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Die insek, kewer

11 May 2023
I was at work that morning when I saw a black beetle in the walk way. It was
around 07:40 on my way going to the change house that I saw the beetle. At
around 07:50 I came out of the change house only to see it again. I was thinking
by myself “will it ever reach the place where it is heading? I didn’t see any other
beetles during the day; only to see a black beetle at 15:30 knock off time. And
then I thought to myself okay it finally reached its destination.
I then thought of the distance from the change house to the plant, all the
movement of people and vehicles; and then I thought to myself yoh… I came to
the conclusion that God is faithful. He takes us through a lot of things (situations).
Gods’ timing is always perfect. The beetle was moving slowly. I saw it moving
after 10 minutes on the same walk way. But later that afternoon it was in the
plant where I was. The beetle was persistent, it was focused and it reached the
plant on its own pace. I reached there, way before the beetle; but at the end of
the day the beetle did make it.
I told my two colleagues Harry Gawiseb and Unity Gariseb about the beetle and
Harry then told me a story of the boy and the snail.
Insects motivates us. We draw strength from them.
People with the Beetle totem are compassionate and aware individuals with the
gifts of clairvoyance(prophesy) and clairsentience (you find answers and clarity
through your feelings).
The symbolic meaning of a beetle
Persistence in times of trouble
The strength to carry on through hard times
Using your own strength to your advantage
Order out of chaos and teamwork
Lucky charm
The beetle as a totem also indicates the following traits:
A person of many talents.
The beetle will help you develop your best one and put it to work.
Beetle will help you come up with new ideas and creations.
Beetle helps you be tolerant and understanding but at times, you lack the same
out of people.
You don’t expect much out of people in order to avoid disappointment.
You’re not a sensitive person. Meaning, people can’t hurt or offend you that
easily but you are compassionate when it comes to animals.
You love animals.
You also like to bring people down when they’re trying to insult you. Not that
you’re offended but because you find it entertaining.
You’re self-reliant, bossy and capable of defending yourself
The symbolism of a beetle (1930s) has the following meanings:
Methodical. (Careful)

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