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docker(dockerfile, voulems , -p(publish))




containrad : containerd is a container runtime that manages the lifecycle of a

container on a physical or virtual machine (a host). It is a daemon process that
creates, starts, stops, and destroys containers.

database in kubernetes ETCD : One of Kubernetes' essential components is etcd, a

key-value store whose main job is to store cluster data
Etcd name origins
Etcd is so named because it serves a function similar to the /etc directory on
Linux systems. In Linux, most configuration files and installed applications reside
in various subdirectories and files under /etc. Similarly, in Kubernetes, cluster
configuration data, along with data that tracks cluster state, lives in the etcd
key-value store.

etcd : /etc - linux : d - distrubued environment

configMap and secret :

hasicup valut : init conatiner (it will push required information to the actual
container and die)

persisten volume and different from docker volume :

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