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International Law Studies - Volume 62

The Use of Force, Human Rights, and General International Legal Issues
Richard B. Lillich & John Norton Moore (editors) 667



Gordon B. Baldwin

My function, as I understand it, is I am going to speak to you of the

to further your study of international legal' problems of U.S. armed forces
law by supplying specific examples of abroad as they relate to international
how it helps, and perhaps hinders, law generally. If you're like your
your work. Your interests are practical predecessors here at the War College,
and immediate while mine, as a your immediate reaction to the phrase
teacher, are academic and more re- "international law" is ''There's no such
mote. So I run the risk of c~nfirming thing." Just three years ago, Mr.
Mark Twain's remark-"To do good is Katzenbach, now the Attorney Gen-
noble-to teach good is nobler, and no eral, remarked during this international
trouble. " law study that he didn't see much
Indeed, to practice international law point in debating the subject of
is far more difficult than to teach it. whether international law existed, but
You must respond to the demands of that if he did, he'd be happy to debate
new situations, and the automatic either side. It all depends, he said, on
application of old rules doesn't always how one defines law. If Mr. Katzen-
work. Ancient history (which we find bach had argued that international law
in some of our international law texts does not exist (and indeed he did not)
-Colombos' volume on the Interna- he would be likely to lose, assuming
tional Law of the Sea for example) we define international law in terms of
may be uplifting, but history lacks what lawyers do, and if we define
relevance without knowing how it international law in terms of the tasks
applies to your problems today. So, we we commonly ask law to perform. In
all face a challenge-we, to teach some- terms of what law does, international
thing meaningful, and you, to learn law relating to your operations in a
something useful. This work!> the other foreign country is as real as constitu-
way around too-you teach us, and we tional law, as criminal law, or as our
learn. Indeed, even after six years traffic laws. What jobs does law do?
experience with the International Law Law, I suggest, fulfills four major func-
Study, I always come to Newport like tions. Law creates rules for allocating
the empty coal car coming to New- rights to achieve scarce satisfactions.
castle-hauling away more than I bring Law, secondly, establishes working pre-
in. Your questions, your misgivings, sumptions. Third, law offers us a
and your commitment to our nation process for minimizing violence by
cnligh ten us and enrich our teaching at placing in identified hands a legitimate
home. monopoly of violence. It does this by
The opinions shared in this paper are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions
of the U.S. Naval War College, the Dept. of the Navy, or Dept. of Defense.
allocating competence to make authori- rights agreements, with such countries
tative decisions and the right to exercise as Spain, or one of our several naval
criminal jurisdiction. Fourth, law con- visits agreements. These answer such
tributes a sense of legitimacy to those questions as:
who follow the rules and the presump- 1. Who commands a jointly used
tions, and also to those who exercise installation?
authority. Those who are victims of that 2. What rights of entry to the base
authority are more likely to accept it. area do personnel of the receiving state
Lefs start by discussing the rules. enjoy?
A great law teacher and constitu- 3. Who can arrest infractors of
tional lawyer, Paul A. Freund, points criminal law? Who can punish their
out that one of the most successful legal criminal behavior? Does it make any
inventions we have is the white line difference if your men were on liberty
drawn down the middle of a highway. or on leave when the offense occurred?
Generally motorists keep to the right of 4. Can the U.S. forces arrest or
that line whether or not there's a detain local inhabitants who in some
policeman and whether or not they manner interfere with the visiting force?
encounter traffic. It's the rare motorist What happens when one of your sentries
who deliberately straddles the line. shoots a native of the host country? Can
International agreements, such as the we insist that he only be tried for any
NATO Status of Forces Agreement, alleged offense by a court martial?
serve much like the white line down the 5. Can the U.S. send anyone it
highway. There are no policemen, but pleases into the host country-or may
the NATO partners follow the rules in the host country exclude Jews or
the treaty-for the most part avoiding Negroes? Can the host country impose
head-on collisions. It has been a remark- curfew regulations, and prevent your
ably successful agreement, and its form men from fraternizing with local girls?
is much imitated-even by the Soviet 6. What, if any local taxes should
Union which has Status of Forces the members of the U.S. forces pay?
