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Seminario Iris Marion Young

Juliana Dussan Espinosa

29 de marzo del 2023

Representation and Social Perspective

Pregunta 1:

Pregunta 2:

¿Cómo representar a la gente que no le interesa participar?

Some people ar gue that par ticipator y and deliberative democracy ar e unr ealistic because most
people don’ t r eally want to spend their time and ener gy in political discussions and decision
making. How gr eat a pr oblem is this for pr oponents of deliberative democracy?

¿Nuestros representantes deben representar los intereses de la mayoría o aquellos que defienden

Doesn’t it make sense to think of the elected official as a kind of expert? They are experts
in fashioning legislation and implementing it.

A quien represetna un presidente? A aquellos que votaron por el o a toda la nación?

¿Puede haber representación aunque no sea escogida?

another. Representation systems sometimes fail to

be sufficiently democratic not because the representatives fail to stand
for the will of the constituents, but because they have lost connection
with them. In modern mass democracies it is indeed easy to sever relations
between representatives and constituents, and difficult to maintain

Without such citizen participation, the connection between the representative

and constituents is most liable to be broken, turning the representative
into an élite ruler. For their part, representatives should respond to such participatory process.

Que pasa cuando alguien al convertirse en representante pierde social perpective?

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