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CHAPTER HL EARCH METHODOLOGY 3.1. Research Location and Time The research was conducted at one of the existing universities in Medan, rramely Universitas Negeri Medan, having its address at JI Willem Iskandar / Pasar V, Deli Serdang Regency, North Sumatera. The time of the research was carried out in the odd semester on January to May of the 2021/2022 academic year. 3.2. Population and Sample This research was held in the Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Negeri Medan at academic year 2021/2022. Research population and sample that distributed are presented in Table 3.1. The student sample consist of Chemistry Education Study Program who will become experimental object in the virtual laboratory implementation. The main purpose of this research in the Chemistry Department is to prepare students to become able to think critically. ‘The population is the whole of the research subjects, while the sample is part of the population. Values that are calculated and obtained from this population are called parameters. The population is the total number of subjects to be studied by a researcher. 3.2.1. Research Population ‘The population is all data that concerns researchers within a predetermined scope and time (Zuriah, 2009: 116). The population is all data that researchers care about in a predetermined scope and time. So, based on the above information ‘on the population in this study is all students of class PSPK 19 B in State University of Medan. 3.2.2. Research Sample According to Djarwanto (in Kuntjojo, 2009: 33) sample is a part of the population whose characteristics are to be studied. The sample defined in this study is 1 class of PSPK B 19 students who will be selected purposively oe tesearcher chooses respondents according to the needs of the display and content of : tent of virtual laboritory learning media will be developed Tabel I‘ The population and the sample that chosen in Department of Chemistry, Medan jate University No | Study Program Selected Short Description of the Sample Study Program Education Major in Chemistry 1 ; . fajor in Chemistry Chemistry a 7 Education 3.3. Research Variable 3.3.1. Independent Variable Independent variables are variables that cause changes in other variables (Arikunto, 2010). So, the independent variable in this study is a virtual laboratory Tearning media which has been developed on gas chromatography material 3.3.2. Dependent Variable The dependent or dependent variable is a variable whose existence is influenced by independent variables (rikunto, 2010), So, the dependent variable in this study is the student's learning activity and student critical thinking skill. 3.4, Research Design This research is a Research and Development (R & D) with adopt development model consisting of four stages, namely Analysis, Desig Development and Implementation design, but in this research, This model relies on each stage being done in the given order but with a focus on reflection and literation. The model gives a streamlined, focused approach that provides feedback for continuous improvement. Research design refers to the overall strategy you choose to integrate the various components of the research in a coherent and logical manner, thereby ensuring you will address the research problem effectively; it is a blueprint for data collection, measurement, and analysis. The flow of the main stages of the R & D development model is shown in Figure 3.1 below ANALYSIS DESIGN Figure 3.1. Flow Main stages of R and D mode The following is explanation of the stages of development as follows 1. Needs analysis, which is an analysis of the required needs in the development of leaming media. Series of analytical activities carried out, namely, a) problem analysis, b) student character analysis, . and d) learning setting analysis. Analysis result carr ) curriculum ied out at this analy stage will produce essential concepts that used as a basis for designing virtual laboratory media animation Design stage, which is a series of stages related to media drafting. This v stage consists of several stages, namely, a) explanation, b) making media based on the essential concepts generated in the previous analysis, design evaluation and revision. The result of this stage 1s media drafts are and c) developed and implemented at a later stage. The development stage, consisting of a series of activities develop, wo 1g media that based on the draft media generated aming that has been developed then goes 2) validation to media experts, b) integrate or create learnin; at the design stage. Media le through several processes namely, evaluation and revision, and c) small-scale and large-scale trials. The result of this stage is the product virtual laboratory. ‘The implementation stage, during the implementation phase, a procedure for training the sample or the leamers is developed The facilitators’ training should cover the course from curriculum, learning outcomes, method of delivery, and testing procedures. Preparation of the learners include training them on new tools (in this ease ts software), and the last is student registration, 3.5. Research Procedures ‘The procedure starts from the n ds for a learnt nialysis stag of fas Chromatography, integration of projects into chemistry teaching, validation and implementation of learning resources for teachi Chromatography. The schematic of the research proc 3.2. Need analysis phase for chemistry topic of analytical chemistry course for undergraduate student The topic : Gas Chromatography - Preparation of