Agreements with East Germany and Income taxes? Inheritance taxes? Taxes
Poland.. imposed to build roads? Radio and TV?
In the NATO agreement we have Water services?
some very precise rules pertaining to 7. What civil liability does the U.S.
passport and visa regulations, driving force or its members have? Are there
licenses, uniform regulations, matters of any immunities? Who pays for the
claims, of taxation and of criminal damage?
jurisdiction. In the two-year-old. Status 8. What flag or flags can be flown?
of Forces Agreement with Germany, 9. If inhabitants are hired, what
additional rules relate to aerial photog- provisions, if any, of local labor law
raphy, hunting and fishing rights, use of must the U.S. follow?
the roads, port facilities, etc. 10. Who has authority to negotiate
We don't teach international law, or supplementary agreements and what
any other type of law for that matter, powers are delegated to these persons?
by asking you to learn a set of rules. 11. Who finances the construction in
There are too many of them, and base areas? Who bears the cost of
reciting them doesn't give a systematic maintenance and of furnishing utility
picture. You can have lawyers find services?
them, or you can read the NATO Status 12. May post exchanges, post
of Forces Agreement, the German Sup- offices, commissaries operate? What
plemental Agreement, the Japanese privileges and duties are applicable to
Administrative Agreement, various base them?
13. Who is responsible for the in- Supplemental Agreement reminds me of
ternal and external security of the area? one of the punishments inflicted hy
14. What are the regulations respect- Gilhert and Sullivan's Mikado: of the
ing the use of railroads, roads, dock man sentenced to "listen to sermons hy
facilities and airports? mystical Germans who preach from IO
IS. Who holds title to fixtures, to 4." Perhaps it is too detailed. On the
buildings and other structures con- other hand, it's possible also to he too
structed for the use of the visiting hrief. The Japanese Peace Treaty con-
force? firming United States presence in
16. What goods can be imported, in Okinawa, for example, states that
what amounts, and what duties, if any, pending the estahlishment of some kind
are payable? of United Nations trusteeship -there, the
17. How and where can aircraft navi- United States has "all and any powers
gate? of administration, legislation and juris-
These are only a few of the routine diction." This is pretty sweeping, hut
questions answered in some arrange- when Secretary of State Dulles re-
ments we have with a receiving state. marked thereafter that, of course, Japan
Good lawyers know that drafting to retains "residual sovereignty" over those
meet every contingency is difficult, and islands, we authorize Japan's flag to he
they find that to make day-to-day rela- flown there and refrain from mounting
tionships work satisfactorily, detailed a raid on Viet Nam from there. This
drafting isn't a solution. What is more only adds confusion. Admittedly an-
important is to establish procedures and other treaty clarifying United States'
indicate the objectives of settlements rights in the Ryukyu Islands would he
that ought to he made. Lawyers on your difficult to negotiate. Mayhe it's too
staff ought to he able to do this. late. However, the existing situation
But lawyers can he troublesome. permits the Japanese to complain that
General Eisenhower thought lawyers their residual sovereignty is violated
were troublesome when, in 1943, he when occasionally we find it necessary
rejected a long, technical draft of an to use 0 kinawa as a hase for B-S2 raids
Italian surrender agreement suhmitted over Viet NaIll. My point is that more
hy his staff. He preferred a short, terse detail and less sweeping language in the
surrender agreement leaving many issues Peace Treaty might have heen in United
hetween Italy and the allied forces States national interests.
undecided. Some think he was mis- Now let's note a second function of
taken. However, we have ample evi- law, one more difficult to grasp, but
dence that lawyers' documents can he more important; namely, its use to
awfully complicated. establish working presumptions. Law in
So many prohlems were anticipated any form and in every society performs
in Germany, for example, that the a major service hy establishing presump-
agreements effective there in July 1963 tions which shift the hurden of per-
comprise over 200 pages of text. Nego- suasion hy suggesting that some values
tiating lasted nearly 10 years, what with ought to he preferred. We have many
one delay or another, and the result examples: it's presumed a crime to
(like the fine print on the back of an intentionally kill another unless you can
insurance policy) is a formidable docu- estahlish some justification; the oceans
ment, complicated, turgid and legalistic. are presumed' free for all users, unless
I suspect it's treated much like the one of the users can establish very good
standard clauses in some contracts. grounds for excluding others. In our
Lawyers draft them and the husiness- topic today the basic presumption
men ignore them. Reading the German seems to he that: the military or naval
force entering a foreign country is pre- law, unless some specific international
sumed subject to local law and is subject agreement or some specific rule of
to the exercise of local enforcement international law holds othenvise.
