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Marcela: The Intelligent Woman

Did you outsmart every challenge that you have encountered? What about tackling the impossible?
Well, I've got a tale that might just spill the secrets to conquering the impossible. It's your ticket to
brilliance and your path to invincibility.

There was a slave serving in a magnificent palace, and he had a daughter named Marcela. Marcela was
dearly loved by many for her beautiful qualities – she was beautiful, polite, and incredibly intelligent.
She always had an answer to any question.

This information reached the knowledge of the King of the palace served by her father. One day, the
King ordered his slave to test Marcela's intelligence.

"Take this bird to Marcela. I want her to cook me twelve dishes out this small bird."

The slave immediately obeyed and went to Marcela, conveying the King’s command. Marcela, who was
sewing clothes at that moment, thought for a while.

“Tell the esteemed King that if he can make twelve spoons out of this needle, then I can also prepare
twelve dishes out of this small bird,” Marcela cleverly replied.

The King’s slave quickly returned to the palace and reported Marcela’s response. The King was secretly
impressed by Marcela’s answer. He pondered another challenge and instructed his slave once again.

“Tell Marcela that I wished to purchase this sheep, but I also want her to give me the money and the
sheep itself.”

This posed a puzzle for Marcela. What she did was remove the wool from the sheep and sold it. She
then returned to the slave carrying the money obtained from selling the wool and the sheep without its

“Indeed, Marcela is truly clever,” the King remarked.

However, the King was determined to test the maiden once more. The next morning, he instructed his
slave again.

“Tell Marcela that I am sick, and the only cure is the milk of a male sheep. If she cannot provide this, I
will dismiss her father from service in the palace,” the King ordered.

During that same time, the King issued orders to the entire palace, prohibiting anyone from bathing or
washing in the river for he intended to use it.

That night, Marcela and her father slaughtered a pig. They spread its blood on a large sheet and some
pillows. The next morning, Marcela placed the large sheet and pillows at the mouth of the river where
the King happened to be bathing.

The King spotted her and exclaimed, “Why are you washing here? Don’t you know I’ve forbidden the use
of this river today because I need it for my purposes?”

The maiden bowed respectfully to the King.

“Your Majesty, it has been our tradition to wash the belongings of a person who has given birth. And
since my father ‘gave birth’ to a baby last night, I had no choice but to follow our long-standing tradition,
even if I know it goes against your order,” she explained.

“What a nonsense! How can your father gave birth? He’s a man. Your statement is impossible!”

“Your Majesty,” Marcela replied, “just as your command to get milk from a male sheep is impossible, so
is my father giving birth.” Then, Marcela bowed and went away.

The King was taken aback and realized something. He smiled and nod.

“Marcela, you are truly clever, incredibly so.”

A smart person always surpasses a wealthy person. Intelligence can pave the way to affluence, but
affluence can never buy intelligence.

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