analytical chemistry learning material for Gas Chromatography with Virtual Laboratory ~ Learning innovation with integration of information and technology with project package - Validation of virtual laboratory by the expert lectures’ media and material = Project based learning packages - Implementation of Virtual Laboratory package in teaching and learning activities - Learning instruction manual to do project independent learning to study Gas Chromatography = Pretest to measure student knowledge on Gas Chromatography topic = Teaching and give explanation about gas chromatography by implementing Virtual Laboratory that develop by using of University Online Learning System (SIPDA) - Student assigned to write project proposal to separate target analyte from a real sample = Student assigned to do gas chromatography separation project by using virtual laboratory = Student critical thinking skills are obtained from subjective entation of analytical separation sis, inference, evaluation, and assessment trom research imple techniques (interpretation expansion) jo of summited project + Student performance are seeing from porttoli st (pretest ned from objective formative t - Student achievement ob and posttest) ure 3.2. Research Procedures The research was carried out in many stages, starting from the needs developing Virtual Laboratory, lysis stage for gas chromatography cours and implementing the leaming media (virtual laboratory). The equipment of truments was also carried out, including virtual laboratory guidelines, @ survey package to assess the feasibility of virtual laboratory resources, an a ‘ssment of rubrics’ project proposals and project implementation reports, and evaluation tests to measure leaming outcomes. The research procedure is illustrated in Figure 3.2. Needs analysis for chemical materials is carried out by proposing several relevant sub-topics for the gas chromatography course. Gas chromatography topic was then chosen in this study as a learning model to be developed into a virtual laboratory teaching materials for students at university level. 3.6. Data Collection Technique Data analysis technique is the process of searching, compiling, and analyzing systematically the data obtained from the research results. By organize data into categories, choose which ones are important to studied, and draw conclusions so that they are easily understood by the reader. The data analysis technique used is the analytical technique descriptive qualitative and quantitative data, The collection data technique is as follow : 3.6.1. Media Validation Validation is an action that proves that a process/method can provide consistent results in accordance with established and well-documented 37 specifica S va i pecifications. The validation sheet is used to see how feasible the media developed can be used in the lean ng process. Validating learning media is an action or a proof for learning media whether it is in accordance with what will be invited to students effectively and efficiently, by looking at the activities or teaching being taught and to prove Whether the learning media, has been able to help and be used by educators and Participants learn in the learning system. 3.6.2. Test Test is an instrument or tool to collect data about the ability of research subjects by means of measurement, for example to measuring the ability of Tesearch subjects in mastering the subject matter. The test method is used to obtain an initial description of students’ critical thinking skills and a final description of critical thinking skills after using the developed media. The test that use in this research is test to measure the critical thinking skills ability from activity of student in the project afler using the virtual laboratory. 3.6.3. Observation Observation is a research instrument by collecting data and then observing directly in the field. Observing activities are not just seeing, but also recording, counting, measuring and recording events in the field to achieve the objective of observation. The purpose of observation is to collect data, information, and interpret. According to Patton, the purpose of observation is an accurate method of collecting data. The observation method is used to determine the implementation of learning in the classroom using the media that has been developed. 3.6.4. Questionnaire Questionnaire is a data collection technique carried out by how to give a set of questions or a written statement to the respondent to answer. Questionnaires in this study were used during needs analysis, validation by experts, and product trials to students in the field. The questionnaire method was carried out to 38 determine the response of students to the learning media developed to improve students’ critical thinking skills, where effectiveness can be seen from the implementation of learning and student responses. 3.6.5. Documentation The documentation used in this research is in the form of taking pictures during the pre-survey to product trials in the field. At the time of the trial, the researcher took pictures of students when using the product being tested which later obtained data about the condition of the students. 