authority unless it can establish some It seems to me that many of us have
good @-:ounds for exemption. mistaken the presumption, expressed in
Law also supplies the machinery by several other treaties, for an absolute
which presumptions can change, and rule. Indeed, when the NATO Status of
indeed it has changed here. In the 18th Forces Agreement was submitted to the
and 19th centuries visiting military U.S. Senate for its advice and consent,
forces in foreign countries were prob- the Secretary of Defense and the Secre-
ably presumed exempt from the host tary of State solemnly declared that the
country's authority. They were treated agreement merely recited general inter-
almost like diplomats. We have a famous national law in that the host country
old Supreme Court case articulating this always retains territorial jurisdiction
presumption-the Schooner Exchange. over the visiting United States force.
But a lot has happened since 1812 when More recently, I read a statement by an
Justice Marshall rendered that decision. Army lawyer that the marines landing in
Foreign armies are no longer sporadic Thailand a few years ago to help defend
guests (our forces have been in Europe that country's border with Laos were
for over 20 years). Nationalism subject to the enforcement jurisdiction
generates resentment against granting of Thailand. This is a little hard to
vast immunities to the visitors. The believe as it just doesn't make sense for
trend in international law is to inhibit a combat force, hastily admitted in an
anything that might be characterized as emergency, to have to submit to the risk
aggression and to encourage account- that a local law enforcement agency will
ability for all official acts. Moreover, arrest members of the force for alleged
persistent Communist propaganda criminal behavior. The suggestion of
would have the world believe our forces amenability to local law that we find in
are engaged in 'a military occupation of the NATO agreement, and in many
Japan, Western Europe, and the Philip- others, is just that: a presumption which
pines. All these conditions have con- 'may be, and has been, rebutted on
tributed to developing a different pre- several occasions.
sumption. When the NATO Alliance was Underlying each international agree-
being organized, both we and our allies ment establishing a le'gal basis for our
wanted to make it absolutely clear that forces abroad is one of four different
United States armed forces in friendly conditions, and to meet it the working
foreign countries were there as' allies, assumptions articulated in law must,
not occupiers; that we were partners and do, vary. Let's look at the four:
with the host country in a joint enter- L The Peacetime Garrison situation,
prise, namely, the defense of Europe. typical in Europe, Japan, and Australia:
Hence the presumption of immunity Here the supremacy of local law reflects
from the exercise of local authority, reality. The visiting force is amenable to
which we claimed during World Wars I local civil and criminal law and to its
and II, was changed by international enforcement unless the treaty indicates
legislation, the NATO Status of Forces exceptions which usually relate to
Agreement. The Supreme Court of the activities done in the course of officinl
United States in the 1957 Girard case duty-not always an easy question to
confirmed the new doctrine in holding determine. In a peacetime or garrison
that members of United States forces in situation, the visiting force does not
foreign lands are subject to the en- require absolute immunity. They do
forcement procedures of local territorial require some assurance of what
procedures and rules should be followed there. To_presume that t~ey are not
in the event of disputes, tax claims, only subject to local law, but also the
criminal behavior, etc. And the host exercise of local enforcement jurisdic-
country can rightly insist that even if tion, is absurd. The facts are that our
the visiting force is immune from cer- forces are engaged in combat. What
tain enforcement jurisdiction that the presumptions apply then?
