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After my fateful encounter with Lexia, we start to hang out on school days with Kazuha.

Sometimes I just stare at the blue, bright sky with clouds in the air while they talk to each
other. In my head, maybe I’m just remembering the past, or just thinking about what to do. I
feel like I’m the older brother of this group due to them dragging on every shenanigan they
make and me dragging them out of trouble. As time flew, we were so close that we now
hang out on weekends. We go out to play arcade games or eat somewhere. Sometimes we
go visit each other's houses, and that’s how I learned she plays the violin. She says she’s
still a beginner but the way she plays it was good. I like Sister Eula, she plays with us when
she’s around, and even though she doesn’t show it, I know she really enjoys playing and
spending time with us. I remember giving her a scarf on her birthday and she even knotted
me one when it was my birthday. But I don’t like their mother. She was so strict about
everything and always expect perfection from her daughters, and I have the feeling she
dislikes me, a lot. I stood up for Lexia when her mother was talking shit about her on why
she gets a bad score on her quiz. Let’s just say I said something that angers her and she
yells at me to leave. I don’t want to remember it but I guess I can never run from it. Kazu and
I bond together by practising our sword skills, and being together as a family, even though
we’re not blood related. I always win every match but I’m glad I can be a good role model for
Kazuha, not like our dear ‘mother’. I can only cook rice so I help Kazuha on the cutting and
washing parts. We have a bonsai planted by our father and I can’t help but remember him.
He took me in and made me a Kaedehara member even though we are not related at all. But
this makes me think. Does it really have to be this way? I clutched the circle, purple crystal in
my hand. My palm grazes the purple gem as electricity flows in me. Oh right, we hide this
little bonsai cause the good for nothing mother wanted it gone, and if she still sees it, she will
make us watch as she destroys it. So we decided to hide it in out secret place. Yes, it’s
where we spar and spend some of our time. Hell, it’s even where he asked guidance for
Lexia’s love. You don’t how many times I said “I know that Lexia will love you back, but don’t
just stand there and do nothing Or else someone will get her heart.”

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