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Dear Mr Ramlal,

How are you today? I hope that you are well despite the recent surge of
inclement weather and adverse flooding affecting almost all of the country. It really has
been a very turbulent time that we have been faced with recently.
Sometimes it can be so stressing that even as a God-fearing man that you are
now, you may begin to question whether or not God really listens to us and takes note
of all that we are facing. Many persons today say that they just pray to God for a little
whisper but it seems like the only response they get is a stately silence. Is that how you
Granted, it may sometimes seem like we are all alone, but the Holy Writings tell
us otherwise. It mentions that at Jeremiah 29:12 that we will call on God and pray to
him and he will listen to us. This is such an encouraging promise he gives us. But think
about this, if you were to write a letter to someone, are there not certain criteria to
follow such as a name, address, contents or even a stamp so that letter would be
accepted and posted to the intended individual? Of course.
The same applies to our prayers. When we pray, God encourages us to use his
name which you learned in the previous letter, to express ourselves to him in a genuine
way. But we are not left without response! Our loving Creator responds to our prayer.
He promises that he will help us with all of our problems.
Yes Mr. Ramlal, we have been promised that very soon, our cries for help about all the
worldwide problems and even our seemingly insignificant problems will be heard and
answered. We just have to have some patience. But do you know while we pray, it also
helps us in a number of ways?
I would love to share those benefits with you. Please feel free to visit our website and in the little search bar at the top right, type in “What Prayer can do for You”.
I encourage you to please read the article. There you would find comfort in knowing
how much our prayers help us as we wait for them to be answered on an even grander
scale. 89In the next letter, I will discuss with you in more detail how God answers
acceptable prayers. I look forward to your response in your letter. Please do keep well
until then.

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