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21 , 2023

JOURNAL #8 (SAMPUSO): “Am I my neighbor's keeper?”

Guide question for your Journal reflection:

In what specific ways can you engage in acts of pakikipagkapwa to support
and uplift marginalized individuals or groups?

Journal Reflection: Engaging in Acts of Pakikipagkapwa to Support and Uplift

Marginalized Individuals or Groups

This question has awakened a sense of responsibility within me, urging me to

explore meaningful actions that can make a positive difference in the lives of those
who often face adversity and marginalization. One way I can engage in acts of
pakikipagkapwa is by educating myself about the challenges faced by marginalized
communities. This involves actively seeking out resources, literature, and personal stories
that shed light on their experiences. By deepening my understanding, I can develop
empathy and a more informed perspective, enabling me to speak up and advocate
for their rights and needs.

Another crucial aspect of pakikipagkapwa is to actively listen to marginalized

individuals and amplify their voices. This may involve participating in community forums,
attending events organized by marginalized groups, or simply engaging in one-on-one
conversations with individuals who have firsthand experiences of marginalization. To
uplift marginalized individuals or groups, I can contribute my time and skills through
volunteering and community service. This direct engagement allows me to build
meaningful relationships based on mutual respect and solidarity, fostering a sense of
agency and dignity among those I aim to uplift.

Lastly, I understand the significance of fostering inclusive spaces in my personal

and professional spheres. By actively promoting diversity and inclusion, I can help
create environments where marginalized individuals feel safe, respected, and valued.
This may involve advocating for inclusive policies, organizing diversity training, or
working towards equal opportunities and representation. This reflection serves as a
reminder of my role and responsibility in making a meaningful impact and promoting
the inherent dignity of every individual.

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