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¢ EOI COLFER'S Adapted by EOIN COLFER and ANDREW DONKIN WAN THE GRAPHIC NOVEL em COO PRA ORCC TRO MeR MLL Lal OUR STORY BEGIMS SEVERAL YEARS AGO AT THE Dawn OF THE TWENTY-FIRST ol SUG Menta Young Artemis Fowl is a criminal genius and the mastermind behind some of the most devious and technologically advanced crimes of this century UMM Lemme KCL Rel MoeU ETM TCM UTe Lem tar UI LC Le) (eB Fairy gold. The only thing is, these are not just any old fairies . . Artemis is plotting to hold a fairy to ransom and restore his family’s Silat mee Me Ce eRe RE MN MeLIC Mele) where the fairies are armed and dangerous, the gadgetry is mind- Ge UU Re eee Ue elem) Ur el CTU mar RUC Ne een UA Ay Lm experienced anything like this Tolmer ‘Reads like the fastest, punchiest comic strip you've ever come across’ — Daily Telegraph - Avr Seung laa uel Leeroy Adapted by EOIN COLFER & ANDREW DONKIN Art by Giovanni Rigano Colour by Paolo Lamanna 8) PUFFIN 800KS How does one describe Artemis Fowl? Various psychiatrists have tried and failed. The main problem is Artemis’s wr intelligence. lle bambooglee every test thrown at him. He has puzzled the greatest medical minds and sent many of them gibbéring to their own hospitals. Tigie is no doubt that Artemio “ic a child prodigy: But why does someone of such brilliance dedicate himself to criminal activities? This is a question that can be answezed by only one person. And he delights in not talking. Perhaps the best way to create an accurate picture of Artemis is to tell the by now famous account of his first villainous venture. I have put together this report from first-hand interviews with the victims, and as the tale unfolds yeuwill realize that this was nut easy. This “story began several years ago at ‘the dawn of the twenty-first century. Artemis Fowl had devised a plan to restore his ramily’s fortune. A plan that Gould. topple civilizations and plunge the planet into a cross-species war. He was twelve years old at the time a sa seas IS eS as OF course, it had started With the Intemer. Bub then ib alwaye does. of a special book carried by each fary ‘would have an entirely new species to exploit. OF course, shis Dook was Said to be written in Grommish, 20 even If someone could steal a copy, it Would be of absolutely No use to any human. ‘Trawling through gigo of cava, he had compiled a cazabase from the thousands of references to B| faires he'd found from countries g} all over the world. ach human cvlization had ite own term for the People. But there was no coubt that the reports referred to the ame hidden race. It was their Bible, containing the history of their race. It also ‘There seams no end to the crowas. Ever the alleyways are ful bo bureting. Cooke smile anc drop fich heads into woke of hissing ol. There’s a new smell ‘ PP: | : Uz Artemis Fowl (le Second CLASSIFICATION: VERY DANGEROUS NOIOW PSEUDONYMS AND ALIASES: Dr. F. Roy Dean Schlippe, Stetan basnkar, Brosey Squire ie SPECIALIZED SKILLS Possibly pooseades th of his generation ee ae Butler : erst wae: : Censonea) cunsstFICaTT Bodyguard BACKGROUND: whe butlers have been serving the Fowl®, 29° centuries. how the nova original savafailezinent aisguiata believe thie) £9 SPECIALIZED SKILLS: are enbl barkeanship, sarrial ares, {nelEiiP? te!pa, energencl Ens Teg Yatorsutefon tethnoloay. sad Ferdon, ee ooking. The subject aaa rate ba-wevarat