis life & it nt gonna mata if i fall down twice cos i knw each
time i fall, u wont let me hit d ground. Tnx 4 bin around.

I av seen angels in d sky, snow fall in July, & tins u cud only imagine 2 c but i
av nt seen anytin swita dan u.

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