force should nevertheless obey local ID. The combat situation: A few
law. weeks after the North Korean invasion
ll. Where the visiting force functions of 1950, we negotiated a one-page
as if they were diplomats: The agree- agreement with South Korea stating
ment of Viet Nam, negotiated in that the United Nations forces there
1950-51, for example, provides for U.S. were exempt from arrest and trial by
military assistance, largely in the form Korean authorities. Surely this agree-
of supplies and equipment, but it also ment merely articulated a preexisting
covers people who might come to Viet presumption of immunity. The agree-
Nam to help. These people "operate as ment goes further, however-there's a
part of the Diplomatic Mission" of the curious provision stating that "unless
United States, and they are therefore required by the nonexistence of local
entitled to one of three categories of courts, courts of the United States
diplomatic immunity. The agreement, forces will not try nationals of the
between the U.S., France, Cambodia, Republic of Korea." Does this mean
Laos and Viet Nam, negotiated in 1950, that the United States might claim the
hardly seems relevant today particularly right, in the absence of a-ftinctioning
in view of our undertaking that the host country judiciary, to subject local
number of persons receiving these privi- inhabitants to trial by court-martial or
leges "will be kept as low as possible." military commission? This raises some
Diplomatic immunity is a valuable interesting questions involving the inter-
privilege intended to enhance interna- play of the laws of war, the Geneva
tional communication. Its nature is well conventions and of the United States
established by treaty and custom, but it Constitution. We can make a case for
can be waived, as it was in the recent that power, but I personally doubt
unhappy Kimball episode in Viet Nam. whether that argument would be sus-
Moreover, diplomatic immunity does tained by the Supreme Court today,
not give its holders a license to flout the Yamashita 1 Case, Madsen v. Kin-
local law. In fact, the modern trend is to sella, 2 to the contrary notwithstanding.
require diplomats, like anyone else, to Perhaps my colleagues could grapple
obey local law. Although they are with that problem. It may be a real One
exempt from local enforcement pro- in view of the fourth situation.
cedures, they run the risks of expulsion IV. The "Quasi-combat" or "peace-
or being inconvenienced. New Jersey keeping" situation.
claims the right to escort speeding diplo- I don't know how else to charac-
mats off its toll roads, and I understand terize the legal status of our forces in
that the State Department is insisting the Dominican Republic. Heretofore,
that diplomats should follow traffic and foreign armed forces legally entered a
parking regulations. country with either the consent of the
Obviously the draftsmen of the Viet host country, or at the behest of an
Nam agreement did not contemplate international organization such as the
our sending 100,000 armed-to-the-teeth UN. The United Nations in the Congo
diplomats. Nevertheless, so far as I can and in the near Eash-'have actually
determine, this is the only agreement negotiated status of forces agreements.
published covering any of our forces Quite aside from the issue of whether or
not any of these forces entered lawfully personal property, to life and limb
or not, the presumption favoring local caused by, or incident to, noncombat
jurisdiction is not applicable. There is activities of the armed forces. Damages
no local jurisdiction by definition-the are determined by local law, and natu-
local order has collapsed-lives are in rally will differ considerably from com-
danger, and in the Dominican crisis the parable damages in the United States.
commander in chief made a political Careful and consistent use of the For-
decision requiring you to prevent an eign Claims Act's provision may very
intolerable Communist take-over. well improve your relations with local
In this situation, we actually have a inhabitants and counteract Communist
pair of complementary presumptions. propaganda. For example, I understand
One, to ensure that the host country that in the Lebanon operation, olive
must not interfere with the force's groves were damaged by bivouacing
mission, we presume an immunity from marines: Olive trees grow slowly and
the exercise of authority by anyone may supply the owner's entire income.
else. The second operating assumption is The Foreign Claims Act was used to
that the United States remains interna- compensate the owner for destroyed
tionally responsible for the acts of its olive groves, with damages calculated
agents. Principles of state responsibility according to local law.