tenqueyeny wettere’ fo Re studied extensively 6 tote Japanese seriact Madame No. SPATE. PEVOrE years working eT ede in Lie edpicnaps arene,, tactuding PEINCS for the British and Fresen secret service. [DISTINGUISHING FEATURES: Blue diamond tattoo on shoulder WEAPON OF CHOICE: sig Sauer {QOH ALIASES: Constantin jBashkix,, Colonel Xavier hee NOWN RELATIONS: guliet—younger 9i9ter whe Major"—nis uncle, pelievad to have been killed when che «And 50 Chicago's district attorney had towatch yet again as Mr. Spiro walked free from court. Problems here proving aitticult to solve, The Book is proving more stubborn than | anticipated. EE ript before NEGATIVE TT NIGHT. THEY CRAWL 5 fe “MOTHER".| [If 0 you He) AND INTO MY EARS. v A THEYRE COMNG ZING OR UIT YOU INE. THEY'RE EVERYWHERE. RENEW THEIR MAGIC, THEY MUST PICK A SEED FROIA AN ANCIENT OAK TREE BY THE BEND IN A RIVER DURING 4 FULL NOON. THE LEPRECHALA i5 BOUND BY CERTAN RITUALS. VERY SPECIFIC RITUALS THAT T THINK WE CAN USE TO TRACK, ONE DOWN, BUTLER HASN'T ARTEMIS, THE LREADY TALKED TO YOU THING |6....WELL, LEPRECHALNS. ABOUT THIS? ‘YOU KNOW THEY'RE NOT REAL, DON'T You? TRUST ME JULIET. FAIRIES NOT ONLY EXIST, /BUT WITH THE INFORMATION YOU TWO" HAVE HELPED ME TRANSLATE, FAIRIES ARE ABOUT TO HELP NE RESTORE THE FINANCIAL FORTUNE AND THE CRIMINAL REPUTATION OF THE FOWL FAMILY. ALL WE HAVE 10 00 NOW Is. CAPTURE ONE. ee NAME: Artenie Fow. senior FAMILY MOTTO Aurun potestas est (Gold is power BACKGROUND: Head of a cciminal onpize that stretched from vuplin’s quckiauds to the backstreets of Tokyo. Fowl Senior also had anbitions to establish himself as a legitimate businessman. G ROIOWN RELATIONS : Angeline Fowl—wifs, and mother of Artemis Fowl the Second RECENT HISTORY Bought @ cargo ship and stocked it with 250,000 cans of cols and set course for Murmansk in northern Russia, The ship, the Fowl Star, was sunk in the Bay of Kola by a stolen Stinger missile fired by the Russia Mariya. artemis Foul Senior was reported missing, presumed dead in a avin south of the harbour. BOINES IMO STHIIY Twake up and it's one of those mornings when I can't quite decide what's annoying me most: i Or the fact that I still haven't made time to do the Ritual? Or the fact thatl know Treally should have? Every goblin. Every gang }] member. Every lowlife and Once upon a time, the uniform would have earned you With the Saar war flaring up again, Tm going to need all the magic | can get. some respect. Nat any mare. Now you're a target for every goblin that ever breathed a fireball a. Ym the only female in = and no one is going to drive me out. No one. UNDERGROUND. DEEP UNDERGROUND. had been di out of the shallow forts and inte the depth and ¢ the original Atlantis. And There's an office betting poo! running on how long it'll be before his heart explodes comic EMERGENCY TRANSMISSION. PRIORITY Ol OPS-the nerve centre of Recon. a centaur genius. Known for Run by Foaly, ovr resident wearing tin hats so human intelligence agencies can’t read his mind. Go figure. Wiscabor= you find Transport to the surface is via titanium pod. They have Their own motors, but for an emergency speed ride like I need you get dropped inte a magma flare. Most centaurs are paranoid like this~ maybe because there aren't many of them left. Ri done, and FOR HIM. Moths flutter in the starlight: ickets chirp in the rough grass. The breeze is fresh and strong. The shield takes more e than | expect: Te Caan Roots right. 