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Lesson 1 – CNDH

True or False?

True or false: the CNDH is an autonomous public organization in Mexico. True

True or False: The main purpose of CNDH is to protect and promote human rights in Mexico. True

Which of the following is NOT one of the key objectives of CNDH?

a) Ensuring the respect, protection, and promotion of human rights.

b) Investigating and documenting human rights violations.

c) Recommending legal and policy changes to prevent human rights abuses.

d) Promoting discrimination and violations of human rights.

Would you rather?

Would u rather live in a country without a human rights commission or a country with a strong
human rights commission like CNDH? With a strong commission so I can feel secure and that all my
rights are protected.

Which of the following is NOT a way in which CNDH interacts with citizens?

a) Receiving complaints

b) Providing legal assistance

c) Monitoring and reporting human rights violations

d) Hosting educational workshops

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