3.7, Research Instrument Instrument is a tool that serves to facilitate the implementation of something. There are two types of data collection instruments, namely test and non-test instruments. For the development of virtual laboratory learning media, it was tested with using the rubric method in the form of a questionnaire. The questionnaire instrument involving several data sources namely material and media experts, and students. Thing to determine the level of quality of use and development virtual laboratory learning media. As for the ability to think critically students can be identified by using the test method. The test method that use isa project. Student as sample should be ask to do a project after using virtual laboratory. The project that should be assessment for student will conclude the critical thinking skills criterion so that the researches can get the value of the critical thinking skill of the sample. 3.7.1. Val ion Data Analysis Techniques The data analysis technique for the feasibility of the Virtual Laboratory- based learning media validation sheet is carried out by calculating the validation data using the following equation za Dim Xfa x 100% Note : i = Score Average Lfm_ = Number of activity frequencies that appear Yfa =Total frequency of all activities 39 Afler the value is obtained, it is then converted into a qualitative scale according to Table 3.2 in order to know the feasibility of the learning media. Table 3,2. Reference for Converting Values to a Scale of Four No Score Interval Interpretation 1 0,00 - 1,69 Very Low 2 1,70 = 2,59 Low 3 2,60 — 3,50 High 4 3,51 —4,00 Very High The reliability test method uses a percentage agreement (PA). Percentage agreement is the percentage of suitability of the value between the first and second evaluators of the instrument. The percentage agreement can be determined by the following equation: (A=) PA=1- Fo lami Note: PA = performance percentage A =higher score than observer B = lower score than observer ‘Aaand B are the values given by the first and second evaluators with A > B, The instrument is said to be reliable if the percentage agreement (PA) value is more than or equal to 75% according to Trianto (Bekti, 2017; 43), Reference criteria in the percentage agreement (PA) are shown in Table 3.3 below. Table 3.3. Percentage Agreement (PA) Criteria Reference To Scale Four No Value Range (100%) Information 7 76-100 Reliable 7 31-75 Reliable enough 3 26 - 50 Less Reliable 7 0-35 Unreliable 40 3.7.2. Student Response Ana sis Techniques (Questionnaire) Inthe questionnaire analysis of student responses, the percentage assessment 1s carried out using the following equation R NP = — X 100% mi! % Note NP = percent value sought R Eamed Value SM = Ideal Maximum Value The results of this percentage are converted into the form of analysis criteria in accordance with the following Table 3.4 reference: Table 3.4. Criteria for Analysis of Student Response Questionnaire Data Percentage Rate Information $860 100% remnrner| Very Good 76%-8% ——*| Good 60% - 75% [Enough 55% - 59% Less 254% Very Less Ee __ SSS 3.7.3. Critical Thinking Skills Ability Analysis Technique In the analyst the critical thinking skills is use subjective assessment rubries measuring critical thinking skills and assessing projects for Proposals and project reports (marking scale 0-100), and evaluation tests to measure student learning outcomes (evaluation scores converted to marks 0-100). Standard questionnaire packages are arranged in accordance with the objectives of the study, and then validated using experts and followed by trials to see the validity of the components of the questions in the questionnaire. The same procedure is carried out to provide chemical questions (items) that cover the subject of Gas Chromatography. Al ‘The formula in analyst the critical thinking skills is use means formula and the standard deviation. ‘The mean is a representative of the data set or the average value tha is considered a value that is closest to the actual measurement result. The average ata alue is the quotient between the total value and the amount of d processed. ax n The standard deviation value is a value used in determining the distribution of data in a sample and seeing how close the data is to the mean value. The standard deviation or standard deviation is the best measure of spread, because it describes the magnitude of the spread of each unit of observation. The standard deviation is the square root value of a variance which is used to assess the mean or expected. The standard deviation or standard deviation of the data that has been compiled in the frequency table. ‘The standard deviation value is a value used in determining the distribution of data in a sample and seeing how close the data is to the mean value. o- Ree S = Standard Deviation Xi = value of x in-i X=mean N= frequency Learning Outcomes as Consequences of CTS The learning outcomes is the consequences improvement of students’ critical thinking skills was analyzed using normalized gain. Normalized gain is searched by the following equation : sf —si 9* Foo si Note g = normalized gain sf = post test Score si = pre — test Score n calculation are then converted into a The results of the normalized normalized gain classification with the criteria in Table 3.5 below + ‘Table Normalized Gain Criteria No Criterion Conclusion 1 "20,7 High 2 03>g>07 Currently 3 g< 0,3 Low The guidelines for assessing this implementation sheet use a scale of 1-4. How to calculate the percentage score of the learning implementation sheet is calculated using the formula in equation 1 then the results of this percentage are converted into the form of analysis criteria in accordance with reference 3.6 below: Table 3.6. Data Analysis Criteria for Learning Implementation Sheet Percentage Rate Information 86% - 100% Very Good 76% — 85% Good 60% - 75% Enough 55% - 59% Less < 54% Very Less (Trianto,2009)

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