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Headings & Paragraphs

<h> & <p> Tags

Headings & Paragraphs

Google knows its users…considerably more than most of us would like to admit! With this in mind,
when Google is crawling our content (assessing and cataloging) it reads your web page like a
person reading a book. It needs titles, headings and paragraphs to understand and catalog your
site correctly. Google also ‘reads’ your web page from top to bottom, left to right. The same (in
most cases) is also true for your visitors.

Recommended reading: Article on bot crawling & website cataloging


Headings are categorised by a ‘H’ value (1-6) and this will be referred to as “H# tag”. H1 tag being
the highest value and H6 tag being the lowest value of importance. Typically, your page name is
H1 tag, like the title of a book. Next are the H2-3 tags and these are often used as headings (H2)
and sub heading (H3) respectively. These three H tags are the most important and help Google
categorise your website effectively.

H4-6 tags become less and less important. Say you need a heading for a paragraph that doesn’t
have any importance or is unrelated to the main topic, these tags are often best to use.

H Tags are written with the opening tag <h1> followed by the heading text, then closed with
closing tag </h1>.

Here is how a H tag is written in HTML:

<h1>Main Title</h1>



Main Title



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