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No.1. Discuss the five test questions in the wilderness of Israel’s readiness to follow God?

There are several instances in which the Israelites faced tests or challenges in the wilderness to
determine their readiness to follow God.

1. The Test of Hunger (Exodus 16):

Shortly after leaving Egypt, the Israelites faced hunger in the wilderness. God provided manna
as food to test their trust and obedience in following His guidance.

2. The Test of Thirst (Exodus 17):

In another instance, the Israelites lacked water, and God instructed Moses to strike a rock to
bring forth water. This was a test of their faith in God’s laws.

3. The Test of obedience (Exodus 19-20):

At mountain Sinai, God gave the Israelites the Ten Commandments, a moral code by which they
were to live. This was a test of their willingness to obey God’s laws.

4. The Test of Grumbling and Complaining (Numbers 11):

The Israelites often complained about their conditions in the wilderness. This was a test of their
patience and trust in God’s plan.

5. The Test of the Promised Land (Numbers 13-14):

Twelve spies where sent to explore the promised land, but only two, Joshua and Caleb,
returned with a positive report, showing faith in God’s promise. The majority ‘s lack of faith led
to further wilderness wandering.

These tests in the wilderness were designed to reveal the Israelites’ faith, obedience, and trust
in God as they journeyed to the Promised Land.

2. Explain the difference between Covenant renewal in the Old Testament and the New
Covenant in Christ.


1. Multiple Covenants:

In the Old Testament, there were several covenants made by God with various individuals and
the Israelites as a whole. Some of the prominent ones include the Noahic Covenant, the
Abrahamic Covenant (the Law given to Moses).

2. Animal Sacrifices:

Covenant renewal in the Old Testament often involved animal sacrifices, rituals, and
ceremonies. These acts symbolized the atonement of sins and the need for continued
obedience to Mosaic Law.

3. Temporal:

The Old Testament covenants were considered temporal or temporary. They were conditional
on the obedience of the people and served as a preparation for the ultimate and everlasting
covenant to come.


1. One Covenant:

In the New Testament, the focus shifts to the New Covenant which is distinct from the previous
covenants. The New Covenant is established through Jesus Christ, who fulfills and supersedes
the Old Testament covenants.

2. Eternal Atonement:

In the New Covenant, Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross is seen as the ultimate atonement for sins. It
is believed to provide forgiveness and salvation for all who believe in Him, making the need for
animal sacrifices obsolete.

3. Grace and Faith:

The New Covenant emphasizes salvation by Grace through faith in Jesus Christ. It isnot based
on strict adherence to the Mosaic Law but on a personal relationship with God through faith in

4. Everlasting:

The New Covenant is considered everlasting and unbreakable. It offers the promise of eternal
life and a close relationship with God for all who accept it.

In summary, the key difference is that Old Testament covenant renewals were temporary,
involving rituals, laws, and animal sacrifices, while the New Covenant in Christ is Eternal, based
on grace and faith, and centered on the person and work of Jesus as the ultimate mediator
between God and humanity. It represents a new and transformative relationship with God for
believers in the Christian faith.

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