persist. If property is taken, it should be If you can distinguish between the
paid for; if inhabitants are hired, they presumptions of law and the rules of
must be compensated; if men are im- law, you may find international law a
prisoned, it must be through a process little easier to grasp. You must recog-
of law; and if force is asserted, it should nize that applying presumptions to con-
be exercised responsibly and reasonably. crete problems can nevertheless be diffi-
Running deep in international rela- cult; but it is also difficult to deal with
tions is the theme that national power is problems without generalizations. We
accountable-that if unilateral action is express the conviction in our legal order
taken, it must still conform to the that decisions based solely on the
demands of international law. This is appealing uniqueness of a human situa-
certainly the United States position, tion cannot supply the values or the
restated regularly by the President, con- continuity needed to give meaning and
firmed for you also in Navy Regula- satisfaction. When we decide single
tions. Furthermore, it is a demand that problems, we look for general principles
we make of others. and for guides with some universal
How do we operate with these pairs application. It is also true that we
of presumptions in a military operation distrust large generalities as guides to
directed at "peace-keeping''? If you are our conduct, and put our fa.ith in
planning one, you would be wise to wisdom and techniques learned by
include provisions for the settlement of doing. Law, therefore, supplies a means
claims. You have ample authority in for maintaining a creative tension be-
United States law to do this under the tween propositions and particular
Foreign Claims Act. You may recall that instances.
the Foreign Claims Act was passed by The third function of law in my
Congress in April 1918 to pay in- analysis is that law supplies a process for
habitants of France for damages caused minimizing violence by placing in identi-
to them by members of our forces. It fied hands a legitimate monopoly of
was amended in 1943 and 1956 to power. It does this by allocating com-
permit payments up to $15,000 to petence to make decisions.
foreign inhabitants. It is the authority The risk of confusion and the threat
for the payment for damages to real or of violence is substantial when the U.S.
sends into the territory of another can make that court's authority exclu-
nation a pretty much self-sufficient sive. The competence of the host coun-
body of men, capable of asserting enor- try's police, judiciary, and tax authori-
mous power, subject to their own in- ties can be outlined. The method for
ternal discipline, and carrying with them settling day-to-day tensions can be
their own culture in the form of movies, specified by claims provisions, liaison
post exchanges, and clubs. The host procedures, and other rules outlining
country is independent, with pride in its mutual expectations.
own culture, and its inhabitants may The sets. of compromises which we
resent the strangers and their curious might call international law are worked
ways. out because participants think that the
We have in our own history several cost of continued disagreement is too
illustrations of these tensions. The great, and that the price paid in the
"Boston Massacre" of 1770, for ex- form of some deference to the views
ample. You may recall that the offend- and interests of others is acceptable..
ing soldiers were tried in a colonial The gains realized are less confusion, a
court, defended by John Adams, the diminished risk of violence, and the
colony's leading lawyer, and they were reasonable expectation that the other
acquitted. feIIow may, to gain similar advantage,
A second illustrative incident is the behave similarly. We make international
Thierchens case. Shortly before the law because we hope to create condi-
United States entered World War I, we tions in which the behavior of others is
prosecuted, convicted, and imprisoned more predictable.
the captain of a German Navy cruiser Where international law does not
for smuggling, and also for a curious serve mutual advantage, it becomes
violation of the Mann Act. The Federal weak-even meaningless. Our status of
Court rejected the officer's pleas that he forces agreement of 1950 with South
was immune from the enforcement Korea, for example, does not seem
jurisdiction of the United States. It's pertinent to the conditions there today
hard to reconcile the claim the United (at least so the Koreans believe), so we
States made in this case with the com- have negotiated a new agreement. Quite
parable and contemporaneous Tampico rightly I think. Perhaps we have other
incident involving the arrest by Mexican international agreements affecting your
police of Admiral Mayo's barge crew in privileges overseas which are also obso-
Tampico, Mexico. The men were lete in that they appear to be one-sided.
eventualIy released, but Admiral Mayo It's impossible to avoid renegotiation
demanded an apology and a salute to indefinitely. Therefore, treaties with
the United States flag. When the Mexi- perpetual provisions are probably not
cans refused, he seized the port. realistic.