11 go into.a human dwelling SITUATION CRITICAL! without an invitation, 1 lose all my magic: HMA CONTACT PN CONDE! TM GOING IN. al But there are c Thave to do something ‘Nogative. Hold your position. You do not have an invitation te enter humen premises, n invitation. At a stret Fuel from my wing unit starts afire. Ho It kill me, then slaughter everyone else. aD Te fee, DISOBEYED MY DIRECT ‘OpnERI! YOU KNOW Senne Dae WHOLE THNG THROUGH OVELY MEAL WITA YOUR HELMET CAMERA. NOTHING UNUSUAL war Warren HAPPENING DLR YOUR SHIELOZ? THE COURSE OF THE EVENNG ‘AT ALL. > GET INVITED A CHILD CALLED Liev To Mé, DION'T YOU? YOU HAVENT COMPLETED THE RITUAL FOR YEARS. YOU DO IT TONIGHT, SHORT. TONIGHT, Now, get ot get that Ritual done. Tuls SHAMBLES You think you can do that ShorsP Without YOU GET BACK. ing into ary more trouble, | mean?” JEONWHILE. WELL DONE ON THIS LOVELY RE 0 ALL MY FAMILY AND FRIENDS. > T give him a look and tell him that I think I can manage that. rome: Captain Holly Short (CLASSIFICATION: Elf. Also first and only female Recon officer assigned to the LEPrecon- an elite branch of the Lover Elements Police BACKGROUND: Subject is a eity elf born and bred in Haven City. Like all elves, she hac the fairy powers of lialing, tne mesmer, shielding (from hunan sight), as well as the gitt of tongues. careER: ‘Top pilot in her class at the Academy, where she studied under Wing Commander Vinyaya. Worked traffic detail (nicknamed Wheeliea) for six months. Earned her silver acorns during highly controversial initiation on the island of Tarn Mor, off the Irish coast Turnball Root. fer early car con Was Dlighted by the notorious “hanburg Incident”, A Bad scien ee eae with a group of sinister human occultists who were ceine eexsonn) The cross-species fallout fron Holly's intervention eed f full memory wipes, one tine-stop, and several cases of peceanent the humans involved. [Also see the classified Section Bight @ENSOMBB) ~The Hamburg Incident: Applied Evil") WEAPON OF CHOICE: Neutrino 3000 CHAPTER 4: ABDUCTION es THE RITUAL He knows about the Ritual. This This is catastroph LOCATION ‘A two-hundrea-acrs pocToR PO 3 @cHooL FOR YOUNS: GENTLEMEN sry WICKLOW, IRELANP 51. BARTLEBY" coun’ IRELAND. THis FAIRY HARDWARE “THis HELMET SEEMS OR BUILT INTO IT. GUESTS COMRADE: SeEIAPTER 5: GULD STOP THE INSSION RIGHT NOW AND STILL MAKE A FORTUNE IN NEW. PATENTS, Tat JAPENESE WHALER Is STL TED UP IN THE DOCK, IEN'T SHE, BUTLER? TWINK IT's swe wie Tact OUR DIMINUTIVE FRIENDS 4 LITTLE LESSON. missing in action PRODADI EQUIPMENT MALFUNCTION. MAYBE YOU'RE NOT THE GENIUS THE ROGUE TROLL |6 DOWN IN A HOLDING CELL. WHATS THis ABOUT, POALY? WITH CAPTAIN SHORT. 6ue'6 cansceD THE ALPS, FLOWN HIGH OVER PARIS — THEN THERE: DOLPHINS — UNTIL THE TRISH COASTLINE, LOOKS FOR MAGICAL HOTEPOTS, LANDS, THEN, THINGS SLIDDENLY GO wi 7 te equipwent nT DION'T MALFUNCTION. TAKE A LOOK AT THE FEED FROM HOLLY'S HELMET UNIT. THE MUD, BUT WE'VE STIL GOT SOUND, LISTEN... If you already had ‘magic, you wouldn't ho here to replonich it with tho Ritual DUBLIN DOCKS. TELL ME ILL HAVE my ankle. If its what Thope nT might ‘Dublin, e's s Soventy five Eighteen seventy-five, “ive got news For you, pony boy. ‘Things have charged just a bi Uuer Send me an Update, Would your 9 Than probebly @ boat or ship, ‘sight, Foaly. I'm going in.” Sir, you know A demonstration of my utter commitment to my