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What have you done?

Bambi?!! Rudolph?!! my fawns..... oh my babies, my poor poor babies.

"What a day"

We were strolling around. Into a greenery prosperous woods.

Our home. "Look around honey, It's beautiful, isn't it?"

But you turned down everything! Its now wide. An empty space i felt through. Clear and gray. It's all

I search and search everywhere as too much hunger fills my body.

"Roe!!! What happened?

Fellow deer: "Oh my dear Lily, it’s been weeks of hunger"

"Roe!! Hold on, we’ll get through this."

I watched her as her eyes fixed.

Can't you see it's bothering us? You left us nothing. You left us no choice but to starve. To Death.

Is it difficult to sustain the forest?

Does it weigh you a lot to plant trees every way round?

We all are surviving, even you. But do you truly intend to annihilate us?

I have prongs but now I'm not that strong.

What have you done?

Bambi?!! Rudolph?!! my fawns.... oh, my babies, my poor babies" (while sobbing to death)

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