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BIMO 1 – Junior

Geometry Handout
20 Dec 2020

1. Let ABCDE be a convex pentagon such that BCDE is a square with center O. If ∠EAB =
90◦ , show that AO bisects ∠EAB.

2. Let O and H be the circumcenter and the orthocenter of an acute triangle ∆ABC. Prove
that ∠ BAH = ∠CAO.

3. Let ∆ABC be a triangle with orthic triangle ∆DEF such that D lies on BC, E lies on AC,
and F lies on AB. Show that ∆AEF, ∆BFD, and ∆CDE are all similar to ∆ABC.

4. Let H be the orthocenter of an acute triangle ∆ABC. Let X be the reflection of H over the
line BC and Y be the reflection of H over the midpoint of BC.

a) Show that X lies on the circumcircle of ∆ABC.

b) Show that AY is a diameter of the circumcircle of ∆ABC.

5. a) A regular pentagon ABCD is inscribed in a circle and the point P is on the arc BC.
Show that PA + PD = PB + PC + PE.

b) A regular hexagon ABCD is inscribed in a circle and the point P is on the arc BC. Show
that PE + PF = PA + PB + PC + PD.

6. Let ∆ABC be an equilateral triangle. A line drawn from vertex A which meets the line
BC at D and the circumcircle of ∆ABC at P. Prove that PD
1 1
= PB 1
+ PC .

7. Tangents to the circumcircle of ∆ABC at the points A, B, C meet the lines BC, AC, AB at
the points P, Q, R respectively. Prove that the points P, Q, R are collinear.

8. Let ∆ABC be a triangle. A circle passing through A and B intersects segments AC and BC
at D and E respectively. Lines AB and D intersect at F while lines BD and CF intersect at
M. Prove that MB · MD = MC2 if and only if MF = MC.

© IMO Malaysia Committee. Prepared by Syafiq Johar.

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