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Memory Palace And a Theory of Color Vision

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Memory Palace And a Theory of Color Vision

My palace is an elegant, expansive structure resting at the top of a hill overlooking the

enormous stretch of nature. I chose to build my memory palace on a hill as hills have always

been fascinating to me. I have lived near, or in hills my entire life. I spent a considerable part of

my childhood trailing behind my older siblings up the glorious hills of the southern Lake

District, and my teenage years sulking off in Frances’ Montage Noire. I not only enjoy the

freedom of hills, but also their solitude and beauty. The roof of the structure is made of slates,

and the walls are made of white marble. Looking from the outside, I am overwhelmed by the

splendor of the structure. The sun illuminates the palace and its surroundings, gleaming off the

flawless marble that makes up the building. The inside is similarly impressive as the floor and

walls are made of the same brilliant materials. The walls are covered with convoluted draperies

decorated with various sculptures and paintings that reflect the complexity and beauty of nature

and the culture of the palace. The floors are furnished with vibrant carpets.

Inside the palace stands a colossal fountain gently spraying to send sparkles of water

droplets all around the room. While fountains may not be liked or favored by some individuals

particularly those committed to water conservation ethics, the calming sound of water droplets in

an indoor foundation creates a relaxing ambience. Whether it is in a waiting room or a siting

room, water features have always helped me relax, unwind and feel comfortable. The structure

also contains several other rooms, each having unique purposes. For instance, there are a library,

bed chambers, a picture gallery, a throne room, and a chapel. The palace also contains

courtyards, parks, and gardens full of exotic flowers and other plants. Besides, it hosts a variety

of birds and animals, and each is treated with utmost respect and care, making the palace a

welcoming and safe place for animals. As I am a lover of dogs, the palace is filled with all kinds

of dog breeds. At the top is a tower that offers an incredible view of the surroundings. At night,

the moon shines its silvery light upon the palace surrounding area, and the stars appear to dance

in the sky.

In committing my memory palace to memory, I followed five steps. The first step

involves choosing a familiar location to form the base of my memory palace. For instance, one,

may select their home, church, etc. I chose hills because I tend to identify with them. Hills are

serene, quiet, green, calm and away from the ‘hullaballoo’ of the city. Just to think that hills get

snowfall, landslides, heavy rainfall and much more but are still stand still in all situations, who

wouldn’t want to be built their memory palace on such strong foundation? Visualizing the layout

to create a mental map of the place is also significant to creating a memory palace. While

imagining, pay attention to every detail, including different objects' textures, shapes, and colors.

For instance, choosing marble walls for my palace wasn’t accidental. My grandma’s home was

marble cladded. From this I was able to learn that, because of their clean lines and colorful veins

in the stones, marbles tend to give natural texture to walls. Not to mention that the white color

marbles create serenity and adds elegance in the atmosphere. Step three entails assigning items

or things to locations. Once you have visualized the layout, begin posting items to a specific site.

For example, you can have different chambers dedicated to various aspects of human experience

where you will locate objects related to particular human experiences. This means that the item

you assign should be related to the information you want to reminisce. While other rooms inside

my palace are of significance, the picture gallery room remains to be the most outstanding. These

pictures play a vital role in my life- they connect me to my past, remind me of people, places,

and feelings I hope to keep forever. The fourth step involves picturing the items in your mind.

Here, visualize the things in a detailed and vivid manner as if you truly see them in the location

you have assigned them. Lastly, practice walking through your memory palace in the mind while

picturing yourself encountering or meeting the items you have designated in specific locations.

As I walk through my mind palace, the crazy textures of marble walls, the colors from the

paintings in the picture gallery room, the sounds of animals are all majestical. Step one to four

involves the planning phase of your memory palace, and the last step is the implementation

stage. The more you practice, the more you will likely commit the memory palace to memory. I

would spend at least 15 minutes exploring my memory palace daily.

The vast fountain at the center of the palace and sparkling water droplets all around

creates a pool filled with various hues of green and blue. The collection is thus one of the

features representing the human perception of color. Other features include the vibrant color of

tapestries, garden flowers, carpets, paintings' hues, and scriptures. It is from here that I would

first develop a memory of a theory of color vision. According to a theory of color vision, human

eyes are only sensitive to three colors: red, blue, and green. However, when the three colors are

combined at different wavelengths of light: long, medium, and short, eyes can differentiate

between tens of colors (Adams, 2001). The various shades of color represent the different light

wavelengths that human eyes can see. This makes the palace a physical representation of color

vision theory and an ideal place to explore and learn several aspects of color vision ranging from

the psychological aspects of perception and physiology of the eye to the physical features of the


In developing memories of a theory of color vision, I would first consider the various

colors in the pool created by the fountain at the center of the palace and allow myself to explore

the shades and hues they encompass. I would then focus on the painting and scriptures and

determine how they represent some aspects of color vision. Later, I would take note of various

color combinations that appear in the artwork and identify how these combinations can be

utilized to create diverse hues, shades, and tones of color. Finally, I would climb to the top of the

palace to access the tower, from where I would observe the natural world surrounding the palace,

including the garden of flowers at the palace's compound. I would notice how different landscape

colors interact and mix and how we can use this process to generate different hues and shades.

This can enhance my knowledge of color vision applicable in a real-world situation and develop

a memory of it.


Adams, E. Q. (2001). A Theory of Color Vision. Psychological Review, 30(1), 56.

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