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Paper size: Long size bondpaper (8.5x13)

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FIRST PAGE: Insert an Automatic Table of Contents (+5)


Copy and Paste the Article below and follow the formatting. Remove the highlighted instructions before
saving and submitting.
Tips for Staying Motivated in College (Apply Heading1 : Bookman OldStyle, Size, 17 Bold Center)
Formatting for the Paragraphs
- Cambria 11
- Line Spacing 1.15
- Alignment (Justify)
If you are attempting to finish your online diploma programs and you are finding that you are easily
discouraged, distracted, drained, and losing focus, you need some support and motivation.
If a student has lost their drive, he or she needs to take a step back and refocus. Start the process of
refocusing by determining what is fueling the lack of motivation and creating a plan to reduce or
eliminate it.
Once you are refocused, it is time to set some goals. Students should think about where they currently
are and where they want to be after graduation. By staying positive and focusing on setting and achieving
your goals, you will be more inspired to put in the work.
Maintain a positive attitude (Apple Heading 2: Arial 14, Bold,)
Maintaining a positive attitude when faced with challenges will help you stay on track. If you are able to
adopt the right mindset, it will go a long way when it comes to staying motivated. Train your mind to
focus on conquering setbacks instead of letting worry or doubt consume you. Keep in mind that if you
believe you will accomplish your goals, you are more likely to take the necessary actions to do so.
Acknowledge your progress (Apple Heading 2: Arial 14, Bold,)
Give yourself credit for the progress you have made thus far so you approach new tasks with a positive
attitude. Recognizing your past successes can serve as great motivator to keep pushing yourself to
achieve your goals. Make a list of your recent achievements, whether it’s receiving an “A” on your last
Math test or completing a term paper early. Being reminded of past accomplishments can inspire you
when you are lacking motivation.
Stay organized (Apple Heading 2: Arial 14, Bold,)
Staying motivated can be difficult if you’re not organized. Organize your study space and even your
computer files to help you think clearly. By staying organized, you are less likely to be distracted by items
in your workspace that are not conducive to studying or completing homework assignments. Clear your
workspace before each study or homework session by placing any non-essential items in a container or
drawer until you need them.
Be flexible (Apple Heading 2: Arial 14, Bold,)
Create a schedule for completing tasks and accomplishing goals that is flexible. This will prevent you from
feeling overwhelmed when something unexpected comes up. Re-evaluate your plan on a regular basis to
determine if you need to make adjustments based on your current responsibilities, whether it’s a job,
family, or your social life.
Eliminate distractions (Apple Heading 2: Arial 14, Bold,)
Whether it’s a noisy neighbor or the need to check your Facebook page every five minutes, distractions
can make you feel less motivated. Eliminate as many distractions as possible and find a quiet study area
that allows you concentrate without interruptions. Turn off or silence electronic devices so you won’t feel
tempted to check them. Make an agreement with yourself that you can’t check your Facebook page or
other social media sites until you have finished your assignments and are done studying.
Take a Break (Apple Heading 2: Arial 14, Bold,)
Although many people have the misconception that it’s best to work nonstop until a task is complete, it
can be difficult to stay motivated if you don’t take a break periodically. Take time for yourself in the


middle of a big project or tedious task to do something you enjoy. You will feel rejuvenated and approach
tasks with a fresh mind afterward.

Insert New Page for another Activity (Client Profile Template)

Insert Company Logo
Insert Textbox for the Company Details (Company name, address, contact details, website) and place it
beside the logo.
- Make sure to remove the outline of the textbox
Open the attached Image and create the Form by inserting table
- Apply Borders and Shading

See Example Below


Zehndi Travel
123 Colon St. Cebu City
Philippines, 6000
Phone #: 426-7895


Motivational Quote (APPLY HEADING 1)

Design a motivation Quote using Shapes

“If you’re
Tired, you
rest, but you
never Quit”

Save as: Your Complete Name (In document format)

Put a password:
- File > Protect Document >Encrypt with password
- comp10012345


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