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One time I faced a challenge where my leadership skills were put to the test was during a situation

where another team tried to take credit for the hard work and innovative ideas generated by my
team. Despite this setback, I remained focused and motivated my team to persevere.

Firstly, when the other team started claiming our projects as their own, I encouraged my team to stay
focused on our goals and not get distracted by their actions. I reminded them that our work spoke for
itself and that we should continue to work diligently.

To address the situation, I decided to present our projects first in the second automation competition.
By doing so, we were able to showcase our achievements and the unique features of our projects
before the other team could present theirs. This strategy allowed us to garner appreciation and
recognition from the judges and the audience.

During the team meeting where the other team publicly criticized us, I remained calm and composed.
I understood that their actions were likely driven by their own insecurities and desire to undermine
our success. Instead of engaging in an argument or getting defensive, I encouraged my team members
to stay positive and focused on our own work. I reminded them that we had a better scope and
reputation, and that we should not let the criticism deter us from giving our best.

As a result of our perseverance and dedication, we achieved significant success by winning the second
place in the entire business unit in the competition. This outcome served as a powerful response to
the other team's attempts to discredit us.

In summary, my leadership skills were crucial in navigating the challenge of another team trying to
take credit for our work. By staying focused, remaining positive, and motivating my team to give their
best, we were able to overcome the obstacles and achieve recognition for our efforts.

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