goals. ‘Not yot, my fairy frend. | brought ho OF MY OFFICER'S EAR: NAME: Julius Root CLASSIFICATION. LBPrecon conmander—knova for hie likiny vf uuxious fungus eagars ‘BACKGROUND Rcarecr cop. He has little respect for authority apart from his own. 8 commandeered the Atlantean ambassador's shuttle on more than one occasion, leading to minor diplomatic incidents. Head of Recon for many Gecades—a nigh-pressure Job given that Recon is a notoriously dangerous posting with a high fatality rate. WEAPON OF CHOICE: Multiphase, water-cooled, tri-barreled blaster vom nEsaTioNs: over Sotir-cartain urate =: GENSORENSORED) NOTHING 60 GRAND. JUST RICHES. PILL BECOME THE WORLD'S IRST CROSS-SPECIES THE ACTER T SEPARATE YOU FROM YOUR HOSTAGE FUND. 1 am roz concerned with ‘us all’ Captain Shore, just myself. Ant believe me, | wil be perfeozly fine.” as = cconeepeemmrcnnees | AN) Lee re quese-wors domination" ws | rH straggling keep |B er face under control, o me sour rr VOnROEL Ld pr youn ah ni vee ve Bh lonnsteneo ‘me ‘rat Sean Youve ALREADY TOD US EVERYTHING WE WANTED HAD YOU ON & 0 KNOW. DRIP FOR OVER SIKTY HOURS. UNTL WE GOT WHAT WE NEEDED. There has been no truth serum, Sut cannot afford to reveal the ee This ruse disturbs Book as my source of informatic | basal IF You KNOW 60 MUCH ABOUT US, THEN YOU'LL RNOW WHAT HAPPENS WHEN THEY LOCATE IME. TELL ME, B0/, HAVE You EVER MET A TROLL? *You will, Font. You will. Ard Woes ‘you dor | hope I'm there to $22 mt Me OUND ON THE HUMAN. INTERPO! THE FOWLS HAVE BEEN RACKETEERING. SMUGGLING AND GENERALLY BREAKING. AVERY LAW IN THE ROOK FOR GENERATIONS. RIGHT. FORLY, TM GOING ON WITH LIEUTENANT N HERE AND YOU ROUND NHOLE MESS UP THE TECHIES AND OUT BEFORE IT GETS OUT OF HAND IN THE Rays OF THE SUN. NAANDER, SOMETHING'S SOTHERING ME. WHY 019 THis HUMAN TELL US WHO HE Was? HE KNEW We'D FIND HIM, S BEEN P AHEAD fF US ALL THE WAY, T DON'T THINK THAT THIS IS ANY DIFFERENT, EVERYONE YOU KNOW THAT MNNIMAL LOSS: YOURE TALKIN ABOUT HAPPENS T LIE RINSE IN THAT CASE. ELEMENTS TO OMISED, wail you, Te The weight of the bed nearly pops my elbows Frown their sockets. pe ~t i Thear footsteps outside. A Get ME ‘ARE YOU DOING?” SOME TRYING TO KNOCK TA TIRED vEserBLe THe HOUSE WAVING At THAT eee er DOWN? STUPID CaMERA. DONT WANT 2 I WANT SOME IACAL F000. MY BLOOD. NO TRYING TO ESCAPE FROM THE HOUSE. AND THERE'S NO NEED 70 BREAK UP THE The thing about fairy bonds is that they have te be very precise. Just saying there was no need to doa thing does not forbid it. And while 1 may be forbidden to escape from this house, thet doesn't mean I can't get out of this cell SHE MUST BE z TRYING TO TUNNEL HER WAY OUT. WRONG At HE'S A GOOD OFFICER. A BIT (AYBE, BUT WHEN THE 6, HELL 90 THE ING. GONNA HELP? THE Fo vers HE MAKES: They’ Just like the Book Said they siould. Theu ye stooped time. Try not to think about the possibilty that | have mishudged the situa ard am about to be shot dead. ‘GOOD EVENING. ARTEINS YOUR SERVICE. LEP COMMANDER WL AT ‘inae to check our a theory. Time to send Juliet upstairs with a sleeping pill for Mother T SEEMS, SIR, A MA RRA BE WHY DON'T YOU STeP ouToice, WHERE CAN SEE YOLI? QW WE KNOW! EACH , CAN NE GET ON WITH THIS? YOU THINK YOU GAN JUST Pur ALL Tats INFORMATION, OUT OVER THE INTERNET? e MMe WHILE T TITTER. You are POWERLESS THE NEXT INA TUA TEs LETS HAVE IT. waar ADE your DEMANDS ou YES IT CAN. INO T HAVEN'T WRONG Yer. oR Vie" 70 ki YOU