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Tutorial para pasar el acortador (Tutorial to pass the cutter)

Los envia a un acortador deben darle donde dice free acees, ya ahi le diran que
entren a cualquier pagina mostrada suele
ser maximo dentro dos minutos , te enciara a un archivo rar que solo debes de
descomprimir en tal caso que no sea vea un video usa el reproductor vlc.

(If you send them to a shortener, you must click on where it says free acees, and
there they will tell you to go to any page shown usually be within two minutes at
most, it will send you to a rar file that you only have to decompress in that case
other than watching a video, use the vlc player.)

aqui esta un video:

(Here is a video):

canal de telegram, chanell telegram

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