These unpleasant incidents could not From all this you may quickly con-
be prevented by an international agree- clude that international law is merely a
ment, but the disputes which foIIowed front in that "nations really do what
could have been eased if some sort of they want to do." To this I reply, "Yes,
status of forces agreement or a naval but what nations want to do, that is
visits agreement existed. Accommo- what actions and policies they in fact
dation and compromise can be achieved foIIow, are very likely to be influenced
in advance when you have a general idea by law, and by what lawyers say is law. "
of the risks, and you know what law can This is particularly true among the
do. International agreements can con- United States and its friends in the
firm the right of a United States court- western world, hut even the Soviet
martial to act in the host country, and Union and Red China use legal language
in supporting their own views and in- leave our bases there-we agreed; and we
terests, and what those views and in- apparently will also leave Libya. On
terests are, may well be conditioned by occasion, we utilize overseas bases with-
"law." Russia, for example, has nego- out confirming international agreement,
tiated status of forces agreements.with as in the Azores, for example, but
Poland and with East Germany. I don't nevertheless it is clear that we enjoy the
think Red China has any, but if they do consent of the Portuguese.
place major units in Viet Nam, it would A legal basis for the presence of
not be surprising if they did negotiate visiting forces also helps here at home.
some sort of "status of forces" agree- For example, our decision to send
ment with Ho-Chi-Minh. troops into the Dominican Republic was
The law of visiting armed forces is unilateral. I am not concerned here
largely treaty law today. Its rules, pro- whether that decision was wise or
cedures and legitimizing force is found foolish. It is clear, however, that the
in dozens of international agreements firmer that decision rests in interna-
negotiated in the last 15 years. It is tionallaw, the more likely that decision
treaty law rather than customary law will be accepted by the U.S. public, that
because of the fourth function of law, elusive thing "world opinion," and by
namely; that law "legitimizes." Law is the Dominicans. It would make a neater
valued not as an end in itself, but as a legal case, for example, if the marines
means to serve human life. Community landed at the invitation of the host
consensus holds nations, and their offi- government. We could then persuasively
cials, accountable for their use of claim with some justification that the
power-however powerful the nation, Dominican situation was similar to the
and however high or insignificant the Lebanon crisis of 1958. Unfortunately,
official, and however important the I gather that no one in the Dominican
declared objective. When force is used Republic with any color of authority
so as not to serve human life, it is wanted publicly to invite U.S. forces.
considered improper-illegitimate. A So the United States' legal case must
legal basis for the presence of the rest on more controversial grounds,
visiting force and legal grounds for its and the legal basis is harder to de-
assertion of power, far from its national fine.
home, helps supply this sense of accept- If I have raised questions of the
ance-this sense of legitimacy. philosophy of law, I must apologize
Without a legal basis for the presence because about all I can remember of
of forces, their activity would create that subject is the definition of a
more tension, more resentment and philosopher-a philosopher is a blind
more confusion, both in the host coun- man in a dark cellar at midnight looking
try and in the United States. Aliens for a black cat that isn't there. He is
everywhere can be mistrusted; if they distinguished from a theologian in that
are armed, occupy valuable land, and the theologian finds the cat. He is also
occasionally exhibit the exuberance of distinguished from a lawyer. The lawyer
youth, their presence can be divisive to smuggles in a cat under his overcoat and
an alliance. emerges to produce it in triumph.
Without an international agreement- So if I have given you a philosophy
without the consent of the host coun- of law, this definition makes me a
try-it is hard to justify a foreign base. theologian. You could call me a lawyer,
When Zanzibar demanded that NASA but if I were the type to smuggle
dismantle the tracking station-we did something in, surely the War College
so; when Morocco demanded that we would not invite me here.
1. In Re Yamashita, 327 U.S. 1 (1946), involved the war crimes trial of Gen. Yamashita for
certain massacres and atrocities committed by Japanese forces under his command during World
War II. The Supreme Court of the United States held that the United States Military Commission
in Manila had jurisdiction to try Gen. Yamashita for those war crimes.
2. Madsen v. Kinsella, 343 U.S. 341 (1952), concerned trials in enemy territory which had
been conquered and held by force of arms and which was being governed at the time by U.S.
military forces. The U.S. Supreme Court held that in such areas the U.S. Army commander could
establish military or civilian commissions as an arm of the occupation to try everyone in the
occupied area, whether they were connected with the Army or not.

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