SEE, ENTER HERE WHILE ALIVE: /E BROKE A Few. Fairies have been stopping time for millennia. Time-stops were traditionally {nitiated by five elfin warlocks who would form a pentagram around the target and spread’an enchanted enclosure over it, temporarily stopping time insiae qnis ces fine as far as it went, provided the warlocks didn't have to use the bathroom. Many a siege was lost because an elf had one glass of wine Luv many: RECENT DEVELOPMENTS : TEP technical genius, Foaly, 43 responsible. for what we recognize as the acdern tipe-stop. With hunans developing satellite communication, today’ 9 tima-stops ae eee eiie-tuned ond peoctes. Foaly introduced the idea of warlocks storing their magic in lithiun batteries—e move greatly tesisted by powertul sericck unions at the tine. Foaly then engineered a network of mobile receiver Gishes that could be Positioned around the designated area. These developments pean that eieges can now be extended for up to eight hours. HAVEN Cl A POLICE HOLOING CELL YOU KNOW WHAT, MULCH DiGoUMS? THE POLICE (AUST REALLY DISLIKE YOU. I OONT WANT ANY TROUBLE. eer YOU DONT WHICH 16 ff Saane. FOR YOU, THEAN. ga 12 coeLNe ONE DWAR. TF THEY IKED YOU, THEY WOULDN'T PUT YOU IN HERE, WOULD THEY? WITH US. Not Tat YOu SHOULD BE IN HERE Wit US. T THINK YOu you DWARFS DON'T LIKE FIRE MUCH, a ouess THAT'S WHAT You GET WHEN YOU TRY 70 STEAL YOUR ARRESTING OFFICER'S WATCH IN THE BOOKING LINE. YOU TUNNEL BY UNHNGING YOUR JAWS, MUNCHING THROUGH SOL AT A SUPER FAST RATE ND THEN iG IT FROM YOUR LOWER END. UGH! ey BREATH YOU CANT GETUS ALL, STUMPY. READY, BOYS? DAYLIGHT WHERE YOURE GONG, PAL. WHERE YOURE GONG TT AIN'T ANYTHING. dL. MANOR, HOW ARE GUR EXDERTS GETTING TAPE OF Fowl? imal = — TWITCH, FOWL 1S i DING. i a =~ NOW, LISTEN Y BECAUSE THIS IS ie ‘escape tho timo fold. SEEMS LIKE ou “1 said thas too, TD cuicky, ices >” HE'S READY. WIRED virTH AN I AND SET UP FOF 09, DON'T LIKE IT. Our T SHELLED LIMESTONE. ID ROCK po FOUNDA ACTUALLY SEEN A DWARF TLANELIN GETTING WANT YOU TO TUNNEL IN THERE AND FIND OUT HOW THIS FOWL 7 KNOI MUCH AB ‘AND, IF POSSIBLE, CAPTAIN SHORT AND YOU CAN HELP HER. I'VE DONE THE ORGINAL BUILDI TOTALLY ON ROCK, BUT SOME OF Tie karen o av “and dors you even think about trying to escape, ict! Remember, Foaly arc | are watching you. The iris~cam shows us everyching.” We hear you loud end clear OOR’S LOCKED, BUT THE HUMANS HAVEN'T MADE A LOCK THAT CAN'T BE PICKED BY OWARE HAIR. Foaly here. Adjusting the iris-cam. “OK, Mulch, I's @ simple video network. Im going to broadcast a loop of the last ten seconds to every camera from our dishes. Count to throe, then move it." You are a disgusting individuol, Diggurns! there to rob the placo, find out how Z KNOW THAT, FORLY, YOU IDIOT. DON'T SUPPOSE YOU'VE GOT THE COMBINATION THERE? IT'S OPEN...OH. NOTHING HERE BUT HUMAN CURRENCY. This is Commancior Root. Close ic up, corwict, and move on. ‘My sleeping mother is fo be seen, Excellent BASE TO BUTLER 1 BE ON YOUR Lam, Artemis. im approaching he nan nding ‘THERE'S NOTH CHANGING ON ANY NITORS. IT'S A LOOP! THEY'RE FEEDING US A LOOP! UTLER, CHECK THE SAFE ROOM. IF THIS GUY IS $0 CLEVER, THEN WHY DIO He PUT THE SAFE IN SUCH ‘AN OBVIOUS PLACE? AND THIS PAINTING Feels 709 USHT 7o MC. TM AT THE TOP OF THE STAIRS. WAVING AT YOU! RIGHT NOW. Juliet! Drop whataver you're doing and check ‘on the prisoner! Now!

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