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A hard disk recorder was the thing that could record digital video and

digital audio in the past, before every audio recorder was invented.
Not only in the past, but hard disk recorders are still very popular
today. Hard disk recorders are giving musicians freedom of creativity
in the production of their music. It can record as many audio tracks as
you want without deleting one take. You can review them again and
choose the ones you like the most. The more creativity you have, the
more usable the hard disk recorders can be. Apart from the music
industry, hard disk recorders are the top option for those who work
in a professional television studio. It can record the audio for more
than 2 hours, supporting hundreds of hours of important material.
One major advantage of recording audio to a hard disk is that it
allows for non-linear editing. Audio data can be accessed randomly
and therefore can be edited non-destructively; that is, the original
material is not changed in any way. Even with all of the benefits and
convenience, there are some downsides to hard disk recorders. It
takes time to retrieve a piece of audio information from the disk. The
more you have, the more time it will take. To move the head to the
correct disk location takes a few milliseconds, and creativity cannot
But after all, hard disk recorders in general and the professional
entertainment industry in particular are the big turning points of
today's and tomorrow's worlds.

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