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Submitted by: PHILIP YAMID



The giver of life and the source of love

What a beautiful gift; a mother sent from above
Was present when we were born
And there for us when our hearts are torn

As our cuts cut deeper than the knife

They’ll always be there throughout our life
Life can never be enough to bare
Without her strength, love, and care

Oh what a beautiful world we experienced to see

Sheltered by our mothers from the horrors as we laugh and glee
Because of her i now know what love truly mean
I can be be independent like her as i cook and clean

Keep me warm under your embrace

As i ready myself for the future I brace
Oh mother you were always right
I should’ve listened to you in that night

When you said that the world would someday leave me in pain
I didn’t think you becoming one like the sands of grain
Oh please tell me how can I move on and forget
When mother, life follows me full of regret

Then I remembered what you said and saw your face

And with my strength i was able to be saved by the Lord’s grace
I found peace and serenity
And realized this was my destiny

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